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Country: Croatia

Croatia declared independence on 1991, however it had run into a war with the
state of yugoslavia and had lost almost two thirds of its territory. in 1992 it gained
recognition from the european economic the 1995 erdut agreement
croatia won a clear victory and in 1995, franjo tudman became the frist croatian

Croatia is a soveriegn state at the crossroads of central europe and it consists of

over 1000 islands, of which only 50 are inhabited. The city, dubrovnik, was the
main filming location for the scene, king's landing in the popular series game of
thrones.It also is an origin for the dlamations dog breed. Nikola tesla, A scientist
who invented the remote control and the tesla coil as well as many other wireless
applications that we use today, belonged to croatia. The neck tie was used by
croatian soldiers .

Croatia is a memeber of the WTO and the EU.The literacy rate of croatia is
99.3% for adults however it has the seventh most lowest economy in the
world.Upon reaching the age of eighteen, every croatian must serve in the millitary
with 6 month work shifts, if not then they can chose an 8 month civillian service.

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