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Inspiration Report

The genre that I will be creating for the video game is a first person shooter. First-person
shooter (FPS) is a video game genre centered on gun and projectile weapon-based combat
through a first-person perspective. The player experiences the action through the eyes of
the character. The first-person shooter shares common traits with other shooter games,
which in turn fall under the heading action game. Like most shooter games, first-person
shooters involve an avatar, one or more ranged weapons, and a varying number of enemies.
This is because they take place in a 3D environment, these games tend to be somewhat
more realistic than 2D shooter games, and have more accurate representations of gravity,
lighting, sound and collisions. First-person shooters played on personal computers are most
often controlled with a combination of a keyboard and mouse. This system has been
claimed as superior to that found in console games. My game will be played on both PC and
games consoles however I think it will be better if the game is played with a controller
because it will make a better playing experience for the user. The scenery is very important
to my game because I am trying to make the game more realistic to real life situations in the

Original Intellectual Property. (IP)

Innovation is key to the video games and software industry. Securing and protecting your
intellectual property (IP) could be essential to the success of your business. IP rights are
associated both with the tools used to develop games and the content included in a game.
For example, copyright safeguards the creative and artists that goes into the software (the
code), the artwork and the sound and music of a game. If developers want to create a new
work on the basis of an existing copyrighted work, then they must first secure the
appropriate licenses from the copyright holders. For my game I need to make sure all of my
assets are produced by me and not copied from any other game and if I did I will need to ask
them for permission and feature this in the game.
Franchised intellectual property
Franchised intellectual property is when an idea is based around an already existing idea but
isnt exactly the same idea because the original idea. If I produced a game which is the
similar to another game and I use their concept for it, I will need to ask permission from the
owners of the original version of the game. For my game my Inspiration is call of duty
however I will not be copying the franchise but I will have the same concept for the game
which will include the game modes for the game. The target audience for the game is for
both console and PC gamers so I need to make sure that I include the game on both
systems. The PC audience is much more advanced and the quality of the game will be much
higher however the console gamers are much more popular.

For my game I have come up with different ideas however it is based on the call of duty
franchise so therefore I will need permission for the concept of the game. The concept of
the game is very similar for example the different kind of guns and weaponry is similar to
call of duty franchise however my game will have its own identity. I will include some parts
that are inspired by call of duty however I will make sure that the game isnt copied.

A sports game is a video game that simulates the practice of sports. Most sports have been
recreated with a game, including team sports, track and field and extreme sports. There are
all different kinds of sports game out there but the most popular ones are the FIFA franchise
which is simulated from football. Fifa is the most popular sports game however there is
games that are similar to Fifa which is called Pro evolution. These games are both football.
Sports games involve physical and tactical challenges, and test the player's precision and
accuracy. Most sports games attempt to model the athletic characteristics required by that
sport, including speed, strength, acceleration, accuracy, and so on. As with their respective
sports, these games take place in a stadium or arena with clear boundaries. Sports games
often provide play-by-play and color commentary through the use of recorded audio.
The sports genre is currently dominated by EA Sports and 2K Sports, who hold licenses to
produce games based on official leagues. EA's franchises include the FIFA series and the NBA
Live series. All of these games feature real leagues, competitions and players. These games
continue to sell well today despite many of the product lines being over a decade old, and
receive, for the most part, consistently good reviews.


Adventure games focus on puzzle solving within a narrative framework, generally with few
or no action elements. Other popular names for this genre are graphic adventure or
point-and-click adventure, but these represent only part of a much broader, diverse range
of games. Adventure games are not based on what the dictionary defines as adventure.
Adventure games remained one of the dominant genres throughout the 1980s until the
mid-90s, as they tended to be far less demanding on computer resources than their action-
oriented brethren. Sierra and Lucas Arts became the big players in graphical adventure
games. Adventure games are a big part of the gaming industry because most games do not
have that connection to the player and with an action game it is all about playing the
storyline and the player gets attached to the story and the game. Adventure games have
some really popular games that are out for example Minecraft is one of the most popular
games in the world and is normally played by children however YouTube stars play this and
a lot of children watch their videos. Minecraft is all about building. You're dropped in a
randomly generated world and can make tools and buildings out of raw materials. depends
on the mode. In Creative Mode, you start out with all the supplies you'll need to create
buildings so you can just focus on building the most elaborate structures you can dream of.
In Survival Mode, you have to go out and gather the building materials. You also need food
so you don't starve to death. You can build shelter and weapons to protect yourself against
zombies and other enemies. The game is all about building your own world and this is why it
is so popular because the possibilities is endless.
The action-adventure game is a video game genre that combines the elements of the action
game and the adventure game. An action-adventure game can be defined as a game with a
mix of elements from an action game and an adventure game, especially crucial elements
like puzzles. Action-adventures require many of the same physical skills as action games, but
also offer a storyline, numerous characters, an inventory system, dialogue, and other
features of adventure games. The most popular actions games are the franchise Call of
Duty. Call of duty is a first person shooter action game which consists of strategy work to
defeat the other team. The popular part of the game is the multiplayer part because this
allows people to play with people all around the world. Video games in the "action" genre
typically put emphasis on challenging the player's reflexes, hand-eye coordination, and
reaction time.
Many action games also share similar design mechanics, too. The player usually progresses
from level to level while the game's challenge level creeps up at a steady rate. The terrain
gradually becomes more treacherous to navigate, and the enemies become trickier to
defeat. Most action games top off levels (or a group of levels) with a "boss fight," which
involves going toe-to-toe with a particularly big bad guy that requires a little extra finesse
and/or strength to beat. Action games typically give the player multiple means of attack,
though there's almost always a shared theme at work.

A simulation video game describes a diverse super-category of video games, generally
designed to closely simulate aspects of a real or fictional reality. A simulation
game attempts to copy various activities from real life in the form of a game for various
purposes such as training, analysis, or prediction. There are several varieties of simulation
games, but are probably only three that are very well known, specifically Racing Simulators,
Flight Simulators, and 'Sim' type games that emulate environmental variable into a game,
such as the widely popular 'The Sims' series of games. One of the most popular simulation
game is called the sims this game allows the player to create a virtual world and play with
other people all around the world. There Is simulation games for example car games like
Forza which is one of the most popular video games. Forza is a racing simulated game which
allows the player to create their own car and play with a first person view in the car and
control the car.

A strategy game is a game in which the decision-making skills have a high significance in
determining the outcome. Almost all strategy games require internal decision tree style
thinking, and typically very high situational awareness. Strategy games cover a lot of games
because most games include decision making and quick reactions. The most popular games
are call of duty and first person shooters because to play this game you need a good
understanding of other players in order to win the games. Also if the player is with other
teammates it is important that communication and good strategies are in place.
In most strategy video games, the player is given a godlike view of the game world, and
indirectly controls game units under their command. Unlike the other games genres
strategy is much more of a competitive game genre because players will have to make
decisions and know a lot about the game for them to successfully complete the game.
Games like world of Warcraft is all about strategy and using the different characters to
benefit their team. The use of this is to counter attacks of the opponent in a strategic way.

Puzzle video games are a genre of video games that emphasize puzzle solving. The types of
puzzles can test many problem-solving skills including logic, pattern recognition, sequence
solving, and word completion. The player may have unlimited time or attempts to solve a
puzzle, or there may be simple puzzles made difficult by having to complete them in real-
time. Puzzle games arent as much popular as other games however there is plenty of
different puzzle games out on the internet which Is the most popular where puzzle games
are played. There is different types of puzzles that people can play however the most
popular game is the "jigsaw puzzle". A jigsaw puzzle is a tiling puzzle that requires the
assembly of often oddly shaped interlocking and tessellating pieces. Each piece usually has a
small part of a picture on it; when complete, a jigsaw puzzle produces a complete picture. In
some cases more advanced types have appeared on the market, such as spherical jigsaws
and puzzles showing optical illusions. This game can be bought as an actually set but also
can be played on different websites.

Role play
A role-playing game (RPG) is a game in which each participant assumes the role of a
character, generally in a fantasy or science fiction setting, that can interact within the
game's imaginary world. Games like Dungeons and Dragons, BattleTech and Star Wars were
all popular examples of the genre of early online role playing games. There is many games
that are popular in the role play sector for example one of the most populated games in the
world is world of Warcraft in which consists of teams going against each other using tactical
ways to beat the opponent. World of Warcraft was created by Blizzard software, now has
over 6 million subscribers. Millions of players are involved in other games as well, especially
in South Korea.
There are different types of role play games.
Action/RPG: Games where battles are real-time, button mashing affairs
Strategy/RPG: Games where battles take place on a map and character units are
deployed against opponents
Adventure/RPGs: Games where the action elements are combined with items and
special weapons the character collects along the way
Online RPGs: These are multiplayer games that mix many elements and players over
a shared world in what is essentially an endless RPG.
Management educational
Although they are plenty of different games out there for enjoyment however there is also
games that are used for educational purposes which are used by students and children. All
types of games may be used in an educational environment. Educational games are games
that are designed to help people to learn about certain subjects or assist them in learning a
skill as they play. Game types include board, card, and video games. An educational game is
a game designed to teach people about a specific subject and to teach them a skill. Games
are interactive play that teach us goals, rules, adaptation, problem solving, interaction. Most
sites that provide educational games are catered towards schools, colleges and university's.
The use of this is to provide a fun way to learn which for most people is very helpful because
some people find it hard to learn in a classroom while reading text books so a game can
engage the student more.
Educational games are more catered towards children because children are more easily
distracted so therefore having a game which engages them and also helps them to learn is
very beneficial for them. However, a lot of educational games are used in schools and
colleges more so than university's. There is plenty of different game websites which offer
education and this can be used by anyone.

Viral Marketing
On the Internet, viral marketing is any marketing technique that induces Web sites or users
to pass on a marketing message to other sites or users, creating a potentially exponential
growth in the message's visibility and effect. Viral marketing typically supplies its audience
with something of value for free. This can be something as simple as an amusing song or
game. Whatever the viral content is, it must encourage people to share with others so as
many people as possible can see the message.
A new game company for example, could create an Internet video featuring a person who is
playing the video and this could be someone famous who people know and they can get a
recommendation for the game. If the video is made to look real, it may encourage people
who see it to share it with others. After the video receives enough views, the company could
reveal its true purpose, convincing its viewers to seek out more information about the game
without ever using a traditional advertisement.
At the beginning of the video game era, games were marketed by word of mouth, magazine
articles. These days, game marketing is a much broader spectrum, from the standard
television, billboard and magazine advertisement blitz, to the more unique alternate reality
games and popular culture tie-ins. The video game industry is a massive business, with 40
percent of people play video games. Battlefield 4 previews and advertisements are seen
on gaming websites and magazines, and video ads pop up on related streaming videos. The
most popular advertising method is adverts on YouTube. Companies use this because of the
popularity of YouTube used by gamers all around the world.

My choice

For my game I have chosen to have an action game which is a FPS. The genre that I will be
creating for the video game is a first person shooter. First-person shooter (FPS) is a video
game genre centered on gun and projectile weapon-based combat through a first-person
perspective. The player experiences the action through the eyes of the character. The first-
person shooter shares common traits with other shooter games, which in turn fall under the
heading action game. I have chosen this because I am very familiar with the first person
shooters and I think that my game will be very successful if I created an action game.
Market research
The audience for a video game is very important when creating a game because normally
different types of games have audiences catered towards that certain sector. As game
developers we tend to think of people as hardcore gamers and casual gamers, as if
people magically fit into these two buckets. So if subscriptions are for hardcore gamers,
then your free game should target casual gamers And theres a whole lot more of them
than there are hardcore gamers
But theres no such thing as a casual gamer. Its not a real target audience. Here are some of
the things people might mean when they say casual gamer"
People who dont like games very much, but would if they played my game
People who are really bad at games, so need easy games
People who only play games at work during lunch breaks
My audience will cater for all types of gamers which could be hardcore, core or casual gamers
because I think that if I broader my audience the game will be more successful.
The target audience is very important when creating a video game. The age range that a
game aims at is also important. My game is going to be a first person shooter so I will need
to consider my target audience. Many shooting games have a age where the game can only
be played by a certain age and this is going to be same for me. The age that a person can
play my game will be 18+ this is because the game implements shooting and gory situations
in the game and I think that 18 is a suitable age for a person to play the game. Also the guns
in the game are also not suitable for younger audience so I need to make sure I do not
promote the game to that audience instead keep it at 18 +
The gender of my game that I will be targeting at is going to be both male and female
because I feel that it will be suitable for both genders to play the game. However, I do know
that the majority of people who play first person shooters are normally male however I will
not just focus on one gender. In online gaming, the majority of the gaming population is
male. In fact, 40 percent of gamers online are female and the number of females gamers
over the age of eighteen compose a greater part of the gamer population than males under
the age of seventeen. In video games, since males by nature exhibit traits of
competitiveness, aggression, and being ambitious, men are more likely to find interest in
video games and are more likely to play them longer and more frequently than women.
Statistics show that female gamers are generally more interested in character or story
driven games that are on the less violent side. As a result, females tend to gravitate more
towards action adventure and role playing games.

A core or mid-core gamer is a player with a wider range of interests than a casual gamer and
is more likely to enthusiastically play different types of games, but without the amount of
time spent and sense of competition of a hardcore gamer. There is a big different from
"hardcore gamers" to "core gamers" because core gaming consists of playing a lot of the
game however not as much as hardcore gaming. Hardcore gaming is much more
competitive and the person takes a lot of time playing the video game. This is very common
for games like world of Warcraft and call of duty because the competitive scene which is
called "esports" is very big. Esports is a competitive venue that all the top professionals at
the game compete for big money prizes for example the world championship has a check of
1 million dollars for the team who wins the tournament.
I think that my game will include core gamers because it is very similar to call of duty and I
know that that franchise has a lot of fans who are you core gamers so I will need to cater
towards these as well as the hardcore gamers.

Gaming communities.
The gaming community is a very big part of peoples lives. Game communities are
empowering. For lonely kids growing up in big schools crammed with sports stars and
bullies, they are a means of making friends and becoming a part of something exciting and
fulfilling. A community is basically something very simple: it's just a group of people,
gathering somewhere to talk and exchange ideas about one or several subjects. There have
been gaming communities for ages, but they began to grow bigger and stronger with the
internet. To build a gaming community, the players just need a game to talk about, and a
place for discussion. Most of the time, it all starts with a forum, a few people, a lot of
passion about a game.
The gaming community is a massive culture. There is different gaming venues that people
attend for complete enjoyment for example the call of duty world championships. This is
where the top players in the world compete against each other for a prize money. People
tune in on websites like Twitch.TV to watch the game and also people even fly out to the
venue to watch them play in person. It is just like what people who go to watch the football
A casual game is a video game targeted at or used by a mass audience of casual gamers.
Casual games can have any type of gameplay, and fit in any genre. They are typically
distinguished by their simple rules and lack of commitment required in contrast to more
complex hardcore games. A casual gamer is someone who works and spend a lot of time
doing different things in their spare time and then once in a while plays the video game
without any competitiveness to their gameplay.
For my game I will include the casual gamer for my target audience because it is important
to broader my target audience without leaving any people out because I understand that
people dont have a lot of time to play video games so therefore I will make sure the casual
gamers have a pleasant time playing the game.

Similar games already in the market

With my game being similar to games like call of duty and battlefield mine isn't the only
game that is first person shooters. There is many games out there that are very successful
first person shooters. The games that are similar to mine is call of duty and battlefield 1.
Multiplayer is a big part for both my game and call of duty and it is with most recent games
because connecting to other people around the world is very important and with games
being more advanced connecting to multiplayer and playing with friends is a big part of the
gaming industry now.
Both games have implemented multiplayer and this is why the 2 games are really popular
because the games have been around for years and already had great success with
multiplayers. Call of Duty plays a big part in the multiplayer industry and players from all
over the world compete against each other to be the best at the game. A massive part of
multiplayer is the competitive play for call of duty and even people play call of duty to win
money which is up to 1 million dollars.
Target platform
Desktop computers
The PC gaming community is one of the biggest parts of the gaming scene because simply
the endless performance that a computer can play games at. Games like World of Warcraft
always play on computers because when playing on keyboard and mouse instead of a
controller it is much better for quicker reactions and also a better playing experience.
Gaming computers are typically way more powerful than your average PC. Gaming
computers have higher capacity hard drives, higher capacity RAM, faster over clocked, liquid
cooled CPUs. Generally, they have fancier cases as well and the side door may be made of
glass so you can see the lit up components and fans. Gaming computers have way better
graphics cards with good GPUs that can keep up with the high resolution graphics that
games have. This results in less choppy graphics during game play than typical video cards
used in standard computers. The use of all these components is to make the playing
experience more realistic and to get the best high quality picture.

The gaming community is the most popular on game consoles. The different criteria for
gamers are on consoles for example hardcore gamers, core and casual gamers are all playing
on game consoles. The reason why game consoles are so popular are theyre cheaper than
gaming computers but also not consoles are a theatre system with different applications for
the person to engage with.
Modern PCs are designed to run high-quality video games and may be used for a flawless
gameplay experience. However, video game consoles are preferred because they are
Video game consoles also have the following benefits:

Games are written to function with console hardware.

Games load more quickly on consoles, versus PCs, with the exception of gaming rigs.
All video game consoles are plug-and-play.
Driver compatibility issues are rare.
Gaming components are uniform by system.
Most consoles allow more than one player. Because extensive setup is required, this
process may be problematic with PCs and does not work on all systems.
Mobile devices
Gaming is not just only on Computers and consoles. With the technology of mobile phones
rising they have capabilities of playing high quality games with a good experience. Due to
the popularity of Candy Crush and other mobile device games, online casinos are also
offering casino games on mobile devices. The casino games are available on iOS, Android,
Windows Phone and Windows. Available games are roulette, blackjack and several different
types of slots. Most casinos have a play for free option. App stores allows people to browse
to look at different applications and also look at games in different genres. The store has a
range of games and other applications which makes it more of a betting playing experience.
First person shooter (FPS) games are among the most action packed and mentally
stimulating games out there. It is one of the most popular genres ever and a variety of high-
value games have come from it, including Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Destiny, and many
others. Believe it or not, there is actually a healthy supply of FPS games on Android and
Apple store so people can download the game from their phone and play it then! It should
be noted that most of these require at least a semi-decent device to play because many of
these titles have heavy graphics and tons of stuff going on. So an old phone maybe will not
run the game as could because the hardware is outdated.

A big part of the gaming community is enabling the online feature for most games. Many
games are only played online and is a massive part of the game for example the call of duty
franchise is mainly played on the multiplayer. The multiplayer allows player to play with
people all around the world. Multiplayer is more than one person can play in the same
game environment at the same time. Video games are often single-player activities, putting
the player against challenges. Multiplayer games allow players interaction with other
individuals in partnership, competition or rivalry, providing them with social communication
absent from single-player games. Multiplayer is a big part for both games and it is with most
recent games because connecting to other people around the world is very important and
with games being more advanced connecting to multiplayer and playing with friends is a big
part of the gaming industry now.
Not only online is used for multiplayer it is also used by people who share their gaming
experience for example on forums and social media. The most important part of being
online is to be able to connect to people around the world and this is what forums and
social media do for the community. YouTube is also very popular in the gaming scene
because people can upload their footage for other people to view. One example of this is
different game reviews that YouTubers upload for people to watch.

My choice

When designing my game, I will need to consider what format I will be presenting the game
on and be selling it. After all the research on different platforms I have decided to develop
the game for the PC gaming community and the console gamers. I have done this because
these 2 are the most popular gamers and I do not want to define my target audience to a
specific console so I will make sure that the game is available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
When searching for different formats for the game I came across gaming software that the
majority of the PC gaming population use and this is called steam. Steam allows players to
buy different games online using digital paying methods and I researched a lot of the
amount of purchases and not a lot of people buy their games in store now so I think that it
will be beneficial for my game if the game is allowed to be purchased online.

When thinking of a game to create I did a lot of brainstorming and research to finally decide
what type of game I will create. After research and some thought I have decided to create a
first person shooter which is similar to games like call of duty and battlefield and I will use
these games for inspiration for my game however I will make sure that my game is original.
It is important when creating a game that you think of the different aspects to the game for
Game Concepts
Game Mechanics
Play Mechanics
Game-play experience
Game Features (i.e. units, weapons, power-ups, etc.)

When designing my game, I know that the gameplay is one of the most important factors
for the game because if the gameplay isn't good the game will not be successful and
popular. I have come up with some ideas after researching other first person which were
very successful to get an idea of how my gameplay will look. My game will involve the same
kind of movement that the call of duty franchise has however I will implement a movement
which allows the players to jump in the air which is something different from all of the other
games. I will also a campaign which is a single player mode in the game. Also the gameplay
will have cinematics of the scenery of the game. The use of this is to break the gameplay up
and also make it more realistic. Some games prove to be so good in their storyline by using
cut-scenes that they are created and achieved.
The gameplay of my game will be original to any other game and i think this will be
successful because the gamers will never have played a game like mine which could go both
ways. They could not enjoy it because they are not use to the movement however it could
be intriguing for them and something new which maybe they will enjoy.
Visual styles
The visuals of the game are very important because I want my game to be visually pleasing. I
know that the scenery of the game will be one of the main parts of the game because I want
the game looking crisp and almost real life. Just like other first person shooters, looks mean
a lot to the FPS. With a number of exotic locales, copious amounts of explosions and scores
of the enemy team, graphics tend to mean a lot to the genre. Look at a game like Gears of
War despite being a third-person shooter, the principles remain. Head shots feature bloody
alien gib, character models have an exaggerated realism to them, and this is all against the
backdrop of gritty broken-down buildings. The graphics made this game the awesome
experience it was.
The reason graphics are important in the FPS is because the audience will want to play with
a realistic feel to the game and be playing in high quality. They arent marketed towards
housewives or fringe gamers; these are for the hardcore crowd who wants to see their
machine pushed to its graphical limits.

Mood boards
For my game I have come up with different ideas and how the game will plan out because I
will need to have some inspiration from other games to get ideas for my own game. The
visuals in the game are very important because I want the gamer to have a great experience
so the background scenery needs to be really looked at. Also the colour scheme for my
game for example the different types of maps. If I have maps that are full with trees it may
get boring to the player so I will make sure that i have different kind of maps on the game to
make the playing experience more enjoyable. I will also need to consider what weaponry i
will include in the game because that is one of the most important parts of the game. I will
have all kinds of attachments and weapon camos for players to choose from so they can
have their own gun and i will also do the same with the characters.
Here is a few examples of the different kind of soldiers and weaponry I will have in my

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