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Activities Fair Asia Pasific Regional Meeting 2015

Name of contact person: Atika Rahmi Hendrini

Email address of contact person:

Line ID of contact person: ?

Activity title: Petualangan Yora dan Yoru (Yora and Yorus Adventure)

Type of activity: project

Please provide a short description of the activity

Please make sure to include the aim of the activity, as well as the target
population (100 words max).
Petualangan Yora dan YoruYora and Yorus Adventure is an preschool education
program which aims to increase kids vegetables consumption and preference in
children. This program combines peer-modelling and adventure learning
methods. We have two mascots, Yora and Yoru in a form of carrot and broccoli.
Two persons wear costumes and guide every episode of this program. Yora and
Yoru are considered as kids friend who engage them in an adventure. There are
nine episodes of for this adventure. Each episode has different activities that
persuade children to love vegetables through various visual and motoric
activities, such as planting vegetables, preparing their own lunch box, playing
mini drama, and of course having lunch with vegetables.

Please provide a problem statement for your activity

What is the problem that the activity is trying to address (please include
the who, what, why of the problem) e.g. "There is a huge problem with
obesity in adolescents in Senegal due to a lack of education about healthy
eating practices".
According to Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Indonesian Basic Health
Research) in 2013, the prevalence of non-communicable disease is still high,
such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, stroke, and cancer. Their prevalences in
Indonesian population consecutively are 25.8%, 2.4%, 12.1 per mil and 1.4 per
mil. A huge risk factor that can be intervened is dietary. It is supported by the
data which show 93,6% of population are less frequent in eating vegetable.
Meanwhile, the best period in establishing good dietary habit is preschool period
when children actively learn about their environment. (Aschroft, 2008). Studies
by Lowe (2004) and Heim (2009) show that peer-modelling and adventure
learning are the effective method for preschool children. Those method can
maximize childrens potency. So, we oschertrate Petualangan Yora dan Yoru for
increasing kids vegetable preference and make a healthy society.

What are the goals that this activity aims to achieve?

Please be specific. Dot points are acceptable.
Our shot-term goals are children changes in character (mengubah karakter anak)
by increasing their vegetables preference and this program can be implemented
by Kindergarten in Indonesia.
While, our long-term goal is decrease prevalence of non-communicable disease
in Indonesia.

How does this activity impact the community on a local, regional or

global level?

(Yang ini diisi pake apa? .__.)

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