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Delfin 1

Araceli Delfin

Professor Olivas

English 101

07 May 2017 Negligence at its Finest

Kenneth Suttner, 17 (Travis Andrews 1), Riley Garrigus, 16 (Ariel Rothfield 1), Jaqwanta

Goodley, 12 (Kendria LaFleur 1), and Gabriel Taye, 8 (Safia Ali 1), are different ages but all

have something in common: All are victims that have succumbed to suicide due to bullying.

These four deaths have been reported and publicized within the last 6 months of this year alone.

It is a shame to see young lives destroyed due to bullying, especially since there is so much more

that can be done to prevent it. Every school should be mandated to have information sessions for

the parents and students that will bring more awareness and prevention to the epidemic of

bullying. In the short story, The Friday That Changed Everything, one of the girls is bullied by

all the boys in class. The boys went after Alma to beat her up as they came out of class, but

luckily the girls of her class defended her. Not all children are as lucky as Alma Niles. Many

youth endure bullying with no help at all, without anyone to intervene. No child should feel so

depressed or fearful that they would want to end their life. Every student should feel secure and

comfortable enough to alert school authorities and report if they are being bullied. Parents should

be more aware and recognize the signs that something is wrong with their child. Action to

prevent the agony these kids go through is vital.

Delfin 2

Works Cited

Weddle, Daniel B. "When Will Schools Take Bullying Seriously?" TRIAL, Oct, 2003, pp. 18+, SIRS
Issues Researcher,

Blume, Howard. "Efforts to Curb Bullying Falling Short." Los Angeles Times, 14 Feb, 2017, pp. B.1,
SIRS Issues Researcher,

Swearer, Susan M. "5 Myths about Bullying." Washington Post, 02 Jan, 2011, pp. B.3, SIRS Issues

Rothfield, Ariel. "Dozens demand change from school after Sedalia teen's suicide." KSHB. N.p., 13 Apr. 2017.
Web. 13 May 2017. <

Junod, Tom. "The Terrible Boy." Esquire, Oct, 2002, pp. 156+, SIRS Issues Researcher,

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