ExpressClear Installation Manual For Service Branch Module F

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module


Installation Manual
Service Branch Module
For Fresh Installation

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

This Installation Manual is meant for fresh Installation of ExpressClear Service Branch
Fresh Installation means there is NO other ExpressClear Application installed on that

To do fresh installation of the ExpressClear Service Branch Module:

Insert the CD/DVD and follow as under:

Goto Desktop MyComputer CD Drive ExpressClear Service Branch Module.exe

Double click on the ExpressClear executable file i.e.

<ExpressClear Service Branch Module.exe>. The following screen will appear:

Enter the valid Branch Sort Code and license key. Click on Install. Refer the image below:

For License Key refer the ExpressClear CD cover. The Branch Sort Code and the valid
license key is printed on the ExpressClear CD cover.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

The following message window will appear:

Click on Yes. The installation of JAVA will begin and processing window(s) will appear one after
the other as shown below:

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

To accept the terms in the license - ensure you select the option as highlighted in the image
above. Click on Next.

The following window will appear:

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Refer the image above and Click on the Change to modify the path. The following window will

To modify the path refer the image below:

Select the C: drive

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Ensure the installation is done in C drive only.

For Folder name: type the path - C:\jdk1.5.0_11\

Click on OK.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

The following window will appear:

Ensure the path highlighted in the image above. Click on Next. The processing window(s) will
appear one after the other as shown below:

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Click on Next.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

The following window will appear:

Select the C: drive.

Ensure the installation is done in C drive only.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Go to the path C:\jdk1.5.0_11\jre\

Click on OK.

The following window will appear:

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Ensure the path highlighted in the image above. Click on Next.

The following window will appear:

Click on the Next.

The processing window(s) will appear one after the other as shown below:

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Click on Finish.

The following processing window(s) will appear one after the other as shown below:

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Click on Next.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

The following window will appear:

Select the highlighted option and click on Next.

The following window will appear:

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Click on Install.

The following processing window(s) will appear one after the other as shown below:

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Select the option highlighted in the image above and click on Next.

The following window will appear:

Click on Finish.

The following processing window(s) will appear one after the other as shown below:

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Click on Next.

As shown in the image above, two windows will open simultaneously i.e. for OpenSSH and
MySQL. Strictly continue with the MySQL window only.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Click on Next.

Select the highlighted option as shown in the image above and click on Next.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Select the highlighted option as shown in the image above and click on next.

Click on Next.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Click on Next.

Click on Next.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Select the Character Set as utf8 from the menu. Refer the image below:

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Click on Next.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Select the options as highlighted in the image above and click on Next.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Enter the Password as root and confirm the same. Click on the checkbox as highlighted in the
image above. Click on Next.

Click on Execute.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Click on Finish.

You may face the following error message repeatedly.

Ensure that until all options in the image below get selected, keep clicking on Retry on the
error message window.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module


Click on Next.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Select the option as highlighted in the image above. Click on Next.

Click on Next.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Click on Next.

Click on Install. The processing window(s) will appear one after the other as shown below:

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Click on OK.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Uncheck the check box as highlighted in the image above. Click on Finish. The processing
window(s) will appear as shown in the image below:

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Click on Close.

Now the ExpressClear Branch Module has been installed on your computer.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

To login the ExpressClear application:

Go to: Start All Programs ExpressClear <Select the bank sort code folder> Service
Branch Module

Refer the image below:


Go to: Start Programs ExpressClear <Select the bank sort code folder> Service
Branch Module

Refer the image below:

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

For both the cases listed above - RIGHT click on the branch module and click on Properties.
The following window will open:

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Refer to the highlighted in the image above. Remove double quotes () from the starting and
the ending of the Target.

Click on OK.

To login the ExpressClear Application -

Go to Start All Programs ExpressClear <Bank Sort Code> Service Branch Module

Click on Service Branch Module. The login window will appear as shown below:

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Enter the valid User Name and Password. Click on OK.

The main screen of the ExpressClear Application will appear as under:

Whenever you install the Service branch module, always update the Clearing House Master
(CHM) file FIRST.

To update the CHM File:

Bring the Clearing House Master (CHM) File from the Clearing House via USB/CD/DVD.
Go to: Start Programs ExpressClear <Select the bank sort code folder> File
Exchange Folder (SBFILES)

Click on File Exchange Folder(SBFILES). This will open the SBFILES folder. Paste the file
brought from the Clearing House into this folder.

Click on the Update menu / Press U.

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Click on the highlighted option or press 1.

The Import Masters from Clearing House window appears:

Enter the file date in the specified format (ddmmyyyy). Press Enter.

Refer the image below:

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ExpressClear Installation Manual for Service Branch Module

Now select the file with format <CHM_date.xml> and click on Import.

Once the file is imported successfully, a confirmation message will appear.

Click on Exit to exit and continue to continue the same procedure for another file.

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