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To: Peter Jahrling

From: Tom Geisbert

Date: November 17, 1989
Re: Possible Exposure: Confidential

Hello Peter Jahrling,

I hope you are having a pleasant day. I have very important information that we need to deal
with immediately. As I was in the lab today looking at the monkeys, I found a suspicious-looking
virus under the microscope. I am almost certain that the monkeys have a filovirus, possibly
Ebola. This could be a huge breakout and we could have it, since we sniffed the flasks. I am
currently taking images of the virus and triple checking to make sure that I am correct, but we
need to take action immediately.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to assess the possible exposure to a hot agent.
Please get back to me as soon as possible with any recommendations or information on how
we should proceed.


Tom Geisbert

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