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unit one pp.6-15 ‘cartoon happy families natural English skin pop tobe aust itcts be? ‘ong lt of terest possesshe both Ao bout you? grammar ‘question forms past simple vocabulary rere talking about you and your ‘omy speaking pvatse asking and answering questions describe yourself talk about a close friend {sk questions about what you ci yesterday listening stories about meeting famous ‘ecple: une i iter careilly, fitening cattonge someone talking abour people in photos people aking about ther families listening booklet listening and ‘ronuelation exercises reading & writing Spel delivey| verte a paragraph comparing fanlies extended speaking Is your famity like mine? Listen to four people talking about their families. Prepare and complete a questionnaie, and trite a paragraph about yout family ite test yourself! on unit one one review p.2« Po pp.16-23, natural English ‘ve noun oto, mich, many, ony saying sory ‘fering food or dink talking abou pcre restaurant language extreme adjectives speaking talc about what you eat and drink talk about dinner nv roleplay a dinner party ‘conversa listening friends having inner together: tune in, lise carefully, dstening shallenge ‘a conversation ina restaurant listening booklet listening and pronunciation exercises reading & writing What do we at? wttea restaurant dalogue extended speaking restaurant scene Talk about your favourite café or restaurant, Invent, write, and role play 2 restaurant conversation. ‘Then listen to another conversation in a restaurant. test yourself! on unit two two review ».25 unit three p.26-33 natural English the best worst thing abot nce, vie et orfeemints walk dstng where things ae 1 grata pce grammar present perfect and past simple vocabulary describing towns distance and time prepositional phrases speaking talk about travel experiences talk about places in your town listening a visor asking for dvctions: rue tien carey, steing chatenge someone describing where she ine listening booklet tstening and Pronunciation execs reading & writing vite a porageap about where you lve extended speaking ‘this where tive Usten to someone tlkngabost sere they ve. Then tl and Arte about the aes where you te ‘test yourself! on unit three three review (errs pp.34-41 natural English this toe (one) these those (ones) con/car'oford wear /eary talking about ste grammar wil for spontaneous deestons and offers tao f very too much many vocabulary dlothes phrasal verbs (1) shopping speaking talk about shopping and That fish looks wonderful, S This toast is cold. 2. Circle the correct answer and fill the gaps. Use the examples in exercise 1 to help you. \djectives go before /after nouns. They also go before /after certain verbs, e4. be, and 3. Write one more adjective you could use in each sentence in exercise 1. The meaning can change. terrible We had a delicious meal, 4 Read your sentences to a partner, Are any the same? 5. The coloured words below are adverbs. Adverbs often end in -Iy. In these sentences, do the adverbs tell us more about the verb or the adjective? Boil the potatoes slowly, (the verb) example ‘The food was very nite. (the adjective) 1 Talways eat my lunch quickly. 2 The lobster was really fantastic. 3. My husband cooks well 4 The soup was ineredibly salty 5. The dessert was absolutely delicious, 6. She prepared everything carefully 6 Choose the correct answers in this letter. it was only 2 small village, but it had a ? great/ greatly restaurant, Everything on the menu was 2 incredible incredibly fresh, and the sevice wos very 3 good/well. My Halian is * terrible/ terribly, and the waiter spoke very 5 quick/ quickly, but | «ad te menu careful/ carefully and understood most of it, had some? wondecful/ wonderfully pasia, Their deseers looked § delicious deliciously, but was on a diet Ifyou ever go there, try this vestaurant ~ ifs 9 absolute/absolutely fantastic, | .g0 fo language reference «id practice exercises p.154 speaking it’s your turn! 1 Work in groups of three. You are friends. ‘Aas invited B and C to dinner. A gotopidi B goto play C gotopae 2 Act out your situation, Use these phrases from this lesson in the extended speaking on p.22. im sorry Imlate. Don't worry it doesn’t matter. This tastes disgusting, Would ou ike something to drink? unit two 24 ; extend sneakina é extended spear scene writing write your conversation act out the conversation listen listen to English speakers acting the same conversation é collect ideas 1. Think! Think about these questions, Which is your favourite restaurant (café? What's it like? How often do you go there? in groups. a ¢é ‘invent a conversation With a partner, look at the pictures. Say how the people look. + The woman looksangry — because —_____. = The man —_____ because = The man (customer) ______ because |= The customer _______ because ‘The waiter ____ because © The man and woman because 4 natural Engish Read the box. Fig (2 Re ead When you are inventing a conversation, give your ideas like this: Think he's/ she's saying, Mlhave.. I think he's/ she's asking, ‘re you. | é writing 5 Invent your conversation together and write it down. Use the language in the natural English box to give ideas. 6 Have you used contractions? e.g. I’m, he’s. Check your writing. 7 Ask your teacher to check your conversation. é act out the conversation 8. With another pair, look at one conversation, Practise acting it out, each taking a role. Do the same for the other conversation. 9 In your group, choose one conversation. Act it out for the class. Which is the best conversation in your class? é listen 10 Listen to these people acting out the conversation. Write down three things that are different to your conversation. 11. Put apostrophes (’) in their conversation (listening booklet ps). How well do you think you did the ‘extended speaking? Mark the line. oO test your vocabulary From this unit: 1 rite down five vegetables beginning with these letters: on___, au i; sp__, pe write down three extreme positive adjectives, eg. fontastc, and three extreme negative adjectives, e.g. title Underline the uncountable nouns in this list: pasta, banana, rice, grape, bread, ative pea, coffee, toast score [ 18) gap-fill Fill the gaps with a suitable word. Contractions, e.g. it’s, count as one word. 1 A Tmsony —__ late. B Don't ___ = it doesn't matter. 2 Thad chicken for my main 3A Was it very nice? B Yes, it was ___ delicious. 4 A Would you like to drink? B That would be lovely. Coffee, please. score [ [5] error correction Correct the errors. 1 When do you usualy have the lunch? 2 We eat much meat in our family. 3 My teacher speaks perfectly English. 4 We had spaghetts for dinner lastnight. score 1] Look back at the unit contents on p.16. Tick v the language you can use confidently. For more practice, go to the review on p.25. one review grammar past simple 41 Work with a partner. Each choose a circle. Write the past simple forms for your circle. wear wore read" break H Spend sing make cost think begin say see sal! see run buy pay go sell ring speak shut 2 Say your past simple forms. Your partner must find a rhyme from their circle, e.g. wore > and saw >. 3. Find a past tense from either circle to complete these rhymes. don't know what she said but her face was very red. The trousers that 1___ were really vey short, The best thing that 1 —__ was a teapot made of gold. The frst time we ____, he offered me a Coke. 1 asked how much she for the fizzy lemonade. I stopped work and ‘Now its time for sport!” When the phone heard a loud bang. The last film was in 1984. 4G) iste. re the rhymes the same as yours? 5 Practise saying the rhymes. 26 unit one review Ks vocabulary family and relationships Find eleven more words / phrases connected with family or relationships. They can be horizontal (—+)or vertical ([). E D w mzmzatozemin wuame> > rowrmomad Zeuwtmomne uzeerzuzou H Think! Where/ What are places A to I? Ci comparative adjectives example Ais on the north-west coast. CT wit he gaa tosh For inthe southwest inthecentre in themountains Prediction inthe south-east on the north-west caast on the north-east coast on the border the capital anvidand off the coast vocabulary parts of a country Compare with a partner. Practise saying the phrases. Li weather conditions 4 Think of a place in your country. Your partner has to guess the place. Ci ctimate and temperature example A Is it in the west? B_ No, isn't W's in the north. A Isivon the coast? B Yes, itis {goto language reference and practice exercises p.160 grammar superlative adjectives 1. Write the first six superlatives in the table next to the rules below. Which is the cheapest area —_in your country’? the most expensive town the wettest aty the cist piece the most boing the best the ______ industrial) the ‘G@angerous) the ____ flat) the —___ Gold) the —_____ (Cosmopolitan) nr) the (agricultural) Bt neaeanted the + adjective +est the longest, the + adjective + fest the busiest (NOT the-benyest), the + adjective + double letter + est the hottest (NOT the-hotest) the + mast-+ adjective the most interesting, the most reloved, the + irregular adjective, the worst Answer the questions with a partner. Why do we say the cheapest, and not shewnostheap? 2 Why do we say the most expensive, and not theexpensivest? 3 Why do we say the wettest, and not #hewetest? Why do we say she driest, and not thecbyest? 3 Complete the other superlatives in the table. 4 Using the table to help you, ask your partner about their country. xample A Which is the wettest place (in your country)? B Generally, I think the north-east is the wettest. ‘ge fo lanquage reference and practice exercises pp. 160-161 listen to this tune in 1G Tseng about Germany. Listen and complete. the north is more .. cities like Hamburg, Berlin ... are ‘The south is more rural and more listen carefully 2 Listen to the whole conversation. Tick ¥ the correct column. the south the north ‘more agricultural smaller cities wetter hotter in the summer colder in the winter flatter ‘more dramatic countryside livelier people more relaxed people Listen again if necessary. listening challenge 3 Lynne is talking about England. isten. What does she say about these things in the north? the weather the people the cost ofiving listen again with the tapescript, listening booklet p.20 grammar comparative adjectives 1 Look at these examples of comparative forms, aovecnve conrararve supenuarive long longer (than) the longest busy busier (than) the busiest hot hoiter (than) the hotest ‘interesting more interesting (than) the most interesting bad worse (than) the worst 2. With a partner, say the comparative forms of these adjectives. Bill Use the examples in listen to this, exercise 2 to help you. attractive busy noiy good young, expensive interesting boring smart thin Friend beautiful peaceful bad fast easy comded dangerous modern big serious confortable 3. With your partner, choose one pair of pictures on the right. Write down at least six sentences about them, Notice we use ‘than in comparative sentences. example Bill is older than Joe. He looks more Cities are more crowded than villages. 4 Find anew partner who chose the other pictures. They must try to guess your sentences, goto language reference and practice exercises pp. 160-161 speaking it’s your turn! 1. Find a new partner. Choose two towns /cities / areas which are very different 2 Think! Alone, think about the differences between the two places. Use the topics in the box. size theweather thecostofiving crime the people entertainment theenvironment the food ‘transport the buildings 3. With your partner, talk about the two places using comparatives. Try to find ten differences. example A. Prague's bigger than Ostrava B Yes, that’s rue. Use these phrases from this lesson in the extended speaking on p.60. es the warmest day this yar. In genera, Inthe south-west, es drier inthe centre ofthe county. 56 unit six weather conditions 4 Complete the sentences. Use a noun, an adjective, or a verb. ay There'll be some sunshine. today, ell be sunny. today. 1 There'll be a lot of Ie be tonight. tonight. 2 Therell be some —_— tomorrow. ll be tomorow. F “ae a arn oe 2 There might be some this evening. ‘might be this evening dy) he 4 There'll be some Ill tomorrow. tomorrow. Bn 5 There'll be a lot of Tel tonight. tonight. 2 Listen and check your answers. Notice the pronunciation of there'll so and itl 3 pronunciation Practise saying the sentences with a partner. of leigh be abit wet with afew! morning, but the afternoon will be \ The? willis to degrees, but it wil then wordbooster climate and temperature 1. Fill the gaps with words from the box. temperature dy rise showers fall (v) ‘thunder heavy iy degrees —_ ‘tomorrow and sunny. in the evening to about 8 degrees, ™M Some areas might have abit of. and lightning in the evening, with more storms later There's going to be *__—rainin the pth Te was minus Five? lastnight, Me so the roads are", but the sermperature wil? ‘this morning, 2 natural English Complete the gaps with these words, rain time colder cloudy In spoken English you can often use @ bit (= a littl): © before negative adjectives © before all comparative adjectives We use a bit of before nouns. Pesabit yu quite warm. Fes sunny but me might have abit of ter. Fesabit than yesterday. Ve've still got a bit of before the bank closes. (NOT Hs e-btwarm today SAY Hs quite marm today) 3 Are these correct? If not, change them. 1 Iesa bit nice today. 2 Isa bit hot than yesterday. 3. There's going to be a bit of sunny later € don’t forget! Use the vocabulary in this wordbooster in the extended speaking on p.60. unit six 57 nr Ading “looking ahead lead-in + ta The tomorrow people this? Tell a partner. Do children have a more positive and imaginative view of the future than adults? We will soon find out in a new TV programme. A large group of seven-year-olds are being interviewed to see what they think ‘the future willbe like. What kind of cas will people drive? What kind of hairstyles will they have? | 2 natural English Listen, How is might ‘And what kind of future do they want? We asked our own group of pronounced? ‘seven-year-olds what they thought. ‘AWhere do you think people will go on holiday? ‘Sheikha: Somewhere ke Greece or ~ the Canary Islands ee a Chloe: Egypt = Lucy: think theyll go tothe moon.“ ¢ Henry: China, to see the Great Wall Emily: Chocolate land that's where Pm not sure. It might be 2 cat (els possible i's a cat) ve no idea. (=| don't know) 3. pronunciation Go to the listening | want to go booklet p.20. Repeat the dialogue, Meg: Disneyland ee stressing the underlined words, B Where do you think people will live? What will the house of the future look like? } Chloe: Se-throuch circular house Kate: big white palace or a house on wheels Henry: house under the sea Moll: think people wil ve on the moon, Carmen: On the 125s a in boat Elie: Every house wil havea oof terrace 4 Work with a partner, Use the language in the natural English box to talk about the children’s pictures in the article read on 1 Read the first paragraph of the article. Tick ¥ the best answer. The article is about: 2 children’s lives in the future. children’s ideas about the future. 2 Read the article, Match pictures 1 10 7 D What kind of job with the speakers. STE et will you have? 3. Think! For each section, which is the best e > Katie: A gymnast answer, and why? What sort of food will Chloe: A vet example In question A, Lthink (Lucy's) people eat? Sarai: Bank manager answer is the funniest /the George: We will eat rock and Ewan: | will be a most intelligent / the most blue pizza, footballer. | will play for interesting, Sheikha: Vegetables and frit. Scottand. Shaaib: | wil be a cleaner Ellie: pop stay, then be rich and famous. George: Racket maker Emily: Limousine seller Children wil eat sweets CChioe: Space food Henry: Cooked food a wheel (a)! roek in (n) a doctor . ome “Amber: Chinese food For animals Elle: Bread and vegetables and fruit with a new kind of vitamin 4 Compare your answers in small groups, 58. unit six 5 @ natural English Listen and complete the questions. ‘e Pe eae What sort of 2 What kind of What kind of & What sort of 5 pronunciation Listen again and repeat. Notice how What sort of Jo and What kind of >) sin" are pronounced. 7 Ask a partner what sort/kind of food and drink they like best. grammar will, be going to, might for prediction 1 Complete the example below each rule. When you ‘predict’, you say what you think will happen in the future. In English, you can use will (orl) + verb, or be going to + verb. 1 Think people or I think people (Give) on the moon. (Give) on the moon. Inthe negative, you usually use won't + ver 2. She's sure she (not pass) her exam. In the negative, you can also say I don't think it will happen (more natural than Eehinke won't happen) 3. He doesnt think he (be late, 1 you are about 75% sure, you use will probably + verb. 4 We —____ (probably stay) at home this evening. 1f something is possible (about 50% sure), you often use might 1 + verb. 5. My sister (come) and see me this weekend. 2 Compare with a partner. 3. With a partner, correct any incorrect / unnatural sentences. 1 think Milan will to win the game tomorrow. 2. She thinks they're going to pay her more money. 3. He'll finish probably soon. 4 Think they won't like the film: i's very sad. 5 I might pass my exam, but I'm not really sure. 4 Match the sentence halves. 1 Twenty years from now, there will be 2. Lthink cars will be 3 Tdon’t think the weather will get 4. Children will probably learn 5 Twenty years from now, everyone will work a safer twenty years from now. 'b_ everything from computers © more bicycles than cars. 4 colder in the next 20 years. © until they are 75. Do you agree with the predictions? Why / Why not? Tell a partner. {40 10 language reference and practice exercises p.162 speaking it's your turn! 1. Think! Choose three questions from the article. Make your own predictions, using will (probably), be going 1, ot might. examples think we'll probably eat organic food in the future. I might be a businessman five years from now. 2 Compare your answers in small groups. 3 (@) Listen to adults answering similar questions. Which questions do they talk about? 4 Listen again. What do they say about these things? ~home ~ glass =the population = men and women 5. Do you prefer the children’s answers, or the adults’ answers? Pyaar asd Use these phrases from thi 'tllprobaly jesson in the extended speaking on p.60. I dr’ tink it ill le won't. unit six 59) weather forecast ne collect ideas talk about recent weather; listen toa 1 What was the weather like last week? weather forecast 2 What was the weather like yesterday? plan a weather 3 Was it the same in other parts of the country? forecast 4 What was the weather like when you got up this morning? decide on the weather for tonight and tomorrow 2 Compare in small groups. write the forecast Tonight, you'll need an umbrella in the north/ the south, write your forecast Tonight, itl be warmer in the north/the south. together Tomorrow, its going to be windy in the south /the west. Tomorrow, you'll need a coat in the north/the south. Tomorrow, there will be some sunshine in the north /the north-east present the forecast practise with a partner, then present it to another pair é plan a weather forecast ee Look back at the 4 Work with a partner. Draw a large map of your country (example on p.61) and divide it Te hea into two or three regions. For each region, decide what the weather will be like tonight ‘Teleinia tieene and tomorrow, and draw weather symbols on your map, like these: Cees 60. unit six €é write the forecast 6 With your partner, write your forecast. Use the listening booklet p.22 to help you. 7 natural English Can you add these words to your forecast? ro a Soe tt ee aa Le You often use around, about, and or so when you want to say a syumber which is nat exact. + wil be around 25 degrees inthe afternoon wil probably have about five centimetres of snow. might rain for an hour or so, but then i wll be sunny. € present your weather forecast 8 Divide the weather forecast between you. Practise reading your part using the map. Try to memorize most o 9 Practise the forecast with your partner until you are fluent. 10 Find another pair. Show them your map and give your weather forecast. Then listen to their forecast and make a note of any differences. test yourself! How well do you think you did the ‘extended speaking? Mark the line. 0 test your vocabulary From this unit, write down: 1 six more nouns to describe the weather 2.9. (07 oe 2 another way of saying each undertined word / phrase: What sort of food do you like? Maybe it’s a cat. She's around 50. What's this? Ldon‘t know. the comparative and supertative forms of: good, crowded, happy, wet, dangerous, flat, boring score gap-fill Fill the gaps with a suitable word. 1A Do you feel better? B No, I feel _____ than yesterday. 2 Ibiza is an island off the ____ of Spain. 3 _____ will be some rain tomorrow. 4 She probably be late as usual. error correction Correct the errors. The most friendliest people live in the south. Tm sure our team don't win the match tomorrow. It might to rain tomorrow, It’s sunny this morning, but it’s going to be a bit of cloudy later. score [TE] total score | [5] Look back at the unit contents on p.54. Tick v the language you can use confidently. For more practice, go to the review on p.63 unit six 61 five review grammar can / can’t, have to / had to 1. Look at the table. Think about the ‘questions you need to ask. ‘example Do you have to get up early most days? (1) FIND SOMEONE WHO... 1 has to get up early most days. 2 doesnt have to use public transport to get to school. 3 has to work/study at weekends, 4 had to look after a brother or sister when they were younger 5 had to wear a uniform at primary school didi't have to do any housework when they were younger 7 can speak three languages. — 8 cant drive 2 Get up and ask the questions. Write names in the table. *G] natural English 1. Correct the errors. 1. Tdon't know to spelt ‘elephant. 2 A Things are getting more expensive. BYes, is true. 3. AWhat is it? BI don’t sure, 4 At university you can wear how you like It’s a good idea make a plan before you write 6 Anna, is it OK that I borrow your dictionary? 2 Check your answers using the natural English ‘boxes in unit five, 62. unit five review vocabulary collocation Work with a partner. Find phrases in the grid to fil the gaps. The phrases can run in any direction, 1. Ttyou want to make pragess , you have to study a lot. 2. Children under five often 3 Itsdifffcult to _____ if you don't study. 4 AWhy did you yesterday? BI had a doctor's appointment. 5 Thaveto tomorrow. I hope I pass! 6 Wehad to ____ at school. It was dark blue 7 Tear't come out tonight. I have to 8 Many students ____at eighteen, and then go to university. A Miss TAKE AN EXAM LESSON PASS. TO NURSERY SCHOOL WEAR AN EXAM Go EXAM LEAVE ‘A UNIFORM REVISE FOR AN SCHOOL vocabulary & natural English Work in A groups and B groups. AAS ~ look at the exercise below. Bs ~ go to p.145. student A 1. Complete the gaps with another A student. 1 Tdon't how to spell that word. Do you spell it with one F, 2 After school, children go to primary school. 3. [left ______ and went to university to ____ history, 4 Igot a bicycle when I ___ seven years old. 5 In many countries, you drive until you're 18. 6 Id like to go out, but it on the weather, 2 Read your sentences to a B student. Are they the same? six review grammar will / won't, be going to 1 With 2 partner, write six predictions about the rest of today's lesson, using will / won't or be going to. examples Well listen to a cassette. Silvia will lose her pen. We won't speak in Italian. 2 At the end of the lesson, look at your predictions again. Which sentences are true? Tell the class. grammar comparatives and superlatives 1. Work with a partner. You have five minutes. Write as many sentences as possible about the pictures, using comparatives or superlatives. examples The giraffe is the tallest animal. The tiger fs more dangerous than the rabbit. 2 Read your sentences to another pair. You get one point for each sentence which is different from theirs. J natural English Think of another way of saying the underlined words / phrases. What kind of films do you tike? Dac's arriving around seven o'clock. A What's the answer? 8 I don't know. 4 I'm not sure, but its possible he's French, 5 We've still gota little time, Check your answers using the natural English boxes in unit six. vocabulary weather 1 Find a partner. ‘A think about the crossword clues betow. B - think about the crossword clues on p.145. student A 1 We had terrible -Tt rained every day It's very grey and __ today. When it doesn't rain, the streets are weather on TV or the radio After it rains, the streets are N Its20 centigrade today. 2. Read your clues to your partner, and complete the crossword together, 3. The letters in the green boxes spell a word. What is it? Unit six review 63 natural English Li anyway, so anyway Di tink words and phrases (1 hove a good /bad time [uses of get Di asking how to say things grammar i past simple and past continuous vocabulary Cl phrases with oo i iregular verbs Ci phrasal verbs (2) tick ¥ when you know this how to. tell a story lead-in 1. Think! Think of: — two things that might happen on a good day example you buy some nice new clothes —1wvo things that might happen ona bad day example you lose your bag 2 Compare in small groups. Which are the best/ worst things? listen to this ‘tune in 1 With a partner, describe what’s happening in the pictures. Use the glossary words. fleld (n) ©) a large area of grass inthe helicopter (n) type of small countryside aircraft plenic (n) a meal you take and eat outside land (y) ia plane lands, it comes dawn from wave (\) \<' move your hand in the at, ‘the air (opp take off) eg, the man is waving in picture 2 stories en to the beginning of : F @ reranede iate eiat listening challenge ‘Tyler's story. Is it the same as your description? 6 With a partner, write three questions you want to ask Tyler. 3. What do you think is going to happen next? Tell your partner. exan ve Was it easy to organize? 7. Listen, Do you hear your questions? If so, what are the answers? listen again with the tapescrip, listening booklet p.23 8 natura English Find an example of amway and so anyway in the listening booklet .23. ic natural English In spoken English, you use anyway or so anyway when you want to begin the next part of a story, or go back to the main story. Janet didn't know about it So anyway, we got inthe helicopter, and We drank the champagne. Anyway, we landed and 9 How do you say anyway /so anyway in your language? 1 Put the words in the box the correct place in the table geand.. wav gofer./'goh go. goto fisten carefully 4 Listen to the story. Were you right? What happened in the helicopter? i@ a mealin a restaurant arun awak @ S Try to complete the sentences about the sightesing shopping sking snimming story. Listen again if necessary. pilot asked Janet to see afm watch a match see a friend. buy something a wedding a party a disco @ meeting 2 clicopter flew over With a partner, practise saying all the phrases in the table. ler said to Janet 4 Janet said, .¢ pilot gave them two glasses and © They landed and finished their Lo act, Tyler organized it —____ bere. 2 Complete the sentences on the left with a suitable word / phrase, 2 @ natural English Listen and underline the link words you hear. FIND SOMEONE WHO. NAME ORE INFORMATION is going fora mo this weted. deere wants to g9 You can use these words /phrases to link tomorrow. events in a story. went 19 First/First ofall, | we went for a meal. eae After that /Afterwards, 0000 we went to a | musical, which was great this weeted | Then/And then we met some frends going to —_ | 3 Where can you use these link words in seen. your story? went 4 Tella partner about your great day/ last winter swreekiend: Thegiean ae you quad 5. Write your story. Use your ideas from exercise 1, and some of the link words example A Are you going for a meal at a restaurant this weekend? in the natural Engish box. BYes, Lam. A Oh, right. And where are you going? B Pizza Planet 3. Get up. Ask different people questions and complete the table. writing 1 Think! Think about a great day / weekend you had recently. Use these questions to help you prepare your story. Don’t write. CAM TPA aloo 1D ‘Where were you? ‘When was it? ‘Who were you with? ‘What did you do? tthink of three things) 1 2 3 How did you feel at the end? Use these phrases from ts lesson in the extended speaking on p.70. ‘Anyway, we went for a picnic And then We went forawak. After thet, 66 unit seven wordbooster irregular verbs 1 Match the verbs and pictures. sted bite bo rumafter break voi throw lim bark 9 fallover hurt > teh Se) hit a b is s » bh ah} yy 2 Complete the table with a partner. Which verb is regular? Practise saying the verbs with your partner. rb | past simple | past participle verb | past simple hit . burt | , seal throw | 3 With your partner, say what happened in each pair of pictures. example 1 The man fell over and... irregular verb Uist p.174 phrasal verbs (2) 1 Complete with the correct form of a phrasal verb from the box. edown take off break down fall over runaway tumup standup set off 41 Tried to catch the boys but they at and broke my arm, 3. The doctor told me to on the bed. 4 He was planning to come, but he didn’t 5 Ourcar on the motorway. 6 We from Paris at six in the morning, and got home by midday. 7 He —— because the old tady needed a seat. 8 The plane couldn't —__ it was very windy. tried to catch the boys, but they because © That's right. 2 Sometimes the meaning of a phrasal verb is similar to the main verb: example sit down is similar to sit Usually, the meaning of a phrasal verb is, different from the main verb: example carry on means ‘continue’ cory means ‘take something with you in your hands’ In exercise 1 which phrasal verbs have the same meaning as the main verb? goto language reference and practice exercises p.163 € don't forget! Use the vocabulary in this wordbooster in the extended speaking on p.70. unit seven 67 & read we had a terrible time lead-in 1 Complete these sentences, then tell a partner. Thad a great time when I Thad a terrible time when I '@ 7 MR md Vm having a it 'm enjoying myself) hada natural English the gaps. isten and complete 3. pronunciation Go to the listening booklet p.24. Listen and repeat. Stress the nderlined words. read on 1 Look at the headline and pic the article. What do you think honeymoon means? What do you think happens in the story? Read the story. Eight things went wrong on the holiday. Underline them. Underline three words or phrases you don’t know, Can you guess the meaning from the context? Ask a partner and then check with a dictionary. What's your idea of a perfect honeymoon? Think of five things with a partner. Then compare with another pair. fortunately >!) luckily (opp unfortunately) fire alarm (1) bello tell people there isa fre evacuate (v) ©) vn! leave place because it is not safe dolay (n) wien you have to wait longer than you expected ‘smash (v) break sth into many pieces 68 unit seven A honeymoon to forget When John and Paula Beaumont Willard got married and promised to love each other, they had no idea how bad their skiing honeymoon was. going to be ... First, the taxi to the airport didn’t tum up and they had to askea friend (0 take them; fortunately they got there justin ime, They got on the plane, then discovered the pilot was sick, and they had to wait two hours for another one, They finally st off and arrived in Toulouse several hours later. They got on the bus to take them to their hotel, but it bro ‘down, still inthe airport. When they port was evacuated. were waiting for another bus, there 2 was a fire alarm and the After a two-hour delay, they left Toulouse Airport again. Ths time, when the bus was leaving the car park, a taxi drove into the back of it~ another delay. By he time they finally got to the hotel, they w ‘and fed up, but atleast the had arrived. Their holiday was beginning then on the thie day, John fell ov ski ofthe week, Paula tr and broke his shoulder and couldn't to enjoy herself, but it wasn't much fun and they wanted to come home. But the morning before the left, they gota phone call from the 2» neighbour who was looking after John's war. The previous night, the neighbour noticed that someone had smashed the car winclow, so he went to check their fat as well 1» The door was open. Thieves had taken everything including all their wwerlding presents. "We terrible time,” Paula said, back in England we about getting married ‘but we have no 5 natural English Look at the box. Which examples of get mean ‘arrive’, and which mean ‘receive’? ris ere Get is one of the most common verbs in spoken English. It has many meanings. Here are two. Can you get here by 700 pm? | got to work half an hour late. | did't get the information until today. Did you get my e-mail? 6 Look back at the article, | Find two examples of get meaning ‘arrive’, and one meaning, 2 Find two other phrases with get grammar past simple and past continuous 1 Put these events from the story in the correct order. 2 The bus broke down, » i The pilot was sick, so the plane couldn't take off. © Oy A taxi hit the bus when it was leaving the car park. {2 Thieves stole their wedding presents. D The taxi to the airport didn’t tam up. here was a fire alarm when they were waiting for another bus. 5 John fell over and broke his shoulder. 2 Look at the sentences in exercise 1 again. Answer the questions. | Which two sentences include verbs in the past continuous? 2 How do you form the past continuous? 1 3. What other tense is used in those two sentences? £ Look at this sentence and answer the questions below, A taxi hit the bus when it was leaving the car park \hich action was longer — leaving the car park, or the accident? Which was the main action — leaving the car park, or the accident? Which tense do we use for each action? The bus was leaving the car park. The taxi hit the bus. 3 Make sentences using the past simple and past continuous with wher example fall over /run for the bus fel over when was running for ‘the bus. hit my head / wash the car Chris get here /have lunch sit in the garden /my sister arrive car break down /drive to work start raining / wait for the bus work in the garden / hear a noise 4 pronunciation Notice the pronunciation of was o> (lot or) Practise saying the sentences in exercise 3. 5. Complete these sentences, using the past simple or past continuous. 1 Unfortunately, the postman knocked on the door when 2 When I was paying for my ticket, 3. Thurt my knee when. 4 Tost my credit card when 5. They were standing at the bus stop when 6 She finished the chocolates when 6 Read them toa partner. Are any the same? ‘goto language reference and practice exercises p.163 speaking it’s your turn! 1. You're going to act out some sentences. Work in A pairs and B pairs. A pairs ~ go to p.141. B pairs ~ go to p.142. 2 A pairs - work with a B pair. Act out your sentences. Can they guess what happened, and what you were doing? extended speaking on .70. ‘Arman was playing loud music Use these phrases from this lesson in They were having a good time. When we got to the car . The dog was barking unit seven 69 — é collect ideas talk about picnics; tell the beginning of tte story and check vocabulary invent the ston prepare the story and decide on the ending tell the story tell the story to a new partner listen to someone telling the same story write your story Cee erga ss CT Peat A eos 70° unit seven stop thief! é collect ideas 4. Think! Think about the questions, ‘Where do people go for picnics? What do they take to eat and drink? When and where was your last picnic? Do you like them? Why/Why not? 2. Compare your answers in small groups. 3 Look at pictures 1 and 2 with a partner, You are Tom. Tell the ‘tory so far. Remember to tell it in the past. Begin like this: ided to It was sunny day, so we d 4 Tell your teacher your ideas, to write on the board. 5. natural Engish Look at pictures 3 to 6. Do you need any vocabulary? Ask your teacher, using the phrases in the box. rie ‘a Es Addie Au ‘What's this called (in English)? it's a [brick], (asking about nouns) How do you say larilo (in English)? Brick. (asking about any word) , invent the story 6 With a partner, tell the story in pictures 3 to 6. Make notes, but don’t write sentences. Use some of these link words. 50 (so)anyway then after that when —_(unlfortunately 7 Together, decide what happens after picture 6. Practise telling the whole story with your enc é tell the story 8. Find a new partner. Tell them the story with your ending. Which ending do you prefer? € listen @ Listen to somebody telling the story. What happened at, the end? €, writing 10 At home, write your story. Remember to use some link words from exercise 6. test yourself! How well do you think you did the extended speaking? Mark the line. ° test your vocabulary From this unit, write down: the past simple of these verbs: steat, bite, theow, catch, fal, hurt, go three phrases with go + ing and three with go fora + noun the missing adverbs: The plane took Could you lie The car broke Henri turred an the bed? half an hour tate. gap-fill Fill the gaps with a suitable word. Did you 2 good time last night? When she rang her brother. ‘We went for a walk, and that we sat an the beach, What's this to the office, she in English? score error correction Correct the errors. 1 When I looked outside, it rained. 2 He was arriving at my house when I was hraving lunch, 3 How you say ‘zimmer’ in English? 4 Shall we go in a nightclub this evening? score [TA] Look back at the unit contents on p.64. Tick ¥ the language you can use confidently. For more practice, go to the review on p.82. unit seven 71 tick Y when you know this natural English Ci suggestions Dit’ poputar/ common ibe going to + verb atl day /night/ week the time invitations Fi making arrangements grammar 166 going to, might, would ike to present continuous for future cabulary time phrases verb + noun collocation life with in groups... 1 When did you last go on holiday with your family? Where did you go? Where did you stay? What did you do? Did you enjoy it? reading for fun 2. Read the cartoon. Is this a typical family? Does this happen in your family? 3 @ Listen and follow the cartoon. 4 @ natural English Listen and complete the sentences. ‘ae e rae) We could kod’ to the cinema Hmm, maybe. How about —__ a video? Yes, good idea We could fora burger. 1 don't ike burgers very much, Well, ___ about _ fora pizza? Yeah, lovely 5 What verb form follows: = could? — ~ how about /what about? 6 pronunciation Listen to 8.2 again and repeat. Copy the intonation. 7. Find three suggestions in the cartoon. 8 In small groups, make suggestions and agree on something you could do together this evening example A What shall we do this evening? 'B How about going to that new bar? A Yes, or we could go for a meal ... € don't forget! Use the phrases from this natural English box in the extended speaking on p.80. PE caster > Christian holiday in kids 9 children EY March/April abroad © 90! (to)a foreign country EY ha, ha, very funny o here, i ironie—it ‘no way 8 certainly not ‘means “that's not funny holidays What are we doing on Sunday? SE dh dre kraw ef ve could go shopping Ye Uc i and hntiean | 7] iat are we doing inthekaster {taki yes ‘tidy thesease mth ‘your cousins. 3 oo foxheaere Sing to Calon? fens 0h, ha, ha, very funny. Most parents organize fe things forthe Wis. STUDY M MY HOLIDAYS? ‘No way staying here! You could go and sta wth Spr fab and study Spanish B + reading. ne lead-in 1. Think! What do people do at the weekend in your country? Think about young people and older people. Make a list. fa it’s popular / common Football is extremely popular (& alot of people ike it) Gardening isn't very popular Programmes about _— are quite common. (= they happen lot) NOT Programmes about cookery are usa. 3 Insmall groups, compare your lists and decide which are the top five activities. Use the phrases in the natural ngish box. 4 Tell the class your grouy {go to language reference and practice exercises 165, articles (4) ‘stop five. Do they agree? read on 1 As~read the text about Ecuador. Bs ~ read the text about Hong Kong. Tick ¥ the activities which are mentioned in your text window shopping family parties valeyal joesing going to the beach going tothe cinema going torestaurants dancing basketball ‘Compare with a partner who read the same text 2. Underline three words or phrases you don’t know. Can you guess the meaning from the context? Check with a dictionary. 3. Answer the questions with a partner who read the same text. Which is the most popular activity? Which are the most popular sports? What extra information do you learn about window shopping? ‘What kinds of films do people like? Which activities are popular with women? 6 Which activities are popular with men? 4 A~find a B partner. Compare your answers to the questions in exercise 3. Do any answers surprise you? 74 unit eight Free time in EcuADOR Weekends are for families in Ecuador, often with big family gatherings or celebrations children's birthday parties — with older relatives also invited — weddings, etc Families often travel outside the main cities ‘0 countryside farms or small towns where traditional dishes are the main attraction While team sports, particularly football or volleyball, ere more popular with men, it is becoming more common to see women walking in parks, jogging. or cycling, Another big attraction for couples and families is going to shopping malls, However, most people are just window shopping, because everything is extremely expensive and they can't afford to buy things. These malls are more cammon in bigger cities. Teenagers go out dancing at night, either to salsa or techno-latin music. Smaller cities are lively too, and the streets are usually packed with cars, and people playing loud ‘music and drinking, One interesting thing is that some of the most popular TV shows — ‘Such a8 soap operas or reality shows ~ are not shown at weekends, so cinemas are defintely busier. Most flms are from the US, but recently there have been several {00d Latin American movies. gathering (n) a party or meeting of people F> shopping mall (n)alarze building with lots of P| diferent shops F | soap opera in) a programme about a group of people which is shown several times a week Free time in HONG KONG Ask anyone living in Hong Kong how they spend their weekends and most will answer ‘shopping’. Young people meet friends and spend the day window shopping. The women usually go to the designer boutiques and shopping malls, while men head for the big computer centres Most shops stay open until 10.00 p.m. but when they close there's elways the night merket where you con ‘haggle’ for « goad price. Far those ‘who don’t like spending their nights shopping, particularly men, there is horseracing, which starts around 6.00 p.m. and goes on until very late. The cinema is very papulae, with lang queues of people waiting to see the latest films, especially hose with Jackie Chan. Afterwards, younger people go on ta @ bar or nightclub to dance the night away, while older people enjoy going out sundays are a time to relax. Ifthe weather is nice, many go to the beach for the day, or take < ferry to one of the nearby islands, For those who like sport, there are tennis courls and sivimming pools, but the most popular sport is basketball window shopping (n) when you look in shops but don’t buy anything designer boutique (n) shop selling fashionable expensive eloches ‘shopping mall (n) large building with lots of diferent shops soy bush a small } grammar be going to, might, would like to 1. Write three sentences about the future using all the words in the circle, Pm | like” this evening Best = sentence with see a film et stayin ared wor to Pd going next week attheweekend have my hair cut 2 Read your sentences to two other people, Are their sentences the same as yours? 3. Match 1 103 with atoc, 1 Yd like to goto the beach this weekend. 2 Em going to see a film this evening. 3. Tmight go to the shopping mall tomorrow. Is my plan, I've already decided to do it. b_ sa possibility © Twantto do it, but I have no definite plan. 4 Choose the best answer, 1 Thaven't got a ticket for the final, but I'm going to/'d like to go. 2 Is too far to walk and I've got my car, so I'm going to/T might drive there, I might /1'd like to go to the cinema tonight, but I'm not sure, 4. don’t know what to give my mum for her birthday. { might / I'm going to get her some flowers, 5. I'm going 10/1 like to have lunch with my uncle. Ihave to be there at one o'clock: 5. With a partner, take turns to change the sentence below, using the words given. Don’t write anything, Td ike to stay in tonight. Light stayin tonight. | might stayin tomorrow. 1 might 2. tomorrow 3 going to 4 he 5 might 6 sea film 7 ike to 81 9 going wo 10 next week LL we 12 might 6 Write down the last sentence. Compare with another pair. Is theirs the same? goto language reference and practice exercises p. 165, unit eight 75 7 ‘Trude and Lynne are talking about their plans for the 8 Listen again, Complete columns 2 and 3. weekend. Listen and complete column 1, Write T (Trude) . orL (Lynne) 9 Df sm pete gen antec 1 2 3 example Trude’s going to meet some acid friends on Friday evening. - 10 natural English Read the box. Fry og TT mest fends zs Pe = 7 a CD cy i” ra oto the pare ae Tee ee) 0 sopaing Tabet ee ale Pm going to the dentist next week. NOT I'm going, aaa togo to the dentist next week Are you going shopping this afternoon? NOT fre you go suimvring going te-ge shopping this afternoon? 0 aay for the day ina it’ speaking it’s your turn! imite fends for inch 4. Think! Think about your own plans. stayin at homed Write down five things you are going to do, might do, or would like to do this week / weekend. 2. Find someone in the class with at least two similar plans. What are you going to do this weekend? Have you got any plans for this weekend? Le Yes, Pm going to .. Use these phrases from this lesson in the extended speaking on p.80. We're going to We might (like to. Fim going to 76 unit eight wordbooster time phrases 1 Write these time phrases in the diary. 4 © natural English Listen. Notice the stress on the underlined words. all day Tuesday =) ‘tonight tomorrow evening all tomorrow afternoon dd g lastnight next Monday inten days’ time three days ago all day / night / week / ‘the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday this Sunday ear You can use all + day/night, etc. to talk about a period of time, from beginning 4th Monday 11th Monday to end. oe Twas atthe beach all day on Saturday, (NOT ailthe-dey) 7 S [e's going tobe sunny all week. Sth Tuesday 12th Tue c! a The dog was barking al night. 4. DDawn-P ," We speak italian in class all the time. 1wallday Tuesday (often or alnays) Gth Wednesday 13th Wednesdoy 1.0Dp T worked ard all day. = from 3.00 to 500) “= ——— | worked hard every day. (eg. Monday to Friday) Tth Thursdoy 14th Thursday i e sob AY* ‘ 5 pronunciation Listen again and repeat. 4.00pm Stress the undertined words, cp | thinks think of things you do al day, alt 8th Fidoy 15th fidoy ee 2. DD-S- D0 pw = example T wear gasses all day. D.SPpwe So rit ive peopte in the class who do the Ith soturdoy 16th soturiay same things as you. ’ 40 fo language reference and practice exercises — 166, articles (4) 10th Sundoy 17th sundoy . u € don’t forget! OO — Use the vocabulary in this wordbooster in the extended speaking on p.80. 2 pronunciation Practise the phrases. Stress the undertined syllables. 3. What are the dates in the diary for these time periods? 1. this week this weekend next week the week after next. next weekend ‘the day after tomorrow ~ Friday the eighth at 11.00 a.m? ~ That's tomorrow = ~ Yes, tha’ right. # Seemeeeeneal unit eight 77 ( f>) listenin vocabulary verb + noun collocation 1 1 with a pater 2. Who’ tre tomorrow evening? 3 Are the sentences true for you? 3 Who's free the day after tomorrow? Why /Why not? Compare your answers 4 What are they going to do? in small groups. 5 Where are they meeting, and when? inviting listerring challenge 1 natural Engish Listen and notice 4 Nadia is going to ring someone else. Decide who Complete the words. 1 Lalways eccept invitation 2. Loften use the phone to make an or dentist. 3 never make any ... Make arrangements listen to this tune in 1 © 2a a party last week. He decides to phone her. Listen to the beginning of the conversation. Tick 7 the phrases you hear. weekend in advance. 4 often envete friends for dinner: Hi, Nadia, It’s Jon, In my country i's not polite 10 reese Hello, Nadia, 7 Thisis jon, an invitation to dinne 6 Where Llive, you always need to besk Tin fins) box aieit rs Hewes rea gett se ou table nea eerie I'm Ok, how about you? te was realy nice to see you. 7 Ift'm planning a long train journey, I usually make a beskeng by phone 8 Loften mak and then chang them all How do you pronounce the phrases in green? Underline the stress, then practise the intonation. Would you Fike to come over this eveing? Yes, great 'dlove to, Do you «\- want to come shopping tomorrow? love to, but I can't 78 pronunciation Listen again and repeat. Copy the stress and intonation, Work with a partner. Invite each other to do three different things. unit eight. 2. What do you think Jon’s going to say next? Tell the class. listen carefully 3. Listen tothe conversation. Answer the questions Who's free this evening? {a friend? a boyfriend?) and why. Listen to check. listen again with the tapescrpt, listening booklet p.26 5 natural English Which of these phrases are in tapescript 8.7 on p.26 of the listening booklet? fa iit Buu cuubd Why don't we meet outside the cinema? How about 830? ‘Shall we meet outside the cinema? Yes fine. 6 pronunciation Listen again with tapescript &.7 and repeat the section in bold. Copy the intonation. Then practise with a partner. grammar present continuous for future 4 Now make a sentence for each picture. example She's meeting her brother at the 1 Complete these sentences. Use tapescript 8.7 in the listening station at lunchtime booklet p.26. 1 Sie iene. 5 Won th spares Take tui to aye and give excuses, using the pictures. 1—___ nny sister tonight. eae example Would you like to go for a 2 Answer these questions about the sentences in exercise 1. walk at lunchtime? 1 Are they talking about the present or the future? BY'd love to, but I can't. ’m 2 Is there a definite time or place for these plans? meeting my brother at the 3 What tense is used in the examples? station: 4 How do you form this tense? _go to language reference ard practice exercises p.166 Can you use be going 10 + verb in these sentences? nguyen speaking it’s your turn! You're going to plan a conversation with a partner, Go to p.142. 3 Match the words with the pictures. writing 4 shopping/ friend golmeeting —__ave/ drink/ giriend have] dinner/fiends _—_play/tennis_-—_—meet [brother station 1. Put the e-mail in the correct order. B/%-slA ls [oan you let us know as soon 2s possible Fi we're having dinner there, 77 See you later, Mila and Eiko, and then we're going t the cinema to see a hoor film. Hi Zoltan and Erika We could al meetin the hotel bar 7.00. 7 because we might have to book a table? h © Would you ike to come? i We've decided to goto the Fitz Hotel tomorrow evening next Thesday 2. With your partner, write a similar e-mail to another pair. Describe your plans, and invite them to come with you. 3. Give your e-mail to the other pair. They should write a short reply. this evening Cor cl Use these phrases from this lesson in the extended speaking on p.80. Where shall we mest? Whydon'twe..? ‘We're meeting at 600 on Saturday. Im going to book a table. unit eight 79 talk about your last 1 Think! When did you last go out for evening out; decide the evening with a group of people? what to do on a Where did you go? group night out Who did you go with? " Ht What did you do? plan the night out in What was it like? detail 2 Tella partner. tell another student about your plans '3. Think! You are going to organize a night out with three or four people in your class. Read the suggestions. go to a bar or restaurant and then go to ... adub adisco a show the cinema a concert a sports event oR 2 organize a barbecue cr party for your group Which suggestion do you like best? When are you free to do one of these things? How much do you want to spend? Compare your choices in small groups. Decide what your group is going to do, and when. 80. unit eight € plan a night out 5 In your group, plan your night out in detail. Use these questions to help you. PARTY OR BARBECUE |Which day ae you going out? Where are you going to have your party/barbecue? What music are you going to have? When's it going to start/inish? ‘Are you going to invite other people? |What are you going to eat/drink? ‘Who's going to buy i? ‘Who's going todo the cooking? How are you going to get home? BAR/ RESTAURANT + ANOTHER EVENT Which day are you going out? ‘Which bar/restaurant are you going to? What time are you going to meet? ‘Where are you going to meet? Who's gong to Booka table if necessary Where are you going afterwards? What exact are you gong to do/ se? Do you need to book tickets? ifs0, who's going to book them? How are you going to get home? 6 Together, write down the important information in note form. GROUP NIGHT OUT Saturday 26th April from 7.00 Hil | 1.00. Barbecue at Green Park, near the lake ... é talk about your plans 7. Find a new partner, Tell them who was in your group, and ‘what your plans are. example We're going out on Saturday evening. First, we're meeting in the bar at Brown’s Hotel at 7.00, and then ... 8. Go back to your original group. Tell them about the plans your new partner described. Which plan does your group like best? test yourself! How well do you think you did the extended speaking? Mark the line. ° test your vocabulary From this unit, write down: 1. words to complete these time phrases: last. —_, this next __, the day tomorrow, fn ten days" the week after__. ____ day Tuesday vverbs which go before these nouns: {an arrangement a ‘an invitation booking a table in a restaurant plans _—— an appointment ‘two more ways of making a suggestion, e.g, What about ...? score [5] gap-fill Fill the gaps with a suitable word. A Where we meet? B Why ‘we meet atthe station? Are you free this evening? BNo, I'm dinner with Jane. Tm not sure, but 1 take that exam next year. Tim to the cinema tonight. score [J5] error correction Correct the errors. 1. What do you do this evening? 2 Iwas in town all the day yesterday. 3. AHow about go for 2 walk? B I love to, but I'm a bit busy. 4 What do you like to do this evening? Look back at the unit contents on p.72. Tick ¥ the language you can use confidently. For more practice, go to the review on p.83. unit eight 81 seven review vocabulary phrasal verbs 1 Make six sentences, using one phrase from each column. More than one answer is possible. The plane liedown ——_on the motorway. Thecar ran away to aska question. Please didn’t tum up_ for the meeting, The thieves takes off with the money, ‘The boss stood upon the sofa, The child broke down at six o'clock ‘tomorow. Read your sentences to a partner, Are they the same? Are they all correct? grammar past continuous 1 You were at a beach café yesterday when someone stole some money. Look at the picture for one minute and try to remember as much as you can. With a partner, write answers to the questions on p.146. Don't look back at the picture, vocabulary past simple Find a way from A to B moving from one irregular verb to another. You can move in any direction, but don’t go on regular verb squares. ew oe look bitevit turn discuss paint discover show ure change catch fall pot all plan break start_ «shout «steal reed cary seem decide it valk wait lve want ask bark Pb 2 Now find a way from C to D moving through verbs that end with ., eg, waited ‘oii 8 Check your answers with a partner. *@ natural English 1 Do sentences » and ly have the same meaning? 1 a Enjoy yourself! b Have a good time! ‘a Can you get here this afternoon? b Can you stay here this afternoon? a Whats this called in English? bb How do you spell this in English? a b a First, we had dinner, First ofall, we had dinner. Then we went out: b After that, we went out. Check your answers using the natural English boxes in unit seven, eight review grammar present continuous for future Work in small groups. Ask questions to find the answers to the ‘questionnaire, Write T (true) or F (false). example A Are you working late tomorrow? B No, I'm not. € Yes, Tam. IN OUR GROUP ... TRUE OR FALSE? ~ somebody is warking late tomorrow — everybody is coming tothe next lesson. — nobody is staying at home tomorrow evening ~ somebody is going on holiday next month — everybody is ooing home after the lesson ~ somebody is doing some sport this weekend. — everybody is going shopping this weekend ~ nabody is geting maried tis year. ~ somebody is maving house tis yea. ~ nobody is taking an exam this yea. *G% natural English 1. In pairs, decide what to say in these situations. Write your answers. © howe toiniesanad yer class for a drink in a bar/café this eng Wat oyun? SS, A You invite the seme person fora drink A Phen Bikey serine pi, 8 Younarttocone A You suggest the Piano Br. & a Yovagee A You ant to arrangea tine to meet a Xb teusuggst 00, A You agree a 2 Check your answers using the natural English boxes in unit eight. 3. Practise saying the dialogues with your partner. grammar be going to, might, would like to 1 Think! Look at the table, For each one, decide A. you're going to do it B- you might do it C you'd like to do it > & you don't want to do it you aren't going to do it ENGLISH IN your — | more your Furure | aNswer _| INFORMATION A,B,C, |When? Why / why not? D, or € | Which one? Who with? etc. {go and see a fil in English speak English to people from different countries go to an English- speaking country ‘make phone calls in English use English on the Internet use English in your job do an English buy an English grammar book buy en English | dictionary 2 Make notes in the column on the right (more information), 3. Work with a partner. Talk about each topic and ask for more information. example A I'm going to see a film in English, B Oh, really? Which one? Is it a comedy? Where's it on? Unit eight review 83 still use of tong CiHladllGes Li there’s.../there are ..., it’s got fague language: thing(s) 1 Thin hat has been the biggest change in your life in the last five years? example The biggest change was when Left home last year, because now I have to dean my flat, and present perfect with for and should / should’ 2 Compare your ideas with other people in the class. 3 natural Engh Complete the sentences with a suitable verb. Then bul CUPS aes C1 homes = adjectives describing homes [ You can use still to say something has not changed and is continuing now. Tr at university, but my brother —— “til at school (= he continues to be at school) NOT he is ways a¢ schoo My Father's 70 next week, but he still tennis. Do you stil at the bank? 4 Listen again and repeat the sentences. 5 Complete these sentences about yourself. Five years ago Iplayed allot. (e.g. the guitar) Iliked Istudied worked —__ Iwas Ispent my holidays Interview a partner. Ask if the things they wrote in exercise 5 are still true. example A. Five years ago, I played the guitar a lot B Do you still play? A_ Yes, sometimes. grammar present perfect with for and since 1 Read the text and try to remember the information. Natalia met Roberto four years ago when they were both living in Venice. They got martieda year later. Two years ago they gota dog called Bobbi Six months ago they moved to Rome, and Roberto got job at Gucei a month later. Last month, they bought a flat near the centre ofthe city, and they're very happy with their new life in Rome, 2 Work with a partner. What happened at A to F? example A = Natalia met Roberto, A 5 four years ago tree years ago 3. Are these true or false? Compare with your partner. Natalia and Roberto are still married. ‘They still ive in Venice. They still have a dog. They stil live in Rome. Roberto still works at Gucci They still have thetr flat near the centre. 4 Match the questions and answers. How long has Natalia known Roberto? How long have they been married? How long have they had Bobbi? How long have they lived in Rome? How long has Roberto worked at Gucci? How long have they had their flat? a One month, b Two years. ¢ Six months. d Five months. © Four years. { Three yeats, 5 Complete the rule, You use the —_______ (has have + past participle) co talk about situations that started in the and are still true in the You can use for and since to say how long something has continued until now. for + the length of the period: I've known them for '>) five years. since + a specific point in time: She's worked here since ‘sins, July. ve known her since she was a baby. 6 Complete these phrases, using for or since. three months last year two years along time last July six months he was a child 1995 7 With your partner, make five sentences about Natalia and Roberto, using the present perfect example They've lived in Rome for six months. ‘go o language reference and practice exercises 167 8 Make sentences about yourself. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1 1 —___ (live) in this town for Isinee By (study) English, for since 3 1______ (work/ study) here for ‘since 41 (know) my teacher for — /since 5 1 _—_____ (have) this wateh for since 9 With a partner, ask and answer like this: example A How long have you lived here? B Forthree years. listen to this we en to the beginning of two conversations. 1 Which pictures are they talking about? Juliet: picture Sonia: picture —_ 2 How long have they had the things they're discussing? Juliet; —— Sonia: —_ Compare with a partner. listen carefully 2 Listen and tick ¥ the things Juliet says. 1 She can cook and eat outside. She can invite people to stay the night She's got a games room. She can invite people for a meal. She can work in the garden. 3 Listen and tick ¥ the things Sonia says. 1. She takes the dog for a walk alter work. She often goes out for walks. She talks to people more. She goes away for the weekend with the dog, She has to organize her life more carefully. listening challenge 4 Stephen’s got a car for the first time. With a partner, think of four ways his life is now different, your ideas correct? 5 & banter Does Stephen talk about any other differences? listen again with the tapescrip, listening booklet p.28 6 natural English Read the box, then find another example of Have you... long? in tapescript 9.3 (listening booklet p.28) FZ Pea You can use the present perfect with long in questior fave youTived hare lng? along Une) Ye ten years. Have you studied here long? No, stared last month Have you had your shoes long? | can't remember. 7 Practise asking and answering the questions with a partner. speaking it’s your turn! 1. Think! How do you feel about change? Think about these questions. 1 Do you always go to the same place on holiday? Do you change each year? 2 Do you wear the same colours most of the time, or do you change a lor? 3. Do you eat the same kinds of food, or do you like eating different things? 4. Do you go to the same places in the evenings, or different places? 5 Do you like a lor of change, or do you prefer things to stay the same? 2. In small groups, talk about your answers and your reasons. Who doesn’t like change in your group? Use these phrases from this lesson in the extended speaking on p.90. ve lved there since Istilfve with my parents. ‘I ived there For 86 unit nine Have you been there long? wordbooster homes 1. Label the plan of the house. Use a dictionary to help you. 5 pronunciation Practise saying the sentences in the box with a partner, 6 Close the listening booklet. Tell a partner about the house, like ths: On the ground floor there's a... and there are ... .On the fist floor i’ got .. 7 Together, think of three or four things it hasn't got. example It hasn't got a study. / There isn't a study. adjectives describing homes 1. Find seven more pairs of opposites in the ‘house’ below. ‘example a warm house /a cold house dlean spacious ugh fight untidy ayo diy cold modern beautiful dark unusual sel tidy ho smal ordinary warm traditional 6 2 pronunciation Practise saying the words. = What's the opposite of a warm flat? 2 Listen and check your answers. 3. pronunciation Listen again and undertine the stress in each word. What do you notice? Practise saying the words. 4 natural English Read the box, then underline the examples of there’s, 3 Imagine your perfect house. What are the there are, and it's got in tapescript 9.4 (listening booklet p.28). ‘three most important things? Tella partner. = example 1 don't want a very big house, but & Tr like 2 beautiful house, in the ene re ee ee countryside with a .. You can use there's, there are, and it's got to describe buildings € don’t forget! cor places Use the vocabulary in this wordbooster in the It's got a large Kitchen. It's got a fantastic theatre. extended speaking on p.90. There's ooo a garage. There are 01> three cr parks unit nine 87 B reading... lead-in 1 Match the pictures with the phrases. make the bed ‘dy up your room clean your shoes do the washing, do the cooking 2 Work in small groups. Say what you did/didn’t do when you Were 10 to 12 years old. examples I did the washing up some days. Ididn’t make the bed, My mother did i | grammar should /shouldn’t 1. These mothers have strong opinions about their children. Read i sentences 1 to 4, then complete the rules in ato ¢ (below). CMLOREN should make their beds every mocring 22 should watch TV every evening 3 shoul clean ther shoes every week, 4 should stay up after 4.00, 5 —__— athe vahing up t 1 8 4 veash tele ovn clones. Tear 0 cook cenne ore ae w have lots of money to spend, isis : BESO Wien eames Ld ape iae ‘through the door, I tel sel bb Sentences and —_ mean “i's the wrong thing to do abst my ds. in the eveing. © The form is should (shouldn't + 88 unit nine do the washing up 5 play computer games every evening, | give opinions 2 pronunciation. Notice the pronunci Of should Joi) and shouldn't “fosn() Practise saying sentences 1 10 4, Complete sentences 5 t0 10 using should or should, Then read your sentences to a partner, Do they agree? 4 With your partner, write two more sentences with should or shouldi’t. Show them to another pair. Do they agree? {go to language reference and practice exercises p.167 read on 1. With your partner, think of four sentences beginning A good wite shoud! shouldnt 2 Read the article on p.89. Write down four things that ‘the 1950s good wife’ should / shouldn't do: fore her husband gets home = when he gets home Before her husband gets home, she should get dinner ready example 3. Are the sentences similar to the ones you wrote in exercise 1? 4 Look at the speech bubbles. Do these ' women follow the advice in the article? Tafways let the children run around and play when he comes home Take sure | look ood when he gets home. | lyetinaew® 5 Underline three words or phrases in the article you don’t know. Can you guess the meaning from the context? Ask partner and then check with a dictionary. 6 Think! Think about the article. Which ideas do you agree disagree with? Which ideas do you think are true in your ‘country now? 7 Compare your ideas in small groups. Which idea does your group agree/ disagree with most? Tell the class. 8 natural Engish Read the box. That's a dificult thing to do. (= ation) The best thing about my job is the travelling, (= fact/ condition) 9. Find examples of igs) in the article. What does each one mean? writing 1 Work in small groups. Write down four things a husband should /shouldn’t do when he comes home from work. Rules For husbands 2isk-century husbanas should .. 2 Put your rules on the wall. Look at other groups’ rules. Which are the best? get (sth/ sb) ready prepare (sth/sb) cheerful (adj) (11) happy and friendly well behaved (adj) 2) >is polite, quiet, ‘complain (v) say you ate unhappy or not satisfied let sb do sth permit sb to do sth + Get dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal waiting for him. This is a way of showing him that you are thinking about him, Most men are hungry when they come home ‘and a good meal (especially his favourite dish) is part of the warm, welcome. + Get ready yourself. Have fifteen minutes’ rest so you are feeling refreshed when he gets home, and check your make-up + Be cheerful and interesting for him. Perhaps his day was really boring and it is your job to make him happy. + Doall your washing and cleaning before he comes home, and during the winter months; light a fire Your husband will then fee! he has come home to a warm, calm, and peaceful place. + Tidy up all the children’s things, and get them ready. Wash their hands and faces (f they are small) and comb their hai. f necessary, change their clothes. And when your husband arrives, make sure the children are quiet and well behaved + Don’t complain if he comes home late or goes out to diner + Greet him with a warm smile, not with complaints or problems. + Listen to him. You might have lots of important things to tell him, but let him talk first. And remember, his topics of conversation are more important than yours. + Make him comfortable, Let him sit in a comfortable chair and get a drink ready for him, Speak in a low pleasant voice + Donttask him questions about the things he does, or disagree with him. He is the master of the house. A good wife always remembers that from Housekeeping Monthy, 13 May 1955 pars Use these phrases from this lesson in the extended speaking on p.90. Young people should. They shouldn't What's the best thing about 2 The best thing is. unit nine 89 @ extended speaki collect ideas listen to someone talking about the homes they've lived in prepare an interview plan questions and think about your ansters do the interview talk about your home history and your present home discussion talk about your family with a partner writing write about your homes nes ore Cr ea his unit. You can use Cen 90 unit nine AS. home é collect ideas : : 4 With a partner, think offour reasons 4 why people more home exaniple their flat is too expensive 4 OT | homes has she lived in? incle the correct answer. ‘nd cece | 1Mary lived in a town/ the country when she wasa child, She moved to a flat/ house near her university. She osored aprin bacause she watt a Mager are new job, 4 Back in England, she bought a flat /house. —~ = 5 6 3. With a parine Then listen agi She’s been there for four months/ four years. She thinks/ doesn’t think she'll move soon, €é€ prepare an interview 4 Complete part A of the interview form below with words from the box. What How long Where Why Hom forg How many 5 Work with a partner. You're going to ask someone about their present home. Write questions in part B using these ideas. What (house/ fiat) Iike? rooms? favourite room? Why? garden balcony? Who five with? How far? thebest thing about the house? your own ideas 6 Think! Plan your answers, and then practise the interview with a partner. from home to home... Pert A Your home history different places have you lived in? were they like? did you move each time? do you live now? have you been there? do you plan to stay? pert B Your present home interview 7 Find a new partner. Interview them, using your questions, 8 Go back to your first partner. Tell them about your second, partner. é discussion 9. Think! Think about these statements, 1 Young people should leave home when they get a job, 2 Young people shouldn't leave home until they get married, 3 Noone should have more than one home. 4 Very old people should live with their families. 10 Compare your ideas in small groups. Do you all agree? € writing 11 Read Huang’s home history. Add punctuation (full stops, commas, apostrophes, and capital letters) to paragraph two. cD HUANG, CHINA Im Chine, He lived ix four different places. New my Rawily live in a city called Wuhan. our Flat’s very big ana modern, and we have everyting we weed. It's got two beavooms, a toilet, « kitchen, and a living voow. We've been there fer six yeows, ae Five mouths age | came to englana to lean vig th lat with Boar cher students tne goeed foo oF the building is a shop and we live on the fist ana Second Floors the First Floor has got three bedrooms dathroow and a kitchen the second Heer only has one ei rsheving i with ancther chinese student the Bat hasnt got a garden butts warm and clean its near sate wer clege ava lan walker cycle te callege 12 Athome, write about yourself. Use the questionnaire, and Huang’s text, to help you. test yourself! How well do you think you did the extended speaking? Mark the line. ° test your vocabulary From this unit: 1 write down the past participle of these verbs: be, have, know, study, spend 2 write down the opposites of these adjectives: tidy, clean, spacious, beautiful light, unusual ‘order these letters to make names of parts of a house or flat: TaIPO LAL —___ RAGGAE —____LOBANCY —_ ousty DRUNGO ROOLF —_ gap-fill Fill the gaps with a suitable word, 1A Have you had your ist B About six months. 2 Ive worked here 3A Your cars very old B Yes, but ifs in good condition 4 Tlove meeting people. It’s the best about my job. 2003. score error correction Correct the errors. 1 Tlive here for six years. 2 You should to look before you cross that busy road 3 We have stil a house near the beach, 4 Its got three bedrooms. score [Ta] Look back at the unit contents on p.84. Tick ¥ the language you can use confidently. For more practice, o to the review on p.100. unit nine 94 ral Engl Ci reaty (i what's the matter? accepting and refusing suggestions fitters in conversation [-ed /-ing adjectives CO verb patterns Lsteep [laches and pains 92 1 With a partner, complete the definitions. {all asleep begin sleeping wake up (v) sleeping dream (v)/have a dream and feel things when you are asleep have a nightmare think and feel things when you are asle wake sb up make somebody sleeping talk in your sleep _____ when you are asleep sleepwalk (v) ____when you are asleep ~ Begin sleeping? ~ Fall asleep. 2. Think! Think about these questions. i you si Do you fall asleep quickly? Do you dream about your work or studies? Do you wake up easily? Do you ever have nightmares? What wakes you up in the night? o you talk in your sleep? Do you often remember your dreams? Do you ever sleepwalk? Get up and ask and answer the questions. Who is most similar to you? how do you feel? Hioramemnnse UI Yu Sleepwalkz sleepwalking. How do you think these sentences finish? | ‘About 25% of all children walk in their ‘According to doctors, about 25% of all children walk in sleep beeween the ages Of their sleep between the ages of seven and eleven. But the | Some children continue to’sleepwalk story of Andrew Jones, aged eight, is one of the most Pie extraordinary. Andrew was on holiday in Turkey when he climbed Sage sted semen onachair in his sleep, then fell off a balcony ten metres above the Tec prealis-you sauadrt stound. He was immediately taken to hospital but his injuries weren't serious, Doctors believe he was still asleep when he fell | 2. Read the article, Check your answers to and hit the around, so his body was totally relaxed, For this | exercise 1. reason, he survived. } 3. Match the pictures to words / phrases in _»»_ Some children continue to sleepwalk when they grow up, and some the article, are even dangerous. Martine Hoperoft, who sleepwalks about once a week, told doctors that she once walked through the house with a gun in her hand, and on one occasion hit her terrified husband. “In the end, we had to lock up anything that I could use as a 4 With a partner, say what happened to the people in the article. Use the pictures. example Alina Lato tried to use the ss weapon,’ she said. ‘Some people think that when someone washing machine when she was sleepwalks, you shouldn't wake them up, but fortunately I asleep. generally wake up quite easily and feel OK. My sleepwalking only 5 Think! Which story is sad? dangerous? Seaiiebontavstaiautee? funny? Compare ideas with a partner. Alina Lato, a law student from Warsaw, also reports worrying 2» events. ‘When I was younger, [often tried to use the washing ‘machine in my sleep, and recently I climbed on a table because T had a nightmare about rats.” Strangest of all, perhaps, is the story of Sara Molina from | Argentina, Sie went tothe kitchen, opened the fridge, and took out 1» acarton of orange juice. She went back to her bedroom where she pulled off the bed clothes and poured the drink over her sleeping husband. ‘'m often really tired when I wake up,’ Sara said, ‘But when my husband describes all the things I've done, P'm not really surprised!” | according to (doctors) inthe | ‘opinion of (doctors) | | injury) physical damage to your body, eg, broken leg. | survive (v) ityou survive, you don’t die tertitied (ac) ‘extremely said frightened ‘weapon (n) agunora knife, for example | 93 grammar -ed /-ing adjectives writing 1. Complete the sentences below with adjectives from the box. 1 With a partner, on a piece of paper write exciting interesting Sours) relating ~an ae surprised worried id bering, >> =a place embarrassed se frightened “thastnc = the name of a famous person Tenjoyed that book about sleep; it was really an object He talks about his job all the time; he’s very =a question 1 2 3. Tove lying in bed when I wake up: I's very 4 5 1 dreamt was playing in the World Cup; it was very watching TW | Iliad a nightmare and 1 was really my house | 6 avi ose ls nigh ate he ws ve jewnider Vax about his driving test 7 was —— to read that 25% of den walkin thei seep a dock onthe wall 8 [fell asleep in the lesson yesterday; I felt very Hosrwmch iM? 2. Circle the correct answers in these rules and complete the - —————————— ee 2. Read this dream story, and find: — — ~ the past continous to introduce the ‘ou use ing/-ed adjective to describ things / peopl / tuations actly This programe is realy bor met sme interest people tthe pay. am ed ing adjective You use -ng/-e adjectives to say how we fel bout things /people/stuatons: a short dialogue Ti bor =the’ rothng todo. Shs eit obout hr hy ~an example of real 3) Underline the correct adjective. - In may Aveam, | was watching The Sime: TELL ME! on TV at home. The Acervell vaug, ana 1 Do you think learning English is i ? was Jennifer Lepez. | was really surprise. 2 Do ou eel i ys ke mia Eg She came into the house, sat down an. 3 Posen Ninh & watched it with we. Then she saw an 4 Doyou'eel / inthe iy centre at right? ae it 5. Which is more ~ doing homework, or doing the washing up? lock on the wall, | 6 Do you get very / before an exam? | ‘She said, ‘I want that! How much is it” ———_———= = I said, You can't have 4 With a partner, ask and answer the questions in exercise 3. ls my Rather's. goo language reference and practice exercises p. 168 Glguely end lene I Engish Read the b wi i doa 5 natural Engh Read the box, then listen. What is it in each Ana then Lwoke ap. ~ ie” ry — In spoken English, really often means very / extremely. Lata Te was realy interesting. Tm really worried about it. Tm really Frightened oft. 6 pronunciation Go to the listening booklet p.3/. Practise the dialogues with a partner, stressing the underlined syllables. 94 unit ten # hanes poe wth ana wordbooster ideas. Include at least two of the points in exercise 2 (past 4 continuous, ete) aches and pains 4 Your teacher will put all the stories 1. Complete the sentences with ache (n) o\., hurt (v) \, feet (v), or on the wall, Read the stories. Which pain (n) =». Then match the sentences with the pictures. story uses your ideas? With your partner, decide which story you like best ars Use these phrases from this lesson in the extended speaking on p98, She fellasleep and It as rally frightening aba, Bo: 2 @® natural English Listen and complete the dialogues. Otve got a C1 Tve got tooth CO tve got a a in my leg. /My leg b aOr sick. e f 4 h ‘in my arm. /My arm Crve got a terrible head Ci t¥ve got stomach Ctve got a terrible don't very well, ‘in my foot. /My foot mia ‘~ ane A What's the matter? ‘A What's wrong? B 8 Ah, no. 10h, dear. 3 Practise the dialogues with a partner (|stening booklet p.31). Then practise similar conversations. Change the problem each time. 99 10 language reference and practice exercises p.168, articles (5) don’t forget! Use the vocabulary in this wordbooster in the extended speaking on p.98, unit ten 95 g grammar verb patterns 1. Think! Think about these questions. 1 You want to see a doctor. What do you do? a ring them? b goto the surgery? ¢ something else? 2. You want to tell a friénd some news, What do you do? a text them? b phone them? ¢ something else? 3. You want to invite a friend to a party. What do you do? a ring them? something else? 4 You want to thank someone for a present. What do you do? a speak to them? b write to them? ¢ something else? 5 Ifyou have a problem, what do you do? a talk to your family? b talk toa friend? D e-mail them? ¢ something else? 2 Discuss your answers with a partner, 3. Put these verbs in the correct column below. Use the questions in exercise 1 t0 help you. ask speak phone/ring text e-mail tell talk write thank verb + sb] sth verb + to + sb/sth ask sb (for sth) speak to sb (about sth) goto language reference and practice exercises 169 4 Write five true sentences about yourself using verb + sb/sth or verb + fo + sb/sth. example This morning I spoke to my brother. this morning Phoned /rang yesterday spoke last weekend wrote last week e-mailed texted 5 Get up and find somebody who wrote similar sentences. 96 unit ten «» make an appointment making an appointment 1 Put the stages in the correct order. Then ‘compare with a partner. a Clyou ring the surgery “sso Di you note down the time of your appointment ¢ Clyou look up the phone number dH] you don't feel very well ¢ Clyou speak to the receptionist 'sepfons £ C1 the doctor's busy this morning g Cl the receptionist gives you an appointment this afternoon hh Clyou decide to make an appointment to see a docior i Clyow ask for an appointment this morning 2 Cover exercise 1 and complete this story. ‘Then check with exercise 1. 1 didn't feel very "yesterday, 80 | decided to *____an appointment to see the doctor. 1° the phone number, rang the *___ and spote tothe *_ 1+ ___ for an appointment in the ‘morning, but the doctor vas ” tnd, he receptionist * «In the mean appoinirnent forthe afternoon listen to this ‘tune in 1 Listen to the beginning of two phone conversations. Peter and Rosie are ringing to make appointments. Write down their exact words. Then check in the listening booklet p.32. conversation 1 Peter A Good morning, Middleton Surgery How can I help you? B Hello, 1 __ _ Dr Harper, please. A Hin, Let me just check the appointments book conversation 2 Rosie A Hello, Scissors Palace, Trevor speaking. How can I help you? B Oh, hello, erm, Paul, please? A With who? B With Paul? listen carefully 2. Listen to both conversations. Complete the notes, then compare with a partner, 1 appointment with 2 appointment with day —__ day time _ tine caller's name _ caller's name —_ listening challenge 3 Peter rings again to change his appointment. Listen. 1 Why does he want to change? 2 When is his new appointment? {isten again with the tapescrip, listening booklet p.32 kara) Use these phrases from this lesson She looked up the phone nunber. the extended speaking on p.98. She rang the surgery. She made an appointment. 4 raturalEngsh Listen to the extract. inderline the phrases you hear. a Sea eu ios Ered How about tomorrow afternoon? What about 3307 Yes, that's Fine. that's great. Pm afraid lean't, NOT Fim afraid but teen's Sorry, that’s no good. 'm busy then Tim meeting someone. 5 Goto the listening booklet p.32. Listen again and repeat 6 Work with a pariner. You want to do your homework together and will need about one hour. A go to p.i41. B goto plas. speaking it’s your turn! 1 Work with a partner. You are going to write a dialogue with a receptionist. Go to pul. 2 natural ngish Can you add some of these words/phrases (0 your dialogue? ria ade conversation more natural. Right Ok... (& to show you are listening and understand) letmesee... Hmm/Er,... Well. {© ta give you time to think) 3. Practise your dialogue with your partner. Then act it out for another pair. Which dialogue is more natural? She told him about . unit ten 97 collect ideas talk about dentists prepare a story practise telling a picture story: invent the end of the story tell the story tell the story toa new partner listen listen to someone telling the story writing write your story but first eae ea Cerca ay 98 unit ten nightmare! 7 On the second day, S That night, « é collect ideas 1 Ask and answer these questions with a partner. Do you like going to the dentist? Why/ Why not? How often do you go? When did you last go? What happened? Do you like your dentist? é prepare a story 2 Look at p.98. In which pictures can you use these words? ‘uu round runanay moustache needle beard bs! 3. Work with a partner. Together, describe what happened in each picture. Don’t write anything. example picture one ‘Anna was on holiday in the Bahamas. but on the second day, she... 4 Tell the whole story to your partner, Remember to use the link words / phrases, e.g. om the second day. 5 What do you think happens after picture 6? Tell your partner. é tell the story 6 Find anew partner. Tell them the story with your ending. Which ending do you prefer? é listen 7G Este eo someone elig the storys Khe same a yours? Listen again with the tapescript if you like. é writing 8 Athome, write your story. Use the link words/phrases, e.g. ot the second day, so, etc. In the next lesson, show it to your partner. What do they think of it? test yourself! How well do you think you did the extended speaking? Mark the line. 0 test your vocabulary From this unit, write down: 1 the missing words: Ive got a ache. Tve got “ache. I should see a dentist. ve got torible ____ ache. four more adjectives that can end in -ing or -ed, e.g interested / interesting 5b orto sb aftr these verbs: write phone speak tell ask gap-fill Fill the gaps with a suitable word. 1 Lusually 2 Te gota 3 Tid like to with Doctor Roberts. 4 AWhat’s the problem? BI don't ___ very well. asleep very quickly. in my leg. an appointment score error correction Correct the errors. 1 Lenjoyed the film; it was really excited, 2 AWhat about meeting at 6.00? B Im afraid but I cant. 3 Thad a dream for my sister. 4 Twas very surprising when T saw him. score { [3] Look back at the unit contents on p.92. Tick / the language you can use confidently. For more practice, go to the review on p.101. nine review vocabulary homes + there's ... /it’s got ... grammar present perfect 1. Work with a partner. Write sentences about your classmates using the present perfect and these sentence endings. examples. Ulich has worked ina shop for over five years. ‘Marcia has lived here for two or three months. for over five years. _—________ for two or three months. for at least two years. _—____ since the beginning of the year. since the last lesson, alt his / her tte, 2. Read your sentences to the class. Your classmates can tell you if they are true. Does anyone have six true sentences? vocabulary adjectives describing homes In the word square, find 13 adjectives used to describe houses. The words can go in any direction. example dirty 0 nema zee SHmHU

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