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Nilufer, a young woman of twenty and nine, was reading her favorite book, near the pond in her
backyard. This copy of Lolita, was picked by her 5 years back, in a seconds book store, while
strolling through the flea markets of Istanbul. She must have read it more than 6 times, and her
favorite parts were highlighted neatly in orange, against the rusty yellow page of the book.

The splash of water in the pond had the most calming effect on her. As soon she was done with
the third chapter, she felt an urge to dip her feet in the pond.

Keeping her book aside, she started making circles in the water with her right toe. The water
ripples tickled her. She sat on the edge of the pond, with both her legs knee-deep in it.
Unconsciously, her hands patted her 9 months old pregnant belly. And her lips curled up in a
smile. Half a minute later, she was in the pond, gently, gliding and paddling her way through the
cold water.

Nilufer sensed a strange attachment to this pond. Hers was a troubled pregnancy. Even the
village doctor warned her many a times, before going ahead with the decision to continue with
her pregnancy. But she had a firm belief. The pond helped her relax and relieve her bodily pains.
It also provided her with the Sanctuary, that she needed most.

The evening sun was about to set and at this very moment time stopped.

Her water broke.

She could feel the warm gush. She called out for her aunt Nazir. No response. Another frantic
shout out. This time to her maid. Luck smiled. Bushra, her maid, rushed to her side, screaming
Aapi, Aapi .. Baher aa jao

Meanwhile, Nilufer was tired and struggled to keep her pace at floating and holding onto the
edge of the pond. Multitudes of emotions rushed through her, as similar to the warm sensation
between her legs in the water.

She and Bushra, tried their best to get her out of the pool. But it got difficult with every passing

By this time, Aunt Nazir brought the wise-khala from the neighborhood, near by the pond. One
look at the flushed cheeks of Nilufer, and the wise one said Ye taiyaar hai

After 3 hours of coaxing, pushing and praying, Baby D was born right next to the pond.
There she was.

Her light blue eyes, matched the brilliance of the pond.

Her calm face, reflected her mothers strength.

Her jet black hair, echoed the night sky.

Nilufer held Baby D in her arms, she realized, this was not going to be any other child.

A storm was born!


Aunt Nazir was boiling milk on the stove, to make herself a strong chai. She was up until the
morning ajaan. That explained the throbbing headache. The last two days were emotionally
vexing for her.

3 sips of her chai, and she heard Baby Ds wake up wail. She hurried to the teak-wood crib. This
was the same crib, in which Nilufer was raised as a baby.

With a deep sigh and moist eyes, Aunt Nazir picked up crying Baby D and lovingly started to
feed her on the boiled goat milk.

As the doctors feared, Nilufer could not survive. She was heavily anemic all through her
pregnancy. As Baby D turned 25 days old, Nilufer became allah-ko-pyari. This unexpected turn
of events left Aunt Nazir quite perplexed.

The village postman informed Aunt Nazir, that he has sent multiple speed posts to Baby Ds
relatives in the East. She has been hearing this for last 7 months. She could not believe that there
was no reply for her. All she could do was wait and pray, that Baby D will be accepted rightfully
by her family. The only thing that Nilufer regretted and craved for, all through her life.

Baby D has turned 1 today. She was playing in the shrubs, next to the pond. She chuckled every
time Bushra threw the wool ball in her direction. Aunt Nazir was sitting in her rocking chair and
knitting a bright pink poncho for Baby D.

Khhh-la a tiny voice gurgled. Khh-la, coupled with a loud chuckle. Aunt Nazir instantly
lifted her head, and looked in the direction of pond. Baby D spoke for the first time. A legible

The same evening Aunt Nazir received what she has been waiting patiently for. They replied.
Baby D was to travel to her family. Aunt Nazir had mixed emotions on hearing this news.
In a weeks time, Baby D and her 3 suitcases, stuffed with frocks, woolens, cutlery, wooden
toys, and pictures of Nilufer, Bushra and Aunt Nazir were ready to make a move.

There she was.

Her face beaming high, ready to take on the adventures ahead.

Her hands clutched hard, perhaps a signal of the upcoming days.

Her feet kicking excitedly, to ward off the unknown and unfamiliar

For Aunt Nazir, her last thread with khoon ka rishta was broken.

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