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Name: Sang Kee Date: May 1st

Biology 12 Unit 9 Assignment 2: Blood Type and Immune Response Virtual Lab
Please complete the Blood Type and Immune Response Virtual Lab .
External Link:

Read the information and procedures provided in the lab and complete both the table and journal
questions (provided below). Please note you should be answering your questions in detail, by
providing support in the form of data values (external or from the lab) and scientific
information/research to explain your statements.

Table/Graph Section:

Table 1: Blood types data

Patient Reaction when Reaction when Blood type

anti-A serum anti-B serum
added added

1 Clean Clotted B
2 Clean Clotted B
3 Clean Clotted B

Journal Questions:

1. Why is it important to know a persons blood type before giving him or her a transfusion?

It is important to know a persons blood type before a transfusion to prevent the risk of receiving
an incompatible blood type, as it can lead to clotting of your blood and be fatal.

2. What are antigens and antibodies? How are they involved in the bodys response to
incompatible blood?

Antigens are any substance that stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. Antibodies
are proteins manufactured to help fight against antigens. They are involved so people with A
blood type creates antibodies for B antigens and the opposite.

3. Describe the immune response that occurs when an individual receives a transfusion of
incompatible blood.
The immune response that occurs when an individual receives a transfusion of incompatible
blood, antibodies that a patient already has in their blood will attack the antigen and destroy them
resulting in blood clotting.

4. People with blood type O are considered to be universal donors. That is, they can donate
blood to all other blood types. Using your knowledge of blood types and the immune
system, explain why this is true.

Blood type O has no antigens which means you can give your blood to anyone without triggering
their immune system, but only receive type O blood.

5. People with type AB blood are considered to be universal recipients. That is , they can
receive blood from all other blood types. Explain why this is true using your knowledge
of blood types and the immune system.

Blood type AB has both A and B antigens so you can receive any type of blood, but can only
donate blood to others who has type AB.

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