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Instructor: Ms.

Abby Hasebroock
Course: English 110- Literature and Composition
Day and Period: W Day- A and D Periods
Date: Monday, August 17, 2015

Topic: Introduction to The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho- Summer Reading Assignment

Lesson Objectives
Students will understand expectations for English 110 course
Students will review and identify the major plot points of the summer reading novel
The Alchemist and demonstrate mastery on reading comprehension summative quiz
Students will list stages of the Heros Journey and apply concepts to plot points in
The Alchemist

Lesson Plan

Segment IPP Element Activity Time and


Opener/ Do Action Students will turn in 5 minutes

Now paper copies of the summer Completed
reading assignment on The homework, iPad
Download Socrative
student app

Anchor Action Open Google (2-3 minutes of

Activity for Classroom; pull Syllabus previous 5
Early and Course Expectations minutes)
Finishers into a Notability Note Notability App on
Begin reading iPad
and annotate policies and
procedures for English 1

Activity 1 Context Whole Class 10 minutes

Review of plot points in Socrative App on
The Alchemist (see Google iPad
Slides presentation)
Socrative Quiz-
individual assessment
Review Answers
as a class
Activity 2 Context Direct 12 minutes
Instruction: Heros Journey Teacher: youtube
Students will pull video
Heros Journey- 12 Steps Students:
Notes from Google Notability App on
Classroom into Notability iPad
Experience Class Viewing of
Video: What Makes a
Hero?- youTube

Activity 3 Action Partner Activity: 15 minutes

Reflection identify each of the steps Notability App
of Santiagos journey by
completing the graphic
organizer (provided in
Heros Journey notes)

Closure/ Exit Evaluation Students will 3 minutes

Slip upload Heros Journey Google Classroom
Graphic Organizer to App
Google Classroom

Students will have completed a short multiple-choice Socrative quiz on central
components of the novel The Alchemist.
Students will have worked with a partner to identify major plot points and stages of
the heros journey and submitted their own explanation of each step

Prepare for Quiz on Course Expectations
Respond to Question on Google Classroom:
The Alchemist and the Heros Journey: the final step in Joseph Campbells Heros
Journey is The Return, or the moment in which the hero ventures back to her or
his home with some sort of gift that benefits her or his community. Write a 5-7
sentence paragraph that responds to the following question:
Does Santiago return to Andalusia with a gift? If so, explain what he brings back
with him. If not, explain how he returns to Andalusia empty-handed.
Regardless of your opinion, establish a strong claim and support that claim with
evidence from the text (so use some quotes!).

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