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To: Joe McCormick

From: CJ Peters
Date: November 17, 1989
Re: USAMRIID Should Be In Charge of Monkey House

Hello John McCormick,

I hope everything is well and you're having an enjoyable day. I wanted to inform you that I think
USAMRIID would be the best solution to end all the problems in Reston, Virginia where we
might have the Ebola disease spreading among the monkeys. The disease is spreading through
the air and killing all the monkeys and could possibly infect the humans. I believe USAMRIID
should solve this outbreak problem instead of the CDC. USAMRIID is closer to the Monkey
House than CDC. USAMRIID is military based and soldiers are willing to die to protect the
country. CDC will only protect the entire population of USA. In USAMRIID, we are experienced
with taking Biosafety outside the lab setting because of the Kitum Cave expedition. The soldiers
are at its main personnel which gives USAMRIID an advantage because they can help with
protecting the humans and prevent them from catching any of the diseases.

Thank you for considering the points on having USAMRIID take care of the situation. Please let
me know of any other recommendations/ solutions that you think we can do.

Best regards,
CJ Peters
Colonial Chief of Infectious Diseases

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