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The extraordinary story behind Danny

Boyles film 127 Hours

STUDENT NAME: Guevara Leyva Victor Manuel Teacher: LIC. Carlos Mera CH.

1 Answer the questions below.

How long is 127 hours in days?
the movie last 5 days 29 minutes
What day and time will it be 127 hours from now?
It would be on Fridays at 7:30

2 Find the following information in the text and as quickly as possible.

1. Who is Aron Ralston?
Aron ralston is an engineer
2. What is the film 127 Hours about?

3. What and where are the fourteeners?

the fourteeners are in Colorado
4. Where did the events in the film take place?
The events occurred in the Bluejohn Canyon Desert- navigating the narrow
passages of Bluejohn Canyon
5. What did Aron Ralston have to do to free himself?
Aron was eventually forced to cut his trapped arm.
6. How did he achieve this?
He achieved this with a small knife from his cheap multitool kit.
7. How did he get to hospital?
Aron arrived at the hospital in a helicopter

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Danny Boyles new film, 127 Hours, tells how climber Aron Ralston found himself
trapped alone in a canyon and had to perform surgery to save his life.
3 Write the key words and expressions from the article next to their meanings.

1. very large rock or piece of

stone a rock (para 1)
2. a body shape that looks thin but is strong the arms
(two words, para 2)
3. the removal of a body part by cutting it off (para 3)
4. forced out of its position concem (para 4)
5. when something has been hit or pressed so hard that it is badly damaged
give up your job (para 4)
6. swore, shouted and said bad words (para 5)
7. great physical strength have courage (two words, para 5)
8. used for replacing a missing body part protest arm (para 5)
9. not pointed or sharp the knife (para 6)
10. feeling extremely happy, usually for a short time only that youre going to get out
of that place (para 7)
11. the formal term for the legal document that states what you want to happen to your
possessions after you die I tape you last will (four words, para 10)
12. Copy exactly Ralstons camera connected him to other peoples love. He
recorded his last will and testament in a series of video diaries while he was
trapped, so it is nicely symbolic that his ordeal has been made into a film.
Although he played his videos to his parents, he decided he would never allow
them to be shown in public. Instead, many of Francos monologues exactly
replicate what Ralston said in his own personal video s (para 10)

Summarizing -
4 Put these facts in chronological order (1-9) to summarize the article. (AR
= Aron Ralston)

9 AR gets a prosthetic arm.

4 AR amputates his right arm.
7 AR films his final messages for his family.
1 Danny Boyle makes a film bout AR.
5 AR realizes that he should not drink his water all at
2 once. AR quits his job as an engineer.
6 AR smashes the bones in his
8 arm. Film audiences faint.
3 A falling rock traps AR in a canyon.
5 Discussion

Complete the sentences by choosing the words which best reflect your opinion and
adding your own thoughts. Then discuss what you have written with a partner.

I think Aron Ralston was brave / stupid / clever / mad

I think aron ralston was very brave and at the same time very intelligent, he knew
very well that if he did not do that he would die

In the same situation, I would have cut off my arm / waited for help

Being in the same situation I would have done the same thing as iso aron because
you have no alternative, it is to die or to live

I would / would not like to see the film because

I like to watch the movie because many times this helps you to reflect

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