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1O-JUL-2003 THU 10:28 ——ARCHIRODOH HALUL 00 974 4326810 P, 02 “@ “British, Standard. BS 812: Part 103: 1985 Lupe (625.07 + 691.22) 2620,160.38 Seclten (3. | © Brak Sardards tneurion No part this peten may be phorcepled o rharueeroredicad with the rs rmleson lang of 31 Sl nena Testing aggregates Part 103. Methods for determination of particle size distribution Sssais des granulats sh: Partie 103. Méthodes da détarmination de la distribitlof granclomeétrique Priifung von. Zuschlagstoffan 3 Teil,103, Verfahren zur Bestimmung der KorngraRenvarielling British Standards Institution 10-Jul-2003 THU 10:29 ARCHIRODON HALUL 00 974 4326610 03 Foreword ‘This Pert of BS 812, propsred under the direction cf the Cement, Gyrsum, Agaresates ard Quarry Products ‘Stancarls Committe, isa revision of 7.1 of BS E12: Part 1: 1975, wai is withdrawn by amendment, The remaining sections of 83 812 : Pert 1 and 88812 : Farts 2,3 and ¢ axe alto being revied and as oxch of the tot, or solection of related toss, isrovited, It is intended to tau ft ero separate Pert ot Section ofthis standard {tis intended that other British Stendards should call up BS 212 vost mathe athe basic of compliance Noverthetes,itis.2oe intandad thar al tgeresateschoulal be subjected regulrly to all the lisad tests, Requirements in ther British Standard specifications will refer anly te . relevant text methods, ’ Some of the totts in other Fars af BS 812 are of limited appliestion, ané advice an the uie of simpler tests fs given, for example, when they can be used for preliminary 4 sorting of sgoregates to see whetner more expensive testing ~ is justified, Removal ef fine matorial by dacantation, deseribed 22 the ‘modifies mothed in the 85 812: Pan 1, bas been mace the preferred method in this revision to ensice refizdle wating Of aguregate containing fine material thet may cause agglomeration of particies. Ja this revition the massa retsined at the eomgletin of siaving hav: been rationalized, Reference should be madz to BS 812: Part 101 for general ‘guidance on tstinn snarenates, ecision of test metros tnd variance aritieg trom sampling errors. Comltanes with Rrlish Standard does rot ot iselt ‘confer immunity trom legal obligations. 10. JUL 2009(THU) 10:25 COMMUNICATION 10-JUL-2003 THU 10:28 ARCHIRODON HALUL 00 974 4325610 P. 04 S Contents 4 Page Foreword Inside front cover Commicters respansitte Back caver Methods Seopa Definitions Principle sampling Apparatus Preparation of rast partion Procedure Calculation and exprassion of retulte Prection 10 ‘Test ieport Appencices ‘A Proparetion and cleaning of test sieves B Cheektng of teat sieves Tabice 1 Particulars of steve: fer sieve analysis 2 2 Minimum mass ef test paren for sieve znalysit 3 '3.-Maximuina mass tobe retained at the campletion G 4 . 4 Pradsion dete fer datrmination of particle szo dierbution 5 Figur 1 Chal for recording seve analysis resuns 8 i fi 10. JUL. 2003¢THU) 10:25 COMMUNICATION ae. 19 1O-JUL-2003 THU 10:29 ARCHTRODON HALUL ‘Methods 1 Scope “This Part ot BS 812 describes two methods for the determination of the partici size distribution of samples of segregates anc fillers by slovieg, NOTE |, Fer sampting and texting lightweight eaarestes for conerot® see 48.3687, of the publisttone refered coin thie earard ‘rs lined on the Iralce lech exer. 2 Definkions For the purposes of this Part of 85 812 the definitions siven in BS 812 : Part 101 and Part 102 anplv. 3 Principle 3.1 Weshing and sieving Thisis the prefesred method (see 7.2) for anarenstes which may contain clay or other materiale likely te eauce gglemerstion of particles. It involves preliminary separation by washing through a fine sieve before determining particle siza disirioution by dey sieving 3.2 Dry sieving This issn alternative method (see 7.3) which may be used for coarse ancl fine aggregates tree fram pertieles whicn ‘seuse auglomeration, NOTE 1. Ory siosng eves inacearate rele for soprennee containing clay buts quicker ard low labore to cerry cut man ‘nathiag and sieving. NOU EZ. Mrtnet poubie to spteity recuratay ine amunt at ony or ether materia which will make tha metnad civen in 2. Inasnveerara nnd nies ena bn Comanstrted fa, oy nreviou teperiace) that that method elves accurate results ey recommended thatthe mathou észstibed in 7.2 should slvaye be ‘ied, Sree ofthis wore meters sperl(ctlone may eal far ashing and cieving to be fallawnd a al timer 4 Sampling ‘The sample used for the test (tha laborstary semplel shall be taken in eccordance with the procedures ¢escribed in clause 5 of BS 812: Fart 102 : 1984, 5 Apparatus 8.1.4 tamele oruaer, oF 82¢ eapropt 8 0 tne maximum particle site to be handled or alternatively afar shovel and Cen, fla, nsee hsrigurital sue face, eh @ mela (ray for ute in quartéring. NOTE. A suitable civiges isthe vite bok Inusteted th BS BL Pans 193, 2 A ventliated oven, whermestatiealy controlled 72 ‘mainsain 2 temperature of 105+ 6 °C. 10. SUL, 2003 (THY 10:26 QO 974 4326610 P, 0S tor balances, of suitable capacity accurate to 0.1% of the mast oft (NOTE. tp general, tn balences, one of topraximaroly 6 ke expssity ‘secu 191 pind the ather af eparoximately 800 9 capacity, 19.0.1 9, will sufi, eeiepat ef lerer than 38 oom ermine sia is @ be testec a balance of 30 kg canny aanirata ta Ogi sleaberanuirod. 5.4 Testsieves and nesting guard sieve, of the ties end apertures eppropriate $0 the specification of ise melerll being teztec, complying with BS 410 end with the ‘opprupetete citer of lds) and receivers, Note 1. wil cov NOTE 2, Seme advice on leaning ee checking saws ive in the sins and spartree ges in al ‘eit sppleitioes ef te mth [tebe Perkin of sevr for save anaiaa | nen peers Squirenclaitorated pete, | Vir clth, ammerso0mmdemee | Beas 200 mm diet mm 3 238 470 118 vn 20 00 425 300 212 & 180 oe! 75° For sap adanons 68 pn kenoost 5.8 A mechonibal steve shoker (oavorall, 5.8. Trave thet ean bo heated inthe ventilated oven (5.2) without damag ar change in mass, 3.7 Containers, ofa tan eotilent to sontsin the tor Portion pls ive tires its voluma ol wate [for washing and sleving method eal) 8 Preparation of test portion Reduce the semple in ceerdance with the procedures deserigad in lauta G of BS 812 : Part 102 : 1984 10 Brosuce the required number of te portions each of Wien comics with the mirimum maze given in table 2, & Ory the test portions by heating a = termparature of 105 = § °C to achieve a dry mass which fs constant ta within Gt. Allow 19 cool, weigh tod TECOrd as fy 10-JUL-2003 THU 10:30 ¢ re ~ARCHIRODON HALUL ‘Table 2. Minimum mast of text partion for sieve analvaiz Nominalsize | Minimum mama! of mera st portion mm fe 63 £0 50 35 40 18 28 5 20 2 4 1 10 os 6 2 5 0.2 a 0.2 <3 on 7 Procedure 74 Garant 7.2.4 For some maierialy e4. all naggregates or hogain, ‘he partite size erihutinn may ease ta exeass mass On ‘one or mare sieves particularly onthe finer sizes. Therefore, ifitis not possible to include extra sieves of pptoariatsintarrediate size vo reduce the leaeing, slope (0n0 of tha fllewing procedures, {a) Subatvice the test portion inta twa or mora sub artions. Deterriae the particle size distribution for gach portion and combine the results fo the purgors of Peortina. (o) Separate the tet portion on an appropriate sieve, 20 mm or mm. Weigh the retsinad and pasting ‘rastions to determina the proportion of exch present. Deiermine the partici size distribution of each fragtion separately, reducing whara nacattary by quarter moans of ¢ sample divider (6.1) as dassrised in leuse 6 of BG O12 : Port 102 : 1984, Caleulnta tne particle ste cisirluution ofthe orginal sample by eemainirg the regults tor ea¢h freetion in the proportions present. 74.2 When special procedures for filers ara required to ‘measure the amount finer then 78 pm, eary these out eithar in accordance with 7.2.01 BS 312 : Part 1: 1975 or BS B12: Part 108", 7.2 Washing end sieving method 7.2.4 Preliminsry eeparetion 7.4.4 Wathoth cide of: 78 um tat tave (64), roerved for use in this test enly, and fita nesting quard seve leg, TAB mm) an ton Natine tha ines in uch may thatthe ‘uaponsion pasting the test slave ean be run to visite or, shen required, colleciad in asultable veel, "At the cine of pubilestn, 5 812; Part 104 le in preparation, Whe 6, sub. 20a EHU) 10:26 00 974 43 P, 06 7.AA2 Place tho wiered even dried test portion ina container (6.7) and ad sufficient water ta halt fil the container, Apirare the eontenss an that nartielas smaller ‘than 75 pm are complately sonacated from coarser particle NOTE, Geching or continued agiation rin tha eat of erg articles crushing mey be required ta atin compne sepretion, 7.24.2 Pour the suepention ef fina eo uarded 75 pm text sovo, RUTE.TH uses sazoenson passing tne ret eve ty be tat ene is ragured tor omer purposes 7218 Continue welling Uve euaise residue until the water parsing the tact dave ie clear (eee nate 2) and then va tll the resides from the eantatver ond sievcl the tray (5.0), Remove excess free water By careful deesntatian taraugh tha weet tava, avaiding trancfar of solids (se9 note 2) and dry the residue in the oven (8.2) at 10845 °C until eanstant mace i achinuer Coal. welch and record 2¢ Mz notes tive NOTE 2.11 some transfer of solids does cesut wath them back into the kay andvrapaar tie operation, NOTE. Fine slevesare hale and we intamty f the mesh sheule Dr checked frequent lee sppencheB), F.ZAS Darerreins the mase oF material patting the test love es My — Aly. 722 Sieving the dried residue 7224 Nast the clean and dry sioveeon a fitting acaiver in erder ef increasing aperture sizo from bottom to top. Face the drled residue on the top coarsest sieve and cover b fitting lid, Either by hand or using the mechanical 2 (8.8), shake the sieves fora sufficient time to stparate the tast sarmple into the size fractians datermined by the sieve apertures used oie 2tcen water favre whieh may damagh Hood the NOTE. Exgarience has howe thet the ereiminary sparation (2.7 dace noc nectesiy semave ei Bs pares smaler thn ‘of eazilry acten of water en partie rrtace. a ried residue, ical sieve shaker js used, efter ‘coaster sieve end chake exch sieve soparatsly aver a elsan tay er eeeeivee untit not more than a trace pasus, te Fn any exse “or 2 perio of nat eve than 2 min. Do the ‘shaking with a varied motion, backwards enc forwards, lefeto right, circular, clockwise and antiiockwise, and vith frequent jarvine so that the material is kept moving ‘vet tha sieve surface in fequintly ebanging diroetions, Go nat farce materials through the ieve by hand proszurs butplacing of paises i permitted, Break lumpsof agglomerated material which coustst of particles representative of ine bulk by gentle pressure with the fingers against the side of the sieve, 72.2.3 Record any extraneous material not representative fof tha bulk that will net readily break dewn inta individual partici, euch as clay lumps, ene eemnye from tna lava for seperate weighing, usta, 3 ill supersece 7.2 of 8S 812: Par 19379, 10-JUL-2003 THU 1 ARCHIRODON HALUL 7.22.4 Do not anply pressure to the surface of the siava te force particles through the mesh. Light brushing with + soft brush on the underside of the sleva may be used to lear sieve openings. Light brushing with a fine eamel-ha truth may be ured on the 180 ym and 75 pm sieves to Prevent agslomerstion of the pevider anc blinding ot the spertures, De not use stitf or Wora-cown brushes for this, purpose, 7.228 |n order to prevent blinding of the sieve aperwures bby overloading, ensure that the mass of aggrecate retalnad fon the sieve at complesiom of the aperation does not exceed the value for shat sleve shown in table 3. NOTE 1. Soine sompte mater shorn in abet wi hus rogue asdional operations an tame teva, te destined in Tt NOTE 2, In soma casoait may bo posible to reduce sutilenty tha leaaana neve by inearperating en intemciote seve inte the we Weigh the material revained on each siave, together With any material cleaned from the meth, an complation of sevingon hat slave. NOTE. Sanpie entining dust shouldbe sieve inte m rece Add the aggregate passing the save to the next sieve in the series before commancing the operstion on that 7.3 Dry sieving mathod Use the procedure describe in 7.2.2. 8 Calculation and expression of results Caloulate the mass retained on eaeh sieve es ¢ percentege of the original dry mass (My. Por the mas: of material passin the fineststove, edd that passing during washing (M; — Af) vo that found during the cry slaving. 00 974 4326810 1 1 Catculata the mast natsing each sien ae. euntulative Percentage of the total amgle mass, 9 Precision Estimates of the repeatability and repcoduetbility of sieve =snalysis using the methoes deterbed in this Par of 28 812 are given in teble ¢ for a fimited range of materials. ing tha precision ot sha mashode sea in ih NOTE 2, Theres ints of veer fer Yy (lence ca wlan ra peemit the iretsion nig trom sampling eter) in ta3la 8, Wer ett aoa be neorpornted by amendmen: SMe alot of V, fora single experiment ara sven in Supplemensry noes 841 pihinhat hy the Transpo sad Rand Rewareh Libera, = 10 Test report ‘The report shal ater wat the partite ie eseituson ves aetrmined in severance wth hs Por of 84 61S al hetero ata canifcate of ming ea Iasaibia a ebpyof he corfars af xeple ct be provided. The i por: all ele the ologing tatiana Teter! (a sample Mentication; (0 ena he enulatieporeentge of re mas ot ee fatal tunes pasiog each cf ate dene to eran cele numba ie peng he meso ae {ora mol ping ene sav ane etsnad on Temeet bral tov io the rere whoterurear NOTE. A oesimar chart whieh may be Wad for ikewatha the resale qphianiy'samown fn fies 3 {| the meshod used by reference to either 7.2 or 7.3 of frets emir rat [ 25S iim wo el an Mccis — [seiomam aR | aperture ize 300 mm 209mm | 200 mm a = ar ec 50.0 14 5 5.00 780. 3 e if [aa |B a0 e la [8] [8 Be i la 8 oa ie Sik tae a te a lie | up a le |e 425 180 80 re 4 a | |2 §.00 | 16 212 130, | 60 | = |S ‘ 10-JUL-2003 THU 10:31 ARCHTRODON HALUL 00 974 4328610 c {dl whether nr not lumps of materisl not representative Of the bulk, such avelzy lumps, were found to be Prevent and the sinve sizes on which they wers retained, ‘oacther with the toral amount present expressed as an ‘overall parcentaze by mass of the total sxmpls. “Table 4, Procion data For determination of pariela dau dovivudon Oracipnen at | Allvss et crmuitin prc pauiog nase | BSaaIpaSe Eeeiopliy Nurbiat fi wae a (a rea (Coan a [ae Ik ace Chigpings (1) ven | 098) — [o2])— foss |= faz ~ 1962 (2) um | ost] — 02} - O35 | — | 47 1 1982 Type 2 granular zomm)2o [- |e |s [te @ i € tub-baro 10 nw | 73 -{]71|6 Js 12i}-. ~ ~ where smn}es |—/6 | fo |i 600 pm | 35 - a|3i6 THe = 1088 wom fis |of2}—l3 | 4 foym | 10 =] 2 he 3 aommewsetiock | 600um | 6 |- | ael— | ae 2 tsym} a6 |-fosl—|ro || a 1982 zum | 28 |—fos}— faa | 2 ‘4 om aig dd wnm| so | -[aal-|es [= basalt or sandstone tomn| 2 }-|s2f-]es |_| , < 082 z3emm| 1a |—|o2|= faa | a 7vm| o7|—}o2]—|i0 | — | Building sands(means | 600 ym | 90 |—|os|— [te | — | etitattenmand) | sooym [sr || aal= fe |= |, ayy ol [beta worm! ia | liel— |e | — | vevm| a3 [= |oe]= jae |= 100 + ‘oo | SSE ee t+} t Ey 90 1 T t { a i t ry ae +++ = BO toh Tt a T a ty &% z7 oe 2 6 po 2 t a ll et oer ee | € sof ——— (im et a Ss af | Eo a oe | ee i L ene c 2 30 4 nT 5 Tt es [ 1 1s rot 22 eet Seen & bi eS FEY to oe fe é o_O SE x na na aperture sizeof test steve {i © JUL 2003 THU) 10:27 COMMUNICATION We, 19, ~ 10-JUL-2003 THU 10:32 Appendices Appendix A. Preparation and cleaning of test sieves Before and after sach ueo the tleving medium and the frame should ba cleaned and inspected and degraated if nscszsary, ‘Tas leaning of the sieve should bs wersied out with grett ‘reso that the tleving medium is not damaged, A wcsful method for the removal of entvappad mattrisl, Particularly from finer apertures, is immersion in a bath of Water agitated by an utrssonte transcuisen 10. JUL 2002 (raw) 19020 ARCHTRODON HALUL 00 974 4925610 P08 ' Appendix B, Chacking of test sieves est saves may b@ chacked agnnstcantitied master sleves, Teserved for that nirnne, a rogular intervale This can be achieved by checking the number of seves used during that month. Checking should bein accordance with E-2 of BS 410: 1876 using spherical particles, much a glass beats. ‘The charge on the sieve should be the maximum allowed bo BS 1786 and the checking material usd fer each sieve should be choien so ther between 40% end 60 % passes the sleve The difference between the percentage material passine the master sla and the working sieve should not exceed 254 0° = == communiGaTION Ne19 PAGE. 9 10-JUL-2003 THU 10:32 ARCHIRODON HALUL 0 974 4326610 P10 Publications referred to 83410 Sprcificaton for rst sievar BSE12 —Tecting'aoscagates Pert 101 Guida te serpin Fore 102 Mariage ter eenpi Bert 104" athe for drerminaton of the rare and eaniont et nati finer the 75 yn RR Y7O8 Method For tee steving BS-98G1 Methods for the sampling tnd tetng af lightwaht aactsats fer canerata “Trancpertanc Rosd Feveerch Laborstory Sooslamoseary repare 621 Tin prop Fer information sbout BSI services relating to the party cortfaten to suitable Brldsh Stanlard procuct sneccalions echarres Gr the teutration of firms of sssased capabn, racing and inspect facies, pesse contac te Develoy Guilty Aescres Division, BSI, PO Box 375 Mion Koyries M14 610. 10. JUL 2005erHU 10:22 -eomeunvteatiox Wie. 19 PAC ARCHIRODON HALUL ‘2003 THU 10:32 “This Beran Stancire, raving Bean praseeed under the direction of th Coment, Gynuim, Aasregatse and Quarry Produces Serengee Gommitees, wes pablichar usr ohn autherity ofthe Bee 4rd comes ince effect on 20 Ave 1988, (© Britis StanaieaeSnetition, 1208 Isansosa0 144747 Brith Standard nmitution |corporated by Rayal Charter, BSI f the independent national bady far the prepa'aton of Brith Stansarde Iria the UR ober 8 the loterationa! Grgentstion tor Stincardisason acs Une ‘Bentor a the Britah Nationel Committes at tha Invrraticro) Etastratectnicl Cernmisian Copyright Uses of its Standarce are reminded that cooyroht sateen 1188! publicstions No part of thle publaation way bo ee cece in any form withaut the alr permission in wrenglot Bok Pon, dow net nealude th fea us, inthe course of Ingomectin te Kandard,ofneceisory deiafe ait 2s iymbols and tiza typeoy {ace dedigations, Enquiries syoule bs dread tz tho "ications Manager, Brhien Stendarde Ineftation,vinford ised, 1s for this British Standard ch Staigerd was entrusted by the Gtenent Gyesum Aggregates and Quarry Produsts Sedans Gorrnives (CAB) fo Teannicel Commitee CAB/2, upan which ‘70 telioming bocios were ranresunted ‘Aggrogite Concern Bleck Assos ‘Avsocaton of Gusnulteny Enum ‘Acsosition of Consulting Slentiats Associtisn of Uigiiwnghs aairorats Maruteerurors Brick Deveioamant Asioeintion Brissh Aggregate Consruetlon Meterias ngustias Brith Commie ssansch Asocltion fing Tost Eauinmant Manutactsrer? Bitch Preear Conerate Facerasion Led. Brith Reedy Meer Concreys Asioeition Galcism Stiara Brick Atseciation Litog Camentand Concrete Assecistion Gemtens Makers’ Federation Gheviarea inettate of Builting 00 974 4326610 Pl ve wie tare 1ua.1s60 — Slt Keynes M14 BLE. The member far ieshons enue (0908 920033 and for tetex 825777. ss C Cantaetrnqsremonse Aries Standing deren erprt 0 Inetue al he frovhiensota conta, Unset tah Sansa eee bi forthe corset appicaon, Revit of Sritah Stundorta Bile Sanders are evsed, when th ise cee of sande ora sed eons ts por oer ey fein diandart should aseorain Dat hey ane eee or tha lat amundnjan or etna. Infomtion et a ubleston ite ia 8i Gorton, tpaimene eau up ifaeslabete mincing monbarnol ie itetin nd gies dais of now pualtons revaer, sreevamens ana arraan tansnide Any oe Se hen Iara a ofa Eth Slanted racunrrr en a Aenbouit, is eaudned ee notty But wise et eee ‘Rewrer may br nsession Bet appresrcien ita The fslicwing BS ceerncay aoe con work en ei sanande Game raterinee CAB/D ret or comment See ASAE Dear set of Oe Envleoamens (Auildng Resear Exanhedment) Densrimwnt ofthe Environment (Property Saves Agseey) Dypariment af the Environment (Transoort and Faas Ree oe Labaretery Depsrtment of Transsor (Hishnavsl Elerriety Cupelytndusrey fn Crete en Wen Eeseraion of Cv Engineering Contin Greate Lenaon Counel Insciute of Concrete Technology lastiuton of Cul Engines Institution 81 Highicyesed Tre Ineutan of Pabia Helth Enginears Ininsvba of Ssucrural Engines ‘oihution ot Water Entneets nd Seientin Mortar Producne Agsacstign Le avinnal Freer Toraryin (ea Speed Natural Envlanmet Recourss Gouri Ie Bova Inesute of yi Arcpiesc Sen oad Gravel Aszecation Lia Generate Society of Ohare Iaaery Granty Soromye' Soi Sesiety of Cherries Ina o a cy Amundments issued sinee publication = ise et nifant a Amd. No: Data ati Tour aifonted| - 3 a o 8 o na a Eritish Standards Institution 2 Park Street Lendon WIA 28S - Telophene 01-629 9000 - Telex 266933 e508 5. 8 zoo3 (THU) 10:29 enero COMMU CATION No. 19

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