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S ccedits eee fi Meee aes Ryn Wise oa aa Wei) Rater he estar e cy rare iociasig gino Soo Period helices Sigle bie SMSC hs) ice ae Ca OR M. BM ae M1 cece mica as Cy each Beery SPR ie uisles eens ee eee ee One ec re i Weve Naess eras teenraraa s e Proofing: David Carroll, DanielD, Holmes; Jeremy Hunt, Barbara Pollak eeu cienci PEs iro cede SOM ree fetes, rial ele uh site ieee ee ae Ke Ree eae Pa Mmgeehess piety 5 iron Cremer coyls Sie Dyete) Fils, Bob Fletcher, Jennifer Friedman, Markleford Friedman, Mike Gernand, John Git (Doiloa)s Sue ee ec eer fa ae Sittin icelaoe SS aaa a CA Pa i, APB P.Prince, Jackic Ratferty, Tom Reed, Rochelle Ruza, Michael Owens, es edu LO I fi eee ide Een eum Ue tL eR CT ST SI IC ‘sadhbh Shas David Wor foc fsa a ae Peli Sue clicy ig 5s) a eee eT LD Pei pied Gee a Vasilakos, Alison Wallace co ay ope en = Tec Re Cage ice cee eae cuzat acs Giga rey oh) eee ee eR se Oa tins ee) HOS Le. ose Seon eet em EIUpa Le 2uilvlte 0.12: ee Ra aera eae eS Gee Clare ao, cman et eens LL gia eens era i ae FOOD Ale Sfadion Ath gichts vensey t enews. 2 UA CR eee ee acon h 3-0, Reh ieee ee ee Peer rer oie ones atr ei ous oreo Ciaran (zd raat be ee rene Ra Serre eee neta t UR Tots Te. Comte nt ac Caine gyre aie: Re ance Drath noe ah a, me eee Senn igen ance ae Rt ue arene CHAPTER One: It’s THE SLAYER’s WorLp, WE JusT PLAY HERE CHAPTER Two: SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED oar ag ts fe on arts (Nts Bees ee A OTE eee RL eed NI hee Ld CHAPTER SIX: CREATURES OF THE NIGHT eens a] ae Aes ease SE ek Lc aah hd Ur 246 dl The w 0 aiting by cheistopher golden “This bites.” ‘A strong wind blew across Crestwood Cemetery, whis- pering the dork secrets of the dead as it passed amongst the tombstones and whistled through the cracks in the walls of each crypt. But Buffy Summers wasn’t listening, She knew each of the thirteen cemeteries in Sunnydale, California as though they were her own beck yard—hell, she spent more time in Uhe boneyards than she did at home-—and being amongst the graves ofthe town’s dead hhad lost its ability to induce even the tiniest shiver, There was 4 lull in the wind, and somewhere not far off she heard the creak of a rusty hinge. ‘Though she knew, it wes merely the reseltling of one of the crypt doors or the onc on the meintenence shed, her imegina- tign filled in so many other imoges. A chill an up the Back of Buify’s neck ‘Kay, she thought. Maybe just ane itty-bitly shiver. Bobty smiled to herself. In a freaky wayiift wos good toknaw she wes cepeble of a good old-feshioned wig- gins. the feat of crecpy nothing. .After cll, she hed dealt “with so many somethings in the lst few years, ever since she had learned what she was. ‘The Slayer. The one gil in ell the world chosen by powers beyond her reckoning to combet the forces of darkness. Chosen. It-had its, pros and cons, no. doubt about that. On the plus sid, there was the whole super | human thing—strength, speed. quick healing, those things didn’t suck. On the other hand, being the Slayer © meant she had e duty to hunt monsters until one of thein killed her. Given the hazards-of the job—being’ public ‘enemy number one as far 6s the nasty ol Forces of dark- ‘ne$s were concerned—the killing thing was pretty much _guatantced to happen sooner than she would like. Buffy figured one hundred was a nice round numbers «bi She'd be lucky to make it out of her lens. Even that did not haunt her os muchas it might ha¥e— as much as it hed when she had first learned Vhat she was Chosen. Like all Slayers, she had « Watcher to guide her Giles was tops with the demony knowledge, end had) given her the combet training she needed, but he was more than that: This was his fight too. He looked out for her. Plus, unlike most Slayers, Buffy had not accepl- FOREWORD cd the idea put forth by the Council of Watchers that to be an effective Slayer she had to alicnate all her friends. Screw that. ibe, HBB Baling er chore thin anyiting on: this warm spring night when e herd breeze was blowing! in off the Pacific was that she was stone cold bored. Bulty. slumped against 2 granite grave marker end thumped her head back against the stone. Bored, bored, bored. “This really bites,” she muttered fo the darkness and the dead Sunnydale was right on top of the Hellmouth. a place where the barrier between the human world and the demon dimensions was worn thin. It was like & mage net, drawing monsters from ell oyet, Nesrly every night she pelrolled the town looking for trouble, and most of the time she found it in some form or another. Somehow she managed to work in some hang time with Willow and Xender, not to mention her Mort. But there was no potrolling Ranight. Even though she could think of a dozen things she should have been or would rather have been doing instead, tonight, all she could do.was wait. So she sat here with her beck against the gravestone — fecling the engraved letters of a dead man’s name on her bback—and she waited and she stared atthe Freshly turned ath of the grave across from her, and she wondered swhien Sashe Kopeki wes going to come back to life. ‘An jmmoge swam up into her mind of Sosha in her ers uniform. The girl had graduated high the previous spring and had been attending UC Baibpidale, tutus only remembered her From the time Shepherself hed briefly been part of the cheerleading J Sasha hadn't been the prettiest girl on the squad ad she had cerlainly not bcen the best, but when it came -Waltege and tcam spirit, the dead girl was sec- cond to none. Wes being the key word there, Buffy thought. Sasha's prelty much second to everyone these days. The gir! had been Killed by # stray vamp who had wandered into Sunnydale to check out the Hellmauth, and to find out if Butfy hed the Slayer was really as tough as they seid already dusted the moron, proving the point. But Seshe was unfinished business. With @ sigh, the Slayer rested her head: against the tombstone again. Her eyes began to flutter closed ‘Almost the moment they did, she heerd the soft sound of Girt sprinkling to the ground. OF digging Butfy’s eyes snapped open and she glanced over at Sasha's grave. Slender white fingers juted from the freshly turned earth, clawing at the dirt around them, destroying the dead girl's French manicure. A weve of sadness passed through Buffy for the excitable cheer- leader with the blinding smile. But Sasha was dead now. Tk wos her fingers thot bored their way up from the dirt, her hands that burst From the ground, her erm that thrust forth ond dragged the rest of her body from the grave. But Sasha was deed. ‘The corpse crouched beside the hole it had burrowed up from its coffin, clad in e simple and elegant black dress. Sasha's blond hair had been arranged lovingly in her cesket but now it was crusted with moist earth Bully thought she saw 0 worm dangling near the dead girl's car. About time.” Buffy told her. “1 thought I wes gonne {20 groy waiting for you. And, brerr at that thought.” Seshe whipped around to face her, rising up elmost to ther full height but still somehow fercl. Yellow eyes ‘lared al Buffy in the darkness. ‘The girl's face was not cat all the wayBuffy remembered, but that was no fault of memory. It had more to-do with the metamorphosis her features had undergone, the way thet her forchead end cheeks hed become ridged and cruel and inhuman. Vampiric. The undead girl grinned, then, but instead of the per- | tect smile Bufly recalled her mouth wes twisted in a redatory rctu, floshing deadly fangs. | “1 remember you," the vampire sai, woice raspy from disuse, The voice of the grave Baily stood across the disturbed grave from Sasha end ‘reached inside her zippered sweatshirt for the stake she carried in the pocket sewn in there. No ou don’t.” the Slayer sod Confused, the vampire frowned, lips curling back’sav-. agely from thase fangs» *Yeaki~! do." “Those aren't your memories,” Buffy told her, » hort ble revulsion roiling in her gut. “They belong to Sesha.” ‘am Sasha,” the vampire hissed. “No you're not,” Buffy replied calmly. “You're just the thing that’s living off her corpse. Like a maggot.” With a roar of fury, the vampire lunged ecross the ‘pen grave, fingernails hoaked into claws, features con- torted with demonic ferocity. It Jeapt at Buty, who spun aut of its way. Sasha rushed her from behind end Buffy Yok a single step backward—towerd the vampire—and shot an elbow into its face. Seshe's surgically recon- siructed nase, exploded in a gush of blood and e spin- tering of bone. Buffy leaped into the eir, spun around and shot « high kick af the vampire’s face. It staggered beckward end fell over the gravestone Buffy herselt had been.Jeaning against forthe past two hours. The vampire’ legs were splayed, the hem ofits burel dress hanging lke curtain aver the front ofthat stone. ‘The Slayer leaped over the marker and landed on the vampire’ ches, plunging the stake inko the dead girs heart. Sasha whimpered once, eyes locked on Butfy’s “1 remember you,” she whispered. ‘Then she exploded into a cloud of cinder and ash that was swept away by the warm Pacific breeze. “No you don’t,” Buffy said to the night, to the dark: ness. “No. You don’t.” ‘Then she turned and strode quickly from the cemetery, wanting to put it behind her as quickly os posible, She would go to the Bronze, where she hoped to find her friends hanging out, maybe dancing, depending on what band was playing tonight. With them she would laugh, ‘and-in laughing, she would begin to forget, end. she ‘would fill her life up with the things that mattered, the things that reminded her what she wes fighting for. Buffy would talk, and she would move, and she would dance. She would use the time she had in this world, and she would not be bored, Nothing ebout being Chosen bothered her more then those times when boredom set ‘in, when she had to sit in the graveyerd and we Nothing was worse than the waiting. “Buffy : oo mei re Saar I Os the CBlayer's World, Oe Just Play Sore McNamara: You telling me my business? ‘Buffy: This is not your business Initiative, te Boys in the Pentago pur heads. “Messing with Prim mine. You, the owe all in way val forces wou MeNamara: And you do? Biffy I'm the Slayer. Vou're playing om my tr. 1.21 rimeval 2? eee ts the co¥e image caught your eye, or your Buffy agin eapsled you, or nap some elle freshlings knocked a pile of books from the top shelf ‘onio your head—whatever the reason, you decided to Hip through, ond now read (of all things!) the Buffy the Vampire Sloyer roleplaying game (BIVS RPO) corebook. Isn't that special. You have just embarked cn your ewn personal roleplaying trip. aS | The roleplaying veterans among you—thase gaming grognards=knaw ost of this intro stuff already. And those familier with Unisystem games will find very little new here, You folks can skip ahead to the ather juicy bits of this ‘chapter, or even straight to character creation in Chapter Two#\Some Assembly Required. Nothing for you to see here,, Mave along, move along. aD Now thot those types are outte here, we can fill your heads on 4071s of nonsense sbout roleplaying. with no fear © of contradiction. First off i's an'casy way of making major bundles of cosh. Just send a ten-dollar bill to us ot . aes Buffy: Spike what are you Wong here Spike (between blows): Same reason as you and your éub scout flere, I wager. Wanted a spot of violence: ‘before bedtime 5.4 Out of My Mind torres an Not buying thal, are you? Okay, in truth, 6 roleplay ing gaine is about shered storytelling. You get together with several friends and create a tale. In the case of the BIVS RPG, there's @ bunch of large incisors, staking and good fashion sense involved, but that’s not all. Unlike any other kind of game, your group's story can take you, the characters and the Buffyverse anywhere you want it to, The ection takes place in your imaginations, and the story is told through your interactions. There are truly no limits. The great thing about roleplaying games is that the direction of the story and the creative choices, are all about you. Seriously, you rule! Each of you creates a character, an alternative persona that becomes your “in geme” role. This is your Cost Member, You choose the character's strengths end weak nesses, abilities and imitations, and—in particular—per- sondlty. During the course of the game, you make this Cast Member's decisions, utterances end actions. You put words in her mouth, spring in her step and joy in her heart. Or maybe you just brood a lot end kick butt. No sweat, that’s a valid lifestyle choice too, hou like. you can play any ofthe charaélers from our favorite TV show (eh. . . Buffy, duh®). Or you might ake something up, say Trep, the old homeless men, or Biff, the muscle-headed jock, or Glenda, the spacey goth fgalj.or any number of other folks. Whatever you do, Know thet you've got o bit of an edge. You are one of the good guys, the white hats, the charmpions—or at least ‘are helping the heroes os ¢ loyal, end trusted Scagby. Nowsthat’Sinot to say your creation wor't heve a dark ‘of fio. It wouldn't be the Buffyverse without th little darkness. Again, that’s up to you. THe Director All the players and Cast Members are important, but ‘one of you is extra special, and it’s most likely you who. fare reading this book right now. What... you knew that ‘alrcady® Figured as much, The special player is called the Director. The Director stands slightly epert (end | ‘maybe upwind) from the other players because she docs ‘the bulk of the ... welll... game directing. That's fight, the Director is the first among the creators. She actual- ly sets the scene, plots the plot, details the descriptions ‘and engeges in other nifly elliterations. She makes the: game go by providing fun stuff for the Cast Members tow do, not the least of which is ensuring that everyone has something to dust on a fairly gular basis The Directar also casts and speaks for the other chat- acters—anyone that the Cast Members meet in their adventures. If these folks are neutral or even helpful to ) the Cast, they are called Guest Stars. A Guest Star could be the homeless guy on the strect who witnessed the vamp attack, the perky cheerleader assaulted by the youth-sucking demon, the old witch who has en ancient tarne for sale, or someone more mundane . . . oF more twisted, These folks come into the Cast Members’ lives, do their part for the plot and leave they are recurring types: a Cast Member could even fall in love with one of them and she could become @ regu: lar, “Hey, it happens a lot in the BIVS TV show. F the Director-controlled characters are, out for Cast Member blood . . . or worse, they are called Adversries ‘These include the vamps, demons and other nestics—up to ‘ond including the Big Bad. These Folks deserve » thorough dusting. How that happens is up tothe Cast Members. Buffy: Har— (enort) Harmony fas mi—min ions? Xander: Yeah, that was pretty much mg reaction. Buffy: I'm sorry... Ljust..« (new laughter) SHarmony has minions! Xander: And Ruffles have there's epiaty sno rons noc aE ‘Buffy (eyes tearing): 1 sure hopeso,. Lm ha oe Ceeber-athna vat Unless, of course, 5.2 The Real Me All rules decisions are handed down by the Director (osually with some discussion from the other players— welike to think of tas enlightened despotism here). She Figures out how end when to wse'the. game mechanics and decides the outcomes of cerlain rolls. She makes sure things don't get bogged down in ell that“ shot yous no you didn’, yes | did, nya, nyahy nyab” stuff we used ta géliguch a kick out of as kids. All that rules stuf is covered much more in the rest of this book. Finally, the Director may provide the goming room, eidded deluxe geming seals end some major snack- ‘ege, Depends on how gencrous she is feeling, Or how Bee the cise payors ty 1a wuck vp by in thet Uff: Most Directors are oll in favor of players doing the Sucking up thing. i Stssions ; From @ couple hours to an entire weekend (depends on how crazed you are ebout the whole thing). There is no formal stort or end—that’s up to the Director and play= ers tosdecide. Also, in roleplaying, no one gels to brag about being the winner. The flipside Is that no one hes tobe the loser. The objective isto create a story, engage in some spontaneous and often hilarious conversations, ‘and have a good time with friends. And no, no elec tronics of ony kind are necessary. Pretty uncivilized, ch® ‘Now, don’t go thinking there is no structure here. It's ‘no madhouse, 1 tell you. The game is divided into Episodes, resolved in one or more couple-hour gaming sessions, ‘These are plotlines or linked. subplots. thet make up a single story, just ike each hour-long TY show. Episodes and their related story arcs may be strung together to form a Season, and several Seasons lead into the Series, the whole story crested by the interaction between the players’ Cast Members and the Director. (Or you auld just pley one session and bash some bed= teeth types. We suspect thal once you get steried, you'll want to play again. Roleplaying gemncs ere insidious like thet. Again, it’s all up to you. Grttine Startep ‘Buffy: 1's my first day! 1 was afraid that 1 was ‘gonna be behind in all of my classes, that I wouldn't make any friends, that 1 would fave last month's hair! 1 didn’t think there'd be ampires on campus. Arid I don't care 1.1 Welcome to the Hellnouth Oz: Vim sold, you say, let’s stop yapping and get eying, Hold on there, Skippy, gotta couple things to gather FirsbggEReey thing ste book, bal you're elteadycov- ered on that, right? Otherwise, this whole thing gets ‘yey loo, mctophysicl, One mare thing—having the Book is going to 40° You, or atleast the Director, is going to need to reed fy ore least lip through i's | bit. Go on, it won't hurt @ bit. It’s got pretty pictures, | lots of show quotes and some cool parts. Honest. Yau aso need to shoutout to some frends get them, | to break away from their Xboxes and come aver to hang. You need some paper, pencils (or pink pens with feath- “ers sprouting from the top—whetever floats your boat), ‘and some dice, Dice'indeed! You've no doubt scen the small cubes. ‘wth dts (ale pips. f you rust know) or numbers on Parcheesi or Trivial Pursuit. Heck, you could even bust them out of their confining bubble in Frustration or Trouble. Always wanted to do that, ch® Anyway, those cubes are called six-sided dice. We gemning pros refer to them as D6s. D6s ere good, but Cran aie them: ‘They ean be Found in. old copies of Manopolyi™ useless for the BIVS RPG. The real heavyweights of this game are the DIQs, or ten-sided dice. These puppies are usually stocked in hobby game stores—such as the place you picked up this very tome. They ere also found in ‘some bookstores or department stores. They are way big with the angst-ridden vampire roleplaying set (if you care). If you can't find them, call or einail vs. We'll hook you up. Finelly, you might want to. gother some markers or poker chips. You could use those little plastic gems left cover from all those Magic or Pokemon card gemes. Or even better, toothpicks! You could call them Little Mr. Pointies. Whatever you decide, you will need something, to record Drama Points. Those suckers (Drama Points, not Little Mr. Pointies) are going. to save your Cast Member's butt at some point. So it important to know how many you've got. We'll get into Drama Points in Chapter Three: Rules, Borders and an End Zone. ‘Okey, that’s @ wrap. You'ré all set up end ready to slay. Have fun, and don’t Forget the medieval hardware. PEPE ‘Unisystem } ores RPG is handled or Unisystem. sm helps. players mei ‘what options arBvavailable at any Civen moment in the game, and 285 or fa bal ony chartigr vectra. Tagg alec ore roe sented in detail in Chapter Two: Some Required and Chapter Three: Rules, Borders and an Zone. ‘Although the Unisystem i designed to handle ‘ny kind of rolepl sme—in any setting, with ‘any theme—each particular game has is own fle, fpyvor. For the BEVS RPG, a cinematic, high-adven- ture tone is crucial. Face ity boa in the. Si see toa elt pt ay pe Ne io ite tad) ac 9p We are nat even fom ‘te on ty oF firenor the seater alee grenades, Not * that there's anything wrong with. that, if re into thet stuff. We just want to getwith th ing and stoking oround fer, and not get down in thet stuff. The Unishstes ig Iso the heart of sevetal other games coverin} ee horror ‘themes. You aanalea ay them at eer Summary oF CHapters Giles: Something's coming, something, something .. . something is, is gont iappen fiere. Soon: Buffy: Gee, can you vague that up for me ...? he BIYS'RPG covers lo of ground. From uel ls to descrip ld See cgrourd, 1 ful of hoaainy peas, Webra h down Yoon ad so Si Wiles bee LJ x CCuapren Ove: 17's THE SLaver’s Wonto, We Just PLAY HeRe con= + lains these introductory sections, some notes ebout roleplaying, a Hist of conventions and a brief recap of Seasons One trough Five of the BIVS TV series. CCHAPreR Two: Some AsseNBLy REQUIRED covers character creation. \ i From lype to bilities to drawbacks to powers, al the choices arg here for the taking. We also present several ready-to-go Cast Members, called Archelypes. A tweak here, a name there, end you are ready to slay. Finally, all the game stats for your favorite Slayer and Scoobies are here. Charren Tee: RULES, BORDERS ANO AN EnD ZONE is the rules chepter, the heart of the Unisystem. Here you learn haw to play the game, when to use dice, whet they mean and how to keep your! ast Member from getting fenged. Details an character develop- ‘ment and experience ore given, and thase s0-important Drama Points are explained: (Grarren Four: PLAYING WITH PRIHAL FORCES gives you the low- down on the major mojo. Magic isa strange and wondrous thing in the Buffywerse, but il’s not a sure thing. ‘Good stuff is possible, but the down side is big-time bad news. (CHAPTER Erve: SuNwypALE AFTER DARK runs down the hotspots of our fayariteleff coast town, Set the scene in style with all the info found here." Also, the major Guest Stars of the BIVS TV show—Irom Tyce to Amy to Jonathen—are presented (ChAPTER Sox: CHNOREN OF THE NicHT details the bad guys. The vamps, demons and assorted other ickies ere all stated out end described. The Big Bads from the firs five seasons are also covered. Beware. CCharrer Seven: EPISODES, SEASONS AND, DRAMA is For the Ditector. Those guidelines help you Joss wanne-bes oul there create storylines and run gatnes, Curren Bic: SWEERS WEEK is a fleshed out edven- lure for your BIVS RPG game. Heads up, Directors, no. teating needed. Hand out the Archelypes and moke with the playing, ‘Arrexon ‘contains the lowdown on Buffyspeatee Want to enhance your dialogue, spice up your conver- sation or just confuse the old folks® We've got the goods here. Also, useful charts and tables, « glossary, an index and conversion notes from other Unisystem goines are presented ene eros Conventions We have taken certain liberties here to make this book easier to follow. Do try to follow along. You'll thank us later. Really ‘Text This book looks different depending on whet’s going: ‘on, As words make up the bulk of what’s in here (hence the appellation “book"), you can bet that when the words change their look, something important just happened The text you are reading naw is standard text general explanations, and narrative sections. ‘Willow: All set. You havea plan? Buffy: Spl tom her, try and make it lok natural Xander: We're right behind you. Only... fur ther back, 21.3 wit Ws those pithy sayings thet moke the BIVS TV show sovengeging. All hell Joss and his writing team. Anime, 68 you probably noticed, quotes appear lke this wilh the Speakers nome up front. ‘The citalion includes the scason and episode seporsted by 2 period, end the Bile just after. eo standard text mains odéitona, bab Crea Poet Ee OARS Pee uerad Dice | _Asyou'e probably noti¢ed, dice are central to the BIVS, “RPG: Ne already mentioned thet D10 means a ten-sided ie. When a number appears before the notation, thet ‘of dice should be rolled, end their results should ‘boadded together. For exemple, 2010 means ell two len- dice, end gencrate a result between 2 and 20, lipliers are given aller thc dice notation, “For example, 3D10% 4 means rollithree Yen-sided ice, add the resulls together, and multiply that total result by four. ‘As the math whizzes among you have slready guessed, this generates a number between I2 end 120, reat a wel GENDER You English majors know that the guy reference (he, him, his) is customarily used for both male and female. Lots of folks think that’s part of the whole male dom- ination societal thing, and don’t like it muchly. On the: cother hend, saying “he ot she” all the time is clumsy ‘end way-too-PC for us, Given that this is @ book about vampire Slayers—-you know “the one girl in all the ‘world who .. "we're going to use the gal reference (she, her) whenever a generic designation is needed. That ought to wig out some tightly weapped gram- marian somewhere. ‘ Measurements For those of you who don’t travel much, the U.S. meas~ ‘urement system (Feel, yards, miles, pounds, etc.) is not used in most countries. The metric system is actualy predominant in much of the world, Stil, Buffy is in Californie and, until it rolls off inte the ocean, the left coast is part of the U.S. So, we afe going parochial and Using the Imperial system. For out worldly aficionados, rough conversions may be found by multiplying miles by 15 to get kilometers (instead of 1,609), equeting meters with yards (instead of 1.094 yerds)s halving pounds to kilograms (instead of multiplied by 0.4536), and so on. ‘The BIVS RPC is about story and dialogue, not staistes ‘and dimensions. A that measurement stuff won't come: up very often anyhow. BUFFYVERSE am: ‘You thinkyouknow .... what's to come vowhat you are. ‘You haven't even begun. 4.22 Restos [Now we get tothe part of the show that’s intended for neophytes. The BIVS legions know mast of this ‘already. We learned it by slavishly devoting aur- ‘selves to our videotape library. “No, deer, I’m not goot- ing otf watching Bully reruns. I'm working and study- ving. No really be Buyrerseis en on-going project. Jos and gong ue to, surprise and delight us with new stories enery week Still, we nced to set some limits around S.covered in this book, Since Season Six is going PEt wrie, we. will only include infotigetion’ from Seasons One through Five. Never fear, there's pleny to ‘work with in the first 100 episodes = ual f. ef CosmoLocy Yah, yah, it’s pretentious, new-agey kind of word, but it’s @ good one. Casmalogy means the study of the universe, or cosmos. For us, it means the central whys ‘and wherefores of the Buffyverse. How things came ta be, in a big way. Given that we arc talking super- natural Buffy stuff, maybe “mythology” is a better word. But that makes it all sound so . . . fictional Can't have thet. Giles: This world is older than any of you know ‘and contrary to popular mythology, it did not begin as a paradise. ‘For untold eons, de walked the earth; made it their home... their fell Im time they lost their purchase on this real ity, and the way was made for the mortal ani mal. For Mar. ‘What remains of the C are vestiges: certain magicks, certain c One of the more prominent “vestiges” was the vam- Pires Giles she books tell that the a this reality fed off a fuman, mixed their Blood. Gfe was a fuman form possessed —infected— by the demon’s soul. He bit another, and. nother... and so they walk the earth, feed: fiiy. Killing some, mixing their Blood with oth @i5 to make more of their Kind. ‘Waitiig for the Grimalty tie out, anc the Old Ones t0 return B Harvest Bul iUS/nat es grim as oll that. Sometime after the ‘Old Ones" left, and vampires began. a Slayer was born One girl in ll the world .. . one born with the strength and skill Yo hunt the vampires . ..” stop me iF this starts Ho sound familor. ‘The earliest known Choosen One ‘appears to have lived back in the days when our kind was more Homo and less sapiens. Since then the line. has “been unbroken, Whenever a Slayer was killed, another Herosc to take her place. Now, it-mey be that the Slayers worked alone for 2 1, relying anly on their own innete strength, dexteri- fy and’ cunning. Al some point, however, the Slayers were, joined by Walchers—mentors, loremasters, good ‘with the rules, cegulations and research. Tov this, day, each Slayer has beon assignedia Watcher, with the intent that the knowledge of prior times be passed along with the power and ebilitcs So the Slayer, aided by her Watcher, hunts vampiresy demons and other nasties. ‘These les-than-gentee! types ue n are found all over—Cleveland appears to be particularly afflicled—but they realy like to hang in one very special place. Oddly enough, it’s in southern California, in town called Sunnydale. It’s First described as the “mouth cof Hell” and that name kind of stuck Buffy... this town is a mystical whoosit? Giles: Yes st settled alled it Boca Del Infierno—roughily translat ed: Hellmouth. A sort of portal from this reafi ty to the next ‘The Spanish who fi —1.2 The Harvest ‘And if t's good enough for the monsters, t's the place for any right-thinking Sleyer end her Watcher. Funny haw that. works. Previovsty, on BuFFY Riley: But you've Killed a—You did the. thing thal—Uh, you drowned, And the snake! to mention the .. . daily, «. slayage of Wow Buffy 1s no bia, really ey, wo wants ice Riley: Buffy, When 1 saw youlstop the World from, you know, ending, I just assumed that was a Big week for you. Te-tumns out 1 sudden Sieeeoet needing to know the plural of 1128 New Man A brief recap of the first five seasons of the BIVS TV show follows, This is not an episode guide, but merely an overview oF the storyline, describing major events in the lives of our heroes from Buffy’s errival in Sunnydale to her death (second death thet is, but who's counting). ieee Cea ie teresa ret Season One Our hero, Buffy Summers, arrives in her new town, Sunnydale. She is # very attrac: tive and willy sophomore in high school—e transfer from her former school after she ‘was “asked to leave” due to burning dawn the gyin. Buffy’s mom, Joyce, opefs an art gollery and tries to move an after divorcing Buffy’s father, Hank. Buffy hopes to leave her Slayer past behind her and just be # normal teen, but she finds that rough going almost immediately. The new librerian, Rupert Giles, reveals himself 6s her new Watcher. Buffy avoids him initially, but her role as the Slayer ‘cannot be cast aside. iles starts as an invaluable source of paranormal infor- mation, and quickly becomes her surrogate father figure. ‘Three high school students soon make a place for themselves in Buffy’s life. Willow Rosenberg is-a shy, bookish nerd, but she’s kind, pretty and talented, and Buffy comes to care deeply for her. Xander Harris is'@ klutzy, insecure sinartaleck, and Willow's best friend, Willow would like to be more, but Xander is teenage-oblivious to ital. With Giles, Willow and Xander form the core of the Scoobies or Slayerettes, Buffy’s sup- port group, Cordelia Chase is the antithesis af Willow and Xander— « stunning, stuck-up Ms. Popularity ANthough determined to avoid the three “losers,” she is slow- ly. drawn into their Slayer activities, primarily a5 6 result of shared dangers from Sunnydale High's phenomenal casualty rate. It’s the whole Hellmouth thing, you know. Three others beer mentioning—Amy Madison, and Principals Flutie and Snyder. ‘Amy is @ shy, cowed girl whose mother, Catherine, is @ powerful witch. Catherine switches bodies with Amy in order to relive the glories of her cheerleading past. Catherine is defeated and trapped in a cheerleading trophy. Amy regains her body, and that is the last we see of her for now. Principal Flutie is @ touchy= feely educator type, who is soon eaten by primal hyenas and replaced by Principal Snyder, a cynical, mean disciplinarian. Both give Buffy grief for her violent tendencies and Frequent absences, A recurring theme in Season One is responsibilty Buffy does whet she has to, survives end keeps her friends safe, but continually struggles ageinst her Slayerhood. Not until the very end does she embrace her Tate and gains power 2s e result. This theme will arise ‘again in Yhe series ‘A mejor event occurs in the first season for Buffy: she falls in love. Now, it’s Buffy of whom we speak, 30 it can’t be @ nice, normal boy. Her love, Angel, is @ vampire. He is defintely one ofthe good guys, but are we talking dark side or what? Felling in love end sharing that love as a teenager is hard enough. Making it work with e vampire adds that extra zest of tragedy that will become so famil- iar os the series progresses. Turns out thet Angel was the despicable horror Angelus for most of his 240 plus years ‘of uli. Only recently (roughly 80 years ego—recent for « vampire atleast) was he cursed with a soul afer tor- turing and Kiling a Romany woman. He feels remorse big time naw and determines tht his place is atthe side ofthe Slayer working to right demon wrongs. He's mostly dark and brooding, but despite that captivating personality, he and Buffy steadily grow closer. Bully isn’t the only one for whom heart strings are pulled. In Season One, we meet Jenny Colendar, the Sunnydale High computer-science teacher. She turns out {a be 0 “technopegan” not entirely unfamiliar with the seerel world of the Scooby Gang. ‘She is hips plugged-in ‘and socially adep!—oll things that ies is not. Indeed, Giles displays e deep phobia of computers, Jenny's life's ‘work, Stil; Giles is smitten end Jenny recipracates. t's all very ewwhhh ‘The mete-plot of the first season involves the Master. ‘an ancient and powerful vampire who attempted to open the Hellmouth in years past. This failed spectacularly and trepped him in « limbo between the human and the | deinon dimensions. Through verious means the Master ~salleinpls to accumulate the power necessary to. break © through the berriers and free himself to do thet voodoo © that he do so well. As thet would bring carnage ond © other‘unpleasaniries, Bully and the Scoobles work very thatd to keep it from happening. Two of the Mester’s minions come to have a continu ing role in the series. The frst is Darl, his favorite. She Stars in the first scene of the show, and turns out to be: ‘Angel's sire—vampire-spéak for the anc who makes you inte a'vamnpird, She ultimately. attempts to-bring’ Angel back to the dark side, but is staked and dusted efter a cli matic battle in the soventh episode. As will happen again in the series, death is not all it’s cracked up to be. We will see Derle again (though mostly in another series). Toes? ‘The second minion is the Anoinked One, He is a vom- pire child crested by the Mester as his primary weapon against the Slayer. The Anointed One's powers ere unclear, Aside from bearing the mantle of the Master's chosen successor, his major job is luring Buffy to the Master ot the prophesied times, That's the prophecy what statés “the Master shall rise and the Sleyer shall di,” ‘And thus we come to the season finale, Contrary to het hero persone, Buffy shows great fear and we begin to undérstand some of the downside of being a Slayer. ‘She ies to fight the Master. and alter 2 very one-sided Batlle, he kills her and escapes his imprisonment. (Celin dawn, remember my death point 6 couple of paragraphs gd.) Xender performs CPR on Buffy as Angel "has ino breath,” ond she revives. By all rights, she should be ‘weak. In fect, she fecls different, stronger. ‘Things are Slarking to look up. The Hellmouth is located under the Sunnydale High Tibrary of ell places—Giles’ hore base. The gang gath- cts there only ta Find the Hellmouth opening, and a large Tentecled crcoturc emerging. Buffy fights the Master on he r06F, the Scoobies fight the creature below. It ends swell, and the group heads out to celebrate. What You ‘were expecting maybe a blow-by-blow account® Buy the DVD, chun. Dr Saat aii Season Two Giles: Of, forgiv Xander, Cordelia, this is Ke ts rath f, but she’s also a Sl Cordelia: Hi. Nice to meet you. Xander Slayer, uh? I Knew this “I'm the only one, I'm the only one” thing was just a The major new arrivals to the Hellmouth in Scason Two are Spike and Drusilla, a duo of English vam. pires who knew Angel over one hundred years ago, Spike, a.k.a. “William the Bloody,” is e sar castic peroxide blond punk—the Sid Vicious of the undead. His love Drusilla is « wreithlike romantic driven by visions and whatever odd notions come into her mind. She was a young girl on the verge of becoming « nun when Angelus drove her insane by killing her entice family right in front of her. The twa: vainps of viciousness have been together as « couple for a long, long time, and still possess the passion of newlyweds. They cruise into Sunnydale Jooking for sancluary with the Anointed One until the weakened Drusilla cen be restored to full health. Spike, who has fought and killed two Slayers in his time, agrees to take out Buffy imexchange for a place to lay low in peace. Failing to do so due to his own impatience Spike begins to seck the Anointed One's Forgiveness, but gives up in the middle. He grabs the boy vamp and tosses him to day= Tight. Exit one presumed Big Bod. Joss and company set us up to view things ane way, and then take # sharp turn into unpre- dictebility. This won't be the last time this happens. Spike quickly tekes over leadership of the vamn- pres in town and sels his mind to getting revenge on the Buffster, He tries everything from ambushes to hiring ancient orders of demon assessing 4 resurrecting the Judge, who can’t be killed by any weapan Forged. AAs it turns out, the thing which comes clos cst to! destroying the Slayer is the person who means most to her. When she and Angel make love (Buffy’s frst time), the gypsy ‘curse on him is broken, and his soul is lost again. He reverts to being the monstrous Angelus, breaking her heart before joining with Spike and Dru and trying to end the world ‘Oh, and the evil trio tires to kill the Scoobies and those closest to them, As it happens, Buffy receives some unexpected help near the end of the season—Spike agrees to set up Angelus: for her if he and Dru are allowed to escape and never return to Sunnydale. In the end, Buffy. is forced to kill Angel to save the world just after he regains his soul. and love for her. Can you say ouch® Season Two brings some great new characters to the mix. Daniel Osbourne, also known as Oz, is the stoic, sensitive lead guiter player of lacal band Dingoes Ate My Baby and, replaces Xender as the love of Willow's life He's also a werewolf, but emphatically Not a Monster. Werewolves are people too . . . most of the tie. Kendra is something of a surprise addition to the cast. 2 second Slayer from a smell Caribbean island who became “active” when Buffy died briefly in the battle against the Master. Like many Sleyers before her, she dies quickly atthe hands of Drusille. Ethan Rayne, en old friend from Rupert Giles’ shady past, is an English sor- ceror who worships the dark forces of Chaos. He caus- trouble and disappears on # fairly regular basis ‘An overarching theme for the second season concerns love gone wrong. Angel's soul is femoved and he becoines @ harror once more, wreaking havoc. on the Scoobies and causing untold heartbreak for Buty. Giles ‘and Jenny's budding relationship is soured when each discovers the other hes been keeping dangerous secrets Inthe first of the series’ greatest tragedies, Jenny is lost to the nightmare that is Angelus. Xander's habit of falling for monsters continues when he ond Cordelia start dating (don’t tell her we said that). This gags wrong a3 well. when Cordelia Finds herself losing social status in Sunnydale for dating 2 loser like Xander. Even Spike and Dru have their problems when Angelus relurns to the bed guy fold. Although not quite as bad os the effect this has on Buffy, the. addition of an older, stranger endmore despicable rival frustrates Spike, who is temporetily Stuck in a wheelchair os a result of an epic battle with Bufly, When Angelus tres to end the world, Spike goes to Bully and offers a truce, not anly because he likes the world, but becouse Angelus is putting the moves on his gicl. The cold-blooded killer stats his fal- tering journey towards redemption because of gil. What can we sey? Love makes you do the wacky. Season THREE As an stop the Mayor ed, B. demons to feed on and come grad q paid. s got it wi He built on day, he's getti IW’s senior year for the Scooby Gong. We begin with Bully, or "Anne" since she is using her middle name to get away from her life. She has run away from home, se, and from dealing with the delh of her First Jove, Angel, She is working ate scedy restaurant and liv- ing in an even seedicr apartment, Of course ele rarely deals you an even hand, No sagner than you can say “Chosen One,” Bully is dragged inlo Hell, iterally, to fight demons that prey on the young innocents of the streets. Realizing she cannot cheat fate» Buffy returns hoine, W's that whole responsibilty Uheme rearing its valy head ogein ‘Nt home, the Scoobies have been doing their best to keep up the missing Slayer’s duties, les choses every lead, while Willow, Xender and Oz do their best in the Slaying department. When Bully returns home, they ere happy to see her, but itis « happiness tht is tinged with hur. In the face of nearly immedicte crisis, however, Buffy ond her friends pull together, stop the mednes, and begin the process of healing and forgiving. Things return to norm oF whak passes for normal on Ue Hellmouth, when three visitors come to Sunmydele. Feith, Yhe new Slayer called when, Kendra died, is every- hing Buffy is nol. Carefree, enjoying the hunt and the Ail, Feith plays by her own rules. Mr. Trick, a suave vampire of the new order, comes for Feith, but stays for Buify, And the most unexpected! of all, we have the relirn of Angel fron Hell Mr, Trick is aur introductory Big Bod. He stats off by casing Buffy and the Slayerettes no end of problems. But Stee ens oa lig te seen Of Major Richerd Wilkins Il. Mayor Wilkins controls Gurinydale. He knows about the vampires, the demons, sand the Slayers, Most importanly, he wants the Slayers Taken cre of, and we are not taking poying for college heres The Mayor has big plans for Sunnydale. Nos not urhaa renewol; they involve true demons and eating the fesidenls. The Moyor seeks to ascend to demonhood. ‘Season Three explores themes of moving fram child. hood tor inare adult roles, ond the responsibility tot email, The Scoobies, es well as the Mayor, ere moving on to higher and supposedly beller futures. Nalraly this causes no end of angst for Bufly. She fels that she isnt going anywhere. Despite goad test scores, she cant go off to any colleges: her duties bind her to Sunnydale. Add to this her renewed (postponed®) relationship with Angel. He will never change; she will graw old and die (maybe not in thet order). Yep, it’s never casy for the Buff Subject to « secret test for her I8th birthday, Buffy is rendered powerless by Giles per the Watchers Council's orders, and must fight a vampire without super strength. Giles frst administers the seruin to rob Buffy of her powers and sel up the test, but later relents, tells all and sceks forgiveness. ‘The Watchers fire Giles for this moment of humen- ity. Buffy sueceeds at killing the vamp, but a wedge is driven between Slayer and Watcher. A new Watcher errives— prim, proper and largely impotent Wesley Wyndam-Pryce. Buffy still defers to Giles, and Faith ignores Wesley. As the season progresses Buffy decides that she will no longer take orders from the Council We see grawth and change in the other characters as well. Willow is progressing toward powerful witchdom. A demon posing es Hansel and Grete! nearly gets her, Buffy and Amy Madison burned at the stake by their moms (minus ‘Amy's who is sil statuesque, if you get my drift). Amy escapes by turning herself into a rat. With no way to change back, she tokes up residence in a Habitrail in Willow's room. We get to see Xander stand on his own, despite his *Zeppo” status. And we sce Willow's ‘end Xander's long running affection for each other spill over into romance. ‘Although itis a bref flickering, the consequences are long lasting. Oz end Willow split, emporarily.Xender and Cordelias split is permanent and has initially nasty side effects. We also meet the vengeance demon Anyanka, suinmoned by Cordeli's pain over Xander’s betrayal. She grents Cordy’s wish, # Sunnydale with- ‘ut Buffy. Cordy (ond the viewers) find themselves in ¢ Bizzaro Sunnydale where the Master rose, and Willow ond Xander afe his most feared vain pire licutenants. Anyanka is stopped by Giles who destroys her pawer source. With it gone, Anye is trapped in the Sunnydale we know. She returns later with “clings” for Xander and a very direct courting approach, Xander is men enough (well, has enough teenage hormones running rampant) to forgive her lessthan-sevory past. ‘They develop ilo a nice couple 1In Fath, the next Slayer, we encounter the second grest lrogedy of the series. She falters and falls after she accidentally kills the deputy mayor. Fearing Buffy wll tot her out, she decides to sland alone, and then with the Mayor Buffy ond Angel must face their own growth as ‘well, and Angel decides they cannot be together— its not right for Buffy. So Angel plans on leeving fight after the Mayor’s Ascension (assuming. they survive it). Bul a poison arrow from Faith nearly Lulls him, and Buty must get the only thing that can feure-her love—the blood of & Slayer. Buffy puts Faith in 6 come, but cannot get her blood to Angel Butty offers herself instead and lands in the hospi- {el room next to Feith’s. Through their gift of Slayer visions, Butfy and Faith exchange words ‘nd Buffy learns what she needs to do to defeat the Mayor. During the course of the season, Buffy takes 4 more open stance in her Slaying. It does rot go unnoticed. At the prom, Buffy learns what she has meant to her class, sading): “Whenever there was a prob: le w up and stop it. Most of the p ne time or anc re proud ta.say that the Class of '99 has the lowest mortality tate of any graduatin tory. And we know least part of that is Recauseof So the senior class offers its thanks, and gives you, wh, this. It’s from all of US anc it fas written here, "Buffy Summers, a rotector. At graduation, Buffy gathers together not only her friends, but the entire student body to fight the demon- ascended Mayor. In the pivotal scene, the perents run ‘aways but the kids stand to face and overcome their In the end, Principal Snyder gets eaten and ‘They don’t do transitions fears. Sunnydale High blown up, Jightly in the Buffyverse. Season Four uff: I'm psyched for college, definitely # wondering how it’s gonna work with war activities. I've gotta make sure off my slaying, extracurri it doesn’t take the ed 4.1 The Freshmart With Season Four, great change comes to the lives of Buffy and the Slayereltes. Angel leaves Buffy and oes to Los Angeles secking his own way to make up for his past. Cordele does. the same to pursue her acting career. Bulfy, Willow and Ox enroll at UC Sunnydele, and Butly hes a difficult time adjusting at first. Xander longuishes in a series of desd-end jobs; Anya continues her pursuit of him with single-minded zeal. Giles has his ‘own difficulties edjusting to life as @ non-librarian, and to the fact thet Buffy scems to need his guidance less and less. Early in the season we meet Riley Finn, Bufly’s psy- chology class teaching ossstant and secretly a member of the Initilive, a top-secret military organization with the mission of capturing and studying “sub-terrestrials.” His bass, and Butly’s psych professor, is Dr. Maggie Walsh, 44 6018 and driven women with » mission within the Inilictive secret even to Riley. Walsh’s Project 314 has c#ealéd Adam, a modetn-dey Frenkenstein’s Monster, imadelfrom human and demon perts and more than @ iiatch for Buffy. Walsh soon begins to see Bully as & Ahreat Yo her plans and Project 314, and goes so Fr as to send Bufly to her death in the guise of an assignment for the Initiative. Naturally ths fils (the show's called Buffy Ure Vampire Slayer, nok Moggie the Monster Maker), and the beleayel costs Welsh her surrogate som, Riley, when ieee - OCS | Vana 4 Oe eee he deserts. Welsh never gels to see Project 314 and Adam come to fruition as the creation kills its creator. Having decided thet humans are far too feeble to rule the planet, Adam embarks upon a mission to create an army of cyber: demonoids. And folks think state universities are little more than never-ending perty-time. ‘One ofthe mejor plotlines of Season Four is Buffy’s quest for a new love in her life. After her history with Angel and a disastrous one-night stend with e philanderer named Parker, Buffy is ready for a nice, normal guy. As we have mentioned before, fat freeking chance! Riley Finn appears ta be that bay, but both Buffy and Riley keep secrels from ‘each other, When it Finally comes out thal Riley is one of the super-secret Initiative Commandos, it initially causes tension belween thein, but their relationship grows and strengthens as they discover that they share a common goal ‘The fourth season considers the value of family and friends in e number of ways. AL first unsure of her ability to cope with life after high school, Buffy quickly finds that it is something she can handle in part because it’s not some- thing she has to do on her awn. Over the course of the seoson, various things cause the gang to drift apart—Butfy’s relationship with Riley, Xander’s absence from the college scene ss and Willow's education in all things witchy. And let’ nof Forget the clever efforts of Spike to drive a wedge into the group, Riley also has an extended family within the Initiative: his fel- low soldiers Graham and Forrest, the way Adam perceives him 5 a brother and Dr. Welsh as their mother. In the end, however, Buffy and her Friends come back together, where they belong. Spike returns, accompanied by Harmony Kendall, ‘one of Cordelia's cronies fram Sunnydale High School and a recent addition to the ranks oF the undead. Spike fails in his quest to use the Gem of Amerra to kill Buffy, and is later captured by the Initiative and implanted with @ microchip thet pre- vents him from hurting humans, He eventually real- izes that the chip doesn’t stop hitn from hurting his {ellaw demons, a discovery that brings back some of that Spike bluster we all know ond love, Over the course of the season, weisee Spike go fram one of Buffy’s most dongerous foes to @ somewhat reluctant ally. Partway through the season, Oz meets a fellow werewolf, the lovely Veruca. Compelled by supernatural hormones ‘and. probably good old- fashioned ones too, he does the werewolf nasty with her, breaking Willow's heart inthe rocess. Veruca tries to kill, Willow. but ends. up dying at Oz’s hands (paws®) instead. Unsure ‘of where the line is between the man and the J beast, and deathly afraid of bringing further danger to the gal he loves: Oz decides Tata aa to leave Willow ond Sunaydale until he can come to termsiwith himsel. He reluras later in the season, but finds that Willow as Found someone new. Tare Mecley iso shy young woman and also a Wicca She and Willow notice each other first in @ wnnarbe-Wicca Gammpus club. Over time, they form a bond due to their inagie, their sweetness, and... you guessed it . . shared denger. In one of the most deft picees of writ ing. nan astoundingly deft series, Willow and Tara mello shore more than friendship in o totally natural and believableway. Serious reminder ofthe Jenny and Giles ewnrhhh moments from Seeson Two. When faced with choice, Willow decides Tara is her true love. Heartbroken, Ox ogein leaves this time For good. “The climactic showdown of the season begins with Adan invoding the Initiative’ secret base and letting Joos al f the demons they hove coptured. Adam takes 1) control of Riley through @ chip in his chest, placed there 1) by the nat-so-late Dr. Walsh, newly reanimated as one of | his undead minions. Buffy end the Slayereltes tryto ree- JF son with Colonel MeNemara, Walsh's replacement os 1 héad of the Initiative, but to no avail. Wholesale slaugh- "Yer ensues as the demons wreek vengeance on the scien- Hiss and soldiers who imprisoned thein. As Riley trug- fle egaist his programming, Buy lakes on Adarn with the mogically combined aid of Willow, Xander and Giles, Proving the old edage that the whole is greater then its ports, she ips Adam's power source right out of his chest. With Walsh deed, the Initiative program and Project 3H in a shambles, the military decides to declare the program a wash ttle Miss Nobody, is she in fora 5.2 The Real Me Season Five begins in leftfield. We start off with a surprise non-inlroduction of Dawn, Bulfy’s never-before- seen sister. The gang acts as i she’s always been there, although Buffy notes that she docs seem a bit more annoying lately. It doesn’t take long for the minor irri tations to mount, and Buffy secks supernatural answers. Dawn is ectually a mystical Key, hidden as the teenege girl, complete with memories, family photos, and a crush ‘on Xender. The world has been reshaped to accept her 1s Buffy’s younger sister. Now that’s some major mojo working there. Why hide o Key in the Summets’ normally danger- filled houschold® The Order of Dagon, monks more magical power then fashion sense, knew that an ‘ancient god wes hunting for it, so she could unlock the gates to the hell dimension from which she wes expelled ‘The Slayer is the only one who can protect it. but she ‘must accept responsibilty for it fully and. completely. Naturally, Glorificus, of Glory, as the evil god is known, quickly tracks her prize to Sunnydale. Giving the Slayer and Scoobies hend this season is Riley Finn, who stayed in Sunnydale with Buffy after the Initiative left town, and Spikes whose chip implant puts & leash on his more violent tendencies, Another character cof note, despite his brief oppearance, is Warren, the robotics genius. wha has unusual women problems—his andraid ex won't leave him alone. After Buffy shorts ‘ver, sors things out, Spike forces Warren to build a lave-bot with the Slayer’s image to be his plaything (ew!) ‘Warren runs for cover soon alter. and we hear no more from him... this season. ‘Aésong Season Five's themes isthe obligation relation- Ships put on us. Butty has the supreme responsibilty (as the Slayer, her obligation extends to the entire world), but all the Sloyerettes experience o maturing of their rela Uionships, and the deepened responsibility that goes with ik, Xender and Anya become much more serious, moving inka an epertment together and planning the future, with ‘Xandet holding down a “real job” and Anya leaping enthusiastically into the role of money manager. Willow and Tera repeatedly prove their devotion to each other, although Tere's concerns about Willow's. increasing power provoke @ disastrous encounter with Glory. Spike grows from “creepy stalker’ to an actuel asset in his altempts to impress the Slayer, even acting» es guardian cd ei ea tH = ~ for Dawn on several occasions. He finds, to his horror, thet he has deep feelings for the Slayer, and will go to near- ly any length for her. Xander becomes a “voice of reasan,” which is quite amazing considering his hormonally driv en antics of previous years. OF course, nat every celationship matures in a positive manner. les begins ta feel unneeded in Butfy’s world, and contemplates returning to England. Riley comes to realize his Feelings for the Slayer are not reciprocated in e way he would like, which leads him to dangerous hebits. He ultimately decides to return to active duly in Central America. Buffy arrives at his departure point too lat to stop him, Drusilla reappears in Sunnydale just long enough to confirm thet Spike is lost to her forever. Spike throws Harmony out of his crypt for good. These plot developments reflect @ theme of loss, and the sense of despair thet is brought on by these heartaches. This theme returns again and again in Season Five Meny elements from early in the season have long- reaching ramifications. Spike's. Buffybot is repro: grammed and plays ¢ crucial role in defeating Glory. The increesingly crowded mental ward at Sunnydale General turns out to be the construction crew for the Big Bod. Willow's witchcraft grows more and more pawerful—from a noscbleed-provoking teleportetion spell to effortless lightning bolts. Allin ell, Joyce's medical problems are the worst of the bunch: Glory is Buffy’s most dangerous Big Bed to date. She is physically superior to the Slayer (¢ warehouse fells on her, end all she is concerned with is her outhit), leaves a trail of lunatics in her wake, ‘and wears some very daring. dresses. She has a group of servant demons— groveling litlle things—to. watch the Slayer ond track down clues. She wos trapped on Earth only through the betrayal of @ pair of equelly powerful ‘gods who ruled her home with her. To all appearances, she is unstoppable. Giles. contacts the. Watchers Council (ovho of course take the opportunity to put Bully through more of their famous tests—don’t they have anything better to do in England?), but other than identifying Glory es ¢ god, they offer no. solution or even hope. Simultaneously, the Knights of Byzontiuin arrive, seeking to kill the Key (that’s Dawn, remember) rather than Jet Glory find it. Then, of course, Things get realy bed. Joyce had experienced several increasingly severe headaches early in the'season. Eventually, @ CAT scan reveals a tumor. Surgery removes the cancer, end ll was thought to be. wel Then, an aneurysm unexpectedly takes Joyce’ life. The loss of her mother devastates Buty, and all the Scoobies take it hard, as could be expected. Dawn attempts to res- urrect her mother, but aborts the spell before anyane could see whet hed come back from the grave. Now Butty feels the extreme pressure of not only pro- tecting Dawn from Glory, but also caring for the more mundane issues of passing classes and geltingto school on time, Previous concerns sbout balancing her Sleyerhood with @ normal life are thrown to the wind. Buffy is over- ‘helmed, and as Glory closes in on the Key, the only solu- tions to flec Sunnydale. Her loyal friends, now including ‘Spike, don’t let her go alone Naturally, it doesn’t work. Outside of town, the Knights ambush the crew, ond Giles is gravely wounded, Willow surrounds their hideout with a magical forcetield, but the Knighls bring in clerics to break through. When all seems darkest, Clory finaly reveals a weakness—her presence on Earth is only possible by shering:a body with Ben, an intern who had cared for Joyce in the hospital and flirted with Bully at the Bronze. As Ben, Glory is vlnereble end mortal, if the Scoobies can bring them- selves to murder an innocent. Otherwise, the only way to close the porlal that would rip the earth apert is the blood of the Key—Dawn Her failed relationship with Riley, her mother’s death, the sheer power of Glory, and her increasing questions about her place in the norms) world weigh on Bully ‘enormously. As Glory finelly kidnaps Dayn, Bully is ‘overwhelmed by guill ond despair. Only through the magical aid and council of Willow docs she pull out of her mental “vacation.” The Scoobies make plan and swing into ection, but not before Xander proposes to Anya (mortal danger is so romantic. .). Almost every- Thing goes as hoped—Glory is beaten and lransforms beck into Ben. Giles, out of sight of the others, takes Ben's life, ensuring that Glory will never relurn. Even so, cone of Glory’s worshippers manages to cut Dawn and ‘open the portal. The world is about to end uy ut 1 ‘who aren't me s Made to Love ott [As the fine! battle climaxes, Buffy realizes thet her blood will close the portal, and almost welcomes the ‘opportunity to sacrifice herself, She spends her last moments with Dawn, reminding her how important she is, and thet she must bear even further loss for the sake of the world, Buffy then leaps into the gate. It closes, leaving her limp body behind, Ab the very end, we see a tombstone..It reads simply “Buffy Anne Summers. Beloved Sister. Devoted Friend, She seved the world. A lot.” ome Assembly oquired i ‘Buffy: Accelerated healing powers come wit Slayer package. And ‘complete with comb just a Buffy Summe training? That's 5.7 ‘Fool for To slay, you need a Slayer. Or a Slayerette. 2 ee Te chapter deals with creating Cast Members: the sof the show. Cast Members are the roles ee Ser bite Jen life heroes making o stond ageinst the forces of derkness, o° requlor people fecing. the unknown. You are limited only by your imeginetion— and the casting needs of the Director. ‘Willow (to Colonel McNamara as he's searching their equipment): It's @ gourd. Giles: A magic gourd, ‘Colonel McNamara: What Kind of freaks are gsfou people ap a Whe Director should help and guide you through char- aélencreation. She should start by giving you an idea of * tk Primeval na sehting and the necds of the Series. This may be as Casting is a pretly important step, and it involves both asisthe game starts ona bus making a stop in you end'the Director. e's face, the je: "Your characters have to be on that bus, for whelever reason” or as restricted as “Ihe goime is sc in a high schoo! in the Midwest. All the Cast Members have lo be students or teachers at the school, and at lees half ‘of you have to be students. 1 need one Slayer and one Weicher: the rest of you can be anything else, but no ‘wouldn’t be anywhere near as much fun iF the entire Cast consisted of fat hairy guys named Bob. You need an interesting Cast to make a good Series, and the casting’ process is the way to do it. vampires or demons are ollowed.” In some cases; the Director may simply hand out pro-generated characters (see Archetypes, pp. 60-83) and have all of you pick and ‘choose, On the other hand, if you want to make your ‘own character, ¢s long es you don’t come up with some: thing wacko like “I’m Adam’s clone body. Can | have two miniguns instced of onc®* we sey the Director should let you go with it Depending on the game, some choices mey not be appropriate. Ifthe game is set in Sunnydale, « Conen the Barbarian type might not work—elthough with creativi ty 6s your guide you can certainly give it 2 sho Teamwork between you and the Director is pretty important here—there’s a thin line between unnecessary: limits on your creativity-on one hand end entirely incompatible cheracters meking the Director's carefully plotted game unplayable on the other. Chapter Seven: Episodes, Seasons and Drama provides your Director! with advice for developing a BIVS RPG Series and storyline-eppropriate characters. But before she heads off to reed thet, you both should read through this chapter. There's plenty of good stuff here, For ‘example, right below we have several options a Director say want to consider for her Casting Calls. You and she probably want to read thei first Tue Scoosy Gane “This isithe option if you went to take on the mantle of Buffy and Company, end fight for ruth, justice, and the batlewhupBin’ way. ‘The Original Cast is listed later (see pp, 84.97). "The Director can just photocopy the char- acter sheets and hand them out. Run through the exple- nation of the character sheet so the terms are familigr to ‘everyone (sce p. 28), and you ere ell ready to go. ‘On the plus side, you know what you ere getting, assuming you ore fans of the show (and really, who » isnt®), On the down side, the options ere limited. What happens if two people want to play Buffy, or | Spike® IF everyone can pick a character and be happy, then i's not 0 bed idea; otherwise, someone will be unhappy, and unhappy players make’ for unhappy. {goines, sleepless nights and tooth decay (not necessari= Iyin that orden) ‘Another problem is that the Original Cash is mede up of experienced end powerful characters, For those note ‘wholly familiar with Uhe- game system, it might be a ‘good idea to start with less kickin’ characters. Now, ‘weaker versions of existing characters can be used (Bufly at the start of Season One was a lot less skilled ‘end strong than she was by the end of Season Five, for Aj example, and compere Willow the swect nerd of Season One with the wickedly dangerous witch of Season Five). Each character has notes for eltering the Original Cast to represent cerlier versions of our beloved heroes and heroines (see pp. 96-97) ‘A Mew Cast ‘Willow (about Buffy: Guess she's out with Riley. ‘Vou know what its lke with a spank: ing new boyfriend. Anya (re: Xander: Yes, we've enjoyed spanking 413 The Fin Team Plenty of room in the Buffyverss for other Casts, of course. It takes a bit more time, but encther level is ‘added to the game when you creale your own characters. ‘That way you get the character you want, end you can introduce different character concepts into the Series. Before cresting brand new Cast Members, you may want to think ebout the basic concepts behind them. What kind of role will the Cost Member play® Righteous knight, comic relief, loyal punching beg, oF something else® You can use the cheracters from the IVS TY show for inspiration ("I wanta witch that’s as strong 5 Willow, bul who has more of @ Faith tude," for example), or come up with original concepts. Don't sweat it if inspiration 8 lacking, however. Sometimes the concept behind the Cast Member devel- ‘ops after cheracter creation, in the course of the game. Jn that case, just get oll the numbers down and do a basie personality sketch for now. | \Souirces of ins for new characters include ‘movies, TV shows end fiction, Want to have your favorite movie ection hero drop by Sunnydale? IF the Director approves, it shouldn't be too difficull to do. Somme characters work belter than others, of course. Aypes work best (private detectives, supernatural halts or oo) £8 gets wih yen ft parenor: “Sileom cheracters with @ tweak here and there ‘make interesting Sleyerettes (think of the cast of ids running. into vampires—at least one of them ld make en interesting witch). Cartoon characters AL not so much: Still, goofy is good—et times. of creating @ character from scratch, players tse'the ready-made Archetypes (sce pp. 60-83) ‘are pre-genersted Cast Members thet can be cus tomized end thrown into action with lite or no work. Again, check out the meaning of the terms and numbers (see p. 28) and you are ready to go. era aos etna Tae Comsination IF neither option is perfect (ie. somebody's stil whin ing), the Director may allow sorme of you to select mem- bers of the Original Cast and some to create your own. That should keep everyone heppy (those still whining should be hended pacifier, or maybe « bal-gog) ‘Again, remember that most of the Officiel Cast are more skilled end powerful then beginning cherecters. If you have Season Five Buffy running eround in the game. the Hero types are going to feel like Scoobies. To fix that you should use the earlier versions af the Cast, oF the Director should ollow your new cheracters to start out with higher abilities and skills Assicming CHaracters Another possibilty isto have the Director create the Cast herself and then let you pick from thet “short lish.” This is the easiest way to make sure the Cast fits the sto- iylne the Director wants. Then again, this option puts smote responsibility on the Director, who mekes all the casting calls. This could be good or bad. Just like using the Scooby Gang, some of you may not get the charac Jer you want. Furthermore, you might fel deprived of Your “fundamental right” to play your own creation Diréctors should try to be flexible and sensitive to your feeds. They may not want to pull a Principal Fiutic here, but they definitely should avoid the Principe! Snyder epproach Sayer Options Tim gonna go out on a limb anc say there's a new Slayer in town. And here we ecrve ot the $50,000 question. Who gels to be the Slayer? After ell, the neme of the show is Bully the Vampire Slayer, nok As Sunnydale Turns. However, its not necessary forthe Slayer to be the most important character, or for the rest ofthe Cast to be bit players. Still, the Slayer is a choice part. The Director an handle this in @ number of ways “THERE CAN BE Onty Ont: This restricts players to the “canon” of the Buffyverse. Bufly isthe Slayer, and with the exception of Feith (currently enjoying the hospital- ily of a correctional facility), she's the one and only Slayer available to play. If the Cask does not include Buffy or Faith, then nobody gets to pley @ Slayer. There's nothing particularly wrong with this: there are plenty of possible Series thet do not involve Slayers. For example . . . Angel. The game could deal with’ the Initiative or the Welchers, or meybe the adventures of a coven of witches or a gang of amsteur vampire hunters. Even so, players who have their hearts set on playing the Blonde One . . . er... the Chosen One will be disappointed. ‘Tue RePLacenenr SLAveR: Here the Director mekes @ few changes in the official history of Sunnydale. This cassuihes that the current Slayer (Buffy or Faith) has suf- fered an untimely demise (like, sey, at the end of 5.22 ‘The Gift). Thal would allow a brand new Slayer to rise invher place. This would still limit the field to one Slayer (unless both Buffy and Faith were no longer ‘among the living and the Director assumed that new Slayer would eppcar for cach of therm—something that runs counter to the show's cenon, by the wey—the offi- cial essuinplion is that the Slayer line runs through Feith, not Bully). Stil, it gives the Chosen Player o lit Uermore leeway. The Archelypes section has a sainple Base sce p. 60) thet can be used: for inspiration oF Played as is. ‘ANG Tien Trere Were Tunes (oR FOUR, .. ): Okey, his bends few of the “rules” almost to the breaking paint, but it’s kind of legal. When Buffy was clinically dead in 1.12 Prophecy Girl, Kendra became the Slyer, and then there were two Chosen Ones." When Kendra died, Faith becaine a Slayer, keoping the tolal al two. So the Director can take this « step or two further, and allow for severl Slayers in @ game Let’s say that during the events of 3.21-3.22 Graduation Day (where Buffy nearly kills Faith, and Angel almost kills Buffy when feeding off her) cither or both of the Slayers suffered clinical death. This way, there could be one or even two more Slayers running around. That gives the Cast as meny as four Chosen ‘Ones to play. This is not “canon” by any means, and the show is certainly getting away fram the “multiple Slayers” theme, but it’s close enough for government work, end if ¢ couple of players want to be Slayers, this is probably best. If the Director chooses this option, in name of all that’s good and decent, please don’t dress up the Chosen Four in little sailor outfits and name them after assorted celestial bodies. ANYTHING Goes: Finally, Directors can toss canon out the window (thud), and do whatever makes them (and you) happy. Maybe there is @ Slayer born on every con- linent, or every large cily, and once a year there is this huge SlayerCon. Or a Chasen Six rather then # Chosen ‘One (again, no sailor outfits, please). Or male Slayers, ot animal Slayers—you could have Slayer-Man, Slayer- ‘Woman and Slayo the Slayer-Dog! ‘The Game Police won't came knacking down your door if you are part of game with any of the above, but some may be disap: ppointed if the game diverges too much from the basic themes of BIVS, Directors are advised to talk things over ‘with you players and meke sure you are.up for such ‘eanon- breaking. THe Creation Process ‘The Unisystem uses a “point system” to create charac- ters, Basically, you “buy” different abilities by spending chéracter poinls.. The better or more powerful a char acteristic i, the more “expensive” it is, Some negative features, known es Drawbacks, do not cost any points Instead, they have @ negative value—by ecquiring them, you actually get more points to buy other things. Keep in mind, of course, that these Drawbacks limit or hurt your character in some way, $0 loeding them an care Jessy is not a good ides. Not everything is besed on points, either. Some char- lacter clemnents ere creativity-driven: your. character's concept (what kind of person she is) and personality, os ‘well as her name and history. These depend wholly on your imagination, ‘Tue Cuaracter Eements ed ti Jali I minutes to track you Buffy (glances at Riley behind Walf): 1 was just tcky o smile) Well. Walsh: I see. (Riley starts odest with the whole t right? tuck” te ‘You got 413 The Lin Characters in the BIVS RPG have four basic elements. Same elements are conceptual (what kind of character is she®) while others are nurnerical attributes (what are the ccheracter's actual abilities). As you make each selec tian, you narrow down the possibilities of the character, until you finally have a clearly defined fictional individ- aly ready to, go out and start kicking demon derriere. Type: The Character Type \detefinines. the general power level ond naturé of your charactet, Heraes ore tough end skilled. White Heals re narinal people who depend on their wits cand luck to) survive ‘ 2. Aitributes: What 478 your characte's natural abilities, both mental end physical?) 3. Qualities end Drawbacks: What innate advantages or penalties affect your cheracter® 4, Sills: What does your character know? THe CHaracter SHEET Dea character to do cool stuf like killing a monster in one Pee ea eee etree) none place ee eee eee ec en ee emcee reas cee Re) eae ca Pare a) Seay eee oar ern Drawbacks: These ae eer) eee et aed good looks, but a eee eer knowledge and training. eee erent es eet eed cones Peet, ieee uae eer ae more good stuff Co ea Prete irs rene tag Poe er ee ae) eee ieee ae eae Success Levels you gol ee oe rey Eee ae ce) Add the Success Levels of the eae Cuaracter Tyre As we mentioned (you were paying atiention, right®), creating « character involves allocating a number of points to various aspects of that persona. Your gal's Character Type dctermines how many points you have to spend” on each character component your character- building "budget." in eccountant-speak Character Type also goes « lang way toward giving the Season (or the first several Episodes at least) # tone and scope. For example, if your Director wants 2 Series involving. characters roughly as powerful as Bully and friends in Seeson One, she should have you pley with one Hero (maybe two, if you count Angel) and several White, Hats, To simulate the capebilities of the Season Original Cast, Experienced Heroes would be the order of the day. Hero les: Can you move? Ben: Noda. Giles: re-emerye and nd the world wit ie could have Killed me nd sooner or later Glory will uffy pay for that meray ‘Buff even Knows that, a hun Shesa ‘ —s.Bbathe gift Heroes ate here to kick booty and teke names. Use this Charather Type to create men and women of ection. Slayers» cxpatienced Wetchers and Intitive Commandos | are Hero types: they have skills and abilities well above the norm. Oulside the Buffyverse, tough cops who rarely need backup to meke an arrest or gels who wear mystical gloves ere examples of this type. Attribute Points: 20 rea ea Drawback Points: up to 10 Skill Points: 20 Pee) Waite Hat Feil willow: 1 love this part. Evil Xandersivou (ve a the parts (Evil Xander Knocks Cordelia colt.) Evil Willow: No fun. She didn't ever hard oT van sq} It's the White Ha Evil Xande Aw, swell White Hats are regular people who find themselves fighting the supernatural. They don't heve Kew! Powerz or special training, but they start the game with mare Drama Points, allowing them to survive against insur mountable odds. Beginning Slayercttes and Watchers should use his Character Type. Other possibilities include nosy reporlers who ineke « hebit of chesing ghouls and monsters, and the proverbial teenagers drive ing psychedelic vans in the company of strange dogs. Drawback Points: up to 10 See Pe) EXpERiEnceD HERO Buffy: Tis is how many apocalypses for us Giles: Of, well... uh... sicatleast, Feels tke @ hundred. 5.22 The Gift These are full-fledged cinematic heroes, with ineredi- ble skis and abilities. If some of you are using charac- tersifrom the Original Cost (Gee. pp. 84-97), the rest should use this template so your characters aren't over~ shedowed. Experienced Heroes should not be used ‘dlongside Hera. and White Hat characters, unless the Director wants to have a significant power gap between Cast Members. This is the Type you would use to create Special Forces soldiers who con fight an entire army with @/krife, immortel wandering swordsmen, and bio- iighected super-soldicrs From a bleok future. Lest you iget cocky with these worthies, however, remember thet he Director will be ratcheting up the power level of the _bad Guys too. eee Se Pet Se) HERO Pees) Sorta aut ea ATTRIBUTES Travers: Agility, clarity, stamina, and strength These are the qualities that the Slayer must possess to do her job. Buffy: What came after agility? —5.12 Checkpoint “sedentary. person. ne Tike ith delicate Wand ey Attributes are inborn characteristics of your character: stitution | her strength, intelligence, senses and so on. By select- ing « set of Attributes, you are defining the limits of what the character can and cannot do. So, if you “buy” «very low Dexterity for your Cast Member, do not be surprised if she tends to fll down, break dishes and suck, at juggling. Perception I depicts someon hot very aware ther surroundings, likely to miss what's b Fase. Willpower jn. person who is e- ‘ily intimidated jenced by others, a'fol-[ lower instead of a leader, and somebody who is likely ta succumb to templation. In other words, Altributes at level one ore not flatering. If your character has an Attribute at level one, she is going to be pretty Feeble at some things. Level 2: This is the average for human beings. Most people in any given grou have Attributes at this level, typically with oné or two at levels ‘one or three. Nothing wrong with being ayer- age, bit the character is unlikely te shine with such Aets nls ber sls. ee 10 igh abe can compensate, se Buying AttRisvtEs [Atributes ore purchased using Attribute Points (imag- ine that!). Those points are sot by your Character Type (see p. 29), AMtributes can be "bought up to level Five on a one- forsane basis (ic. Strength 3 would cost three points, Strength 4 four points, and so on). Attributes above leyel five are more expensive: three points per addition- Gl leve). You should not purchase an Attribute past level six, the effective human maximum (buying an Attribute Up 16 level six would cost eight points). Beings with supernetutal abilities Slayers, vampires, demons and the like) ¢an have Aributes ebove six At the other end, at Jeast one point must be put into cach Altrbute So, 8 While Hat hes 15 points to distribute omong the six Alfributes. You can hove tree Attributes at level ovo (average), ond three at level three (somewhet ‘above average). Or you could drop an Altribute to ‘one, and get one at four. ‘This cheracter would really shine in one aspect is above average at @ couple other things, sucks at one thing and is average for the rest, Seesan One Willow, far example, was not exactly Muscle Women (Strength |) but she was very smart "(intelligence 4). ‘A Hero hes 20 points. With that, you can go with Four ‘Altibutes ot level three ond two ot level four. ‘This ere- “les a balanced character good at most things. Or you | could keep theee ARtributes at average level and have two 1 at level five and one of level four, for someone who is extremely gifted in certain areas, dinery. Stréngtty and Cons thletic optitude—somebody, least three times a week, or a:nétural has” not time Et Characters With Desterty 3 are grat “dancing partners, grabbed near the beginni J” pick-up sports, unlikely to suffer from butter fin-, gers or Klulz Syndrome. Intelligefice'3 indicates.) ‘2 bright person who can easily learn new skills, it she ‘has the temperament to So ‘With Perception ste uition, ands best Foatball players in allgtge high échool or cal lege campus), extensivbly trained Special Forces soldiers, and ther people™who spend a large amoutl of fime and.effort keeping in shape. A Dexterity 4.wayld only, be\common among gym: nasts, acrobalsy dancers and othe? talented and graceful individuals) “Mental Aliributes at level four indiGatéAear, Genius (Intelligence), highly acute senses”and intuition (Perception), or an ‘iron will” (Willpower). Level 5: This is the “practical” buthan limit People at this level are extraardinbrily talented, able to perform-complex and difficult feats with Hille practice. While people with Attributes at level five are not record breakers, they are among the best and the brightest. In a small or medium-sized community,/aaly @ handful of peo- ple have one or two Attributes at this leyel, and they are likely tobe well known for their strength, wisdom or toughness. Cities, large col Jege campuses, and groups of demom fighters have mare of these extraordinary’individuals, but even there'they are nat common Level’ 6; This is thedtrue human limit. A few people ‘with “freakish” altributes:may exceed it (to level seven), buy they. are! ay bandfuleven ‘among the teeming billions the 2st cen- tury. Characteré with one Attribute at level six are very rare, something on the order of ane in| ten thousand, or less. Peaple with mare than ane’ Atribute at level six are perhaps ten times less common, and so on Level) 74{ Now \we are talking. superhuman. Someone with: Steenglhv? would be as skrong as 4 horse; @.Dextetily.I2.corinotes inhuman grace; and so on:"These folks can perform at o level that norinel/Falles\¢an hardly comprehend. » Be afraid. Be very efraid strength Table strength .ifting capacity 1s 50 Ibs x Strength (Strength 5: 250 Ibs) 6-10 200 x (Strength - 5) 4250 Ibs (Strength 10: 1250 Ibs) 1 500 x (Strength - 10) + 1500 Ibs (Strength 15: 4,000 Ibs/2 tons) 6-20 1,000 x (Strength - 15) + 5,000 Ibs (Strength 20: 10,000 Tbs/5 tons) 2125 1 ton x (Strength = 20) + 5 tons (Strength 25: 10 tons) 26.30 Z tom x (Strength - 25) +10 tons(Strength 30: 20 tons) Strencta Buffy: Things won't ever be exactly the same, Sut omce I get back to. «full Xander: Give you a hand with that, Ble lady? Buffy: You're loving this far too much “a. uk Wid Gene ea | 3.12 elles ] Armeasure of your character's physical power, Strength determines how much damage she inflicts with hend-to- hand weapons, how much weight she ean carry, end how tmuch damage and exertion she can withstend belore col lepsing. Strength is useful to people who do a lat of heavy lifting oF anybody likely to enter hand-to-hand combel—in IVS, the later is pretty much the norm. Characters apt to have a high Strength include athletes, manual workers, and saldices. A low strength indicates either small size ond body ‘weight |(cough—Snyder—cough), or just lack of exercise. The Strengtlt Table shows how much a character of ‘any given Strength can lift without much effort. Higher weights can be raised (assume a maximum lifting \weight-—for brief periods—equal to double the Lifling J Copacity), but neil might be broken or a spleen rup- A tured in the process. Rea ated en Dexterity Dexterity indicates your character’s physical coordina- tion and agility. It helps with any task that requires motor control and precision, from performing card tricks to shaking booty to Feeding knuckle sandwiches (Dexterity helps to land the punch; Strength determines how much it hurts the punchee). If you want to do cartwheels—or try those kewl moves you saw in The Matrix—you'd better have # high Dexterity (and some help from the scrip). Constitvtion This Attribute shows how physically hardy or healthy yur character is. Constitution is important when it comes To resisting discase, damage, and fatigue. I i also used with Strength) to determine how much of a pound- ing your Cast Member can take and still keep ticking. Constitution also comes into play with skills that involve endurance, sJike swimming end long-distance running. Condition useful for people in strenuous and danger- cus jobs (firefighting, Slaying, being e Slayers friend). intenticence ‘Syder: You've got the brat break, Its a perfect mate ‘willows! Match? You want us to Breed? Snyder: 1 want you to tastor him. 3.16 Doppelgingland he's got the fast Brains good. This mentel Attribute detérmines your character's ability to” learn, corrclate end memorize information, The higher her Intelligence, the easier its © For her to employ “scholastic” skis. lo, this Attribute is used lo.understand and interpret informetion.. Note that intelligence: and edueation’are two seperate things, you can be brilliant but illiterate. Education is covered by your character's skill, which determine what she hes learned in her life. Welchers and other intellectual types tend to have a high Intelligence level Perception When a vamp you've never seen before tries to suck your blood, Perception might help you spot her before She strikes. This mental Attribute governs the Five sens- cs of the character and is important for wannabe detec- lives (to spat those important clues), people with ene ‘mies (to see or hear them coming), and mystical or psy- chic types (to detect “disturbances in the Force”) WittpowER This Attribute measures your character's mental strength and self-control, and her ability to resis'fear, intimidetion, and templation. 1F you don’t want to run ‘away screaming like a little giel the first time a vermp flashes ils fangs at you, Willpower is your friend. Any supernatural ebility thet tries to control or influence victims is resisted by Willpower. It can also be used to intimidate and dominate others through sheer force of will. Attrisute Bonuses Same Qualities like Slayer) provide bonuses to one oF more Attributes. ‘These modifiers are applied after tributes have been purchased normally. For exeimple if you spend five paints on Dexterity, and your character thas © Quelity thet adds @ +1 fo Dexterity, « level six Dexteriy isthe Final result Lire Points Life Points represent your character’s physical health “The Strength and Conslitution of the character are the determinant factors; a big muscle-bound athlete can survive more punishment than a pencil-necked, cold- catching nerd. Life Points determine the amount of physical damoge the choracter can take before being tunable to function Life Paints are determined by adding the character's Sléength and Constitution, multiplying the result by four, ‘and edding 10—or you can skip the math and just con- ife Point Table on the next page. This formu- ings {and human-like beings, such as ‘and vampires). Some creatures have different int Notes (many demons ere much tougher than pormal hunans, for example, sce. 175) The Hard to Kill Quality (sce p. 39) is » good way to increase Life Points, Players should figure out Life Points at the end of character creation after all Aitributes have been figured out normally Life point Table constitution fee eek fo strength 1 2 3 4 1 AS LS 2 226 303A 4 TL 4 ee oe 5 sb a 6 3424650 tt Pete et. eee 8 Me). 154i) el 9 oils | SRR 0 458 62 QUALITIES & DRAWBACKS Willow (re: Faith: She's Uke this cleavagey slut: bomb walking around going, “Ook. Check me ‘ut, Tin wicked cook I'm five by fi ara: Five by five? Five what by five what? SWillow: See, that's the thing. No one knows —4.15 This Vear's Giek Quelites are innate characteristics thet give the cher acler eniadvantoge or postive trait. Being’a Slayer is a Qualily—Slaycrs ere stronger. faster ond tougher than ‘orinel hulpen beings. They heve bad things going For them, toa (Jéts of enemies. for one), but the ability to kick'butl tends to outweigh the bad stuff. Qualities cost Quelity Points to acquire. Some Qualities are package deals—your cherecter buys ‘one Quslty but gels a number of beneits, or some bene= fits end some downsides. Jock, Nerd, Slayer end Vemnpire are all examples of these package Qualities. In general, your character is limited ko purchasing one of these types cot Qualities. Now, if you want to play # Neré-Watcher or Nerd.Werewol, talk it over with your Director. You might be able to pull thet off: Directors, watch this. carefully Jock-Nerds, Werewolf-Slaers, or Vampirc-Werewolves are Fighly suspect. Even so, we dos't recommend laughing in, ‘anyone's face (that would be rude). Drawbacks, are choraclerstics that somehow limit on detract from the character-—=bod eyesight problems, or being ob-my-god:i’s-hideous ugly, for example. Drawbacks have values. When Drawbacks aré: acquired, the cheracter gains extra points thet cen be used to buy Qualitics or skill Think of the extra points 10 LM a 2 AGO 46 50,0 54) 5826 ETUC! MAT RA A ON 5458 62H TH 1 LT ie, OO gh 9B.) 82 she 78)! AE 82g, 98 as a little reward for moking the character bit more thrce-dimensional and entertaining? than some plain venille, “nothing wrong with me® bloke: Beginning characters are limited to 10 points in Drawbacks. That does not mean players have to get IO points’ warth of Drawbacks; most will probably end up with less than that. Cuances During Play After creating the charactefs some (use common sense) Qualities and Drawbacks may be acquired or lost im the course of « gome. For example, a scarring wound could reduce the character's Attractiveness, or a change in fortune might increase or decrease the character's Resources or Sotial Level. When such @ change. is brought about during play, no experience points (see p. 13)) are needed to purchase them. If players want to pur- pasefully change © Quality or Drawback, they must spend experience points and come up with @ good rea- sonifor the change. This intentional change is somewhat restricted, however (see p. 133). Reta eaaees ita tie) Boban igh it covers . In many cases, anew" Quelity © ‘an'exlension or variation of an. The valle of the char should” fils or perils it gives the character, Most Qualities or Drawbacks should “be worth between one and three points; only the \ most powerful ar crippling of them should have a Sie ee ba 4 me bale bonuses; cash coat. eh 45 lo'iny one Attribute...» » existing one, be balanced out by the List oF Quatities & Drawsacks Acure/IMPAIRED SENSE Z-rowr Quausry on DRAWaNcK OzsIt's Willow. She's nearby (Coniela: What? You can smell her? she daesn't leven wear perfume. Oz She's afraid. 38 cole Wak Some plBple have the eyes of a hawk, or the ears oF a bool. Which js kind of yucky when you think ebout it, Others are Rear sighted, hard of hearing or otherwise impaired.” Characters with this Quality have one sense thal is more (oF Jes, if i's @ Drawback) refined and sen- sitive than the rest. Normally, the Five senses are repre- dented by the Perception Attribute. Acute or Impaired | Senses indicate one or morejare higher or lower than ori for ¢ person with that Perception Attribute “When bought 2s a Quality. an Acute Sense gives your | character +3 bonus to any Perception-related roll that “and sight in particular) ean be casily relieg_on that particular sense, If acquired, as @ Drawbeck, Impaired Sense give @ similar 3 penslly to Pereeption-related alls ‘Some Impaired Senses (hearing corrected by glasses, hearing aids and similar “devices, (though no doubt some insensitive high school student will give you @ hard time about it). IF the impairment is eliminated by the use of such devices, the Director ‘Alcoholism, habitual use of berbi Heavy use of heroin: 6 points ) should reduce the value of the Drawback to one character point. As Jong as your cheracter’s glasses or hearing aid or whelever ison, she is Fine. If say. 0 vampire knocks the glasses off, she won't be able to sce very well (Cast Members should probably wear contacts or those Vm-en- ancientibrarian-lype glasses straps). Its possible to have more than one type of Acute or Impaired Sense, or, for example, to hve Acute Hearing and lmpaired Eyesight, or 2 similar combination of senses. For obvious reasons, you cannat select bath the Impaired and Acute versions of the sarne sense (but “duh” for asking). AvvicTion + ‘Varunat DRAWBACK ‘willow: Who would pay to get bitten? Anya: It's Been going on for centuries. Humans ‘fare vampires to feed off them. They get off on the rush. Giles: And the danger. Traveling in the wider world can Become oddicive falaem ark. 5.10 Into the Woods Don’t do drugs, kids. IF your character does drugs, she's likely to become an addict, and that’s a bad thing. You've all seen the after-school specials and know the ‘core about addiction. Stil « big component of BEYS is tragedy, and addiction is thet in spades. IF you went to ‘go there, an addicted cheracter’s gotta have something: (Grugs, liquor, smokes) and she's gotta have it bed. ‘The value of this Drawback is determined by the sever- ily of the addiction and the rclaive effects of the drug or substance. Since this isn’t the Drug Awareness Weck Roleplaying Game, we won't cover all the gory details Directors should adjudicate the game effects of a *high” fn a chatacler. ‘This can ronge from a small penalty for being slightly “buzzed,” to the complete stupor of @ hero- in trip., Avrough guido would be a penalty equal to the Aa Maik Value of the Drawback (heavy use of mr- ‘jvana imposes o -3 penally to all rolls), In the game es in NG oir, or: Singers and unpeoiatl, ei. aracter is often unable to control herself. Aes point value rable light use of marijuana or LSD: 2 points ‘or cacaine: 4 paints The Addiction Point Value Table gives guidelines for the value of given type of addiction. Directors should modify these values as desired When.en addicted cheracter hasn’t gotten her usual “tix,” she suffers from debilitating withdrawal symp- toms. Intelligence, Perception or Willpower) ere at @ penalty ‘equal to'the value of the Drawback (s0, a character with 4 Z-paint Addiction suffers a -2 penslty to most mental actions) until the addict can get what she needs. The most severe drugs (like heroin) also produce strong physical effects; such addicts have a withdrawal penalty of -3 to all physical actions invaddition to the sbove penally on snentel actions. Most mental actions (e.g., eny rolls using Unlike some Drawbacks, this problem cannot be over: ome easily. Generally, the best a character can hope to do is to deny her craving “one day at a time.” Getting rid of this Drawback should never be a matter of saving up enough points to “buy it off." Resisting the craving requires series of daily Willpower (doubled) rolls. The first few rolls suffer no penelly. After © number of days equal to the character's Willpower hove passed, add « penalty equal to the value of the Drawback, IF the char- acter blows any of the rolls, she'll do whatever i takes to et her fix. If no fix is available, she goes through the ‘withdawal penalties. And so an. Once ten straight days of successful Willpower rolls have passed.ithe choracter may lower the Addiction Point Value by ne. And it Stars all over egein. Not 2 fun situation to be in, but if the struggle to overcome the addiction is roleplayed well, ‘should ct the character some Drama Points. ADVERSARY ‘Vanuaste Drawaack ‘Spike (re: the Scoobies): This is the crack team my every plan? Lam deeply shamed, thing Blue Your, character has pissed: someone off, And not pissed off in a “I’m not speaking to you" way—more like 4 "Vim going to really kill you" or “I'm going to make your life a living hell* kind of way. In the Buffyverse, ‘Adversarics are an occupationel hezerd. You can’t just slake vamps without word getting out, and the vamps are: raat going to take it Iying down, ‘The’ more powerful the Adversary is, the higher the! velue of this Drawback. Directors should determine if an Adversary is appropriate to the game in question. Ifthe Adversary is unlikely to appear Frequently, the Director can reduce the point value or disallow it altogether. ‘The Mester, for example, is worth zero points as an Adversary after 2.1 When She Was Bed, since he’s dust in the wind. Individuals are valued at one to three points 1s Adversories, depending on their resources and abil ties. A normal person grants one paint: « new vampire two points; a Green Beret or a veleran vampire three points. An organization may be worth three to five or more points, depending on its power. A gang of thugs garners two points, the police department of a city three 10 four points (depending omits size and competence), and a national egency like the CIA five paints or more, A large supernatural group like the Order of Tareke could give six or more points: that would apply. only if the entire Order is after the Cast Member—and your character’ life expectancy is goingite mando suck. You should have # good reason why your character has cared the enmity of the Adversary. Your Director can then weave this enemy into the Season in any way she sees Fit. Alternatively, you con select the Drawback and leave it to your Director to decide who the Adversary is. Killing the Adversary is not usually enough to climi- nate’ the: Drawback—your Director will see to it that another Adversery of similer value rears its ugly heed shortly afterwards. ‘Thel’s the wey it works in the shaw, after ell. Most Cast Members in Sunnydale should have a minimum Adversary 2, representing the local supernatu- ral community that thrives around the Hellmouth, Slayers and ther ilk have a permanent:Adversary figured into the paint cost oF their Quality. Ace 2.rowrs/teve. QuALITY Anya: Fora thousand years 1 wielded the pow ers ofthe wish I brought ruin upon the heads of unfaithful men. 1 offered destruction and chaos for the pleasure of the lower beings. 1 was feared and worshipped across the mortal lobe and now I'm stuck at Sunnydale Hight FA mortall A child And I'm fluiking math. 3.16 Doppelgaingland Some beings have been alive and active for several life spans; they could be demons, ancient undeed, or other- worldy game: show hosts. Ancient characters are very powerful, having refined ther abilities with centuries of practice. This Quality assumes that the cherecter has powers or natural abilities, like vampirism, thot ellowed her to survive this long (such powers must be purchesed separate). Each level of Age adds one century to your characters lite spen. Truly ancient superneturals (a millennium old or older) have ten or so levels of Age, end are extreme- ly powerlul. As such, they are not eppropriale 6s Cast Mepibers in most gemes. he Age Qualily only refers to periods during which ‘choracler was active. ony supernatural beings have periods of “down time,” Yimes when they were in gsi fancy erm fr chin’ in big wey) M you wont ‘eres «’cheracler from 2 truly ancient period, be our ; dd as! many levels of Age as you con afford, and confi the fest ofthe tie to be “down tre” for what- ever reason. ‘The bonuses your character gets are restricted to those levels oF Age bought, however. {Age ives your cheracter more points to pul into skill -Jeech level of Age grants ane point per level of Inteligence 1a put into skills, to 4 maxiowsn'of four per level Age is rot without its downside, however. Overtime, enemies and soctels ere accumulaled, and these always. seem to ‘oullest friendships and renown. For each level of Age the character must take one level of ether Adversary or Secret and geins no cheracter points for this Drewback ‘ Quay PY aWioi: Ant 1 haven't been « nerdifor a very long “tine? Viele —dating a guitarst, or Po was. +411 Doomed Your cheracter’s en artist, someane unusually talented and creative. Artisls end up forming bands that don’t suck (Dingoes Ate My Baby, post sousage-fingers phase), painting masterpieces, writing Great American Novels, and doing other cool stuff like that. Artists get 2 +1 to any two mental Attributes ntelligence, Perception or Willpower); the bonuses can- not be stacked onta one Attribute, and the limit remains six for humans. They also geta +1 to (what else®) the Art Skill. Artists tend to be 0 bit sensitive and emotional, though: they have a -I penalty to Willpower rolls to resist crying or losing their temper) or otherwise: lelling their emotions rule. ATTRACTIVENESS ~ J-PomeT/LEVEL QuaLITY OR DRAWBACK Xander: Somehow I don't think-a girl that laoks like that’s gonna be lonely for too (ong Willow: Definitely not. 5.15 1 Was Made to Lave Vou “This Quality or Drawback determines the character's looks (or lack thereof). ‘The average person hos an. Aitrativeness of 0. Alractiveness typically ranges from “5 to 43 in hurnans. A olor +2 make the person stand out in a crowd, At +3 or +4, we are talking madel-good looks. At +5, the pulchritude borders on the heart-stop- ping. On the ather hand, at -I or -2, the person hes home- ly features, or unsightly blemishes scars. AL-3 of -4, the character is downright repulsive, At -5, break out the paper bog-—looking a the character js slmost painful. For some strange reason, most of the students ot Sunnydale High sccm to have Attractiveness of +! or bet- tet, Must be the Hellmouth’s influence. . . (though the ‘cynical might chock it up to ratings). A positive Aliractiveness helps when dealing with peo- ple of the right sex or scxval persvasion, If you're “looking good” enough, a few come-hither glances may helpat gel ecksoge ot 0 rock concer, avid traf se lickels, get your fla tire changed end so on. Add your character's Attractiveness bonus ta any activity (usually Jaflucnce Skill rolls) where persuading peopl is a fector. Negative altraciveness works the opposite wey,, xcept ‘when the purpose is to intimidete someone; people are more scared of an ugly snug then a prety Fece. Alteactiveness costs one point per level if bought as « Quality, or adds one extra character point if acquired es @ Drawback. After character creation, Attractiveness ccen change only by events thet modity the character's entire appearance, either through scarring or plastic surgery, or growing up in the right places if your cher- acter starts out young enough: ("Look ms, I've got breasts now") CLOWN ‘bro Drawaack Xander: Oh, forgiveness is my middle name! Wel atu it avila 1 appreciate it if you guard that secret with your lif. 14 Teacher's Pet Wise guy, ch® The Clown refuses to take things seri- ‘ously and is always coming up with jokes and wise- Gfacks, ven at the, most inappropriate, moments "Perhaps your cheracter is deeply insecure and tries to “goin. other people’s acceptance through humor, oF she ly delights in keeping folks off-balange. with her Yeomments., The biggest problem these characters have eta Bette Une Soe Set rr fa hey joke will only work against them. Glowns are generally accepted and liked during situa- tigns where their quirky humor is not out of place (per ties end other social gatherings, or among friends). “Their sense of humor gets them in trouble during tense ‘and dangerous situations. Another problem the Clown taces is people often do nol take her seriously even when they should, Conracts ‘Vanaaue Quauiry Spike: I've never used this bloke's services myself, but there's talk, ‘Word is fe knows, ing there is to know about resurrection spells. mt 5.17 Forever, You know the routine—make 0 phone cal to the right people ond you get information, special supplies, some, cash, ot even the proper aake-over regimen. This ‘Quality gives your character those phone numbers. The more helpful the contact is, the higher the Quality’s point value. For any end all Contacts, the Director deter- mines whether or not the Contact is available at any given time. Generally, the more time your character has to reach or get word to her Contact, the more likely the Contact will come through, ‘A Coatect thet only provides hints, rumors or gossip costs one point. If the Contact usuelly provides reliable information and helps the character out in small ways (offering @ rides leting the character spend the night ‘over, or getting @ background check on somebod}), this ‘Quality sets you back two points. Actus! allies who help the character in any way they can run three” to five points, depending on the Contact’s resources (the full ‘weight of the Watchers Council, Foriexemple, would cost ive points—note that most Watchers don’t get that much support in the field). Coverous 1 To 3-roint Draweack Cone: 1 fave eam, 08 mon the here ing squad, adored by every varsity male as far as: cg can see! We have to ackicnipar sree be Aimy, Otherwise we... wither and die! Everybody wants stuff. A Covel stuff really badly, ond will do alist anything to get it. She may be motivated by love of money, lust for sensu-