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Vendor Evaluation: Main Criteria

Technical name: 0PUR_C05_Q0002

Based on InfoCube: 0PUR_C05

This query shows you the scores for the main criteria from the vendor
evaluation facility within Purchasing, as well as indicating their trend. You can
thus compare your vendors by asking questions such as the following: "Which
vendor is top on quality?" "How has this vendor's service developed in the
Vendors are evaluated at purchasing organization level. This means that each
purchasing organization evaluates the vendors that have been assigned to it.
For this reason, you can only compare vendors that have been assigned to
the same purchasing organization. It is only possible to carry out a
comparison across purchasing organizations if the vendor evaluation criteria
and rating scales in the various purchasing organizations are identical.

Free Characteristics
InfoObject Description

0PURCH_ORG Purchasing organization

0CALMONTH Calendar year/month

If you have not selected a time characteristic, only the scores from the last
evaluation are displayed.

InfoObject Description of InfoObject (or Restriction or Calculation Formula)

0VENDOR Vendor
InfoObject Description of InfoObject (or Restriction or Calculation Formula)

0CRIT_MAIN Key evaluation criterion (main criterion)

0SCORE_MAIN Score for main criterio

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