Written Assignment

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Written Assignment

ASFA Certificate IV in Financial Services

Competencies assessed:
FNSINC401 Apply principles of professional practice to work in the financial services
BSBWHS201 Contribute to health and safety of self and others
BSBWOR204 Use business technology
FNSCUS402 Resolve disputes
FNSFMK402 Develop and maintain knowledge of financial markets products
FNSORG401 Conduct individual work within a compliance framework
FNSSUP301 Process superannuation fund payments
FNSSUP303 Process superannuation contributions
FNSCUS403 Deliver a professional service to customers
BSBCUS402 Address customer needs
BSBCUS403 Implement customer service standards
FNSSUP305 Implement member investment instructions
BSBCUE309 Develop product and service knowledge for customer engagement

Name [name]

Email [email]

Student [student number]


Company Link

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Penalties may be imposed where there has been a breach of these conditions.
To display your understanding of the course content, all questions must be answered in
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Likewise, copying and pasting material from the internet and other external sources and
presenting it as your own work is also unacceptable. You must appropriately reference
any material from the internet and other external sources.
Students may study as a group; however, each student is still expected to answer the
questions in their own words. Submission of identical answers to any of the questions is
not acceptable. Do not loan your assignment to a student for any reason if another
student plagiarises your assignment (even without your knowledge), your assignment
result may be disregarded and you may be assessed as Not Yet Competent in the
subject concerned.
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the results of the students involved in the case may be disregarded and assessed as Not
Yet Competent in the subject concerned.

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Satisfactory or Not Yet Satisfactory S NYS

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First attempt: review the feedback on the following pages and resubmit the
relevant section/s of this assignment. Note that you are required to resubmit within 2
Second attempt: subject re-enrolment is required

Important: keep a soft copy of your assignment as a backup.

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Assessor feedback: Second submission
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Date of assessment [dd/mm/yyyy]

Question 1

List two pieces of legislation and explain how they impact your role.

Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

Question 2

Fill in the blank TPD benefit payment process steps below.

Question 3

(a) Explain the three requirements for eligibility to be paid a Total and
Permanent Disability benefit.

Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

(b) Who has ultimate responsibility for deciding whether a member is eligible
to be paid a benefit?

Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

Question 4

List four strategies for providing awesome service in the superannuation


Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

Question 5

List four obstacles to providing awesome service in the superannuation industry.

Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

Question 6

(a) In order to give awesome service, you need work with other teams at Link.
What other teams do you deal with when providing customer service?

Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

(b) How do you maintain this support network?

Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

Question 7

List two ways that Link receives information about customer satisfaction.
Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

Question 8

Explain how you manage your time and resources in order to meet your Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your role.

Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

Question 9

(a) Thinking about the funds Link administers, choose one product and list its
main features. You may wish to create a table to store your results.

Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

(b) Now choose a similar product from another fund. Use your research skills
to list the features of this fund.

Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

(c) Now compare these features with the features listed in Part (a).

Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

(d) What resources did you use to find the information about these two funds?

Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

Question 10

Jessica has just started a new job and she has become a member of one of the
funds you look after.

(a) Identify four types of Concessional Contributions that can be made to

Jessicas super fund.

Sgc voucher
Salary sacrifice

Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

(b) Identify two types of Non-concessional Contributions that can be made to

Jessicas super fund.

Government co contributions
Member voluntary

Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

(c) A Member Voluntary contribution made by Jessica has been processed as

a Concessional contribution. List two consequences of this mistake.

Will be added to her concessional cap for the financial year

A contribution tax will need to be deducted from the total
Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

Question 11

What is purpose of Section A Receiving Fund on a Rollover Benefit Statement?

So the member has confirmed the funds have been received into the fund the
was indicated at time of request
Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

Question 12

What is the legal deadline for processing an eRollover?

3 business days
Note: The answer box above expands automatically.
Question 13

What checklists or other procedures are available to help Link staff ensure work
is completed accurately?

Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

Question 14

Explain how Privacy legislation applies to the processing of contributions.

Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

Question 15

(a) What are the two ways a member of a fund administered by Link group
can request an investment switch?

Via a investment switch form

Via their online account
Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

(b) How does a member know when their switch has been processed and

Note: The answer box above expands automatically.

(c) What are two places where a member can find reports and information
about investment returns?
The investment of a of the fund
Note: The answer box above expands automatically.


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