School Council Minutes 2017-04-20

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Hawthorne Elementary

School Council Meeting Notes

04/20/2017 at 10:00am

Attendees: Lisa Limoncelli, Jodie Terlisner, Jill Roark, Martha McGourk, G. White, Kim Davis

1) Meeting Called to Order at 8:40 by Jodie Terlisner

2) Agenda for todays meeting approved
3) Minutes from January 27th 2017 meeting approved
4) Old Business
a) Great Schools review
i) Action item completed from last meeting: Lisa checked on the D score
(1) Most recent CCRPI (formerly AYP) dropped to a 69
(2) Bulk of score is based on standardized testing which is what has kept our
score low
ii) Action item completed from last meeting: Jodie sent link
ACTION ITEM: Jodie will pull scores from neighboring/competing schools
b) Webmaster
i) E-versions of minutes and agendas need to be uploaded
ACTION ITEM: Jodie will send everything to Lisa
c) AED & CPR
i) Do we need to get more people in school AED & CPR certified?
ii) Could we get someone to come in
ACTION ITEM: Martha will check about someone to do CPR training and AED
ACTION ITEM: Lisa and Jodie will bring it up to the Foundation: Can we
incentivize teachers and staff to attend CPR and/or AED training with small
personal incentives such as $15 Starbucks gift cards and have the Foundation
pay for them to attend (total cost per teacher would be ~$21) since most
community CPR courses are only held on Saturdays.
d) Communication
i) Druid Hills high School sends information to all of its feeder school to raise
ACTION ITEM: Jodie contacted Kina to find out if we can do this with Lakeside
High School and Henderson Middle; hasnt heard back so will follow up

5) Principals Report
a) Testing began on Wednesday and going well so far even with a few computer glitches
i) 3rd - 4th grade: ELA, Reading, and Math
ii) 5th grade: ELA, Reading, Math, Social Studies, and Science
b) Every room cleaned over spring break with the hospital-grade antimicrobial wipes
c) STEM: May 15th & 16th will be the final certification visit and well know by the end of
the day on the 16th if the school will receive its STEM certification
i) Celebration for STEM certification
ACTION ITEM: Kim will organize making Were o-FISH-ally a STEM School!
note and bags for each student with a note, mini bag of goldfish, and a mini
bottle of water
ACTION ITEM: Lisa will order a banner (no date) to be hung if we receive
6) New Business
a) School Improvement Plan (SIP)
i) First year as a Title 1 school
ii) Subgroups: ASL, IEP, economically disadvantaged, Hispanic, Black
iii) 6 Focus Areas: ELA, Math, Social Studies, cross-curriculum, special student groups
(achievement v growth)
ACTION ITEM: 2017-2018 Curriculum night: demonstration on R.A.C.E.
Question: Could it also be included during back to school night?
iv) Goals
(1) Decrease the % all students who are Level 1 by 20%
(2) Decrease % students who fail to meet GaDOE student subgroup targets
(3) Decrease % students who earn SGP of 34 or less by 20% from 2016-2018
(4) Decrease by 20% the % of lowest performing quartile not meeting expectation
(5) Decrease the percentage of students scoring below level 3 & 4
b) Technology
i) Every 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade student will have 1:1 relationship with technology
(stays at school)
ii) County providing one cart of 32 Chromebooks per every two classrooms, already
having the 100 purchased with Title 1 funds will make nearly entire school at a
1:1 student to technology ratio
iii) Discussed possibility of a typing curriculum, which would also help with reaching
SIP goals
c) Communication
i) Hornet Buzz: Jill and Martha will take this on (via PTA)
(1) Need more info going out to parents- more reporting style newsletter
(2) Need more lead time in advance of events
ACTION ITEM: Jill will look at Fernbank newsletter
7) Meeting adjourned at 10:10

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