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Affiliated to
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Directors & 5

6 7-8
About Us Infrastructure

9-10 11
Events Talks

12 13-15
Faculty Alumni Speak

16-18 19
About the Internship
Programme Snapshot

20-27 28

Centre for Development Studies (CDS) is an internationally

renowned academic institution established in 1971 by
legendary economist Late Professor K.N. Raj. CDS is known
for its cutting edge research in Applied Economics and
development. The centre is affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru
University, New Delhi in offering M.A., MPhil and PhD
programmes in Applied Economics. The MPhil/PhD
Centre for Development
programmes Studies (CDS)
have been successfully is anforinternationally
running four renowned academic
decades, producing
institution established distinguished alumni whoeconomist
in 1971 by legendary now are Late Professor K.N. Raj. CDS
leaders in the whole of academia, government, media
is known for its cutting edge research in applied economics and and development. The
civil society establishments, both in India andabroad.
centre is affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi in offering M.A,
MPhil and PhD
The newly programmes
introduced M.A. ininApplied
Applied Economics.
Economics is a The MPhil/PhD programmes
have been
unique successfully
Masters degree running
that aims for four decades,
to equip producing distinguished alumni
students with
who knowtraining
rigorous are leaders in tools
in theory, the and
whole of academia,
methods for Appliedgovernment, media and civil
Economic analysis, with a special focus
society establishments, both in India andabroad.on issues of
Economic Development. It gives me immense pleasure to
introduce the outgoing batch of our M.A. programme- a
The newly introduced MA in Applied Economics is a unique Masters degree that
bunch of vibrant, highly motivated and career driven
aims to equip
youngsters. Theystudents with rigorous
are well prepared training
for careers in theory, tools and methods for
in academia,
Applied Economic
government, nationalanalysis, with a special
and international focus on issues of Economic
Development. It gives
agencies, research me immense
institutions, pleasure
corporate to and
sector introduce
the the outgoing batch of our
media when they graduate in June 2017.
M.A programme- a bunch of vibrant, highly motivated and career driven
youngsters. They are well prepared for careers in academia, government, national
I sincerely hope that this placement brochure will help all
and international development agencies, research institutions, corporate sector and
prospective employers to get a glimpse of academic profile
of thismedia when and they
highly reputed graduate
internationally in
acclaimed June 2015.
institution and a snapshot of the next graduating crop from
I sincerely
CDS. hope that this placement brochure will help all prospective employers to
get a glimpse of academic profile of this highly reputed and internationally
Dr. Amit Shovon
acclaimed Ray and a snapshot of the next graduating crop fromCDS.

Dr. Amit Shovon Ray

CDS started a new Masters Programme in Applied
Economics during the academic year 2012-13. The
programme is affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi and within a matter of four years it has found a
place as one of the top Masters level courses in Economics
in the country. This is evidenced by the fact that the course
has attracted considerable interest from very discerning
graduates from some of the best universities in the country
and that too in largenumbers.

The course has some distinctive features, which transform

someone who has pursued it into a well-rounded
economist with a strong foundation in economic theory
and quantitative techniques and also the application of
economic theory to a wide range of economic problems of
developing countries. In this way the training that our
students receive makes them eminently suitable for a wide
array of careers in government and private sector, in
industry and academia, in journalism and in civil society
organizations. Careful but rather sophisticated analysis of
empirical data, which are at the same time theoretically
informed, is an important hallmark of our training at the

Finally, a word about our graduates who are in the process

of entering the labour market. All of them have earned
their place in the course after a rigorous and competitive
nation-wide entrance examination. Further, they have
continued to work very hard, possess excellent
communication skills, both oral and written and also can
be trusted with any kind of responsibility. I wish the entire
batch the very best in their future endeavours and without
any hesitation would welcome them to our own centre
should they decide to do further studies in economics.

Professor Sunil Mani


Strong Foundation in
Recognition EconomicAnalysis
Students not only have a strong
With a degree awarded by
theoretical base but are also trained in
Jawaharlal Nehru University, the
M.A. course is taught by prolific interdisciplinary applications,
faculty associated with stellar including statistical packages such as
institutions such as World Bank, R, Gretl andeViews.
UN, Planning Commission, RBI
and the like.
Internship Exposure
With a diverse range of internships in
both the Public and Private sectors,
students get an opportunity to hone
their skills in the spheres of Banking,
Multicultural Finance, Public Policy and Socio-
Environment Economic analysis to name a few.
CDS is home to people from all
corners of the country. As suchthe
academic environment has a
unique intermingling of Research Experience
identities. Several researchers The M.A. course at CDS has a
from abroad have beenan integral compulsory research project aspart
part of our community in terms of of its curriculum in the final
participation in workshops, semester. Students also have several
research projects, and guest term papers as part of their
lectures. optional creditcourses.
About Us

Centre for Development

It was set up in 1971 by
Studies is aninternationally
renowned economist,
renowned institution for
applied economics & social K. N. Raj. He was
science research. instrumental indrafting
Its main objective is to Indias first five year plan
promote research, teaching and in setting up the Delhi
and training in disciplines School of Economics.
relevant to development.

The centre is funded by

the Government of
The governingbody Kerala and Indian
comprises eminent Council of Social
academicians & Science Research
administrators. (ICSSR).
The present chairman is Certain areas of
K.M. Chandrasekhar. research are also
funded by the RBI &
erstwhile Planning

Research at CDS is organized The teaching Programme

into six distinct themes of CDS includes a twoyear
Industry; Trade and M.A. Programme
Technology; in Applied Economics,
Agriculture and Natural
a twoyear M.Phil.
Resource; Gender, Migration,
Programme in Applied
Population; Health and
Education; Poverty, Economics and a fouryear
Vulnerability and Social Ph.D. Programme
Security. There is a seventh in Economics. All three
cross-cutting theme, analyzing programmes areaffiliated
the impact of globalization on to Jawaharlal Nehru
each of the six themes. University, New Delhi.
The CDS campus and buildings,
designed by the renowned
architect, Dr. Laurie Baker,
exemplify the cost-effective
techniques in construction.
Residential accommodation in
the campus consists of quarters
for faculty and staff, hostel for
students, a guesthouse and a

To facilitate the provision of computing services to
cover the length and breadth of the institution
efficiently , there is an in-house IT-service centre.
Services provided include self-administered web
pages for each of the users, online library catalogue
and 24/7 Wi-Fi hotspots located all around the

Hostels are provided on
campus for all the students.
The campus at present has 4
hostels in close proximity to
the academic block and library
All hostels have access to Wi-
Fi facility.
K.N. Raj Library

The K.N.Raj Library is one of

the leading social science,
research and reference
libraries in the country with a
rich collection of books,
journals, government
publications and publications
of other research institutes.

The library has over 150,000 titles covering economics,

statistics, development studies, sociology, demography,
history, political science and other alliedsubjects.
Currently it subscribes to 230 journals. In addition, it
receives about 120 journals by way of gifts or exchange.
The library is maintaining an exchange programme of
publications with a number of national and
international organizations.

The librarys collection is also enriched by some precious

books received in the form of gifts and donation by the well-
wishers of CDS. This includes a collection of books donated
by the Raja of Kollengode, family of Lord Nicholas Kaldor
(Economist, Cambridge), books received as a gift from Sanjay
Lall (Economist, Oxford), books donated by Padma Bhushan
Devaki Jain (Activist and Feminist Economist), books
received as gift from Prof K N Raj, books donated by the
family of B G Gopal Kumar (Economist) and manymore.

The Centre organizes weekly seminars by the faculty and
special experts. Past sessions have included seminarsone
Trademarks and IPR, Public Distribution System, Public
Finance and Monetarypolicy.

Book Reviews and Discussions

To develop a holistic perspective beyond the curriculum, the
Centre organizes discussions moderated by a panel of
experts, ranging from financial issues like the Greek Debt
Crisis to issues of contemporary social relevance such asthe
Death Penalty. Book reviews at CDS by both students and
academicians take placeregularly.

Cultural Activities
We at CDS are a close knit community. Beyond academics,
there are facilities for several sports and games. The Centre
comes together to celebrate festive occasions like Onam,
Diwali, Eid and Christmas. We also play host to regular Spic
Macay music and danceperformances.
Outreach Sessions
The Centre provides a
common forum for debate
and discussion on issues of
national relevance. Recently,
such a session on the
Economic Survey was
conducted by the Chief
Economic Advisor, Dr.
Arvind Subramanian.

The Centre is a pioneer
in interdisciplinary
research with a broad
range of themes
including introduction
to statistical packages,
migration, innovation,
inclusive developmentet
al. It also holds special
workshops for the State

Memorial Lectures
CDS has had the privilege of
hosting eminent
personalities ranging from
Nicholas Kaldor and Joan
Robinson to Amartya Sen,
Kaushik Basu, Montek
Singh Ahluwalia, to name a
few. An emphasis on Indias
inclusive development
trajectory has been the
underlying theme of work.
Dr. Silvia Masiero, Ronald Labonte
Department of International Canada Research Chair, Globalisation/
Development, Health Equity Professor Faculty of
London School of Economicsand Medicine, Institute of Population Health,
Political Science, UK Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Ms. KatharineAllen Kunal Sen

Johns Hopkins University School of Professor, Development Economics and
Public Health, USA Policy University of Manchester, UK

Dr. Cherian Samuel K. Pushpangadan

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Member, Public Expenditure Review
Agency (MIGA) of the World Bank Committee, Government of Kerala
Group at Washington, D.C
Micheal D Patra
Dr. Christine Greenhalgh Adviser-in-Charge, Monetary Policy
Emeritus Professor, University of Department, RBI, Mumbai
Oxford , UK
Dr. M Govinda Rao
Dr. Thomas E. Weisskopf Emeritus Professor NIPFP, Delhi
Professor Emeritus of Economics
University of Michigan, USA Shri. Amar Patnaik
Principal Accountant General, Kerala
Dr. Mark Lindley
Professor of Ecological Economics, Dr. Maitreesh Ghatak,
University of Zaragoza, Spain Professor, London School of Economics,
Dr. V. N. Balasubramanyam UK
Lancaster University Management
School, Lancaster, UK. Dr. Amit Bhaduri
Professor Emeritus , Jawaharlal Nehru
Dr. Pranab KumarBardhan University, Delhi
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Dr. Arun Kumar
Dr. Tim Dyson Retd. Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru
Professor of Population Studies, University, Delhi
London School of Economics, UK
Manmohan Aggarwal
Amit Shovon Ray
D.Phil. (Oxon.) FRSH
PhD in Economics (MIT)
Development Economics, Applied Econometrics, Macroeconomics, International Economics
Economics of Technology And Development

Rajit Biswas Parameswaran. M

PhD in Economics (ISI, Kolkata) PhD in Economics (JNU)
Pure Theory of International Trade, Industrial Development Economics and Industrial Economics
Organization, Political Economy

Beena P.L Praveena Kodoth

PhD in Economics (JNU) PhD in Economics (University of Hyderabad)
Economic Development, International Trade and Gender Studies, Agrarian studies
Foreign Investment, M & A

Chinnappan Gasper Ritika Jain

PhD in Education-Economics (Pune University) PhD in Economics (IGIDR)
Economics of Education, Education and the Labour Public Policy, Political Economy, Public Economics,
Market Industrial Organization

Srikanta Kundu
PhD in Economics (ISI)
PhD in History (MG University)
Financial Econometrics, Time Series Modelling,
Feminist Theory and Practice, Social Theoryand
Social Science ResearchMethodologies

Vinoj Abraham Sunandan Ghosh

PhD in Economics (JNU) PhD in Economics (Jadavpur University)
Labour Economics, RegionalDevelopment, Regional Economic Integration, Delegation Game in
Structural Transformation of Economics Customs Union and Endogenous QualityChoice

Harilal K.N Sunil Mani

PhD in Economics (JNU) PhD in Economics (JNU)
International Political Economy, Planningand Technological innovation and R&D andIPR,
Democratic Decentralization, International Industry, Industrial Policy

HrushikeshMallick Udaya S. Mishra

PhD in Economics (ISEC) PhD in Population Studies (IIPS)
Applied Macroeconomic, Public Finance Measuring of Poverty and Inequality, Population
Real Estate Economics, Remittanceissues and Development, Gender and Health:
Irudaya Rajan.S UpasakDas
PhD in Demography (IIPS ) PhD in Economics (IGIDR)
Population and Development, Economics ofAging, Development Economics, Public Policy, Labour
Gender and Development, InternationalMigration Economics, Empirical Political Economy,Demography

Joseph K.J Vijayamohanan Pillai. N

PhD in Economics (JNU) PhD in Econometrics (Madras University)
Innovation and Development, Information Applied Statistics (Stochastic Processes: Markov
Technology and Development, IndustryStudies Chain), Econometrics of Inflation
Dr. Ambesh Ambasta - Vice President, ITC Limited
Dr. Ashoka Mody - Visiting Professor, Princeton University
Dr. AV Jose - Former Economist, ILO
Mr. Bharat Bhushan - Former Executive Editor, HT, Indian Express
Dr. Cherian Samuel - Lead Evaluation Officer, MIGA, World Bank Group
Dr. Deepa Sankar - Senior Economist, World Bank
Dr. Haseen Drabu Finance Minister, J&K
Dr. J Dennis Rajakumar - Director, EPW Research Foundation
Dr. Jeemol Unni - Director, IRMA, Anand
Dr. KP Sunny - Group Head, National Productivity Council, NewDelhi
Dr. MH Suryanarayana - Professor, IGIDR, Mumbai
Dr. Mahesh Surendran - Decision Science Lead, BarclayCard
Dr. Mihir Shah - Former Member, Planning Commission, New Delhi
Dr. Narendra Pani Professor, NIAS, IISc
Dr. Pinaki Chakraborty Economic Advisor, 14th Finance Commission
Mr. P. Raghavan Senior Assistant Editor, The Times of India
Ms. Piush Antony Social Policy Specialist, UNICEF
Dr. R. Nagaraj Professor, IGIDR, Mumbai
Dr. Rajib Nandi Research Fellow, ISST, New Delhi
Dr. Rakesh Basant Professor, IIM- Ahmedabad
Dr. Rammanohar Reddy Former Editor-in-Chief, EPW
Dr. Sanjaya Baru Honorary Fellow, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi
Dr. Satish Deshpande Professor, Delhi School of Economics
Ms. Sudha Mahalingam Senior Fellow, Institute of Defence Studies and
Analysis, New Delhi
Dr. Sukhpal Singh Professor, IIM- Ahmedabad
Dr. TT Sreekumar Professor, National University of Singapore (NUS) Dr.
Tirthankar Roy Professor, London School of Economics and Politics Dr.
Thomas Isaac Finance Minister, Govt. of Kerala
Mr. V. Anil Kumar Joint Chief, National Manufacturing Competitiveness
Council, New Delhi
Mr. V. Sridhar Special Correspondent, Frontline
Before CDS, I was searching for my calling and passion. At CDS, I found it.
This was the gift of Professor K.N. Raj, an intellectual giant, and his wife,
Sarsamma, who generously adopted my wife, Jyothsna, and me into their
lives. Dr. Raj taught me the importance of the highest standards of
intellectual integrity while relentlessly pursuing a scholarly investigation
(research is a slow process, he said). ( i s insistence on folding history and
politics into economic policy discussion have enriched my research
immeasurably. I had the great good fortune also of being mentored
and welcomed by Professors Iqbal and Leela Gulati. Professors A.
Vaidyanathan and T.N. Krishnan were always there to discuss research and
policy ideas.
Ashoka Mody,
Charles and Marie Robertson Visiting Professor in International Economic Policy at the
Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University and former Deputy Director, IMF

CDS is where I learnt my economics. If "It is a method, rather than a

doctrine, an apparatus of mind, a technique of thinking" - as John
Maynard Keynes said - the Centre helped me acquire it. With some of the
country's finest economists as teachers, liberal intellectual environment,
and a thoughtful student body, studying at the Centre was an intense and
rewarding experience.
R Nagaraj,

Professor, IGIDR, Mumbai

CDS fostered a dynamic and adaptive learning environment with a thrust on

academic rigour and honed my skills in economic analysis. Importantly, I
learnt the importance of nurturing institutions in the role that each one has
to play in ensuring the dynamism of institutions. It also taught me to be
guided by a sense of social responsibility in whatever I do. I carried these
learning to my classrooms-teaching management students, training
corporate executives and government officials. CDS academic legacy has a
indelible influence in my professional advancement.
J. Dennis Rajakumar,
Director, EPW Research Foundation, Mumbai

CDS taught me two lessons. First, anything is worth studying if it is based on

observation of life around us. Second, we should be open-minded about
method. CDS in the 1980s when I was a student gathered together a group of
methodological liberals. They were receptive to history, statistics, economics,
anthropology, Marxism, neoclassicism, and subalterns. Such mixture did not
descend into chaos because individually, the faculty, and the visitors, were
bright and creative minds. Looking back, it is trust in ones observation and
methodological liberalism that mattered most to my evolution as an
academic. I imbibed both qualities in CDS. I hope the tradition continues.
Tirthankar Roy,
Professor of Economic History, London School of Economics (LSE)
I have great memories of my time at CDS , for the camaraderie
and friendships that the community provided. I was privileged
to be amongst a group of brilliant minds, committed to finding
solutions to India's numerous development challenges. Being a
Malayalee, I was also proud to be associated with a place of
academic excellence like CDS, in my own homestate!

Dr. Cherian Samuel,

Lead Evaluation Officer,
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (World Bank Group)
Washington D.C.

For many decades the unique academic programme of CDS

has turned out graduates who have gone on to occupy senior
positions in a vast number of areas -- academics of course,
and financial institutions, civil society and the media.

C. Rammanohar Reddy,

Editor, Economic and Political Weekly, Mumbai

CDS is more than an institution that taught me Economics. It

taught me to think and empathize with the issues and problems
that affect the lives of the common people in rural and urbanIndia.
The professors and seniors at CDS along with the CDS community
and the various discussion forums outside the campus provided an
intellectually stimulating environment to the young mind.

Jeemol Unni,
Director, Institute of Rural Management(IRMA), Anand

I owe my conviction in Kenneth Boulding quote that 'Theories

without facts may be barren, but facts without theories are
meaningless' to my training at CDS with an integrated perspective on
these two dimensions.

M.H Suryanarayana,
Professor, IGIDR, Mumbai
M.A. in Applied Economicsat CDS is a Quantitative
unique masters programme in
economics that aims at providing an
arduous training in theory, tools and Exposure to Statistical
methods for applied economic Packages- R, Stata, Eviews
analysis. Gretl
Trained as applied economists the Training in Forecasting,
students are well prepared forcareers Time Series Analysis,
in academia, corporate sector, Financial Econometrics
research institutions, development
agencies and the media.

Admission Procedure Analytical Skills

Admission to the highlysought after Application of Economic
Masters Programme is based on a Theory to Real Issues
rigorous entrance test held across
the country. The selection procedure Hypothesis Buildingand
is stringent with only 3% (a batch of
20) of all applicants beingselected Rigorous DataAnalysis
for thecourse.

Evaluation Techniques

The M.A. Programme is divided into Soft Skills

four semesters, each semester has a
demanding evaluation processwhich Excellent Communication
consists of thefollowing: and Interpersonal Skills
Bi semesterExaminations Leadership and Teamwork
Term Papers Presentation Skills
Assignments requiring applicationof
theoryand econometric tools

Internship Snapshot (2015-16)

Institute of
Kerala State
Planning Board

Reserve Bank
of India Ministry of

IGIDR Institute of
Centre for Policy
Centre for
Institute of
Economic Centre for
Growth Economicand
Social Studies
and Ministry of
Information Statistics and
System Programme
NABARD Implementation

*All trademarks, logos, and images are the property of their respective owners.
Abhishek Sekharan

Age: 22
Educational Qualifications
B.A. (Hons.) in Economics, Christ University
Centre for Development Studies , Trivandrum (2016)
Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi (2015)
Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore (2014)
TVS Srichakra Ltd, Madurai (2013)
Fundamentals of Banking awarded by Christ University
Statistics in Data Analysis awarded by Christ University
Published a Paper on Surrogate Bodies and Classy Queerdom

Adrita Banerjee

Age: 21
Educational Qualifications
B.Sc. in Economics, Presidency University, Kolkata
Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum (2016)
Institute of Development Studies, Kolkata (2015)
Peerless Financial Services Ltd, Kolkata (2014)
Project on Recessions and Zero Lower Bound
Project on Influx of Bangladeshi Migrants to India
Project on Terms of Trade and its impact on National welfare
Project on Impact of 2014 Government change on loan NBFC
Anshul Kumar

Educational Qualifications
B.A. (Hons.) in Economics, Hansraj College, University of Delhi.
Collaborative Research and Dissemination, Delhi (2016)
Project on Demographic Trends In India
Project on Impact of Savings, Investment and Money on Growth rate of OECD countries

Banantika Datta

Age: 22
Educational Qualifications
B.Sc. in Economics, Symbiosis School of Economics, Pune
Ministry of Finance, Delhi (2016)
Kerala State Planning Board, Trivandrum (2016)
Geojit BNP Paribas , Pune (2014)
Cosmos Co-operative Bank (2013)
Certificate Course(s)
Equity Dealer( National Skill Qualifications Framework- Level 4) , BSE institute ltd.
Coursera: Financial Programming and Policies, Macroeconomics Accounts and Analysis , IMF
Disha Saxena

Age: 23
Educational Qualifications
B.A. (Hons.) in Economics, Dayal Singh College, University of Delhi
Work experience
Data Analyst (Bloomberg Terminal) at Drewry Maritime Services Ltd.
Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum (2016)
Equity and Commodity Analyst , Delhi (2012)
Published a Paper Surrogate Bodies and Classy Queerdom
FICCI and IAN - Business Proposal (Sanitary Napkin unit in Tarapur, Bihar)

Divya Sebastian

Age: 22
Educational Qualifications
B.A. (Hons.) in Economics, St. Stephens College, University of Delhi
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, Trivandrum (2016)
Joint Operation for Social Help, Delhi (2014)
Project on Womens Health Status
Project on Old Age Crisis in Developing Countries
Project on corruption and inequality : A Panel Data Study
Hiteshchandra Tripathi

Age: 26
Educational Qualifications
Educational Qualifications: B.E. in Mechanical Engg., M.I.T., University of Pune
Work Experience
Fractal Analytics, Mumbai (2014-15)
Kerala State Planning Board, Trivandrum (2016)
Project on Politics of Demography
Project on Economics of Tax Evasion

Kumar Shubham

Age: 21
Educational Qualifications
B.A. (Hons.) in Economics, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi
Indira Gandhi Institue of Development and Research , Mumbai (2016)
Certificate course(s)
Introduction to Capital Markets,(Twenty19)
Coursera: Portfolio and Risk Management
Narayan Nathani

Age: 23
Educational Qualifications
B.A. (Hons.) in Economics, Aryabhatta College, University of Delhi
Research Assistant to a Phd. Scholar from Virginia Tech University(2016)
Delhi School of Economics , Delhi (2015)
Jawaharlal Nehru University , Delhi (2013)
Josh India, Delhi (2013)
Project on Competition Policy of India
Project on Tobacco Taxation in India

Nikita Aggarwal

Age: 22
Educational Qualifications
B.A. (Hons.) in Economics, College of Vocational Studies, University of Delhi
Centre for Policy Research, Delhi (2016)
Research and Information System, Delhi (2016)
Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi (2015)
Project on Resources on South-South Co-operation
Project on Land Rights in Scheduled areas
Preet Goenka

Age: 22
Educational Qualifications
B.A. (Hons.) in Economics, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi
Institute of Human Development , Delhi (2016)
Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum (2016)
Certificate Course(s)
NSE- Equity Derivatives
NSE- Derivatives(Dealers) Module
Coursera : Understanding Financial Markets , University of Geneva
CT-7 (Business Economics), awarded by Institute of Actuaries of India
CT-3 (Probability and Mathematical Statistics) , awarded by Institute of Actuaries of India


Age: 23
Educational Qualifications
B.A. (Hons.) in Economics, Janki Devi Memorial College, University of Delhi
Kerala State Planning Board, (2016)
National Institute of Urban Affairs , Delhi (2015)
Quickdel Logistics (Gojavas), Gurgaon, (2014)
Certified Course(s)
Analytics for All (R, Excel) by Analytics Training Institute
Sustainable Cities Awarded by SDGacademy and IIHS, Bangalore
Ritu Sabu

Age: 22
Educational Qualifications
B.A. (Hons.) in Economics, Christ University
Kerala State Financial Enterprises (2014)
Certificate Course(s)
Leadership Skills- awarded by Christ University
Nutrichem- awarded by Christ University
Project on Study of Enrolment Gap between Primary and Secondary Level of Schooling
Project on South Asian Migration to Gulf Countries with special focus on Indian Migration

Shyam Agarwal

Age: 23
Educational Qualifications
B.A. (Hons.) in Economics, College of Vocational Studies, University of Delhi
Nathan Economic Consultancy (2016)
Certificate Course(s)
CT-7 (Business Economics), awarded by Institute of Actuaries of India
CT-3 (Probability and Mathematical Statistics) , awarded by Institute of Actuaries of India
Project on Exchange Rate Volatility and Portfolio Investment
Uthara G

Age: 21
Educational Qualifications
B.A. in Economics, St.Teresas College, Cochin
Reserve Bank of India (2016)
Kerala Institute of Local Administration (2014)
Certificate Course(s)
Desktop Publishing awarded by St. Teresas College, Cochin
An Appraisal of the functionality of Women Component Plan in Panchayats
Study on MSMEs and impediments faced by them in accessing credit and banking system
Analysis of Allocation and Implementation of women-oriented schemes operated at Panchayat level
Contact Us

Centre For DevelopmentStudies,
Prasanth Nagar, Ulloor,
Medical College P.O.,

Preet Goenka +91-8590666758
Nikita Aggarwal +91-9020906283


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