Simonbolivar Portfolio2

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Simon Bolivar

By Alexandra Shalikashvili
Simon bolivar was considered one of the most powerful figures in the history of South

America. He was a very important South American military leader who was a big part of the

revolutions against the Spanish empire. He had some major accomplishments such as leading the

very successful Magdalena Campaign. From being born into a very wealthy family to leading

his country in the revolutions he was always very well respected. Although he died at age 47

in 1830 his legacy lived on.

On July 24th 1783 Simon bolivar was born into a very wealthy and prosperous family.

After the death of his father when he was 3 years old and his mother at age 9, Bolivar was taken

in by his uncle. When he was 16 years old Bolivar was sent to Spain in order to complete his

education. While he was there he met a woman named Maria Teresa, they got married and

decided to return back to Venezuela, but only a year later she fell ill to the Yellow Fever and

passed away. In order to escape the pain of grief Bolivar returned to Europe.

While Bolivar was in Europe he met a great naturalist named Alexander von Humboldt,

who spoke about enormous natural resources and wonders of the continent. He also witnessed

the coronation of Napoleon as emperor on December 2, 1804. Throughout all of this the one

thing that kept coming into Bolivars mind was that one man could change the fate of an entire

country, and make history. Soon after the coronation of Napoleon, Bolivar met with his

childhood tutor, Rodriguez, after spending some time with him Bolivar vowed to free his country

no matter the consequence. Soon after this he made his way back home to America in 1807. In

the following year France invading Spain. In 1810 the city council of caracaras sent Bolivar to

seek protection from the british against any attempt from France to invade Venezuela. The fight
for control of Caracas, Venezuela and most of South American continued even when he got back

home. Once Bolvar returned to Venezuela, he began a campaign to wrest control of that country

from the Spanish. He and his followers invaded Venezuela in 1813. After this Bolivar became

involved in a number of military battles, eventually able to claim several territories. In 1821 they

saw the creation of the Gran Colombia, under Bolvar's leadership. Further events led him to be

named Dictator of Peru in 1824, followed by the creation of Bolivia in 1825. In 1830 Bolivar

resigned from dictatorship and made plans to travel to Europe, but instead died shortly later after

a battle with what may or may not have been tuberculosis.

Works cited

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