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Article on game design

In this article I will be discussing visual style and gameplay for 2 games. I will compare the 2
games with examples and illustrations. The games that I will be comparing is Call of Duty
and Fifa 17.


The word terrain refers to the landscape and surroundings that are visible within a game.
A lot of the time, companies do not choose to base game terrain around real-world areas,
but rather use their terrain to create and generate fantasy worlds. Even when the real-world
is the subject matter for design, it is often the case that an extremely limited area is used.
The terrain within a game is important as it helps to promote the mechanics that feature in
your game. Examples of terrains include concrete, grass and water, all of these can be
combined in different ways to produce a large variety of different landscapes.

For my game "terrain" is a big part of the game because the visuals are what makes the
game so popular. With the both games being on the new generation consoles the visuals
stand out more because the machines are more powerful so therefore it makes the terrain
more noticeable. In the game Call of Duty, the visuals such as grass are very important to
the game. The game allows users to see visuals on the game which are near to real life and
this is the same with Fifa 17. Fifa 17 is more realistic than Call of Duty because Fifa is based
on real life which is football and this includes the appearance of all the popular football
players in the world and they visually look like their selves in the game.

Architecture in video games are very important. Since architecture makes up a large portion
of our real-life environment, it makes sense that it would also be incorporated into our
video games. Architecture in video games, as in real life, always seems to just be there, a
given fact of ones surroundings, like trees or angry zombies and yet, architecture plays
larger, and more specific in games.

The easiest explanation for the presence of architecture in video games is that it forms the
background for action, and is the scaffolding on which the characters move, act and,
occasionally, die. Franchises like Grand Theft Auto make full use of developing rendering
and near photo-realistic architectural surrounds, with playable characters climbing on,
crashing into, and using the buildings to further the story. The architecture in Fifa 17 is a
massive part of the game and the main surrounding Is the fans in the background. The game
involves realistic fans which react to the players and anything happens on the pitch. The
football grounds are also near perfect to the ones in real life which develops a more realistic
playstyle for the players.

Objects can play a massive part in the effect of the game and how it is played, for example
objects such guns can be shot in a game such as Call of Duty to kill all the enemies. This
plays a big part in the franchise because the different kind of guns and attachments make
the experience for the player more unique to them. Call of Duty allows the player to
personally customize the different guns which even extend to the camos and attachments
on the guns. For fifa 17 the objects are the football players and the football. The motion of
the ball Is controlled by the player and this leads to the player having all of the control. #


The characters in video games is crucial because its this what engages the user and leads to
the user developing a bond with the characters. In Fifa 17 the characters are the football
players and in a certain game mode you can create your own character and start a mode
which is called career mode this game mode allows the user to create their character and
personalise them. The game also features a game face which allows the user to upload a
picture of their face and then the game imports the face onto the player. This makes the
game more realistic if your own player is on the game.

On Call of Duty there is different characters on the campaign. The characters all play a part
of the story and the game makes the player a part of it too. In the multiplayer the game
features different character for maps. If a map is full of grass the player can change their
character to fit the map for example using a character which suits the visual map.

Non playing characters

A non-player character (NPC), sometimes known as a non-person character or non-

playable character, in a game is any character that is not controlled by a player. In video
games, this usually means a character controlled by the computer through artificial
intelligence. In fifa 17 the computer plays a big part of the game for example in the career
mode the only person who is against you is non playing characters. Another character which
is always non playing is the referee. The referee is controlled by the game and they make
the decisions. It makes a big impact on the game when the referee makes a decision
because it could finalise the game.
The non-playing characters also appear in the campaign for call of duty. The campaign is
controlled by you with only one character however there is more characters which are
simulated by the computer in the game.

Perspectives (2D, 3D first person, third person, aerial,


3D gaming is interactive computer entertainment that is graphically presented in the three

dimensions of height, width and depth; the addition of depth to 2D gaming enabled the
exploration of virtual worlds with more realistic representation. The first true 3D games
were developed from wire frame models. The 3D models, which had no shading, were made
from vertices and lines and could be seen through. Elite was the first of this new generation
of video games, in 1984. A lot of video games have been developed in 3D however the video
games will only work if the TV being played on is supporting 3D. The term 3D platformer
referred that featured gameplay in three-dimension area and polygonal 3D graphics. Games
which have 3D gameplay but 2D graphics is comes under in Isomertic Games. On the other
hand, those games that have 2D gameplay in 3D graphics are called 2.5D that means these
games are between 2D and 3D. In 3D we can implement depth to an object which gives it a
real look. In 3D games the characters are look like real character which exists in real world,
we can see the facial expression in character's face. In 3D games there are some missions,
where the players complete one mission then he\she go to the next level and next mission
would be more tougher than the previous mission. In 3D games multiplayer is mostly played
by the players because they want to play together to beat one another or they make a
group to beat other group and communicate with one another.


Games utilizing parallel projection typically make use of two-dimensional bitmap graphics as
opposed to 3D-rendered triangle-based geometry, allowing developers to create large,
complex game worlds efficiently and with relatively few art assets by dividing the art into
sprites or tiles and reusing them repeatedly. Both call of duty and Fifa 17 have 2D.

2D games are also called Platform game. The word platform also describes that something
held on a platform. Here the player can run, jump, shoot, collect powers on a platform. It is
a video game genre; 2D games are become very old. But some developers still like to play
2D games to get the innovative idea, because we learn everything from past. That's why
they want to play 2D games to make their game more interesting and get idea to give some
new feature in their game. Mostly the characters of 2D games are cartoonish and unrealistic

First person

First-person shooter (FPS) is a video game genre centered on gun and projectile weapon-
based combat through a first-person perspective; that is, the player experiences the action
through the eyes.

The first person perspective steps up the level in game and allows the player to feel like they
are the character. Traditionally the use of a first person perspective was largely limited to
certain genre such as adventure games, driving, arcade game and shooting games. The first
person perspective is used in Call of duty throughout the campaign and multiplayer.

Third person & aerial view

In a third-person shooter game, the player views the action from a distance. Gamers can see
their characters and the environment, with camera angles that are usually set above and
slightly behind the avatar. Characters in third-person shooter games are generally easier to
control. The player can see where the character is going, placing movements in context. The
field of vision is greater and more closely resembles what a person would normally see. This
also means that it is easier to spot enemies behind the character
On call of duty the game isnt in third person however it is always running in first person
because through the years they have developed a first person shooter.

Ariel perspective is looking from above, this is mainly used in RTS (Real-Time Strategy)
games such as Command and Conquer and Age of Empires, it is used in this genre as you can
see more of the world from above so it is easier to command your soldiers. However, it is
used in games like Fifa as the camera position.

The aerial view is normally on sports games because the different types of camera angles
that the game implement. The view is always on an aerial camera angle which is the same
with many sports broadcasts. Aerial is a camera angle from a birds eye view normally which
shows the pitch and all the football players. The most popular game who uses this view is
the game fifa. However, the game allows players to change the height of the view for their
gaming experience.

Feedback interferences

Feedback interference is included in mostly all games because this is the menus and game
settings which can be changed by the player. The most popular game settings are the call of
duty ones because everyone has their own settings and a setting called "sensitivity" which is
for how fast the movement on the controller will be and the player can change this by
changing the sensitivity. Everything that the player click is interference and is responding by
the control of the person. The call of duty menus includes feedback. The use of selecting
weaponry and different options to enhance the gaming experience.


A side-scrolling game, side-stroller or 2D is a video game in which the gameplay action is

viewed from a side-view camera angle, and the onscreen characters generally move from
the left side of the screen to the right (or less commonly, right to left) to meet an objective.
These games make use of scrolling computer display technology. The move from single-
screen or flip-screen graphics to scrolling graphics, during the golden age of video arcade
games and during third-generation consoles, would prove to be a pivotal leap in game
design, comparable to the move to 3D graphics during the fifth generation.
The scrolling feature is in the call of duty franchise. It is featured on the startup menu and
the player can scroll up and down to select features like creating a class and options,

Full motion video

A cut scene or event scene (sometimes in-game cinematic or in-game movie) is a sequence
in a video game that is not interactive, breaking up the gameplay. In Fifa 17 there is a lot of
different cut scenes and especially in the mode The Journey. The Journey allows you to
create your own player and it is full with different kinds of cut scenes which involves the
scenes of the players and fans. It also features replays of the misses and goals in slow
motion. The use of this is to break the gameplay up and also make it more realistic.

Some games prove to be so good in their storyline by using cut-scenes that they are created
and achieved. Another use of Full-Motion Video is game trailers, these often provide the
foundations of the Gaming Markets anticipations of the games a good trailer can often sell
any game, wether good or bad, if you can attract the public with the trailer your game will

A gaming avatar is normally used on a gaming profile for example on Xbox. The avatar
allows the player to design their own character on the console so other members can see
how they created their own character. another popular device which includes avatars but
not only this allows a better function is the Wii. The Wii, you can make a simple avatar just
like the one on the right underneath, the avatar you can play with in game. The Xbox allows
users to play different kind of arcade games using their avatars and it even displays the
score on some games.

Most popular games consoles that have the avatar is the Wii. The Wii enables the user to
you make a simple avatar and can be played in different kinds of games. The most
common game are the default games such as tennis and bowling that feature on the Wii.
The Wii shows the avatar when being played and also other people can see your avatar
when playing against them.

Omnipresence is usually associated of having control over the character(s) inside the video
game and certain game world features such buildings etc. Game genres which use this kind
of gameplay are that of Strategy and Simulation games. A good example that use this
interaction model is the Sims series. They allow players to have full control of each character
and what activity they might be doing whilst making building and architecture such as
rollercoasters and theme parks to improve the city in the game. The use of omnipresence is
featured in Fifa 17 because the user has control over the different players. They can press a
button to pass or shoot which means that they have control in the game.
This contributes to the story line as it makes it more interesting for the gamer. This ability
also gives the impression that the gamer is in control of the game.

Single player

A single-player video game is a video game where input from only one player is expected
throughout the course of the gaming session. "Single-player game" usually refers to a game
that can only be played by one person, while "single-player mode" usually refers to a
particular game mode that is designed to be played by a single-player, though the game also
contains modes that can be played by several players. Both Fifa 17 and Call of Duty contain a
single player mode however they are completely different.
The Fifa 17 single player allows the user to play against the computer and there is a game
mode which is called career where the user picks a team to play and they play against the
opposition but not anybody in real life. The call of duty version is called campaign where
the player plays as a character while going through the storyline. The use of this is that the
storyline is based in real life and makes the player go through it till the end.


A multiplayer video game is a video game in which more than one person can play in the
same game environment at the same time. Video games are often single-player activities,
putting the player against challenges. Multiplayer games allow players interaction with
other individuals in partnership, competition or rivalry, providing them with social
communication absent from single-player games. Multiplayer is a big part for both games
and it is with most recent games because connecting to other people around the world is
very important and with games being more advanced connecting to multiplayer and playing
with friends is a big part of the gaming industry now.

Both games have implemented multiplayer and this is why the 2 games are really popular
because the games have been around for years and already had great success with
multiplayers. Call of Duty plays a big part in the multiplayer industry and players from all
over the world compete against each other to be the best at the game. A massive part of
multiplayer is the competitive play for call of duty and even people play call of duty to win
money which is up to 1 million dollars.

The fifa 17 multiplayer is also a big part of game because fifa has included a mode which is
called ultimate team this mode allows players to create their own team using a technique
called chemistry by connecting players with nationalities and teams. They then search for
a game to play someone around the world and if they win they go up in ranks on the leader

The first of unique approach to character in videogames is that videogame characters can be
customized. In fact, as gaming technology is progressing, character designs are coming
closer to being pulled straight out of the players imagination. And this is not just true of the
appearance of a character, but also the behaviour of the character. Games like Fifa and Call
of duty all allow the player to choose the path of their characters development. This
obviously presents an enormous amount of narrative potential. If characters have a big part
of any narrative can be made by the player with creative freedom, the player is in control of
their artistic experience in a way nothing else can match.
Both call of duty and Fifa 17 have a narrative story involved especially the feature that was
just added in for fifa 17 called "the journey" where the player is took on a lifetime journey
to build themselves up to be a professional football player. In call of duty it is different
however there is still a narrative storyline involved.

Game settings

For all games game setting is a very important part of the game because it allows the user to
change their gaming experience for their own preferences. For example, there is different
settings such as "colour blind assist" which is featured on the call of duty settings and this
helps with people who are colour blind so its very important to people if they include
settings like this. On Fifa 17 there is different camera angles for people to use so this is also
important for the player to get the right angle for their preference. Also some visuals have
settings for example scoreboards and maps of the game which can either be removed or

The most popular game settings are the call of duty ones because everyone has their own
settings and a setting called "sensitivity" which is for how fast the movement on the
controller will be and the player can change this by changing the sensitivity.
Even though we'd rather always see our kids outside interacting in and with the
environment instead of sitting inside playing videos games, at least there are several video
games available on the market today with an environmental and socially responsible focus.
These video games with an environmental focus will show kids ways in which we have
impacted our environment and what can happen if we choose to change our ways. For my
game the environment is not for children because the game will feature maps that are full
with explosives and guns. Some games prove to be so good in their storyline by using cut-
scenes that they are created and achieved. Another use of Full-Motion Video is game
trailers, these often provide the foundations of the Gaming Markets anticipations of the
games a good trailer can often sell any game. Call of duty franchise has a lot of cinematics to
show the different types of maps and scenery of the environment.

In Temporal, players control an unnamed robotically being which cannot recall his past and
tries to figure out where he is, and his purpose. With only a propeller on his head, players
control the quirky robot using only the arrow keys - interacting with the environment in
order to advance and learn more about their surroundings. Most video games present their
game world with pictures and sound: art, animation, music, and audio effects. Not all game
worlds have a visible or audible component, however. In a text adventure, the player
creates the images and sounds of the world in his imagination when he reads the text on
the screen. With only a propeller on his head that allows him to fly for short periods of time,
the quirky robot is controlled using only the arrow keys - interacting with the environment
in order to advance and learn more about his surroundings.

The game focuses on solving puzzles on platform-based level designs that require the player
to use the environment in various ways, such as pushing boxes around, destroying floors,
manipulating chemicals, using automated guns and activating terminals and trigger beams.

The physical aspects of my game because it requires a lot of movement and the use of the
keyboard and mouse or on console with the controller. Also in the game there is physical
emotions that may apply to different people because the storyline will be quite upsetting at
the end. A lot of hard-core gamers who play call of duty spend a lot of time playing with
either keyboards of controller which can leave a big strain to their hands and can even lead
to blisters if the person is playing too much. A lot of games that are played on the Wii
requires a lot of physical activity for example the call of duty game on the Wii requires a lot
of concentration and movement. This is the same with the original games for example
bowling and tennis. The game requires you to be standing up and moving around when
playing the game.


For most gamers they can get quite emotional when playing a video game because it is very
important to them. Nobody likes losing so when a gamer loses a game it can get really
frustrating for them and this is very common for gamers who play fifa and call of duty. The
competitiveness of the 2 games are really thriving with people wanting to be the best it can
get very heated.

Even the story line for some games touch the gamers for example when someone dies in
the video game it makes an impact for the player because they have played the story for
really long. This is used in the call of duty campaign for example one of the soldiers gets shot
which is one of your best friends in the video game which can actually can touch the gamer

Copyright law originated in the United Kingdom from a concept of common law; the Statute
of Anne 1709. It became statutory with the passing of the Copyright Act 1911. The current
act is the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. The laws were implemented to make
sure people who created some kind of work and prevent people from stealing your work to
benefit themselves.
Before this law was an act people could copy someones work and claim that the work was
from them. This was a big problem to companys so they decided to have this act mainly on
the web due to it is open to the world and it is easier to steal work from the web such as
images, videos and music. These assets are included in my product so this is why I need to
consider where I get my assets from. The copyright law protects the IT industry because
mainly copyrighting takes place on the web.

If you buy a software package legally which allows you to use the software for yourself this
means that you do not own that software. The software company allows you to use it but
only for yourself so you cannot claim the product to be yours or illegally transfer the
software to someone else. Also some websites offer instructions on softwares which are
required to be bought. These websites provide crack codes to allow users all over the world
to use the software for free and this is illegal. Each software usually contains a license to
that individual computer. If the software is on a disk therefore it can only be used for one
computer machine. However, people burn the software onto another disk and give the
software to another person. This is illegal and would need to buy another license in order to
use it again. This law is the same with schools where each computer must have a different

When creating a video game, you need to ensure that you make the assets included in the
product suitable for the target audience. For example, if the target audience were kids you
will need to ensure that anything you put in the product that wont offend the users. Also
this protects such as racist comments which will offend people and affect the product. This
will always be breaking the law and could cause a lot of problems. People may be most likely
to break the law on the internet because people may think that theyre anonymous. But you
can be tracked and found so everything needs to be considered before publishing to the
world. There is rules that can help you to avoid is.
- You arent allowed to use a picture, video or sound unless the person who has full
control of the assets give you permission to use them.
- You cant make a written statement of someone which could offend them and any
abusive language which could affect their reputation.
- You arent allowed to use anyones piece of work without permission (copyright law)
- You have to be careful that you dont offend someone this goes by
- Race
- Gender (female and male)
- Sexuality (homosexual and heterosexual)
- Disability
- Nationality
- Class (higher class or lower class)
- Age (adults and children)


For different people there is goals on each game. It can either be just for enjoyment or even
a more competitive side to each game. This is very popular in the game call of duty because
most people who play the game want to be the best and be at the top of the leader boards.
The game is very competitive and there is even competitions out there that host the best
players who team up to compete other teams for a prize which is even up to 1 million
dollars. However, for the average gamer it isn't very competitive so the goals are just for

This is the same with Fifa 17 however it is getting competitive every year for the best fifa
player to be the best which is normally involved in the game mode called "ultimate team".
This game mode consists of making the best team and competing in a leaderboard which is
similar to the call of duty one however there is divisions that you have to go through to get
to the top.

Challenges/ Rewards

Many action games keep track of the player's score. Points are awarded for completing
certain challenges, or defeating certain enemies. Skilful play is often rewarded with point
multipliers. In many action games, achieving a high score is the only goal, and levels increase
in difficulty until the player loses. Arcade games are more likely to be unbeatable, as they
make their money by forcing the player to lose the game. On the other hand, games sold at
home are more likely to have discrete victory conditions, since a publisher wants the player
to purchase another game when they are done.
For call of duty there is challenges that can be completed by the player for example if the
player shoots another play in the head they will earn points to different camos for their guns
and this is still very popular for most call of duty games. In the game mode for fifa 17 "pro
clubs" this is where the player creates their own individual player and as they play the game
they earn challenges and traits which help grow the player ability's

Player actions

The player actions are very important in the game because its what the player actions which
will have an impact on the game. All games depend on the player actions for the outcome
for example on call of duty how the player develops the storyline determines the outcome
of the story. In most action games, the player controls a single avatar. The avatar has the
ability to navigate and manoeuvre, and often collects or manipulates objects. They have a
range of defences and attacks, such as shooting or punching. Many action games make use
of a powerful attack that destroys all enemies within a limited range, but this attack is rare.

In fifa the player has full control of the players and their position in the game just like call of
duty however there is more options for the player to determine for example changing teams
and putting out a different team for each game

Game rules are narrative rules with no narrative meanings. Game rules are related to the
game how the game is played. Narrative rules are linked to the semantic narrative layer
experienced by the players while playing the game. The rules in video games are them to
follow for the player and can be used for their advantages.
In fifa 17 there is rules that are exactly the same in real life football for example the offside
rule is used in the game which is when the player is in front of the defender which makes
the offside rule. However, the player can alter this by turning off these rules for example
there is a rule in the game which is turned off called "hand ball". The rule is used in real life
however in the game it isn't used if the player doesnt use it. The handball consists of when
a player hits the ball with the hand this is against the rules of football but could be annoying
to the player so its turned off.


Video games often allow players to influence their balance by offering a choice of "difficulty
levels". These affect how challenging the game is to play.
In addition to altering the game's rules, difficulty levels can be used to alter what content is
presented to the player. This usually takes the form of adding or removing challenging
locations or events, but some games also change their narrative to reward players who play
them on higher difficulty levels or end early as punishment for playing on easy.
Difficulty selection is not always presented bluntly, particularly in competitive games where
all players are affected equally and the standard "easy/hard" terminology no longer applies.
Sometimes veiled language is used while at other times there may be an array of granular
settings instead of an overarching difficulty option.
In both games fifa 17 and call of duty the difficulty levels apply. In fifa 17 there is different
difficulties that the player can choose from for example "easy" is an option which is not so
hard than the rest and this is normally used for people who are not experienced with the
game. This is the same kind of technique used in call of duty however the "easy" section is
called "recruit" which means someone new to the game and the highest difficulty is
"veteran". The use of this is to make the game more challenging to the player.

Game mechanics inventory scoring win condition

Game mechanics are constructs of rules or methods designed for interaction with the game
state, thus providing gameplay. All games use mechanics however, theories and styles differ
as to their ultimate importance to the game. In general, the process and study of game
design, or ludology, are efforts to come up with game mechanics that allow for people
playing a game to have an engaging, but not necessarily fun, experience.
These mechanics are all the underlying features that make the game work. Features like
scores are counted when a player completes an action; This is then kept on check by the
game engine. Other features like the Inventory show a player the items they have collected,
the game engine needs to remember what items the player has picked up. Win conditions
vary between games, but a game will only define a winner once the criteria has been met.
This can be like scoring a set amount of points or reaching a certain level.
This is used in both games however in call of duty the scoring system is used in ranks which
are similar to the ones in the army. Most call of duty also have prestiges which are ranks
and the player continues to rank up.
Also in fifa 17 the ranks are different because it is the same leader boards that are used in
real life for example the premier league has 20 teams and the 1st in the leader board is the
winner of the league.
I have come up with some ideas after researching other first person which were very
successful to get an idea of how my gameplay will look. My game will involve the same kind
of movement that the call of duty franchise has however I will implement a movement
which allows the players to jump in the air which is something different from all of the other
games. I will also a campaign which is a single player mode in the game. Also the gameplay
will have cinematics of the scenery of the game. The use of this is to break the gameplay up
and also make it more realistic. Some games prove to be so good in their storyline by using
cut-scenes that they are created and achieved.

The feedback for a game is one of the most effective ways to improve the game. Negative
feedback is also important in game design. Think of the racing games you may have played.
If you've noticed that the computer players tend to perform better when you're winning,
this is a typical example of negative feedback. This particular scenario is often referred to as
the "elastic band"; imagine a rubber band keeping the computer players with a certain
distance of the lead. When negative feedback is done right, the player doesn't really notice
and the game remains engaging and competitive. When negative feedback is overdone, it
can have many bad consequences. Too much negative feedback can prolong an inevitable
loss and frustrate good players by punishing their successes. When creating my game I could
create a beta which can be played by people instead of just releasing the game. This could
be beneficial to the game because I can send out a prototype of the game and get feedback
then I could act on this before the release of the game

Gameplay is all about making choices and in a poorly-balanced game, many of the choices
available to the player are essentially rendered useless. And this, in a nutshell, is why game
balance is so important -- it preserves your game elements from irrelevance. In an
imbalanced game, one or more "dominant strategies" quickly emerge, limiting other
strategies useless except for some un-intended purpose, balancing your game because you
want to preserve your game's choices, and you want your game to be fair. This is true for a
multiplayer game or a single player game, but there are some differences. As an example,
consider a first-person-view shooting video game where you have limited ammunition. First,
imagine it is strictly limited: you get what you find, but thats it. A game like that feels more
like a survival-horror game, where the player only uses their ammo cautiously, because they
never know when theyll find extra or when theyll run out. Compare to a game where you
have enemies that respawn in each area, random item drops, and stores where you can sell
the random drops and buy as much extra ammo as you need.

Game structure

All games have different kinds of structures to their games. To start off with, just about
every video game boots up to a main menu. This is usually a screen with some type of
background, with an arrangement of buttons for actions such as new game or start game,
options, load game and quit game. This screen acts as a control panel for the game, allowing
the player to change settings, choose modes, or access the actual game.

When you first start up the game a series of splash screens are shown. A splash screen
contains elements such as logos, movies, and so forth.
The player's role in the character. There are usually 3 types of PCR, 3rd person, 1st person
and influence:
3rd person: The player is not the character but instead is controlling the
character/characters impersonally.
1st Person: The player is the character/characters - and sees things from the characters
point of view both personally and visually.


Video games are becoming increasingly complex, detailed, and compelling to a growing
international audience of players. With better graphics, more realistic characters, and
greater strategic challenges, its not surprising that some teens would rather play the latest
video game than hang out with friends, play sports, or even watch television.
Of course, all gamers are not addicts many teens can play video games a few hours a week,
successfully balancing school activities, grades, friends, and family obligations. But for some,
gaming has become an uncontrollable compulsion. Studies estimate that 10 percent to 15
percent of gamers exhibit signs that meet the World Health Organizations criteria for
addiction. Just like gambling.
Call of Duty is a series of highly successful first person shooter games which takes place in
numerous fictional and realistic battlefields both past and present, encouraging users to
band together to complete missions or team up against each other in online versus mode.
Many people will sit alone in their rooms for many hours at a time, leaving rarely - if at all -
to eat, drink or take care of other bodily functions. Sleep deprivation is common.
This is even the same with fifa and any game. Call of Duty's line of games are some of the
most popular shooters in the world. While it is possible for people to enjoy the Call of Duty
games without developing an addiction there is a significant risk amongst those who spend
many hours playing. Although the monthly cost of the game is low and can even be free,
addiction to Call of Duty games can destroy a person's work.
Similar to other addictions, individuals suffering from video game addiction use the virtual
fantasy world to connect with real people through the Internet, as a substitution for real-life
human connection, which they are unable to achieve normally. Some suffering from video
game addiction may develop an emotional attachment to on-line friends and activities they
create on their computer screens. Those suffering from video game addiction may enjoy
aspects of the on-line games that allow them to meet, socialize, and exchange ideas through

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