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Jericho: Ad Proposal (Model Project)

Zander Lyvers

The objective of this proposal is to show that there is an alternative to
Pamela Gellars attempt to demonize an entire nation of people within
the span of 18 words in a paid advertisement. People first need to
realize the complexity of what created this conflict before we tackle the
complexity of solving this conflict. Bystanders should come away from
this advertisement realizing that humans should not resort to violence
just because a peaceful solution has not been achieved.

My visual goal is to connect the quotation from Isaac Newton with the
skewed image of the West Bank Barrier. The transformation from the
wall to resemble a bridge is intentional. Behind my visual choices is a
very precise conceptual framework that I would like the audience to

First and foremost this advertisement should target people who may
have been persuaded by the original Gellar ads that alluded to
Arabs/Muslims being savages, as well as the other infamous image that
juxtaposes the twin towers burning with a line taken out of context
from the Koran. Advertising is a powerful force, whether the message
is blatant or subliminal.

This advertisement should also target bystanders who may be ignorant

of the subject of Israel and Palestine. Advertisements are extremely
affective when they are enigmatic. By including the events/terms
intifada, destruction of Israel, Palestinian apartheid, and West
Bank Barrier, the advertisement challenges the audiences ignorance
and compels the viewer to research these events.

During the Oslo Accords, the Israeli government began building a wall
around the West Bank1. The objective was to ameliorate the problem
of suicide attacks from radical Palestinians. Ever since its inception the
rate of suicide bombings has decreased. Since Isaac Newtown is a
motif in this piece, I think it is necessary to quote the great thinkers
Third Law of Motion, that being To every action there is always
opposed an equal reaction. Needless to say, the gravity of the
situation has deepened since the walls origins a decade and a half
ago. The wall has become a point of contention between Israeli
soldiers and Palestinian populations situated alongside the barrier.2

1 Edward Said, The One-State Solution, The New York Times, January
10, 1999,
2 Isabel Kershner, Israeli Forces Kill Palestinian in West Bank
Confrontation, New York Times, January 15, 2013,

(you get the idea!)

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