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Luz Rico Sanchez

The Negative Impact That Deforestation Have On Wild Animals

Have you ever wondered how many animals would be alive today if it wasn't because of

deforestation? Even though some people believe that deforestation does not affect our wild

animals, this statement is incorrect because, deforestation does negatively impacts animals today.

Cutting down trees impact the animals that live in forest or surrounding areas, also because

clearing out forest has a major impact on the survival and death of animals. Deforestation needs

to stop because its reducing our animal population, killing their ability to survive and

limiting their habitats.

Does deforestation negatively impact our wild animals today? Yes deforestation

negatively impacts our animals because cutting down trees lessens the animals resource and

ability to survive. Cutting down trees limites their levels of shade and protection from the sun's

rays. Too much sun on animals can cause a deficiency in vitamin D, which leads to brittle, weak

bones. Too much sun can cause skin to burn. (Johnson, Yvonne. . 06 Nov. 2015.) When an

animal is exposed to too much light it can weaken their bones and cause harmful burns to the

skin. By cutting down trees animals are exposed to severe amount of UV light which cause

harmful deadly effects. That's why animals need sun protection in which trees provide for them.

Also cutting down trees kills of oxygen and reduces levels of water. Deforestation also drives

climate change. Forest soils are moist, but without protection from sun-blocking tree cover they

quickly dry out. Trees also help perpetuate the water cycle by returning water vapor back into the

atmosphere. Without trees to fill these roles, many former forest lands can quickly become
barren deserts ( Which means that as soon as

our land turns into a dessert our animals will die into extinction.

Clearing out the forest and reducing the number of trees in our forest and or other places

with trees doesn't just kill the animals but the next generation of them. Animals are already

adapted to the environment theyre used to if moved many don't survive and die off becoming

extinct. When species lose their forest homes, they are often unable to subsist in the small

fragments of forested land left behind. They become more accessible to hunters and poachers,

their numbers begin to dwindle and some eventually go extinct. ("Deforestation." World Wildlife Fund. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.) Which means cutting down trees

lead animals to extinction or just killing off certain amounts. 80% of the worlds documented

species can be found in tropical forest. About 80% of the worlds documented species can be

found in tropical rainforestssome of the forests most vulnerable to deforestation

( If we are killing 17% of the rainforest we

are loosing a very important part of our documented species.

If we as humans are killing off 17% of our rain forest than that is a problem. When

animals lose their homes they look for shelter in a more open space which hunters can get easier

access. Deforestation has many negative effects on the environment. The most dramatic impact is

a loss of habitat for millions of species. Seventy percent of Earths land animals and plants live in

forests, and many cannot survive the deforestation that destroys their homes.


People believe they are cutting down trees for their benefit, losing the knowledge of the of each

tree cut down daily. The greed of people can damage the world for every tree cut down daily,
forgetting about the shelter and the feeding of the animals decreasing the way of defending

themselves. We damage the earth without knowing the side effects of it , therefore i state that

deforestation does negatively affect our wild animals today.

Animals are already adapted to the environment theyre used to if moved many don't survive

and die off becoming extinct. When species lose their forest homes, they are often unable to

subsist in the small fragments of forested land left behind. They become more accessible to

hunters and poachers, their numbers begin to dwindle and some eventually go

extinct.("Deforestation." World Wildlife Fund. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.) Cutting

down trees lead animals to extinction or just killing off certain amounts.

Many animals go extinct so they stop reproducing or just no longer be able to reproduce.

seventy percent of Earths land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the

deforestation that destroys their homes (

Since animals losing their homes do to deforestation the species population decreases because of

mating, one species can not mate itself.

Its estimated that 4,000 animals become extinct every year due to deforestation, most of

which have never been discovered. One thing is certain, if we let deforestation continue

uncontrolled, countless species will be lost forever in the deforestation process . Therefore our

animal diversity will come to an end. ("Deforestation Effects, Causes, And Examples: Top 10

List." Science Heathen. 12 Dec. 2012. Web. 19 Nov. 2015.)

Cuttin down trees kills of oxygen , Reduces levels of water , and limits less food and

resources . Deforestation has many negative effects on the environment. The most dramatic
impact is a loss of habitat for millions of species. Seventy percent of Earths land animals and

plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the deforestation that destroys their homes.

By cutting down trees animals are obligated to leave their what use to be home, to another place

which theyre not adapted to that can lead to death.

( Source WWF)

Many other sources however, argue that deforestation does not negatively affect our wild

animals today. Cutting down trees is necessary Forests are cut down for many reasons, but

most of them are related to money or to peoples need to provide for their families.The biggest

driver of deforestation is agriculture. Farmers cut forests to provide more room for planting crops

or grazing livestock. Often many small farmers will each clear a few acres to feed their families

by cutting down trees and burning them in a process known as slash and burn agriculture. Not

all deforestation is intentional. Some is caused by a combination of human and natural factors

like wildfires and subsequent overgrazing, which may prevent the growth of young


overview/), Not all deforestation is intentional, some families have the need to cut down trees as
a matter of survival just like the animals, the lack of resources that they have causes them to go

out and sell or cut down the trees for agriculture to be built and farms created for their benefits

we all have a reason to protect our species. Cutting down trees in some cases is very necessary.

Animal protection associations. There are associations out there that help out endangered

animals. they don't necessarily have to live out in the open wild. Eliminating all deforestation is

not possible. Parts of the landscape will need to be reshaped and altered as populations grow and

changebut this can be balanced through sustainable forest management, reforestation efforts

and maintaining the integrity of protected areas

( .People are working to reconstruct the

damage done, and protecting the areas needed for the documented species. Even though there is

a couple of deforestation that can affect animals, there is always a back up plan to help them and

those are associations.

Having shelters for endangered animals is an alternative for helping reduce the extinction of

animals due to deforestation. To combat illegal logging and promote responsible forestry, WWF

created the Global Forest & Trade Network (GFTN). GFTN links hundreds of companies, forest-

dependent communities, non-governmental organizations and entrepreneurs in more than 30

countries around the world with the goal of creating a market for environmentally responsible

forest products ( Working with companies

will help species stay alive, and the forest in better shape by finding different resources to

supplement the need of cutting down trees. Deforestation can cause damage towards the animals

but there are plenty ways to reduce the danger that it may cause. That's why i state deforestation

does not negatively impact our animals today.

Many biologists argue that loss of biodiversity in animal species is one of the most

important impact of deforestation. Animals are very important as much as trees are to the

world. .Deforestation leads to destruction of land and animals . Deforestation needs to stop

because its reducing our animal population, killing their ability to survive and limiting their

Cite Page :

(Johnson, Yvonne. "The Effect of Sunlight on Animals & Plants." EHow. Demand

Media, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.)

("Deforestation." World Wildlife Fund. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.)

("Effects of Deforestation | The Pachamama Alliance." Effects of Deforestation. Web. 23 Nov.


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