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What do you remember about President Kennedy?

He boosted economic growth sweeping individuals and business tax reductions in 1963.

What do you remember about President Johnson?

The passage of civil rights legislation and the Vietnam War. During 1965 his agenda was to aid

to education, attack on disease.

What do you remember about the Vietnam War?

The war ended with the withdrawal of U.S. forces in 1973. And the unification of Vietnam under

Communist control two years later. Millions of people dead.

What do you remember about the Civil Rights Movement?

Its goal was to end racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans. It banned

discrimination on race, color, religion or sex.

What do you remember about President Nixon?

First and so far only president to resign from office. Vice President of Eisenhower before

becoming president. He ended American involvement in the Vietnam War in 1973. Also ended

military draft.
What do you remember about foreign policy?

agreements that contained the results of the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty talks and new

negotiations were begun to further arms control and disarmament measures.

What do you remember about the Watergate scandal?

When the conspiracy was discovered and investigated by the U.S. Congress, the Nixon

administration's resistance led to a constitutional crisis.

What do you remember about President Kennedy?

He was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade in downtown Dallas, Texas.

He was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald gunned down.

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