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Standard Six: Understanding, Responding to and Influencing the Larger

Political, Social, Economic, Legal and Cultural Context.

A building-level education leader applies knowledge that promotes the success of every student by
understanding, responding to, advocating for student learning, and influencing the larger political, social,
economic, legal, and cultural context through advocating for school students, families, and caregivers;
acting to influence local, district, state, and national decisions affecting student learning in a school
environment; and anticipating the assessing emerging trends and initiatives in order to adapt school based
leadership strategies.

Personal Statement.Standard #6: Leaders advocate for Education at all levels.

Goal Standard #6: Become involved in opportunities to be an advocate for education from many

Artifact/Standard #6: Support and grow positive morale and collaboration across Huron Valley
Schools through monthly Twitter Chats and New Teacher Mentor and Mentee Program .

Standard Date Hours Activity Reflection


6.2 10-24-15 1 Attended Q and A with State At EdCampOU listened to Q

Superintendent Brian and A and Mr. Whistons Top
Whiston 10 in Ten Goals.

6.1 12-11-15 3 HVS representative at Career Spoke to juniors interested in

Day for MHS Human Services occupational
field. QandA per session in
regard to being an educator.
Promoted and advocated for our

6.2 2-22-16 2 HVEA and HVS Attended a meeting to hear

collaborative meeting district collaboration ideas with
HVEA for 5D Evaluation

6.1 3-15-16 2 #HVSProud Twitter Chat In conjunction with a principal,

Showing pride and positivity we created a district hashtag and
first ever chat. Topic: HVS
pride. Over 40 joined in online.

6.3 3-22-16 2 #HVSProud Twitter Chat Topic: Classroom/School

Showing pride and positivity Culture.

6.2 4-18-16 3 HVS Board of Ed Meeting Elem School closure discussion

6.3 4-26-16 2 #HVSProud Twitter Chat Topic: Student Leadership.
Showing pride and positivity

6.3 5-14-16 5 OU Graduate Symposium Yr 1: Attended Action Research

6.3 5-6-17 5 Symposium to support and learn
the process for next year. Yr 2:
Presented Action Research to

6.3 7-11-16 to 70 ELA District Curriculum I spent two weeks in the

7-22-16 Work summer at the board office
working on cross-checking
Grade 2 CCSS in Reading,
Writing, and Language to the
units in Atlas. Added lessons
where there were holes, added
language for teachers to connect
standards to existing lessons,
added Thinking Routine where
appropriate. Changes will be
delivered to staff at Opening
Day cohort PD.

6.3 6-8-16 2 New Teacher Orientation CC and I met with staff to

7-25-16 2 with Mr. O and PB, JF discuss our leadership roles in

6.2 9-26-16 2 HVS Board of Education Attended monthly meeting


6.3 8-22-16 24 HVS New Teacher Presented three day New

8-23-16 Orientation Teacher Orientation (NTO) to
8-24-16 HVS team in collaboration with
Mr. O. and CC. Brought in
district leadership, reviewed
policies, established culture.

6.1 9-20-16 1 Twitter Tuesday Met with SC to lay out timeline

for year.

6.3 11-1-16 1 Twitter Tuesday Co-Moderated district Twitter

Topic: Growth Mindset

6.3 12-6-16 1 Twitter Tuesday Co-Moderated district Twitter

Topic: Growth Mindset

6.3 2-7-17 1 Twitter Tuesday Co-Moderated district Twitter

Topic: Alt. Learning Spaces

6.1 2-8-17 1 Twitter Training PD to HVS staff afterschool

6.2 10-11-16 4 District Leadership Meetings CC and I met with district
10-11-16 leadership for finance class.
10-12-16 Asked questions and learned
10-13-16 about these departments:
Technology, Finance, Special
Education, State and Fed.

6.1 10-25-16 6 HVS New Teachers Meeting 1: Met with new teachers!
1-23-17 Continue to establish culture.
Topic Growth Mindset and
working through beginning
years. 2: Bullying presentation

6.3 1-24-17 6 HVS Mentors and Mentees 1: Met with new teachers and
5-8-17 Meeting their mentors. Rolled out Book
Study, chapters 1-4. Book Jog
of Growth Mindset. Continue to
establish culture. 2: Chapters
5-8 Book Study

6.1 11-5-16 5 OU School of Education Volunteered at the Pawley

Open House volunteer center to help future parents and
student with questions about

6.3 12-19-16 1 District Leadership Meeting Met with NC and EO for

Galileo. Q and A session about
system organization.

6.3 5-2--17 1 Twitter Tuesday Co-Moderated district Twitter

Topic: New Teacher Support

6.2 1-16-17 6 Dove Academy Detroit Attended OUs Dove Academy

2-21-17 board meetings as a volunteer
3-20-17 board member.

6.0 159 HOURS




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