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Apple Whiskey

Grind with apple grinder 25 to 30 gallons of apples and press them

with an apple press
to get 15 gallons of fresh apple cider. Or get 15 gallons of Un-
pasteurized apple cider.
The apple cider will produce 8.5% ABV to boost it up dissolve 15
pounds of Cane Sugar. This will give you a ABV of about 14% which
will yield about 2 gallons of apple whiskey @ 90 % or 180 Proof
Add 2 packs of whiskey yeast and ferment about 5 days at 72
degrees -+.

When it stops bubbling, run in your Turbo Stomper Still. Carbon Filter
your hooch.
Put apple whiskey into 1 quart jars with 6 toasted white oak sticks.

Place each quart jar in the refrigerator at night and remove each
day for 4 days
or until a dark rich whiskey color is achieved.
Sample each day to test desired flavor. Strain through coffee filter.
Cut with distilled water to taste. Bottle and enjoy.


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