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Venessa Pizano

Back 1.Where did you live/ what were you doing in the 1960s and 1970s?
A: I lived in San Francisco and was going to school. During the 1970s I

to the was working at the bank and still living in san Francisco.

1960s 2. What music did you listen to around the 1960s and 1970s?
A: the sixties were soul music and the seventies I was listening to
basically rock music like jimmy Hendrix, cream, led zeppelin.

1970s 3. What do you remember about president Kennedy? Domestic/
foreign policy?

intervi A: what I remember is that he was a beloved president, popular, and that
he was assassinated. He was president around the time the Cuban missile
crisis. He was the first president to push the people to go to the moon.

4. What do you remember about the Vietnam war and/ or protest
A: The U.S was involved in the Vietnam war to stop spreading communism and it was a very
unpopular war, and people didnt want to be involved so they protest against the war. Nobody won
the war and there was no purpose, and millions of people died for nothing. I remember protestors at
the white house.

5. Were you involved in any way with either?

A: I was not involved and I chose to be neutral, but I do agree that we shouldnt have been a part of
that war.

6. Were you involved/ what do you remember about the civil rights movement.

A: I was not involved in the civil rights movement. What I remember was watching the civil rights
march on the TV and how Martin Luther king was a part of it and the march was very peaceful with
no violence.

7. What did 1968 TV, ads, and style say about race in the united states during the 1960?
A: in 1968 in the Mexico City Olympics three black athletes stood on the podium and raise their arms
in a closed fist and put their heads down as a sign of protest during a play in the national anthem.

8. How were martin Luther kings vision and Malcom xs visions the same and how were they
different? (in your opinion, which visions has had more impact today)?
A: they both had the same purpose for equality but both had different ways of accomplishing
things. Martin Luther king was more peaceful and Malcom x approach it a little different and had an
organization Called The black panthers party and they were accomplished for equal rights but more
aggressive about it. They would carry guns and use force. I believe that martin Luther king vision
had more of an impact today.

9. How you ever protested? What issue might you protest.

A: I have never protested and I had my own opinion but I didnt get myself involved in protesting.

10.How did you feel about women in the workplace? Did you go with it or against it? Why?
A: I felt like women didnt have enough right around that time. Like no equal opportunity, equal pay,
and was being disrespected. I thought women around that time should get the chance to work and
have equal right.

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