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Bachelor's Study Programmes

Study Programe : Specialisation in Educational Sciences

Field of Study: English for Education
Language of Instruction: English
Degree Acguired: Bachelor, abbr. "Bc."
Length of Study: 3 academic years
Form of Study: full-time

The objective of this study programme is to develop the students' communicative competence
in English in all its aspects so that they could work in educational institutions after graduating.
The graduates will attain a high level of communicative competence in English (C1 according
to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages); they will master a basic
knowledge of linguistic, literary and cultural disciplines. Having passed all the disciplines of
their professional training in English, they will also acquire basic pedagogical and
psychological knowledge and skills, which will enable them to further develop their
professional competence. Furthermore, they will acquire multicultural sensitivity necessary
for understanding the changing social context. The graduates may find work in educational
institutions (e.g. as assistants) and in the public sector (e.g. in non-profit organisations as well
as in the relevant area of state administration) according to the demand connected with the
European integration. Their (acquired) knowledge and skills are a prerequisite for the study of
the master programme English Language Teacher Education, which leads to the acquisition of
the full teaching qualification.

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