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FPMA (Forum Pengajar Muda Aeels ) / 2017


Satuan Pendidikan : MI Maarif

Kelas/Semester : III / II
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Topik : Things Around Us (My bedroom)
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa dapat:
1. Menyebutkan benda-benda yang ada kamar tidur dengan pengucapan yang benar.
2. Menerapkan vocabulary yang telah didapat di kehidupan sehari-hari.

B. Materi Pembelajaran
(lampiran 1)

C. Media Pembelajaran
Suara guru.
Video thing in the bedroom

D. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan

Pre Teaching Teacher greets the students
Teacher introduce him/her self
Teacher checks the students attendance
Teacher states the material to be learned
While Teacher for checking the students are complete or not,
Teaching please ask the students to counting.
Teacher ask the students about thing in the bedroom do
you know what is this picture of bed ? but students must
be answer in English.
The teacher explain the material.
Teacher give example how to pronounce well.
Teacher ask students to repeat
Teacher gives task/worksheet to students
Post Teaching Teacher reviews the material about thing in bedroom.

Teacher ask the students about their feeling after learning the
FPMA (Forum Pengajar Muda Aeels ) / 2017

Teacher close the meeting
FPMA (Forum Pengajar Muda Aeels ) / 2017

Lampiran 1

My Bedroom

Read the dialog below!

Teacher: What is this Selly?

Selly: This is a pillow.

Teacher: What is this Aldy?

Aldy: This is a bed.

Teacher: Is this a desk?

Bella: No, this is a wardrobe.

Teacher: What are those Rizky?

Rizky: Those are hangers.

FPMA (Forum Pengajar Muda Aeels ) / 2017


Pillow : Bantal Hanger : Gantungan baju

Bolster : Guling Desk : Meja
Blanket : Selimut Rug : Karpet
Bed : Kasur Drawer : Laci
Wardrobe : Lemari Lamp : Lampu
Mirror : Cermin Doll : Boneka
Sheet : Sprei Comb : Sisir
Dresser : Meja rias Powder : Bedak
Alarm clock : Jam weker

Activity 1
Answer the question correctly!

What is this?

This is a


What is this?

FPMA (Forum Pengajar Muda Aeels ) / 2017


What is this ?


What are those ?


Is this a lamp?

FPMA (Forum Pengajar Muda Aeels ) / 2017

(Kata Sifat)
Learn the vocabulary!

Long : Panjang
Wide : Luas
Tall : Tinggi
Short : Pendek
Big : Besar
Small : Kecil

Activity 2
Fill the blank !

1. The wardrobe is .................... 3. The bed is ....................

(Lemari itu tinggi) (Kasur itu besar)
2. The bolsters are .................... 4. The bedroom is ...........
(Guling itu panjang) (Kamar itu luas)

Activity 3
Translate into English !
FPMA (Forum Pengajar Muda Aeels ) / 2017

I want to tell you about my (kamar tidur) .................... There are many kinds of
furniture in my bedroom. In the corner of my room, there is my (kasur)................... I put a
colorful (sprei) ............... on it. On th left side of my bed, I put a big (lemari)............... I
always put my clean clothes inside it.. There is a telephone and some video CDs in the
drawer. There is also a (jam weker) ................... with its alarm to wake me up. Those are
all my things in my bedroom. I always keep my room nicely to make it the comfortable
place to live in.

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