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Primary School Newsletter

Newsletter 31 Wednesday 24th May 2017 Summer Term 2017

This week our Spiritual, Moral, Social and
Year 3 and Year 4 spent Monday and Cultural focus is:
Tuesday at The Lion Salt Works learning
about its history and its impact on the local
community. They presented this to parents You will be happy to hear that we

in an amazing promenade drama around feel that our children in school are
the Works yesterday it was excellent very thoughtful: this week we are
well done to you all. There are some more
encouraging thoughtfulness in
pictures and videos on the Twitter feed.
action and in word, carefully
considering other peoples
Mental Health Awareness Week
holiday will be our Health Week. feelings in all that we do. I hope
I hope you enjoyed the pictures in
In this week, we will focus on a this carries on at home.
last weeks newsletter and hearing
number of things: we will be taking
from the children about how they
extra time to talk to the children
enjoyed the week. The week
about ways in which we can stay
continued to be very successful for
healthy through exercise, diet, Dates for your diary
the children; in our final assembly hydration and a healthy lifestyle. Upcoming events are highlighted in red
26/5/17 Break up for half term holiday
at the end of the week, the
We will be spending time working 5/6/17 Children and staff return to school
children were very happy to reflect
on the aspect of the science 5/6/17 Health Week
on what they did. I was most curriculum around Growth, Our 6/6/17 Class photos
7/6/17 Northwich Schools Music Festival
pleased with the way they enjoyed Bodies and Sexual Health. From 9/6/17 Sports Day (pm)
and valued the time they spent this work, there will be overlaps 10/6/17 Gala Day on the Village playing
with their friends in class talking to into relationships and friendships, fields
12/6/17 New Starters in Reception:
their teachers about issues that which will also be explored. The Parents Meeting (evening)
were important to them. It has children will be having an active 30/6/17 Quiz Night/Auction of Promises
highlighted the continuing need week starting with a practise for 25-27/6/17 Y6 Residential Visit to London
th 7/7/17 Open Afternoon
for us to make sure that we have their sports day on Monday 5 8/7/17 Family Camp Over/Summer Sports
time to talk to our children both in June (please remember the Fair
school and at home. I know fully children need coloured t-shirts) 18/7/17 End of year production @ 6.00pm
19/7/17 End of year production @ 6.00pm
well what it is like with the speed and culminating in a Sports 20/7/17 Leavers Evening for Y6
of life sometimes taking over. If afternoon on Friday 9th June from 21/7/17 Staff and Children break up
nothing else, this week has made 1.30pm. Please make sure that the
New school year
me reflect upon the need to spend children have their PE kits/trainers 4/9/17 Training Day for staff
time with people who are in school all week so that they can 5/9/17 Children return to school
important to usour time is make the most of the opportunities
something that children crave for. given. We look forward to
I hope that the holiday next week welcoming you to school on Friday
provides some opportunities to 9th June to enjoy the sports with
spend some good quality time the children lets hope that the
with your children doing the things weather stays fine for us this year.
you love as a family.
Manchester Arena
Health Week The events of this week have
Following the success of our
affected us all in many different
Mental Health Week, the first
ways. There are many of us who
week back after the half term
knew friends and family in
Manchester that night. Our thoughts are with them school uniform for September. If you would like to
at this time. I was there with my family a couple of order new uniform for the new school year, it is
nights earlier and many school staff have been suggested that this is done before the summer
there over the past few days. The impact of such an break. Remember that delivery is free to school, but
event, especially so close to home, is horrific. Staff deliveries cannot be accepted during the summer
have spent time talking to children who needed to holidays, so it is suggested that orders are placed
have these conversations: as a community, we have before the end of June. We do have a few items in
greater strength working together and supporting stock if you wanted to try sizes, otherwise, please
each other, when needed. There is good advice visit and search for our
about talking to children on the BBC Newsrounds school. It may also be a good time to stock up on
website: name labels. I have personally used over the years and have
Family Camp Over found they provide an excellent service with a great
The tickets are going fast for the Family Camp Over variety of products. School water bottles are
these will be on sale again on FRIDAY morning on available from the school office.
the playground. We are asking for volunteers to sign
up to help with the Fair at the same time as buying Blue Peter Badge
a ticket. Any remaining tickets will be sold after the A badge has been found please speak to the office
half term holiday staff if you think this is yours; I know how precious
these are.
Summer Fair
Tickets will soon be available for the Summer Fair. Fathers Day
There will be a small discount for buying tickets We have been invited to take part in a Fathers Day
early. Following feedback, the entry tickets will be supplement for the Northwich Guardian. A number
sold at a cheaper price than last year hopefully of classes in the school have taken part look out
you will have money left available to enjoy the for why their dad (or other male relative) is the
activities planned for the afternoon. We hope that best. We hope a number of our pictures/comments
this year will be a lovely family day out with sports will be included there have been some lovely
activities for the children to enjoy and many things things written. We believe the edition to look out
to entertain you for the afternoon. for is Thursday 15th June.

School Photos New Starters in Reception
Dont forget that the children will have an I am sure you will be interested to hear that
opportunity to have the school photo taken on Sandiway School Primary School continues to be a
TUESDAY 6th June (after the half term holiday). very popular choice for starting school as a
Photos will be taken individually and with siblings. If Reception child. The demand for places again
you have any pre-school siblings that you would exceeded the available 30 places. We will be
also like in the photos, please come to the school welcoming a number of new families to our school
hall from 8.30am. The rest of the school will have in September as well as some of our current
photos taken after this, trying to make sure they are families with their next child starting with us. We
all taken before clothes become dirty and smart will be welcoming the children into school for some
hair is messed up! taster sessions this term and there is an evening for
new parents on Monday 12th June from 7.00pm.
Children will bring proofs of the photos home the
same day full ordering instructions will be on the Happy Holidays
form. The school receives a small amount of money As usual, I wish you a happy holiday week with your
from each photo that is purchased. This is kept in families we will be welcoming the children back to
school fund to support extra activities for the school on Monday 5th June to start the final half
children in school (visiting speakers, theatre, etc). term of the year.
Thank you for your support.
Mr Chris Priddey (Headteacher)

School Uniform

I know it seems a long way away, but Mrs Forster

has reminded me to pass on a message about

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