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Ordering Activities

Technical name: 0PUR_C01_Q0012

Based on InfoCube: 0PUR_C01

This query enables you to display purchasing activities in relation to materials
and vendors. In this way, you can obtain answers to questions such as the
following: "How frequently is a certain material ordered?" "How frequently is a
certain material ordered from a certain vendor?" "How is a material usually
ordered using discrete POs, or on the basis of longer-term scheduling
agreements or contracts?"

InfoObject Description of InfoObject (or Restriction or Calculation Formula)

0VTYPE Value type (=ACTUAL)

Free Characteristics
InfoObject Description

0CALMONTH Calendar year/month

0VENDOR Vendor

0PLANT Plant

InfoObject Description of InfoObject (or Restriction or Calculation Formula)

0MATERIAL Material

InfoObject Description of InfoObject (or Restriction or Calculation Formula)

0PO_ITEMS Number of PO items

0RFQ_ITEMS Number of RFQ items

0QUOT_ITEMS Number of quotation items

0CONTR_ITEM Number of contract items

0SCH_AGR_IT Number of scheduling agreement items

0DELIVERITEMS Total items to be delivered

0DELIVERIES Total number of deliveries

0TOTITEMDELIVER Deliveries as a proportion of total items

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