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Installation and Operation Guide

GC 075 xxx F, I
GSM, GPRS, GPS Communicator with driver identification
Tracking and monitoring of vehicles
Transmission of alarms from installed security devices
Dear customer,

Thank you for purchasing our GSM Communicator POSITRON GC 075 xxx. The
POSITRON communicator is intended for easy installation into vehicles where it provides
reception of GPS coordinates, inputs and outputs of operations connected with the car
alarm system, saving measured data in the log memory and online communication with a
server and integrator application via GSM/GPRS.

The main applications are vehicle location, fleet management, electronic log-book, vehicle
and crew security.

Other features:

Transmission of alarms from the vehicle security system to a mobile phone of the owner or
to a security agency dispatch center.

Exact location of the vehicle, using the GPS coordinates, sent to mobile phone of the
owner or to a security agency.

The communicator fully supports SMS commands for parameter settings, setup of output
values, location and alarm transmissions.

System integrators can use the GC 075 Control Panel software that provides a variety of
options for changing the configuration parameters of the unit and firmware upgrade using
the USB cable connection, GSM data calls or GPRS connection.

For optimal use of the POSITRON communicator, we recommend that you read this user
guide carefully. After getting to know the product operation, it is as simple as using a
mobile phone. However, it is recommended that you contact an installation company for
installation of the device and for making it fully operational.



1. Description ..................................................................................................................4
1.1. Description of the POSITRON Communicator ....................................................4
1.2. Types of POSITRON communicator ...................................................................4
1.3. Standard Set of Accessories and Optional Accessories .....................................4
1.4. Basic Operation Description................................................................................5
2. Operation ....................................................................................................................5
2.1. Driver identification ID chip ..............................................................................5
2.2. Trip type identification private / work ................................................................5
2.3. Emergency button / alarm signaling of a security device ....................................5
2.4. Reading position using SMS ...............................................................................5
2.5. GPS position by ringing ......................................................................................6
2.6. GPS alarm position change .............................................................................6
2.7. Vehicle shutdown ................................................................................................6
3. Installation ...................................................................................................................7
3.1. Definition of use Safety precautions.................................................................7
3.2. Connection drawing ............................................................................................8
3.3. Instructions for Installation ..................................................................................8
Internal GPS antenna (GC 075 242) ....................................................................................9
3.4. Signaling LED ...................................................................................................10
3.5. Testing SMS .....................................................................................................10
3.6. Checking functions............................................................................................ 10
4. Configuration.............................................................................................................11
4.1. Configuration via SMS ...................................................................................... 11
4.2. APN GSM service provider access point setting ............................................12
4.3. Start of trip recognition ...................................................................................... 12
4.4. Password - list of phone numbers - credit ......................................................... 13
4.5. GPS alarm messaging - input exchange - signalization ..................................14
5. Technical Parameters, Maintenance .........................................................................14
5.1. Technical parameters ....................................................................................... 14
5.2. Maintenance .....................................................................................................15
5.3. Troubleshooting ................................................................................................ 16
Warranty conditions .......................................................................................................17
Warranty certificate ........................................................................................................18

1. Description
1.1. Description of the POSITRON Communicator
The GC 075 communicator is an electronic device containing GSM & GPS modules, two
binary and one analogue input, one binary output and a motion sensor. It is produced in
two ways, with either Internal or external GPS antenna and Dallas bus. Both types have
internal GSM antenna and internal acoustic signaling. Communication with GC 075 from a
PC is possible via micro USB port on the side of the plastic box. The LED in the same
place shows the GSM, GPS and stand-by mode status. The SIM card is inserted into a slot
on the main board of GC 075. The box consists of two plastic parts that are fixed together
with a rubber sleeve. The supply cable is connected by a connector to the main board
inside of GC 075. Cable composition: red current lead - power supply (+12-24V), blue -
chassis ground, yellow - input #1 (activated by positive tension), brown - input #2 (activated
by connection with chassis ground), green - analogue input (in CP presented by pwr2,
gauging tension 0 - 24V), white - Dallas bus, black - output #1.

1.2. Types of POSITRON communicator

GC 075 242 GC 075 332
Internal motion sensor
Dallas bus
Internal GSM antenna
Internal GPS antenna

1.3. Standard Set of Accessories and Optional Accessories

Accessories delivered in set GC 075 232 F
GC 075 242 POSITRON Communicator
CB 161 001 Set of installation parts
Accessories delivered in set GC 075 332 F
GC 075 332 POSITRON+ Communicator
ED 002 002 GPS antenna active with SMB connector
CB 161 001 Set of installation parts
Accessories delivered in set GC 075 332 I
GC 075 332 POSITRON+ Communicator
ED 002 002 GPS antenna active with SMB connector
ED 060 500 ID chip reader
ED 060 550 ID chip 2 pcs
CB 161 001 Set of installation parts
Optional accessories
ED 060 601 Emergency button
ED 060 615 Switch of trip type (work private)
ED 060 614 Vehicle relay (12V, 30 A, switching, in plastic case, Faston)
CB 170 021 Micro USB PC cable
ED 060 613 Crash sensor
ED 060 609 Siren detector

1.4. Basic Operation Description
When the vehicle ignition is switched on, the unit wakes up from the low power
consumption sleep mode. The unit connects to the internet via GPRS and starts sending
packets with position data to the predefined server. At the same time, the unit starts saving
data about the trip into its memory. The position is saved, depending on velocity and
change of trip direction, approximately once a minute. Switching off the ignition will stop
saving the trip data and it will signal to the server to start downloading the trip data from the
units memory. After downloading data, the unit switches back to sleep mode to save
power, stops sending ID packets, and the driver is logged-out.

2. Operation
2.1. Driver identification ID chip
Apply the chip to the reader to make the initial identification. This will be confirmed by a
short beep the driver is identified. Driver logout is done automatically one minute after the
ignition is switched off (one short beep). When starting the ignition without driver
identification, the siren will go off with an interrupted tone for period of 10 minutes. During
this period identification can be made without the need to switch the ignition off. If the chip
is not applied within these 10 minutes, the trip will be started without driver identification.

2.2. Trip type identification private / work

Use the ED 060 614 switch to identify the trip type. To indicate a private trip, the switch
must be in the position marked with the dot. Switching during the journey will divide the trip
into two. Private trips can be hidden this can be done in the supervision system the
information about private trip is still stored in the supervision system.

2.3. Emergency button / alarm signaling of a security device

Press the ED 060 601 emergency button to send an alarm SMS, with your vehicle location,
to a predefined phone number(s). It is possible to connect the ED 060 613 crash sensor to
the emergency button input, and this will send an alarm SMS automatically if the sensor is
activated. The input can be used for a signaling alarm of a security device installed in the
car. After activation, the input is blocked for three minutes.

2.4. Reading position using SMS

When the communication unit receives an SMS enquiry for position from any mobile
phone, it will respond with a message showing the current GPS coordinates to the senders
number. The position of the vehicle can then be displayed using internet map services
such as,, etc. Reading the GPS coordinates might take up
to 5 minutes. If it is not possible to read the position (GPS receiver does not have valid
coordinates), then the last known position will be sent.

Reading GPS position
SMS password GPSD
default password from production is: picola
Reply gpsd x y
x= latitude in format: 50.402706 N
y= longitude in format: 16.145190 E

2.5. GPS position by ringing

Reading the position of the vehicle is also possible by calling the phone number of the SIM
card in the communication unit. The number should be predefined in the phone list of the
communicator on positions tel1 and tel2. Confirmation of receiving the command is done
by rejecting the call by the communicator.

Example of reply SMS:

Reply Car position before: 1:20 (h:m):<lat>+<lon>&site=maps BTS: 2456, GSM
signal: 26 (32=max.)
Clicking on the link in the SMS will open an internet browser in the mobile phone with the
position of the vehicle in Google maps. Older types of mobile phones may not support this
function. In this case, it is necessary to put the coordinates <lat> and <lon> into a map
portal manually.

2.6. GPS alarm position change

If the GPS alarm function is activated, the position of the car is saved at the end of the
current trip and the internal motion sensor is activated. During unauthorized manipulation
of the vehicle (i.e. towing the vehicle away), the GPS receiver is activated by motion
sensor and checks whether the position has left the pre-set area - 200m diameter from last
saved position at the end of trip. If the vehicle leaves the area, the alarm is set off and an
alarm SMS (or a missed call) is sent to the phone numbers preset in the configuration of
GC 075.

The GPS alarm function cannot be used together with recognition of beginning/end of a trip
using motion sensor.

2.7. Vehicle shutdown

Safe shutdown of the vehicle can be done by sending an SMS command to the
communication unit in vehicle if this feature is installed and configured. The vehicle
shutdown is launched only when the speed decreases under 10 km/h using the
immobilization relay ED 060 614 which will disconnect the immobilization circuit of vehicle.

Vehicle shutdown
SMS password STOP
default password from production is: picola
Reply SMS confirmation about action launching / not launching will be sent to
phone numbers predefined in GC 075 phone list on positions tel1 and
- Confirmation tel2.
- Launching STOP.Run action was launched (sent to sender for command SMS)
- Not launching STOP AT POSITION: geographical position
STOP NOT MADE! Speed of vehicle did not decrease under 10 km/h
in the past 30 minutes (or the GPS receiver does not have valid data)
and action was cancelled
Starting vehicle again
SMS password START
Confirmation START.Run enables the possibility to start ignition again

3. Installation
3.1. Definition of Use Safety precautions
Before installation, please make sure that using a mobile phone as well as a GSM
communicator is not prohibited in this particular type of vehicle. The communicator is
designed for installation in a hidden, protected and dry place in the vehicle cabin or in the
luggage or freight compartment of the vehicle. The unit cannot be exposed to water or any
other fluids. The communicator is intended for installation in vehicles with a 12 V or 24 V
power system and grounded minus. Connection to the power supply must be protected by
a 5A safety fuse.

Before installation, disconnect the negative supply pole of the vehicle battery (be aware of
coded car radios). It is recommended that you install the antennas and switches first and
then draw the cables towards the unit. Connect the newly installed cables to the original
lines with tape.

Specific tools must be used to connect the connector pins. In the case that these tools are
not available, you can use soldering. Do not install the communicator in places with
increased levels of interfering electromagnetic radiation such as near a radio transmitter
antenna. Avoid installation in extremely hot places.

3.2. Connection drawing

3.3. Instructions for Installation

For secure fixing of the unit in the vehicle, use the enclosed self-sealing tapes. Degrease
the surface before applying them.

Power supply
Provide a constant power supply of 12 or 24 V DC. Peak current can reach up to 2A,
therefore make sure the power supply wires are connected perfectly. Contact resistance
can cause reset of the communication unit and subsequent data transmission failures.

We recommend connection in the fuse box to any protected circuit that is not observed by
board-computer - i.e. car radio.

Ignition key 15
Signal of activated ignition key +12V or +24V from cable-junction box that is usually
marked with the number 15. This signal ensures recognition of the beginning and end of
the journey. Check that the positive signal +12V or +24V is present even during the ignition
process and the whole trip. Also make sure that the signal has no pull when the ignition
key is off in all modes of the car when not moving.

Internal motion sensor
Instead of input from the ignition, it is possible to use the motion sensor. This mode
requires activation by SMS (see 4.3).

Start of a trip measured by a change of board electric tension

Instead of input from the ignition, it is possible to use internal measuring of board electricity
tension level. This mode requires activation by SMS (see 4.3). Level of electric tension is
set to 13V (for passenger cars). For freight vehicles set it to 26V.

ED 002 002 external GPS antenna (GC 075 332)

Install horizontally under the dashboard, under the plastic cover of cabin suction or in the
plastic bumpers. Ensure the best view of the sky there must be no metal objects in the
view. Be aware of metal coating of glass in some cars the GPS signal does not pass
through such glass. The proper direction of the antenna towards the sky is marked on the
antenna with an arrow or a notice face to satellite.

Internal GPS antenna (GC 075 242)

GC 075 install in horizontal position under dashboard or to any suitable place inside of the
passenger compartment. Ensure the best possible view to the sky - it must not be covered
by any metallic objects. Beware of metallic darkening foils on car windows - GPS signal
won't get through these. Direction towards sky is on the internal antenna indicated with
words "face to satellite".

ED 060 500 Identification chip reader

Install to a suitable place within drivers reach. Turn on the sound signaling function with a
SMS (see 4.5).

ED 060 615 Trip type switch private / work

Install to a suitable place within drivers reach. Switch indicates private trip when in position
with the dot. Private trip is activated by positive electric tension on GC 075 input.

ED 060 614 Immobilization relay

Immobilization relay provides vehicle shutdown it disconnects the vehicle immobilization
circuit after receiving command SMS. Select the immobilization circuit according to the
vehicle type and connect it to the disconnect contact of ED 060 614.

Alarm inputs
Alarm input can be activated by chassis grounding of GC 075 input from current security
system of the vehicle or from siren detector ED 060 609. After activation of input, unit
sends SMS and miscalls phone numbers preset in configuration. After activation, the input
is blocked for three minutes.

ED 060 601 Emergency button

Alarm input can be also used for connection of emergency button. Install it to a suitable
place in reach of driver and front-seat passenger.

ED 060 613 Crash sensor

Alarm input can be also used for connection of crash sensor. Connect the sensor firmly to
the vehicle body with the red arrow directed forward.

Private/work trip type switch or alarm input function exchange
Functions of inputs - alarm (activated by chassis grounding) and private/work trip type
switch (activated by positive electric tension) - can be exchanged by configuration SMS
and exchange ways of activation of inputs.

3.4. Signaling LED

GPS red LED (only in regular consumption mode ignition on)
0,5 s / 0,5 s GPS module active, no signal
1 time short GPS module active, no valid satellite data
no light GPS module has valid satellite data
POWER / GPRS green LED (blinking)
1time short (once in 10 s) low consumption mode, no GPRS context
1time short (once in 4 s) regular consumption mode, no GPRS context
1time short (once in 2 s) state transition into low consumption mode
2times short (in 10 s) low consumption mode, GPRS context connected
2times short (in 4 s) regular consumption mode, GPRS context connected
2times short (in 2 s) state transition into low consumption mode, GPRS context

3.5. Testing SMS

Test whether the installation was done correctly by sending a testing SMS. After the
communicator unit was installed, make a short ride, press the emergency button and
switch the trip type switch. Send the following SMS to the phone number of SIM card in

Testing SMS
SMS password TEST
default password from production is: picola
Reply TEST
ignition: 0/1 - ignition input
mov.sens.: 0/1 - vibration sensor
ui: 0/1 - beginning of trip from board electric tension
priv.: 0/1 - trip type switch private/work
GPS: 0/1 - GPS receiver does not / does have valid data
GSM: 0...32 - GSM signal strength in range from 0 to 32*

0 = input or device is not functional

1 = input or device is functional
* GSM signal weaker than 5 is not usable, find better placing of GC 075

3.6. Checking functions

Proper operation of all functions of the communicator can be checked by SMS.

Checking power supply
SMS inquiry picola PWR1 Power ExtPwr x, y
Response x
Value x x = value of external power supply

Checking GSM signal

SMS inquiry Picola GSM
Response GSM_x_Credit_y_CellId_z_Signal_q
Value x Name of connected GSM network
Value y Balance of prepaid credit on SIM card
Value z Name of connected GSM cell
Value q Signal strength (0 32, 32 = maximum)
GSM signal strength lower than 5 is useless, it is necessary to choose better location of
GC 075. Connected GPRS context can be checked out by signaling LED on the unit see
chapter 3.4. signaling LED.

Checking GPS
SMS inquiry picola GGA
Response $GPGGA,t,x,y,q,n,r
Value t Time hhmmss.sss h-hours, m-minutes, s-seconds
Value x Latitude coordinates ddmm.mmmm (e.g. 5025.223400,N)
Value y Longitude coordinates ddmm.mmmm (e.g. 01610.090300,E)
Value q Validity of GPS data, 0 = invalid data, 1 = valid data
Value n Number of satellites
Value r Other GPS data
After connecting the power supply of communicator, take the vehicle to a place with good
view of sky, switch the ignition key on and wait for about 3 minutes to get valid GPS data.
Status of GPS can be checked using the signalization LED on the unit. GPS can be
considered fully working when it has valid data and at least 4 satellites.

4. Configuration
4.1. Configuration via SMS
Unplug the power supply before inserting SIM card. Decompose the unit and open SIM
card holder using moderate pressure in the direction of an arrow (open). Insert SIM card
according to the shape of the holder. Close the SIM holder and lock it using moderate
pressure in the direction of an arrow (close). SIM must not be blocked by PIN code, it must
not be a tariff card, must have all SMS erased, must have sufficient credit and GPRS data
services activated.

Basic settings and operation of the unit is done via SMS messages sent to the phone
number inserted in the communication unit in vehicle.

Example of configuration SMS:
PASSWORD command1 parameter1 command2 parameter2 command3 parameter3

PASSWORD Up to 8 characters a-z and 0-9. Default password is picola.

COMMAND Name of command for required configuration
PARAMETER Value, ? for inquiry or . (dot) to erase value

One SMS message can contain up to 4 commands with parameters. Communicator

confirm executing all commands by confirmation SMS. Small and capital letter make no

4.2. APN GSM service provider access point setting

Settings of APN of the GSM operator

SMS picola APN x
Response APN x
Picola Default password from production
Value x APN of the GSM operator
Set to x Internet
Settings of APN login name only with some operators
SMS password GPRSNAME x
Response gprsname x
Value x Login name for APN
Set to x -
Settings of APN password only at some operators
SMS password GPRSPSW x
Response gprspsw x
Value x Password for APN
Set to x -
Settings of server for sending data
SMS password SERVER @x,y,udp,z
Response Server.number @x,y,udp,z
Value x IP address of server
Value y Port number
Value z 0 = disabled in roaming, 1 = enabled
Set to x
Set to y 32768
Set to z 0

4.3. Start of trip recognition

Start of trip from ignition 15 (initial setting)

SMS password IGNON

Start of trip from internal 3D G sensor
SMS password VIBRON

Start of trip from level of board electric tension

SMS password UION
Reply UION

Level of board electric tension setting

SMS password ui.minval 13.0 ui.maxval 13.1
Reply ui.minval 13.0 ui.maxval 13.1

4.4. Password, list of phone numbers, credit

Change of PASSWORD
SMS password PSW x
Response psw x
Value x Up to 8 characters a-z and 0-9
Set to x picola
Any modification of password must be reported to the administrator of supervision system.
Password is the same for SMS communication as well as communication between the
communicator and the server.

List of phone numbers

SMS password TELx y
Response telx.number y
Value x 1 phone number for sending alarm SMS + misscalling and for
sending emergency SMS with position, getting positing by misscall,
SMS with position when car engine has been shut-down remotely
2 phone number for sending alarm SMS + misscalling and for
sending emergency SMS with position, getting positing by misscall,
SMS with position when car engine has been shut-down remotely
3 phone number for sending alarm SMS and for sending emergency
SMS with position
4 phone number for sending alarm SMS and for sending emergency
SMS with position
Value y Phone number in international format (i.e.:+420777666555)
Inquiry password TELx ?
Erase phone nr. password TELx .

4.5. GPS alarm messaging - input exchange - signalisation

GPS alarm
SMS turn-on password gpsalon
Reply gpsalon
SMS turn-off password gpsaloff
Reply gpsaloff

Messaging (for Positrex system)

SMS turn-on password msgon
Reply msgon
SMS turn-off password msgoff
Reply msgoff

Input function exchange

SMS turn-on password inrevon
Reply inrevon
SMS turn-off password inrevoff
Reply inrevoff

Acoustic signaling for driver identification

SMS turn-on password beepon
Reply beepon
SMS turn-off password beepoff
Reply beepoff

5. Technical Parameters, Maintenance

5.1. Technical parameters

GSM Modul uBlox LEON

850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz
SIM card Plug-in 3 V
Communication Calling, SMS, GSM Data, GPRS
SMS SMS alarms, info, commands, inquiries, replies, settings,
Configuration modification up to 4 parameters in one SMS
GSM data Configuration editing
Modem connection Data collection
Reading of event memory
Control of output values
Firmware upgrade

GPRS Class 10
Internet connection Static and dynamic IP and VPN support
UDP protocol
Transmission AES security by 128 bit
All functions as GSM data
GPS Module uBlox NEO 6
Antenna connector SMB-f (pouze u GC 075 332)
Internal event memory Flash 512kB it means approx. 8 000 positions (20 000
positions with compession)
Power input 12 24 V DC
Power consumption with GPS, GSM active < 70 mA at 12 V
Power consumption in sleep < 10 mA at 12 V
1x input (+) Input up to 30 V DC
1x input (gnd)
1x analog inp. (+) Input up to 30 V DC
1x binary output Output current up to 0,2 A
1x Dallas bus Only at GC 075 332
1x internal buzzer
1x int. motion sensor 3 axis acceleration sensor
Red wire Power supply +12 V (+24 V)
Blue wire Ground
Yellow wire Input ignition key +12 V (+24 V)
Green wire Trip type switch
Disconnected = work trip
Connected with +12 V (+24 V) = private trip
Brown wire Alarm input, reacts to connection with ground
White wire Dallas bus, only at GC 075 332
Black wire Output for external immobilization relay
Output current max. 0,2 A at 12 V
USB Micro Connection of PC configuration, navigation, upgrade
Protection class IP 20
Dimensions 90 x 50 x 20 mm
Weight 50 g
Temperature range -30 to +85C

5.2. Maintenance
The GC 075 POSITRON Communicator requires no special maintenance. We recommend
regular check of external battery at least once a year (just in case the battery is installed).

Upgrade of firmware and configuration

For latest version of firmware please visit and go to Download section
where the current versions of firmware and Control Panel software can be found. Unzip the
downloaded file and save to a disc. Make a connection with communicator in Control Panel
using the USB cable, modem data connection or via GPRS and make the upgrade.
Before connecting to USB install modem driver for GC 07x. When using MS Windows XP
operating system, follow these instructions:

Start Settings Control panel Phone and Modem Options Modems Add... Dont
detect my modem; I will select it from a list Next Have Disk...

Then choose file Lum.inf and press OK. Install LEVEL USB GSM Modem
announcement will appear. Press Next, then choose COM port and press Install.

5.3. Troubleshooting

Problem Solution
Power supply 1. Check that GC 075 is connected to power and green LED blinks
as described in table chapter 3.4.
2. Check that GC 075 is connected to constant power source (not
being disconnected for example when ignition is switched off)
3. Check that power supply is strong at least 1A /12V
4. Check the connections of wires that there is no voltage drop
caused by contact resistance there.
SIM card 5. Check that SIM card is installed correctly in GC 075
6. Check that SIM card is connected into the GSM network
green LED GSM blinking as described in table in chapter 3.4.
7. check out PIN code on SIM it must be turned off or set in
accordance with configuration
8. Check that SIM card has enough of prepaid credit (if it is a pre-
paid SIM card)
9. Check that GPRS data transmissions are enabled for the SIM
10. Check settings of APN by SMS see table in chapter 4.1.
GPS 11. Check the GPS antenna position side marked face to
satellite or with arrow on the side must be directed towards the
sky and must not be covered by any metal objects. The same
works for the type with internal GPS antenna.
12. Find an open-area space with good view of the sky and switch
GC 075 into the regular operation mode (turn ignition on), GPS
should receive valid data of position see LED signalization in
chapter 3.4.
13. Other information about GPS signal can be received by SMS
see chapter 3.6.

Warranty conditions
The manufacturer provides 24 months of warranty, starting from date of sale.

Warranty repair will be done within 10 working days after delivery of faulty unit to LEVEL
provided all spare parts are in stock. If not, the customer will be offered an alternative

Warranty repairs will be carried out in the manufacturer facility and the warranty repair is
prolonged by the time of repair duration. Shipping back is determined by a service

Warranty cannot be provided in case of loss or replacement of warranty certificate, when

product is damaged by natural disaster, during transportation, unsuitable placement,
improper use, using product in unfit conditions and also by breaking or removal of warranty

The warranty does not cover the expendable supplies batteries, coloring tape, etc. The
warranty does not cover faults caused by installed software or its impact. The company
does not bear liability for losses caused to user by device fault.

The warranty does not apply to faults caused by changing external conditions, such as
legislature changes, GSM network modifications, changes of power supply conditions, etc.

Warranty must be claimed by presentation of completely filled-in warranty certificate and

device for repair including accessories.

Duplicate of warranty certificate cannot be issued, the customer is responsible for its
correctness and origin.

Warranty certificate

Product name : Type :

Serial number : Date of sale :

Distributor :
Address, telephone, stamp :
Signature :

Accepted for repair Date of sending Problem description

GC 075 xxx F, I @ 1.00 2010
LEVEL Ltd., Plhovsk 1997, 547 01 Nchod,


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