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Sir Thomas Phillipps, age 41








BY Eric Holzenberg
WITH A PREFACE BY C. Thomas Tanselle


NEW YORK' 1997
"I wish you would recommend all your antiquarian Friends to get my
Books. It is very disheartening to print, print, print, & not sell, besides
encumbering my rooms with waste Paper. As so few are printed they must
rise in value among Bibliomaniacs . .. I do not see why a Club should not
beformed of1Oo Gentlemen, & called the Middle Hill Club, who should all
engage to take what I print . .. "

Dedicated to Jean Mermin Horblit,

the late Harrison D. Horblit

COVER DES I GN: From anengraved"plate of Sir Thomas Phillipps's

coat of arms, ca. 1820. The G~oii;; Club.

FRONTISPIECE: Portrait of Sir Thomas Phillipps, age 41. From a

gravure reproduction of the painting by T. Phillips, RA., prepared as
the frontispiece to A E. Popham's Catalogue of Drawings in the Collection
Formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, bart. ... Now in the Possession of his Grand-
son T. FitzRoy Fenwick of Thirlestaine House . .. (Privately printed for T.
FitzRoy Fenwick, 1935). The Grolier Club.

TITLE VIGNETTE: Wood engraving of Broadway Tower (Turris

Lativiensis), an 18th-century folly on Sir Thomas Phillipps's estate of

Middle Hill, used by Sir Thomas as the device of his Middle Hill Press.

HEAD PIECE (Introduction, p. xv): Another version of the Turris

Lativiensis device, taken from the wood engraved head-piece to the

chapter on the Middle Hill Press in John Martin, A Bibliographical Cata-
logue of Books Privately Printed . .. (London:]. and A Arch, 1834), pp.
[44 1 ]-8.

A version of the Introduction was published in The Gazette of the GroZier Club, N.S. No. 48 (1997)


ISBN: 0-910672-20-2

FOR E W 0 R D by William B. Warren IX

PRE FA C E by G. Thomas Tanselle XI


Catalogues of the Bibliotheca Phillippica, no. 1-2 5

Catalogues of Other Libraries, no. 26-43

Other Lists & Inventories, no. 44-64

England, General, no. 65-141
England, by County
Berkshire, no. 142-154
Cambridgeshire, no. 155-158
Derbyshire, no. 159
Devonshire, no. 160-161
Dorsetshire, no. 162
Gloucestershire, no. 163-199
Hampshire, no. 200-203
Lincolnshire, no. 204
London, no. 205-206
Middlesex, no. 207-209
Norfolk, no. 210
Northumberland, no. 211-212
Oxfordshire, no. 213-230
Shropshire, no. 231-232
Somersetshire, no. 233
Staffordshire, no. 234
Warwickshire, no. 237-245
Westmoreland, no. 246


Wiltshire, no. 247-285

Worcestershire, no. 286-307
Yorkshire, no. 308-310
Wales, General, no. 311-321
Wales, by County
Carmarthenshire, no. 322-324
Denbighshire, no. 325
Glamorganshire, no. 326-328
Merionethshire,no3 29
Pembrokeshire, no. 330-338
Other Antiquarian Works, no. 339-358

General, no. 359-373
Families, no. 374-391

ANTI-CATHOLIC WORKS, no. 392::-445

MISCELLANEA, no. 446-555

Middle Hill Press Publications Listed in Lowndes, Fenwick, 149
Martin, or Kraus, But Not Present or Not Identified in the Horblit
A Chronological List of Printers and Publishers Associated
with Sir Thomas Phillipps and The Middle Hill Press




1. Sir Thomas Phillipps, age 41 (frontispiece)

II. Harrison D. Horblit in 1958 lX

III. NO.4, Title-page, A catalogue of the printed books . .. (1827-1871)

N. No. 251, Title-page, Collections for Wiltshire (1818/1819) 21

V. No. 386, Title-page, Collectanea de familiis diversis,

quibus nomen est Phillipps ... (1829-1872) 100

VI. No. 443, Anti-Catholic leaflet,

To the Inhabitants of Broadway (185-?) III

VII. No. 464, Campaign broadside,

Vote for Sir Thomas Phillipps . .. (1832) 148

Harrison D. Horblit in 1958
TH I S year marks the one hundred twenty-fifth anniversary of Sir
Thomas Phillipps's death on 7 February 1872. Twenty-five years ago on 19
December 1972, "Sir Thomas Phillipps: Portrait of a Collector" opened
at the Grolier Club, an exhibition curated by Club member Harrison D.
Horblit. Horblit is renowned as a collector oflandmarks in the history of
science, but his archive of books and manuscripts relating to Sir Thomas
Phillipps was the treasured core of his many collections. Regrettably, no
catalogue or other major publication was produced to accompany that
1972 exhibition. Through the generosity of his widow,] ean Mermin Hor-
blit, Harrison Horblit's Phillipps archive is now part of the Grolier Club
Library, and with this catalogue of the Middle Hill Press portion of the
Horblit Phillipps collection we begin the task of bringing this extraordi-
nary material to the attention of both scholars and the book-loving public.
Our thanks go first to Mrs. Horblit for choosing the Grolier as the
repository of her husband's remarkable Phillipps collection, and for her
labor over many years preparing the material for transfer. We are grate-
ful also for the efforts of a number of Grolier Club members. Consulta-
tions with Mrs. Horblit on how the Club might best house and display the
Phillipps Collection were carried out first by past Club president G.
Thomas Tanselle and Librarian Robert Nikirk, and later by Nikirk's suc-
cessor Martin Antonetti. Since its deposit at the Club the collection has
been under the care of Eric Holzenberg, who, in addition to curating the
1997 Grolier Club exhibition celebrating the Horblit Phillipps gift, has
also undertaken to document the collection through this detailed checklist.
The newly-renovated "Phillipps Room" on the fifth floor of the Grolier
Club is the eloquent, tangible result of this long and most fruitful col-
laboration. It is a memorial to the passions of two great book collectors,
Sir Thomas Phillipps and Harrison Horblit, as well as an important schol-
arly resource. I can think of no better place than the Grolier Club for
such a monument.

TH E G R 0 LIE R C L U B has been fortunate in the loyalty of its mem-
bers. A prime instance of how the Club has benefited from this devotion
is recorded in the following pages, which set forth the contents of the
Middle Hill Press portion of the Horblit Collection of Sir Thomas
Phillipps. The death of Harrison D. Horblit in 1988 deprived the Club of
one of its most distinguished and influential members: he had been
active on committees and for eleven years had served on the Council,
and he was responsible for one of the Club's best-known publications,
One Hundred Books Famous in Science (1964). Partly because of this book,
Horblit was most widely regarded as a collector of the history of science;
but he also formed superb collections of bibliographical history, early
photography and photographically illustrated books, and Sir Thomas
Phillipps. The latter interest, indeed, links the previous two, given Phil-
lipps's place in the history of book collecting and his early interest in
photography (both as collector and practitioner). Horblit's Phillipps col-
lection, which included Phillipps's own archival set of his publications as
well as related ledgers, manuscripts, and proofs, came to the Grolier
Club in April 1995 through the generosity of his widow, Jean Mermin
Horblit, who has been thoughtfully and methodically carrying out her
husband's wishes. This gift is unquestionably the most important single
donation of research material that the Club has received since its found-
ing in 1884.
The appropriateness of a Phillipps collection for the Club library is
obvious, since Phillipps was one of the greatest (and perhaps the most
voracious) of all book and manuscript collectors and since the Club
library is one of the most important of all repositories of material for the
study of the history of book production, distribution, and collecting.
That the Horblit Phillipps Collection comprises more than Middle Hill
Press imprints is evident to anyone who steps into the newly-renovated
room-henceforth to be called the Phillipps Room-on the fifth floor of



the Clubhouse. What one is likely to notice first are the splendid framed
documents on the walls above the bookcases-the Royal License and Let-
ters Patent granted to Phillipps, including the Patent creating his
baronetcy. These documents and the pictures on the walls represent one
division of the collection, a diverse array of Phillipps memorabilia (his
seal and a few of his school books are among the items present). The visitor
to the Phillipps Room will also observe that some of the shelves are filled
with long runs of uniform volumes. They are Phillipps's marked copies
of some of the dealers' catalogues that he read (and often purchased
from), particularly those of Puttick & Simpson and Thomas Thorpe.
These catalogues are clearly basic to any study of Phillipps's collecting,
and they add further strength to the Club's already rich collection of
dealer and auction catalogues. Many of the Club's nineteenth-century
catalogues have now been moved to the Phillipps Room (and an adjoin-
ing storage area) in order to make this part of the Clubhouse a center for
the study of nineteenth-century bibliop()ly. (The setting is further
enlivened by the relevant presence~Just outside the Phillipps Room, of
another recent acquisition, a 240-volume manuscript catalogue of the
library of the second Earl Spencer, whose period of great collecting over-
lapped the beginning of Phillipps's.)
If the Middle Hill Press material is not the whole of the collection, it is
certainly the largest segment, and in many ways the most intriguing.
Items bearing the Press imprint are notoriously scarce alld difficult to
date, and Eric Holzenberg was right to tackle this portion of the Horblit
Collection first, since its virtual completeness means that a reliable
record of it can bring this intractable body of printed matter under bib-
liographical control. Holzenberg's admirable (and remarkably prompt)
work, displayed in the checklist that fol~ows, illustrated how essential for
scholarship is the context provided by a great collection, for he has been
able to date many pieces that had previously defied cataloguers' efforts
and to provide as well some fascinating annotation. More will be learned
about t~e Press when there has been time for further study of the anno-
tated proofs and manuscripts, but the present checklist, with its most
informative introduction, will serve as the basic road map for future


workers in the field. With this guide, and the collection itself, now available,
the Middle Hill Press should come in for more intensive investiga-
tion, since it draws together several strands of book history. The Press is
important in the history of collecting because Phillipps used it to print
catalogues of his collection and publish the texts of some of his
manuscript acquisitions; it therefore also has a place in the story of schol-
arship, as a significant reflection of nineteenth-century antiquarian
interest in making accessible the contents of old documents; and it
clearly has a major position (between Strawberry Hill and Kelmscott) in
the early years of the private-press movement.
This checklist and the 1997 number of the Gazette of the Grolier Club
(filled with Phillipps-related articles, including some account of Horblit's
life) have been published in conjunction with the May 1997 opening of
the Phillipps Room and of a Club exhibition drawn from Horblit's
Phillipps collection. Taken together, these events and publications offer
eloquent testimony to the activities of two great collectors a century apart.

December 1996 G. THOMAS TANSELLE


Wr L LRA N S 0 M has defined the term private press as "the typographic

expression of a personal ideal, conceived in freedom and maintained in
independence."l This is a particularly fitting description of the eccentric
Middle Hill Press, set up in 1822 by the great (and equally eccentric) col-
lector Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872) at his estate of Middle Hill,
Worcestershire, and maintained there and at his later house of
Thirlestaine near Cheltenham. Ransom's definition is an ideal one for
two reasons. To begin with, it avoids with great delicacy any reference to
aesthetic appeal or textual merit. Even the most ardent Phillipps enthu-
siast will admit that the typical product of the Middle Hill Press is physi-
cally a rather unattractive object, poorly printed on odd sizes of bad
paper, often from blunt and battered type, "a piece of book production,"
said Phillipps scholar A. N. L. Munby, "which it would be charitable to
describe as mediocre."2 Sadly, the aesthetic failings of the press are gener-
ally not redeemed by quality of editing or significance of text. Roderick
1. Will Ransom, Private Presses and Their Books (New York: R. R. Bowker, 1929), p. 22.
2.A. N. L. Munby, Phillipps Studies I: The Catalogues of Manuscripts & Printed Books of Sir
Thomas Phillipps (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1951), p. 4; the passage refers
specifically to the Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum, but it might be applied to the Middle
Hill Press in general.


Cave irritably noted (as have others) that "Phillipps was always prone to
rush into print and was a very careless editor. He printed his books in very
small editions, which he then distributed in an utterly un-systematic man-
ner. The end result has been that many of the works which Phillipps had
put into print for the first time are today almost as inaccessible to the
scholar as if the Middle Hill Press had never existed."3 These caveats,
while distressingly true, are almost beside the point; and this brings us
back to Ransom's definition of private press as "the typographic expres-
sion of a personal ideal": for whatever value Middle Hill Press publica-
tions may once have had to historians is now overshadowed by their
importance as tangible evidence of the personal ideals-perhaps obses-
sions is a better word-which animated one of the greatest book collec-
tors of the nineteenth century.
The Horblit collection of Middle Hill Press publications now at the
Grolier Club offers the Phillipps enthusiast a superb opportunity to sift
and evaluate this evidence. It is a collection unmatched elsewhere in the
United States,4 and worthy ornate even in comparison with the great
English archives of such materia1.5 Consisting of over 550 separate titles
and several thousand corrected proofs and proof sheets, as well as a great
many supporting manuscripts, letters, and other documents, the collec-
tion is the core of a magnificent gift of Phillipps material5 donated to the
Grolier Club by Jean Mermin Horblit, the widow of the collector and for-
mer member Harrison D. Horblit. Horblit amassed this extraordinary

3. Roderick Cave, The Private Press (London: Faber & Faber, 197 1), p. 74.
4. The Horblit collection has yet to be properly measured against the Phillipps material
held by the Yale Center for British Art, but the Horblit gift is certainly richer by fur in Mid-
dle Hill Press publications.
5. The British Library has what Munby termed, "a good assemblage" of Middle Hill Press
publications and the Bodleian "a passable one," but that at the Bodleian is of course sup-
plemented by almost tbe whole of Sir Thomas Phillipps's private papers. David Chambers's
collection of Phillipps material is now perhaps tbe best in private hands.
5. Besides Middle Hill Press material, tbe Horblit Phillipps collection includes bookseller
and book auction catalogues annotated by Sir Thomas, four decades of his personal
appointment books, and a great deal of correspondence concerning book purchases, as
well as drawings, photographs, and ephemera, the whole numbering about 2,500 items.
For a detailed description of the collection, see Gazette of the Gralier Club, n.s. no. 4 8 (1997).


archive over a period of thirty years and in a number of separate pur-

chases, two of which, as they concern Middle Hill Press material
specifically, deserve particular notice here.


One of the first and certainly the most important of Horblit's purchases
of Middle Hill Press material was made in 1959 from retired booksellers
Philip and Lionel Robinson, whose firm (William H. Robinson, Ltd.) had
acquired in 1946 the unsold residue of the vast Bibliotheca Phillippica.
Surviving in the Horblit collection is a typewritten Robinson hand-
list describing the Middle Hill Press portion of this residue. The title
reads: Catalogue of the Most Complete Collection Extant of the Books, Tracts,
Leaflets and Broadsides Printed in Very Limited Issues by Sir Thomas Phillipps at
His Private Press at Middle Hill or Privately Printed Elsewhere to His Order. Com-
prising Some 460 Separate Items. From Sir Thomas Phillipps' Own Collection. It
is a title calculated to seduce-what Phillipps enthusiast could possibly
resist such a description?-but it is also, as we shall see, quite an accurate
The significance of this purchase, aside from its intrinsic value as a
nearly complete archive of the Middle Hill Press, lies in the fact that many
of the individual pieces are indeed "From Sir Thomas Phillipps' Own
Collection," and bear his annotations and corrections. The true Phillip-
pophile will not at first think much of this claim. Sir Thomas Phillipps
was a compulsive annotater, and it is not at all uncommon to find multi-
ple copies ofthe same work bearing the baronet's notes, corrigenda, and
random doodles, apparently "as issued." But a great many of the items
from the Robinson catalogue are actually Sir Thomas's personal file
copies, kept close at hand so that he could continue after publication to
correct, annotate, and generally perfect his handiwork, possibly in antic-
ipation of later editions (which in most cases never came to pass).
The physical form of the Robinson copies often reflects this close per-
sonal affiliation. For instance, most of the larger-scale and more important
works are stitched into the drab terra-cotta colored boards favored by Sir


Thomas to such an extent that they have become known as "Middle Hill
boards." Others are bound in a pleasant full russia, the majority bearing
the label of George Bretherton, Sir Thomas's printer and binder from
1848 to 1851. Of the single-sheet, smaller-scale, or less important 'fugi-
tive' pieces, some have been sewn into later stiff paper wrappers (probably
dating from the Robinson era), but a great many more are unbound,
or appear to have been disbound from larger volumes-about which
more later.
The Robinson copy of Parochial Collections for the County of Oxford 7 is typ-
ical of these special file copies, and illustrates the wide gulf which often
lay between Sir Thomas's grandiose plans for his Press and the quite
humble works actually produced. As issued (ifPhi1lipps's haphazard dis-
tribution system can be so described) in 1825, the Parochial Collections is
a fragment, consisting of a) an incomplete series of Oxfordshire pedi-
grees on two leaves, followed by b) 98 pages describing inscriptions and
other antiquities in Oxfordshire parishes, intended to run from A to Z,
but as printed extending onlyrlrrnugIl the letter E. It is generally found
without the title-page, and the title under which it is commonly cited,
Parochial Collections for the County of Oxford, is in reality the drop- or cap-
tion-title. Even in truncated form it is not entirely without interest and
value, but it still falls far short of the full-dress history of Oxfordshire
described by Phillipps in his 1819 prospectus. S Phillipps's own copy in
the Horblit collection, however, hints at larger things. T~is copy not only
has the scarce title-page- Oxfordshire Monumental Inscriptions, From the
MSS. of Antony a Wood, Dr. Hutton, and Mr. Hinton)-but it is also inter-
leaved, and the leaves are extensively annotated with additional pedi-
grees and parish names. It is clear from evidence in this copy that
Phillipps intended the Parochial Coll~ctions eventually to be issued with
illustrations; dozens of models for these illustrations are present in the
form of engravings and sketches of churches, monuments and brasses
(some of them obviously torn or cut out of other histories) inserted at

7. GC call no. 34.52 MH12g, and no. 216 in the Checklist.

S. GC call no. 34.52 MH132, and no. 21S in the Checklist.


intervals throughout the volume. Some of these illustrations were actu-

ally prepared and printed in quantity, although apparently never issued:
there exists elsewhere in the collection an otherwise rather mysterious
suite of ten lithograph plates9 of Oxfordshire antiquities, each of which
can be matched to an exact counterpart drawing or engraving inserted
in this copy.


The second major group of Middle Hill Press publications purchased by

Horblit is significant in its own right, and not just because of its distin-
guished provenance. One of the largest collections of Middle Hill Press
publications in private hands during the nineteenth century was that
belonging to the fabled Bibliotheca Lindesiana. The entries under
"Phillipps" in the massive folio catalogue of that collection 10 run for
twenty columns and cover nearly four hundred items. The separate
pieces were apparently bound up in volumes at some point during their
residence in the collection, and are so described in an appendix at the
end of volume IV of the catalogue: Phillipps, (Sir T.) Bart. Publications,
inquisitions post-mortems, etc. I3 vols. I8I8, etc.fol., 4.,8. Four of these
thirteen ,volumes were sold at Sotheby's on 7 May 1947, and found their
way soon thereafter into the collection of MajorJ. R. Abbey, and later into
Horblit's hands at a sale of Abbey's books at Sotheby's on 15 November
1966. Horblit at some point acquired seven additional identically-bound
volumes, but exactly where, how, and from whom is unknown. Suffice it
to say that of the original thirteen bound volumes of Middle Hill Press
pUblications listed in the catalogue of the Bibliotheca Lindesiana, eleven

9 GC call nos. 34.52 MH1l9-MH128, and MH446, and nos. 219-229 in the Checklist. A
similar suite of twenty-six lithograph plates was issued to accompany at least some copies of
the Middle Hill Press edition of Aubrey's Collections for Wilts (London: Printed for J. Davy
... ,1821-1838),2 vols. (GC call no. 34.52 MH176, and no. 249 in the Checklist); and a
number of other Middle Hill Press works have similar lithograph or anastatic illustrations.
10. James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford, Bibliotheca Lindesiana ... Catalogue of the
PrintedBooks Preserved at Haigh Hall . .. ( [Aberdeen]: Aberdeen University Press, 1910), 4 vols.


can be positively identified in the Horblit collection of Phillipps material

now at the Grolier Club.
These eleven volumes are uniformly bound in nineteenth-century half
morocco over marbled boards by the Fazakerly firm of binders, Liver-
pool, and all the volumes bear the armorial bookplate of the Bibliotheca
Lindesiana on the front pastedown. Each spine has the general title, Sir
T. Phillipps' Privately Printed Works; in addition, each volume bears a sepa-
rate descriptive title: 1) Catalogues ofMSS.; 2) Wales, Ireland, Miscellaneous;
3) Inquisitiones Post Mortem, etc.; 4) Heralds' Visitations; 5) Salop, Warwick,
Wilts; 6) Berks to Oxford; 7) Worcester, Yorks; 8) Heralds' Visitations: Wilts,
I623; 9) Institutiones Wiltoniae, I297-I8IO; 10) & 11) Pedigrees I[-II]
The set contains approximately 230 Middle Hill Press titles, all but eight
duplicated in the larger and more complete set which Horblit bought
from the Robinsons. Some of the copies in this set are annotated by or
inscribed to Sir Frederic Madden (1801-1873), Keeper of Manuscripts
at the British Museum, longtime friend and sometime adversary of Sir
Thomas Phillipps. It was HorhI'il's opinion that the items in this second
group originally belonged to Madden himself, and evidence from
a Sotheby sale catalogue of Madden's library (7 August 1873)11 and
the works themselves, though not conclusive, would seem to support
this hypothesis. Copies of Middle Hill Press works annotated by Madden
were included in the 1873 sale of Madden's library, and annotated copies
of Middle Hill Press publications exist today as part 9f the Bibliotheca
Lindesiana/ Abbey/Horblit set; but unfortunately the copy of the sale
catalogue I have seen 12 is not annotated with buyers' names, and the
printed descriptions are not full enough to allow for positive identi-
fication of individual items in the catalogue with their counterparts in
the bound set.
, Whether or not they belonged to Madden, the real significance of
these Bibliotheca Lindesiana copies of Middle Hill Press publications lies
in the fact that-in contrast to the more-or-less doctored Robinson
11. There appears also to have been an earlier Sothebysale of 2g]une 1867, but I have not
seen a copy of the catalogue.
12. I am indebted to Mr. Roland Folterfor allowing me to examine his copy of the catalogue.


copies-they present the publications of the Press in something approx-

imating the quite simple state in which most were originally issued. In
common with the versions described in Lowndes, Martin and other stan-
dard lists, many of these Bibliotheca Lindesiana copies lack title-pages
altogether, or the title-pages have been laid in at a later time, and in gen-
eral, with regard to collation and extent, they match contemporary pub-
lished descriptions much more closely than the augmented and
interleaved Robinson copies, interesting and significant as those
undoubtedly are. So while the Robinson set has much to tell us about the
inner workings of the Middle Hill Press and of Sir Thomas's dreams for
i{,the Bibliotheca Lindesiana archive is in many ways a better illustration
of what the baronet actually set before the public.


In combining these two complementary archives Harrison Horblit

achieved a collection of exceptional richness and depth-Munby called
it "the only collection in the world which even approximates complete-
ness"13-and one which displays to the fullest Sir Thomas Phillipp's
many interests and activities. Phillipps's overriding passion was, of
course'ethe acquisition of books and manuscripts, illustrated in the Hor-
blit collection by the forty-three catalogues he printed to document his
own extraordinary Bibliotheca Phillippica and the libraries of other
collectors and institutions. The immensely interesting and important cat-
alogue of his own manuscripts, the Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum 1 4
(represented in the Horblit collection by no less than five copies, one of
which is Phillipps's own file copy) is perhaps the best known of these. Sir
Thomas was an obsessive maker and printer of lists, and one may also
include under "catalogues" the twenty or so inventories he produced
describing his furniture, maps, photographs, paintings, plate, and other
objects. A few of these are wonderfully absurd. One can only guess what
13 A. N. L. Munby, "Introduction," Sotheby & Co., Catalogue ofPrinted Books Comprising Pub-
[15-16 May, 1969], p. [iv].
lications oftke Middle Hill Press ...
14 GC call no. 08.26 P54 CatM 1837, and no. 8 in the Checklist.


drove the baronet to commission printed inventories of his fruit trees, the
stuffed birds in his entry-way, and the specimens kept on hand for the
microscope at Middle Hill; although there is evidence to suggest that
some at least may have been set as tests for prospective printers. Phil-
lipps's antiquarian tastes account for the largest category of works in the
collection. His very first work to see print was a two-volume series of tran-
scriptions of Wiltshire parochial registers (Collections for Wiltshire . .. by
Tho. Phillipps, Esq.Junior) 15 printed to his order in 1818 or 1819, and the
last was a continuation of Ralph Bigland's Historical, Monumental and
Genealogical Collections, Relative to the County of Gloucestershire16 which was
begun in 1871. In the course of the intervening half-century he edited
and published more than three hundred titles on local history, geneal-
ogy, and folklore, virtually all of which are represented in the Horblit
archive. An equally passionate (ifless edifying) interest accounts for the
presence of over fifty rabidly anti-Catholic tracts and leaflets. The conve-
nient catch-all category of "miscellalleous" encompasses many pieces
relating to Phillipps's estiteCOandhis private finances, including rental
agreements, lists of tenants and advertisements of timber sales. The
baronet's disastrous forays into politics are also included under this
heading, in the form of campaign broadsides and pamphlets docu-
menting his activities in the elections of 1826, 1832, and 1861. Not least
interesting in this final category are a number of small-scale literary works-
poems, acrostics, ghost stories, etc.-printed by Sir Thomas for distribu-
tion to his friends and family. (Sir Thomas's poetry, by the way, if not as
outstandingly awful as that of the celebrated William McGonagall, is
quite bad enough to be amusing.) More of these fugitive pieces undoubt-
edly remain to be discovered, but the number preserved in the Horblit
collection must represent a substanpal fraction of the extant whole.
Much can be learned about Phillipps and the workings of the Middle Hill
Press from the physical objects themselves. For instance, many of the
individual single-sheet and pamphlet-size works in the Robinson archive
show signs of having been disbound from some larger volume, and there
15. GC call no. 34.52 MH166, and no. 251 in the Checklist.
16. GC has Fenwick's ca. 1885 reprint, call no. 34.52 MH511, and no. 164 in the Checklist.


is evidence elsewhere in the collection to suggest that binding small-scale

works in this way may have been how Sir Thomas kept his multiple file
copies in order: there still exists intact in the Horblit collection a set of
seventeen copies of a single-sheet anti-Catholic political tract, a Political
Catechism for England and Ireland, 17 bound in Middle Hill boards. Sir Tho-
mas's notorious stinginess in all matters not directly related to book-buying
is obliquely illustrated by the many examples of anastatic and litho-
graphic printing in the collection. Anastatic printing was a form of trans-
fer lithography developed in the 1840S as a cheap means of reproducing
manuscripts and drawings in facsimile, and Sir Thomas used it exten-
sively for transcripts of parish registers and other documents, as well as
for illustrations in some of his works. Geoffrey Wakeman's pioneering
article on Sir Thomas's use of this process 1S describes what anastatic
printing was, when it was used for Middle Hill Press publications, and by
whom, but, curiously enough, declines to speculate about why Sir Tho-
mas should have sought alternatives to traditional letterpress printing.
Michael Twyman has taken the investigation a good many steps for-
ward,19 demonstrating that money (lack thereof, habitual penny-pinch-
ing attitudes towards) must surely have been a factor in Phillipps's
decision to use lithography. As part of his very useful census of early litho-
graphic works, Twyman has identified and formally described fourteen
such titles issued by the Middle Hill Press. The Horblit collection con-
tains all of these, plus one other (a four-page rental agreement dating
from sometime in the 1850S20) of which he was apparently unaware. Any
further investigation might also profitably include an examination of the
forty-odd other lithographic illustrations and single-sheet transcriptions
described herein.
In terms of physical evidence, however, the primary value of this archive

17 GC call no. 34.52 MH475, and no. 429 in the Checklist.

IS. Geoffrey Wakeman. "Anastatic Printing for Sir Thomas Phillipps," Journal of the Printing
Historical Society No. 5 (1969): pp. [24]-40.
19 Michael Twyman, Early Lithographed Books (London: Farrand Press & Private Libraries
Association, 1990), pp. 76-SS, and Catalogue 4.1-4-14.
20. GC call no. 34.52 MH4oS-3, and no. 4S4 in the Checklist.


lies in the corrected and annotated proof sheets which accompany

almost every one of the 558 Middle Hill Press titles in the collection. For
instance, the often stormy relations between Phillipps and a series of
unhappy printers 21 are revealed in bitter comments inscribed on many
ofthese sheets. We can deduce from this ad-hoc correspondence (as did
Munby, who worked from many of these very documents) that Phillipps
paid his printers grudgingly, when he paid them at all, and also that he
was a terrible editor-although of course that much is painfully obvious
from the corrected sheets alone. A good many bibliographic mysteries
surrounding the Middle Hill Press can be cleared up by careful exami-
nation of these annotated proof sheets. Take printing dates, for example:
Sir Thomas was famously reluctant to provide frills such as title-pages for
his publications, and even where he did so, was prone to express dates of
publication in some such unhelpful form as "ca. 1840" or "183 .. or
184 .. ", or even "1850, annisque variis prioribus". Many of these undated
or misleadingly dated publications can ~e assigned a correct (or at least
probable) chronological place"basedon information from accompany-
ing dated proofs. As a bonus, the sheets often bear additional notes iden-
tifYing the author or printer of the work, or specifYing the number of
copies to be printed off. This checklist has taken into account evidence
provided by some of these proofs in establishing dates and attributions,
but it has not yet been possible to properly examine every one of the sev-
eral thousand annotated sheets in the Horblit collectionJover eight hun-
dred such sheets accompany the Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum
alone), and much information about Sir Thomas and his press no doubt
still lies hidden there.

21. 'John Agg of Evesham, who threatened to, put the bailiffs into Middle Hill; Adolphus
Brightley, who on arrival at the miserable quarters allotted him in Broadway Tower found
them occupied by squatters of 'the poorest class of beings;' young Edwyn Offer, who en-
listed in the Dragoons to escape from his thralldom; Thomas Timbrel!, whose ruthlessly
enforced contract with his master reduced him to destitution; Charles Gilmour, whose fiery
temper matched the Baronet's own stormy personality; George Bretherton, who ab-
sconded; and James Rogers, whose rabid anti-Catholic sentiments retained him his master's
goodwil! and secured him a legacy."-A. N. L. Munby, "Introduction," Sotheby & Co.,
Catalogue of Printed Books Comprising Publications of the Middle Hill Press . . . [15-16 May,
1969], p. [ivl.




It will by now be obvious to the reader why, more than a hundred years
after the death of its proprietor, the Middle Hill Press still has no formal
bibliography. "I am aware," admitted Sir Thomas, "that my performances
in Book-making stand in need of many apologies. "22 In fact, Phillipps sel-
dom missed an opportunity to confound future generations of scholars,
collectors, and bibliographers. Convinced that maintaining a resident
printer would save him money, he felt compelled to print in quantity,
usually at the expense of quality. But as we have seen, he brought to full
completion relatively few of his larger projects, so that much of the formal
output of the press exists only in more-or-Iess fragmen tary state, and those
fragments are often found in several variants. He consistently neglected
to provide date, place of publication, or printer for his works, and the
imprint information which does appear is apt to be misleading. His hap-
hazard methods of distribution, particularly for large-scale works printed
over the course of time, means that almost every copy of (for instance)
the great Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum differs significantly from
every other copy. Mindful of these difficulties, A. N. L. Munby, the great
Phillipps scholar, himself doubted "that the benefit which scholars would
derive from a complete bibliography of the Middle Hill Press would be
commensurate with the immense expenditure of time and labour which
its compilation would entail."23 If Munby-certainly no stranger to im-
mense expenditures of time and labor-quailed at the prospect, small
wonder that no one has yet had the temerity to construct a formal record
of this troublesome, yet immensely interesting private press.
Although we have no bibliography per se of the Middle Hill Press, Sir
Thomas Phillipps's typographic efforts are by no means undocumented.

22. From a letter to Lord Braybrook, 26 May 1847, quoted inA. N. L. Munby, Phillipps Stud-
ies No. I: The Catalogues of Manuscripts & Printed Books of Sir Thomas Phillipps (Cambridge: At
the University Press, 1951), p. 5.
23 A. N. L. Munby, Phillipps Studies No. IV: The Formation of the Phillipps Library From I84 I to
I872 (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1956), p. xii.


There are in fact a surprising number of catalogues, checklists, and other

works, and navigating among them is one of the more daunting aspects
of bibliographical research into the Press. The earliest of these lists were
created with the cooperation of Sir Thomas himself, and are still of great
value. The first was compiled byJohn Martin (1791-1855), bibliographer
and librarian to the Duke of Bedford. Martin included this list as pp.
[441 J-458 in his Bibliographical Catalogue ofBooks Privately Printed (1834) .24
Within the limits of the bibliographic practice of the time, it is a very use-
ful compilation. The titles of the seventy-five entries are transcribed fully
and fairly accurately, and format and pagination are included. In many
cases where the item as issued lacks place of publication, printer, or date,
Martin has supplied that information, as well as further bibliographic
details, such as numbers of copies printed. The source of these additions
was almost certainly Sir Thomas himself, and since they are often
recorded nowhere else, Martin remains one of the best secondary
sources of information we have on th~_, early years of the Middle Hill
Press. In 1858 Sir Frederic Madcren compiled and submitted to Notes &
Queries a list of 108 Middle Hill Press publications 2 5 issued up to that
time, minus, according the editor's note, the "many single sheets ofPedi-
grees and other valuable matter". Unfortunately, the bibliographic
usefulness of this list is much impaired by the extreme brevity of the
entries, the casual approach to title transcription, and the fact that no
dates of publication are given. A somewhat more accurate idea of the
mature scope of the press can be gleaned from the list published in
Henry G. Bohn's edition of William Thomas Lowndes's famous Bib-
liographer's Manual (1864-1865). About forty entries appear under the
heading "Phillipps" in volume N, supplemented by an additional two
hundred under "Middle Hill Press, Worcestershire" in Bohn's appendix
to' Lowndes, published as volume VI of The Bibliographer's Manual. In
terms of simple extent Lowndes would appear to supersede Martin and

24- The description of the Middle Hill Press was omitted from the second edition of 1854.
25. "A List of Books and Articles Printed for Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart., and Chiefly at the
Private Press at Middle Hill, Worcestershire, between 1817 [ll and Sept. 1858." Notes &
Queries, 2nd Ser. No. 150 (13 November 1858): pp. 389-391.


Madden, but its advantages over earlier works are more apparent than
real. The entries for items printed before 1835 are in fact cribbed
verbatim from Martin, and a great many of those printed after 1835 are
copied from Madden's less-than-satisfactory Notes & Queries article. The
last (and best) formal list of Middle Hill imprints to appear in the nine-
teenth century was that compiled and published anonymously in 1886 by
Sir Thomas's grandson, Thomas FitzRoy Fenwick (1856-1938). The
Middle Hill Press: A Short Catalogue of Some of Sir Thomas Phillipps' Privately
Printed Works consists of one hundred twenty-four entries, encompassing
about two hundred separate titles. In contrast to the relatively haphazard
arrangement of both Martin and Lowndes, the numbered entries in
Fenwick are grouped according to topic, a useful organization given the
lack of any obvious chronology in Middle Hill Press works, and one
which has been followed by most subsequer,t compilers. Finally, although
it does not include a formal bibliography of the Middle Hill Press, A. N.
L. Munby's five-volume Phillipps Studies remains an absolutely essential
source of bibliographic information on the more important works, such
as the Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum and the Catalogue ofPrinted Books.
Excellent descriptions of Middle Hill Press works are also found in
some of the dozens of bookseller and book auction catalogues produced
in connection with the dispersal of the Bibliotheca Phillippica after
1886. Fenwick's 1886 Short Catalogue should also head the list of these.
For although the entries are not priced, the extensive and rather
plummy descriptions read suspiciously like those in a sale catalogue, and
Munby confirms that Fenwick was eager to dispose of material "which
had proved so difficult to market in the great collector's own lifetime."26
We also learn from Munby that Fenwick consigned a good many Middle
Hill Press items with London bookseller Bernard Quaritch, and Quaritch
"Rough List no. 79" (November 1886: Choice Portions of the Library of the
Late Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. ... ), with some two hundred and fifty titles,
remains a useful source in spite of the very sketchy form of the entries.

26. A. N. L. Munby, Phillipps Studies V: The Dispersal of the Phillipps Library (Cambridge: At tbe
University Press, 1960), p. 56.


Significant numbers of Middle Hill Press works were offered by

Sotheby's 27 in sales of books and manuscripts from the Bibliotheca
Phillippica held on 3 August 1886 (u~S 10tS),28 22 January 1889 (110
lots), 7 December 1891 (llSlots), 19June 1893 (lOS10ts), and 24 April
1911 (lOSlots); additional, less extensive offerings of Middle Hill Press
material appeared in Sotheby sales of 19 June 1896 (3S lots) and 24
April 1911 (16 lots).
The unsold residue of the Bibliotheca Phillippica, including a mass of
Middle Hill Press publications, eventually made its way into the hands of
the William H. Robinson Ltd. firm of booksellers, and one of the last
significant offerings of Middle Hill Press materia1 29 appeared in the cat-
alogue of a Sotheby's sale of Robinson Trust property which was held on
IS/16 May 1969 (163 lots). A. N. L. Munby wrote the introduction to
the catalogue and may very well have had a hand in the descriptions,
which are very full and accurate. One of the best of book dealer cata-
logues devoted to the Middle Hill Press was that published by the firm of
H. P. Kraus in 1972 on the cerite'ilary of Phillipps's death. Special Suby"ect
Bulletin NO.5: A Catalogue of Publications Printed at the Middle Hill Press,
I8I9-I872 with over four hundred numbered entries3 0 was at that time
by far the most comprehensive list of its kind, and certainly one of
the most bibliographically sophisticated, with titles transcribed in full,
extent accurately described, and typographic variants carefully noted.
The Kraus catalogue was among the first to itemize sOme of the many

27. It is interesting to note that the sections on Middle Hill Press material in many of these
sales are prefaced by a warning: "All the following Publications can be guaranteed as con-
taining all that was ever printed for each of them. Attention is called to this fact, as, from
the mode of their preparation and printing, some of the pieces were issued in a more or
less imperfect state .... "
28. Roland Folter has suggested to me that hIost of these 125 lots may have gone to
Be'rnard Quaritch, to appear in November 1886 as part of his Rough List no. 79, described
above. The Horblit collection at the Grolier Club contains Fenwick's annotated set of the
Sotheby Phillipps sale catalogues, but alas, the annotations do not include names of buyers.
29. The cream of the Robinson hoard of Middle Hill Press material had, of course, already
been privately sold to Harrison Horblit in 1959.
30. The actual number of titles is somewhat less, due to the fact that the many duplicate
copies and proof sets are each assigned a unique number.


estate documents, anti-Catholic tracts, handbills, lithograph sketches,

and other ephemeral pieces printed by Phillipps, which previous bibli-
ographers had either ignored entirely, or lumped into the category of
miscellanea minora.



It is time to justifY yet another list of Middle Hill Press publications. The
importance of the HorbIit archive has already been noted, but it is worth
repeating here that it is certainly the largest and most complete such
collection in the United States,3 1 and one of the richest anywhere, par-
ticularly in the number and importance of association copies, annotated
proofs, and other supporting material. A published record of this partic-
ular collection is therefore certainly warranted. But like its predecessors
this catalogue, though more detailed than most, is not a formal bib-
liography of the Middle Hill Press. A. N. L. Munby's doubts about the
scholarly value of such an enterprise, in light of the immense biblio-
graphical problems involved, are still valid.3 2 It is, however, the only such
list which documents a permanent physical assemblage of works from the
Mi~dle Hill Press.33 The titles listed in Martin, Lowndes and Fenwick
either never existed physically as a group, or were never directly examined
by their compilers, or were documented only to be dispersed through
sale or auction. In contrast, this checklist of the Horblit collection of
Middle Hill Press publications is intended to foster interest in a rich and
(more importantly) tangible scholarly resource, one that has much to

3 1 . In fact, there are only eleven items cited in earlier lists of the Middle Hill Press which
are not found in the Horblit collection. These are given in Appendix A.
32. A more detailed bibliographic treatment of selected Middle Hill Press titles seems how-
ever both desirable and possible, and will appear in due time, perhaps as a supplement to
this Checklist.
33 One can gain some idea of the British Library's extensive collection of Middle Hill Press
material from the British Museum catalogue, for instance, but not easily, since they are not
grouped together; and the collection at the Yale Center for British Art has been catalogued,
but not in published form.


tell us about Sir Thomas Phillipps, his antiquarian and bibliophilic pur-
suits, his printing activities, and his fabled library.
Like the collection it documents, this catalogue assumes a fairly broad
definition of "Middle Hill Press." Items printed under Sir Thomas's
direct supervision at his estates of Middle Hill or Thirlestaine form the
core of the collection, of course; but we would have only a poor idea of
Phillipps's publishing activities if works "printed elsewhere to his order"
were omitted, and by including them we follow solid precedent. So far,
so good. But what about offprints of articles by Phillipps? How to treat
works published or continued after his death? Horblit considered these
works to be an indispensible part of his Middle Hill Press collection, and
in this he also followed the lead of the Robinsons and other dealers, as
well as previous bibliographers of the press. To exclude these offprints
and posthumously published works would probably not much impover-
ish our knowledge of the Middle Hill Press; but on the other hand, their
inclusion gives a clearer picture of Phillipps's wider antiquarian activities
and writings. In the end, a slighrblurring of bibliographic focus on the
press seemed a small price to pay for a clearer picture of the man and his
The entries in this checklist are grouped according to topic, under five
main headings: Catalogues (including the subcategories Catalogues of the Bib-
liothecaPhillippica; Catalogues of Other Libraries; and Other Lists & Inventories);
Antiquarian Works (encompassing England, General; Englqnd subdivided by
county; Wales, General; Wales subdivided by county; and Other Antiquarian
Works); Genealogical Works (divided into two subcategories, General; and
Families); Anti-Catholic Works; and Miscellanea. With two major exceptions,
entries within each category are arranged alphabetically by title, a prac-
tice made necessary by the prepon,derance of anonymous historical
documents and other works of unknown or doubtful authorship. In cases
where an author's name appears on the piece or can be determined from
other sources, that fact is mentioned in the entry, and all such entries will
then be found collocated under the author's name in the general index,
as well as separately under their proper titles. The output of a single press
over time is traditionally displayed in a chronological series of entries,


so many Middle Hill Press works are either undated, mislead-

dated or frankly undatable, a chronology has been attempted only
for the very important first category, encompassing the twenty-five Cata-
logues o/the Bibliotheca Phillippica. The other major exception to this title
subarrangement has been made in the subcategory Families under
Genealogical Works, where the entries have been ordered alphabetically
aCC:OIdlng to family name. A few other exceptions will be noted, gener-
ally in isolated instances where a thematic subarrangement of some items
was considered more convenient for the user, or where title variations
threatened to separate different manifestations of the same work. A work
of this type stands or falls by its indexes, and no effort has been spared to
make these as full and complete as possible. Access to subject, genre, title
(including all significant variants), author/editor, and printer is pro-
vided through the general index. A preliminary (and necessarily imper-
fect) timeline for Middle Hill Press publications, based on evidence
. derived from corrected proofs or other sources, and vividly illustrating
the problems involved in dating this material, is given in a second,
chronological index. Finally, I have provided in Appendix A a descrip-
tion of those few Middle Hill Press titles appearing in standard lists which
are not in the Horblit collection, and in Appendix B a list of all printers
identified as having some connection to the Middle Hill Press, with a
Chronology of their association with Sir Thomas, based on evidence from
copies at the GroUer Club.
The checklist entries are numbered in a single sequence, which allows
the user to move easily between the indexes and the entries. In addition,
each entry is identified by a unique call number, constructed according
to the Grolier Club's classification scheme. This number reflects the cur-
rent physical arrangement of the material on the shelves at the Grolier
Club, and is the means by which researchers in the library may request
material from the collection. Call numbers with a final element ofMH1
through MH522 represent the original Robinson archive of 460 items
purchased by Horblit in 1959, with the sixty or so additions he made in
SUcceeding years. Horblit retained the Robinson inventory numbers in
arranging this material on his shelves, and faced with the necessity upon


its arrival of quickly getting the collection under some sort of biblio-
graphical control, and in the interest of maintaining some physical
record of Horblit's connection with the material, the Grolier Club has
followed suit. Because they almost always duplicate items from the larger
and more comprehensive Robinson purchase, call numbers for items
from the supplementary eleven-volume Bibliotheca Lindesiana set of
Middle Hill Press titles are generally not explicitly supplied, but instead
are referred to in a note ("Copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' pri-
vately printed warks"). The few catalogued items not originally part of
either the Robinson or the Bibliotheca Lindesiana set of Middle Hill
Press publications-notably the various Middle Hill Press catalogues of
the Bibliotheca Phillippica-have been classified according to their
proper subject.
This work began as a series of computerized library catalogue records
created on the RLIN (Research Libraries Information Network)
database, and constructed according to Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules,
2nd ed., rev., which governs U.S:"~3:Iid English library cataloguing in gen-
eral, and Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Books, 2nd ed., a manual of rare
book cataloging rules developed by the Library of Congress. The struc-
ture and aims of an online library catalogue, however, are not those of a
printed checklist, and thus the form and content of the original com-
puterized records have been altered. Certain punctuation conventions
peculiar to libraries have been eliminated, and the entries generally
punctuated according to sense, in order to avoid the confusion which
would result from a strict transcription of the title page. Titles are, how-
ever, generally transcribed in full; in the rare instances where very
lengthy title information has been abridged, this is indicated by the mark
of omission ( ... ). There has been np attempt at typographic facsimile,
no line-breaks are indicated, and capitalization has been normalized
according to standard library practice. Spelling, however, follows the
original as closely as possible, turned letters, misprints and all; in partic-
ular, accents are not supplied in transcription if they do not appear in the
title. Bracketed text in the transcription, aside from "[sic]" or other cor-
rections, generally indicates conjectural information or information


taken from a source other than the title-page or colophon, and where
appropriate the source of that information is given in a note. Many Mid-
dle Hill Press publications bear no formal indication of place or printer.
Missing elements of the imprint which are known from secondary
sources, or can reasonably be conjectured from internal evidence, are
given within square brackets, in a formula such as "[Evesham: John Agg,
printer ... ]," or "Printed at Middle-Hill: [Edwin Offer, printer ... ], or
"[Cheltenham:] Typis Medio-Montanis .... " Printing dates appearing on
title-pages are transcribed as they appear, with conjectural dates given in
square brackets. The degree of doubt attached to any particular date will
be apparent from its form, "[1829]" signifying a known specific date
derived from dated proofs or reference works, "[1829?]" implying some
chronological uncertainty, "[ca. 1829]" a greater degree of doubt,
"[I82-?]" quite a large degree of doubt, and so on. The basis for any con-
jectural element, if not obvious from context, will be explained in a note.
Collations of individual items are given in full, but in some details-such
as precisely which pages/leaves in a sequence are numbered and which
are not-library rather than traditional bibliographic practice has been
followed. Gatherings in Middle Hill Press publications are generally not
signed; the one or two significant exceptions are noted in the text.
Notes covering authorship, publication, content, and physical details
of individual copies in the collection are given as a matter of course, as
are references to published descriptions in Fenwick, Martin, Lowndes,
and other lists. The word "proof" occurs often in these notes. This is a
term which inspires a certain amount of awe and reverence in the bib-
liophilic world, and a "corrected proof copy" of this or that naturally
commands a higher price in book-dealer and book auction catalogues.
But it should be kept in mind that Sir Thomas Phillipps was a compulsive
doodler, and that by no means all of the "corrected proof copies" appear-
ing in catalogues of Middle Hill Press publications represent copies
corrected specifically for the press. So many of the Middle Hill Press pub-
lications in the Horblit collection are annotated in some way, and those
annotations are of such various kinds, that I have thought it best in this
checklist to be more than usually precise in referring to corrected or


annotated copies, fragments, or individual sheets. Items bearing

manuscript corrections that were actually and demonstrably incorpo-
rated into later printed versions are labeled "corrected proofs"; copies of
these same trial versions without manuscript markings are termed
"uncorrected proofs"; other annotated items not falling into one of these
two categories are referred to simply as "annotated," or "corrected," or
"inscribed" copies, as appropriate.
The Horblit gift of Phillipps material arrived at the Grolier Club in
April 1995, and it was installed in a room remodeled to receive it during
December 1995 and January 1996. The process of describing and cata-
loguing the 550-odd Middle Hill Press items in the collection was begun
in February 1996, and completed by late August of the same year, at
which time the labor of creating the checklist was begun, the results of
which are before you, published to accompany the May 1997 opening of
the Grolier Club exhibition The Collector Collected: Sir Thomas Phillipps and
Harrison Horblit. The compil~~"~~ke full responsibility for any errors aris-
ing from this very brisk pace, and welcomes additions and corrections.
A great many good friends and colleagues assisted in the creation of
this work. Thanks are due first of all to Jean Mermin Horblit, widow of
Harrison D. Horblit, without whose good stewardship, hard work, and
boundless generosity there would be no Horblit Phillipps collection at
the Grolier Club, no Horblit Phillipps Room to put it in, and no check-
list to document it. For their careful readings of the text and much good
advice I must also thank Martin Antonetti, David Chambers, Roland
Folter, Milton McC. Gatch, Hope Mayo, Henry F. Raine, Carol Z.
Rothkopf, James A. Servies, and G. Thomas Tanselle.



BMC = British Museum. Dept. of Printed Books, General Catalogue of Printed Books to I955
(London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1959"-1966)
Fenwick = [Fenwick, T. F.J The Middle Hill Press. A Short Catalogue of Some of Sir Thomas
Phillipps' Privately Printed Works (London: Privately Printed by J. Davy & Sons, Dryden
Press, 1886)
GC = Grolier Club
Kraus = H. P. Kraus, Special Subject Bulletin NO.5: A Catalogue ofPublications Printed at the Mid-
dleHillPress, I8I9-I872 (New York, 1972)
Lowndes = Lowndes, William Thomas, The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature New
ed., rev., carr. and en!., by Henry G. Bohn (London: Bell & Daldy, 1864-1865)
Lowndes (App.) = Bohn, Henry G., Appendix to the Bibliographer's Manual ofEnglish Literature
(London: H. G. Bohn, 1864)
Martin = Martin, John, A Bibliographical Catalogue of Books Privately Printed . .. (London:
J. and A. Arch, 1834), pp. [441]-458
Munby = Munby, A. N. L., Phillipps Studies: I. The Catalogues ofManuscripts & Printed Books of
Sir Thomas Phillipps, Their Composition and Distribution (Cambridge: At the University Press,
195 1); II. The Family Affairs of Sir Thomas Phillipps (Cambridge: At the University Press,
1952); III. The Formation of the Phillipps Library Up to the Year I840 (Cambridge: At the Uni-
versity Press, 1954); Iv. The Formation of the Phillipps Library From I 84 I to I 872 (Cambridge:
At the University Press, 1956); and V. The Dispersal of the Phillipps Library (Cambridge: At the
University Press, 1960)
Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works = binder's title for the supplemental series of Middle
Hill Press publications purchased by Horblit from the estate of Major J. R. Abbey, and orig-
inally part ofthe Bibliotheca Lindesiana. GC call no. 34.52 MH Coli. Vol. 1-11
Sotheby = Sotheby & Co., Catalogue ofPrinted Books Comprising Publications of the Middle Hill
Press From the Celebrated Collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. ... [15-16 May, 1969], lots

T~an Cat. = Twyman, Michael, Early Lithographed Books (London: Farrand Press & Private
Libraries Association, 1990), Catalogue 4.1-4-14







$!oir ~bOllla9 11!)iilillll9 t;nt.

(PEUO~ 01' TUE nny.\1. SOCl;;TY, "}'THK SOC!IlTYO' ;NTrQVARIU,




NO.4, Title-page, A catalogue of the printed books . .. (1827-1871)

1. A catalogue of books at Middle-Hill, Worcestershire, 1819. Salisbury:
Printed by J. A. Gilmour, [1819.] 40 pp. 28 cm.
"The first of Phillipps's systematic attempts to record in print the contents of his
library" -Cf. Munby I, p. 2 (note) & III, p. 13.
Lists 1326 titles, comprising 2894 volumes.
Lowndes (App.), p. 232; Sotheby 3(1) (title and 6 leaves only).
GC copy bound in contemporary roan-backed marbled boards; Sir Thomas's
own copy, heavily annotated by him in pencil.
PRILL. COLL. 08.26 P54 CATB 1819

2. Catalogue ofprinted books. [Middle Hill: Adolphus Brightley, 1824 or

1825.] 8 pp. 34 cm.
786 titles, representing a trial list for the more extensive Catalogue of the printed
books in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps . .. (Checklist no. 4), begun in 1827.
These pages are sometimes found bound as a supplement to the larger cata-
logue. Cf. Munby I, pp. 35-36.
First page has heading Books from Varrentrap; also includes Books from Bern (pp.
2-6) and Verbeyss' books (pp. 6-8).
Martin, p. 451 ("Fifty copies"); Lowndes (App.), p. 228.
GC' copy 1 bound with 2 full sets of corrected proofs and 1 corrected single sheet
(pp. 1/2), showing successive revisions; GC copy 2 & copy 3 (copy 3 with MS cor-
rections and annotations) laid in; copy 4 bound with the library's copy of the,
complete catalogue (Checklist no. 4); copy 5 disbound.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH462

3 Catalog;us incunabulorum olim penes Leandrum van Ess, S. T.P. de

Darmstadt. Nunc vero in bibliotheca Phillippica depositorum. 1825.
[Middle Hill:] Ex typis Medio-Montanis impressus, [1825.] pp. [15]-58; 34 cm.
This work is generally cited under its caption title: Catalogus incunabulorum pro-
fessoris et doctoris theol. L. van Ess, Darmstaelt. [sic] nunc in bibliotheca Phillippica
deposit; the added title leaf present in this copy is not recorded by Munby.
For a study of this work and a discussion of the connection between Sir Thomas

*A chronology has been attempted only in this first category of twenty-five works. See Intro-
dUction, p. xxxi.

[ 1]

Phillipps and Leander van Ess, see Milton McC. Gatch, "Leander Van Ess, Sir
Thomas Phillipps, and Harrison Horblit: Serendipitous Adventures," Gazette of
the Grolier Club, N.S. No. 48 (1997).
Martin, p. 453 ("Fifty copies printed"); Munby I, pp. 35-37; Lowndes, p. 1857.
GC copy in contemporary boards; corrections and annotations in pencil; ink
inscription at foot of title: "Printed at Middle Hill, 182 .. "
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH 14

sa. [ .] Catalogus incunabulorum in bibliotheca Medio-

Montana. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, [1825?] pp. [15]-58; 34 cm.
Text as in the preceding; the added title leaf (with engraved Broadway Tower
vignette) in this version is also not recorded by Munby; caption title as in the pre-
GC copy in full contemporary russia; marginal notations in pencil.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH14a

4. A catalogue of the printed books in the library ofSir Thomas

Phillipps bart. (Fellow of the Royal Society, of the Society oe [sic] Anti-
quaries, and of the Linnaean Society.) at Middle-Hill. Middle-Hill:
Printed by EdwynOffer, 1828 [i.e., 1827:-::.1871.] 14 pts. in 1 vol. ([2],152, [4]
pp.) 36 cm. (fol.) "
Title from general t.-p. of GC copy, Sir Thomas's own annotated master-copy. For
a discussion of this copy (and its possibly unique general t.-p.) and a complete
bibliographic description, cf. Munby I, p. 38 (no. 1).
Lists 11,885 numbered titles, plus another 410 unnumbered.
Re-issued)n 1852 with a new t.-p. See Checklist no. 4a below.
Martin, p. 451 (citing the 51 pp. version of 1828: "Six copies were printed");
Lowndes, p. 1857; Kraus 247/249 (proof sheets and facsimiles only).
GC copy bound by Zaehnsdorf in full crimson morocco; sIgned by Sir Thomas
Phillipps on the general t.-p. ("Thos. Phillipps 1832"), and profusely annotated
by him on pp. 1-56 and 69-72; bound at end are 8 numbered 'trial' pages (Books
from Varrentrapp,ca. 1825), and proof-sheets ofpp. 125-128, 129-132, 133-136
(proofs in 2 states), 137-140, 141-144, 145-148 (proofs in 2 states) and
149-152; accompanied (in separate case) by 114 corrected proof-sheets for the
catalogue supplements, full- or half-sheets, with corrections and annotations in
,pen or pencil by Sir Thomas (Phill. CoIl. 08.26 P54 CatB Proofs)
PHILL. COLL. 08.26 P54 CATS 1827

4a. [ .] Catalogus ofprinted books, at Middle Hill. [Middle

Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, 1852. 14 pts. in 1 vol. ([2], 152, [4] pp.) 36 cm. (fol.)
Essentially the text of no. 4 above, with a new t.-p.
Sotheby 25.

[2 ]

,GC copy bound in modern quarter morocco; pp. [1]-52 present in photostat
formerly in the possession of A. N. L. Munby, and described by him
under no. 6 of his census of copies of this work (Munby I, p. 40); bound at end
are 8 numbered 'trial' pages (Books from Varrentrapp, ca. 1825), and proof-sheets
ofpp. 125-132 (photostat facsimile) , 133-136 (proofs in 2 states, both in photo-
stat facsimile), 137-140, 141-144, 145-148 (proofs in 2 states, 1 in photostat
facsimile) and 149-152; the photostats have been taken from Sir Thomas's own
.annotated copy (no. 1 in Munby census; see preceding), except for the t.-p.,
which appears to be a recent addition.
PHILL. COLL. 08.26 P54 CATB 1852

5. Catalog;us librorum manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica.

Literatis aperta. 1&z8. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1828.] 3, [1] pp.
(the last p. blank) 34 cm.
The revised and renumbered "2nd edition" of Sir Thomas's first attempt at a
printed catalogue of his collection of manuscripts. Cf. Munby I, p. 12 (note 1),
and plate II A. See also Checklist no. 8.
322 entries.
Kraus 251; Sotheby 29.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof sheet of pp. 1/2.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH412

6. Codices manuscripti ex Bibliotheca Meermanni, Hagae-Comitis,

olim ex Bibliotheca Collegii Societatis Jesu, Claromontani, Parisiis,
quorum pars ex celeberrimo Monasterio Corbeiensi, prope Ambianos,
nunc in Bibliotheca Phillippica. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1829.] 12
pp. 34 cm.
First part of a projected revised and expanded edition of Sir Thomas's catalogue
of his manuscript collection. See also Checklist no. 8 below.
Lowndes (App.), p. 227 ("1829 ... 52 copies printed"); Sotheby 32 (4 proof
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof slip of the title.
PRILL. COLL. 34.5 2 MH416

7 Catalogus manuscriptorum Frederici, Comitis de Guilford . ..

MSS. ex bibliotheca Mattei. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1834?] 4
pp. 34 cm.
Paper watermarked 18 34.
See also Checklist no. 10.
Fenwick 71.2; Lowndes (App.), p. 233; Kraus 146; Sotheby 150(2).

[3 ]

GC copy 1 unbound; accompanied by 3 sets of proofs, annotated and corrected

by Sir Thomas; copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed wwks.

8. Catalog;us librorum manuscriptorum in bibliotheca D. Thomae

Phillipps, bart. A.D. 1837. [Middle Hill:] Impressus typis Medio-Montanis,
mense Maio, 1837-[1871.] 4 pts. in 1 vol. ([8], 436 [i.e., 444], 6, 3-12, [24],
8, 18, 21-24 pp.) 35 cm.
23,837 entries.
Numerous errors and irregularities in pagination.
For a detailed bibliographic description, cf. Munby I, pp. 13-14.
Martin, p. 447 (24 p. version of 1824; "Fifty copies were printed of all the sheets,
except the first, and one hundred copies of the Guildford MSS."); Lowndes,
p. 1857; Lowndes (App.), pp. 226-227.
GC copy 1 bound in modern half calf; collates as the ideal copy described by
Munby, and includes all the cancellands and cancels mentioned by him; sheet 1
is in 1st ed. state, sheets 2-3 are 2nd ed.; no. 26 in Munby's census.
GC copy 2 bound in modern half calf; collates as the ideal copy described by
Munby, and includes the cancellands and cancels mentioned by him, except for
pp. 187/8 (cancelland only);sheet"l is"in-1sted. state, sheets 2-3 are 2nd ed.;
no. 25 in Munby's census.
GC copy 3 bound in modern half morocco; many leaves in proof state, with MS
corrections and annotations; pp. 23-28, 33-40, 53-76, 97-100 of main
sequence, and 9-18,21-24 ofindex present in photostat.
GC copy 4 bound by Zaehnsdorf in full crimson morocco; "Sir Thomas Phillipps'
own working copy, of great interest. Both the first and second editions of pp.
1-16 are bound in. Up to p. 56 the copy is interleaved and profusely annotated;
in a great many cases the brief printed descriptions are very IIlUCh expanded and
there are a few additional notes of provenance" -Munby I, p. 26; no. 22 in
Munby's census; accompanied by ca. 800 corrected proof sheets, full- or half-
sheets, with extensive corrections and annotations in pen or pencil by Sir
Thomas; for a full description of these proof sheets, cf. Sotheby & Co., Catalogue
ofPrinted Books Comprising Publications of the Middle Hill Press From the Celebrated Col-
lection of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. ... [15-16 May, 1969], lot no. 48 (Phill. ColI.
08.26 P54 CatM Proofs).
GC copy 5 consists of 2 sets of sheets of the printed Catalogus librorum manuscrip-
twum, the individual entries cut out and mounted in 12 volumes; it was prepared
in 1872 for the probate valuation of Phillipps's library by Edward Bond (cf.
Munby I, p. 27); many of the entries annotated with the original purchase price,
and some with expanded descriptions and provenance notes; no. 23 in Munby's
census (Phill. ColI. 08.26 P54 CatM2).
PRILL. COLL. 08.26 P54 CATM 1837


9. [ .] The Phillipps manuscripts. Catalogus librorum manu-

scriptorum in bibliotheca D. Thomae Phillipps, Bt., impressum Tjpis
Medio-Montanis,1837-1871. With an introduction by A. N. L. Munby.
London: Holland Press, 1968. [26],436 [i.e., 444], [2],6,3-12, [24], 8,18,
21-24 pp., [1] plate: port. 35 cm.
Photographic reprint of the preceding.
Kraus 246.
PHILL. COLL. 08.26 P54 CATM 1968

10. Guildford MSS . ... [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 183-?] 1 sheet ([2]
pp.) 35 x 21 cm.
An index of the contents of the manuscripts purchased by Sir Thomas Phil-
lipps from the Earl of Guilford, comprising Phillipps MSS. 4912, 49 13, 4925,
and 5222.
Probably intended as part of a proposed expanded and revised edition of Sir
Thomas of his manuscript collection. Not noted specifically by Munby, but this is
possibly the "proper extended catalogue of my MSS. of Guilford" referred to by
Phillipps in a letter quoted in Munby I, p. 15.
See also Checklist nos. 7-8.
Kraus 256.
GC copy in later wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH413

11. List ofmanuscripts relating to Wales in the Middle Hill Library.

[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 183-?] 1 sheet ([2] pp.) 34 x 21 cm.
81 entries.
Lowndes (App.), p. 233; Kraus 258.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH409

12. Catalogue of books at Middle Hill. 2nd[-4th] supplement, 1841.

[Middle Hill: Charles Gilmour? 1841?] 3 pts. in 1 vol. (48 pp.) 19 cm.
Supplementing A catalogue of the printed books in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps
... (Checklist no. 4); the catalogue and its supplements originally appeared in
folio format; this series of octavo supplements was possibly a trial issue. Cf. Munby
V, p. 115.
Lists printed books no. 4575 through 5557.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; leather book label of]. R. Abbey; housed with
2 other works (Checklist nos. 39 and 40) in folding case bearing binder's title:
Sir Thomas Phillipps' catalogue Middle Hill; copy 2 in Middle Hill boards (MH489)'
PRILL. COLL. 08.26 P54 CAT NO.1; PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH489

[5 ]

13. Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum in bibliotheca Mediomon-

tana D. Thomae Phillipps, bart. 1842. History ofEngland. [Middle
Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1842?] 4 pp. 34 cm.
Trial issue of a revised and expanded edition of Sir Thomas's catalogue of his col-
lection of manuscripts. This version is not noted by Munby, but cf. Munby V,
p. 113 for a description of an early proof.
Kraus 252; Sotheby 73.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 laid in; accompanied by a corrected proof,
with "Phillipps" spelled "Phildipps" in the title, as described by Munby.
PRILL. CaLL. 34.52 MR415

14. Books & MSS. bound by Bretherton . . . [Middle Hill: Middle Hill
Press, 1850?] [4] pp. (the first and last pp. blank) 17 cm.
Text divided into 3 sections, headed "28 Oct. 1850," "1 November" and "2
Kraus 408.
GC copy 1 unbound; copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
PRILL. CaLL. 34.52 MR6o.

15. Spanish, & Portuguese books in Middle Hill library, 1852.

[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1852.] 1 sheet ([2] pp.) 34 x 22 cm.
Intended as a supplement to Catalogue of the printed books in the library of Sir Thomas
Phillipps . .. (Checklist no. 4). Cf. Munby I, p. 40.
Kraus 259.
GC copy 1 in modern half calf over linen boards, with extensi"e annotations and
corrections in the hand of Sir Thomas; copy 2 (less extensively annotated by Sir
Thomas) and copy 3 (not annotated) laid in; accompanied by 2 corrected
proofs, 1 dated at top "5 Apr 52."
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR410

16. A list of books. Chiefly printed at Middle Hill. [Middle Hill: Middle
Hill Press, 185-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 32 x 18 cm.
73 items, no places of publication or prices given.
Several works dating from the 1850S are included, and item 73 (Juan de Tovais
[i.e., Tovar's] History of Mexico), published in 1860, is described as "in press."
Kraus 203; Sotheby 110 (version not specified).
GC copy disbound; accompanied by a corrected proof.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR383

[ 6]

17. A list of books. Chiefly printed at Middle Hill. [Middle Hill: Middle
Hill Press, 1858 or 185g?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 32 x 18 cm.
73 items, priced, but no places of publication given.
Not dated, but see preceding.
Kraus 204; Sotheby 113
GC copy 1 & copy 2 disbound; accompanied by 4 corrected proofs, 1 (with only
70 items) bearing revision date of Feb. 1857.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH384

18. A list of books. Chiefly printed at Middle Hill. [Middle Hill: Middle
Hill Press, 1858 or 185g?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 32 x 18 cm.
83 items, unpriced, but with places of publication given.
Not dated, but includes works published after 1857, and item 73 (Juan de Tovar's
History of Mexico), published in 1860, is described as "in press."
Kraus 205.
GC copy disbound; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH385

19. Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Phillippica.

SavileMSS. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1863.] 3, [1] pp. (thelastp. blank)
34 cm.
Catalogue of the Saville MSS. purchased by Phillipps in 1861; cf. Munby I, p. 13;
and N, pp. 76-77.
35 entries.
Kraus 253/254; Sotheby 48A.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 (with inscription "31 Mch 63 Print off") laid
in; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs, bearing revision dates in February 1863.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH411

20. E libris T. Phillipps, aetatis suae 16, Decemb. 10, 1808. [Cheltenham:
Middle Hill Press, 1864.] 2, [2] pp. (the last 2 pp. blank) 18 cm.
Date of publication from Munby I, p. 35.
Kraus 255; Sotheby 3(2), 124, 124a.
GC copy 1 bound in modem morocco backed boards; copy 2 unbound, in folder;
copy 3 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.5 2 MH16

21. Oriental MSS. in Bibl. Phillippica, 1867. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill
Press, 1867.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 17X 11 cm.
Cf. Munby I, p. 2 (note).
13 entries.


Sotheby 72 (4).
GC copy disbound; proof copy, with corrections in the hand of Sir Thomas.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR476

22. Sir F. Madden's pamphlets. Many presented to him by the authors.

Bought by Sir T. P. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1870.] 1 sheet ([1] p.)
17 x 21 cm.
Includes: Sir F. Madden's books. (Bought by Sir T. P.)
23 and 26 entries, respectively.
Kraus 192.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof, dated at top
"Revised 9July 70."
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR418

23. Books in Sir T. P. dressing room Thirlstaine House 1871.

[Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1871?] 4,4 pp. 35 cm.
Intended as a supplement to A catalogue of the printed books in the library of Sir
Thomas Phillipps . .. (Checklist nOp4~~~f.Munby I, p. 40.
Act-Surrey only; no more published.
Kraus 250.
GC copy 1 in modem half calf over linen boards; second sheet present in cor-
rected proof; accompanied by a corrected proof for the first sheet, dated at top
"21 D 71"; copy 2 in later wrappers; lacks the second sheet.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR419

24. Bibliotheca Phillippica. A catalogue of the Phillippi manuscripts,

numbers 1388 to 2010. Cheltenham: [Printed for T. F. Fenwick,] 1886. [90]
pp. 22 cm.
"The present catalogue is ... intended to be an extension of pages 17 to 22 of
the Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum ... [see Checklist no. 8], in which only the
first article of each MS. is entered" - Preface.
By,T. F. Fenwick. Cf. Munby I, p. 17.
Comprises the Meerman MSS.
Kraus 260; Sotheby 143.
GC copy 1 in original printed wrappers; accompanied by a set of loose sheets,
comprising entries 1405-1594, annotated with prices; copy 2 is a large-paper
copy (27 cm.) bound in contemporary half morocco over pebbled cloth, and
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR417

[8 ]

25. The Middle Hill Press. A short catalogue ofsome ofSir Thomas
Phillipps' privatel;y printed works. London: Privately printed by J. Davy
& Sons, Dryden Press ... ,1886. 12 pp. 26 cm .
. Compiled by and privately printed for Thomas FitzRoy Fenwick. Cf. Munby V,
p. 56 and note.
124 entries.
Kraus 206; Sotheby 141/142.
GC copy disbound; annotated by Harrison Horblit.


26. Additional MSS. in the possession of the revd. Walter Sneyd, of
Denton House, Oxon. acquired since the prtnting [sic] ofhis former
catalogue by Sir Thomas Phillipps, bart. in 1837. [Middle Hill: Middle
Hill Press, 1863?] 9, [3] pp. (the last 3 pp. blank) 35 cm.
See also Checklist no. 35.
Includes (pp. [2 ]-9): Catalogue of the MSS. at Holkham, copied from that made in I773.
Fenwick 75; Kraus 294/295.
GC copy 1 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; copy 2
unbound; proof copy, with MS corrections and annotations in the hand of Sir
Thomas Phillipps; laid in at end are 5 additional corrected proofs for various
individual pages of the work (MH8).
PHILL."COLL. 34.52 MH COLL. VOL. 1; PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH8

27 Bibliotheca urbis Constantinopolitanae, anno 1578. [Middle Hill:

Middle Hill Press, Edwin Offer, printer, 1828?] 12 pp. 34 cm.
One leaf watermarked 1828.
Fenwick 70.1; Martin, p. 446 ("Fifty copies were printed"); Lowndes, p. 1857;
Kraus 67/68 (citing an inscribed proof copy identifying Edwin Offer as printer);
Sotheby 10.
GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; bound with the following: Catalogue des
manuscrits de monseigneur Ie president de Mesmes (Checklist no. 28) -A catalogue of
the manuscripts in the archives at Lille. I828 (Checklist no. 32) - Catalogus Bibliothe-
cae monasterii Corbeiensis [checklist no. 33] -Manuscripts at Porkington (Checklist
no. 41) - Catalogue of some of the manuscripts in the publick library of Basle (Checklist
n? 29); laid in at end are a group of 19 proof sheets for these publications, all
WIth MS annotations by Sir Thomas.
GC copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
pIiILL. COLL. 34.52 MH4


28. Catalog;ue des manuscrits de monseigneur le president de Mesmes,

anno 1650. Ex Bibliotheca Meerman, no. 868 nunc in Bibliotheca
Phillippica.1827. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1828?] 6 pp. 34 cm.
BMC gives date of 1828.
Fenwick 70.2; Martin, p. 451 ("Fifty copies"); Lowndes, p. 1857; Kraus 200/201;
Sotheby 28(1).
GC copy 1 bound with: Bibliothecae urbis Constantinopolitanae ... (Checklist no.
27); copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR4

29. Catalog;ue of some of the manuscripts in the publick library of

Basle in Switzerland. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1824.] pp. 5-8; 34 cm.
The final page contains a Greek inscription, with heading: In lapidem ex /Egypto
allatum, nunc in Bibliotheca Publica apud Frankfurt-super-Mcenum.
Fenwick 70.6; Martin, p. 446; Lowndes, p. 1857; Lowndes (App.), p. 226
("1824"); Kraus 45; Sotheby 11.
GC copy 1 bound with: Bibliothecae urbis Constantinopolitanae ... (Checklist no.
27); copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' frrivately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR4

30. Catalog;ue of the library of the rev. Thomas Wigan, given to the
parish ofRibbesford, Co. Worcester. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montains
[sic], impressitJacobus Rogers, 1859. [2], 11, [1] pp. 35 cm.
Fenwick 73; Lowndes (App.), p. 236 ("in the press"); Kraus 348.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; laid in at end are 8 proof sheets with MS cor-
rections in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps; copy 2 bound ifrvol. 1 of Sir T.
Phillipps' private1:y printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR3

31. A catalogue of the manuscripts in Llannerch Library, taken June

21st. 1787. T. Jiffreys. [Middle Hill: Midd~e Hill Press, 1840?] 3, [1] pp. 34 cm.
BMC. gives date 1840.
A collection formed by Robert Davies, the antiquary. This catalogue was prepared
when it was in the possession ofJohn Davies, his descendant.
Fenwick 71.1; Kraus 185.
GC copy 1 unbound; accompanied by a proof sheet, with corrections and anno-
tations in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps; copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T.
Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR12

[ 10]

32. A catalogue of the manuscripts in the archives at Lille. 1&z8. Dans

les archives de la prifecture d'Arras. A. D. 18:z8. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill
Press, 1828?] 2 pp. 34 cm.
Fenwick 70; Martin, p. 451 ("Fifty-four copies were printed"); Lowndes, p. 1857;
Kraus 183/184; Sotheby 30(2).
GC copy 1 bound with: Bibliothecae urbis Constantinopolitanae ... (Checklist no.
27); copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH4

33. Catalogus bibliothecae monasterii Corbeiensis, codex soeculi XI.

Ex no. 762 in catalogo Bibliothecae Meerman, nunc in Bibliotheca
Phillippica conservato. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, Edwin Offer,
printer? 1828?] pp. 5-8; 34 cm.
Fenwick 70.4; Martin, p. 455 ("Fifty copies"); Lowndes, p. 1857; Kraus 69/70
(citing a copy identifying Offer as printer); Sotheby 28(2).
GC copy 1 bound with: Bibliothecae urbis Constantinopolitanae ... (Checklist no.
27); copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH4

34. Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum viri clarissimi Antonii it Wood.

Being a minute catalogue of each particular contained in the manu-
script collections ofAntony it Wood, deposited in the Ashmolean Museum,
at Oxford, by William Huddesford, M. A., Keeper of the Ashmolean
Museum. Printed at the Clarendon Press, Oxford, M.DCC.LXI.
[Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, in Turre Lativiensi re-impressus, 1824.
[4], [13]-5 2 pp. 33 cm.
Fenwick 72; Martin, pp. 446-447; Lowndes (App.), p. 226; Kraus 380/381.
GC copy 1 in contemporary half calf; copy 2 in contemporary calf backed boards,
with binder's ticket: "Bretherton ligavit, 1850;" proof copy, with MS corrections
and annotations in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps; copy 3 bound in vol. 1 of
. Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.

Catalogus manuscriptorum Angliae, per D. Thomam Phillipps

uu',ron:ettuv'l. Editio nova. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, 1849. [4],
62 [i.e., 68] pp. 36 cm.
An expanded version of Checklist no. 38; this text and the following 2 supple-
lllents were issued together in 1850 with a new t.-p.: Catalogus manuscriptorum
Britanniae per D. Thomam Phillipps bart. Pars I. Typis Medio-Momtanis [sic}
cr. Munby III, p. 120 (note 1),

[ 11 ]

Numbers 13-16,55-56 repeated in paging.

Caption title (p. [1]): Catalogus manuscriptorum in bibliothecis Angliae, Cambriae,
Scotiae, et Hibemiae, I 833.
Contents: Manuscripts of the rev. Samuel Butler . .. I832 (also Checklist no.
38)-Catalogue ofMSS. in the library of the hon. Robert CUTZon . .. I837 (also Check-
list no. 38) - Manuscripts at Porkington, the seat of William Ormsby Gore, esq. ... (also
Checklist no. 38) - Catalogue ofMSS. in the possession ofthe rev. Walter Sneyd ... I 837
(also Checklist no. 38) - Catalogue of the Earl of Kingston's MSS. - A catalogue of sci-
entific manuscripts in the possession ofJ O. Halliwell, esq. I 839- Continuation of the
MSS. of the Rev. Walter Sneyd, from p. 24-Sale ofJames, Duke of Chandos' library, by
Mr. Cock, on Thursday, I2 March, in I746-7.
Fenwick 74; Martin, p. 458; Lowndes (App.), p. 229; Kraus 229/230 (under title
Catalogus manuscriptorum Magnae Britanniae); Sotheby 63 (1).
GC copy in full contemporary leather; Sir Thomas's copy, with the proof t.-p.
described in Munby; a proof of pp. 59-62 is bound at end, and laid in are proofs
of MSS. of Ralph Sheldon, esqr. of Weston, in I677 (intended to replace the cata-
logue of Halliwell MSS., pp. [43]-45), and of the first pages of the planned con-
tinuation of this work, headed Catalogus Manuscriptorum Angliae, Pars 2 (pp.
63-66); accompanied by 1) a separately bound volume of corrected proofs for
the catalogues of Sheldon and Kingston (MHlOa); and 2) a collection of 46 cor-
rected proof sheets for the rest 9fthis~wOI"k;including multiple copies of the
t.-p. and preface for this issue and that of 1850 (MHlOb).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHloa; MHloa; MHIOb

36. Catalog;us manuscriptorumAngliae. Pars 2. [Middle Hill: Middle

Hill Press, 1852?] 4 pp. 35 cm.
A list of MSS at the Bodleian and other libraries, supplementing the Catalogus
manuscriptorum Magnae Britanniae. See Checklist nos. 35; 38.
Kraus 232/233'
GC copy 1 unbound; accompanied by 3 proof copies, each with annotations and
corrections in the hand of Sir Thomas; copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps'
privately printed works.
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH13

37. Catalogus manuscriptorum in bibliotheca publica apud Lille, in

Gallia, cura T P. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, excudit Eduinus
Offer, 1828. [2], 16, [4] pp. 23 cm.
Manuscripti codices Abbatiae Sancti Eligii. Circa Ann. I778: [4] pp. at end.
Martin, p. 450; Lowndes (App.), p. 228; Kraus 182; Sotheby 30(1) (under title
Codices Manuscripti in Bibliotheca Publica de Lille, I 828) .
GC copy in Middle Hill boards; signed by the .editor on t.-p. ("T. Phillipps");

[ 12 ]

inscription on p. [1]: "Trinity College Library Dublin"; laid in are 8 proof sheets,
with MS corrections in the hand of Sir Thomas.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH2

37a. [ .J Catalogue ofmanuscripts at Lille, & St. Eloy, in

France, compiled by Sir. Tkos. Phillipps, bart. Printed at Middle Hill:
By Edwin Offer, 1828 [i.e., 1850?] [6],16, [4] pp. 23 cm.
Text of the preceding, with variant added t.-p. in English; includes the original
Latin t.-p.: Catalogus manuscriptorum in bibliotheca publica apud Lille, in Gallia.
Preface signed: "T.P. Middle Hill, 16 March 1850."
Manuscripti codices Abbatiae Sancti Eligii. Circa ann. I 778: [4] pp. at end.
GC copy bound in full contemporary sheep, with binder's ticket: "Bretherton lig-
aVit 1850;" laid in are proof sheets for the t.-p. and preface; an extra copy of the
final [4] pp. gathering is bound at end.
PHILL. CaLL. 34.52 MH2a

38. Catalogus manuscriptorum Magnae Britanniae. [Middle Hill:]

Typis Medio-Montanis, 18 .... [i.e., ca. 1838.] [2],24 [i.e., 28] pp. 36 cm.
Published before the addition of the catalogue of the Halliwell MSS., which was
printed in 1839. Cf. MunbyIII, pp. 120-121.
Contents: Manuscripts of the rev. Samuel Butler . .. (also Checklist no. 35) - Cata-
logue of MSS. in the library of the hon. Robert Curzon ... (also Checklist no. 35)-
Manuscripts at Porkington, the seat of William Ormsby Gore, esq. ... (also Checklist
nos. 35, 41)-Catalogue of MSS. in the possession of the rev. Walter Sneyd . .. (also
Checklist no. 35).
Kraus 231.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PRILL. CaLL. 34.52 MR5

39 Codices manuscripti in bibliotheca Sti. Vedasti, apud Atrebatiam,

1&~8. Middle Hill: Impensis D. T. Phillipps [Imprimerie Pihan Delaforest
. (Morinval), 1828.] [2],76 pp. 20 cm.
Catalogus codicum mss. quorumdam in bibliotheca Dni. Thomae Phillipps, baronetti, non-
dum catalogo suo generali impressorum: pp. 74-76.
Lowndes (App.), p. 228; Kraus 38.
GC copy I in modern full calf; leather book label of]. R. Abbey; housed with 2
other items (Checklist nos. 12 and 40) in a folding case with binder's title: Sir
Thomas Phillipps' Catalogue Middle-Hill.
~ copy 2 is a proof, untrimmed, bound in Middle Hill boards, lacking t.-p. but
WIfu MS annotations and additions in the hand of Sir Thomas (MH 1).

[ 13]

GC copy 3 in Middle Hill boards, trimmed to 20 cm.; laid in is a trial sheet for the
t.-p., with MS corrections in the hand of Sir Thomas (MH1a).
PHILL. COLL. 08.26 P54 CAT NO.2; PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MHl; MHla

40. [ . ] Catalog;us codicum manuscriptorum, in bibliotheca

Sti. Vedasti, de Arras, cura D. Thomae Phillipps, barti. Ao. 1828.
Parisiis impressus: [Imprimerie Pihan Delaforest (Morinval),] circa 1829 [i.e.,
1850?] [4],76 pp. 21 cm.
Preface signed: "T.P. Middle Hill, 16 March 1850."
The text of the preceding, with a new t.-p. and preface.
GC copy in full contemporary russia; binder's ticket: "Bretherton ligavit, 1850;"
leather book label of]. R. Abbey; housed with 2 other items (Checklist no. 12 and
39) in a folding case with binder's title: Sir Thomas Phillipps' Catalogue Middle-Hill.
PHILL. COLL. 08.26 P54 CAT NO.3

41. Manuscripts at Porkington, the seat of William Ormsby Gore esq.

near Oswestry, Co. Salop. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1830?] pp. 9-10;
34 cm .
BMC gives date 1830.
Also published as pp. 10-11 ,0L,GataloguS-manuscriptorum Magnae Britanniae
(Checklist no. 38).
Fenwick 70.5; Martin, p. 455 ("Fifty-three copies were printed"); Lowndes,
p. 1857; Kraus 216; Sotheby 150.
GC copy 1 bound with: Bibliothecae urbis Constantinopolitanae ... (Checklist no.
27); copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH4

42. MSS. in Edwards's sale 1815, with the purchasers names. [Middle
Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1861.] 1 sheet (2 pp.) 17 x 11 cm. /
Kraus 82; Sotheby 115.
GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; laid in at end are 2 corrected proof copies
of this work, 1 dated at top: "30 Oct 1861;" copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T.
Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH18

43~ Stowe MSS. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1849?] 6, [2] pp. 34 cm.
Phillipps negotiated unsuccessfully to buy the Stowe MSS (Cf. Munby IV, pp.
24-26), and this appears to be a partial inventory of the collection, printed for
his use. The entries, arranged here by press and shelf number, can be identified
with specific items in the published Sotheby sale catalogue of 1849.
Appendix to Stowe MSS. (1 sheet ([ 1] p.), 17 X 11 cm.) tipped in.
Kraus 35/306; Sotheby 72(3).

[14 ]

GC copy 1 in later wrappers, pp. 5/6 present in corrected proof; copy 2 & copy
3, disbound, laid in; accompanied by 4 corrected proof sheets.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH421


44. The Arundel cabinet ofgems. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis,
[1867?] [2],9, [3] pp. 34 cm.
A collection formed by Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel.
Fenwick 81; Kraus 39; Sotheby 153
GC copy 1 unbound; accompanied by 6 proof sheets, corrected and annotated
in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps; some sheets labelled at top with various
dates inJune andJuly 1867 (MHI5); also accompanied by a MS fair copy of this
work, [42] pp., separately bound (MHI5a); copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T.
Phillipps' privately printed works.
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH15; MH15a

. 45. Birds in the museum at Middle Hill, 1859, chiefly preserved 1824,
by Thomas Molyneux, esq. now GeneralMolyneux, 1860. [Middle Hill:
Middle Hill Press, 1860.] 1 sheet ([ 1] p.) 18 x 11 cm.
Kraus 48.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 3 corrected proofs.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH367

46. A catalogue ofall the finished drawings, in water colours, ofJohn

Glover, esqr. ... Also, the remainder ofhis paintings in oil . .. and
which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Stanley . .. on Tuesday the 18th.
ojMay, 1830 . .. Walton and Mitchell, printers . .. [CheltenhanI:]
Reprinted with prices, by J. Rogers, 1868. 12, [2],4, [2] pp. (the last 2 pp.
blank) 23 cm.
Includes ([2], 4, [2] pp. at end, with separate t.-p.): A catalogue of the last portion
ofthe paintings in oil, and drawings in water colours, the productions, and property of that
eminently distinguished artist,John Glover, esqr. ... Reprinted by] Rogers, I868.
The second catalogue is not priced.
The two catalogues were apparently meant to be issued together, and are so
treated in Sir Thomas's own file copy, in the possession of the GC.
Kraus 137.
GC copy in Middle Hill boards; Sir Thomas's own copy; accompanied by 2 proof
copies of the first work, and 1 proof copy of the second work, with corrections
and annotations in the hand of Sir Thomas.
pIiILL. COLL. 34.5 2 MH20

[ 15 ]

47. Catalog;ue offurniture, at Middle Hill, Broadway, Worcestershire,

1794. [Cheltenham:] Middle Hill Press, 1864. [2],6 pp. 18 cm.
Kraus 245.2; Sotheby 61 (5).
GC copy unopened, in contemporary wrappers; accompanied by a corrected
proof copy, with MS t.-p.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH56

48. Catalog;ue of the gallery ofpaintings ofSir Thomas Phillipps,

bart. at Thirlestaine House, Cheltenham, 1866. [Cheltenham: Middle
Hill Press, 1866.] 7, [1] pp. (the last p. blank) 34 cm.
Kraus 222 (early proof sheets only); Sotheby 135(1).
GC copy disbound; this is apparently a late proof, listing 397 items instead of tlIe
399 found in tlIe final published version; accompanying this copy are 17 earlier
proof sheets for portions of tlIe work, 9 loose and 8 bound together in boards;
these are profusely annotated in ink by Sir Thomas, and bear MS revision dates
between January and August 1866.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH22

49. Glover's painting's [sicji1fth-epossession of Charles Bowles, esq.

1868. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1868.] 2, [2] pp. (tlIe last 2 pp. blank)
22 cm.
39 entries.
Includes paintings by Glover owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH491

50. Inventory offurniture, at 14 Stratford Place, 1830. EMiddle Hill:

Middle Hill Press, 1830.] 4 pp. 17 cm.
An inventory of the furniture in Sir Thomas's London house?
Kraus 245.1; Sotheby 61 (6).
GC copy in contemporary wrappers; laid in is a smaller single printed sheet also
captioned "Inventory offumiture," apparently a supplement to tlIis work.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH55

51. [List of Middle Hill photographs.] [Middle Hill: Middle Hill

Press, ca. 1858.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 32 x 19 cm.
Ca. 65 items.
Kraus 262.
GC copy is a corrected proof, disbound.


52. List ofMiddle Hill photographs, 1859. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
1860.] 4 pp. 34 cm.
146 items.
GC copy 1 disbound; inscribed at top ofp. [1]: "20 Ap 1860 Print off"; copy 2
bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH466

53. List of objects. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 184-?] 1 sheet ([ 1] p.)
19x 13 cm.
A list of animal and vegetable specimens.
Kraus 245.4.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; inscribed at top in the hand of Sir Thomas: "For the
microscope at Middle Hill"; copy 2 laid in.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH62

54. List of the family portraits at Mickleton Manor House Gloucester-

shire. 1845. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,] 1860.1 sheet ([1] p.) 33 x 19 cm.
29 entries.
Signed at end: "E. A. S. [i.e., Lady Elizabeth Steele-Graves] 1845."
Kraus 403.
GC copy 1 unbound; accompanied by 3 corrected proof copies, 2 bearing
the name of Thomas Payne, and one bearing inscription "A proof sheet with
Lady Steele's corrections"; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PHILL; COLL. 34.52 MH99

55. List of Utrecht seals, ex bibl. Muschenbroek. (at Middle Hill, 1864.)
[Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1865.] 1 sheet (2 pp.) 35 cm.
Kraus 311.
GC copy 1 unbound; copy 2 is a proof, unbound, with inscription at top: "3 Feb.
65 Print off"; copy 3 is an early proof, 2 leaves, 18 cm., unbound, annotations
and corrections in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps; dated at top: "31 D. 64";
copy 4 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR23

56. [Maps at Middle Hill Worcestershire 1830. ] [Middle Hill: Middle

Hill Press, 1830.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 34 x 20 cm.
39 entries.
GC copy disbound; title from inscription at top: "Maps at Middle Hill Worcester-
shire 1830."
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR473

[ 17]

57. Middle Hill plate, on 4th. July 1848. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
1861.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 34 x 22 cm.
Final entries have caption tide Plate bought I86o.
Sotheby 116.
GC copy disbound; accompanied by a corrected proof copy, dated "3 May 61."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH386

58. Mr. John Glover's exhibition of his oil and water-colour paintings
(with a few by his son Mr. William Glover.) at the great rooms, no. 16,
Old Bond Street, opposite Stafford Street . .. 1824. J. TYler, typo Rath-
bone Place. [Cheltenham:] Reprinted with additions by J. Rogers, for Sir
Thos. Phillipps, 1868.8, [2],4, [2] pp. 23 cm.
Includes ([2], 4, [2] pp. at end, with separate t.-p.): A catalogue ofpictures descrip-
tive of the scenery, and customs of the inhabitants of Van Dieman's Land, together with
views in England, Italy, &c. painted byJohn Glover, esq. ... Reprinted by] Rogers, I868.
Starred paintings were in the possession of Sir Thomas Phillipps.
Kraus 135/136 (including Checklist no. 49), 138 (second work, A catalogue ofpic-
tures, &c., alone).
GC copy in Middle Hill boards; SirI!LQxn;;tS:scopy; accompanied (in folder) by 2
proof copies of the first work and 1 proof copy of the second work, each with
annotations and corrections in the hand of Sir Thomas.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH19

59. Oil paintings, by J. Glover, exhibited at Emerald Hill, Industrial

and Fine Arts Exhibition, by J. Purves, at Melbourne, Australia, on
June 8, 1871. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1871.] 1 sheet ([1] p.)
12 x 22 cm.
Published by Sir Thomas in connection with his own collection of Glover's work.
Lists 7 paintings, numbered 647-653.
GC copy unbound; accompanied by a corrected proof, dated "Dec 16 71."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH492

60. Pictures at Middle Hill, 1862. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1863.]
3, [1] pp. (the last p. blank) 34 cm.
205 items.
Munby IV, p. 212 cites an issue of this catalogue with 227 items.
Kraus 225.
GC copy 1 bound in vol. 7 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; copy 2 dis-
bound, in folder; a late proof (204 items), annotated by Sir Thomas and dated at
head of p. [1]: "16 Jan 63"; accompanied by 3 earlier proofs, also profusely anna-

[ 18]

tated by Sir Thomas, and dated successively "December 1862" (196 items), "20
D 62" (202 items), and "6Jan 63" (204 items) (MH21).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH COLL. VOL. 7; PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH21

61. [Pictures at Thirlestaine, 187l.] [Cheltenham: Middle Hill

Press, 1871.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 34 cm.
17~'WT<>A~ entries, the first beginning "Portrait of a Lady in a blue dress."
This catalogue is not among those described in Munby IV, p. 212.
Kraus 224.
GC copy disbound; accompanied by a MS version of the text, in the hand of Sir
Thomas, and dated 1871.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH379

62. [Portraits at Ardington, 1827.] [Middle Hill? Middle Hill Press?

1827]1 sheet ([1] p.) 44 x 28 cm.
and date from inscribed GC copy; the inscription is in the hand of Sir
~U'UWla"but this catalogue is not among those cited by Munby (Munby IV, p.

Eighteen entries, the first beginning "Portrait of Elizabeth Whitelocke"; the sub-
of the portraits are mostly members of the Whitelocke family.
GC copy unbound; inscribed at top: "Portraits at Ardington 1827."

. Sale at Spring-Hilll&~O. ofMr. W Willan'sfurniture, bought &

to Middle-Hill, Co. Wore. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1852.] 3,
] pp. (the last p. blank) 17 cm.
Hill is probably the seat near Broadway, Worcestershire.
copy in contemporary wrappers; inscribed at top of p. [1]: "Print off 30 D
; accompanied by 3 corrected proof copies, also dated 1852.
HILL. COLL. 34.52 MH57

[Sketches of ecclesiastical or municipal seals.] [Middle Hill:

Hill Press, 185-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.): 12 ill. 33 x 42 cm.
\ Lltn'ogl:ap,h sketches of three imperfect ecclesiastical or municipal seals, each
repeated 4 times across the width of the sheet, probably a series of trial

sketch in GC copy has MS caption: "Seal of the Deanery of Chichester."

ILL. COLL. 34.5 2 MH450

[19 ]



,,~~8J3.- .. - c


1'1IINTliD liT 1, AGG.

No. 251, Title-page, Collections for Wiltshire (1818/1819)

2llntiquanan marks
65. Abbreviatio Rotulorum Clausorum ab anno lmo Edw. stii, ad
annum S Ric. S. Ex MS. no. 1400 [sic], in Bibl. Medio-Montana, A.D.
1840. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1840?] 4 pp. 33 cm.
The manuscript in question is actually Phillipps MSS. no. 4100.
Anno 1. E. 3.-anno 4. Edw. 3. only; no more published.
Fenwick 68.2; Kraus 56/57; Sotheby 63(2).
GC copy 1 disbound; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
works; copy 3 in later wrappers (MH42 2).
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR284: MH422

66. [ .] Proposals for printing extracts from the Close Rolls 1

E. 3. to 22 E. 4. from no. 4100 MSS. Phillipps, at Middle Hill. [Middle
Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1839.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 34 x 21 cm.
Prospectus for the preceding.
Lowndes (App.), p. 233; Kraus 55.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 5 proof copies, 3 bearing revision dates in
1839; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH283

67. De art de venerie, par Guyllame Twici. ExMSS. Phillipps, no. 8326.
[Middle Hill:] Printed at Middle Hill Press, January, 1840. 7, [1] pp. 21 cm.
"Sumptibus D. Henrici Dryden, bart."
Twici was huntsman to Edward II. Cf. J. Thiebaud, Bibliographie des ouvrages
fran~ais sur la chasse, col. 911-912.
Fenwick 124.2; Lowndes (App.), p. 232.
GC copy in contemporary full russia; signed on t.-p.: "Sir Thos Phillipps [bt.?]
Middle Hill, Feb. 1840"; numeral "8326" on t.-p. corrected in MS to read "8336";
accompanied by 3 corrected proof copies, bearing revision dates of 27, 28 and
29January 1840.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR253

68. Assignatio dotis Elizabethae Comitissae de Ferrers, anno 29 H. VI.

[London and Middle Hill:] Ex Zincographia Appelana et Typographia Medio-
Montana, 1855. [2], 7, [1] pp. 36 cm.
Lithographed throughout, the t.-p. from type, the text from MS.


Fenwick 80; Lowndes (App.), p. 236; Kraus 100 (giving incorrect date of 1858);
Twyman Cat. 4.6.
GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; laid in is a corrected proof copy of the
t.-p. in letterpress.
GC copy 2 in Middle Hill boards; the t.-p. of this copy is also letterpress, and
includes an engraved vignette of the Broadway Tower.
GC copy 3 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; the t.-p. of this
copy is lithographed, but includes the engraved Broadway Tower vignette.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH130

69. Bubo Norvegiensis. [Haverfordwest:John Williams? 1858.] 1 sheet ([1]

p.) 26 x 20 cm.
A letter from John Mather to Sir Hans Sloane, concerning Sloane's gift of an owl.
Kraus 199.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by a corrected proof, inscribed at top:
"Printed at Haverford Wrest] Nov 27 1858"; Sir Thomas's printer in 1858 at
Haverfordwest was John Williams; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps'
privately printed works.
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH295

70. Cartae abbatiarum in Cur~a'A;;gmentacionis, in 20 voluminibus

religatae, cura Johannis Caley. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1861.] 3,
[I] pp. (the last p. blank) 35 cm.
Fenwick 68.3; Lowndes (App.), p. 234; Kraus 1/2.
GC copy 1 dis bound; accompanied by 2 corrected proof sheets bearing revision
dates in November and December 1861; copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of SirT. Phillipps'
privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH289

71. Cartae antiquae in turre, where printed (vide Ayloffe's Catalogue.)

[Middle Hill:] James Rogers, printer, Middle Hill Press, 1845.4 pp. 34 cm.
Lowndes (App.), p. 231; Kraus 53; Sotheby 71 (1).
GC copy disbound; accompanied by 3 corrected proofs.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH287

72. [ .] 1489 Cartae antiquae in the Tower (vide Ayloffe's Cat-

alogue.) Index of those which are printed. 2nd edition. [Middle Hill:
Middle Hill Press], August, 1846.4 pp. 34 cm.
Fenwick 68.4; Lowndes (App.), p. 231; Kraus 54; Sotheby 71 (2).
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 5 corrected proof sheets; copy 2 bound in
vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH288

[22 ]

73. The case ofBarnes and Griffiths. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press,
1869.] 13, [3] pp. (the last 3 pp. blank) 18 cm.
A reprint of three letters (dated 1868) to a newspaper, the first and third signed
John Ketde, and the second signed William Higford Griffiths. They concern law-
suits filed by the two men.
Kraus 169/170.
GC copy in contemporary wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof copy in
Middle Hill boards, inscribed at top: "Print off 24 copies 29 5 69"; laid in with
this complete proof copy are 2 partial corrected proofs.
PHILL. CaLL. 34.52 MH54

74. The case of Colonel Barwick's will, & codicill. [Middle Hill: Middle
Hill Press, 1841.] [4] pp. (the last p. blank) 34 cm.
Lowndes (App.), p. 233 ("1841"); Kraus 44.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by a corrected proof copy; copy 2 bound in
vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. CaLL. 34.52 MH235

75. A catalogue ofknights, from 1660 to 1760. Compiled by Francis

Townsend, esq., pursuivant of arms. London: Printed by HaIjette and
Savill, 107, St. Martin's Lane, Charing Cross, 1833. [2], 76 pp. 19 cm.
Added t.-p. (with Broadway Tower vignette): Townsend's Catalogue of knights.
Printed at the expence of Sir Thomas Phillipps, bart.
A list of knights whose wills are entered in the Prerogative Office from I383 to I50o; with
the names of the registers which contain them: pp. [74]-76.
Martin, p. 458 ("Two hundred and fifty copies"); Fenwick 101; Lowndes (App.),
p. 229; Kraus 178; Sotheby 39/40.
GC copy in full contemporary russia, with binder's ticket: "Bretherton ligavit,
1850"; accompanied by a group of corrected proof sheets, in Middle Hill boards.
PHILL. CaLL. 34.52 MH271

76. Catalogue ofknights made by King Charles. 1. ab ao. 1624. ad ann.

1646. Alphabetically, & chronologically. Impensis Dni. T. Phillipps,
barti. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, impressus per C. B. [i.e., Charles
Bullingham], 1853. [6], 6, 8 pp. 34 cm.
Caption tide to pt. 1: Knights made by Charles, I. (Alphabetically); caption tide to pt.
2:Knights made by Charles, I. (Chronologically).
Added t.p.: Knights by Charles I. Typis Medio-Montanis, I852.
Preface signed: "T. Phillipps. Middle Hill, 18 Feb. 1853."

[23 ]

Fenwick 100; Lowndes (App.), p. 234 (citing an earlier version of 4 pp.); Sotheby
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; added t.-p. laid in; accompanied by 11 cor-
rected proof sheets; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH270

77. Catalogue ofknights made in Ireland, temp. Q. Eliz. Ex MSS.

Warburton, in bibl. Medio-Montana, no. 15212. [Middle Hill:] Typis
Medio-Montanis, excuditJacobus Rogers, 1860. [2], 16 pp. 18 cm.
Caption title: Knights of Ireland temp. Eliz. See also Checklist no. 106.
Kraus 162.
GC copy in Middle Hill boards; inscribed on front cover: "Sir T. Phillipps bart.
1860"; accompanied by a set of 63 corrected proof sheets, loosely stitched into
Middle Hill boards.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH216

78. Correspondence ofLord Scudamore, ambassador at Paris in the

years 1635,1636,1637,1638,1639. MSS. Phillipps, no. 10536. [Middle Hill:
Middle Hill Press, between 1836 aIl~..~~42.J4-PP. 34 cm.
Fenwick 102.4; Lowndes (App.), p. 231 ("incomplete"); Kraus 289 (proofs only).
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by a corrected proof copy addressed to "Mr.
Gilmour" (Charles Gilmour printed for Sir Thomas Phillipps between 1836 and
1842); copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH233

79. Ex rot. pat. anno 25 Hen. 3. m. 5. in Turre London. [Middle Hill:

Middle Hill Press, 1825?] [4] pp. 35 cm.
The first work (p. [1]) is a transcription of miscellaneous grants relative to Peter
of Savoy (uncle to Henry III) from the patent rolls.
Also includes: Notice of the Dominican convent ofEnglish nuns at Vilvorde, in Flanders
... copied by T. Phillipps.-r825 (pp. [2]-[3]); and: Henry, par la grace de Dieu, Roy
de France et de l'Angleterre, au Viconte de Rouen, salut . .. [Letters patent of Henry VI
relative to the Hostel de la Monnoie, at ROl;len] (p. [4]).
Fenwick 117.6; Martin, p. 454 ("Fifty copies"); Lowndes (App.), p. 228;
Kraus 209.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof sheet containing pp.
[1] and [4], and a proof of the text of p. [4] printed on parchment; this version
is mentioned in a MS note by Sir Thomas in the GC copy of Martin; copy 2 bound
in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH251

[24 ]

Extractfrom a document in Sir Thomas Frankland's handwrit-

ing, found amongst the papers of the Revd. R. Frankland, after his
demise. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1871.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 17 x 11 cm.
Kraus 109.
GC copy in contemporary wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof copy,
dated at top:" 13 Apr 1871."
HILL. COLL. 34.52 MH52

81. Extract from a record explanatory ofgrants by Henry II. and

Edward I. to certain ostmen in Waterford of the privilege of "lex
Anglicorum in Hibernia," communicated by Sir Thomas Phillipps,
bart., F.S.A. [London: s.n., 1857?] 7, [1] pp. (the last p. blank) 30 cm.
"From the Archaeologia, vol. XXXVII."
Not a Middle Hill Press publication.
Kraus 234.
GC copy unopened, in contemporary wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH21g

82. Fac-simile of a note addressed to Mr. Kee, a Navy Agent. From the
original in the collection ofMr. Robert Cole. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill
Press, 186-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 21 x 27 cm.
Lithograph facsimile of a note from Mr. Bentham, seeking a recommendation
for young Horatio Nelson.
Sir Thomas purchased Cole's autograph collection in 1861. Cf. Munby N, p. 84
(note 1).
Fenwick 107.2; Kraus 214.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH352

83. Flora MacDonald. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 186-?] 1 sheet
([1] p.) 26 x 20 cm.
Excerpts from letters by and about Flora Macdonald, from the collection of
Robert Cole.
Sir Thomas purchased Cole's collection of manuscripts in 1861. Cf. Munby N, p.
84 (note 1).
Kraus 191.

[25 ]

GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately

printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH353

84. Fragment of/Elfric's Grammar, /Elfric's Glossary, and a poem on

the soul and body, in the orthography of the 12th century, discovered
among the archives of Worcester Cathedral. By Sir T. Phillipps, bart.
Edited by Sir T.P. London: Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street,
1838. [6],8 pp. 34 cm.
See also Appendix A, no. 5.
Lowndes (App.), p. 231 (citing also a reprint dated 1845); Kraus 3/4; Sotheby
GC copy 1 in contemporary russia; accompanied by 10 corrected proof sheets
(including 3 proof versions of the t.-p.), and 1 MS version of the t.p; copy 2
bound in vol. 7 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; lacks the added t.-p., and
PHlLL. COLL. 34.52 MH230

85. Fragments ofLElfric's Saxongr~mmar, discovered in Worcester

Cathedral, by T. P. A.D. 18j7:"[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1837 or
1838.] 1 sheet (2 pp.) 34 cm.
Apparently a fragmentary proof or trial issue of the preceding. Cf. Munby III,
pp. llg-120.
Sotheby 46(2).
GC has 3 copies, disbound; accompanied by 1 corrected proof sheet.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH376

86. The grand serio-comic opera, ofLord Bateman, and his Sophia.
By J H. S. late J. H. P. [Middle Hill:] James Rogers, Middle Hill Press,
1863. [4],37, [3] pp. (the last 3 pp. blank) 23 cm.
Verses by John Henry Scourfield, also known as John Henry Philipps.
Fenwick 67; Kraus 283; Sotheby 122.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; copy 2 in Middle Hill boards; corrections and
anpotations in the hand of Sir Thomas; inscription on front fly-leaf: "Sir Thos
Phillipps Bt, the corrected copy"; accompanied by 37 loose sheets of corrected
proofs, and 4 corrected sheets within boards.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH38

87. Grants of the forfeited lands ofEdward, Duke ofSomerset, &c. &c.
temp. Philippi et Marice, ex MS. contemporaneo in Bibl. Collegii


Universitatis, axon. Edente D. T. Phillipps, barto. [Cheltenham:] Typis

v Medio Montanis, &c., 1866. [8],42, [4], 53-55, [8] pp. 35 cm.
Fenwick 87; Lowndes (App.), p. 236; Kraus 296/300 (individual proof sheets
only); Sotheby 132 (individual proof sheets only).
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by a set of ca. 100 corrected proof sheets,
loose within Middle Hill boards; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
.printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH278

88. Heralds visitation disclaimers. Impensis Dni. Thomae Phillipps,

bart. [Middle Hill:] Ex Zincographia Appelana, 1854. [4],76 pp. 35 cm.
Lithographed throughout, the t.-p. from type, the text from Phillipps's own
Added letterpress t.p. (with Broadway Tower vignette).
Fenwick 54; Kraus 312; Twyman Cat. 4.7; Sotheby 96.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; t.-p. and added t.-p. laid in; tipped in at front is
third version of the t.-p., with Broadway Tower vignette: Catalogue of disclaimers.
lithographia Appelana, I855; copy 2 bound in vol. 4 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
COLL. 34.52 MH282

89. Index cartarum de Scotia, in domo capitulari Westmonasterii"per

William Illingworth. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1834.] 4 pp. 34 cm.
Fenwick 68.1; Lowndes (App.), p. 233 ("incomplete"); Kraus 281/282.
copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs on paper water-
1832; 1 inscribed at top: "Printed 1834"; copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T.
,PF"iINhhc works.

Index of leases ofmanors and lands in England, granted since the

annis 4 and 5 Edw. 6. Edited by Sir T. Phillipps, bart.
the original MS. formerly in possession of Craven Ord, esq., and
in the library of William TfJnne, esq. ofPeniarth. London: Printed
Gardiner and Son, Princes Street, Cavendish Square, 1832. [4], 31, [1] pp.
97; Martin, p. 453; Lowndes, p. 1857; Kraus 180; Sotheby 35
GC copy 1 in contemporary cloth; accompanied by 19 corrected proof sheets;
2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; Sir Frederick Mad-
copy, with his signature on t.-p.
ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH274


91. An index of the religious houses in England and Wales, with their
cartularies (or extracts from them), existing since the Dissolution.
[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 182-?] 2 pp. 34 cm.
Abberbury-[B]atisford only; no more published.
Martin, p. 456; Lowndes (App.), p. 229; Kraus 211/212; Sotheby 13 1 (3).
GC has copies watermarked 1821,1823, and 1825.
GC copy 1 disbound; printed on pp. [1] and [4] of a bifolium, the blank inner
p. [3] containing a MS copy of a letter from Sir Thomas Phillipps to a Mr. Parker,
dated 26 Jan. 1826; accompanied by a corrected proof sheet, copy 2 bound in
vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH2go

92. Index to articles printed from the Cotton MSS., & where they may
be found. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1850?] 4 pp. 34 cm.
Fenwick 71.3; Lowndes (App.), p. 236 (also citing a second edition, described as
"in the press"); Kraus 74.
GC copy 1 unbound; copy 2 is a proof, unbound, with MS corrections and anno-
tations in the hand of Sir Thomas.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHg

93. Index to cartularies now or formerly existing, since the dissolution

of monasteries. By T.P. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, impressit C.
Gilmour, 1839. [2],46 pp. 17 cm.
Lowndes, p. 1857; Kraus 213; Sotheby 58/60.
GC copy 1 in contemporary full russia; Sir Thomas's own copy, with his copious
MS annotations and additions; accompanied by: 1) a group of loose MS pages
containing notes for this text, 2) 48 pp. of MS notes for this text, bound in Mid-
dle Hill boards; 3) 2 corrected proof leaves in folio format; 4) ~a set of the folio
proofs cut up and stitched together to form a booklet in 8vo format, with MS
additions and corrections; 5) a set of corrected proofs in 8vo format, stitched
into Middle Hill boards.
GC copy 2 in contemporary calf backed marbled boards; interleaved, with occa-
sional MS additions.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH2g1

94. Index to particulars for grants temp. Edward VI. in the Augmen-
tation Office. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, [1839.] [2],28 pp. 35 cm.
See also Checklist no. 120.
Fenwick 83; Lowndes, p. 1857; Kraus 140/141.
GC copy 1 disbound, and lacking t.-p.; accompanied by 2 corrected proof sheets,
1 inscribed at top: "Revised 25 Aug. 1839"; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T
Phillipps' privately printed works; t.-p. laid in.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH275

[28 ]

Index to particulars for grants temp. R. R. Philip. & Marie. in the

Augmentation Office. By John Caley, esqr., keeper of the records in that
Made circa annum 1800. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis,
impressit C. Gilmour, 1839. 14 pp. 35 cm.
See also Checklist no. 120.
Preface signed: "T. P."
Fenwick 84; Lowndes, p. 1857; Kraus 144; Sotheby 57(2).
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 9 corrected proof sheets; copy 2 bound in
vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed W(ffks.

96. Index to particulars for grants temp. Elizabeth. in the Augmenta-

tion Office. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, [1839?] [2], 15, [1]
pp. (the last p. blank) 35 cm.
Paper watermarked 1838; other works in this series produced by the Middle Hill
~ress are datable to 1839.
85; Kraus 142; Sotheby 57(1).
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 3 corrected proof sheets; copy 2 bound in
vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed w(ffks.

97 Index to the writings ofSir Charles Cornwallis, ambassador in

SPain, 1607. Collected and transcribed into a folio volume, by his son.
MSS. Phillipps. no. 6469. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 183-?] 1 sheet
([2] pp.) 34 x 21 cm.
102.2; Lowndes (App.), p. 233; Sotheby 101 (2).
GC copy 1 disbound; copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately

Indexes to the county visitations in the library at Middle Hill,

and to a few others in the Harl. MSS. British Museum, the
cUUUeiW':nLibrary, and Queen's College, Oxford. [Middle Hill:] Typis
Medio-Montanis impressit C. Gilmour, 1841. [4], 56 pp. 33 cm.
Preface signed: "T.P."
Lowndes, p. 1857; Kraus 313 (proof sheets only); Sotheby 70(1).
copy in contemporary full russia; accompanied by a set of ca. 75 corrected
sheets, loosely stitched and/ or laid in Middle Hill boards.
LL. COLL. 34.5 2 MH280

[29 ]

99. [ .J Indexes to county visitations. Second edition. [Middle

Hill: Middle Hill Press], 1842 [i.e., 1844?] 16 pp. 34 cm.
Bedfordshire-Gloucestershire only; no more published.
Kraus 314; Sotheby 70(2).
GC copy 1 dis bound; accompanied by 12 corrected proof sheets, bearing various
revision dates in 1842 and 1844; copy 2 bound in vol. 4 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH28!

100.Installation ofPrince Henry, A.D. 1610. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-

Montanis impressit C. Gilmour, December, 1841. 1 sheet ([1] p.) 22 x 17 cm.
In this version, the text is in two paragraphs.
Lowndes (App.), p. 233 (referring either to this version or the following).
GC copy disbound.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH468

101. Installation ofPrince Henry, A.D. 1610. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-
Montanis impressit C. Gilmour, December, 1841. 1 sheet ([1] p.) 22 x 17 cm.
Imprint from colophon, at foot of sheet.
In this version, the text is in a single"p~-;graph.
GC copy disbound.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH468B

102. The Kings ofEngland and the days of their coronation. [Middle
Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1825?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 42 x 34 cm.
The table ends with 5 Geo. 4 (1825).
Lowndes (App.), p. 229 (referring to either this work or the following);
Kraus 171.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; accompanied by 2 proofs, 1 in a different setting of
type, and 1 annotated in preparation for the later version of this table published
by Sir Thomas Phillipps ca. 1859; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH354

103: The Kings ofEngland, with the days of their coronation, acces-
sion, deposition, abdication, or decease. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
1859?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 42 x 34 cm.
The table ends with 22 Vic. 1(1859).
Kraus 172/173; Sotheby 149(3).
GC copy 1 disbound; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH285

[30 ]

Knights made by King James 1. Knights made by King Chas. I.

L'L':': '1,,'~nALU~ Hill: Middle Hill Press, 18 5-?] 1 sheet ([ 1] p.) 14 X 11 cm.
Kraus 177
GC copy in wrappers.
COLL. 34.52 MH272

Knights of Henry 7. E MSS. Phillipps. no. 11284. [Middle Hill: Mid-

Hill Press, Thomas Payne, printer, 1860.] 10, [2] pp. (the last 2 pp. blank)

175/176; Sotheby 149(2).

copy in wrappers; accompanied by 9 corrected proof sheets bearing various
revision dates in September 1860, some inscribed "Payne."
COLL. 34.52 MH26g

Knights of Ireland temp. Eliz. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,

Payne, printer, 1860.] 4 pp. 33 cm.
also Checklist no. 77.
-,'.ce"", 99. 1 ; Kraus 16 3/ 164; Sotheby 149(1).
copy 1 in later wrappers; accompanied by 3 corrected proofs and 1 uncor-
proof, all bearing revision dates in October or November 1860; the cor-
rected proofs inscribed "Payne"; the uncorrected proof inscribed at top: "30
Print off 13 N. 1860"; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately

Lands leased by Queen Mary, during her reign, in various coun-

ties. HarZ. MSS. 1192. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1819?] pp. 5-8; 34 cm.
ofGC copy watermarked 1819.
455; Lowndes (App.), p. 232.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; copy 2 bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed

COLL. 34.52 MH165

Letter to W R. Hamilton, esq. on the Saxon names ofplaces, by

Sir Thomas Phillipps, bart. [London? s.n., 1834.] 8 pp. 29 cm.
"Read June lith, 1834."
Offprint from vol. 3, pt. 1 of the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature.
Not a Middle Hill Press publication.
Sotheby 46 (1).
GC copy in contemporary wrappers, inscribed on front cover: "Miss Mary


Phillipps Middle Hill, the gift of the author 1837"; accompanied by a proof
addressed to Sir Thomas Phillipps, with corrections and annotations in his hand.
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH474

109. A letter writ by mijn heer Fagel, pensioner of Holland, to Mr.

James Stewart, advocate, giving an account of the Prince and Princess
of Orange's thoughts concerning the repeal of the Test, and penal laws.
1687. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1867.] [4] pp. (the last p. blank) 34 cm.
Fenwick 102.5.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by a corrected proof, inscribed at top: "7 June
1867"; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH234

110. Letters ofMargaret, countess of Coningsby, from France, in

1737-8. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, excudit C. Gilmour, 1842. [2],
12 pp. 34 cm.
Fenwick 76; Kraus 65/66; Sotheby 71.
GC copy 1 in contemporary russia; added t.-p. laid in; accompanied by 3 cor-
rected proof sheets, including one f9J.cID,e .t.iJ;;-copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T.
Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH243

111. Letters ofMargaret, Countess of Coningsby, from France, in

1737-8. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, excudit C. Gilmour, 1842. [2],
45, [3] pp. (the last p. blank) 18 cm.
Another issue of the preceding.
Lowndes (App.), p. 233 (citing also a 3 pp. supplement, Pedigree ofConingsby, not
present in GC copy).
GC copy in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by a volume of miscellaneous cor-
rected and uncorrected proof sheets, also in Middle Hill boards.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH244

112. Liber revencionum, comptorum, et. casualitatum, receptorum in

scac<;.ario Hiberniae, per Franciscum Elundell, militem, & baronet-
tum, Vice- Thesaurarium, ac Generalem Receptorem Dni. Regis Regni
sui predicti, a vicessimo Martii, 16:.Z1, pro et usque 28vum. diem
Septembris, 1622, anno R.R. Jacobi vicessimo. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill
Press, 1846.] 12 pp. 34 cm.
Fenwick 98; Lowndes (App.), p. 234 (calling for 8 pp. only); Kraus 165/166.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by 6 corrected proof sheets, 2 bearing revi-
sion dates in 1846; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH215

[32 ]

113. The lyffe ofSir Peter Carew, late ofMohonese Otrey, in the countie
ofDevon. knyghte, who dyed at Rosse, in Irelande, the 27th ofNovember,
1575. and was buryed at the cettie of Waterforde, the 15th ofDecember,
1575. Collected by John Vowell, alias Hoker, of the celie ofExcester,
gent., partly upon the credyble reporte of others, and partly which he
sawe and knewe hyme selfe. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 184-?] 1 sheet
(2 pp.) 34 x 21 cm.
A fragment only; no more published.
A revision of the text edited by Sir Thomas Phillipps for publication in Archaeolo-
gia, XXVIII (1840), pp. 96-151. Cf. Munby III, p. 119.
Fenwick 106.2; Lowndes (App.), p. 232.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof of this sheet, laid into
a bound copy of the text of the Archaeologia article, which is also corrected and
annotated; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR240

114. Marriages 1731. From Gentleman's Magazine. [Middle Hill: Middle

Hill Press, 1846.] 2 pp. 33 cm.
A fragment, containing entries for January-December 1731, breaking off after
first 4 entries for January 1732; no more published.
Fenwick 99-4; Lowndes (App.), p. 234 ("Printed at Middle Hill, 1846 ...
Intended to proceed throughout the Magazine year by year"); Kraus 197/198.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 1 heavily corrected proof, and by an uncor-
rected proof copy in a variant setting, in which the entries are arranged alpha-
betically rather than chronologically; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps'
privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH293

115 Matriculationes Oxonienses. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1858.] 6

pp. 35 cm.
Fenwick 123.3.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 3 corrected proof sheets, 2 bearing revi-
sion dates in February 1858; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH286

116. Memoirs ofJames Francis Fitz James, eldest son ofJames Fitz
James, Duke ofBerwick, and grandson ofKing James the Second.
[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1849.] 8 pp. 34 cm.
Text ends in the middle of a sentence at the foot of p. 8; no more published.
~enwick 106.1; Lowndes (App.), p. 231 (giving date 1849); Kraus 102 (also giv-
Ing date 1849).

[33 ]

GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof sheet, inscribed at top:

"Printed Nov & Dec lS4S"; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH238

117. Memoranda of Thomas Coventry, Earl of Coventry. [Cheltenham:

Middle Hill Press, lS64.] 6, [2] pp. (the last 2 pp. blank) IS cm.
Fenwick lOS.l; Sotheby 127(2).
GC copy unopened, in wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof sheet,
inscribed at top: "1st proof Feb 64."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH241

118. On parochial registration ofbaptisms, marriages, &c. London:

Printed by Gardiner & Son, 20, Princes Street, Cavendish Square, lS33. S pp.
22 cm.
Signed at end: "Thomas Phillipps ... IS, April, IS33."
Martin, p. 453 ("Fifty copies were printed"); Lowndes (App.), p. 22S; Kraus 238;
Sotheby 3S.
GC copy 1 in contemporary russia:
GC copy 2 contemporary quarter leather, with binder's ticket: "Bretherton ligavit
1849;" inscribed by Sir Thomas on t.-p.: "by Sir Thos Phillipps, Bart.;" bound
wi th: On parochial registration. Draft of a bill for amending the act of 5 2 Ceo. III. Cap.
I46. [London?: s.n., lS33?], signed by Sir Thomas on t.-p. and heavily annotated
by him throughout; laid in are 1) Horace Mann, Letters on the existing law of regis-
tration of births, deaths, and marriages, with suggestions for its improvement (London:
H. Butterworth, lS49); 2) William Downing Bruce, A letter addressed to R. Monck-
ton Milnes . .. On the condition and unsafe state of ancient parish registers in England
and the colonies (London:]. Ridgway, 1850), inscribed to Sir Thomas by the
author; and 3), an S p. corrected proof of the above, headed in Sir Thomas's
hand: Wm. Downing Bruce esqron the state of the parish registers ofEngland I850.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH368

119. On the nature offines. [Middle Hill: 'Middle Hill Press, lS6-?] 1 sheet
([1] p.) 34 x 21 cm.
Signed at end: "S.G.;" this is possibly Samuel Higgs Gael, a "barrister of anti-
quarian tastes" and an executor of Sir Thomas's will. Cf. Munby V, p. 14.
Kraus 101.
GC copy 1 unbound; accompanied by a corrected proof; copy 2 bound in vol. 2
of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH211

[34 ]

120. Particulars ofgrants, temp. Edw. VI. Mary 1. Elizth. [Middle Hill:]
Liber Typis Medio-Montanis impressus, 183 .. [i.e., 184-?] [2], 14, 28 pp. 35 cm.
Are-issue, with new general t.-p., of 2 works originally published separately by Sir
Thomas: Index to particulars for grants temp. R. R Philip. & Marie. in the A ugmenta-
tion Office (Checklist no. 95), and: Index to particulars for grants temp. Edward Vl. in
the Augmentation Office (Checklist no. 94); the third work called for on the t.-p.
(published separately as Index to particulars for grants temp. Elizabeth, in the Aug-
mentation Office (Checklist no. 96 is not present.
GC copy in contemporary full russia.
PHILL. COLI.. 34.52 MH273

121. Proposals for publishing by subscription a topographical and

work intitled Collectanea topographica. [Middle Hill:
Press, ca. 1832.] 4 pp. 23 cm.
Prepared ca. 1832 by Sir Frederic Madden at the request of Sir Thomas, accord-
ing to Munby (III, p. 68).
Kraus 63.
copy in contemporary wrappers.

122. Prospectus of the formation of a topographical society. Broadway:

Gilmour, printer, 1839. [4] pp. (the last 3 pp. blank) 24 cm.
Lowndes (App.), p. 234.
GC copy disbound; list of members' names at bottom corrected and annotated
the h~d of Sir Thomas Phillipps.

/ 123. Prospectus of the formation of a topographical society. Broadway:

Gilmour, printer, [1839.] [4] pp. (the last 3 pp. blank) 24 cm.
This version undated, but probably published the same year as the preceding.
Kraus 310.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; copy 2 disbound, laid in .
. COLL. 34.52 MH210

12.4. Purchase ofSlebiche, be. by Roger Barlow, 13 Hen. 8. [Middle Hill:

MIddle Hill Press, 1859.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 16 x 21 cm.
Signed: 'John Williams."
. GC copy disbound; accompanied by a corrected proof, dated "20 Sep 59."
HILL. COLL. 34.52 MH454

[35 ]

125. Receaved and borrowed of my honord friend Sr David Watkins the

full somme of twenty pownds sterling . .. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
186-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 14 x 23 cm.
Lithograph facsimile ofa MS receipt for a loan, dated 8 December(?) 1655, and
signed by Edward Somerset, Marquis of Worcester (1601-1667).
The original probably belonged to Robert Cole, whose collection of manuscripts
was purchased by Sir Thomas in 1861.
Fenwick 107,$ Kraus 382.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH356

126. Romance of Guy of Warwick. Fragment. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-

montanisinpressit [sic] C. Gilmour, 1838. [12] pp. (thelastp. blank) 21 cm.
"The following fragment was found in the cover of an old book in the possession
of a gentleman in the neighborhood of Bath, and was lent to the editor by the
Rev. J. Hunter ... The whole poem was printed by Cawood, in the 16th century,
but this contains some few variations. 50 copies of this impression have been
taken"-Preface, p. [3].
Preface signed: "T.P."
Fenwick 124.1; Martin, p. 452 ("Fifty-two copies were printed"); Lowndes, p.
1857; Kraus 341/342.
GC copy 1 bound in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by a proof copy in sheets,
with corrections and annotations in the hand of Sir Thomas; laid in is a slip
of paper containing the text in MS of the t.-p. and preface, also in Sir
Thomas's hand.
GC copy 2 lacks t.-p. and preface leaf; bound with copy 2 of: An ancient confirma-
tiondeed ... (Checklist no. 286). /
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH36

127. Rotulus magnus pipae de anno .... Regis Henrici Primi. [Middle
Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1833.] 144 pp. 26 cm.
Corrected proof copy for fragment(?) of an u~published work. The corrections
and anjlotations are in the hand of Sir Thomas.
Lacks t.-p. and preliminary matter; p. 1 of text begins on leaf B 1.
First leaves of some gatherings annotated with various revision dates in April
18 33.
Pages [1]-g6 bound in Middle Hill boards; pp. 97-144 laid in at end.
Pastedowns and end-leaves annotated in pencil.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH27


128. Sir Charles Cornwaleys'letters, (MSS. Phillipps, no. 6469). A col-

lection of Sir Charles Cornwaleys, my father's manuscripts. [Middle
Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1842.] 4 pp. 34 cm.
editor is probably Charles Cornwallis, esq., of London. Cf. p. 3.
Fenwick 1023; Lowndes (App.), p. 233; Kraus 73.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 3 proof copies, 1 bearing revision date of
1842; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.

129. Sir Dudley Carleton's state letters, during his embassy at the
Hague, A.D. 1627. Now first edited by T.P. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-
Montanis, impressit C. Gilmour, 1841. [4], 76 pp. 34 cm.
Lowndes (App.), p. 231; Sotheby 68.
GC copy in contemporary russia; added t.-p. laid in; accompanied by 62 cor-
rected proof sheets, within Middle Hill boards; includes a MS draft of the t.-p.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH232

130. Sir Paul Rycaut's diplomatic letters. From Hamburgh, 1692. Ex

MSS. Phillipps,3073. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, between 1836 and
1842?] 8 pp. 34 cm.
Fenwick 102.1; Lowndes (App.), p. 232; Kraus 279.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by 6 corrected proof sheets; copy 2 bound
in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. 90LL. 34.52 MH231

131.Sir Wm. Pole's copies oj, & extracts from old evidences, chiefly in
the west ofEngland. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1836?] 4 pp. 34 cm.
Paper watemlarked 1836.
Fenwick 117.3; Lowndes (App.), p. 232 ("not complete"); Kraus 275.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR80

132. Testamenta Lambethana. Being a compleat list of all the wills,

and testaments recorded in the archiepiscopal registers at Lambeth,
from A.D. 1312, to A.D. 1636. Extracted by Dr. Ducarel . .. Lambeth
librarian, &c. With a compleat index, A.D. 1779. [Middle Hill:] Typis
Medio-Montanis, 1854 [Le., ca. 1848-1867.] [4],8,3, [163], 12, [2],4,9-20,
29-3 6 pp. 35 cm.

[37 ]

Fenwick 119; Kraus 179a-f, 404/406 (proof sheets only); Sotheby 97.
GC copy 1 in contemporary vellum-backed boards; bound with Index to names oj
wills, in P. 0. Cant., and 2 other untitled supplemental indexes (see below);
accompanied by ca. 300 corrected proof sheets, bearing revision dates between
1848 and 1867, the majority stitched into Middle Hill boards, but some leaves
laid in; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH335

133. [ .J Index to names of wills, in P. 0. Cant. [Cheltenham:

Middle Hill Press, 1867.] 24 pp. 35 cm.
In this version, the last entry on p. [1] is "Arthur, Sir Thos."
Kraus 51/52; Sotheby 108 (1) (version not specified).
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; some sheets bear inscribed dates in 1867;
accompanied by a set of 39 corrected and uncorrected proof sheets, covering
both versions of lliis text; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
works; copy 3 bound willi Testamenta Lambethana (Checklist no. 132).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH336

134. [ .J Index to namesofwitls, inFo O. Cant. [Cheltenham:

Middle Hill Press, 1867?] 24 pp. 35 cm.
In this version, the last entry on p. [1] is "Aysshe, Rosa."
Kraus 51/52; Sotheby 108 (1) (version not specified).
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH336B

135. [ .J [Supplement to Index to names of wills, in P. O.

Cant.] [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1867?] 4 pp. 35 cm.
The first column is headed "Ainsworth."
Kraus 226/226a (not identified).
GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps'
privately printed works, copy 3 bound with Testamenta Lambethana (Checklist no. 132).
PHILL: COLL. 34.52 MH337

136. [ .J [Supplement to Index to names of wills, in P. O.

Cant.] [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1867?] 8 pp. 35 cm.
The first column is headed "St. John, 1631, chiefly Wilts."
Kraus 226/226a (not identified).

[38 ]

GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately

printed works; copy 3 bound with Testamenta Lambethana (Checklist no. 132).
PHILL. CaLL. 34.52 MH338

137. [ .J [Supplement to Index to names of wills , in P. O.

Cant.] [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1867?] 4 pp. 35 cm.
The first column is headed "St.John, 1631, chiefly Wilts."; another version of this
text exists in 8 pp.
GC copy bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.

138. Three inedited Saxon charters,jrom the cartulary ojCirencester

Abbey. Communicated by Sir Thomas Phillipps, bart. F.S.A., in a let-
ter to John Gage, esq. F.R.S. Director. [London:] J. B. Nichols and Son,
25, Parliament-street, [1835.] 2 pp. 30 cm.
"From the Archaeologia, vol. XXVI."
Not a Middle Hill Press publication.
Letter dated: "Athenaeum, 24thJanuary, 1835."
Contents: Carta Edwardi Regis, Confessoris- Carta Willelmi Conquestoris- Carta Regis
Will'i conjirmantis totam possessionem Reinbaldi Cancellarii.
GC copy in original printed wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH452

139. To the Right Honorable my vearie good L. and eosin, the Earle
ofShrewsburie. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 183-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.)
25X 11 cm.
Transcript of a letter from the Earl of Leicester to the Earl of Shrewsbury, the
original dated 12 October, 1573.
At head of title: The superscription.
Kraus 181.
GC copy unbound; accompanied by a corrected proof.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH377

140. The Topographer. Originally edited by revd. S. Shaw, and Sir

Egerton Brydges, now continued by Thomas Phillipps, esqr. Vol. V.
part!. Salisbury: Printed byJ. Gilmour, 1821. [4], 60 pp. 22 cm.
No more published.
Title on added t.-p.: The Topographer, for the year I790 [sic], containing a variety of
original articles, illustrative of the local history and antiquities ofEngland.
Fenwick 121; Martin, p. 444; Lowndes Appendix, p. 226; Kraus 241/241a;
Sotheby 7.

[39 ]

GC copy 1 bound in contemporary leather-backed boards (MH2g).

GC copy 2 is a proof, consisting ofpp. 1-40,53-[60] (p. [60] blank in this copy),
loosely stitched; annotations and corrections in the hands of Sir Thomas
Phillipps andJ. A. Gilmour (MH2ga).
GC copy 3 is an early proof, consisting of pp. 1-8, 17-48, 53-60, loosely stitched;
annotations and corrections in the hands of Sir Thomas Phillipps and J. A.
Gilmour; accompanied by a sheet of proof for signature F (pp. 33-40), which
includes on the blank portion a long MS note from Gilmour to Phillipps con-
cerning these proofs (MH2gb).
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR2g; MH2ga; MR2gb

141. Trial of Warren Hastings, esq. Index to the printed evidence in 24

volumes folio collected by Warren Hastings, himself, bought at Dayles-
ford & now in the library at Middle Hill 1861. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill
Press, Thomas Payne, printer, 1861.] 4 pp. 34 cm.
Entries for vol. 1-3 only.
Fenwick 106-4; Kraus 148/14g.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by 5 proof sheets, 1 inscribed at top: "Payne
Ap 25 1861"; copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH239

[40 ]



142. Berkshire visitations, 1565, 1623, & 1664-5, with some additions.
[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1846.] 16 pp. 33 cm.
Aldworth-Davis only.
Fenwick 2; Lowndes (App.), p. 231; Sotheby65.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 18 corrected proof sheets, some dated
April or May 1846; copy 2 bound in vol. 4 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHl07

143. Faringdon Church. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?] 1 sheet,
33x 26 cm.
Lithograph sketch of a brass with a single figure.
Kraus 269 (version not specified).
GC has 2 copies, 1 disbound.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH447

144. Faringdon Church. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?] 1 sheet,
33 x 26 cm.
Lithograph sketch of a brass with three figures.
Kraus 269 (version not specified).
GC has 2 copies, 1 dis bound;
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH448

145 Faringdon Church. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?] 1 sheet,
x 26 cm.
sketch of a brass with 3 large and 10 small figures.
Kraus 269 (version not specified).
GC has 2 copies, 1 disbound.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH449

146. [Fortescue monument.] Cheltenham: C. R. Pottinger, photo.,

[between 1863 and 1872?] 1 sheet, 23 x 31 cm.
Mounted photograph of the Fortescue sepulchral monument.
GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers.
GC copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.5 2 MHl14

[ 41 ]

147. Hampstead Marshall A & M co Berks. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill

Press, 1853 or 1854.] 1 sheet, 22 x 34 cm.
Lithograph sketch, incorporating a view of the church, a detail of a window, and
the baptismal font.
Paper ofGC copy watermarked 1853.
Signed: 'J. C. Buckler 1818."
Kraus 265.4.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 laid in; in both GC copies, the caption has
been altered in ink to read "East Hampstead A & M co Berks."
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR362

148. Padworth Church, co. Berks. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?]
1 sheet, 22 x 34 cm.
Lithograph sketch.
Kraus 265.2.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; copy 2 laid in.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR360

149. Pangbourn Church co. Berks. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?]
1 sheet, 22 x 34 cm. ~-

Lithograph sketch.
Kraus 265.1.
GC copy 1 & copy 2 laid into folder.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH359

150. Purley Church, co. Berks. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?]
1 sheet, 34 x 22 cm.
Lithograph sketch, incorporating a view of the church and aetails from a
Kraus 265.3.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 laid in.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH361

151. Queries proposed by Mr. Clarke, to the nobility, gentlemen, and

clergy, ofBerkshire, with a view of completing, from their answers, an
account of the antiquities and natural history of the several parishes in
that county. [Middle Hill:] ExcudebatA.B. [Le., Adolphus Brightley], Typis
Medio-Montanis, [between 1822 and 1825.] 2, [2] pp. (the last 2 pp. blank)
35 cm .
Imprint from colophon; Adolphus Brightley worked for Sir Thomas Phillipps
between 1822 and 1825. Cf. Munby III, pp. 15-18.

[ 42]

Martin, p. 456; Lowndes (App.), p. 229; Kraus 46.

GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps'
privately printed works; lacks the final (blank) leaf.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHl13

152. Sandhurst, Berks. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?] 1 sheet,

Lithograph sketch of a monument in Sandurst Church.

Kraus 265.5.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 laid in.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH363

153. Stratfield Mortimer. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1853 or 1854?]
2 sheets, 34 x 22 cm.
Two lithograph sketches of brasses at Stratfield Mortimer church. Although
printed on separate sheets, the two images are hinged together at the longer side,
and were evidently issued and intended to be viewed as a pair.
ofGC copy watermarked 1853.
GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; copy 2 disbound; copy 3 bound in vol. 6
of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHl15

154 Visitations ofBerkshire, 1565, 1623, 1664. Cura Dni. Thomae

Phillipps, bart. autographa. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, ca.
184 0 . [2], 42 [i.e., 40] pp. 40 cm.
Aldworth-Cantrell only.
37-38 omitted in paging.
LitllOgraphed throughout, the t.-p. from type, the text from Phillipps's own
Fenwick 1; Lowndes (App.), p. 231; Kraus 47/47a; Twyman Cat. 4.11; Sotheby
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; copy 2 in modern half calf; copy 3 bound in vol.
4 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MHI08

[ 43 ]


155. The Cambridgeshire visitation, by Henry St. George, 1619. From

MSS. Phillipps, no. 63. Edited by Sir T.P. bart. [Middle Hill:] Typis
Medio-Montanis, impressit C. Gilmour, 1840. [4],34, [2] pp. 34 cm.
Fenwick 3; Lowndes, p. 1857; Kraus 50.
GC copy 1 in contemporary full leather; extensive corrections and annotations,
some in the hand of Sir Thomas; laid in is another version of the title leaf; accom-
panied by an early corrected proof of the preface, and 2 sheets of MS draft
genealogical tables.
GC copy 2 in contemporary half calf over marbled boards; armorial bookplates
of David E. Davy, and Ellis Wade; interleaved and heavily annotated.
GC copy 3 bound in vol. 4 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH72

156. Cambridgeshire visitation, 1619. [Middle Hill: Charles Gilmour,

184o?] 4 pp. 34 cm.
Fragmentary trial version of the preceding?
Contents: 1. Adam, of Tidd St. Giles~~":_4my, oj-Great Abbington- 3. Arkinstall, of
ElY-4. Ayre, of the Isle ofEly.
GC copy in contemporary wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH73

157. Redditus assisae pertin. Dno. Rogero de Colevyle, in Walsoken,

Wissebeache, Enmere, Welles. (circa temp. Edw. 2.) (1307 ad 1327).
[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1860?] 2 pp. 34 cm.
GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; accompanied by a MS copy of the Rotuli
curiae familiae de Colvyle . .. ([4] pp.); copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps'
privately printed works.
Sotheby 108(2)
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH75

158. fiedditus assisae pertin. Dno. Rogero de Colevyle, in Walsoken,

Wissebeache, Enmere, Welles. (circa temp. Edw. 2.) (1307 ad 1327).
[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1860?] 4 pp. 21 cm.
Another version of the preceding.
Fenwick 117.2; Sotheby 108(3).
GC copy in Middle Hill boards.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH76

[44 ]


159. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663-4. Ex MSS. Phillipps. [Middle Hill:]

Typis Medio-Montanis, excuditJames Rogers, 1854. [2], 7, [1] pp. (the last p.
blank) 36 cm.
Caption title: Visitation ofDerbyshire, I 662-3.
The visitation was made by Sir William Dugdale in 1662-3, according to the
Fenwick 4; Lowndes (App.), p. 235; Kraus 77178.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by corrected proof sheets for the
t.-p. and pp. 1-4; copy 2 bound in vol. 4 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH74


160. Chronicon Abbatiae S. Nicholai, de Exonia. Impensis Dni. T

Phillipps, bart. [Middle Hill:] Ex lithographia Medio-Montana, [1853 or
1854.] [2], 22 pp. 35 cm.
Lithographed throughout, the t.-p. from type, the text from MS.
Paper of GC copy watermarked 1853.
Fenwick 5; Lowndes (App.), p. 236; Kraus 79; Twyman Cat. 4.2; Sotheby 88(1).
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; laid in is a copy of the t.-p. with engraved
Broadway Tower title vignette; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH79

161. Visitation ofDevonshire, 16;:w. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 184-?]
4PP 34 cm .
Abbatt-Arundel only.
Fenwick 53.4; Kraus 80; Sotheby 126(3).
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; MS annotations and corrections; copy 2 bound
with Visitation of Westmoreland, I 6I5 (Checklist no. 246).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH81


162. Cartularium Saxonicum Scireburnense, in agro Dorset. [Middle

Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1828?] 4 pp. 35 cm.
A fragment; no more published.

[ 45 ]

Martin, p. 455 ("Twenty-six copies"); Lowndes, p. 1857; Kraus 81/81a (citing a

proof copy with printed heading "Scripsit T.P. 1828").
GC copy 1 bound with Cartularium SaxonicumMalmsburiense in com. Wilts (Check-
list no. 250); copy 2 bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works, also
following a copy of the Cartularium Saxonicum Malmsburiense; copy 3 & copy 4
disbound; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs (MH393).
PH]LL. COLL. 34.52 MH161; MH393


163. [Bigland's Gloucestershire collections.] Continuation of

Bigland's Gloucestershire. Proposals for publishing the above work by
subscription . .. [Cheltenham? s.n., 1870?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 33 x 21 cm.
Ralph Bigland's Historical, monumental and genealogical collections, relative to the
county of Gloucestershire was originally published London, 1786-1795; the contin-
uation appeared under the successive editorship of Sir Thomas Phillipps, S. H.
Gael and T. FitzRoy Fenwick, between 1870 and ca. 1895.
Undated, but another prospectus for this was issued by Sir Thomas
Phillipps in 1870. Cf. Munby IV, p;1-tr8.
Sotheby 140(1).
GC copy inscribed with 9 names, in the hand of Sir Thomas.
PH]LL. COLL. 34.52 MH488

164. [ .J Bigland's Gloucestershire collections. [Cheltenham:

Middle Hill Press, ca. 1885-] 2 vols. ill. 45 cm.
"Sixty-five copies privately reprinted for T. Fitz Roy Fenwick, M.A."
Date of publication from Bernard Quaritch Rough List no. 79,-November 1886
( Choice Portions of the Library of the Late Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. ... ), p. 33,
no. 506.
GC has: [Vol. 1]: [pt. I.] Newington Bagpath to Pauntley- [Vol. 2]: Pt. II. Pebworth
to Rendcome. Pt. III. Saul-Willersry.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH511

165, [ .J Bigland's Gloucestershire collections. The reprint of

the first part of the continuation of the above work being complete, it is
now proposed to reprint the equally scarce second and third parts . ..
[Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, ca. 1885.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 x 12 cm.
Prospectus for the preceding.
GC copy printed as the first page of a bifolium.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH518


166. [ .J Subscribers to the continuation ofBigland's Glouces-

tershire,1870-87. [Cheltenham? s.n., 1887.] 1 sheet ([l] p.) 44 x 29 cm.
The list contains 40 names.
Sotheby 140(3).
GC has 3 copies.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH460

167. Camp den House, co: Cloct., the seat ofSir Baptist Hickes temp.
Chas. I. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1870.] 1 sheet, 21 x 29 cm.
Lithograph sketch, dated 1870 in Geoffrey Wakeman, "Anastatic Printing for Sir
Thomas Phillipps," Journal of the Printing Historical Society, no. 5, 1969, pp. 38 (giv-
ing print run of 100 copies).
Kraus 267.3.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 disbound, laid in; copy 3 printed on a dif-
ferent size (21 x 34 cm.) of thinner paper, disbound, laid in.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH439

168. Cartularinm [sic} de Flaxley. [Middle Hill or Cheltenham: Middle

Hill Press, 186-?] 7, [1] p. 34 cm.
Fenwick 69.1; Kraus 120; Sotheby 131 (2) ("1866").
GC copy 1 in modern half crushed morocco; accompanied by 4 corrected proof
copies; copy 2 in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH95

169. Cartularium monasterii de Winchcombe in com. Glouc., abbre-

via tum per Joh. Prynne, arm. Impensis Dni. Thomae Phillipps, barti.
[Middle Hill:] Ex lithographia Medio-Montana, 1854. [2],225 pp. 36 cm.
Letterpress t.-p., with text lithographed from MS.
Fenwick 8; Lowndes (App.), p. 235; Kraus 121; Twyman Cat. 4.1; Sotheby 92.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; laid in is a corrected proof of the t.-p; copy 2 in
vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH94

170. Collections for Gloucestershire, by T P. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-

Montanis impressit Thomas Payne, 1861. [4], 16 pp. 20 cm.
Contents of this version: Mickleton-Aston Subedge-Ebrington-Badsey- Weston
Fenwick 19. 2 ; Sotheby 117 (version not specified).
GC copy in Middle Hill boards.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH90

[47 ]

171. Collections for Gloucestershire, by T. P. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-

Montanis impressit Thomas Payne, 1861. [4], 16 pp. 20 cm.
Contents of this version: Ashton Under Hill-Beckford-Mickleton transcripts at
Gloucester- Saintbury - Willersey.
Fenwick 19.1; Kraus 124 (citing proof sheets only); Sotheby 114, 117 (version
not specified).
GC copy in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by 2 corrected proof copies, 1 dis-
bound, and 1 bound in Middle Hill boards, the 2nd copy dated "1 Ap 61."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHg2

172. Coscombe House, Gloucestershire,1818. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill

Press, 1870.] 1 sheet, 21 x 34 cm.
Lithograph sketch, dated 1870 in Geoffrey Wakeman, "Anastatic Printing for Sir
Thomas Phillipps," Journal of the Printing Historical Society, no. 5, 1969, pp. 38 (giv-
ing print run of 100 copies).
In this version, the sketch has no border, and is printed on lightweight blue
Kraus 267.6.
GC has 2 copies, disbound.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH443

173. Coscombe House, Gloucestershire,I818. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill

Press, 1870.] 1 sheet, 26 x 37 cm.
Lithograph sketch, probably dating from 1870; see preceding entry.
In this version, the sketch is printed on thick paper within a single rule border.
Kraus 267.6.
GC has 2 copies.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH444

174. Excerpta ex registrisparochialibus, in com. Gloucester, &c. [Middle

Hill:] Ex lithographia Medio-Montana, 1854. [108] pp. 36 cm.
Lithographed throughout, the t.-p. from type, the text from MS.
In this version, the text commences with Ashland Under Hill.
Fenwick 11; Lowndes (App.), p. 236; Kraus 1'23; Twyman Cat. 4.5; Sotheby 93
GC copy 1 in con temporary full calf; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' pri-
vately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHgl

175. Excerpta ex registris parochialibus, in com. Gloucester, &c. [Middle

Hill:] Ex lithographia Medio-Montana, 1854. [64] pp. 36 cm.
Lithographed throughout, the t.-p. from type, the text from MS.

[48 ]

In this abridged version, the text commences with Buckland.

Fenwick 12; Kraus 122; Twyman Cat. 44; Sotheby 94.
GC copy in Middle Hill boards.
PHILL. COLL. 3452 MH93

176. Extract from James Thynne's will, relating to Laverton School.

[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?] 2 pp. 17 cm.
Fenwick 15; Kraus 133.
GC copy unbound.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH98

177. A fragment ofa lease of lands in Laverton Co. Glouc. to Michael

Russell, Gent. 1780. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1870.] 1 sheet ([1] p.)
17 x 22cm.
Fenwick 15; Kraus 402.
GC copy accompanied by a corrected proof, inscribed at top: "1 Feb 70."

178. Gloucestershire collections, per T P. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,

1861.] 12 pp. 19 cm.
In this issue, leaf height is 18 cm., and the supplement Nomina domorum reli-
giosarum quarum mentionem faciunt registra episcoporum Vigorn is not included.
Fenwick 17.
GC copy in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by 6 corrected proof sheets, 2 of
which bear dates in October, 1861.
PHILL. C'OLL. 34.52 MH82

179. Gloucestershire collections, per T P. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,

1868.] 12 pp. 23 cm.
Includes ([ 1] p. bound before text): Nomina domorum religiosarum quarum men-
tionem faciunt registra episcoporum Vigom.
Fenwick 17 (?); Kraus 131.
GC copy in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by 5 corrected proof sheets for the
supplement, 1 inscribed at top: "2nd edit. 24]une 1868."
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH83

180. Gloucestershire subsidy roll 1 E. 3.-1327. In Carlton Ride, 1849.

[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1849?] 1 sheet ([2] pp.) 34 cm.
This appears to be a fragmentary trial issue of the following.
GC copy bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.

[ 49]

181. Gloucestershire subsidy roll, 1 Edward III. A.D. 132.7. [Middle Hill:]
Typis Medio-Montanis, [John Lowe, printer, 1864 or 1865.] [2], 52 pp. 34 cm.
According to a MS account book in the GC collection, John Lowe printed 7
sheets (pp. 1-28) of this work during 1864-1865.
Fenwick 16; Kraus 125; Sotheby 146.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; turndowns annotated in pencil; laid in are two
versions of the t.-p., one with the Broadway Tower vignette, and one without; copy
2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH84

182. Index of wills at Gloucester. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 186-?]
20 pp. 22 cm.
Fenwick 18; Lowndes (App.), p. 236 (described ca. 1865 as "in the press"); Kraus
126; Sotheby 102 (1).
GC copy in Middle Hill boards.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH86

183. Index pedum finium pro Com. Glouc. temp. George I. Impensis
Dni. Thomae Phillipps, bart. [Midfffe'Hill:] Ex lithographia, Medio-
Montana, [1854.] [2],115 pp. 36 cm.
Lithographed throughout, the t.-p. from type, the text from MS; printed by
Rudolf Appel in 1854; cf. Geoffrey Wakeman, "Anastatic Printing for Sir Thomas
Phillipps," Journal of the Printing Historical Society, no. 5, 1969, p. 35 (giving print
run of fifty copies) .
Fenwick 13; Lowndes (App.), p. 236; Kraus 127; Twyman Cat. 4.10; Sotheby 89
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PRILL, COLL. 34.52 MH85

184. Laverton School, Co. Glouc. 1818. William Bateson, esqr. and
others, to the Right Honble. John, Lord Northwick, and others, Draft
of release in trust, for the Honble. Mr Thynne's charity schools in
Laverton, & Chipping Camden. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?]
1 sheet ([1] p.) 32 cm.
Fenwick 15.
GC copy 1 disbound; copy 2 in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL, 34.52 MH346

[50 ]

185. Mickleton Manor House, co. Gloucester. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill
Press, IS 5-?] 1 sheet, 21 x 34 cm.
Lithograph sketch of front facade.
Kraus 267.1 (version not specified).
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 disbound, laid in.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH437

186. Mickleton Manor House, co. Gloucester. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill
Press, 18 5-?] 1 sheet, 21 x 34 cm.
Lithograph sketch of rear facade.
Kraus 267.1 (version not specified).
GC copy in later wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH437B

187. Old Combe, as altered to Campden House. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill
Press, lS5-?] 1 sheet, 21 x 34 cm.
Lithograph sketch.
Kraus 267 -4 (includes also Checklist no. ISS).
GC has 2 copies, disbound.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH440

188. Old Combe House, near Camp den co. Glouc. before the alterations
by Lord Campden. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, IS5-?] 1 sheet, 21 x 34 cm.
Lithograph sketch.
Kraus 267.4 (includes also Checklist no. IS7).
GC has 2 copies, disbound.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH441

189. Pedes finium, pro. Com. Glouc. Begin 1 John, there being none of
Richard. Copied 1849, and 1856. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, IS71.]
2 leaves 34 cm.
Fenwick 14.1; Kraus 130; Sotheby 102(3).
GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof sheet
for leaf 1, inscribed at top: "19 Sep 1871"; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T.
Phillipps' privately printed w(ffks.

190. Pedes finium, ab anno 1649 ad ann. 1714 pro. com. Gloc. [Middle
Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1860.] 4 pp. 34 cm.
Fragment only; text ends with entries for 5 Ann.

[51 ]

Fenwick 14.2; Sotheby 102(2).

GC copy bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; accompanied by
8 corrected proof sheets, bearing various revision dates between 12 November
and 28 December 1860 (MHS22).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH COLL. VOL. 6; PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH522

191. Quo warranto directed to Antony, & William Freeman, oJTod-

denham, co. Glouc. concerning their tenure oj the manor ojHidcote
Bartram, & lands in Hidcote Boys, & Mickleton, co. Cloc. 44 Eliz.,
from the repertory to the Memoranda Rolls,Jrom 31 Eliz. to 1. Jac. 1.
[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?] 1 sheet ([2] pp.) 32 cm.
Fenwick 15.
GC copy 1 unbound; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
PHILL. COLL. 3452 MH344

192. Stanton Court, co. Gloucester. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1853.]
1 sheet, 21 x 34 cm.
Lithograph sketch, dated 1853 in Geoffrey Wakeman, "Anastatic Printing for Sir
Thomas Phillipps,"Joumal of the Printing Historical Society, no. 5, 1969, p. 31 (giv-
ing press run of fifty copies) .
Kraus 267.2.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 dis bound, laid in.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH438

193. Visitation, oJGloucestershire, 1569. Ex MSS. Phillipps. [Middle Hill:]

Typis Medio-Montanis, excuditJames Rogers, 1854. [4],12 pp. 35 cm.
The visitation was made by Robert Cook, according to the BMC.
Fenwick 9; Lowndes (App.), p. 235; Kraus 134
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; copy 2 in vol. 4 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH87

194. [Visitation of Gloucestershire 1623, proof sheets.]

[Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1864.] 4 sheets 34 cm.
The sheets bear various revision dates in October 1864.
GC copies disbound.
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH427

[52 ]

195. The visitation of the county of Gloucester of1682-3. With addi-

tions. Edited by T. Fitzroy Fenwick, M.A. and Walter C. Metcalfe,
F.S.A. Copies of the above privately printed work can still be obtained
by application to T. Fitzroy Fenwick, Thirlestaine House, Cheltenham.
[Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, ca. 1885.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 x 12 cm.
Fenwick's edition of this work was published in 1884; the original visitation was
made by T. May, G. King, and H. De thick, as deputies for Sir H. Saint George,
according to the BMC.
GC copy printed on the first page of a bifolium.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH51 9

196. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1684. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press,

1867.] 20 pp. 35 cm.
The visitation was made by T. May, G. King, and H. Dethick, as deputies for Sir H.
Saint George, according to the BMC.
Fenwick 10; Kraus 132 (including the supplement); Sotheby 147 (including the
supplement) .
GC copy 1 dis bound; accompanied by 13 corrected proof sheets, the latest of
which is dated 25January 1867; copy 2 bound in vol. 4 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH88

197. [ .J Supplement to the visitation of Gloucestershire,

1682-4 [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1867?] 9 [i.e., 8] pp. 35 cm.
GC copy 1 disbound; copy 2 bound in vol. 4 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH8g

198. A west prospect of the spaw and town of Cheltenham. 1748.

[Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, between 1863 and 1872?] 1 sheet, 17 x 44 cm.
Lithograph sketch after a painting (or a study for it) by Thomas Robins.
Kraus 266.
GC has 6 copies, 4 of which are hinged together to form 2 pairs; copy 6 bound
in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MHg6

199. Willersey Church, Gloucestershire. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,

18 5-?] 1 sheet, 28 x 43 cm.
Lithograph sketch.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH445

[53 ]


200. Irrotulaciones cartarum super annuatarum in civitate VJYnton ...

[Evesham:]ohn Agg, 1822.] pp. 5-12; 34 cm.
Imprint from Munby III, pp. 11-12.
Fenwick 21; Martin, p. 445 ("Twelve copies only were printed"); Lowndes
Appendix, p. 226.
GC copy in contemporary wrappers; annotated at top with a brief description of
this work and of the original MS.

201. Thomas Warton's notes, & corrections to his history of Winchester

College, & Cathedral printed in 1750. From his own printed copy in
the possession ofSir Thomas Phillipps, bart. 1857. [Middle Hill: Middle
Hill Press, 1857.] 4 pp. 34 cm.
Fenwick 123(?).
GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof copy,
dated "1 Aug 57"; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.

202. Thomas Warton's notes, & corrections to his history of Win-

chester College, & Cathedral printed in 1750. From his own printed
copy in the possession ofSir Thomas Phillipps, bart. 1857. [Middle Hill:
Middle Hill Press, 1857.] 16 pp. 19 cm.
Another version of the preceding.
Lowndes (App.), p. 235; Sotheby 10 1 (1).
GC copy in contemporary wrappers, unopened; accompanied by a corrected
proof copy, dated on p. 5: "8 S 57."
PHILL. COLL. 34,52 MHl12

203. Visitation ofHampshire 1575,1622, & 1686. Ex MSS. Phillipps.

[Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, excuditJacobus Rogers, 1854. [2],28 pp.
36cm .
The visitations were made by Robert Cooke and John Phillipott for William
Abarrow through Fleming only.
Fenwick 20; Lowndes (App.), p. 235; Kraus 147; Sotheby 95.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; inscribed on t.-p.: "Sir T Phillipps, bart.";
accompanied by 43 corrected proof sheets, some profusely annotated by Sir
Thomas; copy 2 bound in vol. 4 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.

[54 ]


204. Cartae baronum de Tateshale, terra Eudonis,filii Spirewic.-A.D.

1086. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1847.] 4 pp. 34 cm.
A fragment; text ends in the middle of a sentence at the bottom of p. 4.
Sotheby 131 (1).
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof, dated at top "8 F
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH420


205. Index to the London visitation. 1593, in the possession ofSir

Thos. Phillipps, bart. 1840. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, ca. 1840?] 3,
[1] pp. 34 cm.
The visitation was made by R. Cooke, according to the BMC.
Fenwick 55.1; Kraus 186.
GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; copy 2 bound in vol. 4 of Sir T. Phillipps'
privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH6g

206. Part of the visitation of London, 1634. Copied by Baruch Long-

mate (Mss. Phillipps, no. 9774.) [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, ca. 1840.]
6pp. 35 cm.
Made by Sir H. Saint George, as deputy for Sir R. Saint George.
BMC gives publication date of ca. 1840.
All published. The last entry is for the family of Blacknall.
Fenwick 53.3; Lowndes (App.), p. 236 ("in the press"); Kraus 187; Sotheby
GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof copy;
copy 2 bound in vol. 4 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; copy 3 bound with
Visitation of Westmoreland, I6I5 (Checklist no. 246).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH70


207. Register ofSomerset House Chapel, edited by Sir T. Phillipps,

bart. [Middle Hill:] Impensis DnL Thomae Phillipps, baronetti impressum,
18 3 .. [Le., 1850.] [4], 18 pp. 22 cm.

[55 ]

Originally issued 1831 without t.-p. or prefatory matter, the caption title reading:
Register oj marriages, baptisms, & burials in Somerset House Chapel, I 7 I 4 to I775; the
preface in this version is signed: "T.P. M.H. 1850."
Fenwick 23 (1831 version); Martin, p. 452 (1831 version); Lowndes (App.), p.
228 ("(Printed in London, Bridgewater), 1831"); Sotheby 31.
GC copy 1 bound in contemporary full leather, with binder's ticket: "Bretherton
ligavit 1850;" Sir Thomas's copy (MH30); copy 2 unbound; proof copy, with cor-
rections and annotations in the hand of Sir Thomas; includes an extra corrected
leaf for pp. 17/18 (MH30a).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH30; MH30a

208. The visitation ofMiddlesex, began in the year 1663 by William

Ryley, esq. Lancaster, and Henry Dethick, Rouge croix, marshals and
deputies to Sir Edward Bysshe, knt. Clarencieuxking of arms. Salis-
bury: Printed by J. A. Gilmore, bookseller, Market-Place; [London:] Published
byJ. Nichols, Parliament-Street, London, 1820 [i.e., 1821.] [8],51, [1] pp.
34 cm .
Added t.-p., with engraved title vignette (Broadway Tower): Middlesex visitation,
I663-4 ... Salisbury, I820.
Munby (III, p. 12) corrects the date ofplMication to 1821.
In this version there is an added t.-p. and preface leaf.
Fenwick 22; Martin, p. 444 (MS note by Sir Thomas in GC copy of Martin states
"250 copies"); Lowndes, p. 1856; Kraus 207/208.
GC copy in Middle Hill boards with printed spine label.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH71a

209. The visitation ofMiddlesex, began in the year 1663 by William

Ryley, esq. Lancaster, and Henry Dethick, Rouge croix, marshals and
deputies to Sir Edward Bysshe, knt. Clarencieux king of arms. Salis-
bury: Printed by J. A. Gilmore, bookseller, Market-Place; [London:] Published
by J. Nichols, Parliament-Street, London, 1820 [i.e., 1821.] [4], 51, [1] pp.
34 cm .
In this version there is no added t.-p. or preface leaf.
Munby (III, p. 12) corrects the date of publication to 1821.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards, backed in later vellum; bookplate ofJohn Paul
Rylands (MH 71 b ); copy 2 bound in vol. 4 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works;
laid in is a copy of the preface leaf.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH71 b

[56 ]


210. Redditus sequentes ex antiquo manuscripto continente tota Bib-

lia, olim penes Henricum Spilman [sic], excerpti sunt. [Middle Hill:
Middle Hill Press, 1823?] 4 pp. 32 cm.
At head of text: Hii sunt Reddit[ us] Ecclesie S[ an] c[ t] e Marie de Walsingham.
Some copies recorded with paper watermarked 1821-1823.
Fenwick 117.1; Martin, p. 447 ("One hundred copies were printed"); Lowndes
(App.), p. 226; Kraus 340; Sotheby 131 (5).
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 4 corrected proofs (2 full and 2 partial),
the copy and 2 of the proofs watermarked 1821; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T.
Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MHI04


211. Lease of tithes, of Stamfordham, to William Fenwick ofEast Hed-

don, Co. Northumberland. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1871.] 1 sheet
([1] p.) 35 cm.
Fenwick 117.5; Kraus 98/99.
GC copy 1 accompanied by a corrected proof, dated at top: "14 Oct 1871;" copy
2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MRI06

212.Pedigrees from the heraldic visitation, ofNorthumberland, taken

by Richard St. George, esqr. Norroy King ofArms, and Henry St.
George, esqr. Blue Mantle Pursuivant ofArms. Anno Domini 1615.
[Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, excuditJacobus Rogers, 1858. [2],4, [2]
pp. 35 cm.
Fenwick 24; Lowndes (App.), p. 235; Sotheby 126(2).
GC copy 1 disbound; last leaf present as corrected proof; copy 2 bound in vol. 4
of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MRI05



213. Chipping-Norton register. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 182-?]

4PP 35 cm.
Paper of GC copy watermarked 1819.
In this version, the last line on p. [1] begins: "William, s. of William Diston."
Martin, p. 454; Lowndes (App.), p. 228; Kraus 217/217a (version not specified);
Sotheby 6 (2) (version not specified).
GC copy in contemporary wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHl16

214. Chipping-Norton register. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 182-?]

4PP 35 cm.
In this version, the last line on p. [1] is: "Mary, d. of Richard Hutchins."
Martin, p. 454; Lowndes (App.), p. 228; Kraus 217/217a (version not specified);
Sotheby 6 (2) (version not specified).
GC copy disbound.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHl17

215. Memorandum of Wheatfield irLf2am. Oxon. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill

Press, 185-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 XII cm.
Concerning the estates of Wheatfield, Wormbley, and Trumbull, and the Rudge
Kraus 219.
GC copy in later wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH323

216. [Parochial collections for the county of Oxford.] Oxfo.rdshire

monumental inscriptions, from the MSS. ofAntony It Wood, Dr. Hut-
ton, and Mr. Hinton. Printed at Evesham: [s.n.], 1825. [6], [3]-98 pp. 40 cm.
Caption title, p. [3] of main sequence: Parochial collections for the county of Oxford.
The work is apparently often found without the t.-p., and is referred to under the
caption title in both Martin and in Lowndes.
Adderbury-Ensham only. No more published. ;
"Oxfonlshire pedigrees" [byJohn Philipot]: pp. [3]-[6] of prelims. Cobb-Doyley
Fenwick 25; Martin, p. 449 ("One hundred and fifty copies were printed");
Lowndes, p. 1857 (under title Oxfordshire pedigrees, no. I557, Harl. MSS.), and
Lowndes (App.), p. 227; Kraus 220; Sotheby 23/24.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; t.-p. laid in; copy 2 in modern half calf; copy 3
in Middle Hill boards; Sir Thomas's own copy, interleaved, and with his annota-

[58 ]

tions and corrections; laid in are numerous watercolor sketches, pen and ink
drawings and engraved views of Oxfordshire churches and antiquities, as well as
MS drafts of pedigrees, etc.
PH ILL. CaLL. 34.52 MH129

2.17. [ .J Inquiries proposed by Mr. Phillipps, to the nobility,

gentlemen, and clergy of Oxfordshire, with a view of completing, from
their answers, an account of the antiquities and natural history of the
several parishes of the county. Evesham:]. Agg, printer, [1819.] 2, [2] pp.
(the last 2 pp. blank) 33 cm.
Printed in 1819. The Inquiries were for "the abandoned project of a full-dress
history of Oxfordshire [which] found expression in Parochial collections for the
county of Oxford (1825)." Cf. Munby III, pp. 11,72.
Martin, p. 443; Lowndes (App.), p. 225; Kraus 218.
GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps'
privately printed works.
PHILL. CaLL. 34.52 MHl18

2.18. [ . J Preparingfor publication,

Parochial collections for
Oxfordshire, chi41y compiled from the MSS. ofAnthony Ii Wood, Tin-
dal, Hutton, Dugdale, Dodsworth, &c. With the Doomsday of the
county, &c. &c. &c. by Thomas Phillipps esq. F.S.A. [Oxford:] Baxter,
printer, opposite the Town-Hall, Oxford, [1819.]1 sheet ([1] p.) 28 x 23 cm.
Date of publication from Munby III, p. 5.
A prospectus for the work eventually issued in incomplete form in 1825.
Kraus 221; Sotheby 6(1).
GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; copy 2 trimmed to 23 x 16 cm., unbound.
PHILL. CaLL. 34.52 MH132

2. 19. [ .J Aston Rowant. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?] 1

sheet, 32 x 19 cm.
Lithograph sketch of a brass.
Intended as an illustration for Oxfordshire monumental inscriptions; the original
drawing for this lithograph is laid into Sir Thomas's own copy of this work, now
in the possession of the GC.
Kraus 268(1).
GC copy 1 & copy 2 disbound; copy 3 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MRl19

[59 ]

220. [ .] Bensinton [sic] church, Oxon. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill

Press, 18S-?] 1 sheet, 22 x 34 cm.
Lithograph sketch.
Intended as an illustration for Oxfordshire monumental inscriptions; the original
drawing for this lithograph is laid into Sir Thomas's own copy of this work, now
in the possession of the GC; the drawing is attributed to J. C. Buckler.
Kraus 268(8).
GC copy 1 & copy 2 disbound; copy 3 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHl26

221. [ J
. [Bensington church & Brightwell Barden church.]
[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 18S-?] 1 sheet, 34 x 22 cm.
Lithograph sketch of a brass in Bensington church, and of an inscription in
Brightwell Barden church.
Intended as an illustration for Oxfordshire monumental inscriptions; the original
drawing for this lithograph is laid into Sir Thomas's own copy of this work, now
in the possession of the GC.
Kraus 268(10).
GC copy 1 attached to Brightwell Batdel1;c,copy 2 dis bound; copy 3 bound in vol.
6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHl28

222. [ J
. Brightwell Barden. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
18S-?] 1 sheet, 34 x 22 cm.
Lithograph sketch of a brass in the church at Brightwell Barden.
Intended as an illustration for Oxfordshire monumental inscriptionsj the original
drawing for this lithograph is laid into Sir Thomas's own copy of this work, now
in the possession of the GC.
Kraus 268(9).
GC copy 1 attached to [Bensington church & Brightwell Barden church]; copy 2
disbound; copy 3 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHl27

223. [''----.J Chackendon Church, Oxon. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill

Press, 18S-?] 1 sheet, 19 x 32 cm.
Lithograph sketch.
Intended as an illustration for Oxfordshire monumental inscriptions; the original
engraving on which this lithograph was modeled is laid into Sir Thomas's own
copy of this work, now in the possession of the GC.
Kraus 268(2).

[60 ]

GC copy 1 & copy 2 dis bound; copy 3 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
COLL. 34.52 MH120

224. [ .JChinnar Oxfordshire. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,

185-?] 1 sheet, 33 x 19 cm.
Lithograph sketch of a brass with two figures .
. Intended as an illustration for Oxfordshire monumental inscriptions; the original
drawing for this lithograph is laid into Sir Thomas's own copy of this work, now
in the possession of the Gc.
Kraus 268 (4).
GC copy 1 & copy 2 disbound; copy 3 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
COLL. 34.52 MH122

---.J Chinnar Oxfordshire. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,

18 5-?] 1 sheet, 33 x 19 cm.
Lithograph sketch of a brass or monument.
~U'.~H~VU as an illustration for Oxfordshire monumental inscriptions; the original
drawing for this lithograph is laid into Sir Thomas's own copy of this work, now
in the possession of the Gc.
Kraus 268(5).
GC copy I & copy 2 disbound; copy 3 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
CaLL. 34.52 MH123

---.J Chinnar church, Oxfordshire. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill

185-?] 1 sheet, 19 x 33 cm.
Lithograph sketch.
Intended as an illustration for Oxfordshire monumental inscriptions; the original
drawing for this lithograph is laid into Sir Thomas's own copy of this work, now
in the possession of the GC.
Kraus 268(6).
GC copy 1 & copy 2 disbound; copy 3 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
COLL. 34.52 MH124

227 [ .J Culham church, Oxon. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,

18 5-?] 1 sheet, 19 x 33 cm.
Lithograph sketch.
Intended as an illustration for Oxfordshire monumental inscriptions; the original

[61 ]

drawing for this lithograph is laid into Sir Thomas's own copy of this work, now
in the possession of the GC.
Kraus 268(7).
GC copy 1 & copy 2 disbound; copy 3 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH125

228. [ J
. Stadhampton Oxon. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
185-?] 1 sheet, 33 x 19 cm.
Lithograph sketch of a brass.
Probably intended as an illustration for Oxfordshire monumental inscriptions.
Kraus 268(3).
GC copy 1 & copy 2 disbound; copy 3 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH121

229. [---.J Woodstock. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?] 1

sheet, 27 x 22 cm.
Lithograph sketch of a brass in the church at Woodstock.
Probably intended as an illustration.f@f Oxfordshire monumental inscriptions.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH446

230. Visitations of Oxfordshire, 1574, & 1634, and ofSussex, 1570.

[Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, 184.. [2],33, [1], 12 pp. 34 cm.
Edited by Sir Thomas.
Fenwick 26; Lowndes (App.), p. 235; Sotheby 66(2).
GC copy 1 in later half leather; armorial bookplate of the Conyers family;
inscribed on front fly-leaf: "Marcia [Y?] arborough Conyers. 24 Sept. 1899."
GC copy 2 in Middle Hill boards; heavily annotated in the hand of Sir Thomas
GC copy 3 in contemporary full leather; interleaved, and heavily annotated; t.-p.
in variant setting of type, and includes the Broadway Tower vignette.
GC copy 4 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; t.-p. in variant
setting of type, but without the Broadway, Tower vignette; lacks the Visitation of
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH131

[62 ]


231. Antiquities of the county ofSalop. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
1834?] 8 pp. 34 cm.
Attributed to Edward Lloyd and William Mytton.
Paper in GC copy is watermarked 1834.
Abdon-Attingham only. No more published.
Lowndes (App.), p. 233; Kraus 291 (first 4 pp. only).
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; includes a proof leaf containing text for an
additional 2 pp., numbered 9 and 10, annotated and corrected by Sir Thomas;
copy 2 bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH135

232. Human nature displayed in the history ofMyddle, by Richard

Gough. London: [s.n.], 1834. [6],80 pp. 34 cm.
Caption title: Antiquities and memoirs of the parish of Myddle.
Fenwick 27; Martin, p. 458; Lowndes, p. 921; Lowndes (App.), p. 229; Kraus 292;
SotlIeby 42.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by 2 sets of proof sheets also in
Middle Hill boards, tlIe first set containing the full text, tlIe second set contain-
ing proof sheets for pp. 1-21 only; corrections and annotations in the hand of Sir
Thomas Phillipps; copy 2 bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH136


233. Somerset visitation, 1623. Part If-II.} [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-
Montanis, 1838-1842. 2 pts. in 1 vol. ([10],34, [8],35-108, [2], 109-152 pp.)
34 cm .
The visitation was made by Henry St. George.
Part 1 has added t.-p.: The visitation of Somersetshire, I 623 with additions from earlier
visitations and continuations by R Mundy. Typis Medio-Montanis impressit C. Gilmour,
Martin (p. 457) gives "[London: Bridgewater. 1831-3]" as imprint for the first
Pedigree of Byam: 2 leaves, and printed slip explaining its insertion, dated 1842,
inserted after p. 34.
Fenwick 28; Martin, p. 457 ("Not finished, but in progress"); Lowndes, p. 1857;
Kraus 301/303 (proof sheets for pt. I only); SotlIeby 56.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; includes the list of subscribers ([2] pp.) and

[63 ]

Index to the Somerset visitation, I623 ([4] pp.); occasional annotations, some in the
hand of Sir Thomas; accompanied by 56 proof sheets, annotated and corrected
in the same hand; included among these proofs is one of the Byam errata slip,
inscribed with 8 lines of acrimonious correspondence between Phillipps and his
printer, Charles Gilmour, concerning Gilmour's hours of work.
GC copy 2 in modern half calf; contains pt. 1 only, the t.-p. dated 1838; lacks the
list of subscribers and index; MS notes and correspondence concerning the
Horner family laid in.
GC copy 3 in Middle Hill boards; contains pt. 1 only, but has both the 1838 t.-p.
and the general t.-p. dated 1842; lacks the list of subscribers and index; first 32
pp. of text laid in.
GC copy 4 bound in vol. 4 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; includes the list
of subscribers and the index.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR133


234. Staffordshire visitation, 1663-4. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis,

1854. [4], 11, [1] pp. 35 cm.
Added t.-p.: Visitation of Staffordshire, I 663-4. Ex Mss. Phillipps. Typis Medio-Monta-
nis, excuditJames Rogers, I854.
Fenwick 2g; Sotheby go( 1).
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; occasional annotations and corrections in the
hand of Sir Thomas.
GCcopy 2 in Middle Hill boards; lacks the t.-p.s; made up from proof sheets (?),
the 11 pp. of text printed on 11 separate leaves, versos blank.
GC copy 3 bound in vol. 4 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; also lacks t.-p.s,
and collates as copy 2.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR134


235. Finalis concordia (Pasch 11. Eliz) inter Willielmum Dunne, Q. et

Thomam Knyvet, militem, D. pro terris in Mendlesham, co. Suffolk.
[Middle Hill or Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 186-?] 1 sheet ([I] p.) 17 X
22 cm.
GC has 4 copies, disbound.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR486

[64 ]

236. Saintbury marriages begin 1585. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
1848.] 1 sheet (1 p.) 31 X 20 cm.
Also includes lists of burials and baptisms.
Kraus 377.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 3 corrected proofs and 3 uncorrected
proofs, one of the corrected proofs inscribed at top: "Printed Jan 7 1848"; copy
2 bound in vol. 7 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. caLL. 34.52 MR349


237. Charlecote Hall. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?] 1 sheet, 16 x
21 cm.
Lithograph sketch.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 dis bound, laid in.
PRILL. CaLL. 3452 MH434

238. A house in Warwick. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?] 1 sheet,
16x21 cm.
Lithograph sketch.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 disbound, laid in.
PRILL. CaLL. 34.52 MR433

239. Index ofplaces to Dugdale's Warwickshire. 2nd edition. By Dr.

Thomas. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1834.] 3, [1] pp. (the last p. blank)
34 cm .
Lowndes (App.), p. 231; Kraus 344; Sotheby 136(2).
GC copy 1 & copy 2 disbound; copy 1 inscribed at foot of p. [1]: "May 20th 1834
25 copies"; accompanied by a corrected proof copy; copy 3 bound in vol. 5 of Sir
T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. CaLL. 34.52 MR152

240. Index to Warwickshire visitations, in Harl. M.S.S. [Middle Hill:

Middle Hill Press, 1838.] [4] pp. (the last p. blank) 33 cm.
From Harleian MSS. 1167,6060, 1100, 1563 and 1195.
Date of publication from BMC.
Fenwick 55.2; Lowndes, p. 1857; Kraus 345; Sotheby 11::6(4).
GC copy 1 disbound; copy 2 bound in vol. 4 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
PRILL. CaLL. 34.52 MR151

[ 65 ]

241. Leek Wotton register, co. Warwick. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press,
1867.] g, [3] pp. (the last 3 pp. blank) 18 cm.
Extracts from the parish register: marriages, baptisms, and burials, 1661-1742.
Fenwick 30.1; Sotheby 136(1).
GC copy in wrappers; inscribed by Sir Thomas on verso of final leaf: "1867 1 copy
sent to Sir Charles Young 30 July, 1 do. to the Herald's College Library."
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR154

242. Lillington Church, co. Warwick. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
185-?] 1 sheet, 22 x 34 cm.
Lithograph sketch.
Kraus 271.2.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 disbound, laid in.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR430

243. Salford House, co. Warwick. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?]
1 sheet, 22 x 34 cm.
Lithograph sketch of reaI: facade.
Kraus 271.3/4.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2disb'ound, laid in.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR431

244. Salford House, co. Warwick. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?)
1 sheet, 22 x 34 cm.
Lithograph sketch of front facade.
Kraus 271.3/4.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 disbound, laid in.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH432

245. Whitnash Church, co. Warwick. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
185-?] 1 sheet, 22 x 34 cm.
Lithograph sketch.
Kraus 271.1. .
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 disbound, laid in.
P R ILL. C 0 LL. 3 4 . 5 2 M H 4 2 9

[66 ]


246. Visitation of Westmoreland, 1615. Ex. HarZ. MSS.1435. [Middle Hill:

Middle Hill Press, 1861.] 4 pp. 32 cm.
The visitation was made by Richard St. George.
Bellingham-Lankaster only; no more published.
Fenwick 53.1.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by a corrected proof copy, dated "24 D 61";
copy 2 bound in vol. 4 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; copy 3 bound in
vellum backed marbled boards; bound with The Worcestershire visitation, I683-4
(Checklist no. 307); and Part of the visitation of London, I634 (Checklist no. 206);
and Visitation of Devonshire, r620 (Checklist no. 161).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH 155


247. Abbreviation ofpedesfinium 7 Ric. 1. to 11 H. 3. and inquis. post

mort. 27 H. 3. to 12 E. 1. for Wiltshire, by Sir Thomas Phillipps, bart.
[Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, 183 .. or 184.. [Le., 1846.] [2], 22 pp.
34 cm .
Fenwick 38; Lowndes (App.), p. 235; Kraus 349.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by 1 complete and 1 partial set
of corrected proofs, 2 sheets bearing dates in September, 1846; copy 2 bound in
vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MHI60

248. An assessment for the parish of Wanborough, co. Wilts. 1701.

[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 34 x 22 cm.
Fenwick 45.6.
GC copy 1 disbound; copy 2 bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH172

249 Aubrey's Collections for Wilts. Part 1[-2.} London: Printed for J.
Davy, Queen Street, Seven Dials, 1821-1838. 2 vols., 26 plates: ill.
(lithographs), coats of arms, geneal. tables; 30 cm.
Edited by Sir Thomas.
General t.-p. to vol. 2 has imprint: [Middle Hill]: Typis Medio-Montanis, impres-
sit C. Gilmour, 18 3 8 .
Vol. 1: iv, 136 pp., 11 plates; vol. 2: [8], 124 pp., 15 plates.

[67 ]

The suite of 26 lithograph plates was apparently not included in all copies.
Fenwick 47; Martin, p. 444 (vol. 1 only); Lowndes, p. 1857 (date of 1839); Kraus
350/352; Sotheby 55 (vol. 2 only).
GC copy 1 bound as 1 volume in contemporary full leather; Sir Thomas's own file
copy, interleaved, and with the full complement of 26 plates laid in; annotations
and corrections in the hand of Sir Thomas, and a few MS genealogical notes
inserted; accompanied by a partial set of corrected proofs for vol. 1 (t.-p. and pp.
97-136 only, disbound), a full set of corrected proof sheets for vol. 2 (disbound),
and 2 sets of plates for vol. 2, bound in Middle Hill boards.
GC copy 2 consists of vol. 1 only, bound in Middle Hill boards; inscribed on front
fly-leaf: "For the library of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, from the Edi-
tor"; the 11 plates for vol. 1 laid in.
GC copy 3 also consists of vol. 1 only, bound in contemporary boards; inscribed
on fly-leaf: "Liber Thoma Phillipps 1831"; text and pastedowns heavily annotated
and corrected in the hand of Sir Thomas; the 11 plates for vol. 1 laid in, as well
as a few sheets of MS notes.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH176

250. Cartularium Saxonicum Malmsburiense in com. Wilts. [Middle

Hill:] TypisMedio-Montahis [excuditEduinusOffer], 18 ... [i.e., 1829.] [2],25,
[1] pp. 35 cm.
Extracts from Sir Thomas's MS copy of the cartulary; the copy is briefly described
in the preface to the Abbey's Registrum Malmesburiense (London, 1879-1880).
Printer statement from foot of p. [26.]
Dated 1831 in the BMC, but 1829 in Martin and in Lowndes. The latter date is
probably correct, since Offer, the printer, worked for Phillips between 1826 and
1829. Cf. Munby III, pp. 70-72.
Fenwick 37; Martin, p. 452 ("Fifty copies printed"); Lowndes, p. 1857; Kraus 354
GC copy 1 in contemporary leather backed boards; inscribed by Sir Thomas
Phillipps on front fly-leaf ("Thos Phillipps Corrected Copy in part") and with his
corrections throughout; bound witll Cartularium Saxonicum Scireburnense, in agro
Dorset (Checklist no. 162); accompanied by a set of 69 corrected proof sheets,
also bound in Middle Hill boards.
GC copy 2 bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; tllis copy is also
followed by a copy of the Cartularium Saxonicurn Scireburnense.
GC copy 3 included as part of a collection with general title Wiltshire miscellanea
(Checklist no. 284) (MHI74)'
GC copy 4 in Middle Hill boards; lacks t.-p.; corrections throughout in the hand
of Sir Thomas (MHI74-8).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH161; MH174; MH174-8

[68 ]

251. Collectionsfor Wiltshire. 1818[-1819], by Tho. Phillipps, esq.junior.

Evesham: Printed by 1. Agg, [1818 or 1819-1820?] 2 vols. 23 cm.
Title page of vol. [2]: Collectionsfor Wiltshire. I8I9. By Tho. Phillipps, esq. ES.A. Sal-
isbury: Printed by J A. Gilmour, Market Place.
Munby assigns a publication date of 1820 to vol. [2], but neither Munby, Lown-
des nor Martin mention tlIe existence of the earlier part. Cf. Munby III,
Vol. [1]: [2], 83, [3] pp.; vol. [2]: 72 pp.
Martin, p. 443 (MS note by Sir Thomas in GC copy of Martin states "6 copies");
Lowndes (App.), p. 225; Kraus (proof sheets only); Sotheby 1.
Contents: vol. [1]. Stratton St. Margaret's. Chiseldon. Lyddington. Little Hinton. Bish-
opstone. Swindon. Purton. Wanborough. Lydiard Millicent. Lydiard Tregoz-vol. [2].
Wotton Basset. Cleeve Pipard. Hilmarton. Lyneham. Tokenham. Baydon Church. Rams-
bury. Benefactions in Highworth, Cricklade, and Staple Hundreds. Kingsbridge Hundred.
GC copy bound as 1 vol. in Middle Hill boards.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH166

252. Compositions, or jines, of Wiltshire gentlemen, for not taking the

order ofknighthood, at the coronation ofKing Charles, I, levied in
1630, 1631, 1632. Auditor of the receipt, Edward, Lord Gorges, collector.
[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1855.] 1 sheet (2 pp.) 34 x 21 cm.
Note at end signed: "T. Phillipps. M.H. 20 Ap. 1855."
Fenwick 44.2; Lowndes (App.), p. 235; Kraus 356/357; SotlIeby 156(1).
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by 3 corrected proof copies; copy 2 bound
in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH16g

253. Extractsfrom Wiltshire parish registers. [Middle Hill? Middle Hill

Press, 182-?] [1],8,12,24 pp. 25 cm.
Apparently assembled from various proof and trial sheets, witlI tipped in t.-p.;
possibly meant to accompany Sir Thomas's edition of the Collections for Wiltshire
(Checklist no. 251).
Contents: Highworth register-Swindon register-Rodborne register-Stratton St. Mar-
garet's register-South Marston register- Wotton Bassett register.
Martin, p. 454 (citing Stratton St. Margaret's and SoutlI Marston registers only);
Lowndes (App.), p. 228 (16 pp., citing Stratton St. Margaret's and South
Marston registers only); Kraus 359 (pp. 1-12, 17-24 only), 377 (Stratton St. Mar-
garet's register only).
GC copy in contemporary cloth covered boards; occasional annotations in tlIe
hand of Sir Thomas.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH167

[69 ]

254. Index of Wiltshire jines, from 1 Edward III. to Richard III.

(Lansdown MSS. 306.). [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 182-?] 4 pp. 34 cm.
Fenwick 41; Martin, p. 458; Lowndes, p. 1857; Lowndes (App.), p. 235.
GC copy bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.

255. Index registri cartarum ecclesiae cathedralis Sarum, penes bib-

lioth. Interioris Templi. 1&~2. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1822?] 2
pp. 34 cm.
A fragment only; the text ends in the middle of an entry at the foot of p. 2; no
more published.
Fenwick 43.3; Martin, p. 445; Lowndes, p. 1857; Lowndes Appendix, p. 226;
Kraus 365/366; Sothebyg(1).
GC copy 1 included as part of a collection with general title Wiltshire miscellanea
(Checklist no. 284); laid in with this is copy 2, disbound; inscribed at top of p.
[1]: "BibliothecaBodleiana, D.D. Thomas Phillipps 1827"
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH174

256. Index to Sarum. cartulary. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1848.] 1

sheet ([2] pp.) 34 x 20 cm.

Recto numbered 1, verso numbered 4.
GC copy disbound; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs, 1 dated at top "3 Dec
1848 ."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH394

257. Index to the MSS. collections for Wiltshire history, by Sir Thomas
Phillipps, bart. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1857.] 4 pp. 32 em.
Fenwick 45.1; Sothebyg(3).
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by 3 corrected proofs, one inscribed at top
"28 Aug 57"; copy 2 bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; copy
3 & copy 4 bound with copy 3 of: Visitatio heraldica comitatus Wiltoniae . .. (Check-
list no. 273); copy 3 inscribed at top: "Print off 6 copies 20 Oct 57."
PHILL~ COLL. 34.52 MH180

258. Index to the pedes jinium for Wiltshire, 1 Ceo. 1. to 11 Ceo. 2.

Impensis Dni. Thomae Phillipps, barti. [London:] Ex Zincographia
Appelana, 1853. [2], 74, [2], 60 pp. 36 cm.
Letterpress t.-p., text lithographed from MS.
Fenwick 35; Lowndes (App.), p. 235; Kraus 367/368; Twyman Cat. 4.8; Sotlreby

[70 ]

GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; imprint on t.-p. corrected in MS to read: "Typis

Medio-Montanis, 183 .. or 184.. ;" copy 2 bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works; t.-p. laid in.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHl62

259. Institutiones clericorum in comitatu Wiltoniae, ab anno 1297, ad

annum 1810, edente Thoma Phillipps, baronetto. [Salisbury and Middle
Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, in Turre Lativiensis impressus, [1821]-1825.
2 vols. 33 cm.
Vol. 1. printed at Salisbury, 1821-1822; vol. 2 printed at Middle Hill; the errata
(8 pp. following p. viii of vol. 1) were printed in 1831 by Bridgewater, London.
Cf. Martin.
Fenwick 34; Martin, p. 449; Lowndes, p. 1856; Lowndes (App.), p. 231 (cited
under caption title: Institutiones ex registro Simonis de Gandavo, Nova; Sarum episcopi,
A.D. I29J.); Sotlreby 19
GC copy 1 in contemporary full diced russia, by Harper of Cheltenham, with
tlreir ticket; Sir Thomas's own copy, inscribed by him on front fly-leaf ("Sir
Thomas Phillipps, bart. Middle Hill, 1834"), interleaved, with his occasional
annotations and corrections; tlre 8 pp. of errata are laid in.
GC copy 2 in Middle Hill boards.
GC copy 3 in later half morocco over marbled boards, by Fazakerley of Liverpool;
bookplate of the Bibliotlreca Lindesiana; bound as vol. 9 of Sir T. Phillipps' pri-
vately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHl79

260. Mariage du Prince de Hornes avec Milady Marie Bruce. [Middle

Hill: Middle Hill Press, 182-?] [4] pp. 34 cm.
"Articles de mariage convenus et arretes entre ... Seigneur Son Excellence Max-
imilien Emmanuel, Prince de Homes ... [et] Miledy Marie Bruce nee Comtesse
d'Ailesbury ... "
The original document dates from 17 2 2.
Fenwick 106.3; Martin, p. 455 ("Fifty copies"); Lowndes (App.), p. 229; Kraus
15 0 ; Sotheby 144(2).
GC copy included as part of a collection witlr general title Wiltshire miscellanea
(Checklist no. 284).
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MHl74

261. Matriculationes Oxonienses pro com. Wilts. [Middle Hill: Middle

Hill Press, 1852.] 4 pp. 35 cm.
Fenwick 123.2; Kraus 371; Sotheby6(3).
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by 2 complete corrected proof copies (1

[71 ]

inscribed at top: "Print off 17 Sep 1852") and 1 corrected proof sheet (pp. 1/2);
copy 2 bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR168

262. Memoires ofnatural remarques in the county of Wilts. To which

are annexed observables of the same kind in the county ofSurrey and
Flyntshire, by John Aubrey, R.S.S. 1685. Ex MSto. in Bibl. Societ.
Regalis. Londini. [Middle Hill:] C. Gilmour, Typis Medio-Montanis, 1838.
12 pp. 35 cm.
A fragment only; no more published.
Fenwick 44.1; Kraus 353.
GC copy 1 included as part of a collection with general title Wiltshire Miscellanea
(Checklist no. 284); copy 2 bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps 'privately printed works;
copy 3 dis bound; accompanied by corrected proof sheets for pp. 1-8 (MH 175)'
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH174; MH175

263. Monumental inscriptions in the county of Wilton. Edited by Sir

T. Phillipps, bart. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, in Turre Lativiensi
Adolphus Brightley excudit, 1822[-1823.] [6],108,286, [2] pp. (the last 2 pp.
blank) 34 cm.
"Printed by Adolphus Brightley at Broadway Tower, 1822-3" -MS note on half-
title of GC copy.
Fenwick 46; Martin, p. 445 ("Only six copies were printed"); Lowndes Appendix,
GC copy in full contemporary russia; Sir Thomas's copy, interleaved, and with his
MS annotations, corrections, and additions; laid in are a lithograph view of the
temple at Ferrey, Wilts., 13 leaves ofMS "Notices relating to the family of Aker-
man," an ink sketch of a sepulchral monument, and 2 sheets of MS" notes.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH424

264. North Wiltshire musters, anno 30 Henry VIII. From the original
in the Chapter House, Westminster. Impensis D. Thomae Phillipps,
bart. London: Printed by T. Gardiner & Son,Princes Street, Cavendish
Square, 1834. [2], 33, [1] pp. 34 cm. .
Fenwick 42; Lowndes, p. 1857; Lowndes (App.), p. 235; Kraus 372; Sotlreby 43
GC copy 1 in contemporary full leather; inscribed on t.-p. in the hand of Sir
Thomas: "Corrected copy Sir T Phillipps," and witlr his corrections throughout;
accompanied by a set of 26 corrected proof sheets, witlr a version of tlre t.-p. in
MS; copy 2 bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; copy 3
included as part of a collection witlr general title Wiltshire miscellanea (Checklist
no. 284) (MHI74); copy 4 disbound.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH164: MR174

[72 ]

265. Oratoria ex Roberti Wyvill registro. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
1825?} pp. 5-28; 34 cm.
Paper ofGC copy watermarked 1825.
Contents: Oratoria ex Roberti HYvill registro- Oratoria ex registris Waltham et Metford
- Oratoria ex registris Aiseough et Langton-E diversis registris-Dignitaries of Sarum
cathedral-Excerpta ex registris episcoporum Sarum (Elections of abbots, abbesses, &c. in
dioe. Sarum).
Fenwick 43.2; Martin, p. 454 ("Fifty copies were printed"); Lowndes, p. 1857;
Kraus 398; Sotheby 157(2).
GC copy included as part of a collection with general title Wiltshire miscellanea
(Checklist no. 284).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH174

266. Parish register ofDurneford, Wilts, ab anno 1574 ad annum

1650. [Salisbury:]. A. Gilmour, 1823.} 49, [3] pp. (the last 2 pp. blank) 26 cm.
Imprint from Martin, who calls for an 8 pp. supplement (extracts from the reg-
ister of Highworth, Wilts.), not present in GC copy.
Martin, p. 446 ("Ten copies only were printed"); Lowndes Appendix, p. 226.
GC copy in sheets, unopened.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH 171

267. Paternal coats, crests, and mottoes, of the gentry of Wiltshire. By

Thomas Gore, ofAlderton, 1663. Copied from his manuscript by the
Rev. T. Leman, ofBath. (T.P. 1839.) [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1839. J
12 pp. 34 cm.
Lowndes, p. 1857; Kraus 363 (proof sheets only); Sotheby 33(2),156(3).
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 5 corrected proof sheets.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH372

268. Possessors ofknight's fees and lands in Wilts tempore Regum

Stephani, Henrici Secundi, et Ricardi Primi, excerpta ex Pipae
Rotulis pro c01nitatu Wilton. [Middle Hill:J E. Offer, Typis Medio-Montanis
llnpressit, [between 1826 and 1829.J 4 pp. 33 cm.
Martin, p. 455 ("Eight copies only printed"); Lowndes (App.), p. 229; Sotheby
33 (1).
GC copy disbound; MS corrections in ink; note in pencil at top of p. [1]: "8
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH395

[73 ]

269. Purchase ofBroad Blunsdon, Jarm, co. Wilts. by Thomas

Phillipps,from Gray, Lord Chandos, 4 Jac. 1. A.D. 1607, or 8,Jrom
the Close Rolls, Rolls Chapel, Chancery Lane, 1856. [Middle Hill: Middle
Hill Press, 1856?] 1 sheet ([2] pp.) 32 x 19 cm.
Fenwick 45-4.
GC copy 1 disbound; copy 2 bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
PRILL. CaLL. 34.52 MR348

270. Quo warranto directed to Richard Phillipps, ojSouth Marston,

Wilts., concerning the tenure oJhis land in South Marston, A.D. 1620.
17 Jac. 1. From the repertory to the Memoranda Rolls,Jrom 15 to 22
Jac. 1. in Carlton Ride, 1856. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1856.] 1
sheet ([2] pp.) 32 cm.
Fenwick 45.3.
GC copy 1 disbound; copy 2 bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
PRILL. CaLL. 34.52 MR345

271. Registrum abbatiae de Malmesbury. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,

1821?] 4PP. 34 cm .
Paper ofGC copy watermarked 182l.
"In Cotton. MSS. Faustina, B.VIII."
A fragment only; the text ends in the middle of an entry at the foot of p. 4; no
more published.
Fenwick 69.3; Martin, p. 458 ("Fifty copies"); Lowndes (App.), p. 229 (giving
extent as 8 pp.); Kraus 376.
GC copy included as part of a collection with general title Wiltshire miscellanea
(Checklist no. 284).
PRILL. CaLL. 34.52 MR174
272. Registrum Prioratils de Bradenstoke. Cotton MSS. Vitellinus A. c
XI. (beginningp. 122.) [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1833.] 3, [1] pp. 34 cm. P
A fragment; text ends in the middle of a sentence at the bottom of p. [4]; no G
more published. (I
Martin, p. 458; Lowndes (App.), p. 230 ("1833 ... 6 copies printed"); Kraus 75; 0:

Sotheby 41 (1). p'

GC copy in later wrappers.

PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR423

[74 ]

273. Visitatio heraldica comitatus Wiltoniae, A.D. 1623, ut curis

Tonoyrarpwv comitatus ejusdem corrigatur et augeatur, impressa.
[Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, excudit Eduinis Offer, 1828. [260] pp.
35 cm.
The visitation was made by Henry St. George.
Fenwick 40; Martin, p. 451; Lowndes, p. 1857; Lowndes (App.), p. 231; Kraus
358 ("Errata" only); Sotheby 27.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; fly-leaves heavily annotated and with other MS
additions in the hand of Sir Thomas; laid in are copies of Errata in the Wiltshire vis-
itation (4 pp.), and Index of Wilts visitation, I623 (I sheet ([1] p.): see below);
accompanied by a set of proof sheets, also bound in Middle Hill boards.
GC copy 2 in contemporary quarter leather, with binder's ticket: "Bretherton lig-
avit 1850"; fly-leaves and text heavily annotated by Sir Thomas Phillipps (and
another hand?); errata and index leaves laid in; also laid in is a variant t.-p.: Wilt-
shire visitation, I623 ...
GC copy 3 in Middle Hill boards; Sir Thomas Phillipps own file copy, inscribed
by him on t.-p. (a corrected proof), and with copious annotations and correc-
tions in his hand; interleaved, and with much additional material (including
proofs and fragments of related publications) laid in, to the extent of ca. 300
extra leaves; also laid in are several copies and corrected proofs for the Errata in
the Wiltshire visitation.
GC copy 4 bound as vol. 8 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; bound in mod-
ern half morocco over marbled boards by Fazakerly; Sir Frederic Madden's copy,
inscribed and signed by him on front fly-leaf; bookplate on front pastedown of
the Bibliotheca Lindesiana; index and errata leaves bound in at end, the errata
inscribed to Madden by Phillipps.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHl58

274. [ .J Index of Wilts visitation, 1623, with some additions.

[London:J. C. Bridgewater, 1831.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 34 cm.
Intended to accompany the preceding.
Fenwick 55.3; Martin, p. 451 ("Bridgewater: London. 1831. One hundred copies
'" were printed"); Kraus 364.
GC copy 1 in wrappers, copy 2 disbound, laid in; accompanied by a corrected
proof sheet.
GC copy 3 included as part of a collection with general title: Wiltshire Miscellanea
(Checklist no. 284) (MHI74); other copies laid or bound in the Club's 4 copies
of the Visitatio heraldica (Checklist no. 273).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH159; MHl74

(75 ]

275. Visitation of Wiltshire 1677. Ex MSS. Phillipps. [Middle Hill:]

Typis Medio-Montanis, excuditJacobus Rogers, 1854. [26] pp. (the last p.
blank) 36 cm.
The visitation was made by Sir Edward Bysshe.
Fenwick 39; Lowndes (App.), p. 235.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by a set of 24 corrected proof
sheets, loose between Middle Hill boards; copy 2 bound in vol. 4 of Sir T.
Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH157

276. Wanborough court rolls. [Middle Hill: Edwin Offer? and Charles
Gilmour, printers, 1829-1839.] 2 vols. 35 cm.
Vol. 2: Wanborough court rolls ab anno. I690 ad annum I72I. [Middle Hill] Typis
Medio-Montanis, impressi per C. Gilmour. June, 1839.
Vol. 1: 89, [1] p.; vol. 2: [4],60 p.
"Fragment of a deed relating to Swindon": vol. 2, pp. [3]-[4] of prelims.
Also issued as pp. [501]-[589] and [597]-[660] of Collectanea defamiliis diversis,
quibus nomen est Phillipps . .. (Checklist no. 386).
Contents: vol. 1. 1649-1075-vol. 2. 1690-1721.
Fenwick 33; Martin, p. 458 (vol. 1: "Printed-at Middle Hill, 1829. Twelve copies");
Lowndes (App.), p. 229.
GC copy 1 bound as 1 vol. in contemporary full leather; lacks pp. 85-89; cor-
rected and annotated in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps; accompanied by cor-
rected proofs for both volumes, the proof for vol. 1 bound in contemporary
cloth, extending only to p. 80, and with a few extra sheets inserted; the proof for
vol. 2 consisting of 28 sheets, unbound, within Middle Hill boards.
GC copy 2 consists of vol. 2 only, bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
GC copy 3-4 bound with copies 1-2 of Collectanea de familiis diversis, quibus nomen
est Phillipps . .. (Checklist no. 386) (MH464).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH178; MH464

2.77. Will of the Rev. Oliver Brunsell, (1) Vicar of Wroughton, co.
Wilts. A.D. 1642, extracted from the regis,try ofSalisbury. [Middle Hill:
Middle,Hill Press, 1850.] 1 sheet ([2] pp.): 1 geneal. table; 33 cm.
The majority of the bequests are books.
Sotheby 119(2).
GC copy disbound; accompanied by a corrected proof, dated at top "6 Ap 50."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH342

[76 ]

278. Wiltes. Romlus Hildebrandi de London [et} Johis de Harnham ...

[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, ca. 1858.] 45 pp. 36 cm.
Caption title.
LitilOgraphed throughout from MS.
BMC gives date of ca. 1858, altilOugh portions were apparently in press as early
as 1853. Cf. Geoffrey Wakeman, "Anastatic Printing for Sir Thomas Phillipps,"
Journal of the Printing Historical Society, no. 5, 1969, pp. 31 (giving press run of fifty
Fenwick 36; Lowndes (App.), p. 236; Kraus 379; Twyman Cat. 4.13; Sotheby
90 (2).
GC copy in Middle Hill boards.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH163

279. Wilts close rolls. Ex MSS. Phillipps. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
1834?] 4 pp. 34 cm.
3. Edw. III-36. Hen. VI.
Fenwick 45.2; Lowndes, p. 1857.
GC copy included as part of a collection with general title Wiltshire miscellanea
(Checklist no. 284); paper watermarked 1824; accompanied by a corrected
proof copy, watermarked 1834.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH174

280. Wiltshire jines, from I Edward III. to Richard III. (Lansdown

MSS.306.). [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1835?] 27, [1] pp. 34 cm.
GC copy 1, included as part of a collection with general title Wiltshire miscellanea
(Checklist no. 284); copy 2 in Middle Hill boards; inscribed on t.-p.: "Rev. B.
Bandinel D.D. Bodleian LibrarywitlI Sir T. Phillipps' compltsJune 1835"; copy 3
in Middle Hill boards; first 2 leaves annotated in the hand of Sir Thomas.

281. Wiltshire freeholder's book, tempore Edwdi. Bayntun, Militis

Balnei, Vice Comitis, anno regni Regis Caroli tercio decimo 1637 (or
. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1867?] 4 pp. 34 cm.
43.1; Kraus 360 (citing a proof dated 1867); Sotheby 156(2).
GC copy 1 disbound; copy 2 bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed

[77 ]

282. Wiltshire gentry circa tempus Caroli 1. et II. From the Harleian
MSS. [Evesham: John Agg? between 1819 and 1822?] 8 pp. 35 cm.
Fenwick 44.4; Martin, p. 456 (giving place of publication as Evesham; "Fifty
copies"); Lowndes, p. 1857; Lowndes (App.), p. 229; Kraus 362; Sotheby 157(1).
GC copy 1 included as part of a collection with general title Wiltshire Miscellanea
(Checklist no. 284); copy 2 bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH174

283. Wiltshire magistrates. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1856?] 1 sheet
(2 pp.) 32 x 19 cm.
Lists for 1483,1484,1503,1642 and 1661.
Fenwick 44.3; Kraus 37 0 .
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs, one wiili watermark
dated 1856; copy 2 bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH170

284. Wiltshire miscellanea. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, 182 ...

[i.e., 1819-1838.] [1], 12,8, [2],27, [1], 5-28, 2, 4, [2], 25, [7], 33, [1], 4 pp.
35 cm.
Eleven works on Wiltshire antiquities and history, originally published separately
by ilie Middle Hill Press, collected here wiili a new general t.-p.
Edited by Sir Thomas.
Contents: Memoires of natural remarques in the county of Wilts / John Aubrey (Check-
list no. 250) - Wiltshire gentry circa tempus CaroliI. etII. (Checklist no. 282) -Index
of Wilts visitation, I623 ... (Checklist no. 274) - Wiltshire fines, from I Edward III.
to Richard III. (Checklist no. 280) - Oratoria ex Roberti Wyvill registro (Checklist no.
265)-Index registri cartarum ecclesiae cathedralis Sarum-Registrum abbatiae de
Malmesbury (Checklist no. 255) - Cartularium Saxonicum Malmsburiense in com.
Wilts. (Checklist no. 250) - Mariage du Prince de Homes avec Milady Marie Bruce
(Checklist no. 260)-North Wiltshire musters, anna 30 Henry VIII. (I834) (Check-
list no. 264) - Wilts close rolls (Checklist no. 279).
Lowndes, p. 1857 (Registrum abbatiae de Malmesbury and Index registri cartarum
ecclesiae cathedralis Sarum only) .
GC copy in loose sheets, laid in Middle Hill boards; see under oilier checklist
numbers for additional copies of the individual works in iliis collection.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH174

285. Wiltshire pipe rolls, temp. Henrici 2. ann. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, & 12

to 25. A.D. 1159. ad 1179. Impensis Dni. Thomae Phillipps, barti.
[London:] Ex ZincographiaAppelana, 1853. [138] pp. in various pagings; 34 em
Letterpress t.-p., text liiliographed from MS.

[78 ]

Fenwick 32; Lowndes (App.), p. 235; Kraus 375; Twyman Cat. 4.14; Sotheby 86.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; bound in is an additional copy of the t.-p., on
different paper, and including the Broadway Tower vignette; copy 2 bound in vol.
5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH177


286. An ancient confirmation deed, relating to certain lands,Jormerly

possessed by the Abbey ojShaJtesbury, in the county ojDorset. Evesham:
Printed by J. Agg, 1818 [i.e., 1819.) 42 pp. 23 cm. (4to)
Sir Thomas's first antiquarian work. Cf. Munby II, p. 11 (and note).
Includes (each with separate t.-p.): Copy of an exemplification of a decree relating to
Broadway, in Worcestershire; and: Copy of an ancient deed relating to Broadway and Per-
shore fairs, in Worcestershire.
The latter 2 works dated 1819.
Signatures: A-E4 F2 (-F2).
Fenwick 6; Martin, p. 443; Lowndes, p. 1856; Kraus 76; Sotheby 2.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; occasional corrections and annotations; copy 2
a corrected proof, bound in contemporary full russia; bound at end: copy 2 of
The song of Sion, or, Pictures in paradise . .. (Checklist no. 523); The landlords to the
tradesmen (Checklist nos. 462, 480); and copy 2 of: Romance of Guy of Warwick
(Checklist no. 126).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH 150

287. Apfropriacio vicariae de VJYkewane, ex registro Geynesbro. 1302

ad1307- in Dioc. Wigorn. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1861?) pp. 13-16;
21 cm.
A transcription of part of the first page of the bishop'S register at Worcester. A
translation of the register was published in 1929 under title The register of William
de Geynesburgh.
Kraus 118 (citing a proof copy dated 1861).
GC copy in Middle Hill boards.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH97

288. Bretforton marriages, 1538 to 1752. Baptisms, & burials, oj

~arres, at Bretforton, co. Wigorn. [Middle Hill:) Typis Medio-Montanis
illlpressa, 183 .. [2), 22 pp. 27 cm.
At foot ofp. 22: "Transcribed byT.P. 1831."
Martin cites an issue of 8 pp., giving conjectural imprint: "[London: Bridgewater.
18 31. ... J"


Contents: Marriages at Bretforton, in co. Wigorn, I 5 38 to I752- Baptisms of the Mar-

resfamily, atBretforton, in co. Wigorn,from I538 [to I75 I}-Burials of the Marresfam-
ily . .. from I538 [to I783.}
Fenwick 52; Martin, p. 453; Lowndes (App.), p. 228 ("unfinished").
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; annotations and corrections in the hand of Sir
Thomas; accompanied by corrected proof sheets for pp. 1-18.
GC copy 2 in Middle Hill boards; extensive annotations and corrections in the
hand of Sir Thomas; lacks t.-p.
GC copy 3 interleaved, and bound in Middle Hill boards to 34 cm.; annotations
and corrections in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps; lacks t.-p.
GC copy 4 bound in vol. 7 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; this copy has
variant t.-p.: Extracts from Bretforton register, co. Wigorn. Typis Medio-Montanis, &c.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH149

289. Broadway, co. Worcester, at Broadway. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill

Press, 185-?] 1 sheet, 21 x 34 cm.
Lithograph sketches of the house from 3 sides, and 1 plan.
Kraus 272.2.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 disbound, laid in.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH436

290. Broadway register . .. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1870?] 16 pp.

35 cm.
Contents: Marriages I539-I8I2-Baptisms I54I-I609-Burials I539-I6oI.
GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; copy 2 bound in vol. 7 of Sir T. Phillipps'
privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH143

291. Broadway register . .. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1870?] 16 pp.

18 cm.
Contents: Baptisms I68o-I704-Burials I69I-I77I.
GC copy in contemporary wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof sheet for
pp. 1-4
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH144

292. Broadway register. Marriages begin 1539, in co. Worcester.

[Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1870.] 8 pp. 22 cm.
Covers 1539-1712.
Fenwick 51; Kraus 386/387; Sotheby 103(5).
GC copy in contemporary wrappers; accompanied by 2 corrected proof sheets,
one inscribed at top: "4 Mch 1870."
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH145

[80 ]

293. Extenta manerii de Veteri Straiford,facta anna quinto-decimo

pontijicatus Domini Walteri de Cantilupo. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill
Press, 1847-1852.] 2 pts. (8 pp.) 34 cm.
The manor belonged to the Diocese of Worcester.
Fenwick 31.1; Kraus 343.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs, each in two parts (bifo-
lia), both copies of the first bifolium dated in MS January 1847, the copies of the
second bifolium both dated July 1852; copy 2 bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps'
privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH153

294. Index pedum finium pro com. Wigorn, ab 1 Edw. Ill. ad Hen. VI.
Impensis Dni. T P. barti. Cheltenham: Printed by John Lowe, 186 5. [4],
XIII, [3] pp. (the last 3 pp. blank) 34 cm.
From the Lansdown MSS., no. 306.
Fenwick 49; Kraus 388/389; Sotheby 130.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by 6 proof sheets, annotated and
corrected in the hand of Sir Thomas; copy 2 bound in vol. 7 of Sir T. Phillipps' pri-
vately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH137

295. Index to the pedes finium for Worcestershire. Impensis Dni.

Thomae Phillipps, barti. [London:] Ex ZincographiaAppelana, 1853. [2],
434 pp. 35 cm.
Letterpress t.-p. in red and black, text lithographed from MS.
Fenwick 48; Lowndes (App.), p. 235; Kraus 390/391; Twyman Cat. 4.9; Sotheby
GC copy 1 in contemporary full leather; laid in is another copy of the t.-p., this
version incorporating the Broadway Tower vignette; copy 2 bound in vol. 7 of Sir
T. Phillipps' privately printed works; t.-p. laid in.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH138

296. Index to the visitation of Worcestershire, 1569. Index to the

Worcestershire visitation, 1684. [Worcester: T. Stratford, printer, ca. 1858?]
1 sheet ([2] pp.) 45 cm.
The two works are on recto and verso of a single sheet.
GC proof copy has colophon: "T. Stratford, printer, Guardian Office, Cross,
Worcester. "
Sir Thomas's edition of The Worcestershire visitation, r683-4 (Checklist no. 307)
Was published ca. 1858.
Fenwick 55.4; Lowndes (App.), p. 232; Kraus 392; Sotheby 103(2).

[ 81 ]

GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof copy,

disbound; copy 2 bound in vol. 4 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR142

297. Index to wills at Worcester, 1492, to 1520 bifore the creation of

Gloucester into a bishoprick, & consequent!:; including the county of
Gloucester. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1857.] 6 pp. 34 cm.
The index extends to 1539.
Kraus 393/394.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 11 corrected proof copies, 2 dated 1857;
copy 2 bound in vol. 7 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR140

298. Index to Worcester wills from 1519. [Cheltenham: Lowe & Benning-
ton, 1871.] pp. 5-28; 35 cm.
The index extends to 1563.
Fenwick 50; Kraus 395; Sotheby 103 (3)
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; accoll}p~nied by a set of 13 corrected proof
sheets, the first inscribed at top in the hand of Sir Thomas: "Lowe & Bennington
[of?] Cheltenham printer of this 1871"; copy 2 bound in vol. 7 of Sir T. Phillipps'
privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR139

299. Irrotulacio cartarum Henrici, Comitis Wigorniae. [Middle Hill:

Middle Hill Press, Edwin Offer, printer, between 1826 and 1829.] [4] pp. 34 cm.
Fenwick 31.2; Martin, p. 455 ("Fifty-two copies were printed"); Low~des (App.),
p. 228; Kraus 383.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 4 corrected proof sheets, 1 bearing the sig-
nature of Edwin Offer; copy 2 bound in vol. 7 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR292

300. Kites Nest, near Broadway, Worcestershire. [Middle Hill: Middle

Hill Press, 185-?] 1 sheet, 21 x 34 cm.
Lithograph sketch of the front facade of Kites Nest House.
Kraus 272.1.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 disbound, laid in.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR435

[82 ]

301. Middle Hill. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?] I sheet, 21 x 34 cm.
Lithograph sketch by Lady Steele-Graves of Sir Thomas's estate.
GC copy 1 unbound (MH442); copy 2 disbound; a corrected proof inscribed in
the hand of Sir Thomas: "Sketched in anastatic ink by Lady Steele"; also anno-
tated with the number of proofs (42) and copies (30), and directions to the
printer (MH490). .
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR442; MR490

302. Middle Hill to the Tower and Slinget. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill
Press, 18 5-?] 1 sheet, 18 x 22 cm.
Lithograph sketch, within a single rule border.
GC copy loose between Middle Hill boards; "Proof" pencilled in at top.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR457

303. Terrier of common fields in Broadway, circa 1680. [Middle Hill:

Middle Hill Press, 1855.] 1 sheet ([ 1] p.) 34 x 21 cm.
Kraus 396.
GC copy 1 dis bound; accompanied by a corrected proof copy, inscribed at top:
"Print off 1855"; copy 2 bound in vol. 7 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MRl46

304. The third schedule to which the award rifers. [Middle Hill: Middle
Hill Press, 1825?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 34X42 cm.
A reprint, with additions, of a list of land owners, and tithes owed, in Broadway,
Worcestershire, originally made in 1771; the additions give land owners and res-
idents in 1824. The original list probably accompanied an award made by com-
missioners appointed to enclose the common lands in Broadway.
Martin, p. 458 ("Fifty copies"); Lowndes (App.), p. 230; Kraus 261; Sotheby
GC copy 1 & copy 2 unbound; copy 2 has title printed in red and black, and con-
tains MS additions in the hand of Sir Thomas, updating the list of land owners
furough 1837; copy 3 bound in vol. 7 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR147

. The title ofJohn Foot, alias Dineley, esq. to estates in Hanley

Hall, Woodwalls, Charlton, Church Lench. Sheriff's Lench, Little
Hampton, Fladbury, and several other places in the county of
. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1865.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 34 x 20 cm.
10 3.
copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by 2 successive corrected proofs, the ear-

[ 83]

lier inscribed at top: "7 Jan 65," the later inscribed "30 copies"; copy 2 bound in
vol. 7 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH148

306. Worcestershire taxation roll, 38 H. VIII. 1547. Pershore Hundred.

[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 182-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 17 x 21 cm.
Paper of GC copy watermarked 1822.
Kraus 397.
GC copy disbound; accompanied by a corrected proof.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH351

307. The Worcestershire visitation, 1683-4. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill

Press, 1858?] 4 pp. 34 cm.
Proof copies exist dated 1858.
Taken by Thomas May, Gregory King, and Henry Dethick, for Henry St. George.
Andrews-Baugh only; no more published.
Fenwick 53.2; Sotheby 103(1).
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by a corrected proof copy, the paper water-
marked 1849; copy 2 bound in vol. 40f {rT. Phillipps 'privately printed works; copy
3 bound with Visitation of Westmoreland, I6I5 (Checklist no. 246).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH141


308. Cartularium Abbatiae de Fontanis, ex rotulo orig. in pergamen.

penes W D. Bruce, Arm. de Ripon in com. Ebor. A.D. 1841: [Middle
Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1841?] 4 pp. 35 cm.
Fenwick 69.2; Lowndes (App.), p. 233 ("incomplete"); Kraus 401.
GC copy 1 dis bound; accompanied by 4 corrected proof copies; copy 2 bound in
vol. 7 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH156

309. in a cartulary ofSelby lent to me by Mr. Boone ofBond St. are

deeds of the following places, 1871. in Co. York. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill
Press, 1871.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 17 cm.
Kraus 290.
GC copy in contemporary wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH17

[84 ]

310. A register of marriages in the chappel of God's House Hospital,

near Hull, since the first ofMay,1695. [Middle Hill: James Rogers? 1862.]
3, [1] pp. 18 cm.
Edited by Sir Thomas.
Kraus 407.
GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; copy 2 unbound; proof copy, with anno-
tations and corrections in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps; dated at top of p.
[1]: "8 Nov 1862.';
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH3 I

311. Barddoniaeth gan hen awdwyr, or, Ancient Welsh poetry. Ex no.
2161, inter MSS. Phillipps, apud Middle Hill. (The MS. begins with folio
108.) [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press,John Lowe, printer, 1865.] 4 pp. 34 cm.
Seven poems or fragments of poems, attributed to Gruffudd Hiraethog and
Tudur Aled.
According to a MS account book in the GC collection, John Lowe was the printer
of this work.
Kraus 347.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by a set of 5 corrected proof sheets, bearing
various dates in May and June 1865; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' pri-
vately printed works.
PHILL. ~OLL. 34.52 MH206

312. Ex rotulis Walliae. 6, 7, 8, 9 Edw. 1. m. 10 (in schedula.)

[Cheltenham or Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 186-?] 1 sheet ([2] pp.) 22 cm.
Fenwick 58.5; Kraus 320 (proof sheets only).
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by an early corrected proof of the text of p.
[2]; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH213

313. George Owen's Collections for Wales. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
18 54.] 4 pp. 21 cm.
A partial transcription of Phillipps MSS. no. 6539, covering Monmouthshire and
part of Glamorganshire; no more published.
Lowndes (App.), p. 234 ("M. H. 1854"); Sotheby 107(5).
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH451

[85 ]

314. Grants of manors and lands in Wales and England, from James
1. to his son, Prince Charles. Cheltenham: Printed by John Lowe, 1866. [4],
24PP' 34 cm .
Fenwick 86; Kraus 143; Sotheby 133.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 8 corrected proof sheets; copy 2 bound in
vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH279

315. Index to the vol. of Welsh pedigrees in the wooden box cover, MSS.
Phillipps, no. 11189. [Cheltenham: James Rogers, 1869.] 4 pp. 34 cm.
A-K only; no more published.
Fenwick 55.5; Kraus 324/325.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by 2 dated and corrected proofs, the later
inscribed at top "Print off 7 July 1869 24 copies," the earlier bearing an inscrip-
tion referring to James Rogers, Sir Thomas's printer; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of
Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH186

316. Inquisition post mortem ofLlewellyn ap Jorwerth, Prince of Wales,

temp. H. 6. From a transcript in the autograph of the antiquary,
Robert Vaughan, in Hengwrt MS. no. 119. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
185-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 34 x 22 cm.
Fenwick 58.3.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs; copy 2 bound in vol.
2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH185

317. Pedigrees of Caermarthenshire, Cardiganshire, and Pem-

brokeshire, in continuation ofLewis Dwnn, to about the years
17oo-1o,Jrom the MS. ofJohn Philipps Allen Lloyd Philipps, esq. of
Dale Castle, co. Pembroke. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montains [sic],
impressitJacobus Rogers, 1859. [8],44 pp. 34 cm.
Preface signed: "Thomas Phillipps."
Lowndes (App.), p. 231; Kraus 350 (proofsheeis only); Sotheby 104(1).
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; Sir Thomas's copy, inscribed by him on front
fly-leaf and t.-p., and with his extensive corrections and additions throughout;
accompanied by 16 corrected proof sheets.
GC copy 2 bound in modern calf over linen covered boards; this copy apparently
assembled from trial sheets and proofs, the text printed on the rectos ofindivid-
ual bifolia, the versos blank; index and supplemental errata sheet bound at end;
bound with copy 2 of Caermarthenshire monumental inscriptions (Checklist no. 322).
PRILL. C OLL. 34 52 MH 3 7 3

[86 ]

318. [ .J Alphabetical index ofpersons. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill

Press, 1859.] [4] pp. 34 cm.
Includes (pp. [3]-[4]): Alphabetical index of places of the three counties of Caer-
marthen, Cardigan, & Pembroke.
Kraus 315/316.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by 5 corrected proof copies; copy 2 bound
in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; copy 3 & copy 4 bound with copy
1 & copy 2 of Pedigrees ofCaermarthenshire, Cardiganshire, andPembrokeshire (Check-
list no. 317) (MH373).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH200/201; MH373

319. [ .J Index to a volume ofpedigrees ofCaermarthenshire,

Cardiganshire, and Pembrokeshire, circa A.D. 1700. belonging to John
Lloyd Philipps, esqr, ofDale, co. Pembroke. 1857. [Middle Hill: Middle
Hill Press, 1857.] [2] leaves 34 cm.
Includes (leaf [2]): Alphabetical index of residences or seats.
Fenwick 55.6; Kraus 322/323; Sotheby 104(2).
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by 6 corrected proof sheets, 3 for each leaf;
copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH193/4

320. [ .J Index [to a volume of pedigrees ofCaermarthenshire,

Cardiganshire, and Pembrokeshire belonging to John Lloyd Philipps]
[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1858.] 1 sheet ([2] pp.) 34 x 21 cm.
An index of family names, grouped alphabetically within counties.
Signed at end: "T.P. 1858."
Sir Thomas Phillipps published several versions of this index; this is not the ver-
sion included with his 1859 edition of the Pedigrees.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; inscribed at top: "44 copies printed"; copy 2 bound in vol.
2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHl99

321.Rotulus Walliae, or, The transactions between Edward 1. and

Llewellyn, the last Prince of Wales. Part 1. Edited by Sir T P. bart.
Cheltenham: Printed by John Lowe, 1865. [4], iv, 44 pp. 34 cm.
Edited by Sir Thomas.
Incomplete; no more published.
Copies of the publication announcement for this work are bound with Checklist
no. 323.
Fenwick 59; Sotheby 128(1).
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by a set of ca. 200 corrected proof sheets,

[87 ]

bound in Middle Hill boards; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works; t.-p. laid in.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH204



322. Caermarthenshire monumental inscriptions, collected by John

Rowlands, impensis Dni. Thomae Phillipps, barti. de Middle Hill.
Cheltenham: Printed byJohn Lowe, 1865. [2], XXVIpp. 34 cm.
Femvick 56; Kraus 334 (4 pp. only); Sotheby 129.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; t.-p. in this copy followed by additional (con-
junct) blank leaf; accompanied by a set of 12 corrected proof sheets; copy
2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; copy 3 bound with copy
2 of Pedigrees of Caermarthenshire, Cardiganshire, and Pembrokeshire (Checklist
no. 317).
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH18g

323. Cartularium S. Johannis Bapt. de Caermarthen. Longo tempore

perditum, nuper repertum inter MSS. Hengwrt. hodie in bibliotheca
Wmi. WE. lil)nne, Arm. de Peniarth, conservatum. Cheltenham: Typis
Johannis Lowe impressum, 1865. [4],59, [1] pp. 34 cm.
Preface signed: "T. P. April 28th, 1865."
Fenwick 57; Sotheby 128(3)
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; printed slip announcing publication of the
Rotulus Walliae (Checklist no. 321) tipped in before t.-p.; accompanied by 3 sets
of corrected proofs (2 complete, 1 incomplete); copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T.
Phillipps' privately printed works; this copy also includes a copy of the publication
notice for the Rotulus Walliae.

324. Sheriffs ofCaermarthenshire 1539, to 1859. [Middle Hill: Middle

Hill Press, 1859.] 1 sheet ([2] pp.) 34 cm.
Kraus 335; Sotheby 106(1).
GC copy in later wrappers; entry for 1860 added in MS at end; accompanied by
a corrected proof, dated Febrnary 1859.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MR375

[88 ]


325. The sheriffs ofDenbighshire. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1866.]

4PP 34 cm.
32 Henry VIII-7 William IV; there is a further heading "Victoria," followed by 28
blank spaces for the years 1838-1865.
Fenwick 61.2; Kraus 336; Sotheby 106(4).
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by 2 corrected and dated proof copies, the
later inscribed at "24Jan 66"; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH184


326. A book of Glamorganshire's antiquities, by Rice Merrick, esq.

1578. Now first published by Sir T. Phillipps, bart. [Middle Hill:] Typis
Medio-Montanis, in Turre Lativiensi impressus, 1825 [i.e., 1826.] vii, [1], 68 pp.
33 cm .
Colophon: "Excudebat A. Brightley, Typis Medio-Montanis."
Preface dated 1826.
Fenwick 62; Martin, p. 449 ("Fifty copies were printed"); Lowndes, p. 1856;
Kraus 328/329 (proof sheets only); Sotheby 21.
GC copy, 1 in contemporary full diced russia, gilt, by Lawford of London, with
their ticket; Sir Thomas's copy, inscribed by him on front fly-leaf CThos.
Phillipps 1829"); lacks the dedication leaf (pp. [iii]-[iv]), and with the Preface
(pp. [v]-vii) laid in; bound at end ([4] pp.): Irrotulacio cartarum Henrici, comitis
Wigorniae. (Checklist no. 299); accompanied by 7 corrected proof sheets for this
work, sewn with 3 corrected proof sheets for another work.
GC copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH188

327. Glamorganshire monuments, collected by John Rowlands, 1865.

[Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1865?] IV pp. 34 cm.
Fenwick 61.1.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH187

[89 ]

328. Glamorganshire pedigrees, from the MSS. ofSir Isaac Heard,

knt., Garter King ofArms. Edited by Sir Thomas Phillipps, bart.
Worcester: Printed by Deighton and Co., 184S. [8], Sl, [1], 4 pp., geneal.
tables; 33 cm.
Lowndes (App.), p. 231; Sotheby 74.
GC copy in full contemporary leather; Sir Thomas's own copy, interleaved, and
with his corrections and annotations; the subscriber's list in this copy has been
augmented with additional names, and MS notes concerning payment, receipt of
copies, etc.; accompanied by a corrected proof copy, in Middle Hill boards.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH195


329. The sheriffs ofMerionethshire. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press,

1866.] 4 pp. 34 cm.
32 HenryVIII-7 William IV; there is a further heading "Victoria," followed by 28
blank spaces for the years 1838-186S.
Fenwick 61.3; Kraus 337/338; Sotheby 106(S).
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by-a corrected proof copy, inscribed at top
"27 Jan 1866"; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' private1:y printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH183


330. Cartae baroniae de Kemeys, in com. Pembroke, ex MSS. Georgii

Carewe, Arm. de Crowcombe, in com. Somerset. Impensis D. Thomae
Phillipps, bart. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, impressit C. Gilmour,
1841. [6],3 0 pp. 34 cm.
Added t.-p. (with Broadway Tower vignette): Cartae de Kemeys. Typis Medio-Monta-
nis, I840'
Fenwick 60; Lowndes (App.), p. 233; Kraus 317; Sotheby 69.
GC copy 1 in contemporary full leather; accompanied by a set of corrected
proofs, disbound; GC copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T Phillipps' privately printed
works; lacks the added t.-p.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH191

331. Collectanea Pembrochiana, or, Pembrokeshire records of monu-

ments, pedigrees, arms, portaits, mansions, &c., &c. Broadway,
Worcester: Published by James Rogers, 18S9. 26 pp. 17 cm.

[90 ]

Edited by Sir Thomas.

Fenwick 63; Kraus 318; Sotheby 107(1).
See also no. 334.
GC copy uncut and unopened, in Middle Hill boards; inscribed on front fly-leaf:
"Sir Thos Phillipps bt Middle Hill 18 59"; laid in is a t.-p. leaf in a different setting
of type, and with variant imprint: Haverfordwest: J. Potter, High Street, 1858;
accompanied by a set of 8 corrected proof sheets, folded and stitched, but
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH205

332. Excerpta ex cartul. cath. St. David. [Cheltenham: James Rogers,

186 7.] 4 pp. 33 cm.
Note at foot ofp. 4 signed: "T.P."
Fenwick 58.1; Sotheby 13 1 (4).
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 4 corrected proofs, one inscribed at top
"Print off 25 Oct 1867," another bearing MS note "returned to JR" [i.e.,James
Rogers, Sir Thomas's printer in 1867]; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps'
privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH181

333. Feoda militum episcopi Menevensis. A.D. 1326. Ex libro nigro,

sive custumali, episcopi de St. David. [Haverfordwest:John Williams,
18 59.] 4 pp. 34 cm.
Fenwick 58.2; Lowndes (App.), p. 231, & p. 234; Kraus 321.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by 6 corrected proof copies, one bearing
inscription "Printed at Solva [i.e., Haverfordwest] by Jno Williams May 1859";
copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH182

334. Final concord, and entail, by Thomas Sturmyn, of lands in

Haverford West, anno 5 Edw. 3. From Fenton MSS. vol. 19. [Cheltenham:
Middle Hill Press, 1864?] [4] pp. 17 cm.
At head of title: Collectanea Pembrochiana; see also no. 331.
Fenwick 58.6; Kraus 319.
GC copy unbound; accompanied by 3 corrected proofs, 2 in folio format, and 1
in 8vo, bearing successive revision dates of 22,24 and 29 December 1863.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH207

335 A list ofsheriffs for the county ofPembroke, from the thirty second
year ofKing Henry the Eighth. being the time sheriffs were first

[91 ]

appointed for the principality of Wales. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
18 59.] 5,3 pp. 34 cm.
Includes (pp. [1 ]-3 at end): Pembrokeshire magistrates I 859.
Kraus 326/327 (proofs only); Sotheby 106(2), 107(3) (Pembrokeshire magistrates
GC copy in later wrappers; inscribed at top ofp. 1: "24 copies, 12 sent to H. West";
accompanied by 2 corrected proof sheets.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH374

336. Pembrokeshire collections. Extractfrom the grant ofJames I. to

the Prince of Wales, ao. regni 14.1616. The portion relating to Pem-
brokeshire. Ex. MSS. Harley inter MSS. apudMiddle Hill, no. 12465.
[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1860.] 1 sheet (2 pp.) 34 X 21 cm.
Fenwick 61.4; Kraus 331.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs, 1 inscribed at top: "18
April 1860 30 copies of this to be printed off ... "; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir
T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MEtlg8

337. Pembrokeshire, names ofplaces in the parishes. [Middle Hill: Mid-

dle Hill Press, 1860.] 7, [1] pp. (the last p. blank) 34 cm.
Fenwick 61.5; Kraus 332; Sotheby 107(2).
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by 3 corrected proof sheets, dated 10, 11,
and 15 August 1860; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHlg2

338. The register of the baptisms, marriages, and burials, of the

parish of Trif Eglwys,Jor the years 1695-6, written at full length on
the fly leaves of "Chillingworth 's Religion of Protestants a safe way to
salvation." [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1867.] 3, [1] pp. (the last p.
blank) 17 cm.
Fenwick 30.2; Kraus 333.
GC copy in wrappers; inscription on p. [4] in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps:
"Copies sent to Sir Chas Young & to the Herald's College 30 July 1867"; accom-
panied by a corrected proof copy dated "2 Feb 67."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH202

[92 ]


339. Americi Vespucii Navigationis tertiae duae enarrationes diversae,
1501. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1862.] 5, [1] pp., 1 diagram; 34 cm.
Transcribed from a copy of the 1507 edition of Martin Waldseemiiller's Cosmo-
graphiae introductio in Sir Thomas Phillipp's library at Middle Hill. Cf. note at end.
Fenwick 64.1; Kraus 12.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; accompanied by 14 corrected proof sheets and 4 sheets
of MS copy, bound in Middle Hill boards, the proof sheets bearing revision dates
inJuly and August 1862; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH257

340. Collectanea inedita, per T. Phillipps, bart. [Middle Hill: Middle

Hill Press, Edwin Offer, printer, 1828?] 4 pp. 34 cm.
Excerpts from manuscripts in the Abbaye de Saint-Vaast.
Martin, p. 445; Lowndes (App.), p. 226; Kraus 240.
GC copy 1 disbound; contemporary inscription at foot oflast page identifies the
printer incorrectly as Adolphus Brightley; accompanied by a corrected proof,
bearing imprint: "E. Offer, Typis Medio Montanis impressit."
GC copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH212

341. Collections relating to manuscripts and manuscript libraries. An

extract from the Summa theologiae ofSt. Thomas Aquinas, printed at
Antwerp,1585. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1826.] 3, [5],20 pp. 34 cm.
The first work is a reprint of a letter from Augustinus Hunnaeus to Pope Gregory
XIII: signed at end "Augustine Hunnaeus," and dated 1575.
Includes ([5], 20 pp. at end): A critical and historical account of all the celebrated
libraries in foreign countries, as well ancient as modern. . . by a gentleman of the Temple
... reprinted, at Middle Hill, by Edwin Offer, I826; this is an abridged translation
(attributed variously to John Kelly or William Oldys) of Pierre Le Gallois' Traitte
des plus belles bibliotheques de l'Europe.
Fenwick 103; Martin, p. 450 ("Fifty copies were printed"); Lowndes (App.),
p. 227 (the 2 works cited separately); Kraus 62.
GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps'
privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH6

[93 ]

342. [Concilia Galliae fragment.] [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 183-?]
[4] pp. 32 cm.
Lithographic facsimile in red and black of a manuscript fragment in a half-uncial
hand, probably from the 8th-century Collectio Conciliorum Galliae (Phillipps MSS.
no. 1743), originally part of the Meerman collection; d. Munby V, p. 25.
Kraus 64.
GC has 2 copies, disbound.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH455

343. [The Demios of the Samarians to the Boule of the Smyrnaeans.]

[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?] [4] pp. (the first and last pp. blank)
34 cm .
Lithograph facsimile of a Greek inscription.
Fenwick 107.1; Kraus 145.
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2, printed on recto and verso of a single half-
sheet, laid in; copy 3 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH339

344. Ex codice MSS. Phillipps, no. 1650, olim in bibliotheca Deoderici,

abbatis de Metz, cum autographo ejusdem abbatis. [Middle Hill: Middle
Hill Press, 186-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 17 x 22 cm.
"The above is a marginal note, written in capital letters on the 1st page of the
above Letter of St. Paul to the Laodiceans.-Deoderic was abbot of Metz about
A.D. 1000, or in the Xlth. centary [sic]"-Note at end.
GC copy disbound, in folder.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH208

345. The first map ofAustralia, from Nicholas Vallard's Atlas, 1547, in
the library ofSir Thomas Phillipps, bart. at Middle Hill, 1856. [Middle
Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1856.] 1 map: col. 44 x 58 cm.
Chromolithographic facsimile in gold and colors of Vallard's map delineating
part of the coasdine of Australia, reproduced from Phillipps MSS no. 13199. Cf.
MunbyIV, p. 163.
The illustrations are stylized representations of supposed Australian aborigines.
Tide from printed label pasted on lower margin; the label obscures the name of
the lithographer, who was McCahey of Chester.
Fenwick 66; Lowndes (App.), p. 236; Kraus 41; Sotheby 98/99.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH425

[94 ]

346. Guilford MSS. 582, inter MSS. Phillipps. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill
Press, 183-?] 1 sheet ([2] pp.) 35 x 21 cm.
"Translation of the following cypher ... a monsignore nuncio di Spagna, M.
Millini. Cifra di Mr. Bonvisi a Mr. Millini in data de 22 Luglio, 1677."
The text of the decoded cipher (in Italian) is followed by the original encrypted
Kraus 257.
GC copy in contemporary wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH414

347. [Hesiod.] HLIOAOY LlrAAOENTA EIIH EQL <l>OPOL ...

[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1855?] 1 sheet ([ 1] p.) 14 x 23 cm.
Lithograph facsimile of the first 11 lines of Phillipps MSS no. 13878, purchased
by Sir Thomas Phillipps in 1854 as an early manuscript of Hesiod, but actually a
modern forgery by Constantine Simonides.
Text written boustrophedon.
Fenwick 107-4; Kraus 293.
Grolier Club copy 1 in later wrappers; copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of Sir T. Phillipps'
privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH357

348. Historia de los yndios mexicanos, por Juan de Tovar. Cura, et

impensis Dni. Thomae Phillipps, bart. [Cheltenham:] Typis Medio-
Montanis,]acobus Rogers impressit, 1860 [i.e., 1867?] [2],12 pp. 34 cm.
A fragment only; no more published.
Dated corrected proof sheets in the possession of the GC suggest that the text as
it appears here was not printed until 1867.
Fenwick 65; Lowndes (App.), p. 236; Kraus 10/11.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by 21 corrected proof sheets,
loose in Middle Hill boards, bearing revision dates between 1852 and 1867; copy
2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. CaLL. 34.52 MH256

349. [ .J Sir Thomas Phillipps (of Middle Hill) proposes to

publish the inedited MS. ofJuan de Tovar on the History of the Mexi-
cans, and to print 50 copies, by subscription . .. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill
Press, 1852.] [4] pp. 18 cm.
"Middle Hill, 20th]any. 1852."
Subscribers (list of 4 names): p. [3].
PHILL. CaLL. 34.52 MH509

[95 ]

350. ltinerarium ad Terram Sanctam: per Petrum de Suchen, A.D.

M.CCC.XXXV1., scriptum A.D. M.CCC.L. Ex manuscripto antiquo,
in bibliotheca fratrum eremitarum Ordinis Sancti Augustini, apud
Friburgam, in Helvetia, nunc primum edidit D. Thomas Phillipps,
baronettus. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, in Turre Lativiensi impres-
sus, 1825. [4], 78 pp. 18 cm.
Text in German.
A fragment only; no more published.
Title in red and black; title vignette (Broadway Tower).
Added t.-p. in black only, and without Broadway Tower vignette.
According to a dated proof copy in the possession of the GC, the Index (Petri de
Suchen Itinerarium ad Hierosolomam. Index: pp. [1 ]-4) was printed ca. 1839.
Fenwick 118 (listing an 1842 edition); Martin, p. 450 ("Fifty copies were
printed"); Lowndes, p. 2543; Lowndes (App.), p. 227; Kraus 188/189; Sotheby
15 (trial prooffragment).
GC copy in Middle Hill boards; pencil inscription on t.-p.: "To be given to Miss
Phillipps when she has learned German"; accompanied by 28 corrected proof
leaves, and 7 leaves of MS fair copy (Phillipps MSS no. 29329, covering Index,
and first few pp. of text).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH245

351. Le livre de la chasce, par Gaston 111. conte de Foix, seigneur de

Bearn. From a manuscript (no. 10298) in the collection ofSir Thomas
Phillipps, bart. ofMiddlehill, co: Wor: Daventry: Printed by Thomas
Barrett, bookseller, Sheaf-Street, 1844. vii, [1], 16 pp., geneal. table; 22 cm.
Lowndes (App.), p. 234; Sotheby 162.
GC copy in contemporary leather backed boards, with binder's tis:ket: "BretlIer-
ton, ligavit 1849;" bound with printed prospectus for Les meuttes et veneries de haut
et puissant seigneur messire Jean de Ligniville . .. A Paris: Chez Techener ... , 1844.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH469

352. Mappae clavicula. A manuscript treatise on the preparation of

pigments, and on various processes of thf5 decorative arts practised dur-
ing tke Middle Ages. Communicated to the Society ofAntiquaries by Sir
Thomas Phillipps, bart. ... in a letter addressed to Albert Way, esq.,
Director. London: Printed by J. B. Nichols & Son ... , 1847. [2], 64 pp. 30 em.
"From tlIe Archaeologia, 1847, vol. XXXII, pp. 183-244,"
Not a Middle Hill Press publication.
Prefatory matter in English, text in Latin.
Sotheby 163.
GC copy unopened in original wrappers, sewn into contemporary boards; aeeoIIJ-

[96 ]

panied by 15 proof sheets, annotated and corrected in the hand of Sir Thomas
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH252

353. Neri's Art ofglass, translated by C. M. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-

Montanis impressit F. Crees, 1826. [2], viii, 33, [3] pp. (the last p. blank) 34 cm.
Translation by Christopher Merret of Arte vetraria distinta in libri sette.
Fenwick 109; Martin, p. 457 ("One hundred copies were printed"); Lowndes, p.
1857; Kraus 215.
GC copy in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by 5 corrected proof sheets.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH221

354. Numismata vetera et inscriptiones ex voto ex ruderibus templi

Jovis prope Hospitum Sancti Bernardi in Montem Poeninum. [Middle
Hill:] Ex Typographia Medio-Montana, 1855. [4], 12, [4] pp., [5] plates: ill.
(lithographs) 35 cm.
"These coins, ex voto inscriptions, & images were found by the monks of Great
St. Bernard Hospital, on the Alps, in digging among the ruins of a temple, dedi-
cated to the Pennine Jupiter, near the Hospital. The MSS. were lent to me, as I
wished to print them. Mter they had been printed thus far, the printer left me, &
before I had obtained another, the remainder of the MSS. became mis-laid
among my large collections. I was obliged, therefore, to defer the printing until
they could be found. That, unfortunately, has not yet happened, & I have deter-
mined to let the world have what is already done, lest this portion should be lost
also"-Preface (signed: "Thos. Phillipps").
The bulk'of the text appears originally to have been printed in 1824; cf. Martin.
Ex voto inscriptions, discovered in the ruins of temple ofJupiter Poeninus . .. A. D. I825:
[4] pp. at end.
Fenwick 110; Martin, p. 448; Lowndes, p. 1857; Lowndes (App.), p. 227; Kraus
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; preface leaf laid in; copy 2 bound in vol. 1 of
Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH246

355. Numismata vetera S. Bernardi monasterii ex templi Jovis rud-

eribus effossa. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis opus excusum, 1852. [2],
12, [4] pp., [5] plates: ill. (lithographs) 35 cm.
Title in red and black.
I 825:
Ex voto inscriptions, discovered in the ruins of temple ofJupiter Poeninus ... A. D.
[4] pp. at end.
GC copy in Middle Hill boards; bound after p. 12 are 3 leaves containing the orig-

[97 ]

inal pencil drawings for the illustrations, and an additional 3 leaves containing a
portion of the text in MS; accompanied by 7 corrected proof sheets.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH246B

356. St. Jerome's Prologue to the New Testament. [Cheltenham: Middle

Hill Press, 1870.] 1 sheet ([I] p.) 17 x 20 cm.
Kraus 167/168; Sotheby 144(6).
GC copy in wrappers; accompanied by 1 corrected proof and 1 uncorrected
proof, the latter inscribed at top: "9 July 1870 Print off."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH2g6

357. Three letters oJJunius, believed to be unpublished,Jrom the MSS.

ojSir Thomas Phillipps, bart. at Middle Hill, 1864. [Cheltenham:
Middle Hill Press, 1864.] 4 pp. 23 cm.
Concerning the conduct of Admiral Arbuthnot and General Clinton in the
British loss of the American colonies.
Fenwick 106.5; Kraus 9.
GC copy in wrappers; accompanied by 3 corrected proofs, 2 bearing revision
dates of 29 April and 14 May 1864.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH20g

358 .. , tim thonitrua disrumpunt menia prima . .. [Middle Hill or

Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 186-?]1 sheet ([1] p.) 22 x 16 cm.
Fragment of Christian verse, in Latin, attributed to Commodianus.
At end: "Explic. tractat. sci. epise. ... Comod?"
GC copy 1 in later wrappers; laid in are 2 more copies, 1 inscribed "Revd Wm
Cureton with Sir T.P.'s compliments," and reiterating the attribution to Com-
modianus in a brief inscription at end.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH332

[98 ]
3S9. Genealogia. Prelo, vel sumptu, Dni. Thomae Phillipps, baronetti
impressa. [Middle Hill:J Typis Medio-Montanis impressae, 1850, annisque
variis prioribus [i.e., 1819-1872.J 2 vols., chiefly geneal. tables; 38 cm.
Vol. 1 has added t.-p. (repeated as t.-p. to vol. 2): Genealogia, a collection ofpedigrees
offamilies privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, bart. I84o.-I87 I.
The individual pedigrees were all originally issued separately; a partial list is given
in Martin, pp. 456-457.
Vol. 1: printed index leaf, title leaf and added title leaf, followed by 261 pedigrees
on 355 leaves (many double and/or folded); vol. 2: title leaf, followed by 140
pedigrees on 89 leaves (many double and/or folded).
GC copy I: vol. 1 in contemporary pebbled cloili; vol. 2 in full contemporary vel-
lum; corrections and annotations iliroughout in the hand of Sir Thomas
Phillipps; accompanied by a bound volume of 6 corrected proofs of ilie pedigree
for ilie Tattersall family.
GC copy 2: bound as vol. 10-1 1 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; bound in
later half morocco over marbled boards by FazakerIy; bookplates on front paste-
downs of the Bibliotheca Lindesiana; 263 pedigrees only.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH463

360. Heredes ex inquisitionibus post mortem, a primo Edwardi 1. A.D.

1272 ad decimum Henrici VIti. A.D. 1439. Ex MSS. Phillipps, no.
6538. Pars 1. Curante D. T. Phillipps, bart. [Middle Hill:J Typis Medio-
Montanis, excuditC. Gilmour, 1841 [i.e., 1842.J [6], 87, [lJ pp. 35 cm.
"Twenty-five copies only are printed."
Preface dated 1842.
No more published.
Fenwick 95; Lowndes (App.), p. 233; Kraus 85; Sotheby 67
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; inscribed on front pastedown: "Sir Thos
Phillipps"; accompanied by 24 corrected proof sheets; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of
Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH266

[99 ]

361. Index nominum in libris dictis Cole's Escheats. Inter HarZ. MSS.
no. 410-11, 756-7-8-9-60. Impensis D. Thomae Phillipps, barti.
[Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis impressit Carolus Bullingham, 1852. [4],
163, [1] pp. (the last p. blank) 18 cm.
Fenwick 96; Lowndes (App.), p. 233; Kraus 60/61; Sotheby 81.
GC copy in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by 11 corrected proof sheets.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH268

362. [ .J Cole's Escheats. Index ofpersons. [Middle Hill: Middle

Hill Press, 184-?] 4 pp. 34 cm.
Probably a trial issue for the preceding.
A fragment; vol. 1, A-E only.
Lowndes (App.), p. 233; Kraus 59.
GC copy 1 disbound; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH267

363. Index to the genealogies of the tenants in capite in Domesday

Book, by T. P. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1838?-1842.] 4 pts. in 1 vol.
([2],4,11, [1], 13, [3] pp.) 34 cm.
Contents: (from caption titles) Index io' the genealogies of the tenants in capite in
Domesday Book [1838?]-[2nd] Index to the genealogies of the tenants in capite, with
the counties in which they had possessions, in the year Io86, in Domesday Book, I838-
[3rd] Index to the genealogies of the tenants in capite, with the counties in which they had
possessions, in the year Io86, in Domesday Book, I838- [4th] Index to the genealogies
of the tenants in capite, with the counties in which they had possessions, in the year I086,
in Domesday Book, I842.
Lowndes (App.), p. 232 (citing 11 pp. only); Sotheby 145.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH258

364. Index to the inquisitions post mortem, for the reign of Henry VII.
Cura Dni. Thomae Phillipps, bart. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis,
[1856.] [4], 13, [3] pp. (the last 3 pp. blank) 35 cm.
Fenwi'ck 88; Lowndes (App.), p. 236; Kraus 92/93; Sotheby 134(1). .
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; annotated and corrected in the hand of SIr
Thomas; accompanied by a set of 8 corrected proof sheets, bearing revision da~~s
in 1855 and 1856; copy 2 in Middle Hill boards; bound with: Index to the inquISI-
tions post mortem, for the reign of Henry VIII (Checklist no. 365); copy 3 bound
vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH259

[ 100]

'Farml!i;; DiVt'rsls,

q\Jiblis !\umeu



in Com. IVILTO,;,V.

et apud

in Com. WJaOR_N~

lukf annos HH 6 & 1840.

Cur.l ('t ope

T. P.

Ig1l-oti'lue, tonga
J.'\(Jete premuntt(r.-H-orat.

1\ Typographis: varia
Alluh difersi!l

No. 3 86 , Title-page, Collectanea de familiis diversis,

quibus nomen est Phillipps , . , (1829-1872)

365. Index to the inquisitions post mortem,Jor the reign ofHenry VIII.
Cura Dni. Thomae Phillipps, bart. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis,
[1857.] [2], 29, [1] pp. (the last p. blank) 35 cm.
Fenwick 89; Lowndes (App.), p. 236; Kraus 92/93; Sotheby 134(2).
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; t.-p. laid in; bound with Index to the inquisitions
post mortem, for the reign of Henry VII (Checklist no. 364); accompanied by a set of
11 corrected proof sheets, bearing revision dates in 1856 and 1857; copy 2
bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR259B

366. Index to the inquisitions post mortem, for the reign ofEdward VI.
Cura Dni. Thomae Phillipps, bart. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis,
[1857?] [2], 11, [1] pp. (the last p. blank) 35 cm.
Caption title: Index inquisitionum post mortem, tempore Edward VI. in Rotulorum
Capella. A.D. I856 . ..
Fenwick 90; Lowndes (App.), p. 236; Kraus 90/91 (citing proof copies dated
18 57).
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; t.-p. laid in; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T.
Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH260

367. Index to the inquisitions post mortem, for the reign ofEdward VI.
Cura Dni. Thomae Phillipps, bart. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis,
[1857.] [2], 20 pp. 35 cm.
This version also includes entries for the reign of Queen Mary.
GC copy in Middle Hill boards; t.-p. laid in; accompanied by 10 corrected proof
sheets, bearing revision dates in January and February 1857.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH261

368. Index to the inquisitions post mortem,Jor the reign ofPhilip &
Mary. Cura Dni. Thomae Phillipps, bart. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-
Montanis, [1857.] [2], 10, [2] pp. (the last 2 pp. blank) 35 cm.
Fenwic~ 91; Kraus 96; Sotheby 134(3).
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; t.-p. laid in; accompanied by 5 uncorrected
proof sheets (1 inscribed at top "Print off 3 Mch 1857"), and 4 copies of the t.-p.
leaf; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH262

[102 ]

369. Index to the inquisitions post mortem,jor the reign ojElizabeth,

part I[-II.] Cura Dni. Thomae Phillipps, bart. [Middle Hill:] Typis
. Medio Montanis, [1864.] 2 pts. in 1 vol. ([2], 19, [1] [2],44 pp.) 35 cm.
Contents: pt. 1. Pro annis I ad I6 Elizabethae-pt. 2. Annis I6 ad 45, Elizabethae.
Virtute officii [annis 1 ad 45, Elizabethae.]
Fenwick 92; Lowndes (App.), p. 236 (pt. 1 only); Kraus 88/89; Sotheby 134(4).
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 8 corrected proof sheets, loose within Mid-
dle Hill boards, bearing revision dates between 1852 and 1864; copy 2 bound in
vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR263

370. Index to the inquisitions post mortem,jor the reign ojJames 1.

Cura Dni. Thomae Phillipps, bart. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis,
[1861.] [4], 48 pp. 35 cm.
Fenwick 93; Kraus 94/95; Sotheby 134(5) (incomplete).
GC copy 1 in contemporary boards; accompanied by 8 corrected proof sheets,
bearing revision dates in 1860 and 1861; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps'
privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR264

371. Index to the inquisitions post mortem, jor the reign of Charles 1.
Cura Dni. Thomae Phillipps, bart. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis,
[1867?] [2],44 pp. 35 cm.
Fenwick 94; Kraus 83/84 (citing proof copies dated 1865-1867); Sotheby
134(6). .
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 5 corrected proof sheets, bearing various
revision dates in 1865; copy 2 bound in vol. 3 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
works; t.-p. laid in.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR265

372. [Tizon de Espana.] Fizon [i.e., Tizon] de Espana, sobre los

linages de los senores de Espana. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1835?]
15, [1] pp. 33 cm.
Apparently an early and uncorrected version of the following. This version has
no separate title leaf, and the first word in the caption title is misspelled "Fizon."
Lowndes, p. 1857; Kraus 304/304a; Sotheby 78(1).
GC copy in Middle Hill boards.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR254B

[ 103 ]

373. [ .J Tizon de Espana. Impensis Dni. T. Phillipps,

baronetti. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, 1848. [2], 15, [1] pp. 33 cm.
Fenwick 120 ("Only 20 copies printed").
This version has the separate title leaf transcribed in Fenwick, and is in a differ-
ent setting of type from the preceding; notably, "Fizon" has been corrected to
"Tizon" in the caption title on p. [1].
GC copy 1 in contemporary russia; occasional annotations and corrections in the
hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps; accompanied by a set of 16 corrected proof sheets,
and 9 sheets of MS notes and text concerning this work; copy 2 bound in vol. 2
of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works; lacks t.-p.; inscribed at top "Sir F. Madden.
Printed in 1835 by Sir T. Phillipps," possibly referring to the version described in
the preceding entry.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH254

374. [Bampfield.] SirRichd. Bampfylde's deeds, & evidences, Co.
Devon. & Somerset, now in the possession ofSir Richard Bampfylde,
bart. ofPoltimore, Co. Devon, 1736. Cheltenham? Middle Hill Press,
186-?] [4] pp. 35 cm.
GC has proof copies ofa supplement to this work dated 1869.
Fenwick 117.4; Kraus 400.
GC copy 1 in contemporary wrappers; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps'
privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH77

375. [ .J Finis Thomae, Johannis, et Mariae Bampfield, 35 H.

8. inter MSS. Phillipps. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1869.] [1],2, [1]
pp. (the first and last pp. blank) 18 cm.
Kraus 42.
GC copy in contemporary wrappers; accompanied by 4 corrected and dated
proof copies, the latest of which is inscribed at top of p. [1]: "4 Sep 69 Print off
24 Copies."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH78

376. [Freke.] Freke pedigree. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, 1825.

[2] pp., 10 folded double leaves: chiefly geneal. tables; 33 cm.
Title on added title leaf: A pedigree, or genealogye, of the family of the Frekes, for near
200 years. First begun by Ralph Freke . .. Secondly augmented by ... John Freke ... Lastly,

[ 104]

reduced to this form by William Freke ... July ye I4th I707- Typis Medio-Montanis in
Turre Lativiensi impressus. M.DCCC.xxv.
Lowndes, p. lS56; Sotheby IS.
GC copy 1 in contemporary full russia; lacks t.p; copy 2 bound as part of Sir
Thomas's Genealogia.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH463B

377. [Grove.] Thepedig;ree of Thomas Grove, ofFern House, in the

county of Wilts, esq. Anno Domini 1819. [Evesham:]. Agg, lS19.] 1 sheet
([1] p.): geneal. table, coats of arms (engravings) 46 x 3S cm.
Probably by Sir Thomas Phillipps; d. Munby II, p. 2.
Martin, p. 457 ("Printed by]. Agg, Evesham, ISI9"); Lowndes (App.), p. 230.
Grolier Club copy 1 bound in modern boards; copy 2 bound as part of Genealo-
gia (Checklist no. 359).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH521

378. [Mansel.] Mansell records. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, lS52.]
[4] pp. 34 cm.
Mansel was the maiden name of Sir Thomas's second wife, Elizabeth.
In this version, the first portion of text has no heading, and the entries run from
IJoh. to 24 H. 6.
Fenwick 105 (version not specified); Kraus 193/194 (version not specified).
GC copy 1 unbound; accompanied by a proof copy, with corrections and anno-
tations in the hand of Sir Thomas; dated at top:" 11 June IS52;" copy 2 bound in
vol. 6 of Sir: T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
COLL. 34.52 MH25

---.J Mansell records. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, lS52?]

In this version, the first portion of text is headed "Rot. Chart," and the entries run
from 1 Joh. to 34 H. 3.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 6 proof copies, all heavily annotated in the
hand of Sir Thomas; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
COLL. 34.52 MH24

- - - . ] Mansell records. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, IS 52?]

this version, the first portion of text is headed "Co. Leicester," and the entries
from H. 2 to 35 E. 3.

[105 ]

GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by a proof copy, annotated and corrected in

the hand of Sir Thomas; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH26

381. [Molyneux.] An account of the familJ and descendants ofSir

Thomas MolJneux, kt., Chancellor of the Exchequer in Ireland, to
Queen Elizabeth. Evesham: Printed by]. Agg, 1820. vi, 103 (i.e., 105), [1] p.,
[2] plates: ill., port.; 25 cm.
Preface signed: "Capel Molyneux."
Laid in are a lithographed view of Castle-Dillon and an engraved portrait of
William Molyneux.
Lowndes (App.), p. 225 ("20 copies printed").
GC copy 1 in full russia, with binder's ticket: "Bretherton, ligavit 1849."; portrait
pasted on a leaf inserted after p. [52]; view of Castle-Dillon tipped in as fron-
tispiece; front fly-leaf annotated in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps; 4 sheets of
MS notes, 2 more copies of the Castle-Dillon view, 1 view of the later house, and
an engraved Molyneux bookplate laid in.
GC copy 2 in contemporary boards; front fly-leaf inscribed in pencil: "Lady
Phillipps 6 May 1825, the gift of her deary T. Phillipps the editor."; laid in are 2
copies of the portrait and 1 copy of the view, as well as 2 leaves with plans and ele-
vations of a house, in MS., and 3 leaves of printed genealogical tables; errata
annotated in Sir Thomas's hand.
GC copy 3 in contemporary boards, uniform with copy 2; fly-leaves and text
annotated in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps; portrait and view laid in, as are
2 printed lists of pictures belonging to General Molyneux, and 2 sheets of
MS notes.
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH471

382. [ .] Extracted from the memoranda roll of the Exchequer

ofIreland, of the 36th year ofElizabeth, membrane 74. Evesham: R. Bult,
printer and bookseller, [185-?] 4 pp. 24 cm.
Depositions concerning the lineage and character of Thomas Molyneux, an
ancestor of Sir Thomas's first wife, Harriet. '
Fenwick 99.2; Kraus 158/159.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; copy 2-3 disbound, laid in; accompanied by 2 corrected
proofs, each on single sheets; copy 4 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH218

[ 106]

383. [ .] Inquis. post mort. Danielis Molyneux, 1632. Evesham: R.

Bult, printer and bookseller, [1852?J I sheet ([2] p.) 25 x 19 cm.
Page [2) has biographical and other notes on the Molyneux family, the first entry
beginning "Oct. 1852."
Fenwick 99.3; Kraus 210.
GC copy I in wrappers; copy 2 & copy 3 disbound, laid in; copy 4 bound in vol.
2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR217

384. [ .] Lieutenant General Thomas Mof:yneux, . . . [Middle

Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1827?] 2 pp. 34 cm.
Lowndes (App.), p. 226 ("14 copies printed").
Molyneux was the father of Sir Thomas's first wife, Harriet.
Includes biographical information for Molyne~x through the year 1827.
GC copy disbound; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR343

385. [ .] The pedigree of the family of the Mof:yneuxs, of Castle

Dillon, in the county ofArmagh, Ireland. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
1819 or 1820.] I sheet ([I] p.): I geneal. table; 48 x 53 cm.
Lowndes (App.), p. 230 ("20 copies printed"; also citing a 2nd ed. dated 1840).
Records birth dates up to 1819.
GC has 2 copies; copy 2 has corrections and annotations in the hand of Sir
Thomas Phillipps; entries extended in MS to ca. 1848.
PRILL. C'OLL. 34.52 MR47 0

386. [Phillipps.] Colledanea de familiis diversis, quibus nomen est

Phillipps. Praesertim vero de illis apud Wanborough in com. Wilton.
et apud Broadway, in com. Wigorn. Inter annos 1816 & 1840. Cura et
ope T. P. compilata. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis a typographis
variis annis diversis impressa, [i.e., ca. 1829-1872.) (12],923, [I] pp., geneal.
tables; 35 cm.
"Wills, deeds, inquisitions, registers, court rolls, and several hundred pedigrees,
relating not only to the family of Phillipps, but to other families in almost every
other county in England and Wales" -Fenwick.
This version also includes the 2 vols. of Wanborough court rolls; these were also pub-
lished separately (Checklist no. 276), but are here inserted as pp. [501 ]-[589J
and [597]-[660].
Fenwick I l l ; Martin, p. 456 (an earlier version); Lowndes (App.), p. 229 (in
"several volumes"; a partial list of individual pedigrees appears on p. 230);
Sotheby 37 (collection of proof sheets).

[ 107]

GC copy 1 bound as 2 vols. in later half morocco over pebbled cloth, with
binder's title: Collectanea Phillippica.
GC copy 2 bound as 1 vol. in contemporary full russia, with binder's title: Phillipps
records, and containing through p. 660 only; many and extensive annotations
and corrections in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps; accompanied by 19 cor-
rected proof sheets, including 3 printed versions of the t.-p., and 1 MS version
dated 1830.
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH464

387. [ .] Rice Morgan Bowen, and Mary Phillipps. Copy ofa

record in the Public Record Office, entitled "Inquisition post mortem,
Chancery, 20 Eliz. pt. 2, no. 46." Liberata fuit cur. xix. die Marcii
anno subscr. per manus Thomae Phillippes, arm. [Cheltenham: Middle
Hill Press, 1864.] [4] pp. (the last p. blank) 34 cm.
Dated at end: "27th. April 1864."
Fenwick 58.4.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHI L L. COL L. 3 4 . 5 2 MH 1 97

388. [ .] The will ofSir Ricnard Philipps, bart. baron Milford

(extracted from the registry of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.)
[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 185-?] g, [3] pp. (the last 3 pp. blank) 34 cm.
Kraus 228; Sotheby 155.
GC copy 1 in wrappers; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MHlg6

389. [ .] William Phillipps, & others to Thomas Freeman.

Assignment, of a mortgage term, in trust to attend the inheritance for
the Revd. Mr. Reginald Wynniatt, 1773. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
185-?] 1 sheet (h] p.) 32 x 19 cm.
GC copy 1 disbound; copy 2 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
PHILL'; COLL. 34.52 MH347

3g0. [Rutzen.] [Coat of anus of the Rutzen family.] [Middle Hill: Middle
Hill Press, 185-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.): coat of arms (lithograph) 27 cm.
No title or caption; identification from Robinson Bros. inventory of this col-
Kraus 270 (giving the family name as "Rutyen").

[ 108]

GC copy 1 in wrappers; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed

PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH214

391. [Walcot.] [List of members of the Walcot family.] Printed at Middle

Hill: [s.n.], in the year, 1862. 1 sheet ([1] p.) 10 X 7 cm.
List of 7 names, probably including grandchildren of Sir Thomas Phillipps;
Phillipps's second daughter Mary had married John Walcot in 1843.
GC copy corrected in ink.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH487

[109 ]

The Roman CathoIiCII say

The Romae CatholiCil say
that in the Sacrament of'
our Lord's Suppell' they ac- that in the SaclI'ament of'
GmtII' Lord's Iilinppel" they se-
tuaUy EAT the REAL
tmtally EAT the REAL
BODY, and BLOOD oft
Body. and ~d of' Christ.
If' so. are they not
If' so, are the", not



No. 443, Anti-Catholic leaflet, To the Inhabitants of Broadway (i 8s-?)

392. Aeneae Sylvii Piccolomini, Pii secundi Papae, Electionis suae
narratio. A. D. 1458. (Ex suorum libro primo Commentariorum.)
[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1851.] [,d, 10 pp. 34 cm.
Transcribed from Phillipps MSS. no. 2670.
Fenwick 1 12; Lowndes (App.), p. 231 (cited under caption title: Obitus Calixti
Tertii, et Conclave Pii Secundi, Senensis); Kraus 273/274; Sotheby 78(2).
GC copies 1 & 2 dis bound; accompanied by 2 corrected proof copies, the first
inscribed by Sir Thomas on t.-p. and dated "20 Sep 1851," and further inscribed
by him on p. 1, "University College Library from Sir Thos Phillipps Bart. 1862";
the second proof copy is heavily corrected and annotated, and is inscribed at top
ofp. 1: "April 1850 Compositor's errors 1st Proof."
GC copy 3 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH63

393. The Archbishop of Canterbury and the rubric. Broadway:James

Rogers, printer, 1864. 1 sheet ([ 2] pp.) 17 cm.
Against alleged "Romanizing practices" of the Rev. C. S. Caffin.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 3 corrected proofs.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH31S

394. The attempt of Cardinal Alberoni to invade the Republic ofSan

Marino (Ex MSS. PhilliPps). [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1855.]
1 sheet ([1] p.) 19 x 16 cm.
"Lettera di un principale de San Marino, scritta ad un proprio figlio, chi sta ai
studi in una citta dello Stato Ecclesiastico."
Editor's note at end, signed "T.P.," is dated 1855.
Lowndes (App.), p. 235; Kraus 5.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 3 corrected proofs, 2 bearing revi-
sion dates in October 1855.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH322

395. Badstone put on the Income Tax,for the war . .. [Cheltenham:

Middle Hill Press, ca. 1868.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 XII cm.
A squib against Gladstone and "popery."
Kraus 117.
GC copy in later wrappers; this copy has 2 iterations of the same text on a single

[Ill ]

sheet, indicating that the sheets were intended to be cut apart to form leaflets of
approximately 9 x 11 cm.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH302

396. The black box oJRoome opened,Jrom whence are revealed, the
damnable bloody plots, practises, and behaviour oJJesuites, priests,
papists, and other recusants in generall, against Christian princes,
estates, and the people in those places where they have lived, &c.
Printed in the yeare, 1641. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1867.] 15, [1]
pp. (the last p. blank) 18 cm.
Reprint of Wing B3042.
Fenwick 116; Kraus 15; Sotheby 151 (3).
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 10 corrected proof sheets bearing
various revision dates in August 1867.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH313

397. Catalogue ojRoman Catholic relics. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press,

1864.] 9, [1] pp. 35 cm.
Fenwick 77.2; Kraus 16/17; Sotheby 144(1).
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by a corrected proof, the first sheet of which
is dated "15 D 1864," the second and third "26 D 64"; also accompanied by a fur-
ther proof sheet for pp. [1 ]-4 only, also dated "26 D 64"; copy 2 bound in vol. 2
of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH64

398. "The Christian Observer" on the position and progress~oJ popery,

and the perils oj the times. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1869.] 7, [1] pp.
(the last p. blank) 17 cm.
Kraus 35.4.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof bearing revision
date "24June 1869."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH329

399. Churchwardens empowered to remove superfluous ornaments.

[Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1867.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 17 x 21 cm.
"From Archdeacrn [sic] Hone's Charge, June, 1867."
Kraus 35.7.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH355

[ 112]

400. Complaint of the parish clerk against ritualism. [Cheltenham:

Middle Hill Press, 1867.] I sheet ([I] p.) 26 x 10 cm.
In verse.
Signed at end: "Ebenezer Higgins."
In this version, the text is in a single column.
Kraus 24 (version not specified); Sotheby 22 (4) (version not specified).
GC copy in wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof, with revision date "2
Dec 67."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH294

401. Complaint of the parish clerk against ritualism. [Middle Hill?

Middle Hill Press, 186-?] 1 sheet ([I] p.) 21 x 29 cm.
In this version, the text is in 2 columns.
Kraus 24 (version not specified); Sotheby 22 (4) (version not specified).
GC copy bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.

402. Condemnations for heresy at Pavia, 1580, &c. [Cheltenham:

Middle Hill Press, 1867.] 1 sheet (2 pp.) 34 cm.
Excerpts from trial transcriptions; in Italian.
Fenwick 113.2; Kraus 18/19; Sotheby 144(4).
GC copy 1 unbound; accompanied by 1 undated partial corrected proof; and 3
corrected proofs bearing successive dates of 8,23, and 25 October 1867; copy 2
bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL." COLL. 34.52 MH66

403. The conspirators schemes, hospitals, homes, convents.

[Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1869.] 7, [1] pp. (the last p. blank) 17 cm.
Kraus 35.5.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by a set of 10 corrected proofs, bound
in Middle Hill boards, some bearing revision dates in October, 1869.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH330

404. Conventual and monastic institutions. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill

Press, 186-?] 8 pp. 18 cm.
Concerning actions in the House of Commons towards the disestablishment of
the Irish Church.
GC copy in later wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH306

[ lIS]

405. De conquestu Angliae per Hispanos, tempore Elizabethae Reginae

1588. Ex MSS. Phillipps, no . .... Impensis, & cura Dni. Thomae
Phillipps, bart. [Cheltenham:] Typis Medio-Montanis,Jacobus Rogers
impressit, 1869. [2], 24 pp. 34 cm.
A collection of documents (1570-1604) concerning Catholic plans to conquer
England and Scotland, from Phillipps MSS. no. 2753.
Latin, Italian, or Spanish.
Fenwick 78; Lowndes (App.), p. 237 (described (1864/1865) as "in the press");
Sotheby 118(2),120.
GC copy 1 & copy 2 in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by a set of ca. 50 cor-
rected proof sheets, loosely stitched into Middle Hill boards.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH247

406. De conquestu Angliae per Hispanos, tempore Elizabethae Reginae

1588. Ex MSS. Phillipps, no. .... Impensis, & cura Dni. Thomae
Phillipps, bart. [Cheltenham:] Typis Medio-Montanis,Jacobus Rogers
impressit, 1869 [i.e., 1870?] [2],6, [2],7-18, [4], 19-25, [1] pp. 34 cm.
The additions to the text in this version are: [2] pp. inserted after p. 6 with cap-
tion title Breve summano del estado presente de las cosas de Yngleterra; and [4] pp.
inserted after p. 18 with caption title Avertimenti a nostro signore sopra le cose
d'Inghilterra; in addition, the the text ends on p. 25 (with blank verso) instead of
Kraus 86/87 (citing a proof copy dated 1870); Sotheby 137.
GC copy bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately pnnted works; accompanied by
1 copy of the Breve summano in wrappers, with 2 corrected proofs laid in
(MH248); 1 copy in wrappers of the Avertimenti, with 4 corrected proofs laid in
(MH250); and 1 corrected proof copy of the entire text, in Middl~Hill boards,
with 6 additional corrected proof sheets laid in (MH249); this proof copy also
includes a leaf of preface, which was apparently never formally issued.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH COLL. VOL. 6; PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH248;
MH250; MH249

407. [ .J De conquestu Angliae pe'r Hispanos tempore Eliza-

bethae,'Angliae Reginae. [Cheltenham? Middle Hill Press, 186-?] 4 pp. 34 cm.
Probably a trial setting of the first 4 pp. of the preceding.
The documents in this fragment are in Italian or Spanish.
GC copy in wrappers; 2 uncorrected proof sheets (pp. 1/4 and pp. 2/3) laid in.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH255

[114 ]

408. De convivio 50 meretricum cum Duce Valentino. [Cheltenham:

Middle Hill Press, 1869.] 1 sheet ([ 1] p.) 17 X 11 cm.
Describing the participation of Pope Alexander VI, Lucrezia Borgia and others
in an orgy.
Kraus 49 (including no. 412 below).
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs, one inscribed at
top, "8 Apr 1869 Print off."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH320

409. The declaration of a lady. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1869.] 3,

[r] pp. (the last p. blank) 17 cm.
Fenwick 115; Kraus 35.3.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs bearing revision
dates in May 1869.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH328

410. An ex-Catholic priest's opinion of the Church ofRome.

[Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1869.] 8 pp. 18 cm.
Signed at end: "Vincenzo Crespi, 5, St. Philip's Parade, Cheltenham,june 29th,
186 9."
Kraus 20; Sotheby 138(2).
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH304

411. Ex1ibro "De vitis Archiepiscoporum de Besancon." [Middle Hill:

Middle Hill Press, 1852.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 x 22 cm.
"De Claude de Balme, 80eme archevesque de Besancon," recounting his various
Sotheby 144(3).
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 3 corrected proofs, bearing various
revision dates in june, 1852.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH333

412. Ex vita Ducis Valentino. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1871.] 8 pp.
17 cm.
Describing the misconduct of Cesare Borgia, Pope Alexander VI, and others.
Kraus 49 (including no. 408 above).
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 2 corrected proof sheets bearing revi-
sion dates injune and july 1871.
Pl.IILL. COLL. 34.52 MH321

[lI5 ]

413. Extractfrom the work ofAlan Cope, ('1 Harpsfield,) entitled,

"Dialogi sex contra summi pontificatus oppugnatores." 1566. [Middle
Hill:] James Rogers, typis Medio-Montanis impressit, 1846. 1 sheet ([1] p.) 34 x
Fenwick 113.3; Lowndes (App.), p. 233; Kraus 399.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs; copy 2 bound in vol. 2
of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH67

414. I have been reading the Travels of Gabriel d'Emilianne, in which

he describes some of the transactions ofmonks and priests in Catholic
countries . .. [Middle Hill or Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 186-?] 1 sheet
([1] p.) 18 x 12 cm.
Signed "A Protestant" at end, but probably written by Sir Thomas, whose edition
of Of the corruption of the Italian priests and monks in their devotions, &c. by Gabriel
d'Emilliane [i.e., Antonio Gavin] (Checklist no. 425) appeared in 1865.
Kraus 23.
GC copy in later wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH426

415. In April 168g a Portuguese priest came to Macao, called Father

Nicolas . .. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1863.] 2, [2] pp. (the last 2 pp.
blank) 17 cm.
An anti-Catholic anecdote.
Kraus 14.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 1 corrected proof bearing revision
date "20 July 63."
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH311

416. Is not Mr. Edmund Beales a Roman Catholic, ... [Cheltenham:

Middle Hill Press, 1866 or 1867.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 9 x 12 cm.
Published in connection with Beale's activities as leader of the Reform League
during 1866 and 1867.
"Is not Mr. Edmund Beales a Roman Cath~lic, If he is, we know what he
wants"":::The Papists to rule over us."
GC copy in later wrappers.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH366

417. The Jesuits and the affair ofMr. de Buck. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill
Press], 1864 [i.e., 1867.] 8 pp. 18 cm.
Kraus 25; Sotheby 138(3).

[ 116]

GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof, bearing revision

date on t.-p. "25]uly 67," and date 1867 at foot oft.-p. corrected in MS to read
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH403

418. Letter ofan Irish priest, the Rev. F. J. Burke. [Cheltenham: Middle
Hill Press, 1869.] [2], 9, [1] pp. (the first 2 and last pp. blank) 17 cm.
Kraus 157; Sotheby 138(4).
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by a set of 6 corrected proof sheets,
bound in Middle Hill boards, bearing various revision dates in August 1869;
inscribed on 1 sheet is a direction to print 100 copies; laid in the proof volume
are 2 TLS from William B. Todd and a telegram from H. D. Horblit concerning
this work.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH312

419. Letter ofPope Innocent the XI. to James, Duke of York, 25 Jury
1682. [Middle HilI: Middle HilI Press, 1861.] 8 pp. 17 cm.
Supposedly outlining a Catholic conspiracy.
Contents: Letter of Pope Innocent the XI. to James, Duke of York, 25 July I682-Letter
ofJames II. to the Pope, dated I7 May I684- Considerationi, dalle quali si conosce douer
esser utile il matrimonio sudetto anco alla religione cattolica-A letter to the Pope, written
with the King's (James 2.) own hand.
Lowndes (App.), p. 234; Kraus 155/156; Sotheby 138(1).
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 5 corrected proof sheets bearing var-
ious revision dates in October-December 1861.
PHILL. C;:OLL. 34.52 MH314

420. Mr. Gladstone's character anaryzed, and his Protestant principles

tested. 1872. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1872.] 4 pp. 18 cm.
GC copy in later wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH369

421. The mockery of civil and religious liberty in England.

[Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1868.] 8 pp. 19 cm.
Against Catholic emancipation.
Kraus 26/27; Sotheby 139(3).
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 2 proof copies, 1 bearing revision
date "5 Dec 68."
PBILL. COLL. 34.52 MH301

422. Mutato nomine, de te fabula narratur, Regina! Cavete Britanni.

[Middle Hill or Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 186-?] 2, [2] pp. (the last 2 pp.
blank) 17 cm.

[ 117]

Concerning the responsibility of the sovereign to oversee counsellors in deci-

sions relating to religion and other matters of state.
Kraus 114; Sotheby 139(4).
GC copy in later wrappers.

423. A new inscriptionfor Farthinghoe Church. [Cheltenham: Middle

Hill Press, 1871.]1 sheet ([1] p.) 17 x 11 cm.
An anti-Catholic poem.
Kraus 34.3.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by a proof sheet bearing revision date
"15 Feb 1871."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH315

424. Nunneries in old times. [Middle Hill or Cheltenham: Middle Hill

Press, 186-?]1 sheet ([1] p.) 18x 11 cm.
Anti-Catholic anecdotes, extracted from a work by John Gibbon, apparently
GC copy in later wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH358

425. Of the corruption of the Italian priests and monks in their devo-
tions, &c. By Gabriel d'Emilliane. Cheltenham: Printed by]. Lowe, 1865.
[2],36 pp. 17 cm.
By Antonio Gavin. See also Checklist no. 414.
Added t.-p.: The eighth letter oj Gabriel d'Emilianne, a secular priest oj Italy in I69I.
Cheltenham: Printed by] Lowe, I865.
Kraus 22; Sotheby 127(1).
GC copy in later wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH299

426. On a Puseyite parson. Broadway:]. Rogers, printer, 1863 [i.e., 1864?]

1 sheet ([2] pp.) 16 x 11 cm.
Verses against "Father C ......... ," identified in a proof copy belonging to the GC as
Rev. C.'S. Caffin.
Proof copies of this work exist dated 1864.
Fenwick 114; Kraus 28.
GC copy in later wrappers; inscribed on p. [2] in the hand of Sir Thomas
Phillipps: "List of those who desired to have a copy of these verses, at Broadway"
followed by 14 names; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs, one with the final
verse present in MS, in Sir Thomas's hand.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH317

[ 118]

427. Plan of the ritualistic campaign. [Cheltenham or Middle Hill:

Middle Hill Press, 186-?] 4 pp. 17 cm.
Anti-Catholic verse.
Signed at end: "Martin F. Tupper."
In this version, the last line on p. [1] is "Which early Christians knew for bread
and wine."
Kraus 33 (version not specified); Sotheby 151 (2) (version not specified).
GC copy in later wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH316

428. Plan of the ritualistic campaign. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press,

1869.] 4 pp. 17 cm.
Signed at end: "Martin F. Tupper."
In this version, the last line on p. [1] is "Make a dread Mystery that simple feast."
Kraus 33 (version not specified); Sotheby 151 (2) (version not specified).
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 2 corrected proof copies bearing
revision dates in April 1869.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH316B

429. Political catechism for England and Ireland. [Middle Hill or

Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 186-?] 1 sheet ([2] pp.) 21 X 13 cm.
Sotheby 151 (1).
GC has 17 copies bound in Middle Hill boards, and another copy, dis bound, laid
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH475

430. Protestant readings. No popery. Extract from a speech in Sheffield

in the year 1839, by the Rev. R. J. McGhee, M.A. [Cheltenham or Middle
Hill: Middle Hill Press, 186-?] 4 pp. 18 cm.
Sotheby 139(1).
GC copy in later wrappers.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR370

431. The riform cry. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 186-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.)

"To the editor of the St. James's Chronicle."

Appeal to Protestants to see the call for "reform" as a Catholic trick.
Signed "Cassandra" at end.
Kraus 239(2).
GC copy disbound.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR325

[ Il9]

432. Reliquiae ecclesiae Sanctae Winifridae. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill

Press, 1866.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 35 x 21 cm.
A list of relics located in the Benedictine abbey at Shrewsbury, at the time of
Henry II. The same list is printed in Owen, Hugh. A history of Shrewsbury. London,
1825, vol. 2, pp. 42-43.
Kraus 277/278; Sotheby 144(5).
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 2 proof copies, the first corrected, and
dated 8 May 1866, the second uncorrected and inscribed at top "24 copies Print
off 31 My 66"; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH68

433. Reverendi in Christo patris Jacobi Marelli, Soc. Jesus [sic}

Amores. E scriniis provinciae superioris Germaniae Monacki nuper
apertis brevi libello expositi, per Karolum Henricum de Lang . ..
Monachi, 1815 [i.e., Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1864.] [2],6 pp. 35 cm.
Fenwick 77; Kraus 195/l96.
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by a corrected proof copy, the
sheets of which are date<;l variously 3 or 10 August 1864; copy 2 bound in vol. 2
of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works. . '
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH65

434. The ritualists. Beware! They are fooling thee. [Cheltenham: Middle
Hill Press, 1870.] 1 sheet ([ 1] p.) 17 x 10 cm.
Anti-Catholic verse.
Signed at end: "Mary Frances Tupper."
Kraus 35.6.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 3 corrected proofs, 1 bearing revi-
sion date: "8 Feb 1870."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH331

435. Romanism in the British army. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press,

1869.] 4 pp. 18 cm.
Signed "A Protestant soldier" at end.
Kraus,3 1; Sotheby 139(5).
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof, bearing revision
date "7 Jun 69"
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH303

436. Romanism in the British army. 1865. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill

Press, 1869.] 4 pp. 18 cm.
Signed "A Protestant soldier" at end.

[ 120]

A variant ofthe preceding, with "1865" following the title.

Kraus 30.
GC copy disbound, inscribed at top "[?] June 1869 Print off 100 copies"; accom-
panied by 1 corrected proof.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH303B

437. A short and true account of the several advances the Church of
England hath made towards Rome, or, A model of the grounds upon
which the Papists for these hundred years have built their hopes and
expectations that England would ere long return to Popery. By Dr.
DuMoulin, sometime history professor of Oxford. London, printed in
the year, 1680. [Ipswich: S. H. Cowell, 1860.] 24 pp. 25 cm. (4to)
Printed in Ipswich by S. H. Cowell; cf. Geoffrey Wakeman, "Anastatic Printing for
Sir Thomas Phillipps," Journal of the Printing Historical Society, no. 5, 1969, pp. 37.
Lithographed from MS.
A fragment only.
Fenwick 113.4; Kraus 21; Twyman Cat. 4.3; Sotheby 88(2).
GC copy 1 in wrappers, inscribed on front cover: "Du-Moulin's Advances of the
Church of England towards Rome"; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' pri-
vately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH297

438. The spider monk, and the maiden fly. [Middle Hill or Cheltenham:
Middle Hill Press, 186-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 17X 11 cm.
An anti-clerical poem.
Kraus 34.2.
GC copy in later wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH300

439. Strange and remarkable prophesies and predictions of the hofJ,

learned, and excellent James Usher, l. Arch-Bishop ofArmagh, and
Lord Primate ofIreland. " Written by the person who heard it from
this excellentperson's own mouth . .. London, Printedfor R. C.1678.
[Cheltenham? Middle Hill Press, 186-?] 4 pp. 34 cm.
How to fill the pope's treasury: p. 4, in verse.
Fenwick 113.1.
GC copy bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.

[ 121 ]

440. To Protestants. Broadway:]. Rogers, printer, [185-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.)

17 XII cm.
Urging Protestants to meet in private homes instead of gathering at church to
hear "false doctrine."
Kraus 35.1-
GC copy in later wrappers.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR326

441. To the editor of the Cheltenham Free Press and Gloucestershire

Herald. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, between 1863 and 1872?] 1 sheet
([1] p.) 18 x 11 cm.
Appeal to Protestants to see the call for "reform" as a Catholic trick.
Signed at end: "Thomas Phillipps. Thirlestaine."
Kraus 239(1); Sotheby 152(2).
GC copy in later wrappers.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR324

442. To the eledorsofEast Worcestershire. [Middle Hill? s.n., 1865.]

1 sheet ([1] p.) 38 x 26 cm.
"Gentlemen, I am desirous of giving you an opportunity of declaring your senti-
ments upon the encroachments of Roman Catholics .... "
Signed at end: "Thomas Phillipps. Middle Hill, Worcester, July 1,1865."
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR479

443. To the inhabitants ofBroadway. Broadway:]. Rogers, printer,

[l85-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 17 XII cm.
Also signed 'James Rogers."
"The Roman Catholics say that in the Sacrament of Our Lord's Supper they actu-
ally eat the real body, and blood of Christ, if so, are they not cannibals?"
Kraus 35.2.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR327

444. To the people ofEngland. [Middle Hill or Cheltenham: Middle Hill

Press, 186-?] 4 pp. 19 cm.
Anti-Catholic verses, signed "Watchman" at end.
Kraus 29.
GC copy disbound.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR453

[ 122]

445. What is done in nunneries (from a work written by a Roman

Catholic.) [Middle Hill or Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 186-?J 1 sheet
([lJ p.) 20 x 14 cm.
Text begins: "We may se ful vyvydly / that sum man fallyt in folly ... "
Kraus 34.1.
GC copy in later wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH2g8

[ 123 ]

446. An acrostic. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 183-?] [4] pp. 16 cm.
Four poems.
By Sir Thomas Phillipps? GC has a proof copy headed: "Odes by [?] Phillipps."
Contents: An acrostic [on the name Amelia Caswell] - To a lady requiring me to write
an acrostic - An intermittent acrostic [on the name Sara Phillips], on being requested
to write on "YVhat it is to love"-An acrostic [on the name Jane Brown].
Kraus 104.
GC copy in contemporary wrappers; accompanied by 2 proof copies of this text
in sheets, annotated and corrected; also accompanied by 2 corrected proofs of
another poem also entitled "An acrostic," this text composed on the name Hariet
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH43

447. [Adolphus Brightley's expenses for equipping the Middle Hill

Press.] [Middle Hill: Adolphus Brightley, 1822.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 20 x 15 cm.
A printed list of expenses incurred in 1822 by Adolphus Brightley in setting up
the Middle Hill Press.
Text begins: "About 650 lbs. type .... "
GC copy is the one illustrated in Munby III, plate V, facing p. 15; inscription in
pencil at top: "Brightley's expences."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH520

448. Anecdote related by Mr. Steiger to Lord Mahon. [Middle Hill:

Middle Hill Press, 1863?] 3, [1] pp. (the last p. blank) 18 cm.
A ghost story.
Kraus 105/106 (citing proof copy dated 1863).
GC copy in wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof, laid in.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH228

449. An appeal to the tradesmen of the metropolis, by one of themselves.

[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, Charles Gilm<;lUr, printer, 1841 or 1842?] [4]
Concerning the Corn Laws.
Signed at end: "A London tradesman."
The text seems to have been taken from a pamphlet of this title published Lon-
don, 1841.
GC copy is a proof, annotated throughout in the hand of Sir Thomas; at end is a
MS colophon identifying Gilmour as the printer.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH391

[ 124]

450. [ .] Substance ofan Appeal to the tradesmen ofLondon,

by one of themselves. Broadway: Charles Gilmour, printer, [1841 or 1842?] 1
sheet [1] p. 34 x 42 cm.
Concerning the Corn Laws.
Signed at end: "A London tradesman."
Adapted from the pamphlet published London, 1841, under title An appeal to the
tradesmen of the metropolis, by one of themselves.
GC copy disbound.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH392

451. Authors lives in Fabronieis [i.e., Fabronius.J [Cheltenham: Middle

Hill Press, 1869.] 3, [1] pp. (the last p. blank) 18 cm.
Names of Italian authors, arranged in 20 numbered groups; this is probably an
index to Fabroni's Vitae [talorum doctrina excellentium qui saeculis XVII. et "A'VI1I.
floruerunt . .. , published Pis a, 1778-1805, in 20 vols.
Kraus 97; Sotheby 127(3).
GC copy in later wrappers; "Fabronieis" in title altered in MS to read "Fabronius";
accompanied by 2 corrected proofs, dated 7 and 8 April, 1869.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH428

452. The bell post. A tale of the early days of Geelong. Dedicated to
Miss D. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1862.] 4 pp. 17 cm.
In verse.
First edition. A second edition was published in 1865.
This edition has no indication of authorship, but the second edition is signed at
end: "E. D."
Kraus 107.
GC copy unbound; accompanied by 2 proof copies, annotated and corrected in
the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps, one inscribed "29 Sep 1862," the other "21 S
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH44

45.'3. The bell post. A tale of the early days of Geelong, at Port Phillip in
Australia. Dedicated to Miss D ... [Cheltenham:] Middle Hill Press, 1865.
4 pp. 17 cm.
Signed at end: "E. D."
Kraus 108.
GC copy unbound; accompanied by 2 proof copies, annotated and corrected in
the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps, one inscribed "2nd edition 3 Feb 1865," the
other inscribed "10 Feb 65."
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR45

[ 125 ]

454. [Broadway Dorcas Society.] The report of the committee, from

October 31st, 1863, to October 31st, 1864. Broadway:]. Rogers, printer,
[1864.] [4] pp. (pp. [2] and [4] blank) 18 cm.
Probably published at the expense of Sir Thomas; Mrs. Phillipps is listed among
the subscribers to this charity, and James Rogers was Sir Thomas's printer.
GC copy dis bound.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH459

455. Buckland and Laverton tenants, Sept. 1834. [Middle Hill: Middle
Hill Press, 1834.] 1 sheet ([2] pp.) 34 x 21 cm.
List of tenants on Sir Thomas's various estates.
Also includes: Childswickham tenants Sept. I834 (p. [2]).
Lowndes (App.), p. 232; Kraus 119; Sotheby 45(2).
GC copy disbound; annotations and additions in Phillipps's hand, bringing the
entries up to 1837; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH389

456. Buckland tenants, March 1836. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
1836.] [4] pp. (the last p. blank) 33 cm,'
Also includes: Child's Wickham tenants, March I 836 (p. [2]); and: Broadway tenants,
March I836 (p. [3]).
Some entries include printed indications of rents due.
GC copy disbound.
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH388

457. Conditions of the gift ofBotta's Nineveh to the library of Win-

chester College atWinchester. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1857.]
1 sheet ([1] p.) 32 x 19 cm.
"This work ... is given to the library of Winchester College, with the hope that
the monument of the Revd. Owen Phillipps, which now exists in the cloisters of
the College, will be always preserved in the future ... "
Signed at end: "Thomas Phillipps, of Middle Hill, 1857."
Includes another version of the text, mentiolfing an additional gift of "Denon's
Egypt~' under the same conditions, printed beneath the first version; the dona-
tion was apparently made in 1858. Cf. MunbyV, p. 8 (note 1).
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by a corrected proof; copy 2 bound in vol. 6
of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH350

458. CotswoldArchery. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1849.] [4] pp. (the
last 3 pp. blank) 19 cm.

[ 126]

Announcing the second meeting for 1849 of the Cotswold Archery.

Signed at end: "Sir Thomas Phillipps, bart Steward. July 11, 1849."
GC copy inscribed at top: "Sir T & Lady Phillipps & party"; bound with: The stew-
ard's book, for the Cotswold archery . .. (Checklist no. 460).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH51

459. [ .J Rer;ulations to be observedJor the marquee, pur-

chased by the twenty under-mentioned subscribers. [Middle Hill: Middle
Hill Press]'June, 1849. [4] pp. (the last 2 pp. blank) 19 cm.
The marquee was purchased for the use of the Cotswold Archery.
GC has 2 copies, of which one is corrected and annotated in the hand of Sir
Thomas; both bound with: The steward's book, for the Cotswold archery . .. (Checklist
no. 460).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH51

460. [ .J The steward's book,Jor the Cotswold archery. Meetings

at Stow on the Wold. [Middle Hill:] Middle Hill Press, 1849. [4],9, [3],
10- 14, [3] pp. 19 cm.
Kraus 37; Sotheby 79
GC copy 1 in full contemporary russia, with binder's ticket: "Bretherton ligavit,
1850;" occasional MS corrections and annotations in the hand of Sir Thomas;
accompanied by 19 corrected proof sheets for various parts of the text, loose
between boards.
GC copy 2 in Middle Hill boards; MS corrections and annotations in various
hands, with notes on archery meetings through 1860; bound at end: Regulations
to be observed for the marquee, puchased by the twenty under-mentioned subscribers
(Checklist no. 459); and: Cotswold archery (Checklist no. 458); also bound at end
are 6 ALS from F. Colvile to Sir Thomas Phillipps concerning the Cotswold
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH51

461. Cottages in Buckland, 1826. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1834?] 1
sheet ([1] p.) 34x21 cm.
List of cottages on Sir Thomas's various estates.
Also includes: Cottages in Laverton; Cottages in Childs-Wickham.
Sotheby 45 (4)
GC copy watermarked 1834; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs, 1 also water-
marked 1834.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH390

462. Dialogue on the corn laws. Broadway: Charles Gilmour, printer, 1839.
11, [5] pp. (the last 2 pp. blank) 19 cm.

[ 127]

The landlords to the tradesmen: pp. [13]-[14] at end; for another version of this
text, see also Checklist no. 480.
Fenwick 108-4; Kraus 71; Sotheby61(1).
GC copy uncut and unopened in contemporary wrappers.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR226

463. Dilemmas or questions on important subjects, by T. P. [Middle

Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1867.] 3, [1] pp. 17 cm.
Mostly concerning the Biblical account of the Flood.
Fenwick 108.3; Kraus 233a.
GC copy in wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof copy, inscribed at top
"23June 67"
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR224

464. East Worcester. Vote for Sir Thomas Phillipps, the liberal land-
lord, andfriend of the poor . .. Broadway: T. Timbrill, printer, [1832.] 1
sheet ([1] p.) 33 x 20 cm.
Published in connection with Phillipps's unsuccessful campaign as a Reform can-
didate for Worcester in 1832. Cf. Munby II, p. 24.
Sotheby 36(2).
GC has 4 copies, disbound.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR477

465. East Worcestershire election. [Worcester:] Printed by Parry and Co.,

Journal Office, The Cross, Worcester, [1861.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 29 x 41 cm.
"Sir Thomas Phillipps being confined to his bed by a severe attack of gout, is
obliged to withdraw from the contest for East Worcestershire ... "
Signed at end: "Middle Hill, 19th December, 1861."
PRILL. CaLL. 34.52 MR480

466. The Epwell hunt, by .... Goulburn. The Raby hunt, by Martin
Hawke. The Melton hunt. [Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, excudit
Jacobus Rogers, 1847. [~d, 24 pp. 18 cm.
Three poems; The Melton hunt is by Sir Thomas Phillipps.
Fenwick 79; Lowndes (App.), p. 234 (giving incorrect date of 1840); Kraus
15 1/153; Sotheby 77.
GC copy in full contemporary russia, with binder's ticket: "Bretherton ligavit
1850;" Sir Thomas's own copy.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR35

[ 128 ]

467. The Epwell hunt. The Raby hunt. The Melton hunt. (Middle Hill:]
Typis Medio- Montanis, 1847. [2], 6 pp. 36 cm.
The three poems are by Edward Goulburn, Martin Hawke, and Sir Thomas
Phillipps, respectively.
Kraus 154; Sotheby 76.
GC copy bound in vol. 5 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.

468. The Epwell hunt, or, Black collars in the rear. The Raby hunt, or,
Howell Wood. The Melton hunt, or, A day with Lord Southampton.
[Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, 1849. [4],6 pp. 33 cm.
The three poems are by Edward Goulburn, Martin Hawke, and Sir Thomas
Phillipps, respectively.
Added t.-p. has imprint: Typis Medio-Montanis, 1847.
GC copy in contemporary half calf over boards, with binder's ticket: "Bretherton
ligavit 1850;" Sir Thomas's own copy.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR34

469. Established Church of Ireland. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press,

James Rogers, printer, 1867.] 7, [1] pp. (the last p. blank) 18 cm.
"House of Commons, Tuesday, May 7, 1867. Division."
Kraus 160; Sotheby 138(5).
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 7 corrected proof sheets, bearing
revision dates in May and August of 1867, some inscribed to 'J" or 'j.R.," i.e.,
James R,ogers.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR307

470. The expediency and divine origins of laws setforth. An assize ser-
mon, preached in the cathedral church at Worcester, on the 17th of
JulJ, 1&~5, by the rev. D. Steele Perkins, B.A. chaplain to the High
Sheriff. Evesham: Sold by J. Agg; Davis, Broadway; and Knibb and Langbridge,
Worcester, (1826.] 16 pp. 21 cm.
Dedication (to Sir Thomas Phillipps, High Sheriff) signed: "Duncumb Steele
Martin, p. 450; Lowndes (App.), p. 227 ("1826").
GC copy in full russia, with binder's ticket: "Bretherton ligavit, 1848"; small green
arnlOrial seal on front pastedown.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR467

[ 129]

471. Fishing caution. Broadway:]ames Rogers, printer, [1856.] 1 sheet

([1] p.) 16 x 19 cm.
Warning against fishing on the estates of Sir Thomas Phillipps.
Dated at end: "Middle Hill, the 24th. day of April, 1856."
Sotheby 36(3) (giving incorrect date of 1858).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH483

472. Forget thee! [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press], printed by Sarah Halford,
13 Sep. 1856. 1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 x 11 cm.
In verse; no author given, but a poem of this title was published by Arthur Clifton.
Kraus 110.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 3 corrected proofs, bearing inscrip-
tions identifying this work as the "first essay in printing of Sarah Halford of Buck-
land, co. Glouc.," aged IS; see also Checklist no. 526.
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH365

473. Fragment ofa tour. 1835. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1836?] 4 pp.
18 cm.
A tour in Wiltshire and Wales, probably written by the eldest daughter of Sir
Thomas Phillipps. A corrected proof copiin the possession of the GC is inscribed
"written by a young lady aged 15"; Henrietta Phillipps (later Halliwell-Phillipps)
was born in 1819.
Fenwick 108.6; Kraus 227; Sotheby 125(3).
GC copy in wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof, disbound.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH203

474. Afragment of the voyages ofMr. Verigull Gulliver, (grandson to

the celebrated traveller.) to the island ofAe-Ri-Si-Ter, in the/lake of
Spe-Cul, situated in the province ofFo-Li, a part of China hitherto
unexplored, &c. &C. [Middle Hill: Charles Gilmour, 1839.] 5, [1] p. 34 cm.
At foot of p. 5: "Middle Hill, November, 1832."
Lowndes, p. 1857; Kraus 307.
GC copy 1 unbound; accompanied by 6 proof sl;1eets for various parts of the work,
with annotations and corrections in the hand of Sir Thomas; 1 sheet inscribed at
top: "C~rrected May 31 1839"; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately
printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH33


475. Afuneral sermon preached in Kempsey Church March, 14th. 18s;z.

on the death of the Rev. Matthew Lunn, vicar of the parish during
thirty six years, by the Rev. John Walcot. Printed at the request of the
parishioners. Middle Hill: [s.n.],June, 1852. [2], II, [3] pp. (the last 3 pp.
blank) 23 cm.
John Walcot was the husband of Sir Thomas's daughter Mary.
Lowndes (App.), p. 227; Kraus IgO; Sotheby llg (3).
GC copy in contemporary wrappers, unopened; accompanied by 3 corrected
proof copies.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH49

476. H. Ste. Claire Deville On aluminium and its chemical combina-

tions.1854. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1858.] [4] pp. 19 cm.
"(From Comptesrendus, 1854. p. 279.)"
Includes other excerpts on the subject from the same publication.
Kraus 6/7.
GC copy in wrappers; accompanied by 10 corrected proof copies, some inscribed
with revision dates, the latest being I4June 1858.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH222

477. An improved numeration table, to facilitate and extend astronom-

ical calculations, by Sir Thomas Phillipps bart. F.R.S. Middle-Hill:
Edwyn Offer, 182g. [2], 18 pp. 18 cm.
Martin, p. 452; Lowndes (App.), p. 228 (citing also a version on a single folio
sheet); Kraus 235 (proof sheets only).
GC copy in Middle Hill boards.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH223

478. Invocation to the freemen of Grimsby. Tune, Scots, who hae wi'
Wallace bled. Grimsby: Skelton, printer, [1826.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 34 x II cm.
By Ann Webster, the "Blind Poet of Grimsby"; Cf. Munby II, p. 64.
Published in connection with Phillipps's unsuccessful 1826 bid for the Grimsby
Parliamentary seat; Sir Thomas is mentioned in the text.
For another version of this poem, see Checklist no. 506.
Sotheby 22(1).
GC copy I in later wrappers; copy 2 laid in.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH371

[ 131 ]

479. The Irish Church. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1869?] 8 pp. 23 cm.
Concerning the disestablishment of the Irish Church.
"House of Commons, Friday, April 3. Division."
Kraus 161.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 4 corrected proof sheets.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH305

480. The landlords to the tradesmen. Broadway: Charles Gilmour, printer,

1839.1 sheet ([1] p.) 17 x 22 cm.
Caption title; imprint from colophon at foot of sheet.
This text was also published in 1839 as pp. [13]-[14] of Dialogue on the corn laws
(Checklist no. 462).
Lowndes (App.), p. 231.
Grolier Club copy bound with copy 2 of: An ancient confirmation deed (Checklist
no. 286).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH150 C. 2

481. [Leases.] Agreement between Sir Thomas Phillipps, baronet and the
cottage allotment tenants in Buckland, Gloucestershire, commencing from
29th Sept. 1837. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1837.] [4] pp. (the last 3 pp.
blank) 34 x 21 cm.
"Buckland, Oct. 2nd. 1837."
Lowndes (App.), p. 232; Sotheby 45(1).
GC copy disbound; the document is intended to be signed by one or more per-
sons, but tlris copy has no signatures.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH465

482. [ .] 1, in the county of hereby agree to rent

ofSir Thomas Phillipps, bart. all those late part of
farm, and I, the said Sir Thomas Phillipps, bart. in consideration of
the rent of per acre per annum for the said fields . .. agree to let
to the said the aforesaid [Middle Hill: Middle Hill
Press, 185-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 x 21 cm.
At head of title: "Middle Hill 29 Sep. 18
Dates e~pressed throughout in the form "185
GC has 4 copies and 1 corrected proof.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH514

[ 132]

48,3. [ .J Memorandum, that 1 ......... [etc.] [Cheltenham:

Middle Hill Press, between lS63 and IS72?] 1 sheet ([2] pp.) 33 x 20 cm.
Printed lease form.
Text makes passing reference to Thirlestaine House, where Sir Thomas lived
from lS63 until his death in lS72.
GC copy in later wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH408-1

484. [ .] Memorandum that of in the county of

do hereby attorn and become tenant to Sir Thomas Phillipps . ..
[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, IS5-?] [4] pp. (the last p. blank) 34 cm.
Lithograph facsimile of manuscript lease form.
Dated at end: "IS5 ."
GC copy in later wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH408-3

485. [ . J Mr. 1 hereby give you notice to quit and deliver

up to me on the twenty ninth day ofSeptember next, or whenever the
current year ofyour tenancy shall end and expire the peacable or quiet
possession ofall that cottage . .. and land, which you now rent ofme ...
[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, IS55.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 22 x IS cm.
"Dated this 24th day of March IS55."
GC copy disbound; corrected proof of the same text on verso.
PHILL.,COLL. 34.52 MH517

486. [ .J Mr. ..... 1 hereby give you notice to quit and deliver up
to me, on the ..... day oj. ...... next, or whenever the current year ofyour
tenancy shall end, and expire, the peacable, and quiet possession of all
that tenement, or dwelling house, farm ... or premises which you now
rent of me ... [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, IS6-?] 1 sheet ([ 1] p.) 22 x
IS cm.
GC copy completed in MS with name (John Samuel Stokes), date (29th Septem-
ber IS61), parish (Buckland), etc., and signed by Sir Thomas.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH515

487. [ .J This is the agreement between Sir Thomas Phillipps,

bart., and Mr. of in the parish of in the county
of for renting fields, called [Middle Hill:
Middle Hill Press, IS3-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 22 x IS cm.

[ 133]

GC copy disbound.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR5 1 3

488. [ .J To Mr. I, Sir Thos. Phillipps, bart. as your

landlord, do hereby give you notice, to quit and deliver up possession to
me, on the twenty-ninth day ofSeptember next . .. all the messuages,
and lands, premises, & hereditaments . .. which you now hold, &
occupy under me as your landlord. . . [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press,
1853.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 22 x 18 cm.
GC has 4 copies, disbound; accompanied by 2 corrected and 1 uncorrected
proofs, the corrected proofs bearing revision dates "11 March 1852" and "21
Mch 1853."
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR512

489. [ .J We, in the county of hereby agree to

rent ofSir Thomas Phillipps, bart. all those late part of
farm, and I, the said Sir Thomas Phillipps, bart. in consideration of
the rent of per acre per annum forthe said fields . .. agree to let
to the said the aforesaid
[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1849.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 x 21 cm.
At head of title: "Middle Hill 29 Sep. 1849."
GC copy disbound.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR516

490. Length of road from Middle-Hill to the adjacent houses,. &c. &c.
[Middle Hill:] Printed by E. Offer, [between 1826 and 1829.] 1 sheet ([1] p.)
17 x 12 cm.
Lowndes (App.), p. 232 ("20 copies printed"); Kraus 201.
GC copy in contemporary wrappers.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR58

491. List offruit trees planted by Sir T P. at Thirlestaine October

1864. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1865.] 2, [2] pp. (tlle last 2 pp. blank)
18 cm.
Kraus 245.3; Sotlleby61(7)' 125(4).
GC copy in contemporary wrappers; accompanied by 2 corrected proof copies,
one dated "14Jan 1865," tlle otller "6 F 65."
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR59

[ 134]

492. A list of the 20 free boys in Hodges's School. Broadway: Printed by

James Thomas Rogers, 2 Aug. 1858. 1 sheet ([l] p.) 14 x 9 cm.
The name 'James Thomas Rogers" also heads the list of students; this is possibly
an essay in printing by one of the 2 sons ofJames Rogers, printer to Sir Thomas;
see also Checklist no. 500.
GC copy in later wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH401

493. Lyrics, by J H. S. Cheltenham: Norman and Sons, Steam Printers and

Lithographers, 1864. [4],79, [1] pp. 22 cm.
By John Henry Scourfield, also known as John Henry Philipps.
Fenwick 104; Kraus 284/285; Sotheby 123.
GC copy in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by 2 partial proofs bound in
boards, annotated and corrected in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps; laid in is a
MS note from Phillipps to the printer concerning these proofs.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH42

494. Lyrics. Supplement. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1860.] 10 pp.
By John Henry Scourfield, also known as John Henry Philipps.
Kraus 286; Sotheby 105(2).
GC copy in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by an early proof of the first poem,
and another proof of the entire work, bearing MS date on first leaf: "2 May 1860";
annotations and corrections in the hand of Sir Thomas.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH40

495. Lyrics, and Philippics, by J. H. P. [Middle Hill:] Printed at Middle-

Hill Press, by James Rogers, 1859. [4],67, [1] pp. 20 cm.
By John Henry Scourfield, also known as John Henry Philipps.
A number of the poems are political satire; see also Checklist no. 516.
Kraus 287/288; Sotheby 105(1).
GC copy 1 in Middle Hill boards; bound after the t.-p. in this copy is a proof of
the t.-p., incorporating the Broadway Tower vignette; Sir Thomas's copy,
inscribed by him on front fly-leaf: "Sir Thos Phillipps Bt Middle Hill."
GC copies 2 & copy 3 in Middle Hill boards; proof copies, corrected and anno-
tated in the hand of Sir Thomas.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH39

496. Mandan village. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1840.] 12 pp. 23 cm.
A trial printing of a single chapter of Catlin's Letters and notes on the manners . .. of
the Narth American Indians, probably printed 1840. Cf. MunbyIY, pp. 51-53, and
PI. 1.

[ 135 ]

Fenwick 108.7.
GC copy 1 bound by Sangorski & Sutcliffe in full dark red crushed morocco; pp.
[1]-4 present in corrected proof state; inscribed by Sir Thomas Phillipps at top
of p. [1]: "The author of this account of the Indians is Mr. George Catlin an
American gentleman who resided 8 years among them."
GC copy 2 bound as copy 1; made up from corrected proof sheets: pp. [1]-2
printed on recto and verso of a half sheet, pp. 5-8 printed on recto only of a full
sheet, followed by 4 pp. on a half sheet, numbered 9-12, but actually containing
a repeat of the text on pp. 5-8; laid in is a half sheet containing the actual text of
pp. 9-12; inscribed by Sir Thomas Phillipps on p. [1]: "Written by Mr. George
Catlin of America."
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR461

497. Manor ofBuckland, in the county of Gloucester. Evesham:]. Agg,

printer, [between 1819 and 1822.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 38 x 23 cm.
In two parts. At the top of the sheet is an address to the bailiff of the manor; at
the bottom is the "charge in the court baron of Buckland."
Fenwick 15; Kraus 128.
GC has four copies; copy 2> disbound, annotated on verso with names from tombs
and graves of an unidentified Church; copy 3 annotated on verso with a series of
runic alphabets in the hand of Sir Thomas; copy 4 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T.
Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. CaLL. 34.52 MRI02

498. Manor of Childs wickham, in the county of Gloucester. Evesham:].

Agg, printer, [between 1819 and 1822.] 1 sheet ([1] p.); 38 x 23 cm.
In two parts. At the top of the sheet is an address to the bailiff of the manor; at
the bottom is the "charge in the court leet and court baron of Child,swickham."
Fenwick 15; Kraus 128.
GC has 3 copies; copy 2 annotated on verso with genealogical notes; copy 3
bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PRILL. CaLL. 34.52 MRI03

499. Mr. Lowe, Taxes 1871. The budget resolutions. [Cheltenham: Middle
Hill Press, 1871.] 7, [1] pp. 18 cm. .
Quoting some aspects of Lowe's controversial 1871 budget which were of partic-
ular interest to Sir Thomas Phillipps.
Contents: The succession duty- The legacy duty-Probate duties- The property and
income tax - The match-box tax.
Fenwick 108.5; Sotheby61(2).
GC copy in later wrappers.
PRILL. CaLL. 34.52 MR334

[ 136]

500. Names of the principal planters, and settlers in Jamaica, 1633

(from a MS. of Charles Long, esqr.) [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, James
Thomas Rogers, printer, 1860.] 10, [2] pp. (the last 2 pp. blank) 18 cm.
Fenwick 65; Kraus 8; Sotheby 148.
GC copy in wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof sheet, inscribed at top:
'James Thos Rogers 19 Sep. 1860"; this appears to be an essay in printing by one
of the 2 sons ofJames Rogers, printer to Sir Thomas; see also Checklist no. 492.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH242

501. The new Parliament. 1869. The following is a list of the members
who have been returned to serve in the next Parliament, distinguished
as Liberals and Conservatives . .. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1869.]
19, [1] pp. (the last p. blank) 18 cm.
Fenwick 108.2; Sotheby 61 (4).
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by a set of 9 corrected proof sheets bear-
ing various revision dates inJuly 1869, bound in contemporary boards.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH308

5O;;~. A new songfor Christmas 1856. Broadway: Printed by James Rogers,

1858.1 sheet ([1] p.) 22 x 26 cm.
Verses describing a legal dispute between "a Good Man, who possessed great
Estates" [i.e., Sir Thomas?] and a clergyman, over the felling of some timber.
Kraus I l l .
GC copy in contemporary wrappers; accompanied by 3 corrected proof copies.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH48

503. Notice. All the allotment tenants ofSir Thomas Phillipps, bart . ..
[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1853.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 22 x 16 cm.
"Middle Hill, 18 April 1853."
GC copy 1 unbound; copy 2 (2 iterations of the same text on a single sheet) dis-
bound; accompanied by a corrected proof.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH495

504. The number of ancestors which every person must have in each
generation as far as the 50th. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 18 5-?] 1
sheet ([1] p.) 20 x 8 cm.
A table.
Kraus 13; Sotheby 61 (3).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH61

[ 137 ]

505. Observations onfree trade in corn, by T. P. Addressed to his ten-

ants in Worcestershire, and Glocestershire [sic). Middle Hill: T. Timbrill,
printer, [1834.]1 sheet ([2] pp.) 22 x 17 cm.
Dated at end: "Middle Hill, Oct. 1834."
Kraus 72.
GC copy in later wrappers.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR399

506. Ode to genius. [Middle Hill? s.n., 1826?] pp. 77-80; 21 cm.
Offprint or excerpt from an unidentified larger work, apparently a collection of
poems by Ann Webster, the "Blind Poetess of Grimsby" (Cf. Munby II, p. 64).
Also includes (pp. 79-80): Invocation to theJreemen oj Grimsby, signed at end HA.W."
[i.e., Ann Webster], and dated "Grimsby, 28, April, 1826"; tlIis second poem was
issued as a separate leaflet in 1826 (Checklist no. 478).
The two poems were originally published in connection witlI Sir Thomas's unsuc-
cessful 1826 bid for the Grimsby Parliamentary seat, as an anti-CatlIolic candi-
date; Sir Thomas is mentioned in both poems.
Kraus 346; Sotheby 22(2).
GC copy unbound; some ink annotation in the hand of Sir Thomas.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR371b

507. Oh! Sir Thomas, you little think to what you have married your
eldest daughter! . .. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1863.]1 sheet ([2] pp.)
17 x 11 cm.
Text of an anonymous letter originally sent to Sir Thomas Phillipps in 1842,
which criticized the character and conduct of his son-in-law,]. O~Halliwell; this
version published by Sir Thomas in 1863 as part of his campaign to damage Hal-
liwell's reputation. The text is quoted in full in Munby II, pp. 47-48; Sotheby
75(2), 125(2).
GC copy 1 & copy 2 disbound; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs, both dated 7
Aug. 1863.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR482

508. On drunkenness. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 183-?] 1 sheet

([1] p.) 21 x 17 cm.
Text begins: "Oh! That man should put an enemy into his mouth to steal away his
GC copy in later wrappers.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR400

[ 138]

509. On free trade. Broadway: James Rogers, printer, 1851. 1 sheet ([2] pp.)
34X 21 cm.
"To the gentlemen who attended ilie protectionist meeting at Worcester."
Signed at end: "M.H. 30June 1851. T.P."
Kraus 236/237.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by 3 corrected proof copies; copy 2 bound in
vol. 7 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed works.
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH225

510. On the existence of a second Stonehenge, at Malta. [Middle Hill:

Middle Hill Press, 1860.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 23 x 14 cm.
Signed at end: "Thos. Phillipps. Middle Hill, December 1860."
"To ilie editor of the Cambrian Journal."
GC copy in later wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH458

511. One guinea reward. Whereas some evil disposed persons have
stolen several larch, and other trees from the plantation ofSir Thomas
Phillipps, bart. ... Broadway: James Rogers, printer, [1860.] 1 sheet ([1] p.)
Signed at end: "Charles Phillips."
"February 20, 1860."
GC copy loose in later wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof, with a ver-
sion of this text in a different setting of type on its verso.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH407

512. [Plan of a camp at Sebastopol, and sketch ofPurley font.] [Middle

Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1854.] 1 sheet ([1] p.): 2 ill. (liiliographs) 33 x 21 cm.
Kraus 263/264'
GC copy 1 folded and stitched into contemporary wrappers; copy 2 unbound;
accompanied by a proof copy of ilie Sebastopol sketch, inscribed at top: "Rough
sketch of himself & his tent in ilie camp before Sebastopol 1854 by Geo Morgan
4th Dragoon Guards"; furilier inscribed in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps:
"Lithographed at Middle Hill 1854"; copy 3 bound in vol. 6 of Sir T. Phillipps' pri-
vately printed works.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH32

513. The portrait ofAgatha Lanzi, or, The two pictures. By a gentleman.
Middle Hill: Printed by Edwin Offer, 1827. [4], 16 pp. 19 cm.
GC copy in Middle Hill boards; inscribed by Sir Thomas Phillipps on front fly-
leaf: "This book is very rare, very few copies having been printed, unknown to Sir
Thomas Phillipps, by Edwin Offer for Mrs. Graves, Sir T.P.'s sister in law."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH456

[ 139 ]

514. The prayer of the book. Proper to be inserted in all books. [Middle
Hill: s.n., 1824?] 1 sheet ([ 1] p.) 17 x 10 cm.
Kraus 115; Sotheby 22(3).
Signed and dated at end: "Robert Tomes. Worcester, December 18th. 1824."
In verse.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH53

515. Proposed petition of the farmers and landlords of Worcestershire

and Gloucestershire to the Houses ofLords and Commons. Broadway:
Printed by Charles Gilmour, Decr. 1838. [4] pp. (the first p. blank) 34 cm.
Protesting a proposed repeal of the Corn Laws.
GC copy 1 unbound; copy 2 bound in vol. 7 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH341

516. Rebecca. On the Rebecca Riots in Wales. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill
Press, 1859.] 4PP. 17 cm.
Verses by John Henry Scourfield, also known as John Henry Philipps.
A different version appeared in the author's Lyrics and Philippics (Checklist
no. 495).
Kraus 276; Sotheby 109(2).
GC copies 1 & 2 in contemporary wrappers; c. 2 inscribed at top ofp. [1]: "Print
off 29 D 1859"; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs, a MS copy of the poem, and
a MS fragment of the first verse.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR41

517. The representation of the people bill. House of Commons, Thursday,

May 2,1867. Division . .. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1867.] 9, [3] pp.
(the last 3 pp. blank) 18 cm.
On the Reform Bill.
GC copy in later wrappers.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH309

518. 'Rev. Joseph Hunter's remarks on the conduct ofJames Orchard

Halliwell. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1847.] 1 sheet (2 pp.) 17 XII cm.
Alleged misconduct of Halliwell in the matter of a manuscript journal of Sir
Henry Wotton.
Dated at end: "Feb. 4, 1847."
Sotheby 75(3),125(1).
GC copy disbound; accompanied by a corrected proof.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR481

[ 140]

519. Schedule ofdeeds belonging to Sir Thomas Phillipps, bart. [Middle

Hill: Middle Hill Press, Thomas Payne, printer, 1861.] 1 sheet (1, [1]) p. 34 cm.
At end: "The above list is in the autograph of Mr. Nath. Hartland, banker at Eve-
sham, & was made in or about the year 1856."
Kraus 242; Sotheby63(3)
GC has 15 copies bound in Middle Hill boards; accompanied by 2 additional
copies, disbound, and 5 corrected proofs, bearing various revision dates in April
1861; one proof bears superscription "Payne."
PHILL. CaLL. 34.52 MH472

520. A schedule of the several deeds, papers, and writings, relating to

the title ofSir Thomas Phillipps, ofMiddle Hill, in the parish of
Broadway, in the county of Worcester, baronet, to an estate in the
parish of Weston Subedge, in the county of Gloucester, called the Hon-
eybourne Bridge estate, and the lodge grounds mortgaged by the said
Sir Thomas Phillipps to the Reverend Francis Laing, of the My the, in
the parish of Tewkesbury, in the county of Gloucester, clerk, and Elias
Isaac, ofBoughton, in the parish ofSt. John's, in Bedwardine, in the
county of Worcester, esquire, for securing 3,000 and interest. [Middle
Hill? Middle Hill Press? 1837.] 3, [1] p. 34 cm.
"Dated 15th. February, 1837 ... Examined, Cameron and Foley, Worcester."-
p. [4]
Kraus 243/244; Sotheby 63(4)
GC COpy'l & copy 2 disbound; copy 2 has annotations in the hand of Sir Thomas
recording additional deeds and documents.
PRILL. CaLL. 34.52 MH382

521.Schedule of title deeds relating to the estate called Brockhampton

Farm, in the parish ofSnowshill, in the county of Gloucester. [Middle
Hill: Middle Hill Press, 182-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 35 x 22 cm.
Final entry dated 1820.
GC copy disbound; annotated in the hand of Sir Thomas.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR387

522.Sir, On examining more closely the book called Ince, and

Gilbert's, Outlines ofEnglish history, I find the followingfalsehoods,
and absurdities . .. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1858.] [4] pp. (the last
p. blank) 17 cm.
Signed: "A Protestant;" probably written by Sir Thomas Phillipps.
Dated at top: "g,July 1858."

[141 ]

Sotheby 139(2).
GC copy in wrappers; accompanied by 2 corrected proof copies.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH227

523. The song ofSion, or, Pictures in paradise. A sacred ode by the Rev.
Joseph Golding, M.A., Vicar ofNewbold Pacy, Warwickshire. 1836.
[Middle Hill:] Typis Medio-Montanis, impressit C. Gilmour, 1838. 18 pp. 22 cm.
Fenwick 82; Kraus 139/139a; Sotheby 51/53'
GC copy 1 in contemporary half leather over marbled boards; accompanied by 3
incomplete sets of proof sheets, two with annotations and corrections in the hand
of Sir Thomas Phillipps; copy 2 bound with copy 2 of An ancient confirmation deed
(Checklist no. 286).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH37

524. South Australia 1861. Fellenberg Commercial School. In the city of

Adelaide. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1861.] 3, [1] pp. 17 cm.
An account of the half-yearly meeting of the scholars. Prominently mentioned is
Herbert Phillipps, who may have been a relation of Sir Thomas.
Kraus 40.
GC copy 1 dis bound; accompanied by 2 corrected proof copies; copy 2 disbound;
in folding case with bookplate of Geoffrey Farmer.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH47

525. Stealing wood, caution. Broadway: James Rogers, printer, [1855.]

1 sheet ([1] p.) 16 x 19 cm.
Warning against cutting or stealing wood on the estates of Sir Thomas Phillipps.
Dated at end: "Middle Hill, the 24th. day of February 1855."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH484

526. This day is published, price one penny, The Arabian ass, or,
Lawyer Sly. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, Sarah Halford, printer, 1856.]
1 sheet ([1] p.) 14 x 11 cm.
fu~~. .
Dateq at end: "Broadway, June 10, 1811," but 'this version actually printed in 18 56.
Kraus 36.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by 3 corrected proofs, 2 of which have
inscriptions identifying the subject of the poem as Broadway lawyer John Higford
Griffiths, and the printer as Sarah Halford; the date of publication is given as
September, 1856; see also Checklist no. 472.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH364

[ 142]

527. [Timber sales.] To be sold, (by private contract,) on Tuesday, the

2d ofJanuary, 1827. Twentyfour drifts of under-wood, ash poles, &c.
of twelve years' g;rowth . .. [Middle Hill: Edwin Offer, 1826.J 1 sheet
([IJ p.) 13 X 21 cm.
"Middle-hill, the 26th of Dec. 1826."
GC copy is a corrected proof; bound with: To be sold, (by private contract,) on Satur-
day, the 5th of May, I827. (Checklist no. 529).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH406

528. [ .J To be sold, (by private contract,) on Thusrday [sic),

the 25th ofJanuary, 1827, at one o'clock. A quantity ofunder-wood,
ash poles, &c. ofseventeen years' growth. . . [Middle Hill: Edwin Offer,
1827?J 1 sheet ([lJ p.) 15 x 21 cm.
"Middle-hill, the 20th ofJan. 1826." [i.e., 1827?J
GC copy bound with: To be sold, (by private contract,) on Saturday, the 5th of May,
I827, at one o'clock . .. (Checklist no. 529).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH406

529. [ .J To be sold, (by private contract,) on Saturday, the 5th

ofMay, 1827, at one o'clock. At Armley Bank plantation near the turn-
pike road on Broadway hill, about two acres ofvaluable maiden ash . ..
[Middle Hill:] Edwin Offer, [1827.J 1 sheet ([lJ p.) 14x 21 cm.
"Middle-hill, the 1st of May 1827."
GC copyis a corrected proof; bound in later wrappers with: To be sold, (by private
contract,) on Tuesday, the 2d ofJanuary, I827 . .. (Checklist no. 527) - To be sold, (by
private contract,) on Thursday, the 25th ofJanuary, I827 . .. (Checklist no. 528).
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH406

530. [ .J Capital drift wood. To be sold at auction by Wm.

Thomas, on Tuesday, the 26th day ofJanuary, 1841 ... Broadway:
Gilmour, printer, [1841.J 1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 x 22 cm.
GC has 2 copies, dis bound.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH498

531. [ .J Capital drift wood. To be sold at auction by Wm.

Thomas, on the day ofDecember, 1842 ... Broadway:
John Hunt, printer, [1842.J 1 sheet ([IJ p.) 18 x 22 cm.
GC has 3 copies, disbound.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR499

[ 143 ]

532. [ . J Capital drift wood. To be sold by private contract, on

Wednesday the 6th day of March, 1844 ... Broadway: Stanley, printer,
[1844.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 x 22 cm.
GC copy dis bound.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR501

533. [ .J Plantation timber, Broadway Hill, to be sold by pri-

vate contract, on Thursday, Dec. 19, 1844 ... Broadway: James Rogers,
printer, [1844.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 x 22 cm.
GC has 2 copies, disbound; accompanied by a corrected proof.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR500

534. [ . J To be sold by private contract, on Friday the 17th of

January, 1845, 48 lots of capital drift wood . .. Broadway:James Rogers,
printer, [1845.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 x 22 cm.
GC copy disbound.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR502

535. [ .J To be sold by private contract, on Friday, the 1st. of

January, 1847, 48 lots of capital drift wood . .. Broadway: James Rogers,
printer, [1847.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 x 22 cm.
GC copy disbound.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR503

536. [ .J To be sold by private contract, on Friday, the 8th. of

January, 1847, 48 lots of capital drift wood . .. Broadway: James Rogers,
printer, [1847.]1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 x 22 cm.
GC copy disbound.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR503B

537. [ .J To be sold by private contract, on Tuesday, the 23th. of

February, 1847. 24 lots of capital drift wood . .. Broadway: James
Rogers, printer, [1847.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 X' 22 cm.
GC has 4 copies, disbound.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR504

538. [ .J Capital drift wood. To be sold by private contract, on

Friday, the 1st. ofDecember, 1848 ... Broadway:]. Rogers, printer, 1848. 1
sheet ([1] p.) 18 x 22 cm.
GC has 5 copies, disbound; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR505

[ 144]

539. [ .] To be sold, a large quantity ofelm lop fit for post, &
rail . .. Broadway]. Rogers, printer, [1850.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 25 x 19 cm.
"Buckland, Oct. 30.1850."
ec copy 1 & copy 2 disbound; accompanied by 3 corrected proofs.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH496

540. [ .] To be sold by private contract, on Tuesday, the 31St.

day ofDecember, 1850. 48 lots of capital drift wood . .. Broadway:
J. Rogers, printer, [1850.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 x 22 cm.
ec copy disbound; accompanied by 1 corrected proof.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH506

541. [ .] To be sold by private contract, on Wednesday, the 18th.

day of February, 1852. 48 lots ofcapital drift wood . .. Broadway:
]. Rogers, printer, 1852. 1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 X 22 cm.
ec copy disbound.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH507

542. [ .J To be sold be [sic} private contract, on Friday, the 7th.

day ofJanuary, 1853. 48 lots of capital drift wood . .. Broadway: James
Rogers, printer, 1852. 1 sheet ([1] p.) 18 x 22 cm.
ec copy 1 & copy 2 disbound; accompanied by 2 corrected proofs.
PHILL .. COLL. 34.52 MH508

543. To Mr. Mason, Tenby. [Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, 1861.] [4] pp.
(the last 2 pp. blank) 16 cm.

Some opinions of Sir Thomas on Phoenician antiquities; "Mr. Mason" is possibly

Richard Mason, bookseller of Tenby; cf. Munby IV, p. 193.
"M. H. 19Jan. 1861."
ec copy in later wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof, annotated in the
hand of Sir Thomas, and signed by him at end.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH402

544. To Sir Thomas Phillipps, bart. Middle Hill. Lacock, Jan. 8, 1857.
[Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 1866?] 3, [1] pp. 17 cm.
Signed at end: "H.F. Talbot."
A letter from W. Henry Fox Talbot concerning Babylonian cylinders in general,
and in particular one belonging to Sir Thomas.
Kraus 308/309.

[ 145 ]

GC copy in contemporary wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof dated 26

May 1866, and an uncorrected proof dated 31 May 1866.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR50

545. To the electors ofEast Worcestershire. [Worcester:] Printed by H. B.

Tymbs and H. Deighton, High Street, Worcester, [1832.] 1 sheet ([1] p.)
34x 22 cm.
Published in connection with Sir Thomas's unsuccessful campaign as a Reform
candidate for Worcester in 1832. Cf. Munby II, p. 24, and plate II.
Signed at end: "Thomas Phillipps. Middle Hill, 17th]uly, 1832."
Sotheby 36(1).
GC has 3 copies, disbound.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR478

546. To the electors of the county of . .. [London:] George, printer, East

Street, Mary-Ie-bone, [1832.] 3, [1] pp. (the last p. blank) 33 cm.
Blank space follows the word "of" in title; another blank follows phrase "Your
most obedient servant" at end.
GC copy has "Worcester" added to title in MS, and is signed at end: "Thomas
Published in connection with Sir Thomas's unsuccessful campaign as a Reform
candidate for Worcester in 1832. Cf. Munby II, p. 24.
GC copy unbound; inscribed "Reform" at top of p. [1.]
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MR396

547. To the much injured electors of the ancient borough ofGrimsby.

Grimsby: Skelton, printer, Market-Place, [1826.] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 26 x 21 cm.
Signed at end: "Thomas Phillipps. Grimsby,]une 6,1826."
Published in connection with Sir Thomas's unsuccessful 1826 bid for the
Grimsby Parliamentary seat.
GC copy in later wrappers.
PRILL. COLL. 34.52 MH404

548. To the worthy and independent burgesses of the borough of

Grimlby. Grimsby: Skelton, printer, Market-Place, [1826.] 1 sheet ([1] p.)
34 x 21 cm.
Signed at end: "Thomas Phillipps. Grimsby, April 27th, 1826."
Published in connection with Sir Thomas's unsuccessful 1826 bid for the
Grimsby Parliamentary seat.
The content is anti-Catholic.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by an uncorrected proof printed on a

[ 146]

bifolium, the blank pages occupied by a MS draft of an endorsement of Phillipps,

unsigned, headed "To the free and independent burgesses of Grimsby."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH405

549. The victor's triumph. [Cheltenham: Middle Hill Press, 186g?] 1 sheet
([1] p.) 17 cm.
Verses against Gladstone and "Lyttelton" (not otherwise identified), M.P. for
Kraus 117.
GC copy in later wrappers; accompanied by a corrected proof.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH319

550. Visitors will oblige by always writing their address. [Middle Hill:
Middle Hill Press, 186-?] 1 sheet ([1] p.) 5 x 11 cm.
Printed ticket, probably intended for visitors to Sir Thomas's library.
PH ILL. COLL. 34.52 MH485

551. The Wallop latch. [Middle Hill:] Ex lithographia, Medio-Montana,

[1854.] [16] pp. 34 cm.
An account of supernatural phenomena.
Letterpress t.-p., text lithographed from MS.
Fenwick 122; Lowndes (App.), p. 235 ("1854"); Kraus 339; Twyman Cat. 4.12;
Sotheby 154.
GC copy 1 disbound; accompanied by another version of the t.-p., including the
Broadway Tower vignette; copy 2 bound in vol. 2 of Sir T. Phillipps' privately printed
works; t.-p. laid in.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH229

552. The waterfall, 1864. [Cheltenham: s.n., 1865.] [4] pp. (the last 3 pp.
blank) ~ 8 cm.
Signed at end: "Abeona Belina Phillipps, Adelaide, 1864."
The author was the niece of William Phillipps, who was a distant cousin of Sir
Kraus 112.
GC copy unbound; accompanied by a MS copy of the poem, as well as 2 corrected
proof sheets, one dated "lg May 1865."
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH46

553. We hereby severally give you notice and require you not to enter, or
cause or procure to be entered, any of the closes, land, or premises . ..
Middle-hill: Printed by Edwin Offer, [between 1826 and 182g.] 1 sheet ([1] p.)
34 x 21 cm.
Printed trespass warning notice.

[ 147]

GC copy in later wrappers.

PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH408-2

554. Worcestershire Rifle Corps. Broadway:]. Rogers, printer, [1859.] 1

sheet ([1] p.) 13 x 22 cm.
"As one of Her Majesty's Deputy Lieutenants for the county of Worcester, I shall
be happy to receive the names of any gentleman who are willing to form a com-
pany of the Worcester Rifle Corps. Thomas Phillipps. Middle Hill, 7tlI. July
18 59."
GC copy in later wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH398

555. Worcestershire Rifle Corps. Reasons for a rifle corps. Broadway:

]. Rogers, printer, 1859. 1 sheet ([1] p.) 16 x 19 cm.
Kraus 116.
GC copy in later wrappers.
PHILL. COLL. 34.52 MH397


[ 148 ]


T E 00 R.

He has allotted 200 Acr('s to 1.')0 Cottagers, and gives :\ Quarter'l'

Rent to his Tenants.

T. TUUJ!UU., PRt::>T:sa n"OADWAY.

No. 464, Campaign broadside, Vote for Sir Thomas Phillipps . ..

( 18 3 2 )

1. "Bigland's collections: Continuation."-Fenwick 7. Munby states tbat "nine parts

appeared before Phillipps's death and a tentb was published later by his grandson Thomas
Fitzroy Fenwick" (Munby N, p. 158.) The Horblit collection contains what appears to be a
reprint in two volumes by Fenwick of part of Phillipps's continuation of Bigland, datable to
ca. 1885 (Checklist no. 164). The nine original parts of tbe continuation are given by Fen-
wick as: I) Newington Bagpatb to Pauntley, pp. 253-316; 2) Pebwortb to Rendcomb, pp.
327-332; 3) Quedgley to Willersey, 24 pp., 3 plates, and woodcuts; 4) Rendcomb (Supple-
ment) to Slaughter, Lower and Upper, and Eyford, 70 pp.; 5) Slimbridge to Swindon, 126
pp.; 6) Swindon to Tewkesbury, 56 pp.; 7) Thornbury to Turkdean, 56 pp.; 8) Turley and
Haw to Westbury-upon-Trim, 60 pp.; g) Westbury-upon-Trim to Winston, 64 pp.
2. "Catalogue sommaire des manuscripts de la bibliotbeque de la ville de Saint Orner.
(Edited by M. H. Piers.) Printed at St. Orner, 1828, 8vo. pp. 32. 100 copies printed."-
LowndeS' (App.), p. 228; also cited in Martin, p. 450.
3. "Chronicles oftbe Kynges ofIngeland. (The English prose chronicle of the Brut.) Folio,
PP.3 (Not complete.)"-Lowndes (App.), p. 232.
4. "Connection and succession of tbe Kings of England. Middle Hill, n.d. (1822), folio, sin-
gle page. 25 copies printed." -Lowndes (App.), p. 22g; also cited in Martin, p. 455.
5. [Fragment ofJElfric's Grammar ... 1845.] -Lowndes (App.), p. 231. Apparently a later
printing of Checklist no. 84, which is dated 1838.
6. "History of the family of Molyneux. Evesham, 1821. 12mo. 50 copies printed."-
Lowndes Appendix, p. 226.
7. "Index to tbe pedigrees in Dugdale's Warwickshire. Folio."-Lowndes (App.), p. 231.
8. "Registrum Henrici Cotton. n.d. folio, pp. 107."-Lowndes, p. 1857.
g. "Survey of the manor and forest of Clarendon, Wilts, in 1272. Lond. 1833. 4tO."-
Lowndes, p. 1857.
10. "A table of tbe reigns of tbe kings of England, to shew at one view tbe year of our Lord,
corresponding with each year of tbe King's reign. A broadside sheet, folio. Middle
Hill." -Martin, p. 457.
11. "Wilts. inquisitiones post mortem, anno 43 Eliz. 3 pp. Folio. (Middle Hill,
n.d.)" -Kraus 369; this is possibly a fragment of Checklist no. 369, Index to the inquisitions
post mortem, for the reign ofElizabeth, part I[ -11.]

[ 151 ]

Names in boldface type represent printers actually resident at Middle Hill or

Cheltenham. Starred entries represent printers identified by Munby, but whose
names do not appear on any of the Middle Hill Press publications in the Horblit
collection. The dates or ranges of dates represent works in the Horblit collection
only, and may differ from those given in Munby. For Checklist entry numbers, see
under printer's name in the general index.

1818 or 1819-1825 JohnAgg

181 9 Baxter
1819-1823 J. A. Gilmour
1820- 1847 J. Nichols/J. B. Nichols and Son
1821 J. Davy
1822-1825 Adolphus Brightley
1826 F.T.G. Crees
1826 Skelton
1824-1829 Edwin [or Edwyn] Offer
1829-1833 J. C. Bridgewater
18 3 1 Fernando Garcia*
18 3 2 George
183 2 H. B. Tymbs and H. Deighton
1832-1834 T. Gardiner & Son
1832-1834, 18 4 1 Thomas Timbrell [or Timbrill]
18 33 HaIjette and Savill
1836-1842 Charles Gilmour
18 38 W. Clowes and Sons
18 4 2 JohnHuut
1843-? J. E. Lea*
1844- 18 72 James Rogers
18 44 Stanley
1844 Thomas Barret
18 45 Deighton & Co.
1846"":i848 Charles Henry Burt*
1848-1851 George Bretherton
1852-1853 Charles Bullingham

[ 152]

185 2 ? R. Bult
18 53- 18 55 Rudolph Appel
18 54 James Brumbley*
18 5 6 Sarah Halford
18 5 6 McCahey
185 8 J. Potter
185 8? T. Stratford
1858-1859 John Williams
1858-1860 James Thomas Rogers
1859-? Samuel H. Cowell*
1860-1861 Thomas Payne
1861 Parry and Co.
1864 Norman and Sons
1865-1866 John Lowe
18 71 Lowe & Bennington
1886 J. Davy & Sons, Dryden Press

[ 153 ]
lnbq of~amtS, ~ttltS, ~ !>ubjects
Titles are in italics; entry numbers are in boldface.

Gloucestershire, 164-166
A Malta, 510
Abbaye de Corbie, MSS, 33 Pembrokeshire, 331
Abbaye de Saint-Vaast, MSS, 39, 40, 340 Shropshire, 231-23l11
Abbey of St. Peter and St. Paul (Shrews- Wales, 313
bury),43 l11 Warwickshire, 239
Abbeys, records, 70 Wiltshire, lII49, 257, 262, 284
Abbreviatio Rotulorum Clausorum, 65 Antiquities and memoirs oj the parish oj
Prospectus, 66 Myddle
Abbreviation ojpedes jinium ... Jor Wiltshire, See: Human nature displayed in the his-
lII47 tory oJMyddle
An account oj the Jamily and descendants oj Antiquities oJthe county oJSalop, 231
Sir Thomas Molyneux, 381 An appeal to .the tradesmen oj the metropolis,
An acrostic, 446 449
Additional MSS. in the possession oj the revd. Appel, Rudolph, lithographer, 68, 88,
Wqlter Sneyd, 6 183,lII58,285,295
.lfric, Abbot of Eynsham. Appendix to Stowe MSS., 43
Fragment ojIElfric's Grammar; &c., 84 Appropriacio vicariae de Mykewane, 287
Fragments oj IElfric's Saxon grammar, 85 Arbuthnot, Marriot, Admiral, 357
Aeneae Sylvii Piccolomini, Pii secundi Papae, Archaeologia, offprints of articles by Sir
Electionis suae narratio. A. D. I458, 39111 Thomas Phillipps, 81, 138, 351l
Agg,jolm, printer, lIIOO, u7, lII51, lII86, The Archbishop oj Canterbury and the rubric,
377,3 81 ,47 0 ,497-49 8 393
Alberoni, Giulio, 394 Archery, 458-460
AlexanderVl,pope,408 Ardington (Estate), portraits, lists, 62
Alphabetical index ojpersons, 318 Armada, 405-407
Aluminum, 476 Arras, archives, MSS, 32, 39, 40
America, history, 339, 357 Le art de venerie, 67
Americi Vespucii Navigationis tertiae duae The Arundel cabinet ojgems, 44
enarrationes diversae, I5 0I, 339 Arundel, Thomas Howard, Earl of, gem
Anastatic printing collection,44
See: Lithographic/anastatic printing A n assessment Jor the parish oj Wanborough,
An ancient conjirmation deed, lII86 co. Wilts. I7oI, lII48
Anecdote related by Mr. Steiger to Lord Assignatio dotis Elizabethae Comitissae de Fer-
Mahon,448 rers, 68
Anti-Catholic literature, 39l11-445, 478, Assize sermons, 470
5 06 ,548 Aston Rowant, 1119
Antiquities and local history Astronomy, calculations, 477
Berkshire, 151,512 The attempt oj Cardinal Alberoni to invade
Glamorganshire, 326 the Republic oj San Marino, 394

[ 155 ]

Aubrey,John. Prospectus, 163

Aubrey's Collections for Wilts, 249 Prospectus of reprin t, 165
lvlemoires of natural remarques in the Reprint, 164
county of Wilts, 262, 284 Bigland's collections: Continuation, APP. A.l
Aubrey's Collections for Wilts, 1149 Bigland's Gloucestershire collections, 164
Augmentation Office, 70, 94-96, 120 Prospectus, 165
Australia, 452-453, 524, 552 Birds in the museum at Middle Hill, I 859,
Map, 345 45
Authors lives in Fabronieis, 451 Births, registers, 118, 385
Avaux, Claude de Mesmes, comte d', The black box of Rnome opened, 396
MSS,28 Blundell, Francis, 1 U
Ayloffe,Joseph, Sir, 71-72 Bodleian Library, 36, 98, 255, 280
Bond, Edward, 8
Bonvisi, Mr., 346
B A book of Glamorganshire's antiquities, 326
Badstone put on the Income Tax, for the war Books & MSS. bound by Bretherton, 14
,395 Books from Varrentrap, 2, 4, 4A
Balme, Claude de, bishop (16th cent.), Books in Sir T. P. dressing room Thirlstaine
411 House I87I, 113
Bampfield family, 374-375 Boone, Mr., 309
Bampfylde, Richard Warwick, Sir, 374 Borgia, Cesare, 408, 412
Baptisms, registers, 118, 207, 236, 241, Borgia, Lucrezia, 408
288,29-29 1 ,33 8 Botta, Paulo Emilio. Monument de Ninive,
Barddoniaeth gan hen awdwyr, or, Ancient 457
Welsh poetry, 311 Boule of the Smyrnaeans, 343
Barlow, Roger, 124 Bowen, Rice Morgan, 387
Barrett, Thomas, printer, 351 Bradenstoke Priory, 272
Barwick, Samuel, 74 Brasses, sketches
Basle, libraries, MSS, 29 Berkshire, 143-145, 153
Baxter, printer, 218 Oxfordshire, 219,221-222,224-1125,
Bayntun, Edward, 281 U8-229
Beales, Edmond, 416 Bretforton marriages, I538 toi752, 288
The bell post, 452-453 Bretherton, George, binder, 34, 37A, 40,
Bensinton [sic] church, Oxon., 2l!:0 75,118,273,35 1 ,3 81
Berkshire, 142-154 Books & MSS. bound by Bretherton, 14
Berkshire visitations, I565, I623, & Bridgewater,]. C., printer, 207, 233
I 664-5, 142 Brightley, Adolphus, printer, 2, 151, 26 3,
Bibliotheca Phillippica: a catalogue of the 3 26
Phillipps manuscripts, numbers I388 to Printed expense list, 447
20IO, '24 Brightwell Barden, 222
Bibliotheca urbis Constantinopolitanae, anno British Museum, 98
I57 8 ,27 Broad Blunsdon farm (Wiltshire), 2 69
Bigland, Ralph. Historical, monumental Broadway, co. Worcester, at Broadway, 2 8 9
and genealogical collections relative to the Broadway Dorcas Society, 454
County of Gloucestershire [Continuation], Broadway register, 290-291
APP.A.l Broadway register. Marriages begin I539,
List of subscribers, 166 292

[ 156]

Broadway (Worcestershire), 47, 63,286, Camden, William, 203

289-292,300,303-304,386,426, Campaign literature, 464-465, 545-548
443,454,45 6 ,492,5 20,526,529,533 Campden House, co: Gloct., 167
Brockhampton Farm (Gloucestershire), Carew, Peter, Sir, ll3
5 21 Carewe, George, MSS, 330
Bruce, Marie, 260 CaIleton, Dudley, Sir. Sir Dudley Carleton's
Bruce, W. D., 308 state letters, 1 29
Brunsell, Oliver. Will of the Rev. Oliver Carmarthenshire, 317-320, 322-324
Brunsell,277 Carta Edwardi Regis, Confessoris, 138
Brydges, Egerton, Sir, 140 Carta Regis Wil!'i confirmantis totam posses-
Bubo N(ffVegiensis, 69 sionem Reinbaldi Cancellarii, 1 38
Buckingham and Chandos, Richard, Carta Willelmi Conquestoris, 138
Duke of, MSS, 43 Cartae abbatiarum in Curia A ugmentacionis,
Buckland and Laverton tenants, Sept. I 834, 70
455 Cartae antiquae in the Tower, 72
Buckland tenants, March I836, 456 Cartae antiquae in turre, where printed, 71
Buckland manor (Gloucestershire), Cartae baroniae de Kemeys, in com. Pembroke,
455-456,461,481,486,497 330
Buckler,]. c., artist Cartae baronum de Tateshale, 204
HampsteadMarshallA & M co Berks., Cartae de Kemeys
143 See: Cartae baroniae de Kemeys, in com.
Bensinton [sic] church, axon., 220 Pembroke
Bullingham, Charles, printer, 76, 361 Cartularies, 138, 162, 168-169,250,
Bult, R., printer, 382-383 3 08 ,323,332
Burials, registers, 207, 236, 241,288, Indexes, 91, 93, 25 6 , 3 0 9
290-29 1 ,33 8 Cartularium Abbatiae de Fontanis, 308
Burke, F.]. Letter of an Irish priest, 418 Cartularium de Flaxley, 168
Butler, Samuel, MSS, catalogues, 35, 38 Cartularium monasterii de Winchcombe in
Byam family, 233 com. Glouc., 169
Bysshe, Edward, Sir, 208-209 Cartularium S. Johannis Bapt. de Caer-
Visitation of Wiltshire I677, 275 marthen, 323
Cartularium Saxonicum Malmsburiense in

c com. Wilts., 250, 284

Cartularium Saxonicum Scireburnense, in
Caermarthenshire monumental inscriptions, agroDorset, 162
322 The case ofBarnes and Griffiths, 73
Caffin, C. S., Rev., 393,426 The case of Colonel Barwick 's wil~ & codicill,
Caley,John 74
Cartae abbatiarum in Curia A ugmentacio- Cassandra [i.e., Sir Thomas Phillipps?].
nis, 70 The reform cry, 431
Index to particulars for grants temp. R R Castle-Dillon (Ireland), 381, 385
Philip. & Marie, 95 Catalogue des manuscrits de monseigneur le
Particulars of grants, temp. Edw. VI. Mary president de Mesmes, 28
1. Elizth., 120 A catalogue of all the finished drawings, in
Cambridgeshire, 155-158 water colours, ofJohn Glover, esqr, 46
The Cambridgeshire visitation, 155 Catalogue of books at Middle Hill :
Cambridgeshire visitation, I6I9, 156 2nd[-4th] supplement, 12

[ 157]

A catalogne of books at Middle-Hill, Worces- bibliotheque de la ville de Saint Omer,

tershire, I8I9, 1 APP.A.2
Catalogne of disclaimers, 88 Catalogus bibliothecae monasterii Corbeiensis,
Catalogue offurniture, at Middle Hill, 33
Broadway, Worcestershire, I794, 47 Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum, in bib-
A catalogue of knights, from I660 to I7 60, 75 liotheca Sti. Vedasti, de Arras, 40
Catalogue of knights made by King Charles 1., Catalogus incunabulorum in bibliotheca
76 Media-Montana, 3A
Catalogue of knights made in Ireland, temp. Catalogus incunabulorum olim penes Lean-
Q Eliz., 77 drum van Ess, 3
A catalogue ofpictures descriptive of the Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum, 8
scenery, and customs of the inhabitants of Fenwick's continuation of, 24
Van Dieman 's Land, together with views in 1968 reprint of, 9
England, Italy, &c. painted by John Supplements, 6, 10, 19, 21
Glover; esq. ... , 58 Versions, 5, 13
Catalogue ofprinted books [I824 or I825], ~ Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum . .. :
Catalogue of manuscripts at Lille, & St. Eloy, history ofEngland, 13
in France, 37A Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum ... : lit-
Catalogue of MSS. in the library of the hon. eratis aperta. I 828, 5
Robert Curzon ... , 35, 3 8 Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum ... :
Catalogue of MSS. in the possession of the rev. Savile MSS., 19
Walter Sneyd . .. , 35, 38 Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum viri
Catalogue ofRoman Catholic relics, 397 clarissimi Antonii it Wood, 34
Catalogue of some of the manuscripts in the Catalogus manuscriptorum Angliae, 35
publick library of Basle in Switzerland, ~9 Catalogus manuscriptorum Angliae. Pars 2,
Catalogue of the Earl ofKingston's MSS, 35 36
Catalogue of the gallery ofpaintings of Sir Catalogus manuscriptorum Frederici, Comitis
Thomas Phillipps, bart. at Thirlestaine de Guilford, 7
House, 48 Catalogus manuscriptorum in bibliotheca
A catalogue of the last portion of the paintings publica apudLille, 37, 37A
in oil, and drawings in water colours, the Catalogus manuscriptorum in bibliothecis
productions, and property of that eminently Angliae, Cambriae, Seotiae, et Hiberniae
distinguished artist,john Glover, esqr. ... , See: Catalogus manuscriptorum Magnae
46 Britanniae
Catalogue of the library of the rev. Thomas Catalogus manuscriptorum Magnae Britan-
Wigan,3 0 niae, 38
A catalogue of the manuscripts in Llannerch Excerpts, 41
Library, 31 Supplements, 6, 26
A catalogue of the manuscripts in the archives 'Versions, 36
at Lille, 3~ Catalogus ofprinted books, at Middle Hil~ 4A
A catalogue of the printed books in the library Catholics, 392,445-478,506,548
of Sir Thomas Phillipps, 4 Catlin, George. Letters and notes on the
Supplements, 12, 15, 23 manners . .. of the North American Indi-
Trial list, 2 ans, 496
A catalogue of scientific manuscripts in the Catlin, George. Mandan village, 496
possession ofJO. Halliwell, esq. I839, 35 Chackendon Church, Oxon., 223
Catalogue sommaire des manuscripts de la Chandos, Gray, Lord, 269

[ 158]

Chandos,james, Duke of, MSS, cata- Cole, Thomas, 361-362

10gues,35 Cole's Escheats: index ofpersons, 361:
Charlecote Hall, 237 Collectanea de familiis diversis, quibus nomen
Charles I, King of England, 104, 252, est Phillipps, 386
3 1 4,33 6 Collectanea inedita, 340
Charters, 70-72, 138, 330 Collectanea Pembrochiana, 33 1, 334
Cheltenham, views, 198 Collectanea topographica et genealogica,
Chichester, Deanery, seal, 64 prospectus, 121
Childswickham (Gloucestershire), 455, Collections for Gloucestershire, 170-171
4 61 ,498 CollectionsforWiltshire. I8I8[-I8I9J, 251
Chinnar church, Oxfordshire, 226 Collections relating to manuscripts and
Chinnar Oxfordshire, 224-225 manuscript libraries, 341
Chipping-Norton register, 213-214 Colvile, Roger de, Sir, 157-158
"The Christian Observer" on the position and [Commodianus.] .. tim thonitrua dis-
progress ofpopery, 398 rumpunt menia prima . .. , 358
Chronicles of the Kynges ofIngeland, API'. A.3 Complaint of the parish clerk against ritual-
Chronicon Abbatiae S. Nicholai, de Exonia, ism, 400-401
160 Compositions, or jines, of Wiltshire gentlemen,
Church buildings, views 252
Berkshire, 147-150 Concilia Galliae, MS fragment, 342
Gloucestershire, 199 Condemnations for heresy at Pavia, I5 8 0,
Oxfordshire, 220, 223, 226-227 &c., 402
W,ilrwickshire, 242, 245 Conditions of the gift of Botta's Nineveh, 457
Church history, Wiltshire, 259 Coningsby, Margaret, countess of,
Church ofIreland, 404, 469, 479 110-111
Church records, Connection and succession of the Kings of
Wiltshire, 265, 271-272 England, API'. A.4
Indexes, 255, 284 The conspirators schemes, hospitals, homes,
Worcfstershire, 287 convents, 403
Churchwardens empowered to remove Constantinople, libraries, MSS, 27
superfluous ornaments, 399 Continuation ofBigland 's Gloucestershire, 163
Ciphers, 346 Conventual and monastic institutions, 404
Cirencester Abbey, 138 Cooke, Robert, 205
Clarke, William Nelson. Queries proposed Visitation, of Gloucestershire, I569, 193
by Mr. Clarke, 151 Visitation ofHampshire I575, I622, &
Clifton, Arthur. Forget thee!, 472 I686, 203
Clinton, Henry, Sir, 357 Cope, Alan. Extract from the work of Alan
Close rolls, 65, 269 Cope, 413
Wiltshire, 279 Copy of an ancient deed relating to Broadway
W. Clowes and Sons, printer, 84 and Pershore fairs, in Worcestershire
Codices manuscripti ex Bibliotheca Meer- See: An ancient confirmation deed
manni, Hagae-Comitis, 6 Copy of an exemplification of a decree relating
Codices manuscripti in bibliotheca Sti. to Broadway, in Worcestershire
Vedasti, apudAtrebatiam, I828, 39 See: An ancient confirmation deed
Coins, Roman, 354-355 Cornlaws,449-450,462,480,505,515
Cole, Robert, collection of autographs, Cornwallis, Charles, Sir, 97
82-83, 125 Sir Charles Cornwaleys' letters, 128

[ 159]

Correspondence of LCYrd Scudamore, 78 Dialogue on the corn laws, 462

Coscombe House, Gloucestershire, IBI8, Dilemmas CYr questions on impCYrtant subjects,
172- 1 73 463
Cotswold Archery, 458-460 Domesday Book, 363
Cotswold Archery, 458 Dorsetshire, 162, 286
Cottages in Buckland, I826, 461 Ducarel, Arldrew Coltee. Testamenta Lam-
Cotton MSS, indexes, 92 bethana, 132
Vitellinus A. Xl, 272 Dugdale, William, Sir. Antiquities of War-
Court records, Wiltshire, 276, 386 wickshire, 239
Coventry, 117 Visitation ofDerbyshire, I663-4, 159
Coventry, Thomas Coventry, Baron, 117 Du Moulin, Lewis. A shCYrt and true
Cowell, S. H., lithographer, 437 account, 437
Crees, F. T. G., printer, 353 Dunne, William, 235
Crespi, Vincenzo. An ex-Catholic priest's DurnefQrd (Wiltshire), 266
opinion of the Church of Rome, 410 Dwnn, Lewys, 317
A critical and historical account of all the cele-
brated libraries in fCYreign countries, as well
ancient as modern
See: Collections relating to manuscripts E. D. The bell post, 452-453
and manuscript libraries E libris T. Phillipps, aetatis suae I6, 20
Culham church, Oxon., 227 East WCYrcester. Vote fCYr Sir Thomas Phillipps,
Cuneiform inscriptions, 544 464
Curzon, Robert, MSS, catalogues, 35, East Worcestershire, 4411, 464-465, 545
38 East Worcestershire election, 465
Edward, The Confessor, 138
Edward I, King of England, 81, 3111
D Edward II, King of England, 67
Davies,John, MSS, 31 Edward III, King of England, 181
Davies, Robert, MSS, 31 Edwards,James, MSS, 42
Davy,]., bookseller and printer, 249 Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 77, 9 6 ,
]. Davy & Sons, Dryden Press, 25 106,120,369,381-382,405-407
De Buck, Mr., 417 Emilianne, Gabriel d'
De conquestu Angliae per Hispanos, See: Gavin, Arltonio
4 0 5-40 7 The eighth letter of Gabriel d 'Emilianne, a sec-
De convivio 50 meretricum cum Duce ular priest of Italy in I69 I
Valentino, 408 See: Of the corruption of the Italian
The declaration of a lady, 409 priests . ..
Deeds, 124,519-521 Enrolment books, 1100, 299
Wiltshire, 269 Th~Epwell hunt, 466-468
Yorkshire, 309 Ess; Leander van, collection of incunab-
Deight~n and Co., printer, 328 ula, 3, 3 A
Deighton, H., printer, 545 Established Church ofIreland, 469
Demios of the Samarians, 343 Eudo de Tatteshale, 204
Denbighshire, 325 An ex-Catholic priest's opinion of the Church
Deoderic, abbot of Metz, 344 ofRome, 410
Derbyshire, 159 Ex codice MSS. Phillipps, no. I650, 344
Dethick, Henry, 208-209, 307 Ex libro "De vitis Archiepiscoparum de Besan-
Devonshire, 113, 160-161,374 can. ",411

[ 160]

Ex rot. pat. anno 25 Hen. 3. m. 5. in Turre Finalis concordia (Pasch I I. Eliz) ... , 'l35
London, 79 Fines, 1l'l, 119
Ex rotulis Walliae, 3 u Gloucestershire, 183, 189-190
Ex vita Ducis Valentino, 4U Wiltshire, 'l47, ~5'l, lol54, ~58, ~80
Ex voto inscriptions, discovered in the ruins Worcestershire, lol94-lol95
of temple ofJupiter Poeninus . .. A. D. I825 Finis Thomae, johannis, et IVlariae
See: Numismata vetera Bampfield, 35 H. 8., 375
Excerpta ex cartul. cath. St. David, 33lol The first map of Australia, 345
Excerpta ex registris parochialibus, in com. Fishing caution, 471
Gloucester; &c., 174-175 Fitzjames,James Francis. Memoirs ofjames
The expediency and divine origins of laws set Francis Fitz james, 116
forth,470 Fizon [i.e. Tizon] de Espana, sobre los
Extenta manerii de wteri Stratjord, lol93 linages de los senores de Espana, 37'l
Extract from a document in Sir Thomas Fran- Flaxley Abbey, 168
kland's handwriting, 80 Flintshire, ~6~
Extract from a record explanatory of grants by Flood, Biblical account of, 463
Henry II. and Edward I., 81 Flora MacDonald, 83
Extract from james Thynne's will, relating to Flyntshire
Laverton School, 176 See: Flintshire
Extract from the work ofAlan Cope, 413 Foot, John, 305
Extracted from the memoranda roll of the Forget thee!, 472-
Exchequer of Ireland, 38lol Fortescue family, monuments, 146
Extracts from Bretjorton register; co. Wigvrn. Fountains Abbey, 308
See: Bretjorton marriages, I538 to I752 14 Stratford Place (Townhouse), furni-
Extracts from Wiltshire parish registers, lol53 ture, lists, 50
I4 89 Cartae antiquae in the Tower, 7'l
A fragment of a lease of lands in Laverton Co.
F Glouc., 177
Fabroni, Angelo. Vitae Italorum, 451 Fragment of a tour. I835,473
Fac-simile of a note addressed to Mr. Kee, a Fragment of iElfric's Grammar, 84, APP. A'5
Navy Agent, 8~ A fragment of the voyages of Mr. Verigull Gul-
Fagel, Gaspar. A letter writ by mijn heer liver, 474
Fagel,109 Fragments of iElfric's Saxon grammar, 85
Fairs, 'l86 Frankland, Thomas, Sir. Extract from a
Faringdon Church, 143-145 document in Sir Thomas Frankland's
Farthinghoe Church, 4lol3 handwriting, 80
FeIIenberg Commercial School (Ade- Freeman, Antony, 191
laide, Australia), 5lol4 Freeman, Thomas, 389
Feoda militum episcopi Menevensis. AD. Freeman, William, 191
I3 26,333 Freke family, 376
Fenton MSS, 334 Freke pedigree, 376
Fenwick, Thomas Fitzroy, 195 Freke, Ralph. Freke pedigree, 376
Bibliotheca Phillippica, 1 A funeral sermon preached in Kempsey
Bigland's Gloucestershire collections, 164 Church March, I4th. I852,475
Fenwick, William, Ul Furniture, inventories, 47, 50, 63
Ferrers, Elizabeth, countess, 68
Final concord, and entail, by Thomas
Sturmyn, 334

[ 161 ]

Gore, Thomas. Paternal coats, crests, and

G mottoes, of the gentry of Wiltshire, 266
Gael, Samuel Higgs. On the nature offines, Gough, Richard. Human nature displayed
119 in the history of Myddle, 232
Gage, John, 138 Goulburn, Edward, 466-468
Gardiner and Son, printer, 90,118,264 Grammars, Saxon, 84-85
Gaston III Phoebus, Count of Foix. Le The grand serio-comic opera, of Lord Bateman,
livre de la chasce, 351 and his Sophia, 86
Gavin, Antonio, ''1:14 Grants of manors and lands in Wales and
Of the corruption of the Italian priests, England,3 1 4
425 Grants of the forfeited lands ofEdward, Duke
Geelong (Australia), 452-453 of Somerset, 87
Gems, catalogues, 44 Great St. Bernard Hospital (Switzerland),
Genealogia, 359 354-355
Genealogy, tables, 503 Griffiths, William Higford, 73
For genealogies and family trees, See: Grimsby (Lincolnshire), 478, 506,
Pedigrees 547-548
Gentleman's Magazine, 114 Grove family, 377
Gentry, Wiltshire, 282 Grove, Thomas, 377
George I, King of England, 183 Gruffudd Hiraethog, 311
George Owen 5 Collections for Wales, 313 Guildford MSS., 10
George, printer, 546 Guilford, Earl of
Geynesburgh, William de, 287 See: North, Frederick, Earl of Guilford
Ghost stories, 448, 551 Guilford MSS. 582, inter MSS. Phillipps,
Gibbon,John. Nunneries in old ti17U!s, 424 346
Gilmour, Charles, printer, u, 78 , 93, 95, Guy of Warwick, 126
98, 100-101, 110-111, 122-123, 126,
449-450,462,474,480,515,523 Hague, 129
Gilmour,]. A., printer, 1 Halford, Sarah, printer, 472, 526
Gladstone, W. E., 395, 420, 549 Halliwell, Henrietta
Glamorganshire, 313, 326-328 See: Halliwell-Phillipps, Henrietta
Glamorganshire monu17U!nts, 327 Halliwell,James Orchard
Glamorganshire pedigrees, 328 See: Halliwell-Phillipps,James Orchard
Glass manufacture, 353 Halliwell-Phillipps, Henrietta (nee
Glossaries, Saxon, 84 Phillipps, daughter of Sir Thomas).
Gloucestershire, 54,163-199,297,481, Frag=ntofatour. I 835, 473
497-498,505,515,520-521 Hall!well-Phillipps,James Orchard, 507,
Gloucestershire collections, 178-179 5 18
Gloucest;;'shire subsidy roll, 180-181 MSS, catalogues, 35
Glover,John, paintings, 4 6, 49,58-59 Hamburg, 130
Glover's painting's [sic] in the possession of Hamilton, W. R., 108
Charles Bowles, esq. I868,49 Hampstead Marshall A & M co Berks., 147
God's House Hospital, 310 Hampshire, 200-203, 551
Golding, Joseph. The song ofSion, or, Pic- Harjette and Savill, printer, 75
tures in paradise, 523 Harleian MSS, 98, 282, 336

[ 162 ]

No. 410-411 & 756-760, 361 Hotel des monnaies (Rouen, France), 79
No. 1167,6060, 1100, 1563 and 1195, A house in Warwick, 238
24 0 Houses, views
No. 1192, 107 Gloucestershire, 166, 172-173,
No. 1435, 24 6 185-188,192
No. 1557,216 Wanvickshire, 237-238,243-244
Hartland, Naili., 519 Worcestershire, 289,300-301
Hastings, Warren, 141 How to Jill the pope's treasury, 439
Haverfordwest (Pembrokeshire), 334 Huddesford, William. Catalogus librorum
Hawke, Martin, 466-468 manuscriptorum viri clarissimi Antonii it
Heard, Isaac, Sir, MSS, 328 Wood, 34
Hengwrt. MSS, 323 Hull (Yorkshire), 310
Henry, Earl of Worcester, 299 Human nature displayed in the history of
Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales, Myddle,23 2
100-101 Hunnaeus, Augustinus, 341
Henry I, King of England, 127 Hunt,John, printer, 531
Henry II, King of England, 81, 268, 285, Hunter,Joseph, 126
43 2 Rev. Joseph Hunter's remarks on the con-
Henry VI, King of England, 79, 316 duct ofJames Orchard Halliwell, 518
Henry VII, King of England, 105, Hunting, 351, 466-468
36 4-3 6 5
Henry VIII, King of England, 264, 284,
Heraldry, Wiltshire, 266 I have been reading the Travels of Gabriel
Heralds visitation disclaimers, 88 d'Emilianne,4 1 4
Heredes ex inquisitionibus post mortem, 360 Illingworth, William. Index cartarum de
Hesiod. H~I0L'10Y nrAAOENTA Scotia, 89
EIIH EQ~ <I>OPO~ ... , 347 An improved numeration table, to facilitate
Hidcote Bartram (Manor), 191 and extend astronomical calculations, 477
Higgins, Ebenezer. Complaint of the parish In a cartulary of Selby lent to me by Mr. Boone
clerk against ritualism, 400-401 ... ,3 0 9
Hii sunt Reddit[usJ Ecclesie S[anJc[tJe Marie In April I 689 a Portuguese priest came to
de Walsingham, 21 0 iV[acao,4 1 5
Hildebrandus, of London, 278 In lapidem ex /Egypto allatum, nunc in Bib-
Historia de los yndios mexicanos, 348 liotheca Publica apud Frankfurt-super-
Prospectus, 349 Mt2nUm,29
History of the family ofMolyneux, APP. A.6 Ince, Henry. Outlines ofEnglish history,
Hodges's School (Broadway, Worcester- 522
shire), 492 Incunabula, catalogues, 3, 3A
Hone, Richard Brindley. Churchwardens Index cartarum de Scotia, 89
empowered to remove superfluous orna- Index inquisitionum post mortem, tempore
ments,399 Edward VI. in Rotulorum Capella. A.D.
Honeyboume Bridge Estate (Gloucester- I856 ...
shire), 520 See: Index to the inquisitions post mortem,
Hooker,John. The lyfJe of Sir Peter Carew, for the reign ofEdward VI.
113 Index nominum in libris dictis Cole's
Homes, Prince de, 260 Escheats, 361

[ 163]

Index of leases of manors and lands in Eng- Index to the MSS. collections for Wiltshire his-
land,9 0 tory, 1157
Index ofplaces to Dugdale's Warwickshire, Index to the pedes finium for Wiltshire, I Geo.
239 I. to I I Geo. 2., 258
An index of the religious houses in England Index to the pedes finium for Worcestershire,
and Wales, 91 295
Index of wills at Gloucester, 1811 Index to the pedigrees in Dugdale's Warwick-
Index of Wilts visitation, I623, 1174, 1184 shire, ,ApP. A'7
Index of Wiltshire fines, from I Edward III. to Index to the visitation of WorcesteTShire,
RichardIII.,1l54 I5 69,29 6
Index pedum finium pro com. Glouc. temp. Index to the vol. of Welsh pedigrees . .. , 315
George I., 183 Index to the Worcestershire visitation, I684,
Index pedum finium pro com. Wigorn, 294 1196
Index registri cartarum ecclesiae cathedralis Index to the writings of Sir Charles
Sarum, 1155, 284 Cornwallis, 97
Index to a volume ofpedigrees of Caer- Index to Warwickshire visitations, in Harl.
marthenshire, Cardiganshire, and Pem- M.S.S., 1140
brokeshire, 319 Index to wills at Worcester, I492, to I520,
Index to articles printed from the Cotton 1197
MSS., 911 Index to Worcester wills-from I5I9, 298
Index to cartularies now or formerly existing, 93 Indexes to county visitations. - Second edi-
Index to names of wills, in P. O.Cant., tion, 99
133- 1 34 Indexes to the county visitations in the library
Index to particulars for grants temp. Edward at Middle Hill, I840, 98
VT,94 Indians of Mexico, 348
Index to particulars for grants temp. Eliza- Indians of North America, 496
beth., 96 Inheritance and succession, 360-362
Index to particulars for grants temp. R R Taxation, 499
Philip. & Marie, 95 Innocent XI, Pope. Letter ofPope Innocent
Index to Sarum cartulary, 1156 the XI. toJames, Duke of York, 419
Index to the genealogies of the tenants in Inquiries prfYjJosed by Mr. Phillipps, to the
capite in Domesday Book, 363 nobility, gentlemen, and clergy of Oxford-
Index to the inquisitions post mortem, for the shire, 1117
reign of Charles I., 371 Inquis. post mort. Danielis Molyneux, I632,
Index to the inquisitions post mortem, for the 3 83
reign ofEdward VI, 366-367 Inquisition post mortem ofLlewellyn ap Jor-
Index to the inquisitions post mortem, for the werth,3 16
reign ofElizabeth, 369 Inquisitiones post mortem, 316, 360
Index to the inquisitions post mortem, for the Indexes, 364-371
reign oj Henry VTI., 364 Ireland,383
Index to the inquisitions post mortem, for the Wales, 316, 387
reign of Henry VTII, 365 Wiltshire, 1147
Index to the inquisitions post mortem, for the Inscriptions
reign ofJames 1.,370 Carmarthenshire, 31111
Index to the inquisitions post mortem, for the Glamorganshire, 327
reign of Philip & Mary, 368 Greek,1l9
Index to the London visitation. I593, 1105 Oxfordshire, 216

[164 ]

Switzerland, 354-355 Kettle, John, 73

Wiltshire, 1163 King, Gregory, 307
Installation ofPrince Henry, A.D. I6IO, The Kings ofEngland- and the days of their
100-101 coronation, 102
Institutiones clericorum in comitatu The Kings ofEngland, with the days of their
Wiltoniae, 259 coronation, &c., 103
Institutiones ex registro Simonis de Gandavo, Kingston, Earl of, MSS, catalogues, 35
Nova! Sarum episcopi, A.D. I297 Kites Nest, near Broadway, Worcestershire, 300
See: Institutiones clericorum in comitatu Knights by Charles. I
Wiltoniae See: Catalogue of knights made by King
Inventory offurniture, at I4 Stratford Place, Charles. I
I830,50 Knights made by Charles, I (Alphabetically)
Invocation to thefreemen ofGrimsby, 478, 506 See: Catalogue of knights made by King
Ireland, 77, 81,106, 112-u3, 381-3811, Charles. I
385,404,418,4119,439,469,479 Knights made by Charles, I (Chronologically)
Irish question, 429 See: Catalogue of knights made by King
/rrotulacio cartarum Henrici, Comitis Wigor- Charles. I
niae, 299 Knights made by Kingjames I, 104
Irrotulaciones cartarum super annuatarum Knights of Henry 7, 105
in civitate Hynton, 200 Knights ofIreland temp. Eliz., 77, 106
Is not Mr. Edmund Beales a Roman Catholic, Knights, registers, 75-77, 104-106
4 16 Knyvet, Thomas, 1135
Itinerarium ad Terram Sanctam, 350

J Lambeili Palace, 1311-137
J.H. P. Land grants, 87
See: Scourfield, John Henry Indexes, 94-96, 1110
J.H. S. Wales, 314
See: Scourfield,John Henry Land tenure
Jamaica, 500 Dorsetshire, 1186
James I, King of England, 104,314,336 Gloucestershire, 191
James II, King of England, 419 Pembrokeshire, 334, 336
Jeffreys, T. A catalogue of the manuscripts in Suffolk,1l35
Llannerch Library, 31 Warwickshire, 293
Jerome, Saint. St. jerome's Prologue to the Wiltshire, 1170
New Testament, 356 Worcestershire, 303-305
Jesuits, 4 1 7, 433 The landlords to the tradesmen, 462, 480
The jesuits and the affair ofMr. de Buck, 417 Lands leased by Queen Mary, 107
Johannes, de Harnham, 728 Lang, Karl Heinrich. Rcverendi in Christo
Junius. Three letters ofjunius, believed to be patris jacobi Marelli, Soc. jesus Amores,
unpublished,357 433
Lansdown MSS no. 306, 254, 1180, 294
Laverton (Gloucestershire), 176-177,
K 184,455
Kemeys family, 330 Laverton School, 176, 184
Kee, Mr., 82 Laverton School, Co. Glouc. I8I8., 184

[ 165]

Lawsuits, 73 26 3, 28 9,30-32,345,354-355,
Lease of tithes, of Stamfordham, ~ 11 3 81 ,39,512
Leases, 107,481-489,53 Lithographic/anastatic printing, texts,
Gloucestershire, 177 68,82,88, 125,154,160, 169,
Indexes, 89 174-175,183,258,278,285,295,
Leek Wotton register; co. Warwick, ~41 34~-343,347,437,484,551
Le Gallois, Pierre. A critical and historical Le livre de la chasce, 35 1
account of all the celebrated libraries, 341 Llannerch Library, MSS, 31
Leicester, Robert, Earl of. To the Right Llewelyn ap Iorwerth, 316
Honorable my vearie good L. and eosin, 139 Lloyd, Edward, of Drenewydd. Antiquities
Length of road from Middle-Hill to the adja- of the county of Sa lap, 231
cent houses, 490 Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, 312, 3u
Letter of an Irish priest, the Rev. F. J Burke, London, 205-207
4 18 Long, Charles, MSS, 500
Letter ofPope Innocent the XI. to James, Duke Longmate, Baruch, 206
of York, 25July I 682, 419 Lowe & Bennington, printer, 298
Letter to W R Hamilton, esq. on the Saxon Lowe,John, printer, 181,294,311,314,
names ofplaces, 108 3 u -3 2 3,4 2 5
A letter writ by mijn heer Fagel, &c., 109 Ludolfvon Sachsen. Itinerarium ad Ter-
Letters of Nlargaret, countess of Coningsby, ram Sanctam, 350
110-111 Lunn, Matthew, Rev., 475
Liber revencionum, comptorum, et casualita- The ly1fe of Sir Peter Carew, 113
tum, 112 Lyrics, 493
Lieutenant General Thomas Molyneux, 384 Lyrics, and Philippics, 495
Lille, libraries, MSS, 3~, 37, 37 A Lyrics: supplement, 494
Lillington Church, co. Warwick, ~4~
Lincolnshire, ~04, 547-548
A list of books. Chiefly printed at Middle Hill, M
16-18 MacDonald, Bora, 83
List offruit trees planted by Sir T P. at Madden, Frederic, library, 22
Thirlestaine October I 8 64, 491 Madden, Frederic. Proposals for publishing
List of manuscripts relating to Wales in the by subscription a topographical and
Middle Hill Library, 11 genealogical work in titled Collectanea topo-
List of Middle Hill photographs, I859, 52 graphica, 121
List of objects, 53 Magistrates
A list of sheriffs for the county ofPembroke, Pembrokeshire, 335
335 Wiltshire, 283
List of the family portraits at Mickleton Mahon, Lord, 448
Manor House, 54 Malmesbury Abbey, 250, 271, 284
A list oftlze 20 free boys in Hodges's School, MaIta, antiquities, 510
492 Mandan Indians, 496
List of Utrecht seals, ex bibl. Muschenbroek, Mandan village, 496
55 Manor ofBuckland, in the county of Glouces-
Lithographic/ anastatic printing, illustra- ter,497
tions,64, 143-150, 15~-I53, 167, Manor of Childswickham, in the county of
172-173,185-188, 192, 198- 1 99, Gloucester, 498
219-229,237-238,242-245,249, Manors, 293

[ 166]

Mansel family, 378-380 No. 762, 33

Mansell records, 378-380 No. 868, 28
Manuscripti codices Abbatiae Sancti Eligii. Memoires of natural remarques in the county
Circa Ann. I778 of Wilts, 262, lI!84
See: Catalogus manuscriptorum in biblio- Memoirs ofJames Francis FitzJames, 116
theca publica apud Lille Memoranda of Thomas Coventry, 117
Manuscripts, 341 Memorandum of Wheatfield in com. Oxon.,
Catalogs, 4-11,13-14, Ig-lH, 24-ll9, u5
3 1-43 Merionethshire, 329
Oriental, u Merret, Christopher, 353
Scottish, 89 Merrick, Rice. A book ofGlamorganshire's
Welsh, l l , 31 antiquities, 326
Facsimiles, 34ll-343, 347 Metcalfe, Walter c., 195
Forgeries, 347 Les meuttes et veneries de haut et puissant
Greek,llg,343,347 seigneur messireJean de Ligniville . .. , 351
Manuscripts at Porkington, 35, 38,41 M'Ghee, Robert].
MSS. in Edwards's sale I 8 I 5, 4ll The mockery of civil and religious liberty in
Manuscripts of the rev. Samuel Butler, 35, 38 England, 4l1! 1
Mappae clavicula, 35ll Protestant readings: no popery, 430
Maps Mickleton manor house
Catalogues, 56 List of family portraits from, 54
Facsimiles, 345 Views, 185-186
Marellus,Jacobus,433 Mickleton Manor House, co. Gloucester,
Mariage du Prince de Hornes avec Milady 185-186
Marie Bruce, 260, 284 Microscope specimens, lists, 53
Marres family, 288 Middle Hill, 301
Marriage contracts, 260 Middle Hill (Estate)
Marriages, registers, 114, 118, ll07, ll36, Furniture, lists, 47
241",287-288,290,292,310,338 Maps, lists, 56
Marriages I73I, 114 Microscope specimens, lists, 53
Mary I, Queen of England, 87, 95,107, Paintings, lists, 46, 60
120,3 6 7-3 68 Photographs, lists, 51-52
Mason, Mr. (Richard), 543 Plate, lists, 57
Mather,John. Bubo Norvegiensis, 69 Seals, lists, 55
Matriculationes Oxonienses, 115 Stuffed birds, lists, 45
Matriculationes Oxonienses pro com. Wzlts., Views, 301-30ll!, 490
261 Middle Hill Library, catalogues
May, Thomas, Chester. MSS, 5, 7- 11 , 13-14, 19, lI!l, 24, 39
Visitation of Gloucestershire, I684, 196 Printed books, 1-4A, Ill!, 14, 20,
The visitation of the county of Gloucester of 22-23,27
I682-3 [advertisement], 195 Middle Hill plate, on 4th. July I 84 8, 57
The Worcestershire visitation, I683-4, Middle Hill Press
30 7 Adolphus Brightley's printed expense
McCahey, lithographer, 345 list, 447
Meerman MSS, 342 Catalogues, 16-18, 25
Catalogues, 6, 24 Printers associated with the Middle
Editions of Hill Press (See under name for entry


numbers) Mr. John Glover's exhibition of his oil and

Agg, john water-colour paintings, 58
Barrett, Thomas Mr. Lowe, Taxes I87I, 499
Baxter, _ __ The mockery of civil and religious liberty in
Bridgewater,]. C. England, 421
Brightley, Adolphus Molyneux, Capel, Sir. An account of the
Bullingham, Charles family and descendants of Sir Thomas
Bult,R. Molyneux, 381
W. Clowes and Sons Molyneux, Daniel, 383
Cowell, S. H. Molyneux family, 381-385
Crees, F. T. G. Molyneux, Thomas (1531-1596?),
]. Davy & Sons, Dryden Press 3 81 -3 82
Deighton, H. Molyneux, Thomas (1767-1841), 45, 384
Gardiner and Son Monumental inscriptions in the county of
George, _ __ Wilton, 263
Gilmour, Charles Monuments, sepulchral
Gilmour,]. A. Carmarfuenshire, 322
Halford, Sarah Glamorganshire,3 1l7
Harjette and Savill Oxfordshire, 216-218
Hunt,john Views
Lowe & Bennington Berkshire, 143, 151l
Lowe,john Oxfordshire, 221
McCahey, _ __ Wiltshire, 263
]. B. Nichols and Son Morgan, George. [Plan of a camp at
Norman and Sons Sebastopo[j, 512
Offer, Edwin Muschenbroek, library, 55
Parry and Co. Mutato nomine, de te fabula narratur,
Payne, Thomas Regina!, 41llOl
Pihan Delaforest (Morinval) Mytton, William. Antiquities of the county
Potter,]. of Salop, 1l3I
Rogers,james Thomas N
Skelton, _ __ Names of the principal planters, and settlers
Stratford, T. inJamaica, I633, 500
Timbrill, T. Navy, 82
Tymbs,H. B. Nelson, Horatio, Viscount, 81l
Williams, john Neri, Antonio. Neri's Art of glass, 353
The Middle Hill Press: A short catalogue of Neri's Art ofglass, 353
some of Sir Thomas Phillipps' privately A new 'inscription for Farthinghoe Church, 4!<l3
printed works, lOl5 The new Parliament. I869, 501
Middle Hill to the Tower and Slinget, 301l A new songfor Christmas I856, 50!<l
Middlesex, 1l07-lOl09 ]. B. Nichols and Son, printer, 138, 208,
Middlesex visitation, I663-4, !<l08 352
Militia, Wiltshire, 1164 Norfolk, uo
Millini, M., 346 Norman and Sons, printer, 493
)VIr. Gladstone's character analyzed, and his Norfu, Frederick, Earl of Guilford, MSS,
Protestant principles tested, 420 7, 10

[ 168]

North Wiltshire musters, anno 30 Henry Oratoria ex Roberti Wyvill registro, !Ol65, !Ol84
VIII, !Ol64 Ord, Craven, MSS, 90
Northumberland, !Ol11-liil!Ol Oriental MSS. in Bibl. Phillippica, I867, u
Notice. All the allotment tenants of Sir Ormsby-Gore, William, MSS, 38
Thomas Phillipps, bart. ... , 503 Owen, George. George Owen's Collections
Notice of the Dominican convent ofEnglish for Wales, 313
nuns at Vilvorde, in Flanders, 79 Owen, Hugh. A history of Shrewsbury, 43!Ol
The number of ancestors which every person Owls, 69
must have in each generation as far as the Oxford University, registers, ll5, !Ol61
5 0th., 5 0 4 Oxfordshire, !Ol6, 115, 213-230, 261
Numismata vetera, 354-355 Oxfordshire monumental inscriptions
Nunneries in old times, 4!Ol4 See: Parochial collections for the county of

Obitus Calixti Tertii, et Conclave Pii Secundi,
Senensis Padworth Church, co. Berks., 148
See: Aeneae Sylvii Piccolomini, Pii secundi Painting, Medieval, 35!Ol
Papae, Electionis suae narratio. A. D. I 458 Paintings, catalogues, 46, 48-49, 54,
Observations on free trade in corn, 505 5 8- 6 lii
Ode to genius, 506 Palestine, description, 350
Of the corruption of the Italian priests and Pangboum Church co. Berks., 149
monks in their devotions, 4!Ol5 Parish register ofDumeford, Wilts, lii66
Offer, Edwin, printer, 4, !Ol7, 33, 37-37A, Parish registers, u8
!Ol50,!Ol68,!Ol73,!Ol76,340-341,386, Gloucestershire, 170-171, 174-175,
477,49 0,5 1 3,553 178- 179
Oh! Sir Thomas, you little think to what you Middlesex, !Ol07
have married your eldest daughter!, 507 Oxfordshire, u3-u4
Oil paintings, by J. Glover, 59 Pembrokeshire, 338
Old Combe, as altered to Campden House, 187 Suffolk, 236
Old Combe House, near Campden co. Glouc., Warwickshire, !Ol41
188 Wiltshire, !Ol51, lii53, !Ol66
Old English, grammars, &c., 84-85 Worcestershire, !Ol88, !Ol90-!Ol9!Ol
On a Puseyite parson, 4!Ol6 Parochial collections for the county of Oxford,
On aluminium and its chemical 216
combinations, 476 Lithograph illustrations for, 21!j-lii!Ol9
On drunkenness, 508 Prospectuses, !Ol17-!Ol18
Onfree trade, 509 Parry and Co., printer, 465
On parochial registration of baptisms, mar- Part of the visitation ofLondon, I634, !Ol06
riages, u8 Particulars of grants, temp. Edw. vz:Mary I
On the existence of a second Stonehenge, at Elizth., l!OlO
idalta, 510 Patent rolls, 79
On the nature offines, 119 Paternal coats, crests, and mottoes, of the gen-
One guinea reward.: Whereas some evil dis- try of Wiltshire, !Ol67
posed persons have stolen several larch, Payne, Thomas, printer, 105-106, 141,
and other trees from the plantation of Sir 170- 17 1 ,5 1 9
Thomas Phillipps . .. , 511 Pedes finium, 189-190, !Ol47, !Ol58, !Ol95

[ 169]

See also: Fines Phillipps family, ~69-270' 386-389, 391,

Pedesfinium, ab anno I649 ad ann. I7I4 5~4,552
pro. com. Gloc., 190 Phillipps, Henrietta (daughter of Sir
Pedes finium, pro. Com. Glouc. Begin I John Thomas)
... , 189 See: Halliwell-Phillipps, Henrietta
The pedigree of the family of the Molyneuxs, Phillipps, Mary (daughter of Sir Thomas)
385 See: Walcot, Mary
The pedigree of Thomas Grove, 377 Phillipps, Mary (16th cent.) , 387
A pedigree, err genealogye, of the family of the Phillipps MSS, Middle Hill Press editions
Frekes o 159, 193,~03, 20 5,234, 25 6 , 275,
See: Freke pedigree 279,345-34 6 ,357,375,394,4 0 5
Pedigrees, 359, 376-377, 3 86 Identified by number
(See also under names of individual No. 63, 155-156
families) No. 1650,344
Glamorganshire, 328 No. 1743,342
Indexes, 363 No. 2161,311
Ireland,385 No. 2670, 392
Northumberland,212 No. 2753,405
Oxfordshire, 1\l6-218 No. 3073, 130
Somersetshire, 233 No. 4100, 65
Spain, 372-373 No. 6469,97, 128
Wales, 317 No. 6538,360
Indexes, 315, 318-320 No. 6539,313
Wiltshire, 377, 386 No. 8326 [i.e., 8336?], 67
Worcestershire, 386 No. 9774, 206
Pedigrees from the heraldic visitation, of No. 10298, 351
Northumberland, 212 No. 10536, 78
Pedigrees of Caermarthenshire, Cardiganshire, No. 11189,315
and Pembrokeshire, 317 No. 11284,105
Indexes, 318-320 No. 12465,336
Pembrokeshire, 124,317-320,330-338 No. 13878,347
Pembrokeshire collections, 336 No. 15212,77
Pembrokeshire magistrates, 335 No. 29329, 350
Pembrokeshire, names ofplaces in the parishes, Phillipps, Owen, 457
337 Phillipps, Richard (17th cent.), 270
Pershore Hundred (Worcestershire), 306 Phillipps, Thomas (16th cent.), 269
Petrus, de Suchen Phillipps, Thomas, Sir
See: Ludolfvon Sachsen Art collections, 46, 48-49, 58-61
Peter II, Count of Savoy, 79 Campaign (1826),478,506,547-548
Philipps,John Henry Campaign (1832),464,545-546
See: Scourfield,John Henry Campaign (1861),465
Philipps,John Lloyd, 317-320 Charities, 454
Philipps, Richard, Sir (d. 1823), 388 Deeds, 519-521
Phillipott, John, 203 Donations, 457
Phillipps, Abeona Belina. The waterfall, Estate matters, miscellaneous, 471,
I864,552 49 1 ,5 11 ,5 2 5,553

[ 170]

Leases, 481-489, 503 Three inedited Saxon charters, from the

Library, 1-5,7-1 5, 19-24,27,34,39, cartulary of Cirencester Abbey
55 0 To Mr. Mason, Tenby
Other collections, 45, 47, 50-53, To the editor of the Chiltenham Free
56-57,62-64 Press and Gloucestershire Herald
Sports and pastimes, 458-460, To the electors ofEast Worcestershire
4 66-4 68 ,554-555 To the much injured electors of the
Tenants, 455-456, 461, 481-489, ancient borough of Grimsby
497-498 ,5 03,5 0 5 To the worthy and independent
Timber, cutting and sale of, 502, burgesses of the borough of Grimsby
52 7-54 2 Phillipps, William (18th cent.), 389
Works Phoenician antiquities, 543
Editorial control by Sir Thomas Photographs, catalogues, 51-52
Phillips is assumed for most titles in Pictures at Middle Hill, r862, 60
this Checklist; the following are Pihan Delaforest (Morinval), printer,
works (literary, scholarly and politi- 39-40
cal) he is known to have written Pipe rolls, 127,268,285
himself. See under title for Check- Pius II, Pope. Aeneae Sylvii Piccolomini ...
list entry number. Electionis suae narratio, 392
An acrostic Placenames in Pembrokeshire, 337
Dilemmas or questions on important Placenames, Saxon, 108
subjects Plan of the ritualistic campaign, 427-428
Extract from a record explanatory of Plate, inventories, 57
grants by Henry II. and Edward 1. Pole, William Sir. Sir Wm. Pole's copies of,
Genealogia & extracts from old evidences, 13 1
I have been reading the Travels of Political catechism for England and Ireland,
Gabriel d 'Emilianne 429
An improved numeration table, to facili- Political tracts, 395, 404, 4 16, 420-422,
tate and extend astronomical calcula- 429,431,441-442,449,462,469,
tions 478-480,499,501,505-506,509,
Inquiries proposed by Mr. Phillipps . .. 5 1 5,5 1 7,549
Letter to W R Hamilton, esq. on the Porkington (Estate), 35, 38, 41
Saxon names ofplaces Port Phillip (Australia), 452-453
Mappae clavicula The portrait of Agatha Lanzi, or, The two pic-
Melton hunt tures,5 1 3
Observations on free trade in corn Possessors ofknight'sfees and lands in Wilts,
On parochial registration of baptisms, 268
marriages Potter,]., printer, 331
On the existence of a second Stonehenge, Pottinger, C. R., photographer, 146
at Malta The prayer of the book, 514
The pedigree of Thomas Grove, ofFern Preparing for publication, Parochial collec-
House tions for Oxfordshire, 218
Sir, On examining more closely the book Printed books, catalogues, 1-4, Ill,
called Ince, and Gilbert's, Outlines of 14-18,20,22-23,27,3 0
English history, I find the following Priory of St. Nicholas, Exeter, 160
falsehoods, and absurdities . .. Privileges, 81

[171 ]

Proposals for printing extracts from the Close A register of marriages in the chappel of God S
Rolls,66 House Hospital . .. , 310
Proposals for publishing by subscription a Register of Somerset House Chapel, 207
topographical and genealogical work inti- The register of the baptisms, marriages, and
tled Collectanea topographica, 1 U burials, of the parish ofTrefEglwys, 338
Proposed petition of the farmers and landlords Registrum abbatiae de Malmesbury, 271,
of Worcestershire and Gloucestershire, 515 2 84
Prospectus of the formation of a topographical Registrum Henrici Cotton, APP. A.8
society, U2-u3 Registrum PrioratUs de Bradenstoke, 272
Protestant readings: no popery, 430 Regulations to be observed for the marquee, 458
Prynne,John. Cartularium monasterii de Relics, 397, 432
Winchcombe in com. Glouc., 169 Reliquiae ecclesiae Sanctae Winefridae, 432
Purchase of Broad Blunsdon, farm, co. Wilts. The report of the committee, 454
by Thomas Phillipps, 269 The representation of the people bill, 517
Purchase of Slebiche, &c. by Roger Barlow, I3 Rev. Joseph Hunter's remarks on the conduct
Hen. 8., 124 ofJames Orchard Halliwell, 518
Purley Church, co. Berks., 150 Reverendi in Christo patris Jacobi Marelli,
Purley Church, font, 512 Soc. Jesus Amores, 433
Puseyism, 426 Rice Morgan Bowen, and Mary Phillipps, 387
Richard I, King of England, 268
Ritualism, 400-401, 427-428, 434
Q The ritualists: Beware! They are fooling thee,
Queen's College, Oxford, 98 434
Queries proposed by Mr. Clarke, to the nobility, Robins, Thomas. A west prospect of the
gentlemen, and clergy, of Berkshire, 151 spaw and town of Cheltenham. I748, 198
Quo warranto directed to Antony, & William Rogers, James. To the inhabitants of Broad-
Freeman, 191 way, 443
Quo warranto directed to Richard Phillipps, Rogers,James, printer, 30,46,58,77,86,
of South Marston, Wilts., 270 159,193, 203,212,234,275,3 1 5,
R 495,502,509,511,525,544,554-555
Rebecca: on the Rebecca Riots in Wales, 516 Rogers,James Thomas, printer, 492, 500
Receaved and borrowed of my honord friend Rolls Chapel, Chancery Lane, 269
Sr David Watkins, U 5 Romance of Guy of Warwick :fragment, u6
Redditus assisae pertin. Dno. Rogero de Romanism in the British army, 435
Colevyle, 157-158 Romanism in the British army. I865,436
Reddit[usl Ecclesie S[anlc[tle Marie de Wal- Rotulus magnus pipae, u7
singham, 210 Rotul,us Walliae, 3U
Redditus sfquentes ex antiquo manuscripto Rowlands,John, 322, 327
continente tota Biblia, 1110 Royal Society, MSS, 262
Reform Bill, 517 Rudge family, u5
The reform cry, 431 Russell, Michael, 177
Register of marriages, baptisms, & burials in Rutzen family, 390
Somerset House Chapel, I7I4 to I775 Rycaut, Paul, Sir. Sir Paul Rycaut's diplo-
See: Register of Somerset House Chapel matic letters, 130

[ 172]

Ryley, William. The visitation ofMiddlesex, Scourfield,John Henry

208-209 The grand serio-comic opera, of Lord Bate-
man, and his Sophia, 86

s Lyrics, 493
Lyrics, and Philippics, 495
St. David's (Wales), 333 Lyrics: supplement, 494
Cathedral, 332 Rebecca: on the Rebecca Riots in Wales, 516
St. Eloy (France), MSS, catalogues, Scudamore,John, Viscount Scudamore,
37-37A 78
St. George, Henry Seals, 544
The Cambridgeshire visitation, 155 Catalogues, 55, 64
Cambridgeshire visitation, I6I9, 156 Sebastopol, camp at, 512
Part of the visitation ofLondon, I634, Selby Abbey, 309
206 Shaftesbury Abbey, 286
Pedigrees from the heraldic visitation, of Shaw, S., Rev., 140
Northumberland, 212 Sherborne Abbey, 162
Somerset visitation, I623, 233 Sherbrooke, Robert Lowe, Viscount, 499
Visitatio heraldica comitatus Wiltoniae, Sheriffs, lists
A.D. I623, 273 Carmarthenshire, 324
Visitation ofDevonshire, I620, 161 Denbighshire,325
St. George, Richard Merionethshire, 329
Pedigrees from the heraldic visitation, of Pembrokeshire,335
Northumberland, 212 Sheriffs ofCaermarthenshire I539, to I859,
Visitation of Westmoreland, I6I5, 246 324
St. Jerome's Prologue to the New Testament, 356 The sheriffs ofDenbighshire, 325
St.John Baptist (Carmarthenshire), 323 The sheriffs ofMerionethshire, 329
St. Nicholas Abbey (Devonshire), 160 A short and true account of the several
Saintbury marriages begin I585, 236 advances the Church ofEngland hath
Sai~te-Claire-Deville, Henri-Etienne. On made towards Rome, 437
aluminium and its chemical combinations, Shropshire, 231-232
47 6 Simonides, Constantine, forgeries, 347
Sale at Spring-Hill I820. of Mr. W. Willan's Sir Charles Cornwaleys' letters, 128
furniture, 63 Sir Dudley Carleton's state letters, 129
Sale ofJames, Duke of Chandos' library . .. , Sir F. Madden's pamphlets, 22
35 Sir, On examining more closely the book called
Salford House, co. Warwick, 243-244 Ince, and Gilbert's, Outlines ofEnglish his-
Salisbury Cathedral, 255-256, 284 tory, I find the followingfalsehoods, and
Sandhurst, Berks., 152 absurdities . . . , 522
Saville MSS, 19 Sir Paul Rycaut's diplomatic letters, 130
Schedule of deeds belonging to Sir Thomas Sir Richd. BampfYlde's deeds, & evidences, 374
Phillipps, bart., 519 Sir Thomas Phillipps (of Middle Hill) pr0-
A schedule of the several deeds, papers, and poses to publish the inedited MS. ofJuan de
writings . .. , 520 Tovar, on the History of the Mexicans, 349
Schedule of title deeds relating to the estate Sir Wm. Pole's copies of, & extracts from old
called Brockhampton Farm, 521 evidences, 131
Scotland, MSS, 89 Skelton, printer, 478, 547-548

[ 173]

Slebiche, 124 Substance of an Appeal to the tradesmen of

Sloane, Hans, Sir, 69 London, 450
Sneyd, Walter, MSS, catalogues, 26, 35, 38 Suchen, Petrus de
Somerset, Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of, See: Ludolfvon Sachsen
87 Suffolk, 235-236
Somerset House Chapel, 207 The superscription
Somersetshire, 233, 374 See: To the Right Honorable my vearie
Somerset visitation, I623, 233 good L. and eosin, the Earle of Shrewsburie
The song ofSion, or, Pictures in paradise, Supplement to the visitation of Gloucester-
52 3 shire, I682-4, 197
South Australia I86I, 524 Surrey, 262
South Marston (Wiltshire), 270 Survey of the manor and forest of Clarendon,
Spanish, & Portuguese books in Middle Hill Wilts, in I272,APp.A'9
library, I852, 15 Swift,Jonathan, parodies, 474
Spelman, Henry, 210
The spider monk, and the maiden fly, 438
Spring Hill (Estate), furniture from, lists, T
63 A table of the reigns of the kings ofEngland,
Stadhampton Oxon., 228 APP.A.1O
Staffordshire, 234 Talbot, William Henry Fox. To Sir Thomas
Staffordshire visitation, I663-4, 234 Phillipps, bart. Middle Hill, 544
Stamfordham, 211 Tattersall family, 204
Stanton Court, co. Gloucester, 192 Taxation, lists
Stealing wood, caution, 525 Gloucestershire, 180-181
Steele-Graves, Elizabeth, Lady Wiltshire, 248, 268, 278, 281
List of the family portraits at Mickleton Worcestershire, 306
Manor House Gloucestershire. I 845, 54 Temperance literature, 508
MiddleHill,3 01 Terrier of common fields in Broadway, circa
Steele Perkins, Duncumb. The expediency I 680, 303
and divine origins of laws set forth, 470 Testamenta Lambethana, 132
Steiger, Mr. Anecdote related by Mr. Steiger to Indexes, 133-137
Lord Mahon, 448 The third schedule to which the award refers,
Stephen, King, 268 30 4
The steward s book, for the Cotswold archery, Thirlestaine House, 491
460 Paintings, lists, 48-49, 58-59, 61
Stewart,James, 109 This day is published, price one penny, The
Stowe MSS., 43 Arabian ass, or, Lawyer Sly, 526
Strange and remarkable prophesies and predic- Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Summa theologiae,
tions of the holy, learned, and excellent 34 1
James Usher, 439 Thomas, Dr., 239
Stratjieid Mortimer, 153 Thomas Warton's notes, & corrections to his
Stratford, T., printer, 296 history of Winchester College, & Cathedral,
Stratford-Upon-Avon, 293 201-202
Stratton St. Margaret's register [&c.], 243 Three inedited Saxon charters, from the cartu-
Sturmyn, Thomas, 334 lary ofCirencester Abbey, 138
Subscribers to the continuation of Bigland's Three letters ofJunius, believed to be unpub-
Gloucestershire, I87o-87, 165 lished, 357

[ 174]

Thynne,james, 184. Extractfromjames Tupper, Mary Frances. The ritualists:

Thynne's will, relating to Laverton School, Beware! They are fooling thee, 434
17 6 Twici, William. Le art de venerie, 67
.. tim thonitrua disrumpunt menia prima . .. , Tymbs, H. B., printer, 545
35 8
Timber sales, 5~7-54~
Timbrill, T. printer, 505
Tithes, ~1l Ussher,james. Strange and remarkable
The title ofjohn Foot, alias Dineiey, esq. to prophesies and predictions of the holy,
estates . .. , 305 learned, and excellent james Usher, 439
Tizon deEspana, 37~-373 Utrecht, list of seals, 55
To Mr. Mason, Tenby, 543
To Protestants, 440
To Sir Thomas Phillipps, bart. Middle Hill, v
544 Vallard, Nicholas. The first map of Aus-
To the editor of the Cheltenham Free Press and tralia, 345
Gloucestershire Herald, 441 Van Ess, Leander
To the electors ofEast Worcestershire, 44~, 545 See: Ess, Leander Van
To the electors of the county of_ _ _ , 546 Varrentrapp, books from, in Sir Thomas's
To the inhabitants of Broadway, 443 library, 4-4A
To the much injured electors of the ancient Vaughan, Robert, 316
borough ofGrimsby, 547 Vespucci, Amerigo. Americi Vespucii Navi-
To the people ofEngland, 444 gationis tertiae duae enarrationes diversae,
To the Right Honorable my vearie good L. I5 0I ,339
and eosin, the Earle of Shrewsburie, 139 The victor's triumph, 549
To the worthy and independent burgesses of Visitatio heraldica comitatus Wiltoniae, A.D.
the borough of Grimsby, 548 I623, ~73
Tomes, Robert. The prayer of the book, 514 Visitation ofDerbyshire, I662-3
The Topographer, 140 See: Visitation ofDerbyshire, I663-4
Tovar,juan de. Historia de los yndios mexi- Visitation ofDerbyshire, I663-4, 159
canos, 348 Visitation ofDevonshire, I620, 161
Prospectus, 349 Visitation, of Gloucestershire, I5 69, 193
Townsend, Francis. A catalogue of knights, Visitation of Gloucestershire, I684, 196
from I660 to I760, 75 Visitation of Hampshire I575, I622, &
Townsend's Catalogue of knights I686, ~03
See: A catalogue of knights, from I660 to The visitation of Middlesex, ~08
I7 60 The visitation of Somersetshire, I 623
Transactions of the Royal Society ofLiterature, See: Somerset visitation, I 623
offprint of article by Sir Thomas Visitation of Staffordshire, I 663-4
Phillipps, 108 See: Staffordshire visitation, I 663-4
TrefEglwys, Wales, 338 The visitation of the county of Gloucester of
Trespass notice, 553 I682-3 [advertisement), 195
Trial of Warren Hastings, esq., 141 Visitation of Westmoreland, I6I5, ~46
Trumbull (Estate), u5 Visitation of Wiltshire I677, ~75
Tudur Aled, 311 Visitations, heraldic, 88
Tupper, Martin F. Plan of the ritualistic Berkshire, 14~, 154
campaign, 4~7-4~8 Cambridgeshire, 155-156

[ 175 ]

Derbyshire, 159 Wanborough court rolls, 1l76, 386

Devonshire, 161 Wanborough (Wiltshire), 1l48, 1l76, 386
Gloucestershire, 193-197 Warburton MSS, 77
Hampshire, 1103 Warton, Thomas. Description of the city,
Indexes, general, 98-99 college, and cathedral of Winchester,
London, 1106 201-201l
Indexes, 1105 Warwickshire, 237-245
Middlesex, 1l08-:W9 The waterfall, I864, 552
Northumberland, pedigrees from, Waterford (Ireland), 81
Ilill Watkins, David, Sir, u5
Oxfordshire, 230 We hereby severally give you notice . .. , 553
Somersetshire, ~33 Webster, Ann
Staffordshire, 234 Invocation to the freemen ofGrimsby, 478,
Sussex, ~30 5 06
Warwickshire, indexes, 240 Ode to genius, 506
Westmoreland, 1146 Welsh poetry, 311
Wiltshire, 1l73, 275 A west prospect of the spaw and town of Chel-
Indexes, 1174 tenham. I 74 8, 198
Worcestershire, 307 Westmoreland, 246
Indexes, 1196 What is done in nunneries, 445
Visitations ofBerkshire, I565, I623, I664, Wheatfield (Estate),:n5
154 Whitnash Church, co. Warwick, 245
Visitations of Oxfordshire, I574, & I634, Wigan, Thomas, MSS, 30
and of Sussex, I570, 1130 The will of Sir Richard Philipps, bart. baron
Visitors will oblige by always writing their Milford, 388
address, 550 Will of the Rev. Oliver Brunsell, 277
Vowell,john,113 Willersey Church, Gloucestershire, 199
William Phillipps, & others to Thomas Free-
man, 389
w Williams, john, 124
Walcot family, 391 Williams,john, printer, 69, 333
Walcot, john. A funeral sermon preached in Wills, 74, 132, 133-1 37 /
Kempsey Church March, I4th. I852,475 Gloucestershire, 182
Walcot, Mary (nee Phillipps, daughter of Wales, 388
Sir Thomas), 475 Wiltshire, 277
Waldseemiiller, Martin. Cosmographiae Worcestershire, 297-298, 307
introductio, 339 Wiltes. Rotulus Hildebrandi de London ret)
Wales, 11,91,311-338,386,473,516, Johis de Harnham, 278
Carmarthenshire, 317-3IlO, 321l-324 Wilts close rolls, 279, 284
Denbighshire, 325 Wilts. inquisitiones post mortem, anno 43
Glamorganshire, 313, 31l6-31l8 Eliz., APP. A.l1
Merionethshire, 3119 Wiltshire, 247-285, 377, 386, 473
Pembrokeshire, 124, 317-3IlO, Wiltshire fines, from I Edward III. to Richard
33 0-33 8 III., 280, 284
The Wallop latch, 551 Wiltshire freeholder's book, 281
Walsingham Priory,:no Wiltshire gentry circa tempus Caroli I. et II.,
Walter, de Cantelupe, 1193 282

[ 176]

Wiltshire magistrates, ~83 Wood, Anthony ii, MSS, 34

Wiltshire miscellanea, ~84 Woodstock, 229
Cartularium Saxonicum Malmsburiense in Worcester, Edward Somerset, Marquis of.
com. Wilts., ~50 Receaved and borrowed of my honord
Index of Wilts visitation, I623, ~74 friend Sr David Watkins, 125
Index registri cartarum ecclesiae cathedralis Worcestershire, 30, 286-307,442,
Sarum, ~55 464-465,470,505,509,515,520,
Mariage du Prince de Hornes avec Milady 545-546 ,554-555
Marie Bruce, 260 Worcestershire Rifle Cmps, 554
Memoires of natural remarques in the Worcestershire Rifle Cmps : reasons for a rifle
county of Wilts, ~6~ corps, 555
North Wiltshire musters, anno 30 Henry Worcestershire taxation roll, 306
VIII, 264 The Worcestershire visitation, I683-4, 307
Oratoria ex Roberti Wyvill registro, 265 Wormbley (Estate), 215
Registrum abbatiae de Malmesbury, 271 Wotton, Henry, Sir, 518
Wilts close rolls, 279 Wroughton (Wiltshire), 277
Wiltshire fines, from I Edward III. to Wynne, William, MSS, 90, 323
RichardIII.,280 Wynniatt, Reginald, 389
Wiltshire gentry circa tempus Caroli I. et Wynton (Hampshire), 200
, Wiltshire pipe rolls, 285
Winchcombe Abbey, 169
Winchester Cathedral, 201-202 Yorkshire, 308-310
Winchester College, 201-202,457

[ 177]
Entries following dates in boldface type indicate works which are formally dated
in statements of publication on title-pages; entries following dates within brack-
ets indicate works whose dates are conjectural.

[ 181 9?],107
[1819 OR 1820], 385
[BETWEEN 1819 AND 1822?], 284,497-498
[1819-1838], 284
[182-?], 91, 213-214, 253-254, 260,36,521
[1821], 208-209
[1821?], 271
[1821]-182 5,259
1822, 263
[1822], 200,447
[1822?]' 255
[BETWEEN 1822 AND 1825], 151

[ 1823],266
[1823?]' 210
182 4,34
[ 182 4], 29
[ 182 4?]' 514
[1824 OR 1825],2
[ 182 5],3
[1825?],3A,79, 102, 265,34
[1826?], 506
[BETWEEN 1826 AND 1829], 268, 299, 490, 553

[ 178]

[1827], 62, 529
[1827?], 384, 528
[1827-1871], 4
[1828?], 27-28, 32-33, 162,34
[ 182 9],6,25
[CA. 1829-1872],386

[1830], 50, 56
[183-?], 10-11,97, 139,288,342,346,373,446,487,58

[ 18 3 1],274
[CA. 1832], 121
[1833], 12 7, 272
[ 18 34],89,108,455,55

[1835], 138
[ 18 35?], 280, 372

[ 18 36],45 6
[ 18 36?], 13 1 ,473
[BETWEEN 1836 AND 1842], 78, 130
18 37,8
[1837 OR 1838], 85
[ 18 38],24
[CA. 1838],38
[ 18 39?],9 6
184 0 ,66,155
[ 184],49 6

[ 179]

[1840?], 31, 65,156,25

"CA. 1840'" 154
[CA. 1840], 206
[184-?],53, 113, 120, 161,23,362
[ 18 4 1], 74, 53
[1841?], 12,3 8
[1841 OR 1842?], 449-450
1842, 1l0-lll
[1842], 13, 128,360,53 1
18 44,35 1
[ 1844], 53 2-533
[ 1844?]' 99
[ 1845], 534
18 46 ,72,4 13
[1846], 112,114,142,247
1847,35 2,466-467
1848,373,53 8
[CA. 1848-1867], 132
18 49,35,459-460 ,468
[ 18 49],116,45 8,4 89
[ 18 49?]' 43, 180

[18 5],27,277,539-54
[1850?], 14, 37A ,40
[185-?], 16,64,92, 104, 143-145, 148-15, 152, 176, 184-188, 19 1,
18 5 1 ,59
[ 18 5 1], 39 2
18 52 , 4a, 355, 361 ,475, 54 1 -54 2 .
[1852], 15,63,261,349,378,383,4 11 .
[;85 2?],36,379-380
[1853 OR 1854], 147, 153, 160
[ 18 54], 183,313,512,551
18 55,68,354

[ 180]

[ 1855?],347
1856 ,47 2
[1856?], 283

[1857?], 81, 366, 368
[ 18 58?],3 07
[CA. 1858],51,278,296
[1858 OR 1859?]' 17-18
[1859?], 103
[186o?], 157-158
[186-?],82-83, 119, 125, 168, 182,235,312,344,358,374,41,44,
1861,17- 17 1
[1861?], 287
[1862],3 10 ,339,45 2
[1863?]' 26,448
[BETWEEN 1863 AND 1872?]' 146, 198,441,483
[ 1864?]' 334, 4 26
[1864 OR 1865], 181
1866,87,3 14
[1866],4 8-49,3 25,3 29,43 2
[1866 OR 1867], 416

[1867],21,19, 133, 196,241,332,338,396,399-40,42,417,463,

4 6 9,5 1 7

[ 181 ]

[ 186 7?],44, 134-137, 197,281,348,37 1,44 1

[CA. 1868],395
1869,40 5
[ 1869?]' 549

[1870?], 163,290-291,406

[ 18 7 1?],23

[ 18 72], 4 20
1885, 164
[CA. 1885], 165, 195
1887, 166

[ 182]
Five hundred copies of this book have been printed from
fTC New Baskerville,Monotype Bulmer, and Carter & Cohen Flamande
types at the Stinehour Press in Lunenburg, Vermont. Fifty copies
have been specially bound and contain a pull from an
original engraved plate of Sir Thomas Phillipps's
coat of arms. The book has been
designed by Jerry Kelly.



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