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Humbert 1

Spencer Humbert

Mrs. Palcko

English 112

10 May 2017

Environment in Danger

Planet Earth, home of beautiful landscapes and wonderful and mysterious ocean depths.

Hiding in these habitats are magnificent creatures of every shape and size. Although many

variations of species are discovered, we have only scratched the surface. Roughly eighty six

percent of species have not been discovered. All of these species are at danger as Earths climate

changes, and damages to Earths oceans are threaten their survival. They could all be wiped out.

In order to ensure the safety of Earth , we must be aware of global warming and the of the

dangers to the oceans.

The Hawksbill Sea Turtle, a wonder of the coral reef ecosystem, has become critically

endangered. It is not the only species that faces extinction because of the destruction of Earths

coral reefs. These coral reefs provide homes and food to many organisms, but are beginning to

fall victim to bleaching and human damage. Global warming has been heating the oceans, which

have been slowly raising sea temperatures. The warmer temperatures cause the coral to lose its

algae. This process, explained by the NOAA states that, Without the algae, the coral loses its

major source of food, turns white or very pale, and is more susceptible to disease. This quote

shows that as sea temperatures rise, coral begins to bleach. This can destroy ecosystems that

some organisms need to survive. These species being killed off could result in the coral reef

ecosystem being thrown into turmoil, harming the food chain.

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One eighth of an inch. That is how much the oceans are rising every year. The evidence

for global warming is incontrovertible. Global warming is a very large problem for our planet, as

it is causing the oceans to rise, and in the long term, could even put parts of florida under water,

including Miami. According to NASA, the sea level rise is caused primarily by two factors

related to global warming: the added water from melting land ice and the expansion of sea water

as it warms. This quote shows that global warming is occurring and the melting ice caps are one

of the primary reasons for this. It is essential for the future of our planet that we take measures to

slow global warming to save the polar ice caps.

The ozone layer, it keeps the suns ultraviolet rays out. This may not sound very crazy,

but in reality, it keeps our planet alive, and it is slowly disappearing. The main cause for this is

chlorofluorocarbons. These CFCs are mainly found in spray aerosols, and have been heavily

used in industrialized countries. These CFCs cause the ozone layer to deteriorate. According to

National Geographic, this deterioration allows large amounts of ultraviolet B rays to reach

Earth, which can cause skin cancer and cataracts in humans and harm animals as well. The

problems are more numerous that this, as these ultraviolet rays can harm marine ecosystems.

According to the EPA, radiation growing, even small increases in UVB exposure could result in

population reductions for small marine organisms with implications for the whole marine food

chain. If the ozone layer were to be depleted, it would not only wreak havoc on the humans and

other land creatures, but upset the underwater ecosystem. These food chains are essential for our

survival on Earth, and we rely on them for food, and other nutrients.

On Earth humans live next to many wonderful and mysterious species.. However,these

species are in danger. The human race put them into danger by misusing natural resources and by
Humbert 3

pumping fossil fuels into the atmosphere. Humans are the reason this problem even exists, and it

is the human races responsibility to put an end to it. In order to ensure the safety of Earth, and to

ensure humanitys survival, we must be aware of the threat global warming poses to Earth and to

know about Earths threatened oceans.

Humbert 4

"Sea Level." Climate Change: Vital Signs of The Planet. N.p., n.d. Web.

"Health and Environmental Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion." EPA. Environmental Protection

Agency, 28 Dec. 2016. Web. 24 May 2017.

Thiessen, Photograph By Mark. "The Facts of Ozone Depletion." Information and Facts, Ozone

Layer, Ozone Hole. N.p., 17 May 2017. Web. 24 May 2017.

US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. "What is

coral bleaching?" NOAA's National Ocean Service. N.p., 15 Mar. 2010. Web. 24 May


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