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Standard Five: Acting with Integrity, Fairness, and in an Ethical Manner.

A building-level education leader applies knowledge that promotes the success of every student by acting
with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner to ensure a school system of accountability for every
students academic and social success by modeling school principles of self awareness, reflective practice,
transparency, and ethical behavior as related to their roles within the school: safeguarding the values of
democracy, equity, and diversity within the school; evaluating the potential moral and legal consequences
of decision making in the school; and promoting social justice within the school to ensure that individual
student needs inform all aspects of schooling.

Personal Statement.Standard #5: Leaders must act with fairness, integrity, and respect in their

Goal Standard #5: Embrace opportunities to be advocates for our students.

Artifact/Standard #5: Take a lead role in building evaluations such as: active participation in BEST
team meetings, MSTEP testing coordination, and WIDA testing coordination.

Standard Date Hours Activity Reflection


5.1 12-2-15 1 BEST Meeting Attended BEST meeting in

regard to IJ, JM, CF. Brought
feedback from intervention
team, listened and documented
suggestions from BEST team.

5.4 12-2-15 1 BEST Meeting Discussed OR and the

documented observable
behaviors. Observed classroom
teacher and psychologist
complete a FBA. Discussed the
behavior plan for all to use.
Discussed the pros and cons of
the Special Ed. labels being

5.4 1-13-16 1 BEST Meeting Attended BEST to discuss

adding accommodations into
DFs IEP for the WIDA test.
The Director of Special
Education came to our meeting
because this is all new territory.

5.1 1-13-16 1 WIDA Accommodations Met with Jennifer Fogleman

from Central Office in regard to
the accommodations needed for
the students on IEPs taking the

5.2 2-4-16 1 Classroom Lab feedback Surveyed staff involved for

feedback in regard to the
Classroom Lab.

5.1 3-2-16 5 MStep Meeting Attended a meeting for testing

coordinators to understand the
ethical as well as administration
implications of the MStep.

5.1 4-5-16 1 MStep Meeting Met with teachers 3-5 to discuss

changes to MStep and the
ethical issues with testing.

5.1 4-11-16 6 MStep Prep Grade 5 Entered student

5.1 4-3-17 accommodations into edirect.
Printed test tickets for each
student in all classrooms,
organized a system of
distributing and collecting test
tickets, planned for make-ups,
tracked grade level completion.

5.1 4-18-16 6 MStep Prep Grade 3 Entered student

5.1 4-3-17 accommodations into edirect.
Printed test tickets for each
student in all classrooms,
organized a system of
distributing and collecting test
tickets, planned for make-ups,
tracked grade level completion.

5.1 4-25-16 6 MStep Prep Grade 4 Entered student

5.1 4-3-17 accommodations into edirect.
Printed test tickets for each
student in all classrooms,
organized a system of
distributing and collecting test
tickets, planned for make-ups,
tracked grade level completion.

5.4 4-27-16 2 BEST Retention Meeting Attended and gave feedback for
students in BEST going to IEP:
BK, and retention feedback on

5.1 9-21-16 7 Heritage BEST meetings Attended building BEST

5.4 10-5-16 meetings to discuss students in
10-19-16 Tier 2 intervention that are
11-2-16 being documented and
12-21-16 discussed by staff.

5.3 2-3-17 2 WIDA test prep Coordinator Coordinated WIDA test

5.4 2-6-17 schedule based on student tiers
for MF based on teacher

5.3 2-1-17 2 MStep Building Coordinator Entered MiAccess

5.4 4-3-17 accommodations for LS

5.0 43 HOURS



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