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sae TEDc8 279° AS 47992000 Australian Standard™ Installation of underground utility services and pipelines within railway boundaries cnt OR UMTED e226 2008 “hie Australian Standard was prepueé by Committe CH23, Utility Services Gorgon Trenches use sproves 9 hla f the Cnet ofSancar Rast ‘on 12 May 2060 and published on 19 Sly 2000, ‘The flowing ltrs at cerseted on Commitee CES: ‘Aucealaian ConosionAsocnton ‘AuaalesianRalay Assocs ‘Brisbane Ciy Count lect Soply Associaton of Austra Inston of Eine Asia South Austalan Water Corporation “The Assan Gas Asoo Water Serves Associton of Austin epiog Standards update ‘Sundae a living Scant whith fletpropes in slece tchrlogy and ‘Grom To muna ter cama a Sand epg seg nd Siete ae publi "Btotn lions, snchngnts hy kee thay are asl 3 caren Standard, which sould ioetude any amendmen Which insy have Sees poblsed vnc he Saar wa pura Dette infgrmtion about Stadads ean be found by ving the Stands awe sg snr stone md ing op he eva Sard ied Catslogue roves information cyrent at any ech nthe Aoraton Standard Wisin of niga Cons va am attulgstndardecom ao me toe Chet eee Se es eae rer eae ‘Ths Sandord wos sued i dr form fr conment ax DR 94019. ‘AS 47992000 Australian Standard™ Installation of underground utility services and pipelines within railway boundaries ‘coPrRIGHT cy CRLMETED on 2 462008 PREFACE “Tis Standard was propared by the Standards Austcaia Commitee CBS, Isalaion of Usiliy Services and Pipelines within Railway Boundaries, ‘The objecve of this Standard 10 provide conrctors snd railway personel wit Specification for the instalation, re and nisintnance of services within alleay ‘oundarien “The term ‘informative’ has been sod in thi Standard to define the application of the Sppendix to hich i pple. An “informatie” append ie only for information end ldance ‘ces ORNATE 2000 CONTENTS SECTION | SCOPE AND GENERAL Lr Score 12 APPLICATION, 13 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS. vs-nscnn (a DEFINITIONS. I SECTION2 PROJECT DOCUMENTATION 21 SCOPE OF SECTION. 22. GENERAL. I 23 PLANS AND INFORMATION SECTION3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVICES AND PIPELINES 3.L_ SCOPE OF SECTION. 32. LOCATION OF SERVICES AND PIPELINES. 23 DESIGN OF ENCASING PIPES AND NON-ENCASED CARRIER PIPES 34 PROTECTION AGAINST ELECTROLYSIS, CORROSION AND INDUCED CURRENTS. ae 5. METHOD OF INSTALLATION 16 BORING AND JACKING OF PIPES UNDER TRACKS... 47 TRENCHING AND TEMPORARY TUNNELLING UNDER TRACKS. 438 DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL. 39 BACKFILLING OF EXCAVATIONS, cn BO. MARKERS wn : 311. RENEWAL OR REPLACEMENT OF SERVICE OR FIPELINE 13.12. CHANGE OF OPERATING CONDITIONS = 313 CESSATION OF USE. 314 WORK AS EXECUTED. 43S WORKS OF THE CORPORATION = ae SECTION 4 REQUIREMENTS FOR PIPELINES CARRYING NON-FLAMMABLE. SUBSTANCES 4. SCOFE OF SECTION... o ~ 42. GENERAL, — 443 PRESSURE PIPELINES UNDER TRACKS 44 NONPRESSURE PIPELINES. — SECTIONS REQUIREMENTS FOR PIPELINES CARRYING COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS AND FLAMMABLE FLUIDS 51. SCOPE OF SECTION. sn 532. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. 53 CONSTRUCTION, INSPECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING SA VALVE LOCATIONS... os — 55 COMPRESSOR STATIONS. ' 56 FLARE POINTS, cea y OR UNITED 2 208 SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVICES 61 SCOPE OF SECTION. 62. GENERAL 63 COMMUNICATION AND CATHODIC PROTECTION CABLES. 64 POWER CABLES (HGH AND LOW VOLTAGE}, APPENDIX A. PIPE SELECTION. i week cn OR METED e226 208 ‘STANDARDS AUSTRALIA ‘Australian Standard Installation of underground utility services and pipelines within railway boundaries SECTION 1 SCOPE AND GENERAL 1a score ‘The Standard sts out th of services such a com ‘ipelinescazying combustbe quis, lammable Huis and non-flammable substances lid Tuer rlluay ack or elsewhere, below ground, and within alia Bounds. Resuiements for pipelines carrying toxie or coranve substances, or combustible olds, ret inlided inthe Stands. 1 The series or pines to which tis Standard applies shouldbe designed, conte, testo, an agent nder se fo of satay suri iene, ander rgastion “Tis Sanord dos not sypesedeo ake pede vere Teqlenens ofan Hae or requition 2 Work should wet commence il the propor hss teen approved bythe Corparaion and ter eleva uty eqiement ae een species 2 The servis or pptnes shold be egitered with oneal oil before you dig series Shere sila for the bait of mer of he pb seoking the lean of brid sate 412 APPLICATION vices and pipelines shall comply wih the relevant requirements of Section3, and tthe following Sections, a applieble ()Pipetnes earring non-Sammable substances, Section 4 (©) Pipeline carrying combustible liqide and flammable Duin Seeton 5. (9) Serves nanos - Sesion 6 1.3. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS ‘The following documents are reerd tin his Sundar {29 Methods fing slo enginering ppt (Al a) 1697s tamin snd atbtn tne (som a he SAA Gas Fpl Seis 1762 Hea cas apd se pps—Dasin ed ian 28m Cadi protaion of mals 2832.1 Pats Piper and bles 2885 Pipelines—Gas snd lgud pevoleun 2885.1. Design and construction estoy oR UNITED 2 2088 as 3703 Lond.spen corrugated steal structure 37032 Desiguand Installation 3725 Loads on buried concrete pipes 4058 Precast eonerete pipes (pressure and non-pessrs) 4139 Flbrereinforced conree pipes so tings AsiNzs 1260 PVC pipes and stings or dean, waste and vot apliations 2081 Buried corgated metal structures, 2566 Buried exible ppeine 25661 Part: Sretral design 3000 Fletrical installations (known as Ausealin/New Zzaland Wiring Roles) pe ‘AG GOL Asstralan Bride Design Code SAA. 1HB77 Australian Bridge Design Code (al pars) 14 DEFINITIONS or the purposes of his Standard the definitions below apply 141 Administrative definitions LAL Approved Except as maybe otherwise sated, approved by the Coepratin 14.12 Corporation ‘A body having settory powers to conrol the design, cpemtion and maintenance of railways, 14.13 Compete person ‘A parson suitably qualified, trained and appropriately experienced fe the patcular class tind of werk describe May Indicates the existence of an option 1418. Omer ‘Tao authority, bods, applicant, licensee, cense's agent or any party applying for, being granted, installing, ising or minsining any service on, or crossing the propery of the Corporation, 146 Shot ncaes that a statement i mandatory. 147 Project docwmemaion Davings, spovificstions and associated documents that describe the proposed services or pipelines tobe installed Pe RANE 22 288 4142 Technical definitions 1421 Cormier pipe AA pipe that caries combustible liquids, flammable fide, wate, sewage, or other brane, 1422 Combustible lignid A liga that has a aspoit above 6°. 1423 Coneruction loads Loads imposed on she carrer pip, encsemest, or encasing pipe by the placement and ‘compaction of bickfil or ordinary fill as well as the passage of constuction equipment a ecordance with AS 3725 fr rigid pipe and ASINZS 2366.1, oF ater appropriate Standard, fora flecbl pipe 1424. Brcesement An exteral enerte surround to pps, cable or condi. 1425. Broacing pipe [A prtestive pipe trough which the cave pipe cable or consti placed 14.26. Flammable fd Avid either liquid or gas, that sa ashpoint ap to and ncadng 61°C 1427 Formation level Interface level between balls and earth support, 1428 Pipolne ‘System consisting ofan assembly of carrier pipes, encasing pipes, valves, fitings and accesories as appeopcate, edt convey Mids 1.4.29 Rativay boundary “Lim of and tats owned andor controled by the seltway Corporation, 1.42.10. Rail evel “The datum level ofthe tp runing surface ofthe lower ral ofeach tack under which tbe sevie or pipeline passes. 1A2AL Services ‘System of cables of @ system consisting of an assembly of pipe, conduits, tings and sscerores used to protest communication, cathode proteston aad power cabling dy MED on 2 e808 SECTION 2 PROJECT DOCUMENTATION 21. SCOPE OF SECTION “This Section sts out the requirements fr information to be provided bythe oweer ia the documentation fr projet approval 22 GENERAL Project documentation shall cover any matters asscited with the proposed services oF pipelines. insalaion Te is necessary that these matters be fully and accurately ommuniated to those partes concerned withthe design, constuction and approval of te Installation of uch series or pipes 2.3. PLANS AND INFORMATION 23.41 General ‘The owner shall supply the Corporation with plane and information of the propored insulation, insiuing& drawing of te markers where required (see Clase 3.1). 232 Plan 23.2.1. Scales and plan dealt Plan ofthe proposed srvset 0 pipeline shall be dat to tale showing thee relation to way tracks, other services and pipelines (above or below ground level) overhead wiring Structures and other facilis, property boundaries, and abutals, the aagle of erosin locaton of valves and pits, and eter relevant deals Dimensions shall be shown for services or metal pipelines within 207m of overhead wiring structures, other elcrcal power services or othe meullie structs. The plan shal show a ‘north’ compass pont, the mame of and direction tothe nearest vay sation and distance referenc(s) a Kllomedes along the rallway of the proposed tustalavion (in particular fran undertck crossig). “The distance reference sll be measured in accordance withthe ealway ack Kilometape measuring sytem NOTE: Railay ackside Kilometre posts aed plated 100m maths on lepers wil indcte ach aan. Plans stall inclu a cross-section (or setons) fom field survey showing the sevice ot pipeline in relation tothe atl profile and level of the ground and track a erasings abd tepresenative locations 23.2.2 Desig clewations and consruction methods LUniess covered by the provisions af tis Standhrd or a required by the Corporation, the pipeline pln shal be sceonpaaied by full design computations of combined stresses wit {eo denign et Loads fr) the earier pipes, and extral sre within (or design test lode for the eneasing pines (whet the eneasng pipe te requed) and cetied bythe owner's ‘competent person, and uso checked and signed by second competent personas agreed between the prt, ‘Construction fads shall be allowed for inthe design and the constuction method shal be leanyideatifes een OR LATED cn 22 08 23.23. Sheting ond shoring Detsiled desvings of any supports, sheeting or shoring, where necessary fr constructional purposes, sal be available where requested by the rall Corporation Te drawings shall be Secompinied by design caleulatioe cared out and certified by the owners competent peso and shall also be checked and signed by a second competent pason, a5 agreed berwoon the partie. 233 Information In aditon to the requirements specified in Cause 2.3.2 forthe supply of plans and ets, the fling inermation shal Be specifi inthe project documentation, whee spplicable (@) Name and dere and telephone mmber of ner (©) Nae snd dies and telephone sunber of contrast who will cary ou © (@ Distance references) in Klometes, expressed in whole kilometss and 3 decimal figures, along tho eilway tothe proposed etalon (e) Proposed suthod of inaaltion including size and ls pls stan, and under tac east de (9) Propored date of ntaliation, (@)Detisof service fr cables, ie. ()ypeand eumber of abe; i) volta; Gi) eng of able on property of Corporation; (9) ype of mechanieal potection, (9) number, size and typeof conductors; (i) depth below natural surface or rad level or aleve: or (i) dois of method of lying cable or conduit (Le, tefoi. Ma), specng berween ‘ables or condat, number of spare conius, and typical cos-sectons of trench undersrack crossing: and (i in electric action areas (existing and proposed), proposed method of protection fom elecelyi () Dats ofpipetine, ie (coment tobe handed (i) Bestpony, in degrees Celis, o he Mud conveyed; (Gi) intemal diameter fr caver pipe and encasing pipes (Go) pipe matsal and titnessclss for carrer pipe and encasing pipes (©) wall ticks for exer pipe sad encasng pipe, (i) maximum allowable operating pressure in ilopascels; (i)_ype ot ois for carrer and encssng pipes (ify detais of exteral cating of carte pipe and encasng pis (3) cathodic protection; (©) whether letealy continuous; ions of jacking and boring eee y ORI on 28 08 o ()_type of insulating joint tobe proved atthe Corporation's boundaries; (al) method of sealing at cad of encasag pipe (i) deaining ot ends of encasing pipes (iv) vention of excasing pipe: (Gv) dels of ele to be used fo fil voi betwen caer pipes and borehole or casing: (i) procedure for inspections and testing ofthe proposed instalation; end (ei placement of shut-off valves. tals of round conditions, (© bece logs; and ) otto tot 38 require. een GRATE cn 2 288 SECTION 3. GENER SERVICE AL AND. 34 SCOPE OF SECTION “This Section sets otal the general requirements appiesble othe instalation of services ‘and pipelines within ily boundaries, 32, LOCATION OF SERVICES AND PIPELINES 321 General ‘The alignment of the service or pipslne shall be as suaight es practicable within the Pipelines shall be eof ater obstructions and shal havea ufoem pipe enbedent ‘Vertis! and horizontal clsrance between & service or piplie and a structure ball be sulisint te permit maintenanee ofthe sevice r pipeline and strate. In emer whore minis arena esi, the approval ofthe Cerpeaton shall be equited 3.22 Iustallatons aerass tacks Secvices and pipelines shoud be loeted so as 10 cross the tracks a close to 90° a8 pratcable; however, iti considered preferable to ave a greater oblique angle than (0 Introduce bends within the rally reserve ‘Wherever practicable crossings should na be in Wt or rocky tein or where deep outs are sequred ‘Whee the croasing i aed out by open cut, te sevice or pipeline shall eos the tac at 908 1323 Installations slong reserve 323.1 General Al services and pipelines that are pelted by the Corpomtion to be installed Tongiusinally inthe vila reserve shal be located as far as feasible from tracks an ober ‘portant swuctre 3.232 Relation to rack and formation “The sevice or pipeline sll nt be loested cor win 10/mof the nearest a 324. Clearance from railway acide ‘Services and pipelines shall be Id atleast 3m clear of al alway sretures, cate tnd stops, sis, egnalling equipment, overhead. mast, poles, underground cables, bulngs, pits and crossings, brides and culver, 25 Pits and acess chambert in 6m ofthe to of banks or top of cstngs, 0 acest chwmbers shall not be ocated witia Design loads Units otherwise agreed, pumnuent pi maf the toe of banks ortop of outings nor Within 10m of the nearest shal be s approved by the Corporation ‘cst GR LMETED 2200 326 Separation Pipeline routes, cable rates, carrer pipes and encasng pipes shall be separated by a clear spocng of at least 600 mn in he horizontal plane from other pipelines ané from power end ‘ommuseaion ele, unless agreed to otherwise in writing, by the prt NOTE: Tais separation i inert, arly at cengstedcrosrings and to sect Ieeig of see cont. 32.7 Corporation's drainage ‘The work sal not impede the ee flow of deainage along the property ofthe Corporation, 3.3 DESIGN OF ENCASING PIPES AND NON-ENCASED CARRIER PIPES. 33.1 General For pipelines crossing under eallway vacks, the length of pipe designed to withstand she nay loading sal extend toa east 1.0 bayond the toe of the embankment or cating, fore minum distance from the acaest vail ag detailed in Figures 4.1, 5.1 and 6.1, ppropite,whihe When considering the length of pipe designed to witstnd the railvay loading, consideration sal be given f the ikelinood of fare works within the reierve. 332 Design parameters “The design parameters snl be in accordence with Sections 4,5 and 6, a= appropriate 333. Design loads 33341 Rollnay fading Railway loading stall be spciid bythe Ceypration NOTE: tn the absence of design oats, Table AI of appends A may bused 33.82 Pipe selection Pipes stall be designed by approved methods to carry alway loading, construction losing, and ay osor relevant loads incluing ground loads and other veicle Toads. NOTE: Guidnov opie selection i given a pend A 334 Pipe materials (ther pipe materia not apically adreted herein may be used subject othe approval ofthe Corporation 34 PROTECTION AGAINST ELECTROLYSIS, CORROSION AND INDUCED ‘CURRENTS 34. General ‘Most mali train cotet with si ar subject to sorosion ‘The rate of corrosion i coeerataé due to the presence af electrical currents in the ground. specially direct caren. In exiting sod propored electrified ares the rogirement prect egunst corrosion due to electoljsis caused by the tation system becomes paticalsey important, ‘The owner of underground metalic services and pipelines installed within the property of. the Corporation sal take adequate precastion to protect this istalltion against eerosion by contig or covering the pipes with suiabl patie materi, galvanizing or eer proves ‘methods Protection shall be in accordance with ASINZS 2852.1 sn statutory requirement ad shi berinained as geeed between the owner and he Corporation, decemndy OR TED on 246 208 3.42 lest traction areas Where tection curens are used, mitigation equipment end test facilities shall be provided in socordance wth AS/NZS 2832 ‘est pont shal be insted atthe Boundaries and elsebere withthe railway reserve 35 greed with the Gorportion, to cable monitoring ofthe pipeline and exsing pipe where applicable (ee ASINZS 2832.1), 35. METHOD OF INSTALLATION 35.1 Boring ‘Where site conditions permit, the instal teacks and at least 3 m beyond the outer ‘whichever i te farther. 3.52 Other methods of construction Other methods of construction (4. ditetons! dling) not specifclly referenced inthis Standard shall be submited othe Corporation for appara tion shall be by boring forthe portion under the ior 3m beyond the toe of embankment, 136. BORING AND JACKING OF PIPES UNDER TRACKS 36.1 Boring 36.11 General ‘Where services of pipes are installed by boring the dimetr ofthe bored Hole should not exceed the outside dlameter ofthe pip, service o easing pipe, and any coating by more than 50 mm. ‘Where the diameter of tho borehole exceeds the ouside diameter ofthe pipe by more han ‘50 min o where it necessary to abandon a boot hole, prompt remedia mssites shal be taken to provide support forthe alway ad the hole shall be backfilled in wecorésnce with Cae 1953. 3612 Unencated bore hoes ‘Uneacased boreholes exceeding 100 1am in dlemete hal not be Bored unde asks unless ‘he nsalition ofthe rervice or enasing pipe willbe completed before the passage of the ext train, or unless otherwise approved ty the Corporation. Any eavty between the borehole and the pipe or sevice sill be backfilled i aosordance with Causa 3.9.3. 3.62 Jacking 3621 Genera! Installation of services and pipelines under tacks by jacking may be permied a8 an slternative o bering. 3622 Excavation Excavation bal proceed not more thn 600 mm ahead of he leading end ofthe pipe before the pipes jacked orvara 3623 End of hit The pipe shal be jacked up tight 1 the fre, a the end of every shift or whenever the press of jacking has cease for more than 2, 3.624 Shoring Unless oerwise specified he feof the excavation sal be supported by shoring. cea OR UMMED co 9 37 TRENCHING AND TEMPORARY TUNNELING UNDER TRACKS. 37.4. Shoring Where services or pipes are installed by trenching or tunnelling under tacks, he excavation stall be adequately shored 32 Depth ‘The top ofthe temporary tunnel shoring shall be at lest 2m below rll evel, Where necessery, open ct tenciag, whe all the sll is removed from under the wack(s) porto the installation of pipeline o sevice, shal be 10 the approval ofthe Corporation 3.23 Temporary track supports We required tempor soporte was sl be provide by the Corpeaton at ‘3M DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL 38.1 General ‘Exeavated material shal nt be disposed of dtety ont the track blast, 382. Deposition of seit ‘Material from excavations shall be deposited io such a ztnner that it a kept ler of wack ballasts to ave outing of ballast and blocking of track or other surface drainage. 382 Protection of ballast ‘where i 6 necessary to pice excavated materials between the rails of upon the ballast shoulders, an approved separation medivm shall be ed to protect the ballast, and such ‘astral and reparation medivm shall be removed on completion 39 BACKFILLING OF EXCAVATIONS 39.1 Open excavations {All open excavations under tracks and fora distance of atleast 3m beyond the outer ris, ‘and including the whole of aay embankment shall be backfilled and compacted with Spproved finely crushed rocks, sand, gravel or eer approved tral oat least 95% of ‘asximm mosified dry density, as determined in accordance with AS 1289 (all pars, for {he top 1 mas measured fom formation level, and to atleast 99% of maxinum moifed Ary canst forthe remainder of he open oxen. Dall shall be reinstated tothe satishseton ofthe Corporation 39.2 Temporary tunnels ‘Tho cavity beeen the tunel walls end the eneasng pipe or service or carrie pipe, and ty cavity behind the temporary tunnel shorngs, shall be Backilled with approved ‘mattis Such as ely erased rot, sand, ravel er rou. 393. Roreholes ‘Any cavity greater than SO mm between the oethole andthe service or the pipe shall be buckilled with approved materials sucha goat 394. Reinstatement ‘The property ofthe Corporation shall be let na clean and tidy condition ‘ct by RUNGE 2 e200 3.40 MARKERS B40 General ‘Unless otherwise indicate in Setions 4,5 and 6, markers shal be provided to india the location ofall underground pipelines and services. 3.102 Location ‘Markers shal be located above a adjacent othe buried eableo pipeline (©) points of entering ad leaving the propery ofthe Corporation (©) atchanges of direction; (©) ataistances between contccative markers ofthe lester of 200 m or lne of its (©) stall esas or other pois of potenti hazards sod (© where specitid, a the ends ofthe under rack crossing (the cod ofthe under tac ‘rosin is tken as te point 3m beyond the out Yall or te ofthe embankment) 3.403 Requirements ‘Markers shall comply wit he following requeements: (©) Standat east 800s out ofthe ground, othe Bott ofthe marker plate (©) Be of noncombustible materia for the marker plate ard ofa least Froreistan smatra forthe poe (6) Wording on markers to be legible, permanent, and formed in a non-combustie medium, o otherwise approved 2y the Corporation. 3.104 Orientation Descriptive wording and iestctons tat are shows on murkrs trace, 3405 Wording Wording on markers shall oc the following fhce the sallvay (@) The owner's name, (©) A waring ofthe presence of buried service or pipelines. (©) Thenature ofthe buried service or pipeline, (©) Contact advice inthe event ofan emergency. 3.11 RENEWAL OR REPLACEMENT OF SERVICE OR PIPELINE, ‘Any renewal or replacement of a service, or pipeline, stall be considered as a new {natallaion and shal iy ll the roquiemants ofthis Standard 342. CHANGE OF OPERATING CONDITIONS ‘The ower shal inform and absinthe approval ofthe Comoe the following operating conditions (2) Comet sonvoyed in th pips. (©) Maximum allowable operating presse, (©) For services, th number, size, ype and voltage of power cables ‘ene by OR LMTED 24 208 313 CESSATION OF USE ‘When the owner ceases o use the service or pipeline, the woes shal remove itor render it nf te sntifcton ofthe Corporation, 3.4 WORK AS EXECUTED, “The owner abl advise the Corporation whe (Corporation with plus ofthe work as exeuted work comploted and stall provide the 345 WORKS OF THE CORPORATION ‘Whee any proposed works or other changis sre inated, which may affect existing oF ed istalane the Ccpeaton shall vies flected owner in wing acoordingy. end by OR LTE 20428 SECTION 4 REQUIREMENTS FOR PIPELINES CARRYING NON-FLAMMABLE SUBSTANCES 41 ScoPE OF SECTION ‘This Section ses out the spect requirements forthe design, constuction and installation of pipeline that reuse fer carrying non famatable substances suchas wate, stormwater, snd sown 42 GENERAL. 42.1, Install Carte pipes and encasng pipes of pipelines carrying non-flammable substances shall be lnstaled In aecoedanee with Section and the addon requirements specified in Section 4 422. Depth of pipes Carrier pipes and ene installed and mnintined at he depths shown Ia Figure. 423. End walls and aprons ‘Where a drainage pipe or an igation pine of a kon-pressore pipeline ie connected to an ‘unlined rain of chanzet onthe property of the Cayporstio, end Walls and aprons stall be provided to peteet agus seauring ‘The top of he end walls hl be not les than 300 mm above fll supply level or the top of the pipe, whichever levels higher 424 Open channels ‘The fall supply level of sn open channel system within the property of the Corporation xl bebelow te formation level of the permanent way, af approved by te Cerpration. 425 Markers Markers shall be provided In accordance with Clase 3.10 to Indiate the locaton of ‘underzround pipelines erying nor annable substance. 43. PRESSURE PIPELINES UNDER TRACKS 431 Bneasing Unies eterwise approves, the care pipe shall be— (6) cocased in pipe designed in accordance with Cause 3.3; 0 (©) suroanded by a reinforced concrete encasement. NOTE: Large mse ppslines rich a low rer irignton phon aed special design onsiertn. 43.2. Ste ofencasing pipe The internal damster ofthe enasing pipe sal be at lest $0 mm greater than the largest ‘external diameter ofthe carrer pipe, Joints o couplings for pipelines of less than 150 mm ‘iamter, end at les 100 mm pester for pipelines of 180 mm diameter or great rere ORME cn 209 44 NON-PRESSURE PIPELINES 44.1 Materials ‘Now peste pipelines sal be designed in accordance with Clause 3.3. 442 Joints ‘Where any pipe flows fl, s under »hyéranlic heed o ats as a spon, joins inthe pipe shall be epableof withstanding the rxximun itera weeking pressure ey OR UME 22008 SECTION S| REQUIREMENTS FOR PIPELINES CARRYING COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS AND FLAMMABLE FLUIDS 51. SCOPE OF SECTION ‘This Sesion set out the specific requirements forthe design, constuction, iatallation, {esting operation and maintenance of pipelines that are used 9 convey combustible gus and lamamable fds suchas petroleum and ges. NOTE: Where iat practic! to say the zeuremens of his Standard, spec design and enstrscton methods may bed, wah wl be sabe toh ppv of the Copan 52 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS, 52. General [Bxcep st detailed elsewhere in this Standard the design ofthe case pipe andthe eacasing Pipe sal be eared out i accordance wit AS 1697, AS 2885.1 or AG 60, a8 appropriate ‘Where a carrier pipe isa see pipe it may be designed and installed witout an encasing pipe, providing sucient mechanical ané cathodic protetion ae provided as approved bY {he Corporation. Whar a case pipe fs not steal pips, sal be encased In accordance tothe extent shown ia Fig 522 Depth of pipe ‘The depth of cover to pipe Ind under tracks shall be a6 shown in Figue5.1. Ifthe rminimum cover eannet be provided adjacent tothe formation, concrete slabs or similar

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