Aquarium Restaurant in Brasov Romania

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1.Description of the company:

- Our future company will represent a restaurant which has the internal
structure( walls, ceiling, and floor made oout of glass walls filled with water
that will form a big aquarium system.

-We have chosen this project because its a inovative ideea that is not
present in the Romanian tourism business yet. And besides that we want to
bring the customers from Romania and from other sides of the world a
different experience , of serving their meal, by different we mean the
atmosphere that we will provide that of being in the sea while you are
serving the meal, ocean sounds and waves will be played on the surround
sound system in order to enhance the cutstomers experience, people can
enjoy themselves watching tropical fish and learning about them, where they
live and other data about them...

-The theme of the restaurant will be fish based dishes.

-Our main activity will be a restaurant business, which means preparing and
serving food to the customers.

-The management team will be formed from:

one general supervisor (manager)

-The key personnel will be formed from:

one maid
2 chefs
2 waiters
4 chef helpers which make their intership at our restaurant.

-Our choice of location will be the road to Poiana Brasov because we want to
have a city view as well beside the aquarium experience. We also chose this
location because its a premium location for a premium restaurant. The
location we will chose with preciceness is going to be on the land that is
situated above Belvedere parking lot. We have chosen this because a lot of
people stop her to enjoy the view and with the restaurant situated on top
they will be able to stay more and to enjoy the view more in a beautiful

Restaurant scheme
2. Presentation of the companys tourism products/services:

-We will offer mainly food that will consist of sea food and fresh water fish

-We offer the view of the sea life, and by this we mean that you will be able
to see some extoc fish like Clown Loach, Tetras fish, Goldfish, Cichlids,
Brackish water fish, Arowanas Betta females, Black Pacu, Danios, Dragon
fish, Butterfly goodeid etc...

3. Market descritpion and opportunities:

Market trend: People nowadays because of the rapid evolution of technology

and lifestyle tend to have high expectations and we will try to fullfill their
need and offer a inovative restaurant which will provide a beautiful
exprience. We will mainly relly on healthy eathing and not on fast food type
restaurants, this will be a restaurant adressed to people that are willing to
spend more time and spend more for a good and healty meal.

Target coustomers: We will target the coustomers that have a mothly income
above average because our products will be made from premium raw
materials and we will charge the price accordingly.

Our customers will be mainly business people or individual business persons

who travel a lot and are in search for a good meal. We will also focus on
international tourists and romatic couples. That doesnt mean we will not
accept other people like single people or residence visitors, we just want to
say that this restaurant will not be for everyone with respect towards each
individuals revenue.

From time to time we will also have live cooking shoes with special chef
guests invited by us to cook for you and show you how you can do it at home
by yourself. This will enhance the customer experience and will also come in
their help to develope their knowlegde about cooking.

4.The competitive environment.

-There is a competition in the restaurant business, considering Sergianas

restaurant chain which is based on traditional romanian food, and also top
class restaurants like: Casa Hirscher or Gott Pub and Belvedere restaurant
but, there will not be a fierce competition to us because we will provide sa
different experience, much more joyfull and different that the others and

5. Restaurant:

-The restaurant will be able to hold around 30-50 guests, we will have a main
lobby where the people can enter and after that we are going to have the
main room for serving the meal, besides this in the summer and sunny days
a terrace will be available for guests to serve their meal. Along with out
aquarium walls we will have very high quality seats and tables with alcantra
leathear and oak tree tables made entirely from wood.

We will have special tanks in the kitchen that will be conected to the main
aquarium system, such that all the fish from the menu will always be alive
and fresh for the customer to prepare. In this way the fish will survive as
much as needed until will be prepared and we will not be forced to buy
frozen fish from the supermarket or order the fish by plane so it is fresh, in
this way also we will suply the tanks and aquarium with alive fish from time
to time and not day by day as other restaurants do, because we can hold
them in aquarium tanks in the kitchen and they will always be ready to be
cooked because they are always fresh.

Our menue will also contain other dishes like chicken or beef, but also this
dishes will be prepared in a exquisite mannor and will be a exclusive dish, we
will not make ordinary grilled chicken and just serve it to you, they will be
prepared with different exotic frutis and sides in order for you to enjoy a
exclusive meal and not just a ordinary lunch.

We wil open on 22 January 2017 and we invite you to take part in our
beautiful restarant.


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