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Sarisa Namo Keittivuti

Mr.Abel Cadias

English 10/10:01

May 16, 2017

How Does the Mimosa Pudica as Invasive Species Affect Growing of Rice in Thai Farming?

Thailands rice production has been affected by an invasive plant Mimosa Pudica

which can inactivate its seed and spread anywhere, however it can be killed by using

chemical herbicide. The purpose of this research report is to find out the effects of Mimosa

Pudica to Thai rice farming and how to decrease its population. The importance of this

research report is to provide an information about the effect of Mimosa pudica to rice

production and how to destroy them. The first source is an article by ISSG (Invasive species

specialist group) entitled Global invasive species database: Mimosa Pudica which provides

information about general impacts, management information, uses, habitat description and

description of Mimosa Pudica. Second, an article entitled Mimosa Pudica (sensitive plant)

by CABI discusses about physiology and phenology, environmental requirements and

economic Impact of Mimosa Pudica. Third, an article entitled How to get rid of the Mimosa

Pudica plant? by Marylee Gowans explains about chemical and manual ways to control

Mimosa Pudica. The fourth source is an article by Hafsa Ahmad, Sakshi Sehgal, Anurag

Mishra, and Rajiv Gupta entitled Mimosa Pudica L. (Laajvanti): An overview provides

information about the biological source and bending movement of Mimosa Pudica. Fifth, an

article entitled Think twice before planting mimosa by Terry Brite Delvalle explains about

disadvantages of planting Mimosa. The sixth source is an article by Watcharin Kejornwong

entitled The effect of Mimosa Pudica in roi ed explains about how Mimosa Pudica affects

the farming in Roi ed, Thailand. Seventh, an article entitled The potential of Thai indigenous

plant species for the phytoremediation of arsenic contaminated land by P Visoottiviseth


explains about the plants that were able to tolerate in arsenic contaminated land. Last but not

least, an article by P Rotkittikhun entitled Uptake and accumulation of lead by plants from

the Bo Ngam lead mine area in Thailand discusses about the plants that can contain high

concentration of leads.

What is Mimosa Pudica?

The article entitled Mimosa Pudica ( sensitive plant) stated that Mimosa Pudica is

originally of Southern Mexico to mid South America and the Caribbean; it is introduced to

the other parts of the world. Later it turns into a popular weed throughout most tropical

region. Even though Mimosa Pudica usually grows as an annual plant or plant that finishes its

lifecycle in one year; in subtropical and tropical part it grows as a perennial plant. By

growing in both tropical and subtropical part of the world, it is mostly found in moist climate

but it has the ability to tolerates in the sun or heavy shades (CABI, N.D).The plant is

originally located on soil with low nutrient concentrations; it doesnt grow well on richer soil

(Magda et al., 2006). It grows commonly on well-drained soil, even on eroded subsoil or

scalped one. Moreover, burnt soil may allow it to spread in pastures (Siregar,1990). Mimosa

Pudica can grow as a single plant or an underbrush. According to Francis,M. pudica grows

from near sea level up to 1,300m in elevation and in areas with annual precipitations from

about 1000 to over 2000mm(Holm et al., 1977).

The plant Mimosa Pudica is very well known for its sensitivity; it can also change its

reaction to electrical and mechanical stimulation so that it can reopen to repeat stimulation.

The more severe the stimuli, the slower the intertribal interval, and the slower it takes to

adapt. The way that leaves adapted to the effects of mechanical stimulation is to close their

electrical stimulation and vice versa (Ahmad, 2012). Stone(1970) found that,Mimosa pudica

is a more or less prostrate creeper; with cylindric stems reddish-brown, prickly; leaves

immediately fold by pulvini if touched or jarred; pinnae 4, often reddish; leaflets 12-25 pairs,

linear, acute, bristly; 9-12mm long, 1.5mm wide; flowers pink, in globose heads, nearly 1 cm

in diameter, axillary, peduncle up to 2.5cm long; pods crowded, flat, prickly-bristly, indented

between the few (2-4) seeds, to nearly 2cm long; seeds about 2mm broad, rounded,

brow.The plant might be able to grow up to one meter in height even though it mostly grows

15-45 cm high. Its lifespan is one to two years with about two or three months growing the

seed and accelerate, reaching 0.5 to 2m of extension at the end of the first year. However, in

the second year the growth is slower. Mostly, Mimosa Pudica flowers may produce about 675

seeds per plant per year (ISSG,2006).

How Does Mimosa Pudica Affect Thai Rice Farming?

Due to the adaptability of Mimosa Pudica, the plant can be spread in the both northern

and central part of Thailand. So, in a short phrase of time, the plant is able to spread through

most of the moist and farming areas. There are about 26 provinces in Thailand, including

Bangkok, that farmers are suffering from this plant. Mimosa Pudica affects the growing of

rice because it mostly spreads into the farming areas and disturb the plant which is mostly

rice. This is because rice growing is the main crop that Thai import and it is main food of

Thai people (no author, n.d). According to Watcharin (2013),Thai rice growers are

complaining a lot about these plant because the plants are growing in the farming areas and

also disturbing the growing of rice and other products. When this happens the amount of

product is lesser, which will allow the farmers to get lesser income.

Decreasing the Population of Mimosa pudica and Medicinal Uses


Farmers can decrease the population of Mimosa pudica by using chemical and by

manual. Beginning with manual, first, farmers need to wear gloves and long-sleeve shirt to

protect them from the thorns of the plant. Then dig the plant out of the ground and repeat

until the small infestations of the plant are all removed. After that fill any container with 3

gallons of water and 4 to 6 fluid ounces of herbicide containing triclopyr. Stir the mixture

until mixed well and transfer the mixture into the sprayer. Last, spray it on the area that plant

have been removed or on the leaves of the plant until wet. However, the herbicide mixture

needed to re-apply as the new growth of the plant appears (Gowans, n.d.). Even though the

Mimosa Pudica causes damages to farmers in many parts of Thailand, it also can be used as

medicines and herbs. According to Venkateshwaran(2015), there are lots of benefit uses that

are composed or produced from parts of Mimosa Pudica. The first one is its wound healing

activity, by grinding the leaves with little water and extracting the juice; applying it on the

wound will allow the wound to heal faster. Second, Mimosa Pudicas anti venom activity, by

extracting the water from its dried root is very good at inhibiting the activity of snake venom.

However, this case has to be done under the observation of an herbalist. Third, treating

Diarrhea is one of the main benefits of Mimosa Pudica. This is because the plants effect on

ulcers, caused by the chemical called ethanolic, reduced the ulcers of diarrhea. Last but

not least, Mimosa pudica anti diabetic activity. This has been proven by researchers that

taking leaf power or root powder of the plant daily lessen the blood sugar levels.


The purpose of this research report was to find out the effects of Mimosa Pudica to

Thai rice farming and how to decrease its population. This research report concluded that

Mimosa Pudica disturbs the rice farming areas which causes the decrease in rice production.

Moreover, the plant can be destroyed or decreased by chemical and hand. This research report

recommends further studies on the effects on the disturbance of Mimosa Pudica on corn and

other crops production of Thailand.


Ahmad, H., Sehgal, S., Mishra, A., & Gupta, R. (2012).Mimosa pudica L. (Laajvanti):
An overview. Retrieved May 15, 2017, from

Garden column: Think twice before planting mimosa. (2016, August 15).
Retrieved May 15, 2017, from

Mimosa Pudica (sensitive plant). (n.d.).

Retrieved May 15, 2017, from

The effect of Mimosa Pudica in roi ed.(n.d.). Retrieved May 15, 2017, from

The potential of Thai indigenous plant species for the phytoremediation of

arsenic contaminated land(n.d.). Retrieved May 15, 2017, from

Writer, L. G. (2016, October 07). How to Get Rid of a Mimosa Pudica Plant?
Retrieved May 15, 2017, from

Global invasive species database: Mimosa Pudica (n.d.).

Retrieved May 15, 2017, from

Uptake and accumulation of lead by plants from the Bo Ngam lead mine area
in Thailand (n.d.). Retrieved May 15, 2017,

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