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EXAM 4 PRINT NAME PTH 6113 Instructions for completing your answer sheet: “Please use a #2 pencil only. “Please print your name, class and course instructor on your answer sheet. “Fill in the bubbles on your answer sheet that correspond to your Social Security number. “Fill in the bubbles on your answer sheet that correspond to your name (last, first), +P Fill in the bubble on your answer sheet that corresponds to your test form (A, B, C, or D). “Erase completely where necessary. “*SELECT THE BEST ANSWER. . Which of the following pair of conditions refer to causes of cell injury? A. Hypoxia / Autoimmunity B. Hypoxia / Myositis ossificans C. Myositis ossificans / Autoimmunity D. Autoimmunity / Steatosis E. Steatosis / Hypoxia N Which of the following pair of conditions represent irreversible injury? .. Karyorrhexis / Cytoplasmic blebs Karyolysis / Karyorrhexis . Cytoplasmic blebs / Karyolysis Karyolysis / Steatosis . Steatosis / Karyorrhexis hich of the following pair of conditions represent the effects of cell injury? Steatosis / Hypoxia . Myositis ossificans | Steatosis . Hypoxia / Myositis ossificans Autoimmunity / Myositis ossificans . Steatosis / Autoimmunity © Mooprs moony B . Which of the following type of.cellular adaptation is most likely to be seen in the muscles of the affected lower limb in a case of fracture fernur with the leg in a plaster cast? . Disuse atrophy . Vascular atrophy . Compensatory hyperplasia Pressure atrophy Compensatory hypertrophy hich of the following is seen as a response of the bone marrow in anemia? Atrophy . Connective tissue metaplasia . Hyperplasia Dysplasia . Hypertrophy Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:26:16 AM Version B mMoomM>s moow> EXAM 1 Which of the following is most likely to be seen in the uterus of a postmenopausal woman? A. Dysplasia B. Hyperplasia C. Hypertrophy D. Connective tissue metaplasia E. Atrophy 2 . Which of the following response best describes myositis ossificans? . Atrophy . Hyperplasia Dysplasia . Connective tissue metaplasia . Hypertrophy ~ moom> Which of the following is seen as a response of the left ventricle in a patient with ayetenle hypertension Dysplasia . Hyperplasia . Atrophy . Hypertrophy . Connective tissue metaplasia = moom> Pleomorphic cells with increased N:C ratio is seen in which of the following conditions? A. Atrophy B. Connective tissue metaplasia C. Hyperplasia D. E. © . Dysplasia . Hypertrophy 10. Which of the following pigments is most likely to be present in heart failure cells in cases of cardiac failure? . Melanin Lipofuscin Hemosiderin Alcapton Bilirubin letastatic calcification is seen in the following conditions EXCEPT: Disseminated cancer Prolonged immobilization in bed ~ . Milk-Alkali syndrome . Hypoparathyroidism . Sarcoidosis 11. MIOM>Zz moom> Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:26:16 AM Version B 2 EXAM 4 12. Liquefactive necrosis is most likely to be seen in which of the following organs? A. Lung B. Liver C. Spleen D. Heart E. Brain 48. Caseous necrosis is most likely to be seen in which of the following diseases? A. Dry gangrene B. Myocardial infarct C. Liver abscess D. Pulmonary tuberculosis E. Appendicitis 14. Heart failure cells are most likely to be seen in which of the following organs? A. Spleen Liver Lung . Heart Brain moo 15. An elderly bed-ridden patient developed pressure sores and decubitus ulcers. The ulcers were cleaned and_allowed to heal.This is an example of healing by which of the following methods? A. Tertiary union B. Primary union . First intention |. Resolution Secondary union moo 46. Phagocytosis is enhanced by which of the following substance? . Serotonin Prostaglandin . Histamine . Opsonin . Bradykinin Isolates inflamed tissue . Develops hypersensitivity Protects surrounding tissue . Eliminates injurious agents A B Cc. D. E 17, Which of the following is NOT a beneficial effect of inflammation? A B. Cc. D. E. Neutralizes toxins Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:26:16 AM Version B 3 3S 20. 2 MOOD>S moow> 22. 8 23. 24. EXAM 4 Which of the following is a featurg of chronic inflammation? As Duration is relatively short B. Itis characterized by exudation of fluid C. Itis an early response to injury D. Ités accompanied by infiltration of polymorphs E. Itis characterized by proliferation of blood vessels . Which of the following statement best describgs resolution? Inflamed tissue returning to its previous nofmal appearance and function Breakdown of tissue resulting in an abscess . Engulfment of foreign material by phagocytes Composed of newly formed blood vessels and proliferating fibroblastic tissue . Formation of excessive collagen tissue Ss moom> hich of the following statement best desoribes suppuration? Inflamed tissue returning to its previous normal appearance and function Composed of newly formed bload vessels and proliferating fibroblastic tissue . Formation of excessive collagen tissue . Breakdown of tissue resulting in an abscess Engulfment of foreign material by phagocytes ‘hich of the following statement best describes keloid? . Formation of excessive collagen tissue Breakdown of tissue resulting in an abscess . Inflamed tissue returning to its previous normal appearance and function Composed of newly formed blood vessels and proliferating fibroblastic tissue . Engulfment of foreign material by phagocytes Formation of a phagolysosome is seen in which of the following processes in inflammation? . Transmigration . Chemotaxis . Phagocytosis . Pavementing . Margination moomwp Which of the following lesion does not heal by secondary intention? Healing of a surgical incision . Healing of an ulcer Healing of an abscess . Healing of rheumatic pericarditis Healing of a renal infarct mMoomp> e abnormal communication between two tissue compartments is called A. lymphangitis . an ulcer cellulitis . a fistula asinus moowp Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:26:16 AM Version B 25. & 26. 27. 28. a 30. EXAM 1 Catarrhal inflammation is associated with abundant exudation of which of the following substances? A. Fibrinous exudate B. Mucoid exudate C. Serous exudate D. Purulent exudate E. Hemorrhagic exudate Which of the following is NOT a feature of acute inflammation? . Exudation of plasma - Relatively short duration . Emigration of leukocytes . Proliferation of fibroblasts Exudation of fluid moog> Hyperemia in acute inflammation gives rise to which of the following finding? A. Aflare B. Awheal C. Slowing of the circulation D. Margination of leukocytes E. Transmigration of leukocytes Edema in acute inflammation gives rise to which of the following finding? A. A flare Margination of leukocytes . Transmigration of leukocytes ). Slowing of the circulation Awheal moom Which of the following mechanisms is NOT a cause of increased vascular permeability in acute inflammation? A. Proteolytic enzymes released by leukocytes B. Formation of endothelial gaps in venules C. Reduced intravascular hydrostatic pressure D. Direct injury to the endothelial cells E. Cytoskeletal reorganization of the endothelial cells Transmigration of leukocytes occurs mainly in the . Arterioles . Capillaries . Arteries . Veins . Venules moom> Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:26:17 AM Version B EXAM 14 3 Increased vascular permeability in acute inflammation occurs mainly in the A. Veins B. Venules C. Arterioles D. Capillaries E. Arteries 32. Which of the following feature in.acute inflammation is caused chemotactic factors? A. Attract leukocytes to site of injury B. Coat bacteria for recognition by phagocytes C. Initiate formation of phagolysosomes. D. Help in the degradation of bacteria E. White cells to move tawards the endothelium 33. Which of the following inflammatory cells has the ability to engulf soluble molecules (pinocytosis)? A. Neutrophils B. Macrophages C. Eosinophils D. Basophils E. Lymphocytes 34. Tuberculous pleuritis is associated with abundant exudation of which of the following substances? Serous exudate Fibrinous exudate Hemorrhagic exudate . Purulent exudate . Mucoid exudate moowp 35, & Collection of pus in the pleural cavity complicating staphylococcal pneumonia is: A. Granuloma B. Abscess: C. Empyema D. Fibrinous inflammation E. Granulation tissue 36. Tissue composed of fibroblasts, newly formed blood vessels, and macrophages in an inflamed site is: A. Empyema B. Fibrinous inflammation C. Granulation tissue D.'Granuloma E. Abscess Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:26:17 AM Version B EXAM 4 37. An aggregate of epithelioid cells, multinucleated giant cells, fibroblasts, and lymphocytes is: . Abscess Granuloma Empyema . Fibrinous inflammation . Granulation tissue ultinucleated giant cells-are derived from which of the following type of cells? Macrophages Eosinophils Lymphocytes . Mast cells Basophils 3 MOOD>ES moom> Which of the following factors promote synthesis of collagen and collagenase by fibroblasts during the repair process? A. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) B. Platelet«derived growth factor (PDGF) C. Interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) D. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) E. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) 39. 8 49; Which of the following factors promote angiogenesis, wound repair and hematopoiesis -Ayring the repair process? Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) Interleukin-1 (|L-1)tumor necrosis factor (TNF) ‘C. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) D. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) E. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) 41, Anaphylatoxins involved in destruction of bacteria are mainly elaborated from which of the following systems associated with inflammation? A. Complement system B. Kinin system C. Fibrinolytic system D. Coagulation system E. Histocompatibility system U2, Cyclo-oxygenase-1 inhibition causing gastric acid damage leading to peptic ulcer Uisease is mainly due to loss of which of the following substances? . Interferon-y . Thromboxane A2 . Prostaglandins . Leukotriene B4 . Bradykinin mUCg> Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:26:17 AM Version B 43, 3 44. 45. & 46. 4 48. 49. a EXAM 1 Which of the following pair of conditions represent,malignant tumors? A. Melanoma / Cystadenoma B. Cystadenoma / Seminoma C. Seminoma / Papillome D. Papilloma/ Melanoma E, Melanoma / Seminoma Which of the following terms specifically indicates. malignant neoplasia? . Metaplasia . Dysplasia Anaplasia ). Hypertrophy . Hyperplasia moom, Which of the following pair of conditions represents tumors of mesenchymal origin? . Squamous cell papilloma / Lymphangioma Lymphangioma / Hepatocellular carcinoma Hepatocellular-carcinoma / Rhabdomyosarcoma D. Rhabdomyosarcoma / Squamous-cell papilloma E. Lymphangioma / Rhabdomyosarcoma om> Which of the following pair of conditions represent, malignant tumors? A. Lymphangioma / Rhabdomyosarcoma B. Rhabdomyosarcoma / Squamous cell papilloma C. Hepatocellular carcinoma / Rhabdomyosarcoma D. Squamous cell-papilloma /Lymphangiome- E. Lymphangioma / Hepatocellular carcinoma Which of the following is the characteristic, hallmark of malignancy, by the presence of which you can give a definite diagnosis of cancer? A. Presence of multiple growths B. Continued growth C. Absence of capsule D. Presence of metastases E. Imperfect differentiation Which of the following pair of tumors does not usually metastasize? A. Rhabdomyosarcoma / Basal cell carcinoma B. Basal cell carcinoma / Osteosarcoma C. Glioblastoma multiform / Rhabdomyosarcoma D. Osteosarcoma / Glioblastoma multiform E. Glioblastoma multiform / Basal cell carcinoma Which of the following is a major histologic characteristic of malignancy? ‘A. Presence of marked dysplasia B. Absence of fibrous capsule CC. Presence of abundant mitotic figures D. Presence of abnormal mitotic figures E. Absence of mitotic figures Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:26:17 AM Version B EXAM 4 50. Which of the following pair of conditions can be cited as examples of transcoelomic spread? . Krukenberg tumor / Gareinoma prostate €arcinoma thyroid / Krukenberg tumor Pseudomyxoma peritonei / Gareinoma thyroid -- Carcinoma prostate / Pseudomyxoma peritonei Pseudomyxoma peritonei / Krukenberg tumor moom> ‘Which of the following pair of conditions is considered in grading of cancer? A, Presence of metastases / Number-of- mitoses B. Size of tumor / Degree of anaplasia C. Degree of anaplasia / Presence of metastases p, Degree of anaplasia / Number of mitoses E. Number of mitoses / Size of tumor . Which of the following statement is true regarding carcinoma in situ? A. Itis a preinvasive stage of a malignant mesenchymal tumor B. Itis a preinvasive stage of a malignant epithelial tumor C. Itis lymphatic spread of a malignant tumor D. Itis hematogenous spread of a malignant tumor E. Itis not a malignant tumor 5 8 53. The incidence of leukemia is much higher than normal population in which of the following condition? A. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma B. Carcinoma lung C. Down syndrome D. Neurofibromatosis E. Neuroblastoma Epstein-Barr virus is most likely to be a causative factor in which of the following condition? A. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma B. Neurofibromatosis C. Down syndrome D. Neuroblastoma E. Carcinoma lung 5 = Which one of the following is one of the most common cancers in the US? A. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma |. Carcinoma lung , Neuroblastoma . Neurofibromatosis . Down syndrome 55. a moow> Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:26:17 AM Version B EXAM 1 56. Which of the following is a precancerous condition? Neuroblastoma Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Down syndrome ~ . Neurofibromatosis . Carcinoma lung moom> hich of the following is a form of cancer common in children? .. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 57. W A B. Carcinoma lung Cc. D. E, ag , Dawn.syndrome Neurofibromatosis . Neuroblastoma Which of the following is the most likely cause of carcinoma of uterine cervix and vulva? . Salmonella typhimurium Epstein-Barr virus Human papilloma virus Hepatitis B virus . Salmonella typhi ~ 58. & o> moo 59. Which of the following organism is used in an in vitro test for determination of mutagenic potential of a chemical carcinogen? ‘Salmonella typhimurium Salmonella typhi . Hepatitis B virus . Epstein-Barr virus . Human papilloma virus moomD> Which of the following pair of conditions represents acquired preneoplastic disorders? .. Cirrhosis of liver / Xeroderma pigmentosum . Xeroderma pigmentosum / Cushing syndrome Cushing syndrome / Cirrhosis of liver Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy / Cushing syndrome _ Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy / Xeroderma pigmentosum 6 Ss moomy Which of the following pair of conditions represents paraneoplastic syndromes seen in lung cancer? . Xeroderma pigmentosum / Cushing syndrome . Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy / Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy / Cushing syndrome . Cirrhosis of liver / Xeroderma pigmentosum . Cushing syndrome / Cirrhosis of liver 61. moom> Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:26:17 AM Version B 10 EXAM 4 62. Which of the following condition could give rise to. chronic low-grade inflammation that predisposes to cancer of urinary bladder? Exposure to azodyes such as beta-naphthyiamine Chronic ingestion of nitrosamines Chronic schistosomal infection Chronic salmonella infection Exposure to fungal aflatoxin moom> 63. Apart from chemical carcinogens which of the following pair of conditions can be considered as major carcinogenic agents? A. Bacterial infection / Radiation B. Radiation / Severe trauma C. Radiation / Viral infection D. Viral infection / Bacterial infection E. Severe trauma / Viral infection 64, Development of cancer due to loss or inactivation of TPS3 gene is mainly due to which of the following factors? Unrepaired DNA damage~ Self-sufficiency in growth signals CD4 gene over expression ~ RB gene over expression Sustained angiogenesis A B. Cc D. E. of the following effects of tumor on host is mainly responsible for. destruction of remaining pituitary tissue by @ non-Secreting adenoma of the pituitary gland? A. Diffuse bone marrow metastases B. Obstruction of lumen C. Hormonal effects D. Space-occupying lesion E. Paraneoplastic syndrome 66. Over expression of BCL 2 gene gives rise to which of the following? A. Activation of telomerase B. Ability to metastasize C. Evasion of apoptosis D. Multistep carcinogenesis —. Tumor-associated angiogenesis factor 67. Neovascularization in tumor growth is associatedwith which of the following? Evasion of apoptosis Ability to metastasize Activation of telomerase Tumor-associated angiogenesis factor Multistep carcinogenesis mpop> Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:26:17 AM Version B 44 EXAM 4 68. The ability of the tumor cells to. overcome senescence is due to which of the following? A. Evasion of apoptosis B. Ability to metastasize ‘C. Multistep carcinogenesis D. Activation of telomerase E. Tumor-associated angiogenesis factor 69. Increased laminin receptors in tumor cells is responsible for which of the following? A. Evasion of apoptosis B. Abilityto metastasize C. Activation of telomerase D. Tumor-associated angiogenesis factor E. Multistep carcinogenesis 70. The secretion of proteases by tumor cells is associated with which of the following? A. Activation of telomerase B. Tumor-associated angiogenesis factor C. Multistep carcinogenesis D. Evasion of apoptosis E. Ability to metastasize 71. Which of the following effects of tumor on host is mainly responsible for development of.severe anemia in a case of carcinoma prostate? A. Paraneoplastic syndrome B. Obstruction of lumen C. Hormonal effects D. Diffuse bone marrow metastases E, Space-occupying lesion 72. Which of the following effects of tumor on host is mainly associated with development of intussusception in a case of adenoma of jejunum? Hormonal effects Paraneoplastic syndrome Space-occupying lesion Obstruction of lumen Diffuse bone marrow metastases mooOw> 73. Which of the following is the most important and most commonly-used method of cancer diagnosis? DNA flow cytometry Quick frozen section Fine needle aspiration Biopsy and histopathologic examination Papanicolaou cytologic examination moow> Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:26:17 AM Version B 12 EXAM 1 °7it.. Which of the following method is used initially for detection of cancer cells in sputum, and in peritoneal and pleural fluids? A. Fine needle aspiration B, Quick frozen section ©. Papanicolaou cytologic examination D. DNA flow cytometry E. Biopsy and histopathologic examination 15. Which of the following is the important tumor marker for detection of trophoblastic and testicular tumors? . Prostatic acid phosphatase . Human chorionic gonadotropin Carcinoembryonic antigen . Calcitonin Neurone specific enolase moC dn Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:26:17 AM Version B You have completed the test! 13 si a B PATHOLOGY MIDTERM gue FO 1A 22C 23A 51D 52B 53 54A 55B 56D STE 58C 59 60A e1c 62C 6c 64 A 65D 66c 67D 68D 6gE 70E 710 72D 73D 74c 7B

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