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The Story of Inverse LOG

As you can probably guess from the name, this has something to do with
another club on campus, LOG (lambda omnicron gamma). We are not
LOG. We have no affiliation with them at all... but they are the reason we
were founded. In August 2005, the beginning of my M1 year, we were
introduced to LOG along with all of the other clubs during club week. We
thought they would be a cool party club since they threw a beginning of the
year party so I joined along with a good friend of mine Dana Dameron.
Little did we know that the parties were pretty much over. I think there was
a grand total of 1 maybe 2 events (in case I forgot one) after we joined. The
one event they did have was Mr. NSU. We asked, "Why no Mrs. NSU?", but I
don't think we ever got an answer. While discussing our gripes with the
current clubs at lunch one day someone remarked, "Why don't you start
your own club?" Thus Inverse LOG was born. The name is obviously a geeky
mathematical pun but we're ok with that.

Around the same time another club, SOMA, was holding out on us with the
"test packets"... something that became a thorn in our sides for a long time
to come. The incoming classes should thank their lucky stars for Terry Moy-
Brown who did a lot of work improving the packets after the fiasco we went
through. Unfortunately, that year we were hung out to dry. We needed a
club that would fill that gaps the current clubs were leaving... one that
organized social events AND had an academic side to help with our studies.
So, that was how the club was born and why it is what it is today.

The club was founded by myself (Ryan Garbalosa), and Dana Dameron. We
are not a sanctioned club so therefore the University has absolutely no
control over us, what we say, or what we do. This is my personal website
that is hosting all of this. I alone update it (or not), edit it, and otherwise
keep it. We have no members, we have no meetings... we only have
parties. Feel free to email me if you have any questions. Thanks for
reading, and enjoy the site.


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