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environmental science & policy 27s (2013) s32s43

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Migration, immobility and displacement outcomes following

extreme events
Richard Black a,*, Nigel W. Arnell b, W. Neil Adger c, David Thomas d, Andrew Geddes e
School of Global Studies, University of Sussex, UK
Walker Institute, University of Reading, UK
Geography, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, UK
School of Geography, University of Oxford, UK
Department of Politics, University of Sheffield, UK

article info abstract

There is growing international concern at the rise in the severity of impact and frequency of
Published on line 16 November 2012
extreme environmental events, potentially as a manifestation of global environmental
change. There is a widely held belief that this trend could be linked with a future rise in
the migration or displacement of human populations. However, recent approaches to
Environmental change
migration influenced by environmental change call into question the notion that migration
can be ascribed in a singular way to particular environmental causes or events. This paper
undertakes a systematic review of evidence on population movements associated with
weather-related extreme events. The paper demonstrates that in the face of extreme
environmental events, it is important to distinguish between three outcomes migration,
displacement, and immobility each of which interact and respond to multiple drivers. It
also proposes a further insight: that both those who move, and those who do not move, may
find themselves trapped and vulnerable in the face of such extreme events. A review of
evidence suggests that short-term displacement that goes hand-in-hand with loss of life,
destruction of property and economic disruption poses significant risks not because it is
environmental migration, but because it represents a failure of adaptation to environmental
# 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, droughts and heatwaves.

1. Introduction Displacement from floods in central Europe, Brazil, Mozambi-
que, Thailand and Kenya has been well-documented, while
There is growing concern internationally about extreme widespread floods affected many millions in Pakistan and
environmental events, including their frequency, severity, China in 2010. In addition there have been direct impacts of
and the damage that they cause to life, property and economic hurricanes and typhoons across the tropics, such as in Burma,
activity. One element of this concern is a growing scientific Philippines and in the Caribbean basin. Droughts, for example
literature on the potential links between global environmental in sub-Saharan Africa, are reported almost annually and are
change, extreme environmental events, and human migra- seen to lead to displacements. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in
tion. This interest is fuelled in part by a series of high profile the US in 2005, and the 2003 heatwave in France and parts of
weather-related disasters in the past decade including floods, southern Europe have highlighted the vulnerability of even the

Paper for submission to Environmental Science and Policy, special issue on Migration and extreme environmental events.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Black).
1462-9011/$ see front matter # 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
environmental science & policy 27s (2013) s32s43 S33

most technologically advanced regions in the world. All of characteristics of extreme events on the other. We distinguish
these high profile events have had widely reported displace- between three outcomes, those of migration, displacement
ments of people or in some cases demonstrate that individuals and immobility, all of which are possible outcomes of extreme
can become trapped without recourse to movement, leading events such as flood and drought, and each of which interact
to an increase in mortality rates, as reported, for example, in and respond to multiple drivers. We propose that it is
Paris in 2003 (Prioux, 2004; Carens, 2010; Poumadere et al., necessary to consider how displacement is embedded in
2005; Bezirtzoglou et al., 2011). wider socio-economic, political and demographic processes.
Perceived links between environmental extreme events Yet a focus on these processes and connections leads to
and migration are also driven by a perception and some consideration of a wider range of outcomes, which are
empirical evidence reviewed here that extreme environ- interconnected, and as valid for rapid-onset extreme events
mental events are becoming more frequent and more intense; as they are for gradual environmental change. The paper
and by scientific predictions that suggest they are likely to proposes relationships between these phenomena on the
become more so over the next 50 years as a result of a changing basis of a systematic review of literatures on vulnerability and
climate driven by human action and other human-induced resilience to global change; disaster risk reduction; migration
environmental degradation (Goodess, 2011). theory; and social science of natural hazards. The following
Whilst these concerns are real, there is a resurgent section outlines the scope of migration and displacement
literature that questions a simple relationship between global associated with the increasing global trend to weather-related
environmental change, including climate change, and human disasters. We then develop a framework and subsequently
migrations (Afifi and Jager, 2010; Black et al., 2011a,b). This discuss the policy and research implications.
raises the question of whether there is a simple relationship
between displacement of people and extreme environmental 1.1. Trends in frequency and severity of extreme
events. After all, when a flood, storm or wildfire occurs, people environmental events and in resulting displacements
are often forced to move directly as a result of that event, even
if it is well-established that structural factors in economies A tentative answer to the question of whether extreme
and societies make some people more vulnerable to such environmental events are becoming more frequent or severe
displacement than others (Wisner et al., 2004). can be sought both from existing trends, and from models of
Of course, a distinction can be made between such rapid- future change, especially climate simulations. The recent IPCC
onset extreme events, and more slowonset events such as SREX report (IPCC, 2012) concludes that there is limited to
droughts or disease outbreaks, where the latter might involve medium evidence for changes in the frequency of floods, low
population movement that is broader in terms of its overall confidence in any increase in the frequency of tropical
drivers, and possibly more extensive (Laczko and Aghazarm, cyclones, but medium confidence that some regions
2009). Yet environmental change, including long-term climate including southern Europe and west Africa have experienced
change, will likely be experienced in the main as changing more frequent droughts. The OFDA/CRED International
variability and hence as a series of extreme weather events. As Disaster Database EM-DAT data base, however, shows an
Hulme and colleagues (2009) note, shifts in climate can take increasing frequency in recorded extreme events that affected
generations to be observed and are embedded in cultural and people, especially for floods and storms (which include, but
economic practices, but policy and adjustments to climate are not limited to, tropical cyclones) (Fig. 1). Whilst this may be
change in the public and private sphere often happen in because events happen to be occurring more frequently in
episodes of crisis (e.g. Pelling and Dill, 2010). populated areas, it is much more likely that the trends in Fig. 1
In this paper we propose a new conceptual framework, are due to a combination of improved reporting over time
outlining the relationships between migration, displacement (there are known measurement biases in the reporting of
and trapped populations on the one hand and the extreme events) and increases in exposure to damaging





Source: "EM-DAT: The OFDA/CRED Internaonal Disaster Database, - Universit

Catholique de Louvain - Brussels Belgium. Created on: Oct-13-2011. Data version: v12.07

Fig. 1 Trends in natural disaster events, 19802010 (events/year).

Source: EM-DAT: The OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database, Universite Catholique de Louvain
Brussels Belgium. Created on: Oct-13-2011. Data version: v12.07.
S34 environmental science & policy 27s (2013) s32s43

events. In essence, the scale of populations within hazardous
zones and the insured property and economic assets within 40,000,000
Displaced in climate
such areas are both growing over time, enhancing the risks of 35,000,000 events
serious economic disruption as well as risks for population 30,000,000 Displaced in climate
displacement. This increasing exposure has been the domi- events involving >1m
nant cause of long-term increases in economic losses from Displaced in climate
20,000,000 events involving >100k
extreme events (IPCC, 2012), which are increasing at a greater
15,000,000 Displaced in top ten
rate than the apparent number of events. Several quantitative climate events each year
assessments of change in historical disaster loss have shown Largest displacement
no discernible effect of changing frequencies of extreme
events, using a variety of methodologies and data sets (e.g. 0
2008 2009 2010
Bouwer, 2011; Neumayer and Barthel, 2011). Nevertheless,
Source : compiled from (Yonetani 2010; OCHA and IDRC 2009)
there are significant risks of displacement, particularly in poor
countries (Kellenberg and Mobarak, 2008) where large popula-
Fig. 2 Climate-related displacement, 200810.
tions have not yet invested heavily in protection against
Source: Compiled from Yonetani (2010), OCHA and IDRC
climate variability. (2009).
Turning to climate model projections of trends over the
next five decades and beyond, these also suggest an increased
frequency of heavy precipitation events at global scale, and in
certain regions, although in some regions notably West and
Central Africa predictions are weak and inconsistent displaced over 10 million people, and which together
between different models (Goodess, 2011). Whilst the intensity accounted for a third of all displacement globally over the
of the strongest tropical cyclones is predicted to increase on entire three-year period.
average to the end of the century, the globally averaged In addition, displacement figures refer to the peak of
frequency of tropical cyclones is predicted to fall; again there is displacement at the height of the emergency phase of a
inconsistency in predictions for particular regions (IPCC, 2012) disaster, rather than to any longer-term phenomenon, as
However, higher sea levels will lead to an increased frequency systems are rarely in place to monitor return, or to calculate
of coastal flooding even if cyclone frequency or intensity numbers still displaced after a number of months or years.
remains unchanged. The critical area on which there is model Thus comparisons of the numbers displaced by climate or
agreement is that global temperatures will rise as a result of other environmental disasters, with stock data on, for
increased radiative forcing, so that looking to the future, an example, refugees or economic migrants are not valid. For
increased exposure to both temperature extremes, and severe example, whilst a significant proportion of those displaced by
droughts, might be expected (IPCC, 2012). conflict and political violence experience protracted periods of
However, even if there is evidence that extreme environ- displacement (Adelman and Taylor, 1989; Crisp, 2003), such
mental events are increasing, and are likely to do so in the protracted displacement appears relatively rare amongst
future, it is not easy either to calculate the number of people those affected by extreme environmental events (Naik,
who have been displaced by such events, nor to project or 2009: 289). Indeed, a recent inter-agency assessment of the
estimate migration or displacement into the future. First, humanitarian response to the 2010 floods in Pakistan noted
systematic recording of displacement as a specific outcome that by the time most international agencies started providing
of extreme events dates back only three years, to 2008, when assistance, about a month after the initial floods in Sindh
the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre started to collate province, most displaced people had already returned to their
data from the OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database villages. Such rapid return is frequently observed, but not
EM-DAT and a range of other sources. Even over this three year systematically documented; it is also far from inevitable.
time period, the method of counting has varied from one year A small number of studies have sought to show a
to another, with unresolved debates over definitions (Naik, relationship between extreme environmental event occur-
2009). For example, there is inconsistent recording of three rence and levels of migration. A spatial regression analysis
categories of people homeless, evacuated, and dis- conducted by Saldana-Zorilla and Sandberg (2009) for Mexico
placed, all of whom could be considered as displaced by shows that emigration rates were higher between 1990 and
disasters in a real sense, but each of which might not involve 2000 for Mexican municipalities that had a higher frequency of
population displacement over geographical space in the way disasters (droughts, floods, hurricanes) during that period, but
that displacement is generally understood. lower in surrounding municipalities. However, this analysis
Moreover, overall displacement figures both for the last does not show increasing displacement directly associated
three years, and for the longer period covered by EM-DAT, are with disaster events, nor a causal link. More convincing is a
heavily influenced by a very small number of very large cases paper by Carvajal and Pereira (2010) which shows that
(Fig. 2). households exposed to heavy rains associated with Hurricane
Thus the equivalent of three disasters per year over the last Mitch in Nicaragua were more likely to have migrated
three years contributed well over half of the total number of afterwards than those who were not exposed to heavy rains.
displaced people during this period. The most significant of Numerous case studies of post-disaster migration also exist
these were severe floods in China in May 2010, and Pakistan in (Naik, 2009), although these often point to complexity rather
July/August 2010, each of which were reported to have than simple correlations (Piguet, 2010).
environmental science & policy 27s (2013) s32s43 S35

Overall then, there remains cause for concern about the theory. The key focus in natural hazards studies has been
potential for increased frequency and intensity of extreme on displacement associated with disasters, and both para-
environmental events into the future, even if caution needs to digms have tended to assume a relatively straightforward
be exercised in terms of how this will likely play out in causal link between disaster events and subsequent move-
particular circumstances. There is also some concern around ments. It is common to refer to migration and displacement as
rising levels of displacement, although data on this needs to be a last resort, when other strategies to build resilience to, or
treated with considerable conceptual and empirical caution. respond to disasters have failed (Baro and Deubel, 2006; Watts,
The following section turns to the question of whether there is 1993). For example, Autier et al. (1989) noted an association
anything exceptional about the way in which migration and between abandoned households and reduced malnutrition
displacement might be linked to such events, compared to during a period of severe drought in Mali in 1987, concluding
global environmental change more generally. that this was because those suffering with malnutrition had
been forced to leave. Pyle (1992) noted that people migrated
away from drought-affected areas of Sudan in the mid-1980s
2. Framing the debate: a multi-causal before, during and after the worst periods of famine, but
approach concluded that this diversity reflected different levels of
tolerance of famine rather than anticipatory strategies
2.1. Theoretical perspectives embedded in a more multi-causal environment.
A distinction is drawn more explicitly by Hammond et al.
As noted in Section 1, recent literature on migration and (2005: 21) in relation to humanitarian emergencies, where they
environmental change has shifted, from a debate between contrast migration as a strategy for coping with livelihood
advocates of the idea that there are growing number of stress, and displacement as a survival tactic employed in
environmental refugees (Myers, 1997), and those challenging reaction to disaster or imminent threat, which they link
such a view (Black, 2001; Wood, 2001), towards an increasingly explicitly to rapid onset events such as floods or military
shared recognition that migration is caused or driven by a invasion. Yet they go on to point out the difficulty of
range of factors, in which environmental change can play an differentiating the two. At the same time, there frequently
important and sometimes pivotal role. Such a multi-causal remains an assumption that a severe enough shock will lead to
approach is encompassed by a number of contributions to a displacement and migration, rather than a concern to unravel
recent edited collection on migration and climate change by the causal connections.
Piguet et al. (2011a,b), as well as the recent report of the UK There are of course some more sophisticated analyses,
Government Office of Science on migration and global particularly into the relationships between drought and
environmental change (Foresight, 2011). migration. This has focused, however, on the diversity of
In some respects, this emerging understanding has much migration responses to drought in countries such as Sudan (de
in common with writing about natural disasters. There are Waal, 1988), Mali (Findley, 1994) and Burkina Faso (Henry et al.,
two major competing paradigms of vulnerability to hazards 2004), rather than the diversity of causes of such migration. In
(reviewed in Cutter, 2003; Adger, 2006). The behaviouralist the case of flooding, the literature is much more sparse, but
paradigm, building on the work of Gilbert White and others, includes some important work in Bangladesh that stresses the
suggests that natural disasters are a failure of planning social and political context of adjustment to flooding and
response and rationality. They suggest that natural disasters associated riverbank erosion (Zaman, 1989).
occur due to a lack of planning and foresight from actors in the
public and private sphere. An alternative paradigm, some- 2.2. Multiple causes of displacement and migration
times labelled as a political ecology or structuralist view, following extreme events
suggests that it is deep seated structures in society that
explain who and what is vulnerable to natural and human- Some of the more recent writing that has stressed the multi-
made disasters. These structures include the uneven distri- causal nature of migration influenced by environmental
bution of wealth and power at all scales, and the resulting change has developed an argument that would be widely
dependencies within the global and local economies. Hence accepted by earlier authors writing about natural disasters
human decisions create vulnerability to natural events which namely that whilst an environmental event may trigger
result in these events being hazardous to humans (Hewitt, migration, it is likely to be just one of a number of deeper
1983; Lewis, 1994; Wisner et al., 2004). Indeed, more than 35 causes. For example, drawing on case study evidence from
years ago, OKeefe et al. (1976) noted a rise in the impact of Bolivia, Senegal and Tanzania, Tacoli (2011) stresses that it is
disasters up to 1970s that they argued could not (simply) be a not desertification, soil degradation or disrupted rainfall
result of climate change, and could only be understood in alone that leads to migration, but rather the interaction of
terms of human vulnerability, although clearly at the time the these processes with broader livelihood patterns. In turn, it
insights of climate science were much more tentative. is also the poorest are most vulnerable to precipitating
The competing explanations of vulnerability to natural events such as unusually harsh droughts, or epidemics of
hazards are, of course, mirrored in migration studies, with livestock disease. Similarly Hampshire et al. (2009) focus on
behaviour and agency of migrants or deep economic struc- how out-migration following the 200405 food crisis in Niger
tures competing as explanations of observed migration was one of a series of responses to the crisis, and clearly
outcomes (Massey et al., 1993). Yet the natural hazards embedded in wider socio-economic vulnerability in the
literature has only superficially engaged with migration region. These are valid and important insights, but in
S36 environmental science & policy 27s (2013) s32s43

essence similar to a well-established line of argument in the be disentangled: temporary displacement (less than three
disasters literature that focuses on disaster risk and months), short-term migration (3 months to 1 year) and long-
vulnerability, where the social, economic or political status term migration (more than 1 year) involving a definition of
of individuals and households experiencing disasters have a migration recommended over a decade ago but still not
clear influence on likely outcomes (Wisner et al., 2004). systematically used (United Nations, 2004). They also distin-
Yet some evidence points in other directions. For example, guish between short-and long-distance moves (or internal vs.
Banerjee (2007) has examined the impact of flooding in international migration) and between forced and voluntary
Bangladesh on agricultural wages. A key assumption of much migration.
writing on the relationship between environmental change Such distinctions are intuitively and conceptually sensible,
and migration is that environmental change in general, and even if there may be some blurring of what constitutes forced
extreme environmental events in particular, lead to a lowering and voluntary, and some inconsistency with the way that
of agricultural productivity or wages, and that as a conse- displacement is monitored by organisations such as the
quence poor people are forced to migrate in order to find work. Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) which count
Yet Banerjee finds that depending on their timing and severity, those displaced both temporarily, and for longer periods.
floods could depress or boost demand for agricultural labour However, these typologies omit an additional mobility
and unskilled wages, with much depending on whether there outcome that of people remaining in place during an
is scope for replanting of damaged crops or not. In other extreme environmental event which may be just as
words, the assumed direct line of causation from extreme important in terms of exposure to mortality, morbidity or
environmental event to migration or displacement does not economic loss, and therefore just as important in public policy
hold, because the former produces an economic signal that terms. This is arguably a more important category than the
makes migration less likely, or could indeed attract migrants distinction between short and long-term migration.
into the area. The notion of a trapped population is not a straightfor-
There is a broader point here, that reconstruction after ward one, in scientific terms, not least because it is as difficult
disasters can lead to considerable economic activity and to distinguish, either conceptually or in practice, between
therefore job creation, although those jobs may be in different those who stay where they are because they choose to, and
sectors and ultimately involve different people to those those whose immobility is in some way involuntary. However,
initially affected by the event. A seminal general equilibrium without minimising the significance of the right to stay even
analysis of natural hazards originally showed that small scale in places that are vulnerable to environmental extremes, it is
disasters do indeed stimulate construction and other sectors also clear that ability to move is broadly correlated with
(Albala-Bertrand, 1993). But the result has been questioned wealth, level of capital (financial, human, social), the
with further evidence of the significant economic costs, availability of places to move to, and fear of what would
particularly of large scale disasters where the economic happen to property and assets left behind, so that broadly
disruption is not compensated by the reconstruction efforts speaking, poorer people are generally less able to migrate even
(Hallegatte, 2011). A case in point is New Orleans after if they wish to do so. In turn, vulnerability to extreme
Hurricane Katrina, where at the same time as several ethnic environmental events is widely recognised to be inversely
groups have failed to return because (amongst other things) of correlated with wealth, such that poorer people face a double
lack of job opportunities, there has been an influx of new risk: they are more vulnerable to disasters, but less able to
Hispanic workers looking for new employment in construc- move away from them. This lack of choice for vulnerable
tion (Cutter, in this issue). populations is recognised in both behavioural accounts of
Meanwhile, an analysis of the impact of extreme climate vulnerability and by the pressure-and-release structural
events from 1970 to 2000 in 15 countries worldwide reported models of vulnerability (see Wisner et al., 2004). Fig. 3 therefore
by Hertel and Rosch (2010) shows a particularly severe impact depicts the two-dimensional space for populations where
on urban poverty in Bangladesh (as well as southern Africa mobility potential and wealth are generally positively corre-
and Mexico) interesting because urban areas are the lated and where vulnerability to stress is inversely correlated
destination of most poor migrants from rural areas of the to wealth for individuals. Trapped populations are vulnerable
country. This reflects a further important insight: whilst to stress but without the ability or resources to move.
extreme environmental events may be quite location-specific To make a simple point, if we compare the numbers of
in their physical effects, their economic, social or political people displaced with those affected by natural disasters,
impacts can be much broader, influencing conditions in those displaced generally make up only a small proportion of
potential places of destination as well as in the places where those affected, suggesting a much more substantial public
they physically occur. However, the broader point is that even policy issue for those remaining or trapped in situ for the
in the context of extreme environmental events, there are a duration of an extreme event. Perhaps more importantly,
wider set of drivers of migration and displacement that need whilst short-term displacement (for less than 3 months) can
to be taken into account. result in either short or long-term migration, it is also the case
that those trapped in the face of an extreme event may
2.3. A new model of three mobility outcomes become post-disaster migrants, whilst those who have
already migrated or been displaced prior to an event may
In their discussion of the diversity of migration and mobility find themselves trapped in the middle of an extreme event.
patterns associated with climate change, Piguet et al. (2011a,b: Thus the relationship between migration, displacement and
1415) draw attention to three forms of mobility that need to immobility is multi-directional (Fig. 4).
environmental science & policy 27s (2013) s32s43 S37

Fig. 3 Vulnerability to extreme environmental events and ability to move.

Source: Foresight (2011).

One example is provided by a study of the response to exceptional phenomena is the temptation to draw
droughts by herders in Kenya in the 1980s, where Herren generalised conclusions from unusual circumstances. In
(1991) identified four wealth ranks rich, medium, poor and the case of Katrina, whilst estimates of displacement vary
very poor. Migration amongst medium and poor households widely, a range of authors agree that a significant
took off in response to drought in 1964, and proved an effective proportion of especially poorer residents have been unable
way of earning money to restock cattle numbers, although it to return, with particular ethnic groups over-represented
was less effective in response to the double shock of droughts amongst those who have remained displaced for longer
in 1981 and 1984, coupled with the collapse of the cattle (Cutter, in this issue). Yet this longer-term displacement
marketing system. Yet it was the very poor, who remained reflects a number of factors including the focus of
largely sedentary, who were worst affected by the crisis, most reconstruction efforts on home-owners, who could show
prone to malnutrition and least likely to be able to rebuild their proof of ownership (Finch et al., 2010) that are imbued
cattle stocks after the rains returned. Their immobility left with the particular racial politics of the region.
them exposed to subsequent (and more problematic) displace- A similar picture is gained from another of the major
ment than those who moved in response to the initial environmental displacements of recent times the 2004
environmental shock. Indian Ocean tsunami crisis that hit Indonesia, Sri Lanka,
India and Thailand. In both Aceh, Indonesia, and in Sri
2.4. The interaction of migration drivers in determining Lanka, perhaps more than half of those displaced by the
mobility outcomes tsunami had been unable to return to their homes two
years after the event in early 2007. Yet in both countries,
Perhaps the most studied example of an extreme environ- this was not a technical, but political outcome, related in
mental event that has led to migration and displacement part to the nature of camps created to house displaced
in recent years is provided by the experience of New people, and in part to the creation of an exclusion zone
Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Indeed, this example along the coast to prevent return to a zone considered
provides an emblematic case of the long-term displace- vulnerable to future disasters. In Sri Lanka, although
ment of people resulting directly from a major storm event. officially abandoned within a year of the disaster (Fer-
Yet one of the dangers that exists in the study of nando, 2010), the exclusion zone is estimated to have
S38 environmental science & policy 27s (2013) s32s43

Fig. 4 Mobility outcomes associated with underlying vulnerability, hazards events, and recovery phases.
Source: Authors.

resulted in 70,000 households being forcibly relocated land they had been occupying illegally prior to the floods
rather than being able to return home (Muggah, 2008). (Murtaza et al., 2011).
Meanwhile, in Aceh, so-called barracks camps need to be What draws together these examples is not the conclusion
understood in the context of previous conflict and that extreme environmental events of sufficient magnitude are
displacement in the region (Hedman, 2009), and helped likely (or not) to lead to long-term or permanent displacement.
perpetuate displacement. It is worth noting that those with Rather, all three events are good examples of how environmen-
lower levels of education were significantly more likely to tal, economic, political, social and demographic drivers
be in camps (Rofi et al., 2006). combine in determining the mobility outcome for different
In contrast, in the example of the 2010 floods in sections of the population, even if the short-term shock of
Pakistan, as noted in Section 1.1 above, return was rapid flooding inevitably leads to short-term displacement.
in Sindh province, but even this was partly as a result of Another example of the inter-related nature of mobility
the fact that displaced people had occupied government outcomes over time concerns populations that are moving to
buildings, schools and hospitals that the Pakistan govern- large cities in developing countries that are themselves
ment was keen to bring back to normal use. A rather vulnerable to extreme environmental events. Such popula-
different outcome emerged in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) tions may well become trapped if environmental events are
province, which bore the brunt of initial floods. Here, not severe enough to force a relocation of economic activity away
only were significant populations already displaced ahead from vulnerable zones, since the economic logic of their initial
of the floods, as a result of counter-insurgency activity by migration would have disappeared, but their new attachment
the Pakistan military in the SWAT valley in 2009 activity to their place of destination in the form of housing assets and
which was reported to have displaced 2.3 million people in social contacts will very much remain. For example, migrant
just two weeks in Spring 2009 (Din, 2010) but there were populations moving to illegal slum areas of large cities may
reports of significant numbers of people displaced by the find it impossible to sell houses that they have constructed
floods being prevented from returning by landlords whose illegally.
environmental science & policy 27s (2013) s32s43 S39

exchange and financing mechanisms, rather than the need

3. Mobility outcomes and public policy for international governance.
In discussing a human-rights based approach to building
The previous section has sought to establish that migration resilience to natural disasters, Kalin (2011) refers to existing
and displacement related to extreme environmental events national constitutional or legal guarantees, as well as human
are as multi-causal as migration influenced by environ- rights conventions providing relevant standards, turning to
mental change more generally, and lead to a complex range specific standards negotiated in the international arena only
of mobility outcomes. This is important, since the starting in the context of those who are displaced. In turn, whilst the
point for much writing in relation to both is the notion that recently-agreed Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC)
environmental migrants or climate refugees require legal Guidelines on the Protection of Persons in Situations of
or international protection (Williams, 2008; Biermann and Natural Disasters cover a much wider range of circumstances,
Boas, 2010). Yet such an argument both presumes that single they also suggest that those displaced are at particular risk
causes of migration or displacement can be identified; and (IASC, 2011: 2), and deal with freedom of movement as an
also prioritises action in relation to a single mobility issue only at a point after people have been displaced, or as
outcome migration or displacement that creates a legal provided for by law (IASC, 2011: 46).
protection gap. Such a position implicitly accepts the parameters of
In practice, migration, displacement and immobility are all existing law on migration, whether internally or internation-
likely to create a range of public policy challenges. Some of ally, rather than holding these up as a matter for geopolitical
these, such as legal protection gaps, are geopolitical in the scrutiny. This is important, because existing law on migration
sense that they call MM into question the geographical and/or may or may not enable the kinds of migration for example,
political reach of existing institutions, requiring anything from temporary, seasonal or circular that are undertaken by some
international or inter-institutional negotiation or debate, to people, but allow others, notably in their own families, to
the development of new structures of governance. Others are remain where they are. Indeed, the right to stay or right to
more operational in character in other words they are remain is frequently taken as a given, and where there has
challenges that are well within the planning capacity and been critical academic scrutiny, this has often been in relation
remit of existing governance institutions at various levels to the right of individuals to remain after they have migrated or
(local, national, international, including states and non-state been displaced (Leckie, 2003; Carens, 2010).
actors). The discussion that follows focuses on geopolitical To take one example, Lebel et al. (2010), in writing about
challenges, as these are more complex to conceptualise, with adaptiveness in the shared rivers of Monsoonal Asia, note
wider ramifications. how migration is one of a series of adaptive measures
alongside building houses on stilts and making seasonal
3.1. The policy challenges of immobility livelihood adjustments that are part of a strategy of
living with floods rather than seeking to prevent them. In
At first sight, it might appear curious to focus on geopolitical turn, such a strategy to live with, and adapt to, floods is
challenges of immobility, when this mobility outcome does increasingly seen as more viable than engineering solu-
not, by definition, involve people moving across borders or tions such as dams as a way to mitigate flood risk. Thus
other clear challenges to state sovereignty. Yet the challenges Etkin (1999) suggested, following Gilbert White in the
are real, in terms of human security, social protection, health, 1940s, that structural flood mitigation schemes such as
and the provision of services. In turn, in the fields of disaster dams encourage people to live in places that are more
risk reduction and human rights in particular, international vulnerable should the design capacity of the dam be
negotiations do take place that are geopolitical in nature, exceeded, an example of what he terms risk transference
even when people do not cross international borders. Most from more frequent low-impact events to rarer high-
notably, the UNs Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement impact events in the future.
have been incorporated into national law in over 20 countries Put simply, the geopolitical challenge of immobility is the
to provide legal protection to those displaced within their own challenge of protection of the rights of people who are trapped
countries, whilst the African Union Convention for the including their right to move. In contrast, at present human
Protection and Assistance of IDPs in Africa (Kampala Conven- rights activists and professionals are arguably too quick to see
tion) holds out the prospect for further protection of those migration as a failure of human rights protection, where those
internally displaced due to natural or human made disasters forcibly displaced need to be treated as a special case (de
(Article 4). Sherbinin et al., 2011).
However, the problem is that whilst these legal and
regulatory developments extend protection and assistance 3.2. The policy challenges of migration and displacement
to those displaced internally, they treat immobility as
essentially unproblematic. In contrast, the Hyogo Framework As noted in the previous section, migration and displacement
of Action, agreed at the World Conference on Disaster are often seen as a policy failure in relation to natural
Reduction in 1985 (UNISDR, 2007) makes just one reference disasters. Yet the potential benefits of facilitating migration as
to displacement (as a possible additional risk factor in one form of disaster risk reduction or insurance are substan-
increasing vulnerability), and no references at all to migration. tial. For example, Yang and Choi (2007) show for the
It is also a largely technical, rather than political framework, Philippines how international remittances respond to house-
with international cooperation extending to information hold income shocks that follow extreme rainfall events, with
S40 environmental science & policy 27s (2013) s32s43

such remittances increasing to replace up to 60% of lost contrary, that migration and displacement associated with
income. This empirical evidence supports the broader natural disasters is just as complex as migration and
contention by Ratha (2003) that remittances act to buffer displacement associated with long-term or slow-onset envi-
economic shocks in migrants home countries, acting in a ronmental change. Explaining migration outcomes thus
counter-cyclical way to other international investments. requires a similar approach, which recognises immobility as
Nonetheless, migration, whether it occurs before, during or one of a series of outcomes associated with environmental
after an extreme environmental event, frequently remains change and variability. This complexity, exhibited in pre-
geopolitically challenging. In addition to raising issues within disaster, disaster and recovery phases has both research and
states of human security, social protection, planning and policy implications.
potentially conflict, it also often involves cross-border move- On public policy, the key tenets of disaster risk
ments that are difficult to manage or even monitor. In the reduction include (from Wisner et al., 2004) policies to
GangesBrahmaputra river basins, for example, migration is a put the concerns of vulnerable people at the centre of
cross-national issue as geopolitically challenging as water development policy and improving accountability in
management, which has resulted in inter-state agreements disaster planning. These would ultimately promote resil-
that range from free mobility between India and Nepal to the ience and adaptation to environmental risks. Such strate-
construction of a border fence between India and Bangladesh. gies involve evaluating risks as well as forecasting,
Various international fora have discussed migration in the warning and humanitarian emergency actions that are
context of environmental change, although progress is slow. likely to become increasingly important in the context of
The fifth Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) environmental change. For example, short-term forecast-
in November 2010 in Mexico discussed the issue in depth but ing of extreme events has improved to the point that the
called for just three outcomes: more data and analysis 2010 Pakistan floods were predictable 68 days before they
exchange; more dialogue; and for the matter be taken up happened (Webster et al., 2011), a prediction that could
within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change have saved many lives. It is already well established that
(UNFCCC).1 In turn, whilst the 15th Conference of Parties to the disaster risk reduction, especially related to forecasting
UNFCCC (COP-15) in Mexico the same month focused for the and other preparedness actions, are successful only if
first time in international climate negotiations on migration, they take place in a conducive social and political context.
the resultant Cancun Adaptation Framework refers (in Otherwise, warnings may be issued, but ignored, as
paragraph 14f) only loosely to three actions enhanced appeared to happen in New Orleans in the run-up to
understanding, coordination and cooperation. Hurricane Katrina. Alternatively, measures may benefit
In contrast, the official statement from the Civil Society some but not others, as in the case of Bangladesh, where in
Days of GFMD 2010 called for states to consider ways to help spite of substantial investment in cyclone shelters, these
people remain at home when possible and ways to help people are still seen as inaccessible by many poorer women.
move in safety and dignity when they cannot stay in place.2 The analysis presented here suggests that public policy in
Meanwhile, a group of academics brought together by the emergency management and in longer term risk reduction
Rockefeller Foundation recently went further, calling for the needs to recognise the potential for evacuations from disaster
establishment of national legal frameworks for climate zones to become episodes of longer-term and permanent
change resettlement to protect welfare and human rights of migration. In addition, such planning also needs to recognise
affected populations (de Sherbinin et al., 2011: 457). the particular vulnerabilities of migrants themselves: migrant
However, the logic of building resilience prior to extreme populations are often clustered in hazardous areas in cities,
environmental events through facilitated migration is some- and often have less local knowledge of risks and have less
what different to the logic of moving people in safety and access to state-supported recovery investments.
dignity when they cannot stay in place, or as a last resort (de However, the analysis presented here also suggests that
Sherbinin et al., 2011: 456). Anticipatory resettlement requires disaster risk reduction which seeks simply to reduce vulnera-
a scientific, but also highly political decision that remaining in bility of populations in situ runs the risk of replicating the
place is impossible; anticipatory migration belies any attempt same problems of a root causes response to violence and
to assign direct causality in terms of the mobility of those persecution it can be seen as a policy of containment (c.f.
concerned. Hyndman, 2005). This at best pre-determines the types of
acceptable adaptation to extreme events (whether natural
or conflict-related); at worst, it leaves people trapped in
4. Conclusion conditions where they are potentially even more vulnerable if
the protection measures fail.
The multi-causal nature of drivers of migration is increasingly Finally, it is clear that displacement associated with
accepted by those concerned with the migration-environment extreme environmental events will remain a significant policy
interface. In this paper we examine whether migration might challenge in the future, not least with the likelihood of
be more directly driven by environmental factors in the changes to the climate that may induce significant distur-
context of extreme environmental events. We find, to the bances and even shifts in climate patterns at regional and
global scales (Lenton et al., 2008; New et al., 2011). In this
1 context, it is critical that in addition to building resilience prior
2 to events taking place, by drawing on migration and other
vilsocietydays_gfmd.pdf. adaptation strategies, adequate mechanisms must be in place
environmental science & policy 27s (2013) s32s43 S41

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comments by Stefan Dercon, Stephen Bennett, Sandy Thomas de Sherbinin, A., Castro, M., Gemenne, F., Cernea, M.M., Adamo,
and Derek Flynn. The views expressed are those of the S., Fearnside, P.M., Krieger, G., Lahmani, S., Oliver-Smith, A.,
authors, and not of the UK government. We also thank two Pankhurst, A., Scudder, T., Singer, B., Tan, Y., Wannier, G.,
anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. We retain Boncour, P., Ehrhart, C., Hugo, G., Pandey, B., Shi, G., 2011.
responsibility for this version. Preparing for resettlement associated with climate change.
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