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Hawthorne Elementary

School Council Meeting Notes

12/09/2016 at 10:00AM

Attendees: Lisa Limoncelli, Jodie Terlisner, Jill Roark, Todd Carmichael, Martha
McGourk, Scott Magnos, Kim Davis

1) Meeting Called to Order at 10:00am by Jodie Terlisner

2) Agenda approved
3) Minutes from prior meeting approved
4) Principals Report
a) Playground
i) Received approval for mulch
ii) Total cost $55K because bonded mulch is a $20K cost
iii) page has been started (hawthorne-elementary-new-
b) Title I Team:
i) 58% under 6 absences in 2015
ii) 53% under 6 absences in 2016
c) New front office staf
i) Ms. Jackson is new bookkeeper
ii) Ms. Elliot front office secretary/registrar
5) Old Business (N/A)
a) Committees
i) Community Outreach Committee: Jodie will work on an email for a request
to write good reviews on
ii) Advocacy Committee: Jill will write up school advocacy issues to share
b) School Council website updates
i) Need to include info on members
ii) Kim Davis will send an email with a few bio questions we can answer
iii) Each member to respond with answers and a picture
6) New Business
a) School Improvement
i) Review of school improvement plan, Title I budget, and Parent
Involvement Session
ii) School improvement plan approved
b) School redistricting
i) Lisa attended meeting of schools involved
ii) Only way the region would move to the proposed options, is if the schools
exceed their enrollment capability (4-5 years out)
7) Meeting adjourned at 11:13am

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