Matt Humanites Reflacton

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Matthew Lloyd

Mr. Henricksen

Humanities 1100

25 May 2017

Reflection Essay

I really enjoyed this course, I think that this course broadened my horizons and allowed

me to look at the world in an entirely new way. I really enjoyed the class discussions that we

had about religions and happiness. Before this class I only knew about my religion and a few

bits and pieces of other religions. I really enjoyed learning about the eastern religions, Hinduism

and Buddhism really struck a chord with me, I liked learning how these religions came to be and

how they worshiped and practiced. I loved learning about Taoism and Confucianism, I thought it

was really cool how it is more of a guideline for life and how life should be lived, those really

made me think about life and what it meant to be happy and I am happy to say that I have

adopted many of the guidelines for life from other religions because of this class. I also enjoyed

the discussions and texts about nature, I like how we talked about nature being different for every

person and getting to hear from other students about their experiences with nature. I really liked

the texts from Edward Abbey and I have plans to read more from him because I have been to the

places he writes about and it is really interesting to hear his opinion on those places. I highly

recommend this course for anyone who is looking to branch out and learn about how other

humans live and how the world works. Going into this course I was warned that I may be

offended but that was not the case at all, I dont think that learning something new can be
offensive. I think that everyone needs to take this course because we all live in the same world

but we all know so little about each other. We need to accept each other and realize that we are

all the same deep down and our similarities are greater than our differences.

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