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JULY 27, 2010

1. Meeting Called To Order

2. Announcement To Open Public Meetings Act

“In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Law, (c.231 P.L. 1975), this
meeting was announced on January 8, 2010: by 1.) posting a notice on the
bulletin board in the Municipal Building reserved for that purpose, 2.) by
mailing such notice to the offices of the official newspapers of the Township
and 3.) by filing such notice with the Township Clerk”


3. Appointment to the Township Committee

4. Roll Call

5. Minutes

6. Reports

7. Correspondence


O-10-12 8. Amending Chapter 315 (Taxicabs) of the Revised General Ordinances of the
Township of Freehold, County of Monmouth and State of New Jersey

O-10-13 9. Amending Chapter 190 (Land Use), Article II (Planning Board), Section 190-
17 (Powers), and Creating Article XII (General Zoning Provisions), Section
124A and Article XIII (Zoning Regulations), Section 190-162 (Riparian Zone
Ordinance) of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Freehold,
County of Monmouth and State of New Jersey

O-10-14 10. Amending Chapter 190 (Land Use), Article I, Section 190-8 (Appeal to
Township Committee; Notice; Modification; Stay of Proceedings) of the
Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Freehold, County of
Monmouth, State of New Jersey

O-10-16 11. Authorizing Conveyance of Drainage and Access Easement to Sylvia B.

DeAngelo Revocable Living Trust


R-10-217 12. Declaring Acceptance of Contract CO-10093, Michael J. Tighe Park

Improvements – Splash Pad

R-10-218 13. Approving Consolidated Bills List

O-10-17 14. Amending Chapter XI (Traffic), Section 11-7.1 (Through Streets) and
Section 11-9 (Speed Limits) of the Revised General Ordinances of the
Township of Freehold, County of Monmouth and State of New Jersey

O-10-18 15. Amending Chapter 236 of the General Ordinances of the Township of
Freehold, County of Monmouth and State of New Jersey to Establish Annual
License Fees for Facilities Authorized to Conduct Amusement Games with
Prizes or Awards

O-10-19 16. Amending Chapter 75 of the General Ordinances of the Township of

Freehold, County of Monmouth and State of New Jersey to Add Chapter
75-21 Authorizing Amusement Games and Prizes or Awards Affecting
Property Known as Block 70.10, Lot 2 on the Tax Map of the Township of


The "Consent Agenda" section of the meeting agenda

shall be preceded by an explanatory note substantially
set forth as follows:

"All matters listed under item "Consent Agenda" are

considered routine by the Township Committee and will
be enacted by (1) motion in the form listed below.

There will be no separate discussion of these items.

If discussion is desired of any item, that item will
be considered separately."

R-10-219 a. Authorizing Application for the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and

Drug Abuse Grant through the County of Monmouth (aka Drug
Enforcement Demand Recovery Program)

R-10-220 b. Approving the Submission of a Grant Application and Execution of a

Grant Agreement with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for
the Roadway Infrastructure Project – Burlington Road – Phase II (From
Kozloski Road to the Colts Neck Municipal Line)

R-10-221 c. Extending Grace Period for Third Quarter Taxes 2010

R-10-222 d Calling on the State Legislature and the Governor to Enact Property Tax
Reform with Passage of the “Municipal Tool Kit” and Mandates Relief

R-10-223 e. Accepting Assignment and Assumption of all Governmental Development

Approvals, Cash Fees and Developer’s Agreement and Accepting
Substituted Performance Surety Bond for G.V.F. Construction, LLC
(Formerly Karl Giggenbach)

R-10-224 f. Establishing a “No Passing Zone” along Route 33 throughout the Entire
Length in Freehold Township

R-10-225 g. Awarding a Contract to Trolley Tours, Inc. for Senior Center Trip to
Cape Cod

R-10-226 h. Awarding a Contract for the Emergency Repair of the Air Conditioning
at the Municipal Building and Police Department

R-10-227 i. Extending Contract with Norkus Enterprises for the Purchase of Food &
Food-Related Items

R-10-228 j. Authorizing Execution of a Developer’s Agreement for 537 Car Wash

Associates, LLC, Site Plan No. 711-2-09

R-10-229 k. Denying Request for Release of Performance Guarantees and Reducing

Performance Guarantees for Valley National Bank, Site Plan No. 745-05


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