Trumpy Hilly

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Riley Clifford 1

Riley Clifford

Mrs. Pettay

ENG 111, 2B

5 October 2016

Immigration: Trump and Hillary

Out of Americas population, almost 320 million, a bit more than

42 million immigrants live in the United States today. In what is said to

be the most bizarre election in Americas history, the two candidates,

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, battle it out to become the president

of the United States of America. As the number of illegal immigrants

climbs to over 11 million and the issue of racial profiling continues to

make headlines, one pressing topic of the 2016 presidential election is

immigration. Donald Trump plans to enforce a closed-door mindset of

immigration in the United States as opposed to Clintons protected

open door approach to immigration in the United States.

Donald Trump, as stated on his campaign website, defends his

closed-door approach by prioritizing the interest of American citizens.

Over 11 million illegal immigrants take Americans jobs and escape

from federal income taxes. In order to protect American citizens trump

plans to focus in closing the door by enforcing immigration laws and

deporting aliens inside of Americas borders. Speaking of closed doors,

Donald Trump has discussed his intentions to build a wall along the

entire border between the United States in Mexico. Trumps hope is to

Riley Clifford 2

prevent access of illegal immigrants onto United States land. Also, he

believes the wall will put an end to sanctuary cities, which are cities in

the United States developed in order to shelter illegal immigrants.

However, Trump is not opposed to new immigrants. The candidate

welcomes immigrants who will add to America and embrace the

American lifestyle as opposed to those who might turn to criminal

behavior as a means of living. While trump advocates for a closed-

door immigration policy, he is not opposed to immigrants, yet focuses

on the interest of the American people.

The Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton approaches

immigration as an open door. As stated on Hillary Clintons campaign

website, Clinton plans to push for the reform of the immigration system

to full and equal citizenship for the people living in America. Also,

While racial profiling becomes a problematic issue due to the war on

terror, Hillary Clinton believes to help any and all people eligible

become naturalized and a citizen of the United States. As the

incumbent is a democrat, Clinton will defend President Obamas

executive action to keep children and their parents together in the

United States and end family detention for immigrant families. With an

open-door view of the immigrants in the United States, Hillary intends

to close private immigrant detention centers to help improve the living

conditions of immigrants in America. Hillary believes in keeping the

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door open to reform the lives of immigrants in the United States and

provide equal citizenship inside of United States doors.

Whether escaping persecution from their native land or in search

of the American Dream, immigrants come to the United States,

whether legal or aliens, for the opportunity it provides. With such a

large number of immigrants in the America today, the future decisions

made by one of the candidates will be important in the well being of

the United States. While Trump would close the door on immigration to

protect American citizens Hillary would open the door in a way to

protect current immigrants in the United States. The future outcome of

the 2016 presidential election will reveal the new position of Americas

Riley Clifford 4

Works Cited

Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. "SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR DONALD J.
TRUMP." Make America Great Again! N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2016.

"Hillary Clinton 2016." Hillary Clinton 2016. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2016.

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