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Describe a prize you have won.

You should say:

what it was
what you had to do to win it
how many other competitors were there
and explain how you felt after winning it.

Model Answer:
Winning a prize is always exciting and the winners are adored as well by different
quarters. I also had won a prize in my colleges annual sports competition last week. I
won the first prize and became the champion on the table tennis match on the indoor
games category.

Tennis is one of the most exciting sports in the world. Besides, the players are admired
and respected by the people of the world. When it is about tennis, majority of the
people consider it to be lawn tennis but table tennis is the smaller version of the lawn
tennis. Table tennis is played on a table and the rules are similar to the larger one.
Usually, two types of matches are played on table tennis single match, team match.
In a single match, usually, there is one opponent in each of the sides while the
opponents become two in the team match. All of the teams or players try to defeat
their opponents.

Winning on a table tennis match is difficult indeed. I had to struggle a lot for winning
the matches. Initially, I took part in the qualifying rounds, and then I got promoted to
the competing matches. I played the matches solo though one of my friends wanted to
team up with me. But I declined as I am not a good team player. Before appearing on
the competitions, I had to practice the techniques for hours. Usually making the balls
to swing is one of the difficult ways in table tennis and if someone could master it,
playing and especially defeating becomes easier. So, I practised the specific way at my
home with my sister. Moreover, I used to play table tennis with some of my friends
who came to visit me at my home. Besides, dad also likes to play table tennis and often
he turned my opponent at my home. So, I had lots of practice with table tennis and
thereby, I became victorious.

There were several other competitors against me and I had to defeat every one of
them. Before reaching the final match, I had to beat five other competitors. It was a bit
difficult for me because the matches took place in a single day. The qualifying matches
began early in the morning and continued for around one hour. Then the competing
matches took place.

Fortunately, I got some rest as I did not have to play all the matches. I appeared in six
matches altogether (including the final match). The matches took place in the college
auditorium and three tables for the tennis were placed inside there to hold the
matches. Most of the players came here without any practice and I thought that it
would be easy to defeat them as I do have regular practice with table tennis. But it was
tougher for me to defeat my competitors and they played very well despite having no
practice at all.

When I participated in the matches, I, in fact, did not think about the results. Rather, I
tried to play my best and I did so. In the end, the results backed me. When I checked
my score, I was amazed and could not believe that I did so well in the matches. The
least distance of points with the opponents was 10. The other opponents played well
and had a good fight with me. My parents were also with me during the matches and
they inspired me after every match. When I won the college championship for table
tennis, I was overwhelmed with joy and excitement. I shared my emotions with my
family members and also with the opponents. They said that they had also enjoyed the
matches with me and wished me good luck as well. The chief guest, the college
principal and relevant others also inspired me to continue my practice so that I could
be a great table tennis player in future

Talk about something you were disappointed about.

You should say:
what it was about
when it happened
why it disappointed you
and explain how you felt about it.
Model Answer:
Everyone expects something good when they buy any electronic goods but I was highly
disappointed with a mobile phone bought from a globally renowned manufacturer. I
could not use the cell phone for around two months. It got seriously damaged without
any reason.

In March of the year 2016, I had bought an iPhone 5 manufactured by apple. This is a
globally renowned brand and sells its products around the world. This is also
considered as the most pricey product on the planet. Everything is okay. The hardware
and software combinations are fine and undoubtedly the products provide the best
possible services. Considering all the other issues, I bought the phone set from a local
iPhone selling store in Singapore. The selling authority asked me to reach them in case
of any trouble with the phone. But there were no chances of such events to contact
them again over any defects or problems with the phone. The phone worked well for a
couple of weeks and from the second month, a few symptoms appeared. The phone
screen got blurred and some noises on the screen appeared as well.

The screen problem appeared exactly from the second month after buying the phone.
As I was instructed, I took the phone to the retailer who sold it to me with necessary
documents. They received the phone cordially and asked me to meet them a couple of
days later. Accordingly, I met them and they handed the phone over to me and assured
that the problems were gone. To my surprise, the problem appeared again and now it
was happening twice than before. The phone set frequently restarted and the screen
was looking awful. It appeared that the screen became the place colour. A wide range
of colours were playing on the screen while the display was not working. I tried to
install the OS several types but it did not accept the new install. So, I had to go back
again to the selling store and this time they asked me to come after a week. They also
ensured me to look into the matter deeply. In between, I made a phone call at the
store and came to know that the phone set is defective and the display will not be okay
any more.

Though the selling store replaced the phone to me, I was disappointed highly with the
poor quality of the product. It may happen that the specific phone set that I bought
was of below standard but not all the products are the same. By the same time, the
selling authority has agreed to replace the handset shortly. Despite all the positive
issues, I did not get any comfort of my mind. This was the very first apple product for
me and I bought it after saving from my pocket money given by my dad. So, it was a
happy moment for me when I bought the phone and my happiness turned upside
down when the phone started trouble. The technicians at the apple approved selling
store in Singapore could not figure out the problems of the phone initially and later
they come to the decision that the display of the phone was defective. So, I was
disappointed about the issue that all my efforts resulted in having a defective handset.
I was emotionally imbalanced after the event. I have been using the replaced cell
phone but I the days are fearsome. I am afraid of experiencing the situations again and
if such happens, the selling authority would not allow me to replace the phone again. A
blended form of emotions attacked me when I encountered the problem with the
phone set. At first, I was amazed at the color change of the display and then became
worried when the colors were frequently changing. I got afraid when the set started
restarting frequently in the second time. I heard many rumors about phone bursting
and the issue made me concerned lest my phone set does not get burst as if it bursts, I
would not be able to replace the set. Fortunately, nothing worst like that happened and
still I am using another similar phone which is serving me well. But when I remember
about the earlier iPhone 5, I feel sad.

Describe an interesting place in your home town.

You should say:

what it is
where it is
what it is famous for
and explain why this place is interesting in your opinion.
Model Answer:
Pakistan is a place of historical importance in the south Asian subcontinent and
contains several World Heritage Sites. The Lahore Fort is one of them and I've
been there for numerous times for its attractive features.

The Lahore Fort is a citadel and locally this is known as the Shahi Qila. The fort is
the example of rich Mughal architecture. The citadel is located in the Iqbal Park
in Pakistan. The history and origin of the park are not known precisely but so far
it is revealed that the fort was made during the Mughal Empire. Emperor Akbar
had built the Fort in the 15th century. The fort was well maintained by the
Mughals until their fall. After the downfall of Mughal Empire, the fort was
assigned to the Sikh and subsequently the British rulers ruled on it. The fort has
two entrances and one of them is known as Alamgiri gate which was made by
Emperor Aurangzeb. The Alamgiri gate is faced to a mosque better known as the
Badshahi mosque. The first gate was made by Emperor Akbar and was named
as Maseeti. The gate is facing the city of Lahore. Now, the fort is using the
Alamgiri gate by closing the Maseeti gate permanently.

The Lahore Fort is located at the Iqbal Park in Pakistan. Iqbal Park is the largest
urban park in Pakistan. Both the park and the fort are located in the walled city
of Lahore. To be more transparent about the issue, the Lahore Fort is located
adjacent to my residence in Lahore. I live with my parents in the walled city of
Lahore in Pakistan and the Lahore Fort is visible from our balcony.
Geographically, the Shahi Qila is situated in the north-west part of Lahore. The
fort is accessible from anywhere in the city and thus a good number of visitors
come to visit the historical place. Strategically, the location was important to
dominate some of the strongholds in Multan, Kashmir and Kabul and thus the
solid brick made fort has been built in this region.

The Lahore Fort is famous for several reasons and the most important cause is its
architecture. The fort is dominated by the Persian gardens and the buildings
inside are still own the striking look. The entire fort is divided into separate
sections, spacious bedrooms, concealed residential parts, entrance etc. Besides,
some small gardens are also notable and have increased the beauty of the fort.
Diwan I Aam is one of the halls, which was made by Emperor Shah Jahan in
1628, to meet with the common people of the locality and the design is similar to
that one of Agra Fort. The Sheesh Mahal is made with glasses and the Mahal was
built by Mirza Ghiyas Begh. The Mahal contains a large hall and was considered
as the harem of the fort. The fort has experienced some modifications during the
British period to meet the needs of the British army.

To me, the Lahore Fort is interesting for several reasons. I have visited the fort for
several times and each of the times I was amazed at the designs of the Mughal
artists who built the fort. Though some of the parts of the fort have been
modified for several reasons, the other places are still at their best look. The
wonderful 17th century Moti Masjid has increased the beauty of the fort. The Noti
Masjid contains five arches and three domes above the roof which have
increased the beauty of it. Unfortunately, the masjid was converted into Sikh
Mandir (temple) during the reign of Sikh Maharaja. The gates of the fort also
have a grandeur look with the semi-circular bastions. I also visited the Naag
temple inside the fort which is mostly famous for fresco paintings. Overall, the
entire fort is a place to enjoy the past and thus I like it most.

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