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Standard Four: Collaborating with community and responding to diversity.
A building-level education leader applies knowledge that promotes the success of every student by
collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and
needs, and mobilizing community resources on behalf of the school by collecting and analyzing
information pertinent to improvement of the schools educational environment;promoting an
understanding, appreciation, and use of the diverse cultural, social, and intellectual resources within the
school community; building and sustaining positive school relationships with families and caregivers: and
cultivating productive school relationships and community partners. In so doing, the building level leader
ensures effective and ample use of technology in collaborating with faculty and community members,
responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.

Personal Statement.Standard #4: Leaders believe education is a partnership between the school,
teacher, and parent.

Goal Standard #4: Increase education to our parent community.

Artifact/Standard #4: Create a blog for Intervention student families to increase knowledge of the
program and best practices in reading, inform stakeholders of building and district initiatives.

Standard Date Hours Activity Reflection


4.3 9-8-14 .5 Attended Kindergarten Explained the importance of

Orientation, spoke in regard reading to and with your child!
to Literacy program Daily! Explained Intervention

4.3 1 Attended PTO meeting We acknowledged our parents

with a thank you for all they do.

4.4 11-7-15 2 Safe Routes to Schools Walked a path around the

Walking Audit school community with JS,
parents, students, township
officials and Michigan Fitness
representative. Took pictures,
documented evidence of unsafe
walking places leading to the
school. Goal:Grant for funding
safe pathways to our school.

4.5 12-8-15 1 Created Remind account for Created account and sent notes
parents of students in the to all 125 families inviting them
Intervention Program. to the Remind texting program.
Decided to blog about the
program and send the link to
families. Trying to create a link
between the program and

4.5 12-10-15 1 Blog 1: Program Overview Introduced the Intervention

Program to families, introduced
the staff and the program goals.
Im excited to see how many
families show interest!

4.5 12-17-15 1 Blog 2: Winter Break Assigned the students a fun

Reading Challenge! reading challenge for break!
The turnout was great for the
first time! 50 students out of
125 returned reading logs!

4.3 12-17-15 2 Created Winter Break Created, copied, and sent home
Reading Challenge a Winter Break Reading
Challenge for the Intervention

4.5 1-14-16 1 Blog 3: Happy New Year An introduction to Growth

Mindset at Heritage. Excited to
share what we learn with
families digitally.

4.5 2-15-16 1 Blog 4: March is Reading Sharing excitement that

Month is coming! Reading Month is coming.
Explained why we celebrate it.

4.5 3-15-16 1 Blog 4: March is Reading Sent blog to families in

Month is here! Intervention program letting
them know the great things
happening in March.

4.3 3-16-16 2 Kindergarten Round-Up Attended Round-Up. Spoke on

the importance of Early Literacy
and preparing students for

4.5 3-20-16 2 Milford Times Article Yr1: Wrote an article for the
4-12-17 2 Milford Times for March is
Reading Month. Exciting to see
it published! Yr2: Wrote on
Cultures of Thinking at Heritage

4.4 5-11-16 1 Presented to Oakland County Presented to Lauren Childs and

JEPL Team her group about our school
journey in Culture of Thinking

4.3 10-5-16 1 MHS Athletic teams Scheduled athletic teams and

schedule for Guest Readers classrooms for student athletes
to read to
4.4 10-7-16 1 Safe Routes to Schools Participated in a walk to school
Walking Audit day for students!

9-15-16 1 Heritage Curriculum Night Tier 2 intervention talk.

4.3 16-17 school 7 ABCs of Literacy Blog Literacy blog to parents. Blogs
year A: Accuracy generated through Remind.
B: Books
C: Comprehension
D: Digging Deep
E: Expression
F: Fluency
G: Growth Mindset

4.3 4-26-17 3 Kindergarten K-Days Spoke to parents in 3 sessions

re: Early Literacy

4.0 31 HOURS



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