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Hawthorne Elementary

School Council Meeting Notes


Attendees: Lisa Limoncelli, Jodie Terlisner, Jill Roark, Todd Carmichael, G. White

1) Meeting Called to Order at 10:06am by Jodie Terlisner

2) Agenda approved
3) Minutes from prior meeting approved
4) Old Business (N/A)
a) Great Schools review
i) The Governors score is abysmally low (D)
ii) ACTION ITEM: Jodie will send link, please review and determine options for next
b) Advocacy Committee
i) Jills report on meeting with the regional superintendent and coordinator of
special education
(1) After Coralwood and Hawthorne, no program for middle or high school
(2) More discussions to come
(3) Want to send invitation for a visit
ii) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
iii) Emory-Lavista Parent Council meeting at Hawthorne discussed four main topics:
(1) Redistricting
(2) Annexation
(3) Secretary of Education
(4) Bringing casinos to Atlanta to support education (at Atlanta Underground)
c) Webmaster
i) E-versions of minutes and agendas need to be uploaded
ii) Pictures of
iii) ACTION ITEM: Pick three of the questions and send your Q&A to Jodie
d) AED
i) One in the nurses office
ii) New pads have to be purchased
iii) Need cadre of people who can use it (currently nurse office staff and Coach)
5) New Business
a) Communication
i) Druid Hills high School sends information to all of its feeder school to raise
ii) ACTION ITEM: Jodie will be contacting Kina to find out if we can do this with
Lakeside High School and Henderson Middle
b) Recurring health issue
i) One particular class in kindergarten
ii) Each child has their own bag to contain their coat, hat, backpack, etc
iii) Classroom will be vacuumed twice daily
iv) Official policy does not require sending child home from school
v) Educating parents works better than isolating children
vi) ACTION ITEM: Jodie calling Pediatric Hair Solutions to see if they can assist school
c) Auction
i) Basket from school council
ii) Wine Basket
iii) Hawthorne School Council Has Spirit(s), Yes We Do!
6) Principals Report
a) School Climate Survey
i) Available on school website
ii) ACTION ITEM: Please fill out
iii) 5-Star score on most recently released rating (up from 3 stars a couple of years
b) Revisions to Title 1 budget
i) Tutorial program started in January and Only need one bus; fall funds available to
be used for:
(1) Summer Bridge program for one week a couple of weeks before school starts
for rising 4th and 5th graders
(2) Additional supplies purchased
(3) Expanded iReady
ii) Budget approved
7) Meeting adjourned at 11:14

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