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Annotated Bibliography

"Abortion." Global Issues in Context Online Collection, Gale, 2016. Global Issues in Context,

Accessed 2 Jan. 2017.

This article clearly addresses that abortions are sexist. In certain counties men are more

respected than women; therefore when a mom finds out she is having a daughter she has

an abortion. This article covers important dates regarding abortions like; abortion laws


stricken and laws that were let go. The article also cover key figures in pro-life and pro-


voices. People like Augusto Pinochet and Barack Obama were key figures for the longest

time and made a dent in both sides.

"Abortion Rights." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, edited by William A.

Darity, Jr., 2nd ed., vol. 1, Macmillan Reference USA, 2008, pp. 3-4. Global Issues in


f0dc83bc. Accessed 2 Jan. 2017.

"Abortion: Late-Term/Partial-Birth." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2014.

Opposing Viewpoints in Context,

Accessed 2 Jan. 2017.

This article regarding late-term (partial-birth) abortion covers what exactly late-term

abortion is and the background/history of it. The article states how past presidents, like

George W. Bush pushed to terminated the late-term abortions. In April of 2007 the

abortions were banned and pro-choice advocates went crazy. Some people even turned to

murder and riots. The outcome of banning late-term abortions left some questioning if

they had really done the right thing. I will use this in my paper by showing the negatives

as well as.

Abortion. Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2016. Opposing Viewpoints in


u=mass12242&xid=97396378. Accessed 2 Jan. 2017.

This article from the Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection will be used in my PBA

over the pro-life side of abortions. This link lists the medical issues, social issues,

biological and ethical issues. It goes into depth about abortion in the United States, and

how this topic challenges the law. The Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection shows the

difference between pro-choice and pro-life advocates. Opposing Viewpoints Online

Collection is an unbiased paper listing the facts and dangers that apply to abortions.

"Abortion: Parental Consent." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2014. Opposing

Viewpoints in Context,

Accessed 2 Jan. 2017.

This is a great resource for the PBA on abortion because it gives doctor's opinions.

Located in this is also other options/ fixes for abortions. We can learn from Western

Europe because they have some of the lowest abortion rates. Also in this article people

can see how bringing parents into the situation can both benefit and make it worse. This

also goes over history of cases that have never been solved in the pro-life favor.

Alters, Sandra M. "Abortion Around the World." Abortion: An Eternal Social and Moral

Issue, 2008 ed., Gale, 2008, pp. 105-120. Information Plus Reference Series. Gale

Virtual Reference Library,

7CCX3078100014&it=r&asid=215f96821c108bf02f3ada8336ac9bdc. Accessed 2

Jan. 2017.

Alters, Sandra M. "Certain Types Of LateTerm Abortions Should Be Illegal." Abortion: An

Eternal Social and Moral Issue, 2008 ed., Gale, 2008, pp. 139-144. Information Plus

Reference Series. Gale Virtual Reference Library,

078100018&it=r&asid=2a5101ca0f16e6d318290ac2f201aded. Accessed 2 Jan. 2017.

"Dr. Henry Morgentaler's Death Rekindles Abortion Divide." CBC, 30 May 2013. Global
Issues in Context, Accessed

2 Jan. 2017.

"Obama's Notre Dame Speech Stirs Abortion Debate." R&E Newsweekly, 2009. Global

Issues in Context,

Accessed 2 Jan. 2017.

"Pro-Choice/Pro-Life." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, edited by William A.

Darity, Jr., 2nd ed., vol. 6, Macmillan Reference USA, 2008, pp. 501-503. Global Issues

in Context,


Accessed 2 Jan. 2017.

In this article it covers both sides of pro-life and pro-choice voices. One thing mentioned

in here that needs to be addressed is it claimed someone is a feminist only if they

believed in pro-choice. Feminism is to believe in equality through the sexes and that

women need to be treated more fairly like the men are, but I do not believe in the murder

of a helpless child. This also covers a case fought by Roe V. Wade to rid abortions unless

needed to save the mother. In here its stated that some places have abortions to keep

family size down and to not have a child with disabilities. If people do not want a larger

family then they shouldnt have inercourse and if they do to use better protection. If they
can not handle having a disabled child then maybe they should reconsider having kids in

the first place.

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