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Growth Mindset and the Brain

1 2 3 4 Day 5

This is a tool to get a quick

assessment of your students
mindsetstheir beliefs about
the malleability of
A short video about You Can Learn Anything: A
intelligence, the relative Introduction to Growth Mindset The Learning Brain
neuroplasticity motivational video
importance of learning and
perfect performance, and
their attitudes toward effort
and mistakes.

Let students revisit the survey

and determine what kind of
Student Mindset Survey from Growth or Fixed Mindset
mindset they have. Ask A short video about neurons
Brainology page 2-3 Worksheet
students to write their goals
about their mindset.

Another video from Jo Boaler

Alternative Survey Worksheet: Worksheet: Page 24-25
about brain plasticity


Developing Growth Mindset

Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10

The Backwards Brain Bicycle: A
video that shows how someone
Lesson For Comparing and
Hard Work, Perseverance, You Can Grow Your Intelligence learned how to do what seemed Growth Mindset Graphic
Contrasting Growth Mindset and
GRIT Reading Article and Worksheet impossible to learn. This Organizer
Fixed Mindset
emphasizes on PRACTICE,
Practice, Practice
Grow your Brain, Challenge it,
Solve Problems, Make
Challenges Grow Your Brain
Mistakes, Practice, Practice
and Practice

Reframing Challenges, Failures and Mistakes

Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15

Growing Your Mind by Khan Growing Your MInd by Khan
Mistakes Reflection Activity Don't Give Up Taking Care of the Brain
Academy: Part 1 on page 3 Academy: Part 2 on page 3
Learn to Enrich Your Adolescent Change Your Words, Change
Neuroplasticity Video for part 2
Brain: ACTIVITY A page 6 Your Mindset Worksheet

Reframing Challenges, Failures and Mistakes

Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20

Video from Khan Academey
Does Your Attitude Determine Mistakes and Persistence MIndset Scan: Worksheet on Effective Effort Rubric from
about failure, persistence and
Your Altitude? Worksheet page 4, chart on page 5. Brainology

Never Give Up in Looking for

Success Through Effort
Mathematical Connections

Growth Mindset Beyond the Classroom

Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24

Maximize Personal Growth:
Our Brains Can Grow
Cultivating a Growth Mentality
Slide 16- 19 focus on how to
cultivate a growth mindset.
Previous slides focus on review Which Step Have You Reached? Looking Ahead
of what growth and fixed
mindset is.

Reading: You Can Grow Your

Reading: You Can Grow Your Reading: You Can Grow Your
Resources: Intelligence (Brainology pg 15-
Intelligence (Brainology pg 15-22) Intelligence (Brainology pg 15-22)

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