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Antelope High School

Home of the Titans

Principal, John Becker
Phone: (916)782-6565 ext. 1047

Hannah Welty
7801 Titan Drive
Antelope Ca, 95843

Governor Jerry Brown

c/o State Capital, Suite 1173
Sacramento, Ca 95814

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Hannah Welty, I was born in Sacramento, California and I am a Sophomore attending
Antelope High School. It has come to my attention that the war in Syria has created a large influx of refugees,
so large that humanitarian organizations can not do much to help. According to recent statistics gathered by the
United Nations almost 40 percent of the population, both male and female, is under 11 years of age. (Bustle)
To think that innocent children are being negatively impacted by the war everyday and how the United States is
not doing anything to help. I believe that it is morally wrong to just sit around, in our privileged country and do
nothing when we have the power to change and even stop the whole thing.
For the past six years, there has been nonstop fighting between the rebels and the government. Because
of the crisis many have been physically forced from their homes and now live in poverty. It is estimated that a
total of 470,000 Syrians have died since the start of the war. Since 2011, about five million refugees have fled
Syria seeking asylum and more than thirteen million are still in need of humanitarian assistance (Mercy Corps).
The refugees want to find safety, yet many countries with the resources to provide it have denied Syrians help.
The United States has the funds and ability to offer protection, but we have not. For some reason, while
struggling countries are doing their best to aid the refugees, America is doing nothing and has no plan to do
The refugee crisis is alarmingly similar to the worst genocide in history; the Holocaust. Just like how
Syrian refugees are being denied help by the United States today, back in World War II Jewish refugees were
denied the same thing. In WWII America did not accept Jews because they were afraid the Nazis would plant
agents, spies and saboteurs (Geller) amongst the refugees. In 1939 the St. Louis successfully traveled to
America from Germany filled with Jewish refugees but was denied refuge and had to return to Germany where
many of the passengers died. Today the U.S. is afraid that the refugees they let in are Syrian terrorists even
though statistics reveal that the chances of that happening are very low due to the extensive background checks.
To me, protection from harm should be a basic human right because no human deserves to live in unimaginable
fear. Pretty soon the world will think Americans are xenophobic cowards who like to live in their own world
because we appear not to care that innocents are suffering everyday.
I disagree with the current law makers who decided to not help the refugees. They are living in
unimaginable horror everyday when they deserve better. It is literally inscribed on the Statue of Liberty itself,
give me your homeless, tempest-tossed, so America can help. There is no denying that by choosing to not
take action, America is not only going against our ideals as a nation, but ultimately saying we do not care. As
the land of the free and land of opportunity, it is irresponsible to not take action.
Right now Syria has a huge influx of refugees that suffer everyday because of the war. The United
States has decided to not get involved and help, which is morally wrong. The refugees including men, women,
and child suffer everyday. As a nation we should take action and help the Syrian refugees. Thank you so much
for your valuable time.


Hannah Marlene Anne Welty

4635 Elverta Road, Antelope, CA 95843
Antelope High School
Home of the Titans
Principal, John Becker
Phone: (916)782-6565 ext. 1047

Antelope High School Student

Respectful. Responsible. Proud

4635 Elverta Road, Antelope, CA 95843

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